§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wedneodey, Jonuery 28, 1959 THE FIRST ANNUAL ban- | 80 members were present, Of- quet of the Greater Oshawa | ficials at the banquet are shown Youth for Christ was held Tues- | in the picture as they met just day night at Albert Street | United Church hall. More than | celebration of the 15th annl- | Oshawa Skater Is | prior to the event, This was the | the board; Inspiring Talks The first annual banquet of the He emphasized the need to sup- Greater Oshawa Youth for Christ|port the missions. More than 78 | organization was held Tuesday other countries now belong to the | evening with a gathering of more! International Youth for Christ or- than 8 members, The event was ganization, held at the Albert Street Church Also present at the banquet was Hall, | Counc lor H, Ashton and Mrs, A turkey supper was the menu | Ashton, of Plckering. Mr, Ash- for the occasion, The ladies of the ton briefly expressed his admir- Albert Street United Church ca-|ation for the fine work that this tered, Chairman for the evening| organization is doing in the neigh- was Sam Sherrard, director of borhood. the Oshawa aud Gintetet Youth or | commas DELINGUE! Pirst speaker of the evening! Paul Povers, o Belleville, was Ald, Christine Thomas, On| made au Appeal 0 help mis od behalf of the mayor and council |, A Wil ol Juvenile de en she extended greetings on this 0 a hak Wo Hh y ng happy event and sald the work | Peepe are go 4 ray, Ho A aoue by this organization . was oie or the 30 Det needed to help the youth of this gp ov of ge Bora 4 Hag area to acquire a good standard io" A org of true Christian upbringing, [On WO YeArs ago LAA tir Rev J. M. MacKnight sang' Christ and joined the orga "What shall 1 give thee Master," n" hal hall ns, | Bob Dargan, song ler, lod In | AIMS EXPLAINED | the singing of hymn. aceompan- Rev, W. J. Newell, pastor of 'ed by all those present, f the Missionary and Christian Al-| The guest speaker was Jim) liance Church gave a brief ex-|Blackwood, director of the Belle | planation of the Youth for Christ|ville Youth for Christ. Mr, Black- organization, He sald that the|wood recalled the founding of the youth of today is In great danger organization 15 years ago, 1t was of going astray. He emphasized! in Chicago, in 1644 that this great the need of good training of work In the propagation of the youtli, even from when very faith was first begun, Seven young, He strongly praised the Christian denominations have work done by Oshawa Sunday since joined in to work for Christ schools and the youth of everywhere. Among those who spoke about| Mr, Blackwood said that this | the important work being done by was the "Miracle year", For, ithe Greater Oshawa Youth for since the founding of this worth | Christ, was John Bigswortl, BA.|while organization, many a mir. IMr, Sigsworth explained the ef-|acle has changed the life of young {fect of a Christian guidance onimen and women who were not He pointed out!following the path of Christ, He | versary of the founding of the | gional director and speaker for organization, Left to right, are the evening and Rev. W., J. A. W. Goldsmith, chairman of | A ' Qi Newe ast Sam Sharrard, di- | ewell, pastor rector; James Blackwood, re- | OBITUARY Oshawa Times Photo ( JOUN GARFIELD TREVAIL on of { IT | Following. a short jliness the 1g Y A' | death occurred at the family res id By EDNA USHER Canadian Press Staff Writer NORANDA, Que, (CP) three-day Canadian figure-skating cluding Joy Barnard, Sudbury championships open today with and Linda McKoewen, Fort Wi entries from Montreal to Vancou. | lam ver, headed by Toronto's Barb. North American dance char ara Wagner and Bob Paul, world |Plons Geraldine Fenton of Ham- pairs champions the last two {ton and William McLachlan, To- * years ronto, will defend their Canadian The two Toronto skaters have championship against a brothe: held the Canadian title since 1990 and sister team, Svata and Mirek * and, barring accident, they'll Staroba of Toronto, who won the make it four straight when the Junior title last year. Geraldine day-long competitions end Satur day. Their strongest opposition gionatly will come from Lise Pe t and Ian Knight of Montreal and Jane Sinclair and Larry Rost o Winnipeg. | McPherson, NOTABLE ABSENTEE | honors. Griner, 14, Toronto, who placed dance championships In last year In the junior men's champion ships, Stratford, vie -- Thelthird last year; and entries In.' |a son of the late Mr n.| Sidney Tre all his life Mount and Bill were second in the world |on Oct. 7, Paris ond wife Thompson Crossman ers, Frank Clark, Vancouver, guerite), |Larry Rost, Winnipeg and Don|Doreen Trevall, of Los Angeles for C | Taunton ence, Taunton, The deceased was In his 63rd year Born in Darlington Jan, 2, 1897, the deceased and Mrs Mr, Trevall was a farmer in East Whithy township township WAS Mr. Trevail was a member of Zion Lodge, No. 39, AF and AM, Brooklin Predeceased by his first wife he former Agnes Susan Boynton 1949, he leaves hls sec the former Marguerite two daugh (Mar Miss Willlam Skuce of Oshawa and Mrs Sidney, of daughter, of 'alifornia; a son, and a step Thomas Temple (Jean) Ski Entries Tuesday, | | championship is sought by Wendy Jan 27, of John Garfield Trevall Woden i i tario will be held at the Oshawa ( s tering pro competitors from other areas Piper, and Norbert Stattaller will soir annual skating carnival, represent the local elub urday bert Seen Record The number of entries being Southern On-| which Skil next Ski Champlonships, lub property, near Kirby veckend, indicates that there will) be a record entry when the meet ommences A large number of the mem-| the various events and will| fe stern competition for | In the cross country event Bud| On Sat-| morning, in the downhill ent, Stoney Fisher. Ab, Gil-| Hans Mortisch and Bucky| Richards will carry the Oshawa e be run off on Saturday, Ostheimer lors | In the slalom, another event to Walter and several |& young student that most con versions to Christ concluded his address in encour- are most comimon In this nage|aging the young men and women group. He added that a good!to work together to bring the Christian education will definitely youth of the district to the Christ. reduce a juvenile delinguency.'ian way of life Lovell School Ice Carnival Success have been low but spirits were Sergeant high when the girls and boys at SENIOR SECTION E. A. Lovell Public School took COSTUMES to the ice Friday afternoon for! Fancy dress -- Diana Pritch- ard, Sharon Smith, Ruth Pascoe, The sun was shining. The ice, Comic Sylvia Szikszay, Mil- was perfect. Everyone enjoyed 8 dred McDonald, Betty Fowler, full afternoon of winter's fun.| Best Couples -- Bonnie Heard Events were organized In two and Ann Parrott; Martha Frank. sections Junior and Senior. | furter and Carolyn Clark; Heath The former group Included er Bennett and Susan Jackman, Grades 1 to 4, the latter Grades | Most Original -- Gregory Bell, Wayne Vall, Janet Carmichael One notable absentes from The junior pairs competition Mrs other|" An entertaining variety of cos {ia Ardythe Greenfield, theses 8.yearold championships has three entries: Patricia Marr will be 22-year-old Charles Soell- and Frank Clark of Vancouver; fog of Toronto, men's senior Gertrude Desjardins and Maurice thampion for five years, A medi- La France of Sudbury, and cal student at University of To-|brother and sister David and gonto, be is foregoing this tour. Mary Walls of Toronto, pament to devote more time to| In the junlor dance competi studies tion, two Toronto couples are en- Possible heirs to his title are|tered, Judy Saunders and Ken| Don Jackson, 18, of Oshawa, and Ormsby against Mari Jane Len-| Tadie Collins of Toronto, who nie and Karl Benzing. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best | wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birthdays today: Ronald Van Walker, Cour- tice; Kenneth Tilling, 3% French street; Lucy E. Glass. | ford, 132 Central Park boule | vard. north; Nell Mesher, Cen. tre street, Whithy; Mrs, Da vid Mountain, 76 Rowe street; Mrs. Arlle Davis, 254 Drew street; Teddy Borovoy, 40% Bouckley, 124 Thornton road south; Charles World, 463 Mary street; He®ry Shaw, 244 Athol street" east; Douglas Halton, Garrard road; Helen Ashby, 468 Fairlawn street; Doris Clark, 111 Patricia av enue The first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of thelr birthdays each day will recelve double tickets to The Regent Theatre good for a four-week period, The cur rent attraction is 'Inn of the Sixth Happiness' women's title being defended by Margaret Crosland of Calgary.| Last year, Sonia won the junior championship and automatically qualified for the senfor title MANY ENTRIES | Other competitors for the senior | women's crown are Frances Gold, 18, Ottawa, runner-up in the competition last year and daughter of Ottawa professional Otto Gold and Sandra Tewkes-| Chatham, Whitby HS OCVI busketball teams won one Sut of the two games at the OCV1 gymnasium Tuesday eve ning against Whitby District High School teams. The OCVI ban tams won their game 45-22 while the juniors lost by a score of 45 17 at the hands of the WDHS| . boys. | It was a close first quarter for o1r the Oshawa boys as they led 8.7, At the end of the half the league: . leading Ocavites scored 12 more) To Sing Here ocvl| The Toronto Bible College To the oldest Bible College in Can points to only half as many gain-| od by the visitors, making the ada ~~ was founded In 18M as a means for training prospective score 20-13. During the third stanza received the honors by defeating| ministers apd missionaries, and the WDHS team 45.17, to train laymen for the work of (2nd high, 10 pts.), Ron Burnett, ohn Schuermann, Ron Mitchel in the homeland, and hundreds more are misslonaries in 56 coun tor, Howard Barlow, Lynn Clapp, The TBC evangelistic cholr, end John Drygala. Coach, Mr, which is visiting Calvary Bap- (top scorer, 12 pts.); Robert Ing, (people who are training for dif Gordon Lee, Robert Orton, Peter ferent types of Christian service built up a lead of 18 points. end the game the Oshawa boys OSHAWA -- Brian Tunnecliffe " the church, Hundreds of gradu (top scorer, 22 pts.), Gord Wilson \. "0 serving in the ministry Emery Baldry, Noel Boyd, Gord| Zedic Ron Dancey, Chris Chay- ries of the world, ( Owen Henderson. {tist Church at 8 p.m, Friday, WHITBY -- Michael Tavener,[Jan. 30, is composed of young Lawson, Ronald Bremner, Bruce| These 34 young people, of the| Tutt, Rie ky|182 enrolled at the college, repre Switzer {sent more than a score of Prot . In the junior game, the glued. estant denominations, and come to-the-cellar Oshawa boys were/from all over the world, The again defeated by the Whitby faculty represent five different District High School team, Al-|denominations though the first quarter was a| The evangelistic choir has been slow one, with only 15 points be-|in great demand to sing in church ing scored, eight for the visltors/services and special meetings and seven for the losers; speed around the country. Last year pleked up in the second period they sang to a capacity audience with Whitby holding the lead, 30-(at the Eaton Auditorium during 6. Maintaining their abillty/the premiere showing of the new throughout the game WDHS kept|college film, "We of Life. up the pace heading the score- Churches of all denominations charts 41-10. In the fourth quarter have thrilled to the consecrated the slaughter was completed as{singing of these fine Christian the visitors ended the game in a young people blaze of victory winning 54-17 Accompanying the choir to Cal OSHAWA JUNIORS Billlvary Baptist Church will be the Imeson (8 pts); John Barlow,/Rey. D. C, Percy, missionary Bruce Woods, John Waugh, Jim counsellor of the college, Burke, Jim Saunders, Dave served for 20 years with the Walte,, Pete Mewett and coach, Suda Interlor Mission, 12 of Mr, Rodger Bishop. {Which he spent In Africa, and the WHITBY JUNIORS - Bill Yep-/Rev. W. H. Crump, the music yma, (21 pts), Tom Tushingham, director, who Is a graduate of the (18 pts.); Allan Gibson, Jim Mac: school, and Is also serving as the Kay, Gary Lomax, John Vander- (Christian Education director for | bon, Stan Bharmon, Calvary Church, Toronte Jack Holliday, Division street; Arthur | + [senior Oshawa Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. Malcolm McGregor (Flo rence), of Oshawa; a brother, memes of the club will "om tums, comic, fancy and original RACES pete made judging a difficult problem.| Bove 9 and 10 -- Gi Clark In the jumping events, Bunday p,.i0" events were conducted picky 'Andrews, Haro Bilver 10 -- Gall Pine | w---- | Saywell nell vhile RA 51202 the second tine ONLY 3 MORE DAYS!! who FUR CLEARANCE 509% off FINE QUALITY FURS! SAVE NOW! at -- WAR ETiAS | SB OF SAR of cere ficlals last year warden calls don nence, C, E. Smith, N H. 8. Palmer, J. A, Pen H, L. Wallace, I. T. J.| W. KE. Baker, W, Huxtable,' ouch, J. Carey, Master of | Lodge; A. C, Hall, Mas Lebanon Lodge and J Master ' of Parkwood SRNR tew E. Win er found \Han M 'emple afternoon, the Oshawa club will ' Hibbert, of Toronto and two (by members of the staff | Girls, 9 and in this event they are expected to he f the Home! Skuce and Clare Garfield Skuce. make their best showing and|Svied, Members. of the i Boys, Grade 6 -- Stanley Hart The memorial service will be may well collect some points, « d choco ' ! " held from the Armstrong Fu-| Other members of the Osawa tach child 4 hot dog and cho | Girls, Grade 8 -- Beverley Gib-| neral Chapel at 2 p.m, Thursday the eve son, Deene Pritchard, Jacky Fl-| will be Hans Eder, John Prestov, : | Oshaws Union Cemetery, Rev. Hubert Shawnig, and Julio Cote. [Sten Smcrion Boys, Grade 7 -- Roman Konar- H. A. Mellow, minister of North mm | COSTUMES owski, Jack Bourginon, Ronald minster United Church, will con-| » . Joanne Saville, Godridge ade ¥ | Choir 1Cers Jaclyn Mitruk, Penny Cook, i Soirs, Grade Ve Linda Baw- The members of Mount Zion Comic Connie Pritchard, | Grado B a ar Lodge will hold a memorial serv [Ricky O'Connor, Valerie Burden. | Boys, Gri o - dary ay, fce at the funeral chapel at 9 [2% Kemp, Douglas Pascoe, x | and Florence Wales: Stephan Boys, open race -- Roman Ko- | St Stephen's United Church | IG We asco, I . | Chotr held its annual meeting in Grey aud Beverly Ralver. wi. | Ee ------ he t the A arne 1 1 e an |the form of a stippor at the ome kins, Jil Pritchard, Michael| ONE ACCIDENT Jr., Hortop Ave, . i [RACES traffic accident reported in Osh- F ned Loses | During We even 5 hid Bay! Grade 1, boys -- 1st race -- awa Tuesday, The accident oc | 1 [] ee ver 1960. Honorary|ATthUr Jones, Allan Jones, Rich: curred on Park road north and { . | re ident (organist and choir | cook, John Krbyla, Marrol Arn-|Busch, RR1 Oshawa, and Ru- | cence (leader), Mrs, §. C. Rundle; pres-| 4 dolph L. Vienneau, 289 Muriel ident, William Barber; secretary, "c..qe 1, girls -- Kathryn Nich- Ave. No one was injured BOWMANVILLE (Staff ) Miss Jacqueline Thiebaud ; Hbrar| gin . . Frank Crawford; and gown| Grade 2, boys POP CONCERT {impaired driving, before Magis. mistress, Mrs, John Taylor, Robert Brown, Dusty Lynd, John!.. ter | wr : y A had h cond of is Win trate R, B. Baxter in Bowman-| 7he remainder of the evening Bernard; 2nd race--Bobby Todd, ing old te decent of Fri ville police court Tuesday, Ray- ag spent in contests and games, | Bobby Lloyd, Nestor Myschow-| 4. "peh. 6, in the auditorium of street, was fined $50 and husbands and wives of the cholr| Grade 2, girls--Ist race-Don | ' SAT ivi " | titute at 8 p.m. for 10 days in Jall in-default of embers, and also the minister|na Cleslar, Janice Branton, Fi {tional 1nstitute Jam payment. Hutchinson's driving| znd his wife, Mr, and Mrs. 8, G.|zabeth Szczepanskl; 2nd race months rable: Pat: Cor [Anda Jackson 'rovinctal Constable Pat Cor Grade 3, boys Final, Ken tter Ru I] d he followed accused's CITY AND { Jones, Billy Brisebols, David Fox, | Sca 1.50 g h car. routing |" Grade 3, girls -- Final: Lynda Sale 1.50 eac ighway 2 on Jan, 2 . - The vehicle on two occasions! [Virginia Lack NU WAY RUG crossed to the left side of the Grade 4, boys JOUR Sor HO appARED: Rendon; UN CLUB TO MEET |zutelt, Neil Gibiw, Thao Lajap,) NaMany 31: hicle to the shoulder of the high. The Oshawa and District Oldp. rade: 4, om 2 Fipal: Jac. way Country Club is holding a general | "Wl the accused was st meeting, followed by a social eve. gn thee nootse ot |ning, in the Bathe Park Club. out of his car, and when he did house this Thursday night, The, his breath smelled of alcohol and club is anxious to enrol as many {he staggered," sald the con new members as possible, was 'co-operative.' | Rev H. 0. Adams, of Stouf!. Magistrate R, B, Baxter told|yijia will he the speaker at the accused, because he had no pre-imaeting of the Oshawa Christian | as a first offender and Impose \jonday night. George Bateman) the minimum penalty Iwill be the soloist, . | STEETS CLOSED | Officers Of [elosed to traffic Thursday for con. f struction: Ritson road south from | | [Glencastle avenue from Glen: e ar 0 ae {grove street to Glenbrae street; | | Simcoe street north from Non | | I 11 d quon road to Taunton road east; nsta e [enue; Byng. avenue at Simooe| street' north; Russett avenue at The annua) Installation and n- Simcoe street north, Streets will Lodge, AF and AM, was held in| Emergency conditions such as the Oshawa Masonic Temple aq weather may require the | Tuesday night. Wor, Bro. Jack closing of streets not on the above! Biddulph was the installing offi- |g he newly are: E. L.-Elllott, worshipful! The Oshawa Fire Department master; A C Pritchard, imme. reported no fire calls Tuesday | Riley, night, but had three ambulance warden; © Penfound, (calls, bringing the number of} F Fa secretary: E. @. 113 January Is a "peak" month Clemence. director for ambulance calls, fire hall of jes: J. Burch, junior explained, and January G. K. Branton, senior deacon brought 139 ambulance Stone, immer guard; PF. R. 'Brit ten, senior ad; JM, Per found, junior steward and J. A { Penfound, tyler led by the following who fi dl the installation ho ns, 1. L. Gay, ( \ Cro H. Brown present some fine jumpers, It is] grandchildren, Susan - Christine [ After the strenuous outdoor ae-nray "Southwell, Ruth Pascoe, elub 'taking part in the events Prize winners in the different Jan, 20, followed by in ment in Hott, Fancy dress - duct the services yer, Lynn Lee, Are Installed Best couples ~-- Patsy Davidson p.m, toda) Powell and David Bone; Cheryl Rarowsl, Bob Kemp, Douglas {of Mr, and Mrs, A. ( Ferries, Nem, Damage was slight in the only for the year 1059 Honorary| Toyst; 2nd race Geoffrey involved cars driven by Anton Mry, Alex Ferries; treasurer, ,.. nDonna Whiteman, Janice Pleading guilty to a charge of lan Ist race --| ne Oshawa Regimental Band mond Hutchinson, 132 EIIn| Guests for the evening were the aed, {the Oshawa Collegiate and Voca. licence was suspended for three | Patsy MeCammond, Gloria Gibbs si WOOL cal on a routine patrol on DISTRICT | Whiteman, Margaret Pearson, | | Final Rilly| SALES | ped, he took some time to get ning, stable added that accused] CBMC SPEAKER vious record, he would treat him pyginessmen's Committee next! | The following streets will be Hloor steet east to Wolfe street; | Glenbrae street at Glencastle av- |vestment of the officers of Cedarhe kept open wherever possible, | oer | installed officers| 3 AMBULANCE CALLS | diate past master; J. | chaplain; PH. Jobb, treasurer; ambulance trips for this month to I. 8. Sliter, junior warden; R. A | Wor. Bro, Biddulph was as Farrow, Jobb, E. G 75 King St. E. Opp. Hotel Genosha o P. H Cle. | Laxige : f the Oshawa club are en-| ' The thermometer reading may|lyn Mitruk, Arlene Brown, Elaine | ers of | | [shorn, Wayne Vall, Bill Dingman, | | BROCCOLI | | | Try A Roast from Sproule's This -- QUALITY MEATS With friendly personalized service, Sproule's beef is red brand beef, Canada's finest to assure quality flavour and tenderness, RED BRAND PRIME RIB ROAST PIRSY Five Ris Ib. 79: CUT AND TRIMMED TO GIVE COMPLETE SATISFACTION RED BRAND BLADE ROAST RED BRAND SHORT RIB ROAST FRESH KILLED NOT FROZEN TURKEYS AVERAGE 6 TO 8 LBS, . BLADE BONE REMOVED | 1 99 Ib. 63: Ib. 49. MEATY TENDER TOP QUALITY ANY SIZE CUT --- PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLLS FRESH QUALITY BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA Ib. 39 Ib. 29. TASTY BRITISH COLUMBIA ANY SIZE CUT SALMON TROUT YOUNG -- TENDER -- SLICED PORK LIVER . . . . Ib. 49: Ib. 27: BONUS OFFER CORY HEAT PROOF COFFEE SERVERS REGULAR 2.95 VALUR ONLY 9 WITH PURCHASE OF 1.18, COFFEE FROZEN FOODS BIRDSEYE PRODUCTS Mixed Fruit us, 49° STORE HOURS SPROULE'S--King at Ritson THURSDAY OPEN TILL sroAY 10 0'Clock FR SATURDAY SPROULE'S--Simcoe at Mill OPEN THURS, end FRI, NIGHTS SPROULE'S--Simcoe at Colborne ® Best value for your food dollars ot SPROULE'S o AMPLE FREE PARKING * DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE Von, Phys. French Fries 49° 10.01. Pkgs 49¢ MILK SAVE EVERY DAY ON MILK FRESH DAILY QUART Juas 97° GROCERY DEPT. STOCKED WITH THE COUNTRY'S FINEST FOODS LIBBY'S WHOLE KERNEL CORN ....3 HEINZ TOMATO SOUP. ... 4 LIPTON CHICKEN NOODLE CHICKEN NOODLE TOMATO' VEGETABLE SOUP MIX PUREX WHITE OR COLOURED 14.02 TINS 49 wir 49e - 48 TOILET TISSUE... . 4 ~ 49: KLEENEX TISSUE Chubby or Regular 3 i, 49° KING'S CHOICE COLUMBIA RASPBERRIES 15.0x. 49: Tine RED AND WHITE FANCY TOMATO JUICE 20-01, 49¢ Tim RED AND WHITE JELLY POWDERS 7 for 49+ . KING'S CHOICE DESSERT PEARS 28.01, Tins SWEET TREAT -- CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 20-01, Time KOUNTY KIsT GREEN BEANS 15-0x, 49¢ Tine ROSE BRAND MARGARINE 2, 49° HABITANT PEA SOUP 28-01, 49¢ Time 49¢ 49° FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BURSTING WITH GOODNESS FLORIDA GOOD SIZE 96's GRAPEFRUIT 10 - 49: TART JUICY SUNKIST LEMONS GOOD SiZf - doz 49. We are big enough to serve you--Small enough to appreciate you | YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD STORE 4 : v