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The Oshawa Times, 31 Jan 1959, p. 5

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IAAI psp I By WREN A, BLAIR Cronted To Individus! Requirement WHITBY INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION William Davidson, left, one of | week. Vice-chgirman is John the Chamber of Commerce ve- | M. Roblin, right, fhe other | Chamher representative. Other presentatives on the Whithy In members of the commission are dustrial Commission, has been | Mayor Hamy Jermyn and named chairman of that com- | Reeve Kenneth Lee, represent mission for another year period, and Whithy had a big sphill fight before they finally ska he Misses Mr | (4) } ted off with a victory Hicks, daughters of Mr, and Mrs riod Maat Pia PR {Moya Wicks, The young dancers xoiion" and Mrs, Eimer Archer In Torontn they have hullt up » famoiis saving, known ae | Mrs. 1, Dewshury and Mrs, H vhal's wrong with the Leafs?" Hall the time (particularly In WHITBY Rratley, sick members, received the good old days), nothing tee much was wrong, Bul jist for dinners in their home, One mem STAFFORD BROS, Monumental Works 310 Dundas be' MO 8:3582 He | ng. the town council, and In was chosen al the first meeting | dustrial Commissioner Charles of the commission held this | Chaytor Attersley Still Leads Scoring The Afternoon Guild at All Saints Church will hold thelr ( 0 ome THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, Jonwery W, 1999 14 W HITBY d DISTRICT Sg: lliary IS : re an [4 READER'S VIEWS . Studies Japan Whithy Bureau Offices 111 Dundas St, West Tel, MO, 8.8708 Celebrates Anniv | The Ruth Group of Bi, John's + Managers Lloyd Robertson * anglican Church held is i Ir es ( 'onsider The 4th Birthday of Canadian are members of the Merry Mac vegular meeting on Wednesday | Ladies Auxiliary was held at the school of dancing. Mis. Noah Kyle afternoon st the church hall | Legion hall on Jan. 2 with 8 played several numbers #1 Lhe Phe ineeting opened with the . lurkey dinner served lo 60 mem: piano for community singmg WA prayer hy the president 1 (®) WHITBY SPORTS hers and guests, The dinner was which vas enjoyed Mrs. P, Bourne prepaved hy Frank Hayes and a7 ph The study riod on Jepan ably served hy Andrev Muir and USING MERIING, yy allowed wilh Bre Green in|To The Edo children do i, and Japire. than committee ith th Mée Wo haan og he VD Ghiarge of the study, Plans were During this sad time for dogs, | WIth the desire to Wile as | The president, Mrs George ¥! ) thé pres ent, Ms rv WM icoussed tor Boning pan when, due to the fear of vabies, Peasant as possible for the faith: Brown, proposed a (oast to the '* Hi Wo New memes poe supper to he held on they must he deprived of their fl friend who would gladly give |" Queen' vs, Lindley played Weta welcomed uta oie Vishion Shrove Tuesday between 5 and (reedm, i you are unable to keep Ws Wile to save theirs, [the "Queen and Fev, Dy Mar pom oman 8) Zrii oth tol, 7. Pie event will Like place al your dog inside but must for any| Please, dog owners, give some shall gave the grace, Toast 10 oh d+ Vers flven 10 we the chireh hall under the mus reason, tie him ouside in this ought and core (0 man's Hest | Provincial Commander was made owing wa Hows Bale. PTE pices of the Ruth Group, winter weather, may 1 urge you, |(riend and never forget that he '] " hy Mrs, W, Ashion, responded fieorge Brow and returning of To ere made for & eomingon behall of all animal Jovers, Nas no eholce but to aecept Whats Phe Whithy Dunlops, in the midst of a bad slump, move oul hy Miss Hose Bate rome com: 061% Mis. Novah Kyle, Mrs. W Wirthday tea and hake sale to/lo make sire he has a warm, CYer (Featment you accord him, of 'Lown today for (wo weekend encounters, The "Dunnies'" have mander, (wast to men's branch hy Aon, Mis, Fred dames, Mrs. Wedd! on March 6 #1 (he comloriahle house In which (| Whether i he good or had, Da let won only once in their past eight encounters, and IL appears Wat Mys, I. Lawrence respond hy ¥7A0K Lawrence, Mes: Don Surg 3 i hall, The meeting closed seek shelter from the wind and 1 be good! the old over-contidence hug has bien the local squad rather bad: Harr Inkpen has Mrs Arius Sanlick, Mrs hit Ris bit friendly oup|eo | One Who Speaks for Those Whe i ly, | od fie ol ley ' i nf , Mr { V Ve J ly, The Punlaps played fie games against Belle ie heve on Jan. coc id ai the head table Vere hart Cary, re Any Wilkin of len was served by Mrs, 1. When tied up and unable (n|CanNOL Bpeak for Themselves 17 and 24th, They lost games in Hull, Jan, 4, Cornwall, Jan, 11, 40 George Brown, president son, Mra. Vernon Mowe rap qd Mrs, A, Bhort exercise, his elvevlation 1s at # Belleville, dan, 15, and Niagara Falls, dan. 26, Their only win of oi ge commander NeW. officers are president HIEER AD No Bid a standstill, and therough chilling Inte wa ower Kingston have on dn 20 and for # me Wot Bowmanville Rev, Marshall; | Mrs, George Brown; past presi 2 eoild very easily result in pre | peared they might blow that one In all games (even the win) lg Jo geen co non secretary |0En, Mrs. "Trwin Humphrys; 186 Vv moni ", ' / re ary | 4 nin, or that dread disease "dis the team falled to muster an over-all effort for 60 minutes and Mrs, Irwin Humphrys; Harry Ink. | vice president, Mrs, Earl Ormis asp entures temper', ending in death after this has contributed to the downfall, In some games they are he sen: Iwanch president; Mrs, Won nd vies president, Mrs {8 long and painful ness, Khe hind two and three goals hefore they get rolling, while in other pre 4 Frank , Mr ; | f ev Bimpson, press; Mrs, Fred Frank Bavion; secretary, Mrs matism is also an aftermath of games they build up a lead, and then fall apart late In the game Tames "Mrs Willd m Ashi Lorne Bradley; treasurer," Mrs ut n anuar sanding on eold ground, and | This happened in Niagarg Falls, where they had a 4-1 lead, mid A Frank aera Mrs ni Vernon Moore; sergeant al arms member he Rai ou in ili way through the game but eventually wound up on the short end 4 . 4 re (Mrs, Gordon Brown, " J ' " | of # bh soore. In the Kingston game they led BO only to have Mri Care and Mrs, Vernon Moore Boat rare: Wve On Monday, of tourte, the no matter how severe It may he. | Kingston rattle three unanswered tallies hy them in the second Entertainment was provided hy | apc o on groundhog pops out 10 eheck onl If vour dog ts one of the infor Jo : 1 Li) " Sharon and Judy Abert Cary, Mrs, William Park | winter's progress, tut in Whithy, funates whe are tied up outside, | a wasp has appeared, a litle bitlde try to spend a few mints afl mit of season, to eheck up on least onee or twice n day to take things fon Wm for a walk, This will ease J. Wilson, of 81 Centre the hovedom from which he suf i i he ron hor street north reported (hat hg and Jou will ] wel Fopaid eurinsity's sake let's change this phrase to "What's wrong w ) 5 Thursday, following the first mild hy his undying gratitude you | the Dunnies?" As we see It several Minar things, One Is » a aiefusn Bawd: Son wien weather to come to Whithy in Sana find (he Jima lo do this natural, which will eontinue to occur as 10g As We Are eh: received # dinner along with the Many weeks, a yellow jacket aot of merey, please have your dowed with the shortcomings of heing humny beings Ne nam - " esl Wishes The ng Wil for wasp flew into the house while the has Won hist wright ohumplonmioe, a Ld Bog a I iM Ty ou of Mrs A Prompt recovery door was open Realising that DRY APOT gre most of this season 4 J Fenr, N om re _soPYYy 0 4 ' WANDS In January ® Far y " stale, They are hard to get up for games, and have probably (learn that she is In the Oshawa yd) Hops, Vere glom By bi Mr. Wilson eaptured ip YEYBREAD, Fadiand er. won ton often in the past three seasons, 7 hey have Inst a good |General Hospital where she wn Vernon Mome PORSIIeF. Mrs BIIVE In & Jar 4 # Wh were ) ou» ", on § deal of their fight, some of thelr pride, which they developed |derwent surgery. They wish her william Asin; sick committee, "1 never heard of a wasp heing Suffolk "linge, ht "e i a when they were (rying to prove just who the ""Dunnies" were, 4 prompt recovery {Mrs Frank Lawrence; Sunny: |ahoit this time of year," he sid. | ey were handicapped hy a Inek| hrook Hospital, Mrs. Noah Kyle | He suspects that the warm min-|of water, | A new stove was purchased hy shine of Thursday thawed the in and having once lost M, I's hard to gel hack, That's a enol: lective definition, Now. Individually (hers are many minor Whithy Distriet High School By CLIFF GORDON Despite the stepppd up schedule of the Belleville McFarlands our own Bobby Attersiey of the Whit by Dunlops continues to lead the Fastern Ontario scoring race (Dunnies, eontinues to lead the goalies race with a 2.05 average He. has held the lead throughout the season, But if the Dunnies do not get out and work A little {harder than they have In some The Macs who have played a full games of late the local custodian | 10 games more than the Dunnies lead the league hid Attersiey still shows the way in the points race Bobby has heen in a had scor may see his lead slip Marcel Goyette of the Cornwall Chevies 1s the had man of the {league as he has sat out a total things which need re-adjusting, First, Pele Bahando, a player with National league experience, has falled to measure up to what we had hoped he world, We are not pleased, and Pele knows this, Becondly, Boh Hassard has heen far ton slow getting into shape and han't giving out with what we think he ean, (16 almost makes you wonder just how good the Ameri: ean Hockey league 1s, doesn't 17), John Chasczewskl, whe showed great promise at the start of the season, has nod im. proved at the rate we thought he would earlier, That largely takes care of neweamers, Now how about the old standhy's The core of the club! In this regard, Bobhy Attersley, who has only two goals to his eredit In the past seven games, Is in a (convener, [square dancing, Mrs. VP, Ing. My | Catherwond under the auspices of the Home (he auxiliary for the kitchen sect enough to make it fly around and Behool Association, 1s hold Ing Games Night on Saturday at (h, the school with Mrs, A, B, Me: |g Lean, the president, and her ex eciltive in charge, Tiekel conven er is Mrs, W, Newton; social Mrs. W. Davidson; principal of Hill crest school, will he in charge of | elichre games. Numerous prizes Group Holds Skating Party Rirthday cake and tea brought e 14h hirthda perfect end y celebration tol, vr of spring BOWLING NEWS He hopes the wasp 1s a harting | LADIER' CIGARETTE LEAGUE Singles aver 200: Connie Den ver, 215, 2M; Mildred O'Dell 245; Dorothy Quantrill, 286, 200 ANNUAL WASHER IWringer rally nl Fries om plete averhavls, VALENTINE TEA ond HOME BAKE SALE Tues., Feb, 3 had scoring slump, Bobby, In a scoring way Is to Whithy, what Howe 1s (0 Detroit or Bathgate to New York, Lack of | Koals hy Atlersley has caused us to peeept tie games, we would have won, and Insses which could have heen al least a tie Without his normal productivity the Dunlons are hard pressed for victories, George Kamolenko, always In the top 10 other years, has apneared there only briefly this season, Fred Etch: 3:5 PM, of. The PARISH HALL ng slump of late as he has scor- of 100 minutes, This fs a full ed. Af our memory serves us cor: game and two periods. Al Dews rectly two goals in the last seven hury of the MceFarlands is next games, But that Is only a spark with 87 mimes in the sin hin to Attersley to get on his horse, We would like take this tonight in Kingston, Paying chance to remind the Whithy fan enach Tke Hildebrand of Macs 15 that the Dunnies are on the road| (Will be distributed to lucky win. Monday evening the young peo: 11] Peake, 238, 218; Joan Reed {ners and refreshments will be ple of the Faith Baptist Chureh|282: Doreen Mowat, #81; Hea | served mel and journeyed in ears fo Hudson, 280, 200, 204; (Hadys North Ochawa Arena for skating. Wiles, 2068; Mildred Rilida, 927; Mary Henry and Miss After skating for an hour and Hazel Hickey, 224; Alice Brad Reeves, of Toronto, half the 22 young people went to ley, 216; Evelyn Fallow, 218 Fuests al the the home of Jane and Paul Dale [Alice Hewis, 215; Wyn Brinning BUTT RADIO And Agpllances 110 Brack 80. 6, Whithy MO 8:3707 in Mrs Margaret were week-end in second place, eight points be a hind the local favorite Moe Savard, of the serapp) Kingston Merchants, is in third snot with 86 points, 15 less than Attersley Sid Bmith the hard working, but will here on Tuesday the Kingston Mer appears tn he a hetween these (wy Piesday night short of fre this week end pla real big game night against chants, There lot of rivalry teams sn the one should he nothing eI not putting the puck In the net, with that brilliant shot, as he has In past years, Gordie Myles Is away off his potent tal scoring total, althovgh he has shown marked Improve: ment lately following discussions held with him (wo wea'is ago, Tommy O'Connor has heen In and out most of the sea son, Only Bid Smith, who has 28 goals, and Bandy Alr, whe seldom plays a had game, are on schedule up front, On dee [home of Mrs, M. A. MeLeod, of | Broek street south, Miss Reeves of Is a former resident of Whithy, choruses and opening prayer by Mr. and Mrs. H, E. Melahan, RB The devotional perind was! pened with the singing of a few arry Jones, The announce 201, Robbie Heron, 800 Triples over AO; Connie Den er, 62; Bea Hudson, MA; Dor othy Quantrill, 18; Lil Peak, 6M; of Hallet avenue, entertained al ments were given and Paul Dale (jladvs Wiles, 57; Bobbie Heron |a family dinner last Sunday, the and Eleanow Lelgeh gave thelr fp Wyn Rrinning, #71 Javon VIOTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES WHITBY BRANCH Invites you to attend thelr... ANNUAL MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS Monday, Feb. 2nd at 3 p.m. Guest Speaker = Miss Mary Ann Wickham Bystraphy Assos, of Gonads Churches EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH REV, GERRIT REZELMAN Yrd Congession West of Broek N. fence Ted O'Connor and Harry Binden, (the hackhone of the team's defence) are not skating that puck out of our end with the authority they have in the past, Without thelr true defens playing coach, of the Dunnies is mendous, Bus Gagnon of the Mer | next with 58 points made up of chants has yet to lead his charg 20 goals and 27 assists, That is es in a win here in Whithy all the local players in the top spite the fact that they 10 as the McFarlands have a given the Dunnies a real scare on hig edge In games played and a number of occasions. There Is] thus have a hetter chance to pile always plenty of action when up the points Kingston invade the local arena Long John Henderson, of the sn get your tickets earl TOP TEN Ineluding games te Wednesday GOALS 24 29 22 28 28th, 1959 Assists 45 32 14 Januar Bobby Attersiey=--\Whithy Ika Hildebrand--Belleville Mra Savard---Kingston Sid Smith=--=Whithy Lou Smrke--Belleville Bart Bradiey----Belleville Bob Bougher--Hull : Wayne Brown---Belleville % 21 Bus Gagnon-- Kingston 18 Paul Payette--~Belleville 16 GOALIES GAMES 17 45 3 9 4 35 6 vy | 6 | € y Visiting Nume == Museu Whitby FAITH BAPTIST BROCK ST, N, WHITRY Pastor Rev, KE, C, Corbett, B Th Assistant; Mr, R, Rexburg 1] 5 ] J é 6 ¥ 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 occasion heing three birthdays-- testimonies, A few more choruses Mowat, B64; Alice Bradley, B47.) | Mew Ida Melahan, mother of were sing and George Tracy led Points to date: Players, 83; Mr, Melahan, Mr. McLuhan, and in prayer Camen, 8; Winchester, 27: Buck sive potential we are In trouble, Don MeReth Is slowly recove [his son John, Wishes for many At the close of the evening re: ingham, 26; Winston, 28; Exports ering from his knee operation, but Is still far from his nore [more happy birthdays ame ex: freshments were served 20 | mal play, Only Alf Treen Is performing on the rearguad with [tended to the McLuhan family i his usual dexterity, hut even here All fs slightly below his full potential, In goal John Henderson has heen having a good Mra, J W. Clough, of King : season, although he has heem gvilty of a couple of had gals | street, | her home on Tues: , nnua eetin Intely, However, at this stage we feel that goaltending 1s the [day to the women's service oom least problem, Henderson's play has heen adequate, Lack of |mittee, Whithy Branch of the| seoring Is the problem, [Canadian Cancer Society. Suegi:| » : cal dressings were made, Mrs t TOO in In the days when Tha Dunlopa ware, ning games right Jel A, Harlick, ehalitman, invites la: and centre, the club always came up with five, six or seven goals A erest | a game, Of late we scored only § times in Cornwall Jan, 11, only ae Who would be Har ot ih By MRA, ARTHUR ELLIOTT [utes of special meeting of the twice in Belleville Jan. 18, 8 here on Jan, 17 and 4 here on Jan. her, They would he most wel:| BROOKLIN -- Reports of the ®¥00ullve Corresponding secre M. Uniil we sfart scoring again, we can't hlame anything of aloame The hostess served light! vear's work were presented at | AY: Mrs, Arthur Eliott, read serious nature on goaltending. In running down the personnel one! jefresh f | he After: leer of appreciation from Mrs might say, "Jeepers evervihing is wrong with the feam, aceord Telreshments (the nal Metint RA Hl [Ralph Wescott, retiring leader of Ing to this" That's not true. These ave all little things not heing| Mr. 'and Mrs. Fume MeOual naan Aug! 144 ay Reo Wi 500 Mission Hand done hy each player, whieh added together creates a slump eol-land their daughter, Pamela, of; hy resid 1 aarding ve Mrs. 8 JJ. Hilller reported ap leotively, Or fn other words hy the team. It is mare commonly Cothorne: have returned to their LM 8 h id a af with Poitment of Mrs, Don Mitchell known as constructive eriticism. But there 1s a bright side to all home after spending a few davs parted 4 fAemnerel © of 10 at Re the new leader of Mission {this. As oluh manager we thoroughly expected this let down 16 with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, | A Or ARS alten aie ; | Rand, assisted hy Mra, M, Woods happen much earlier this year, Fans may recall that 1 picked | Jolin MeOuat ; IL meetings during the Year. | "Wiwoid Day of Praver' was AGN the Dunlops to end third in the group race, away last Fall. Some The treasurer's veport present: announced tn he held at Al if thought I showed a lack of eanfidence in the team. Others thought Mrs. Gordon Mifflin will he od hy Mrs, M. Routley showed & Thomas Anglioan Chureh, Bronk 145 118 a (after we went 13 games without a loss, that T must truly have attending a two weeks oouse (otal of $411.01 raised for the jy Feh, 18, A committee ap |muffed things. T neither had lost confidence in the team, when at Five Oaks, a Christian Work. year pointed for arrangements Is pom: | I ploked them for third, nor was I averly impressed when we won er's Centre The president, Mrs. F. Kay [posed of Mrs, Anne Patterson, | Ina vow. It's a long season, What TI had feared might happen, | aed the officers for the ve: president of Woman's Associa: | Is now happening, Hut wait, don't panie, This isn't a catastrophe Mra, William Hurley, of Rowon ports and eo-operation during the ton; Mrs. Gordon Hunter, presi Wi I am fulte sure the Wolthy Dunlops are at hest only hy pil north, opened her home year dent of Evening Auxiliary and man beings, hut very-proud human beings as hockey plavers. The ™ ednesday evening tw a x Mrs, F. Kay, president of After majority of therm will fight their way out of their individual slumps. | 4roup of the Catholic Women Officers altro and Jail noon Auilinty, all of Rrooklin When they da the "Dunnies" will be tough to heat once again League members for rehearsal Rey Pp % fant M 5. 1. Kay, United Chureh; Mrs, Slater, Mrs | the ane. ar two who don't, then they will unquestionably for a play. whieh will he {failaw: Presiden A 0 WWE ams, representatives hecome ner aside M Dunnies." The elih has a tough four games, In four days stand formed at their March meeting Hifi By Oa We et from Kt. Thomas Anglican winning tontght, in Kingston, Tomorrow thes hgh! Chureh and Mrs. Wilkins, repre play in Cornwall, /At the end of the evening the Madar i } h 4 Mes, Charles Wilson: thivd viee Si rig an Foranto against Varsity and home here Tuesday hostess served light refresh president, Mrs, R. Sonley| tveas:|sentative from Hrooklin Baptis( We don't expect that they will win all of these Ments 4 Wille soarding!| Chureh dames, porhaps none. When you're in a slump you have to fight aon of ME and Ma urer, Mra MN. Toutes; etter | Tentative plans were made for | ard ta come ont of it. Kometimes two or three more i 1 LILES, i ssnanding secretary, Mops A missionary speaker for the Auxiliary WMS Renevolent Rebekah Eames on the wav out, But it's how vou play those games even if \ MoKeawn, will he cele rath, iat Christian Stew: WMS Bunday fn April All Saints' Anglican Chureh 132 vou are losing. The improvement will eventually burst out in vie. "TAH Ma Oth birthday en 4h pte tary, Mrs. C8] Mrs, W, 6G. Doidge read a let Evening Guild Rranch Hillerest Home and School Asse. 01108 And the team Is out of their shimp. Oh that height side 00 MG His canal sompsntons JERR 8 aratire secretary, [ter fram Dr. Gearge Hurgess Whithy Ontario Hospital Nurses' ciation we spoke of Isn't it better ta have this slumn now fl iy ' Hie and friends wish him many! Thompson i IA ure ) ¢ y A sv ary at Dandi ANGLE Alumnae THURSDAY from now during plav-offs® We've having troubles. hit haf Ie same happy velurns of the day [Mrs ' H 151 Skier! tami February meeting will he held TUESDAY Salvation Army 'Wamen's Home|" ou > ful erities (goodness do vou mean to say vou didn't know All Baits Anglican Chureh AN pd gy hy a ! Mis. at the home of Allee Olver. Com Faith Rapist Church Young Peo: League 4 Juve hae ome dandy secnd guessers around (his district) get too ormoon Guild 18 roe i An iy ves associate mem: mittee will he: Mrs, € K ple's Association Coop Gull \ ¢ US ourrent slump doesn't haeame fn py A J Ar 4 8. Andrew's Presbyterian Church FRIDAY hy playoff time. Now it's Just our Joh to gel them J Joa amen Yalantine, ton ny Home DAKING hes SOCTR ANY Mis \ haries Thompson and Mrs, Arthur El V Salvation Army Youth Fellowship OK you guys, what the heck's ROING On ele. elo. elo" Tale on Tuenda he following Pilkey; Christian ( Itizenahip et ; A The Evangelist Chureh SATURDAY . . . ; Hy wig i hh AN Active part: relary Mis, K, Af Lon phn VY ANNOUNCEMENTS United Chureh THE TOWN AND COUNTRY | Tiekets for Monday night's ip Pi ) i ib Moll T. Richardson secretary, Mrs. Charles tll Following the morning service Whithy Baptist Church Women's! Clab game at Varsity Arena Are going lke hot cakes, A few ave still fi Mrs Conrad, tea table: Missionary Manthiy secretary Feb, f, & Kpecial Meeting of the Mission Circle SUNDAY available at the Whithy hax-offioe Mare than 150 minor hokey hrs H Lomax And Mrs, \ {Mrs W. Mediand; pianist, Ars congregation will he held for the Canadian Legion Auxillary North United Chureh Young league players will he guests of the Dunlops al Tuesday night's Qraloal Kitchen, Mus. F. Fries, Sydney Lockyer [hurpose of electing an elder fo game here with Kingston, 1's all In conjunction with Mino hookey tra, 1. Henatook, Mrs, €. Daly JANUARY MEETING fill the vacaney left hy the sud West Group Union 1 mn J week, Tickets for Tuesday night's game are also now an sale and Mrs, R lear Mrs: Ernest Acton opened her den death of Peter Arnold, and George Gosselin will Join the Belleville MeFarlands today and leave De and Mes. GW. Lindsay home for the January meeting of Appointing a trustee to fill the BROC Phone MO 8.3618 wo YE, Oh Jueir dveruson Inn pg apn Red Reransan I an:jave flying ta Mexico for a vaca:|of the Afternoon Auxiliary. The Vacancy eveated hy the vesignn u y 0 Wil he a hig help. The "Macs" appear tion Meditation. arranged hy ©. AM. ton of Ralph Weseolt, who | NOW PLAYING EVENING SHOWS 7.9 PM, SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 well stacked with talent now as they go in quest of the world title Stewart. was lod hy Mis, J. FH. moving ta Oshawa, {ts New Orleans favorite festival of fun) Rest of Luck Belleville. They fly to New York ton ' \ AMOrrow morning, hy the Eskimos ia certainly very MeKinney and the seripture les MISSION RAND Par Change planes and § \ otland Tunlor \nekey takes son was read hy Mrs, Hodson Al Rand w mee h 1 for Som uni "hook 1 f ale a well made hy hand hy \ 5 © y place at the arena heve Monday wight when Gear i gotawn supply 1 ) p \ the opnosition. They had a good erowd on hand last week, with their women. Mes. Mayle thank ly ANIA hetiod a] Jy immediately following schon od Rev, Nicholson on behalf of Study Was conducted hy No Pyesday afternoon, Feh. A, in the 0 \\ XL) Hrooklin edging out a 63 win . the Dund is Home and School As Lg assisted hy Mus. R. Row gina ' sohoal room under the Shaan } S Ar ti Fil | 400iation ey and Mrs. 8 J Hillier leadership of Mrs, Don Mitehell ee CllC rims | John Mendersan--Whitby Gordie Bell---Belleville Gerry Devaney-----Cornwall Gerry Brassard----Hull Pete Piquette mwall Lynn Davis n Claude ( ( Kings! Hull ' You se vr 0 [United Chureh Woman's Mission Ary bhoviety WEDNESDAY MONDAY Whithy Hed Cro Whithy Baptist Chureh Explorers St Anglican Whitby Baptist Chureh CGIT meeting Annual VON meeting Clover Lane Home and United Church Senior Evening Association Far 2 nx vork Chureh room WA John's vork P18 AM, Radia Broadeast School y Garry Harry 10:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP (ENGLISH) you lose Lodge No 45 AM Sunday Sehoal Mour Vis Our 1100 AM A 7:00 PM Both Serviess by Our Paster Young Peoples Fireside Service following Evening Service 2000 PM AFTERNOON SERVICE (BUTCH) WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev, J. M. Ward, Minister Mrs, W, E. Summers, ATC M SUNDAY SCHOOL == 10 AM HAM SERVICES 7PM MONDAY, 6:30 PM, w= Explorers MONDAY, 4:15 PM, == CAIT WEDNESDAY, & PM, w= Midweek Meeting Ind and 4th SUNDAY NIGHT == BYPU VA ft. John CWL \ W's Couples PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 07 BROCK §Y 0 J People's N MagPheisen WHITRY Minister Re 45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 1100 am Services 7 pm St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church AYRON ST, § AT ST, JOHN ST 248 AM fibhle Class and Sunday 11:00 AM Morning Warship 11:00 AM Junior Congregation 1100 AM Reginners' Class BY UNITED CHURCH M. SMITH, BA, RD. M BEA TON, AR Organist February Sth, 8 pm BLACK GOLD! Thursday Greatest madein Missionary Film Heard for Sr, grade. Mes al Matheson, Mrs, BE Kay prosid \ ; Phokadt Carved' in: Citakiines toarge Rovohyn and room math od for the husiness session The Young People's Union will ers of Kindergarten served very Minutes of December meeting meet each Tuesday evening at # sty refreshments. The meeting were read hy secretary Mis pm. in the Sunday sehoal room closed with the "Queen" Lloyd Readley, followed hy min tof the United Chureh Never A Dissatisfied Customer! Mestings Leper cleansed, deat hear, lame walk |] See things neves shown en Wn hetare Cralg for Jr. grade and Miss the Christian Missionary, Hospital : a hn Aire KEY heat: | VOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION Dundas street east Home and Whithy Schoal As ihion held is Janu the evening, His. opie was ary meeting last Wednesday eve: |"The Canadian Arotie and ski You owe it to yourself to find ot why DOLLAR for DOLLAR your BEST DEAL ning in the assembly hall. The mos." Me. Nicholson was is at meeting opened With the singing can Missionary im Central West of YO Canada'. A short business ern and Eastern Aretio for 13 30 Grenfell RA 5.2401 Was the School LET'S ALL GO TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY WHIT MRS. J) K Anght Room prizes were won hy Miss] Mrs. Lloyd Bradley deseribed and Mrs. M. Woods At Dundas Assoc. | session followed years, He also had moving pie A new ruling was adopted far tures of all his trips into the Ar coming AL Home te and everyone present was very 5 Will onen at much hatter asked 10 in the the } all meetin wid S pm go direatl childven ta talk with the hel the a hiv mformed of the Lif northiand and the habits of Ihe worn wal meeting and parents to the room of then Kim clothing teache [Y OMN viter hall Will | seven nowill the MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO 83111 Wt you not received your Times bh Call CELL TAXI All sally must he placed between and 2.30 pm 1 AAO and a As MORNING WORSHIP 11.00 A M BODY AND SOW CKLB Broadcast United Church SUNDAY SCHOOL A OND C0UL0NG WNTINAN i Hac R J pi vi hd 8 # ALSO---CARTOON COMEDY, SPORT. | Lint, Lain o 4 Aq alse GET MORE OUT OF LIFE ls ® GO OUT TO A MOVIE » 8 rz a : ! S Se | 7.00 PM from Albert Street Oshawa voted te \ weted Christm KN who As Santa Tave pw party bid © Constahle n hile aff du ® ALUMINUM DOORS ® ALUMINUM AWNINGS ® ALUMINUM STORM WINROWS AND SCREENS ® PREFAR GARAGES ® STONE TEX IN SULATED SIRING o PORCH RAILINGS M WAM Inte ac Wa | hove + Care Worshi [S) ® PREFAR COTTAGE on 3 Chureh n 8 . Port une veary John's Anglican

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