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The Oshawa Times, 31 Jan 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3493 All other ealls ...... RA 3-3474 WEATHER REPORT . Clear and very eold tonights Bunday mainly cloudy, slightly milder, Light snow, dhe Oshawa Times our Ba i Ro Wo EIGHTEEN PAGES Price Mot Over 7 Conts Per Copy OSHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1959 ICE-CAKED SEA HUNTED VOL, 88 -- NO, 26 AUDITOR-GENERAL REPORTS Old-Age Pension To Young Officer The auditor - general never {dentifles persons The OTTAWA (CP)~The usual bag ---- of accounting irregularities has ry ji been dug up by Auditor-General Watson Sellar, In his Istest report to Parlia- | ment, tabled Friday and covering 1 name 1957-58 government accounts, he questions the award of a $064-a- year life pension to a healthy 30- year-old officer forcibly retired from the RCAF to promote air force economy or efficiency He delves into election goings- on, questions the use by a child Jacement agency of family al- owances and muses pointedly ¥ LE H $ | (Johnny) Plow, former chief of Fastern Command ithe army's of and now leutenant-governor Nova Beotia Mr, Sellar also reported that in some electoral districts in last March's federal election, the au- thority of deputy returning offi 1 or firms by only senior armed . 1 forces officer who became a lieu- | tenant-governor on Jan, 15, 1958, ! the effective dale Mr, Sellar men- | tioned, was Maj, - Gen, .E, C.| | Polar Storms was used "extensively. about a pension awarded a senior Women were among the ap- officer of the armed forces who left to become lleutenant-gover nor of a province, Both the Liberals and the Pro gressive Conservatives held of- fice during the period covered by Mr. Bellar's report, The fiscal year started April 1, 1957, The Liberal government was replaced by the Conservative administra FLEE | Sweep Area HALIFAX (CP) High seas. but a radio message from the and polar winds hampered ship sald #0 passengers and 40 | search today for the Danish ship orew were shoard, J % ' J LA Wn |Hane Hedtoft, feared last with) The department sald all pas é / 3 1 J d 7 F {possibly 130 aboard after hitting|sengers were Danes or Creen- ' | an ieeherg off the south tip of | landers, Greenland REPORTS COLLISION out | | 4 "One 20 {fu nw (i If nvoke stable was described as an in Mr, Kellar for hurricane relief although lf In his reference to the life ($1,000,000 given the Canadian Red | { {eircled above the 20-fool waves terse § O 8; "Collision with fees may wonder whether governor, was awarded a full lief in Europe d| Ice packs were closing In from| at 5.35 p.m, may be used to grant a life pen: who retires voluntarily after 25 from fanily allowances has in k |from the North Atlantie ShiPINE | finally failed at 7:52 p.m He said the treasury hoard ac-| In this case, the treasury board I |ndvised the U.8, coast guard the put into service about a month "promote economy or effiel being retired compulsori! out a continous beacon signal. | oo, "ALatia ships, designed te | forces pension Account now is ate to regard appointment to a THOUGHT FOR TODAY Other ships and planes headed Ar fons don't you move to some other pointed constables and one con- valid on the electors' list Other cases brought I'he Canadian Med Cross gave the American Red Cross $50,000) f government had stipulated that tion June 21, 1087, the $506,000 remaining from the) | A U8, Navy radar patrol plane, First word of disaster was the ATSON BELLAR | tg / ensioned young air force officer, hu Cross in 1053 for European flood | § 3 oy : 0 f 2 {in the North Atlantic and found |perg " fi Sellar comments: tired to become a Veutenani: relief must he used only for re | & y | ah [i 'no trace of the ship or lifehoats.| "Slowly sinking," she reported Parliament contemplates that $10,000 annual pension although Ope child placement agency lithe north, adding to the hazards mye Greenland navy eommand section 49 of the (pension) act/the Pension Act says an officer which has accumulated $140,000 {for other ships steaming north| guid radio signals weakened and sion of $064 annually to a 30-year. years' service must take a ested the money at Interest as (lanes to Join the search, The Hedtot was bullt Jast yess old man in good health," per-cent reduction in pension hid as six por cont w hile Shadil- The Greenland navy command | io. ihe Danish gover ("and ng the account of each ehiic } y nmen cepted an RCAF certificate that concurred In a defence depart- its care with bank Interest of i Hans Hedtoft carried Wie "rafts 00 Her builders considered her this officer's retirement would ment ruling that the officer was 24 per cent equipped. with radios that sent| "yo" "eogect and most mods ite J od that th od | 8 ar, 1 wh pther it y "» ' - ut hone nt 2108 0 tha. trea muscle her way through pack lee ® report at the armed Sellar, "Is whether it is appropi round Greenland, She carried th { gi v $326,000,000 in the red, civil position as cause to vou don't like the weath. for the stormy, fce-caked area off| {1 Jom savigation a voit Mr, Sellar, Parliament's finan. 'retird compulsorily' provi er where you're living, why the southern tip of Greenland to Luly m place and not like it there? | . \ gh, RR ~ 4 w resume the search for the Hans ®" Hfeboats, h / " ; | Hedtoft COPENHAG --- ": ; The 2Mhton Medio oarried extramdiney mecting "nt al ela] watchdog, also referred to a in the Defence Services Pension senior officer who, when he re.'Act." CALL GIRLS hetween 08 and 130 persons, She| Danish cabinet was called hit the fceberg shortly before morning to discuss the Hans Bod noon FEST Friday and radioed | oft disaster, less than four hours later that! Premier H. C. Hansen called [she was "slowly sinking and need:lon King Frederik at the 's HAVANA (AP)-Pedro More: a } \ v ! jled Immediate assistance," [request to give him latest lon, A former Army captain, to : i y . " h ' 4 | The German trawler' Johanna tails day awaited execution AS A war o.¥ ¢ er pp x Kruess reached the area about! The premier sald in a publie criminal after his appeal was de YB ent ~~ 4 4 = an hour after this appeal statement that the whole nation nied by Cuba's supreme revolu g . To Al ! / $ p But the wind was 60 miles an had been shocked by the accident tionary tribunal hour, ley waves were 20 feet high and felt "deep anxide" for the and fog eut visibility, Soon dark |erew and passengers of the ves Rocks Europe Me rbunl eect Morons ness added to the difficulties, |sel, missig off Greenland aftes FOUND NOTHING {colliding with an loeherg, (portralt of her by Derain now is sentence on charges of assassina:| The Kruess, a 8504on red Paul/tion, homicide, robbery, incend| vessel, | skin searched an eight . square - mile area until after midnight, Then Canada - U.S. he vadived the Cuban Army Man | To Be Executed |§ | , OEE gs 4 vhs NURSING HOME FIRE FROM THE AIR A ¢ th home after fire raced through | 4 Is feared that several oth IMinols, collapsed firemen pouring water on. the the two-storey structure, Four | ers were trapped when the roof | AP Wirephoto, | By PRESTON GROVER PARIS (AP) -- A scandal in.|8 prize. Then she mar volving bribery and murder plots Guillaume, a strugg ne of dealer, With her aid she evi: | Jer 18 hatitanes of one dently has a great business sense | Y tiiay amansed a fortune vin) 0 LJ Lacaze widow adopted son of or I wl was robbed of $50 Gln ian | containing $620 During the lush 1920¢, Madame Walter, a girl so beautiful she made even painters gasp, made her way into artistic circles that included such great painting Ld b ' of $5,324,070,310 coast guard eutter Campbell: cked with it Pabar ia ph th biggest personal collections or seen, no lights er lifeboats or | way F Ch . . » ship ' | ace ar "Plenty fee from northwest , , da es p sembly and perhaps in the gov-iie, qin ™ engineers g ge Pickering Girl v ™ \aroly an y ok. the ship and we can do no more,' | telegraph companies Mingled in the scandal are twoli "0 C0¢ Sf a TORONTO -- Carolyn Webb, 17, concussion, a broken leg, a hrok / | PATO! y Canada-United States message whe | TIMMINS (staff)--Threa Osh. tice Thompson for Injuries suf-lby a car driven by Dennis Roy #earch and rescue centre In Hall and an art collection, formally adopted him, Soon af J wy i fax 4 4 ¢ the new tariffs will increas OTTAWA (CP) [than a week after the accident,|Ward the scene through the rough | hn " ill Increase the the newspapers at around 60 bil: in 1957 ( brain Court jury deliberated more than f.1 per cent. Existing meassag ping the wartime spending rec: But informants say still more!ihis morning that Renald J of getting though bad ) § age former paratrooper, who fought Ay that point begins the alleged led J . | iY | accident grounde riday March 3 ary bill may run to more than/ton road east, and Michael T Little Prospect | » > is Jean Paul Guillaume, adopted attest. He is Joan the MP Co d + 4 ol by jumping into a roadside tion patrol plane was sent 1,000 mpare ute v y ' ,000,000,000 year-old trapper, Simon Taylor and put her brother, Jean Minister Fleming Friday as he . girls one the sweetie of the | | substantially reduced at the time direct the search ships by radar ying s'oracha Oshawa clty police noted that! The story mnges about alleged bribes Himate bringing the forecast to will unveil his main spending pro Ry JOHN LeBLANC | Special damages of $1,513 were! Nine small vessels set out from VAS made in the Commons Fris for prostitute I \p Id exceed the! ™® it will exceed this year's re addresses adopted Guillaume who -- unless Or prostitutes je el would exces: the | Ad was (little prospect of a weekend set-/of Plokering Township, navy command said three of !8land codfish he often talks upswing, government revenues overiookes tune. She long ago turned cold to | 4 [1050-60 may be cut from the fore. Mve in Cochrane Sunday and will producers Weather conditions were rve.'!00 South) said Mr, PickersgiN Fleming told the Commons Fri, Pear In court next week tlement at least before the CRC's | On Car Theft Rap of year a person can survive in| hey ave slippery and have Supplementary estimates are bile thef! Oshawa Magistr vo | sald when they are caught and names as Derain, Utrillo, Modi: | Supplementar, " But there was no indication|bile theft in Oshawa Magistrate's ling art|Arism and damage in art, and piled up one S awa en Awar y "Have searched, nothing found | Telegraph in . I has tovched off Speculation France, socially, and that Wat people in 8 " mel Jean Walter, one of France's ecor pen 11 we must go, We are becoming nme y taint t I" 1 Seren may Oe Wisied by 'the In 1084. art dealer Guillaume loebound . . , It 1 dangerous for FORON1G roms Canadas tug died, The widow needed an hell I 1959 B d t Of Robbery | , National and Canadian Patan : . 4 u e {of Locust Hill, was awarded $24, en nose and finger, and severe The continued search was be. 0 0 ap beautital_call girls abd 8 Vick fiom, baby Jean Paul appeared in g 400 damages Friday by Mr. Jus: facial cuts when she was struck|Ing directed from the RCAF have announced an increase in } the household and In 1041 \ : ; | rates effective Feb, 1, By HAROLD MORRISON record #5,322,300,000 sel in War (awa men today are being taken fered tw DAY | she | IMeld, 31, of A hy 4 : h i g taken 0 years ago when she Meld, 31, of jax " 4 Ihe fortune In" the widow's terward, In 101, she married Canadian Press Staff Writer [time 1043-44, When estimated old (s Timmins from Winnipeg by|was struck by a car on Harwood| She was unconscious for more| More ships were plowing to The atwoulicoment Feiday ssid hands 1s variously estimated by waiter, injured fatally by a car Government | age pension costs of $565,000,000| provincial Police to face charges avenue, north of Ajax, and knock alm logy , o- addod. Gre. outiavs 1 | North Atlantic, Canad rates for telegrams between the 1 francs ($20,000,000) spending this year is estimated Are added, the outlays run to & of robbery with violence, od into a diteh, [ A six-man Ontario Supreme| North Atlantic, Canadian and two countries by an average of on Tanes Shiba That left her, and the adopted to climb to an alltime high, top. peak $5,874,000,000 | Word was received in Oshawal. Miss Webb suffered a h 8, search Blaney, look ort i The fall guy is a 24-year-old gon heirs of the Joint fortune two hours before finding Field "ope categories are generplly sed ord of 104344. Further rises are requests for money are likely. |Cochra f 2 | . had bes vg) { y the Weather that had kept them F wd o } | : | 1 ane of - 1218 Somerville {had been negligent in causing the by 10 cents per 10 words, bravely in Algeria and also won plot / anticipated before the year ends Before the year ends, the budget: street, Kenneth J. Loucks, Taun | a reputation for dissipation. He" go; or ony ane man 1x under | Two other girls walking with PLANE CIRCLING AREA { Mad De Wal Latest demands on the treas. 3001000500 and the total bill Quinn, 03 Bruce street, have been| the plaintiff at the time, escap-| A U.S, Navy Super Constella son ol adame minique al brother of the rich He ury were unrolled by Finance including pensions--to more than charged with assaulting a 40 tor. She inherited (he fortunes, il 0 soriatn Hd wl call ) 8 { Settlement diteh [miles from Arvgentla, Nfld, tol ywesented Parliament with $27 DEET NE oR on Highway 11 west of Cochrane Field claimed Ms vision was circle over the area and try to . . caze, In charge of a big lead and |? ! [BUDGET NEXT WEEK sarlier . 1 0 18 aze, a { adopted son of offering big 954,607 in new supplementary es: nou k Mr. FI Hkely] der this week re zine mine in Africa ant: Dacembe the Next wee r eming y n Tl e of the accident by the lights of The Campbell was expected to Sion wi would accuse the tal budget bill for 1956-50 to a the addresses given for the three |approaching cars arrive before noon OTTAWA (CP)--A comparison attempts of Madame Walter and procuring bringing In clients record $5,324,070,210 so far gram for 1050.60, and Indications men were thelr last known local ; her brother to get rid of the : d | Canadian Press Staff Writer [awarded to the girl's father, Greenland in a blizeard Friday day between Newfoundland Lib. Y cesslon-timed blockbuster Taylor but. OTTAWA (CP)--There appears Krank Webb, a market gardineg|to try to help, The Greenland ®'al J. W. Pickersgill and the dead or ruined In reputation AN But with the economy on the i Wallet will inherit a big part of the for Ad [tlement of the battle between the t them were forced by the storm to About . also may rise and the deficit for| The men are scheduled to ar. [CRC and Its striking Montreal i d ' [drop anchor William Anderson (PC Wat the son she adopted 6 M S T 1 The fortune had two sources J [oast $700,000,000 deficit for this be transported fo Timmins by Informed quarters here sald en an na ported to be improving, But in and the cod have mich In com. year, a peacetime high, Mr car. They are scheduled to AP there was no likelihood of a set: [the best of weather at this time MO! They were hoth "all wet, |day he saw no reason to depart A arbi . , a ; | those frigid waters for "just over WArY eyes, big mouths and a "very far from this forecast hoard of divectors meets In Ot:| OSHAWA--Six men wil face|ti0%€ " ag tough skin, Both wriggle and jerk very far' from rech Che ical Tank tawa Monday, [two separate charges of automo [60 seconds," the coast guard V y m Re py . a flounder around when out of thelr additional requests for money, that the board would be able to| Court Monday, The Hedtoft was en route from elament." of the ice gliani For some she posed, and the GM Produces 4088 Cars During Week TORONTO motor vehicle week Is estimated at 7,630 vehi cles compared with #575 last week, says the Canadian Auto mobile Chamber of Commerce Production consisted of 6315 cars compared with 7.5968 and 1,324 trucks compared with 1,207 cp) Canadian production this Owing to a strike, now ended, Chrysler Corporation reported no § ear production Production to date this year is estimated at 34.788 vehicles com pared with 33,007 in the corres ponding period last year up of 29.794 cars, compared with 20.235, and 4.9% trucks compared with 4 R62 Prouction of hy com panies this week and for the year to bk Hgures last week corresponding pe riod last in hrackets, was Chrysie 47); 2,640 15.800 Ford 2.0 ) 02 76838 (7.180 Genera 4.088 4.660) 18.044 (15.883 dehaker-Pack ard 1680 (160); 67 265 CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6574 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 cars dat vit for and the oar made } Mrs gels an assist from an uniden tified bys! George ander he crawls through the Ww \ { burning home \ } k Oat, tn an attempt to rescus RESCUE ATTEM Bellfontaine | her Angela, bh An | { the atop the main government estl mates of each year's expendi |tures, | Biggest single Item In Friday's supplementaries the third set this year---was $15,000,000 under] federal agreement fo pay' { lone-hall the payroll costs of spe ¥ | | | 3 { 4 ! erick PT FAILS three-year-old daughter, driven back and the fire which was | flames Rinhrook with of Hamilton (CP Photo), {elal winter municipal works to fane unemploy ment Old Fort York Left In Place | | Metro Decides | | TORONTO (CM Toronto Council Friday voted out of existence the longstanding de {hate over what to dn with Fort [York and its equally historic { cemetery They're going to leave the for! where it is The council voted 18 to # against 'a proposal shift the fort to a new site on the lake front and make way for the Fred G Expressway. | Me mull OXPress [Metro roads George Grant sald, now routed south of the fort "We have lost a shrine," lamented Mayor Nathan {Phillips who favored the move "It will never be a prominent his toric or tourist attraction.' | Al the moment, the fort is in the shadow of a brewery with| railway tracks on two sides of it. | "I am delighted," said Helen Durie, secretary of the Associa tion of Societies ( mittee, when Metre has adopted the proper | Attitude," | a Gardiner laned Commission way will be site national Historical om he heard the new Metropolitan 3 Godthaab, capital proper capped Danish island of Green land, to Copenhagen on the re turn leg of its maiden voyage The Greenland department in Copenhagen sald she carried 83 passengers and 40 crew members [GREENLANDY 4 ¢ LY NY Gs difference, sald Mr, Ane derson, is that mankind's bene fits frbm cod ave greater. He had listened to some 'trashy none sense' from Mr, Pickersgill res cently 'and "it burns me up." settle the squabble between the! Oshawa detectives went to Co-| publicly - owned corporation and buorg today to return five men its French - Canadian producers, (charged with theft of a car be. which has disrupted network op-|longing to David H, Ross (erations out of Montreal since! Joseph Y, Simoneau, 20, of 184 Dec, 29 King street west is charged with The dispute could go on. It also'theft of a car from an Oshawa could stop abruptly. "There 1s used car lot today ome poker playing, for big| Relieved to he enroute to Mon stakes, The card-holders are not (peal when picked up in Cobourg, showing their hands Alexander Smtandi, 20; Agoston| At meetings late Friday with wichor, 21; Nsatvan Eatona, 17: Uanok the CRC, the striking producers Jozsef Paptibor, 19 and Carkozi| got the powerful Canadian Labor Gargely, 25, are also believed] Congress to take up their case to be involved in theft of a truck! ! President Claude Jodain of the from Toronto 1,150,000 - member CLC talked | vil Sabo' War Sore Oshawa Skiers I with" Labor Minister Stary The upshot of the conferences were at least for the moment, wa B Id M . 3 Mo Paw I The Oshawa |i L LATE NEWS FLASHES Championships | LN Pa KIRRY (Staff 2 Men Killed In Crash Near Brighton font . \ Blown Apart | By Explosions FOLLANSBETR, W, Va, (AP) 'wo hug chemical tanks hlew up I'vidday night at the Koppers Company plant near this north ern West Virginia town I'he explosions and searing twisted conneeting pipes and valves into grotesque shapes in a 50-yard radius of the adjacent tanks, Nobody was hurt, Officials were investigating to determine what touched off the explosions No damage estimate was avail ble 0 sou i ----m MES heat { % Ne A 5 Cape Farowall Atlantic Ocean Pd ' 0, " The 60.000-gallon tanks "Yn used to store coal-tar chemicals Titans Mit leobery Ia This Area Vo RADOR Mid a ) - * | amt 3 NEWIQUNDLAND St dohn Yo Ski Club Is host to the frst ski meet of major importance ever COBOURG (Stall) Two men were killed in a head.on [10 be held in this area today collision on Highway No. 2 between Brighton and Trenton at The occasion is the Southern midnight Friday, George. Van Slyke, 10, of Brighton was Ontario Senior four ways. cham killed Instantly, while 18.year-old Richard Ashby of Relle plonship and the All Ontario ville, died two hours after he was pried from the wreckage Ladies Championship the two locked cars by means of hlowtorches, Opp Con stable of the Rrighton detachment is investigating the It is understood that an inquest will he held $150 Break-In At Whitby Arena WHITBY An early morning break-in at the Whitby coms munity arena neited $150 in cash. The theft was discovered country race and the Jumping hy manager Art Mome who stated that the money had been [OVENS For the ladies there will| taken from the cash box {Just be the downhill slalom the downhhll slalom : : Local ski enthusiasts have ex Six Persons Killed In Bus Crash prossed tole approval of Today's MILAN, Tal about 30 red weather and predict a vecord packed with rush-hour crowd for hoth today and tomar In thick fog Cho \ > Is being. held under 2 r the auspices of the Canadian Am \ ateur Ski A wha will also be donating the trophies In the men's division there will be the downhill slalom , Ld Sie" LR | Ya CANADA =» 2 NOVA +» TS SCOTIA | LOCATION OF SHIPWRECK of I'he meet Lunnof cident a ciation Suna \ QUEBEC Bh; Quebec killed and Montreal chon bus Reuter SIX person Were when the trailer of passengers collided with a streetcar mi A TWO row when the jumping cham plonship will be held,

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