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The Oshawa Times, 31 Jan 1959, p. 15

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™ OSHAWA Ms, 47 =~ Automeniies ha Po pat wl rend ! Lk id J Ld lr Jetailn Por Bele[30-----Articies Por Bale fully WE pay highest price In Jha, ¢ [90-=Articies Por Bale { he oY Toy REFRIGERATOR, omic Aelront \used furniture, Pretly's Ad, TALAwey A ad bed [rue Blore, KA 31, 444 hers Bown Vy Hine. naw pwns AA pi 52--Legol Notices ou GE elecirie range, Pb pm nip Murrey beiween § A ", od A oo controlled oven, Like new, Pho | iii ne | MO M78, Whitby, Ue 43--Rool Entote Por Bele BROOKLIN $975 DOWN, EBeoutifully appointed ranch style bungae- | _ (40--Rea! Eotate ames HOUSES wanted (or Want," som some With or say Vor 9 shle chuley Reahtor, 7 4 $812 Whithy ) Soriey, Joneery 1, 999 | §2--Logel Noticos TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY TENDER FOR TRUCK CAB AND CHASSIS No, | 5 de { Sealed Tenders will | 12 © oy ur sartll MONDAY, FEIUARY Pras 13 O'CLOCK NOON ON Fond Birett " 0a Sriyin rie, WA F f Truck, Cob and Chessls, epproximately 4 or supplying one Truc 1) Aon CREST of drawers 167 baie, Phone RA 4 ones capacity, To Fo box ond fo. Tenders to accept | GME, Model k3700 Ho por M, Lk ROSS, Rea Super On, hoist es trade-in on new ind tender forms may be Aoki. o of 'the THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF rockin, Onterle, OSHAWA #5--Reol Estate Vor Sele a Eetate Por Bele frre oll gosh w im br ARRe, ON Th 0, Bo (brett Oshaws, B Brmasrite, we siorey es ose rem, gles a Tay now oil Piurmase, full ony Wineow Pd only # "| orm pombinetion Dom Phone BR - tad he tor ele, 1 # dos: GOOD Income nome fooma, vided nto five, apap pind ' - AR A ie, Lif Son will "mere you nts thi slorey, 6 room BYERY DAY good tenants shack om py ve " ere awa Times "For Rent" Claswified ade, Basy etme, Pisl RA ban 10 offer your Yeeahey 3 x 99, close 'low wont md ps, opal wil ae * BUREN eres on Wilson Rend, vos | vor a isherd v "and water, "A did "46 PONTIAC, rrr | Han Mwy [7] Coline Brest WANTED OHEY , four brand 2-50 acres with lake fronts | age between Whithy and Port #quipped, aeomm-- low, Apes, bath, living-dine ing room, 3 large bedrooms, terraced garden, | N.HA, iy | Jute bargain buy ot $11 875, | Owner tansterred to USA, | His sacrifice your goin. Setok Real Estate Ltd, Brooklin | iso DOWN. Outstanding corner location, Close 10 school end shopping, An ex- tramaly well kept home, 3 large bedrooms, Fully decors ated, beautifully tiled flooring throughout Including base: ment, tiled 4-pce, bathroom, aluminum storms, screens ond doors, Willy sodded lot with full grown trees. A truly (0 ceptional buy et $12,750 or neor offer, Satok Real Estote Ld, Prooklin 21, 7 a, ie i The at Trnbiny pult BF oe Fr "oad used, Kod eondition, hein, se hash 1 qui sash " big dog Tig Ai Comuieis, Tull ina optinentsl hed, high WOOK Buper fordor, Willy Bower | chalr, we neensionsl chairs, Jan le low mileage, Immaculate. | ooling chair, All In E008 Vinance lorme, RA 48001 (175 Gerrard Ross North oF phone i how, ok av ih 79 lot, wad on merge An abso GUNS, Ammunition sd at pies new and used, For the desl Win town ses Dominion Tire re, # Bond plrest Wes, RA b851), BF GOODRICH Mores, Wer, batter (168, Kelvinator refrigerions, television on, BA «4048 RA Limited "uh 3 ONLY 3 'BE THE LUCKY ONES IF YOU MAKE $65 WEEKLY AND YOUR WIFE WORKS MURRAY ROBINSON, Clerk, Brookiin, Onterie, ¥, hassocks, oie Biv Fi Teduced! Easy terms NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF (One owner, Hope, Private buyer Write: ir Tag ' Box 433 [ led, sxceptioniily good condition [BiB French Birest "0 ONEVROLET Bel Alr, power barr. HOUSE FOR ing, other extra's, only 10000 miles, "BUR Super. 8 Migmatic io power | Thivty huget pi BE, power SALE? bn King Bireet rh : oe | ELEOTRO anges, Ry Wl tom Before listing, coll us for en CUSTOM built snr radios, i, ibcirohome from $99.50, iio, Appliances, ald opproisol ond free advice, ond _sutomatie, Dominion Tire "tore| East, ALLSTATE Ais Insuranie, piately reconditioned. Free Wey wor. [J 20 per gent, Nine months to pay, yor ranty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap OLSEN paskimel service ab your home coll BA | pliances, 80 Bond Fam, ENITKING knitiing Aine nd Fb. FORD panel wood oondition, pay REALTORS 19 ATHOL S87, W, $90, Phone Alex Wa 4 VOLKBWAGEN, good condition, w point fui ransonshie, Apply (1 Southwood Street, off Colborne Birest, ot Harmony Road North, 20 | cond 'B FORD custom enpech, fully mn The Oshawa Times A Hike new, BA 34628 waiter § pm, WM " Bond Mises Ven. UREN (#lavidion sels 197 nd 817 som RISTOW and Ta bin, machine ith ini Home Furnishin ines CA #0, Phone | 4 8140 Batardny et st h "Wer ost ay ., ay ore 4 p.m, or BYOR- ings after 7.00, a8( | money hack! BIOYOLE, pili Jonlar "die, "AN AMBITIOUS Tor & farm ¥ yor F wa condition, he ors or "oe WE CAN QUALIFY YOU AGE 15 NO BARRIER $13,080 FULL PRICE LOW DOWN PAYMENTS LIVE DOWNTOWN RIDGEWAY AVENUE 2 Blocks obove Louisa off Purk Rd, North NO DITCHES ~ PAID SERVICES ~~ CURBS AND GUTTERS o Solid brick construction Rolled Arborite counter tops Ceramic tiled bath Built-in chopping and cutting beard Sodded front lows Electrie light fixtures Sliding closet doors And many, many more features SEE THE MODEL OR CALL RA 56544 JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE N.H.A, RESALE~=5V% 9% --~$2,000 DOWN Immediate possession on this 2-year-eld brick bungalow on Seugog St, featuring large kitchen with double stainless steel sink, loads of cupboards, built«n breakfast nook, 3 bedrooms, living room and dining room, 4:-pe, bath forced alr oll heating Full price $12,400 (vacant now), INCOME HOME--$1,400 DOWN Only 7 year old, brick, excellent location, 414 rooms down with 4:pe, bath, 2 large rooms up with bulltsin cupboards ond sink, extra stool, hardwood and tile floors, ofl heating, garage, land scoped and decorated, Income from upstairs carries, Full price $14,700 2 ACRES PLUS DWELLING Excellent spectacular property for small builder, Cedar St, 600m Insul brick home, oil heating, 3.pe, garage, (sewer and woter), Full price $12,900, $2,800 DOWN-=N HA, RESALE 5% Large 3:bedroom brick bungalow en Sharbot St, basement com. pletely tiled with recreation reom end 2-pe bath, dpc. bath up, forced alr oll heating, decorated and landscaped, Full price only $12,8000,00, ESTABLISHED GROCERY BUSINESS Lontrally located, owner selling due te poor health, excellent turnover, open for Inspection, plus 7-reom brick home In ood condition, has hot water heating with oll, double garege, or further details contact this office, RESTAURANT NEWCASTLE «== On main street, turnover $60,000.00 yearly, owner selling due to sickness, For further Information contact this office. location w= bath, $1,000 DOWN 26b roamed, ground floor, healed' ie Dindas street w WILSON Realtor: 1040 CHEVROLET four-door deluxe pe 0, New batlery and radio, Direction: nd tres, e's plenty 47 --Automobiles For Sele ELECTRIC Tanes, w, No reasonable oiler Brooklin #1 BUILDER' 5 SACRIFICING TV set, RCA Victot, meh haw eondikion. P hone BA a 7 "eondition, Tuned, Phone 1h WP motor, new, 6b; poriable #9 takes this i mpressor, M04; Ford ear radio Heo, oder" w 0 RAs "8, Tm voRD ho slight hody repsirs, 104 Church Street OPEN TO OFFERS FROM SFT, skin, poles, Spring harness . hoots, size 8, Men's skates 6, 7, § and Card table and chairs, Black Persisn lamb cont, size 16 + 18, KA 537395, BM w J rs fo #60; and many other Items at very reasonable prices Come in and look | VIHA Homa s or oie the & si, ih buf push button, $20; electiie Krensing vice, KA #1081 anytime si machines, Alemite, with grease on | gio To $190 allowance for YOUF oid Lr VACTOW Il aris, dre ontals on any new Elestrohoms MARGARET HELEN COVER All panons having elaims against the Estate of Mar: ares Helen Cover, late of the own of Ajax In "the County NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that. the Counsll of The Cerperation of the City of wa af Is regulur meeting to be held 'B NASH Biatesman, eash required BA 5418) Led REPOSAESRION 1083 Chavrolel he Alr sedan, good condition pe fh | nanced for responsible partie all - | tween § a.m. and 5 p.m, Oshawa, RA BO801; Whithy MO S487, 8 CHEY, deluxe, two-door, excellent| tres, | Hood body, $205 #40 Colborne after 6 p.m, or Saturday, 'BUICK custom hard top, "gion a whitewnlls, excellent condition, $100, older ear and take over payments {59720 after 5 'MOCHEY, Aeluxe sedan, Bulomaiie vudin, washers, 10,000 miles $2878 cash, trade or ierins LRLAL] $395 FULL DOWN PAYMENT IF YOU QUALIFY 6-7-ROOM RANCH BUNGALOWS SPLIT LEVELS FINISHED DELUXE RECREATION ROOMS COLORAMA HOFFMAN KITCHENS $67 MONTHLY CARRY N.H.A, MORTGAGE Go direct South on Park Rd to Lake, turn left on Stone, watch for Model Home sign on Property ever Weekend MURRAY WARSH | REAL ESTATE ast un, or sler § {conditions radio, heater, offer. Phone RA 86760 | Apply 295 Bharbot |45-<Real Estate For Sole NHA HOMES Reduced for qul ale, $1700 down, fll pries " iy ¥ hp anally well bullt, fiveronm bun unlo Come and wee for yourself at "i and B87 Wiison Road South, Pri vile wile nn | SOLID brick Faneh style home Jot, Iandseaped, six rooms, hath, Loest od on quiet re dential street, § Preder ok Avenue, Phone Bowmanville MA 26b a5 47 LIST WITH CONFIDENCE WILSON REALTOR OLD AND NEW HOUSES--FARMS WAITING pm a) Salesmen Inge WE HAVE BUYERS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ~-- RA 5-6588 OLIVE HOWE, REALTOR 130 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY == MO 8.2527 Five-room brick bungalow built en a 90' lot, eitushia garage, oil heating, landscaped $2,5 Hi 0 stucco bungalow, newly decorated, threq bedrooms, extra lorge bright kitchen, Will sell for $10,350 cash, OSHAWA Six-room brick 1V4 storey house, three bedrooms, hardwoed and tile floors, oll heating, garage, close to schools and churches, Full price $11,700, Call Audrey Moore, MO B-4088 or MO 8.2527, OSHAWA & WHITBY Solit-level homes with finished rec-room three bedrooms, $12,250 with $1,700 down and $13,800 with $2,300 down, Call Mrs Coulson, Oshawa, RA 3:9139 Mr, MHinkson, Oshawa RA finished ree-room, Down payment of | bul, OLDEMOMIL ih U9 King Street Fast '0 Plymouth Bavoy Conch, V8, pow: Phone RA 47 er-packed, walls, new valve Joh, new hatlery,! U3 pohaGE, or and tires by Saturday, MO B-4517, 8.5210 Ww PONTIAC saerifiee MW Call BA yo CHEVROLET deluxe sedan W he financed, $350. ¥ "8 PONTIAC Torpedo, four door, 8000 jose CHEVROLET sedan, best| good eondition, B79 Albert Street, body, yr cash 4] Vo som readin, spotless, drive, radin, push -hutton directions) signals, Will saerifice for $238 4 sold Whithy, 4h "Aelia, fourAonr, around every Arening | coe Street Bouth FRIGIDAIRE stove, v0 very reasonshle vite | REY) ACE those 0d AEmARSE dL Slreel, alter § pn doors with smart, new wand " yately owned, $1105, Apply RA +0, doors, One pair left, Call RA 80489, Be unelled EAVY duty range with annex on side TER VOLKSWAGEN, ike now, low mile | pre lcut™ yy nt nue, $1080, Will ncoept trade, Phon eMA [egarnn, sales and service on all Ger Ue man and Domestic "Rao | equipment. For information phone Osh " + door, new Vicente | prone 'RA 57045 or 533 Buena Vista, | 0 | BO, Expert conversion of your Fi or tape recorder 0 Hi-Fi and slereo fon, Must sell. Can finance, BA B8180, | awa representative, Heinz Roltsehalier "hone BA BA688, R11 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER « VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT RAndolph 3 TEL 146) BUYING or SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING §7 OSHAWA (Just East of Wilsor, Road) RA 13-4494, Res. RA 5.5574 CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3-2284 USED CARS BA, SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN, MORRIS, M.G, WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES SERVICE BEST BUY SPECIALS! PONTIAC STUDEBAKER STUDEBAKER HENRY J, RAMBLER h $795 $355 $195 $95 $135 More to choose from ROBINSON MOTORS (OSH.) LTD, 574 RITSON SOUTH Phone RA 5-6518 23¢ 48---Automobles Wanted : LAKESHORE Auta Wreckers want ears for wrecking, Highest. prices paid, RA SUR or RA 511M, Po HA B1460 momings or evenings. Fern SEMI<ieluse Gurney pj 4H I" range M Klectronies, 423 Yonge Sireel, Toronto, all extra's. Phone HA 68 wu WINE and cider barrels avallphle, 8 (1! $460 oh, sizes. Oshaws Hardware and Eiectrie, 8150 or nearest offer B Chureh Bireet RA 5.7604 INS, ammunition and BUnng wip plies new and used, For the best den! n Fo CALL Barons' for guranteed service Homewood qualified teehniciang for all makes and Street East me | refrigerators, dryers, Hi Fi and ama Gondrioh Blore, KA 5.4548 Dominion Tire Store, 4 RA 5.6811 own see nd Sireet West yale for TV'R radios, washers Lapphiances. Barons' Radio and Electr) Ad, | US up ors | Pantdy's Bo HF Fr ele Pr | TA | ref | sul {EL oor {wa | ane | MIGHEST (prices paid for used urn side and Park Road Bouth Contaetl |= Commun'ty Furniture Stare, 18 Prince 52--Logel "Notices ar | Bly Poy {ma | 480 448 Bimeos Bt 8 KD washer parts, 4 HPF motors, $4 Repairs to all wringer type wash Guaranteed reconditioned washers Markel, Hampton, MA §-2065, wmanvilie LANG furniture! We'll buy It \dges, TV's, washers, pianos, sloves Lor top cash efter contact, 19 ines' Street, Phone RA K 1151 PPAN A0inch electric stove, Norge rigniator, nine «place dining room | te, $59, Phone RA s LLL 81 ECTRO refrigerators moletely reeonditioned, reanty, from #60.60 es, H0 Bond East Wom ales, 60 day fre Irvine Appl e, wisn sell and exchange Phone RA 81181 RTABLE typewriter, $40; adding ehine, & hangs, with visihle total, Both like new, RA 3.4484 COMBINATION WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS, THE BEST FOR LESS CALL RA B.8571 Whitby MO B-4891 Manufactured In Whitby COLONIAL ALUMINUM BUY NOW AND SAVE Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motery == budget terms, Free winter storuge on motors, Boat storage, Factory ap- proved, Service centre for motor repairs, Open evenings and weekends wel MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED Api ly 807 Bim: pid FH on Menday, February 2, 1989 intends to pass a by: law to stop up end close thet part of the highway known as the Old York Trail whieh fies between @ point nine hundred feet (900) west cf Townline Read Seuth and Grandview Avenue in the City of Oshawa, AND take further netice that ot the said meeting the Council shall hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent any person whe claime that his land will be prejudeiglly affected by the said by-law and who applies to be heard, PATER AT OSHAWA THIS 7) DAY OF JANUARY, Victor or Westinghouse at bo imiral, Television, 918 Bimeos Bireet of Ontarie, formerly of the Town of Whithy in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of May, 1954, are hereby notified to send in to the unders'gned, on or before the 25th doy ef February, AD, 1959, full particulars of their claims, alter whieh date the estate will be distributed having regard "only to the | claims of which the under: signed shall then have notice DATED ot Oshawa, Ontarie, this 14th day of Jenuery, AD, 1959 Humphreys & Boyehyn, 6 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator, Williem Frank Cover, RA B-0642, 25h #128, Call 053 wh | USER lumber, 12 x 12 x 25 beams [8 5 8 x 18 Call corner of King snd | Crh Brees FIR | CEMENT mixer, | Phone KA 60037 [REPLACEMENT Faria Tor sil Sore {and models for washers, radios, TV refrigerators, Ranges and all small appliances. Barons' Radio and Electric Lid, 426 Simens 81, Boulh i pave plana, Phone ONE taps recorder, good condition, "is. big eondition, | A BTM, 22 matehing hie KNFETING machine In CHINA ahinal, nd Phone RA 39485 SLENDERIZING treatments, HI-Pro CN onith Fonts, Beam Kathe, Healin| [Master vegetable and frail Juicers. | Herlth plvdio, od King RA $0811 | USED tres, most all sizes 83 ap. BF | L. R, Barend, City Clerk, { ow § RAPS SCHOOL CONDITIONS RAPS REFORMATORIES STEVENSVILLE, Ont, (CP) HAMILTON (CP) County | Bertie Township's fire ehief said [Judge John 8, Latchford Friday Wednesday he will elose down described reformatorvies as "noth-| this Welland area eommunity's [Ing but cesspools" In sending a (118-student public sehool unless {man to Kingston penitentiary for| fire haeard's he described as [three years, Jack Russell, 82,|"appalling" are eliminated, Fire {who pleaded guilty to breaking Chief William Everett said an and entering, asked for a reform. Pen wooden staircase served ag ' a fire escape on the two-storey Replied the Judge: |p iol" building, Wiring in the ad LARSON FIBRE-GLASS BOATS 7 «2 | Open Evenings and Weekends Brooklin Marine Storage | Supply Ltd, PHONE 87 | ere Hh --Swap ap and Barter CHESTERFIELD, electrle coca cola conler, rato tiller, tig machine, box and Alory term, cabin traler, all Kinds of plumbing os nied combination TV. tots, Terormatories ave nothing but jacent single-storey frame hull [motors or what have you. Chinn's, Hill | cesspools--schools for young peo-|ing was badly overloaded, Fire RA 47066 'ple, If you went there you would alarms purchased five years ago only help others along thelr devi for hoth structures were never in ous ways." stalled, THE CORPORATION | parLY CROSSWORD OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa at its regular meeting to be held on Menday, February | 16th, 1959 intends te pass a bylaw to close to vehiee ular traffic Sterling Avenue and Ortono Avenue (formers ly Russell Avenue) as shown on Registered Plan 187 bes tween Wilson Road South ond a _point twenty feet (20) west of Wilsen Read South, AND take further notice that at the sald meeting the Council shall hear In person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent any person who claims that his land will be prejudi- clally affected by the sold by-law and who applies to be heard ACUROKS 1, Loiters b, Saucy 9, Monsters 11, More Ine frequen 12, Polling place 19, Kxeuse 44, Broaktast food 15, Income 17, Terrible 18, Part of "to he" 10, Throw 21, Btupid fellow #8, Voracious fish 24. "The Clolse ter and the Hearth" author 28, Bmall nafl 26, Cisterns 87, Exist 26, « Blar Btate § Ballor's drink 4 Photoplay 8, Adriatle seaport 10, Contract 11, Btorm 16, Unit " of work \ Dagger 10, Iriah floral emblem 20, Bhellao ingredient -- 26, Weight Yemerday's Aver 11] £8, Abs Young dollar 87, Contend for $00 FOR best English or European | oar offered, Call RA 34438 after 7 p.m. | Phone 87 ha RAILINGS Beautify your home, protect your family custom mace railings, $1.50 per foot up; aluminum windows $15 up; doors $35 up. Free estimates, Call collect ATlantle 2-2152, METAL CRAFT COMPANY 8.6228, or Whitby MO 8.2527 Brooklin, Ont, 26a 335 BLOOR ST. W., OSHAWA, RA. 5.3406 I CRAWFORD McCULLOUGH CONSTRUCTION LTD. OPEN FOR INSPECTION MACKIE MOTORS Will buy goed clean cars, Pay off liens, Sell on consignment, Trade up or down, NEW LOCATION King Street East Dollar for Dollar You'll DATED at Oshawa, this 24th day of January, 1089, "LR, BARRAND" City Clerk Please Note Deadlines new In ettect for this solummni Births, Memoriams, Thanks == 9 AM, SAME DAY Cards of 20, Extend 82, Out off, as tops 85, Theater neats 76, Escape #8, Notoriety 80, Covers: with hoarfrost 40, Btraw beehive 41, Bpaniah river é.room Bungalows situated on Burns Street WESTVIEW HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION Formerly Varcoa's Drive-In RA 5.5743 WHITBY (2nd street south of Whitby District High School) N.H.A, MORTGAGES OPEN WEEKENDS 1 PM. to 430 P.M. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, § RA 3.9421) BROOKLIN MEADOWCREST SUBDIVISION Mere In idyllic peaceful rural surroundings you will find the most butstanding home values ever offered to fit your budgete-- yet it's only minutes to Oshawa == Whitby == Ajax == Toronte, ONLY $450 DOWN (YOU QUALIFY) N.HA, 6% MORTGAGE CARRIES FOR $65 MONTHLY, roam fat with haleony, sep Threa room unhirnished round floor. Private on Ah, Baby welcome 404 8.room bungalow with 2 rooms finished In basement, features oll heating, hardwood and tle floors, 3.pe, bath, large lot 80 INCOME HOME Prince St, N, == Broom brick home In very good condition floors down, line covered floors up, garage, close to Separate or Public schools, frigerators from M90; new ve bed, 'finiahed reoreation roar Apring filled mattress, $19.08; two awiv:| awa and 401, oleae to sehoo duly stoves from, S38; 'gate leg drop' foal table, #134; new Fo, wiles, YOR rent -- Three heated rooms heavy i Waly with new mattress, 417. Call Midtown | A016Ana, Adults preferred, Furniture, 113 Byron Routh, MO 8.481 THREE | Apartment hullding, parking, TV sutlet, apartment washing faollities, Rewly doenrated; WILL ind one or Twa RITAren Th my | 110080 fll price, Terms, earvies 408 home, Central, Mrs, Deeks, MO bb | per month, fax Ineluded; six rooms, soaped, Kibioon, CARR paid for used furniture, apsll.| ances, IANO, sowing machines an i he MO adil, 0. Newsl, Broach ray 18 Bron South, Phone' MO 8: | 1.566 tll" prioe, Varma, earvies 0, LLIN (ax Included. Brick trilevel, six rooms, FOR "sale-Used TV, § months war furnace; landscaped; patio) oarpert FARLY; 808.00 and up. indoor male | enorndy he, MO hATod. 0 New FEMALE help wanted Receptionist | 20628 with secreterial experience for Ins s Arle entrance, hot water laundry; no Times, Whithy We ohlidren, #43 par month, Phone Temple FOR vend Two larg All eonvenianoes, | pool and Dunbarton reasonable, 130 Byron North, MO 8 2401 {FOR rent » yefrigerator and TV antenna "is » PH th, lable | Mately, Phone | month, available immediately, PhAG y(n" Cine PAIR APOSIAL, iM pain BUY and sell used Auirniture Grixti| gal anly pale green enamel, 84.83 Furniture will pay pF jor W AV dependent Hales, Whithy Plaza, MO » WANTED Room and hoard in Wh |oARnistar set Free with every 846 hy for five men. MO AMIN dave | Chrome Kitehen Suite. Independent fe, x 188 ft, garage, Full price only §11,500.00, north district, throughout, extra bath facilities, oll heating, hardwood and tile FOR sale = Two used Frigidaire (FOR rent «= Now b+ Wingelow, ol chairs, $9.04 TV, #130; two heavy month, MO 8.4738 hd 0) vomilar 480 now $44.80; orih 84 x Af ETOUNd foer, Mo THRER . room apariment, In Wiihy Prana MO Ni M0 par month, RA 34 ) y four. piece hath, divided basement, oll Nith: \ Whithy call BP, Thorn ahi Mont any Article. Can Midtown Fumi, | 7 oKering 14 Toronte EM 3-308 fireplace; fourplece hath basement Whithy Plas, MO & ME sil Wroker, Piokering 143, Toronte BM ance Offios. Write Box 408 Oshawa | THRER © 0 roams, dplece [B8T13 fram 8 10 § pm, Nelwesn Liver hath, ground feor, LAL . mens, FOR renl Kinroom house, 810ve [irance and MG 4300 evenings HO LAt enamel, 9180 ati The, Mp1 in 11 TA TC DR 14 a [FOR sale Bread box and matehin Sales, Whithy Plaga, MO 8200), Me and decorating eall Dodd | pan Log Used M" Else A trie Range, Mer Paint and Wallpaper tor| gong working order, $30.00, independ Kv 1-00) mal : Aveoiatione Pg South ONG Balen Whithy Para. MO A308 ¥ Me (Roxas MO aaa oh 2 - > " N (9 PANT ouffing and alterations, men's AT. JORN's Heating Sarvies, ol Bur and ladie's wear; drapery alterations REF salen, services, installations, Cut your heating cost. Call St. JONR to Mop NH. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South that heat from going up the ohimney. | Fon Have & Heat Saver installed. Phone | DRERAMAKING. alterations, better MO saw Fob, 10 dresses, sults, ste, made 10 meanire WATER SERVICE = 300 gallons or) MO 80300 #83 Byron North, Feb 14 1000 gallons per load. Phone MO AOI LIVE poultry alse feathers wanted Whitby before 830 am, and after 3 Hishest market prices paid mm Fob. 6 galleet MO. 8.3406 Whitby LEU ATTENTION! working mothers, roll. SEPTIC tanks cleaned (he sanitary Able day care given ta your ohiid, way, new tanks installed Walter Ward UM reoreation roam fe play In, TV, 304 Chestaut Weal, Foss MO 8.334) SURMAR supervision, MO SMI Bu| ron al Me | Phone | | All homes feature 3 large bedrooms, large family kitchens, 4. piece bathrooms (somé tiled), huge walk-in closets, automatie oil alr conditioning, 75 foot landscaped lots (some fully sodded), COME AND SEE THE FABULOUS "'STYLEMASTER'" | BY THE HALLIDAY CO. LTD [IT'S DIFFERENT IT'S EXCLUSIVE 49---Automobile Repairs Test-Drlve The DKW, and the new FIAT For wconomy and performance, ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St, W, RA 3.7102 BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD, 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3.4675 PHONE RA 3.4675 Specialists in Ford service arid parts Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment IT'S FOR YOU Fully decorated, aluminum starma and screens, -all 'electric fixtures COME AND SEE OUR MODEL HOMES--IT'S SO EASY TO BECOME A HOME-OWNER MUCH CHEAPER, TOO MEADOWCREST SUBDIVISION LOCATED ON NORTH-WEST CORNER OF MIGHWAY Phone Walter Mittler SATOK REAL ESTATE ONTARIQ'S LARGEST SUBURBAN REALTOR } light | IS THE 7 ond 12 Brooklin 291 Ad! 50--Articles For Sale Get A Better Deal on ® Aluminum Doors ® Aluminum Flalr-Vent Awnings Aluminum Storm Windows and Screens Pre-Fab Garage Pre-Fab Cottage Stone-Tex Insulated Siding (Four different colors) Porch Railing (aluminum and wrought Iron) at HOLODY ALUMINUM SALES 3 Grenfell St, RA §- 243 BUILD THAT BOAT NOW Is easy with a melded hull or boat kit, from 8' to 24', See Alax Marine, No, 2 Highway, PHONE 1268 AJAX PAINT SALE Entire stock at great reduc: Gliddon's Spred etc, Re location; 12 East, ton in price Satin, Spred Lustre the St member Richmond RA 5-285) Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Koal Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OMEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS Firep! ace Furnishings and Interior and Exterior Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD, 15 on bven ST 3:2 PRINCE RA 07 RA aith 5-4632 Bill Galbr RA 5.8832 Pon Howe, RA 5-0313 DEATHS w= 11 AM SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 ONE CALL FOR LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING SHIRTS FINISHED HOUSEHOLD LINEN ALL WEARING APPAREL WASHED INDIVIDUALLY ALSO FINISHED WORK | | LET OUR TRUCKS CALL AT YOUR CONVENIENCE UNITED SERVICES NUMBER RA 3.4631 DELIVERED RUGS CLEANED OR WASHED YOUR ONLY COMPLETE LAUNDRY OSHAWA LAUNDRY 50 MILL ST, RA 3.4631 For your convenience, customers in Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Bowmanville, Port Perry, may call Eveleigh's in Oshawa without a toll charge by signalling the operator and asking for ZENITH 13000

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