| Psalm 23 and Psalm 66:18 | I Oshawa Scout Mothers' Auxiliary B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jenvery 28, 1959 hia bits ow ¢ |New Room Schemes ting {ean be developed, Created at Little Cost | For example. cut ¢ spread 10 18,472 20, ct ih Bd By ELEANOR ROSS Here's good news for the home- | maker who wants to create hand. | some new room schemes easily {ond at reasonable cost, There are brand-new and lovely ready - made bedroom ensembles HUMORESQUE CLUB CELEBRATES NINTH BIRTHDAY The members of the Lions | birthday cake, Others from left | Mrs" Berdina Elliott, Oshawa, | Oshawa Times Photo in versatile, color co-ordinated sets that look as smart as any| custom-made or decorator styles, | (With these, the homemaker can, build a whole new bedroom) scheme from scratch or fill [some part that needs refurnish [ing WRINKLE. FREE COTTONS These petticoat cottons are in| ferestingly self - ribhed so that they don't show wrinkles easily,' |even after being 'folded away for {the night, time afler time, They come in light-hearted pastels and deep, gem like colors such as about for arrangements that are | specinl and Individual, both in style and color, I or crisscross draperies for » large bay window, You can cover half the window with ready-made matching cafe curtains : You can also develop & shart, | BOY BISHOP Botabreuts range in style from tier-on-tier effect with three pairs! BOURNEMOUTH, Eng, (CP)--| the tallored to the houftant, andlor cate cuetaing, using other cur. are also topper and dust. | a(n, to create n dressing table Robert Daniels, 11, was en ruffled combinations, {int sing This generous variety provides " great scope in planning decor. CAVE CURTAINS sparkling white, as well as In green, tangerine, mocha or avo- of the Anglican church of 8 James the Greater here, He was ating schemes to establish special| wi pantivulanly iterenting offeet olected by tl, children of the moods, |shallow windows and a wrought church to rey Wt them in Individual mix-or-match eom- fron headboard on (he bed, by church functions r pr Club were hosts to the Humor- esque Club for the blind at its ninth. birthday party held re- cently at the CRA, Games and bowling were enjoyed with numerous prizes awarded, In the front row, Mrs. Fva Wake- ly, 'president of the Humor. esque Club, is seen cutting the to right are Mrs, Harold Phil- lips, Lions Club; Mr, Rowley Cousins, Burketon; Miss Pat | rieia McConnell, Oshawa, Mrs, Wakely, Mrs, D, W. Armistead, Bowmanville, secretary; Mrs Mary Jones, Bowmanville; | Miss Vera Siblock, Mrs Mary ! Leach, Miss Freda White and | GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES GIRL, GUIDE ASSN, (for Mrs, William Shepherdson (North Distriet) and Mrs, Clemence Hewell, Re: The January meeting of the ported on the sick list were Mrs worth district of the Girl Guide William Vodden, Mrs. Douglas Association took place recently McKay and Mrs, Thomas Whal Mys, Fry, Bowmanville Also in |- the picture are members of the Oshawa Lions Club, Mr, Rufus Lambert, Mrs, Stanley Myers, of the advisory board: Mr, Nor- man Gower, Mr, Lloyd Corson, Mr, L. Hamell, Whithy, and Mrs, Norman Gower, president of the Oshawa Lioneties, 1S"IRON-HUNGRY BLOOD" | MAKING YOU $0 TIRED YOU'RE ASHAMED? Feel Better Fast When You Suffer That Rundown, Weary Feeling! | Take This Blood-improving Iron Tonic Made Especially For Women| | ith north district commissioner, ey CARPETS From the Four Corners of THE WORLD | How unfortunate when a woman is so tired, run-down, she feels guilty that she can't face the day's problems. Luckily, it's often due to "Iron-Hungry Blood" (*simple iron deficiency anemia), Then it's needless for these women to suffer such awful weariness without help A special fron tonic ean help relieve this condition thus re~ strengthen "Iron-Hungry Blood" | fast, Thus quickly help build rich, red blood...s0 you feel fine again! Often in womez "Iron-Hungry Blood" Is also aggravated by change-of-life in younger women, by monthly pain, Pink« ham's unique formula can bring | blessed relief, too, for this func« tionally-caused female suffering that can drain away strength, new your vitality! It's Lydia E If "Iron-Hunerv Blood" has Pinkham's Tablets, an iron tonic made especially for women With blood-improving iron, Pinkham's Tablets start to Mrs, George Pearce, presiding Mrs. Benjamin Jacklin Intro Mrs, Walter Johnson, district duced the Reverend R. B, Milroy badge secretary, gave a full re- of Knox Presbyterian Church who port of the year's badge work. addressed the meeting, He was here were six Gold Cords, sevén thanked by Mrs, William Collins All Round Cords and 52 Golden) Refreshments served by Hands presented, In all Brownies ¥ A earned ih badges and Guides 251, Mrs. Jacklin and Mrs. William Mrs, John Manning was intro- duced as the Incoming treasurer Reports were given by repre sentatives from each group commitiee present Mrs. Pearce reported that (he 18th Company with Mrs, Evan Greenley as captain and Miss Carolyn Schad and Miss Lida] Molenaar as acting lleutenants| had opened at Dr. Robert Thorn- ton School. The 20th company| with Mrs. R, A. Patte as cap tain and Mrs. Crawford as lieu tenant has opened at Taunton. | This makes a total of 14 units in north district Refreshments were served by) Mrs. Leo Glover CIVITAN AUXILIARY The third meeting of the newly. formed Civitan Ladies Auxillary was held on Monday, January 26, at Adelaide House The official name adopted by the club in "The Clvitanne Club" of Oshawa Plans were made for the forth coming tour through Dunlop's of Whitby on February 5. Also dis cussed as possible future pro- jects were a card party, a white elephant sale and a rummage sale The malin project of the Civi- tans is to raise money to pure chase a television set for the Hills and Dales Old Folks Home soon to be erected on Rossland road It was also decided that the) present executive, which is volun. tary, will carry on until elections are held In May There were 23 members pres ent and a very successful year for | the Clvitans was anticipated All shapes an sizes NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 Mary St, RA 5-0433 were teed STORE- WIDE J CALVARY BAPTIST WMS The regular meeting of the WMS of Calvary Baptist Church was opened with the singing of several hymns led by Mrs, Henry McGhee The president, Mrs. Grace Mon eur, led in prayer for the mission. aries and the sick. Psalm 8 was repeated from memory, The next memory to be learned is The minutes of the last meeting were, WE'VE RE-GROUPED ALL OF OUR SALE DRESSES read by the secretary, Mrs, Otto] sharrard |Last call for savings of the year in Mrs. Moncur called on those Rrocticolly our entire stock styles and fabrics who were giving messages. Mrs But you will find every type of dress for daytime Henry McGhee spoke on Luke vig, PLAN 24:15:35 giving as her topic 'Jesus Draws Near". Mrs, FF. M Keene spbke on "Our Wonderful Saviour' bringing out many ways in which Jesus is wonderful, He Reg. to is wonderful in His pre-incarna tion, virgin birth, prayer life 19.95 ministry and purpose, she said Mrs. Doris Harvey gave a testi mony to the Lord's faithfulness basing 'her thoughts on Psalm 121, The Lord Jesus ix the Pil: grim's companion, the sleepless watchman, the tree of life Mrs, William Spencer closed the meeting with prayer There 1 SES] DRES flatteringly feminine dresses. We've are simply 100 numerous to mention after 'S and party wear styles. and 'colours to choose from "2 sizes will not be a meeting at the BLOUSES | ! church next week as the time will be spent in a visitation program, There'll be great excitement in our Blouse department ! regrouped business You must A tremendous variety of Sizes 10 t some Mink ! precious furs precious furs Ranch Reg. to 29.95 8 to 20, Act, coats, J Drip-dry Cottons, Tery lenes, Crepes and Jerseys are represerited In assorted colors and prints, There are werblouses, tuck ins, tailored blouses with short and 4 sleeves. Sizes 12 to 20 * 4TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX The monthly meeting of the 4th Vegetable Compound (liquid) also brings quick relief from dis comforts of monthly pain and change-of-life [} OR FEMALE AILMENTS! Testa prove Lydia E, Pinkham's Come Have A Party! Have A Ball . . Fairweather is proud to Many styles to choose from lined for extra warmth Sealskin coat boycoats so right for the school girl), Sizes 5 95 71 17; 8 to 20, left you weak and run-down, get Pinkham's Tablets at druggists, Then see if you don't soon feel more like yourself again! mre ---------- le Semi-Annual CLEARANCE SALE! Continues SAVINGS IN MEN'S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S SHOES ee WOMEN'S AIR-STEP .:= 8.98 . With The Se iueition Slashes Prices for the LAST 3 DAYS of their Greatest We've re-grouped, re-priced, reduced practically every item. Lose no time in getting to Fairweather! 3 days left! . . . Thursday, Friday, Saturday . . , make them pay off in fabulous savings! COA FUR-TRIMMED COATS Coats that are lavish with Mink Reg. to 155.00 Furred collars, large and small, in Fou For fabric Now ! O11 TS| 'BORG COATS Cerulean Mink, Sapphire Mink, Diadem Mink, fabrics choose Blin & Blin Cashmere, Seoskin, choose Blin & Blin Cashmere, Sealskin, Marvella cloth, present to you at a saving you simply cannot resist, "| Greatest Sale Savings Of Them All! | | 000 LLL | Te The name 'Borg' stands for the best In these deep-piled, fur fabric coats. They have the feel and look of precious fur == plus weightless warmth. Tailored to perfection and handsomely styled, here are coats that cannot be surpassed at these saving prices Reg. 79.95 Reg. 69.95 $58. +48. Reg. 59.95 STRIPED JACKETS *89. Full Length Ya ® Length Canadian Beaver, Fox and other Marvella cloth, Sizes UNTRIMMED COATS some plle There ate Alpaca Velour coats, even You'll find a grand selection In all the famous imported and domestic fabrics Coats 53 9. 51.346. Coats qu COSTUME JEWELLERY! JA AN qt HH to (EET | AURORA BOREALIS PIN AND 529, taroned as the fifth "bor bishop" I: PU nwa nmd--=uxn and in the season's newest shades. These Reg. to are the coats for which Fairweather iv 69.95 justly famous. All come lined and warmly interlined. for cold weather wear, was held at St. Andrew's Church | with 12 members present The president, Mrs, Irving Mac Leod, opened the meeting with the scout prayer following which the| secretary, Mrs, Charles Ander b son, and the treasurer, Mrs. John Morrison, both read their reports The highlight of business was the discussion of plans and menu for the forthcoming father-and- son banquet to be held on Satur. day. February 7. | Refreshments were served by Mrs. Matthew Bell and Mrs.| Charles Anderson, PMA CLUB The Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club held its regular meeting with the president, Mrs, George V. Lee, presiding. There were 17 members and one child present The meeting opened with al hymn, prayer and scripture read ing. Two favorite hymns were re quested Hirthday greetings were sung Reg. to 4.95 177 Reg. to 9.77 Reg. to 377 HANDBAGS | ST |JAN. 29th *39. *49, MANY INDIVIDUAL MODEL AND SAMPLE GARMENTS FUR-TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED ® AT GREAT SAVINGS HOURS. 2.30 to 6 Reg. 7.50 Think of the fin EARRING SETS | $3. AURORA BOREALIS PIN AND EARRING SETS $2. end light vitral colours, "AURORA BORALIS" PIN AND EARRING ® NECKLET & EARRING © BRACELET & EARRING SETS. Many styles and colors te choose from Mother-of-Pearl cuff Reg. 2 Reg. $ bracelet & earring sets 5.00 3.00 "MAFISTO 3-4 & 5 ROW BIBS ® ROPES AND MATCHING EARRINGS J Reg. to $ 1 . | . TEE -- pr Al t untrimmed coats you could hope far and you have them In this selection. Famous fabrics, designer's newast silhouettes, black, brown and beaver glow colours, and impeccable tailoring de tail, You'll be proud to own one of these coats ! Sizes 8 to 18 Reg. to 89.95 Of course, Fairweather's have always had an enviable reputation In thelr handbags to uphold. These are from regular stock calfs, moroccos, alligators antelopes and evening bogs Res, 599 1/3 101/2 OFF! 2.50 to 8.95 to 17.95 This selection offers twelve dis. tinct designs. Colours are blue, crystal, sunset and light vitral patent = WED, HILT PM, -- PRE HN 9, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE KING ST. ot STEVENSON RD. Waich Thursday's Paper set DRIVING HANDICAP Spike heels are a hazard to the woman driver because they may easily slip off the brake or ac celerator pedals FAMED ACTRESS The home of Ellen Terry famed Rritish actress who died pomsesasess in 1928, now Is a memorial mu seum al Tenterden, Kent, Eng. isi land, | Unbelieveable value ! hurry | Delightful colours green, brown, reds and blues »0 of !