| Hospital Auxili- Outstanding Among Midwinter Dances One of the season's gayest dances, Co Capers, was held last Wednesday et the Jubi- lee Pavilion under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary, Oshawa General Hospital, Mrs, C. D, Russell, : Mnprevident, and Mire, Gordon v , A rs, Curley, convener of the dance committee, received the guests, The prize winners were Dr, and Mrs, Jack Langmaid, Mr, and Mrs, John Lovell, Mr, and Mrs, G. A. Taylor, Dr, and Mrs, Ralph Kim y, Mr, and Mrs, M, Rob- foson, Mr, and Mrs, J, Hamilton and Mr, and Mrs, A, Mcintyre, Spot dance prizes were won by %, 8, P. Boreda, Dr. C, D, Russell, Mr, and Mrs, M, Rose: brugh, Among those seen dancing were Mr, and Mrs, R, Bunker, Mr, and Mrs, J, Lockwood, Mr, and Mrs, R. Richardson, Mr, and Mrs R. J. Smyth, Mr, and Mrs, J, R, Lovell, Mr, and Mrs, D, Samy bell, Mr, and Mrs, H, Faint, Mr, and Mrs, 8, Sereda, Mr, and Mrs, John Horky, Mr, and Mrs, 8, A, Heney, Mr, and Mrs, J, O'Regan, Mr, and Mrs, G, Johansen, Mr, and Mrs, 1, Gouldburn, Mr, and Mrs, R, Tumey, Mr, and Mrs, Dyson Brooks, Mr, and Mrs, Peter Le: vine, Mr, and Mrs. H, Goldstein, Mr, and Mrs, L, Hyman, Mr, and Mrs, M, McMillan, WED IN DOUBLE-RING CEREMONY Oshawa will. be the home of | Mr, and Mrs, Hugh C, Miller of Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Leslie | Pickering and the bridegroom Tfvuer AY oye Mmartings Yas is the son of Mr, Gordon Rim- polemnized recently In i or. | mer of Pickering and the late presbyterian Church, For ' ing Presbyte oy Mme, Rimmer, merly Miss Barbara Jane Mil Jer, the bride is the daughter of Photo by Ireland LODGES AND SOCIETIES (also members are needed who [will sew, embroider or knit | of the! The men's branch contributed a Gu | de substantial sum toward the ex the penses of the new stove recently GIRL, GUIDE ASSN, (Oshawa Division) The January meeting Oshawa Division, Girl Association, was held In m of Guide House Installed in the kitchen boss od r Wilson presided, | Next business meeting will he Mrs, John Naylor presented the held on Tuesday, February 3 at secretary's report, The treasurer,|7:30 p.m Mrs, ££. A, Mounce, gave the : financial report | CONANT HS ASSN, Mrs, Wilson announced that the|"Father and Son Night" was the snnual meeting and appreciation theme for the January meeting dinner will be held at King of the Conant Home and School| Street United Church Centennlal| Association, which was held In Hall on February 10, at 6.15 p.m. [the school recently with Mrs Guest speaker for the annual Willlam Baldwin presiding meeting will be Miss Shirley| Mr, Thomas Kidd introduced Cameron |Mr. Bobby Attersley of Whithy Mrs, Frank Brown's resigna: Dunlop hockey team who showed ton, as vice = chairman, was re-|some filma on the Furopean gretfully received, Members Championship games, after which CONVENE Mrs. Morris York ls con. vening the committees which is making arrangements for the annual "night of cards" to be held at North Simcoe school on Thursday, February 12, under the auspices of the North 8m. cos Home and School Associa. thon, sricorn Capers Me, and Mrs, Jossph Bloo, Me, |1, MacDonald, Mr, [ and Mrs, E, Balter, Mr, and Mrs, | Russell, Mr, and Mes, M, D. Townsend, Mr, and Mrs, A.|\son, Mr, and Mrs, B, Smegal, Melntyre, Mr, and Mrs, D, Cro-| Mr, and Mrs, H, Vice, Mr, and ten, Mr, and. Mrs, Ray Lunn, Mr, |Mrs, T, Henry, Mr, and Mrs, H, and Mrs, T, H, Farrow, Mr, snd | Roughley, Mr, and Mrs, A, O, Mrs, W, J. Britton, Mr, and Mrs. | Pollard, Mr, and Mrs, L, A, Wil W, Hooey, Mr, and Mrs, G ¥.liams, Mr, and Mrs, W, Vila Sie and Mrs. Niche, Wr, and ; oh, | Mr, rs, J, s, Mr, Miss. Mart i Sack, Mr, dim Mot. 'D, Cranfield, Mr, and Mrs Ross /. cock, | hag Wy oS "nT! Me, and Mrs, ¥. Simpson, Mr, Smith, Mr, and Mrs, R, Skiteh, and Mrs, Mrs, Il, McBride, Mr. Mr, and Mes, P, A Hall, Mr, 8nd Mrs, G, Drynan, Mr, and and Mrs, G, Baisdon, Mr, and Mrs, FP. Mrs, G, A, Taylor, Mr, and Mrs, ?, 3 D, Barnes, ' Mr, and Mee, B, Mowatt, Mr, Ji ERSTE SE BY) and Mrs. P, Milosh, Dr, and Mrs, Stephenson "Mr, and Mrs, W. V, H, Vollmer, Mr, and Mrs, J, Bola: lar boo =' 4 hood, Mr, and Mrs, W, TAY, "se "and Mrs. C, Larmer, Mr, Mr, and Mrs, G, Paxton, Mr, and | oa" srs "1 Andrews, Mr, snd Mrs, J. A, Cameron, Mr. andar 3% Gray M nd Mrs, J Mrs, R, Gray, Mr. a rs, J, M.A L Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Horrowdale, Mr, and Mo. |) 3 . Mitchell, ' + © AlOgden, Mr, and Mrs, R, er, Powell, on Sater Mr, and Mrs, R, Patte, Mr, and Mr, and , J. W, ,IMrs, C. ¥. Lancaster, Mr, Mr, and Mrs, H, 8. Sliter, Mr, Mrs, W., R. Hambly, Mr, and and Mrs, J, Kent, Mr, and Mrs, Mrs, J, Swan, Hayward Murdoch, Mrs. L, Short, Mr, and Mrs, R, Laing, Mr, Mr, and Mrs, R, J, Giles, Mr, and Mrs, J, Stewart, Mr, and and Mrs, 1D, J, Crothers, Mr, and| Mrs, 8, Denton, Mr, and Mrs, R, Mrs, H, B, Armstrong, Mr, and ¥leming, Mr, and Mrs, W, Little, Mrs, J. Janeios, Dr, and Mrs, A, Mr and Mv, A. Havin, il | Halam-Andres, {and Mrs unders, Dr, a (Mrs, R. XK. Miller, Mr, and Mrs Mr, and Mrs. 7, Alker, Mr, and |" ' Mrs, E Armour, Mr. and Mrs WA Reed, Mr, and Mrs, W N. Ward, Mr. and Mrs, H, Kinski, 1/08 . Mr, and Mrs, RR, Donald, Mr, and| °* To ard Mis, J. Timer: br Mrs. M. Rosebrugh, Mr. and Mrs and Mrs ) gy RA Dl DE, Sager, Mr, and Mrs g, | Mrs 8. Roblin, Mr, and Mrs, | Kuntze, Mr and Mrs, Jack Per {Hn, Mal "ay An. ry, Mr, and Mrs, R, *, Curley. |" % : Bt ' Mr, and Mrs, R, Wragg, Mr w A. Bpring, Mr, and Mrs, | and Mrs, W, Baker, Mr, and/M' Kitchen. Mr and Mrs.|E: J. Wilson, Mr, and Mrs, M. H. " | Clayton, M., O, Powell, Mr. and Mrs, T, H.|™\4 Greer, Mr, and Mry, G. G, Cur. Mr. and Mes. T. Brows, Jv ley, Mr. and Mrs, X. G, Suarer, yy" pjger, Dy, and Mr, D, Tang Mr, and Mrs, H, Thompson, Mr. | ois "are and Mrs, M, Mac ond Mrs RJ, Murphy, Mr. andy ooq" Dr, and Mrs, A, Fulton, Mrs, R, Wotten, {Dr, and Mrs, C, Vipond, Dr, and Mra, ¥, H, Webster, wi "and Mrs, 1, Glover, Mr Mr, and Mrs, T, Colling, Mr, and | und Mrg, R, Weeks, Mr, and Mrs Mrs, M, Brown, Mr, and Mrs. ip phillips, Mr, and Mrs, KX, 8, King, Mr, and Mrs, V. Free cuhan Mr, and Mrs, D, Taylor, born, Dr, and Mrs, Jack Lang: Mp, and Mrs, M, 1, Clayton, Mr maid, Dr, and Mrs, R, J, Kim: 4nd Mrs. T. P. Driscoll, Mr, and merly, Mr, and Mrs, G, Walms: ames. W, B. McCullough, Mr, and ley, Mr. and Mrs, R, Wilson, Mt. Mps, R. Nesbitt, Mr, and Mrs, | and Mrs. H. W, Cornish 8 RN. Alger | Mr, and Mrs, J. G, Crawforth,| Dr, and Mrs, 1. L. Cox, Mr Mr, and Mrs, N. Briggs, Mr, and and Mrs, Earl Parry, Mr, and Mrs, N. Raike, Mr, and Mrs, R. Mpg, Bruce Bradley, Dr, and Mrs Pearse, Dr, and Mrs, C, M, Fc, 1, Kell, Mr, and Mrs, D ford, Mr, and Mrs, FV, ¥. Bed | Black, Mr, and Mrs, J. , Elliott ford, Mr, and Mrs, G, D Mor-| Mr, and Mrs, ¥, Lupton, Mr, and gan, Mr, and Mrs, W, J, Mac-|Mps, 8, Hopkins, Mr, and Mrs, Donald, Mr, and Mrs, R, Jack, |W, PF, Eastwood, Mr, and Mrs, Dr, and Mrs, H, Brownlee, Mr. II, Rogers and Mrs, 8. J, Hennick, Mr, and| Dr, and Mrw, A, G. Stocks, Dr Mrs, W, H. J, Hanmer, Mr, and and Mrs, EF, Glazier, Dr. and Mrs, G, 8, Willams, Mr, and Mrs, J, O, Ruddy, Mr, and Mrs Mrs, R, W, Mills, Mr, and Mrs,|G, Whipmall, PERSONALS Mrs, 7, M were sorry to hear that Mis, [a question and answer period ¥. I. Farrow had resigned as was held, He gave some very registrar, The size, shape and good advice to the children about design of the annual report was how to Improve their hockey, discussed, Mr, Grant Shaver thanked Mr Mrs. Wilson repoited that alAttersley, boating committee had been es:| The minutes of the December tablished to assist the Sea Ran: meeting were read by Mrs, Gar gers, The committee 1s composed net Shaver and Mrs, Herbert of: Mr. Charles Templar, of the Maynard gave the treasurer's re. Oshawa Marine Service; Mr, Fd [port Mr, J, D, R. Galbraith gave ward Davis, Sea Scoutmanter; his report and thanked those who Mr. V, Otto, former commodore gave thelr assistance in putting of the Port Perry Yacht Club, [up the school ice rink, Refreshments were served by CANADIAN LEGION AUX, the mothers of Grade 6 pupils * The Ladies' Auxiliary, Cana: under the convenership of Mrs dan Legion, met on Tuesday Willlam Leggott evening, January 27, with the president, Mrs, Herbert Bathe, STORIE PARK AUX, siding Ma go Frank Grant was installed |p. The Annual fasting ol. More ) an uxecuiive pp bY Mi |at the clubhouse on Wednesday ', EB, Vermoen, past president, [gy . T Part of the il i Aho was png i id W Mw TJ Centre Street (West Group) read. An Invitation was received) = Mps Peter Musik read the min. St. George's Guild from Bobcaygeon and Uxbridge ies and the treasurer's repart | Allce Jackson Aux Auxiliaries to visit them, but'yas given by Mrs, Reginald Oth Seout Mothers' Aux these visits will be postponed un: gis. A report on the candy Victoria Lodge, LTH tl weather cenditions are more sais and a banquet was glven by 11th Group Comunittes favorable Mrs. James Hickey [Daughters of Fngland The night of cards will be held | Mrs. Wilson thanked everyone Holy Cross WA, on Tuesday, February 17, Bome gor their help during the year. [Onward Group prizes have been donated and a| Election of officers was held. 16th Scout Mothers' Aux, ood attendance (x hoped for new officers are as follows WEDNESDAY he bazaar will he held on May president, Mrs, Bert Fry; vice:(8.A. Prayer Meeting B. Donations for the VATIOUS | progident, Mra, T. J. Wilson; [Northminster W.A booths will be very acceptable, saaratary, Mrs, Peter Muzik; so- Queen Mary Lodge olal convener, Mrs, James/All Doubles Club Hickey; sick convener and press Circle Eight A reporter, Mra, Harold Cameron, |Rundle Park Aux | rs, Ellis presented Mrs, Wil:[3rd Scout Mothers' Aux {son with a gift Women Teachers' Assn | The meetings are to he held at| Harmony W.A {1.90 In the afternoon in place of (10th Group Committees jhe, evening hi nent freeing 0 Group Committees w w on February 2° Albert Street WMS | Refreshments were served by CP and T Fund Mrs, Hickey and Mrs, Muzik, | THURSDAY Mrs, Wilson won the lucky prize. [13th Scout Mothers' Aux | TOPS Club ST, MATTHEW'S GUILD 50-50 Club | The annual meeting of the Sunbeam Chapter, OFS Women's Guild of St. Matthew's St. George's Eve, WA, Anglican Church was held recent. Pilot Club ly with Mrs. Russell Dougherty Happy Doubles Club [presiding | Calvary Baptist WMS The minutes of the previous Simeoe Street WMS meeting were read by Mrs. Doug: Christ Church Eve, Guild las Hopps who also gave a re. St. George's W.A, sume of the year's activities, [Challenger Group | The treasurer's report for the King Street WMS year was given hy Mrs, G Al FRIDAY CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Mary Street H and 8 Asan, Albert Street H and 8 Assn, North Simcoe H and 8 Asso, Westmount Hl and 8 Assn, Women's Welfare League Gertrude Colpus H and 8 Pleasant Mon, Aft, Club Sunshine Rebekah Lodge TUESDAY Adelaide McLaughlin H and § Dr, C, FF, Cannon H and 8 Queen Elizabeth H aud 8 TOPS Club S.A. Home League Christ Church WA weTy | Kinette Club [Ever Ready Class Soroptimists from the eastern | Mrs, Everett Warne entertain. Canada region are meeting at the ed the executive of the Liberal Hotel Genosha this week end for | Vomen's Auxillary, on Thursday a "special school", Soroptimist officers attending are Governor | Liruary 9 In the recreation room, Nora Paraidge. London, Ontario: | yyy, The Liberal candidate, Ottawa and Dr, Helen Manchest [Me Gorge Dijoan, er, Toronto; Lieutenant-Governor ) vire ta the oon Port Arthur 16 need for ser 0 the com Mary, Lampuhie: Sargent. Peter. MMIty by the association. Pre: borough; treasurer, Stella Shav jst CA No a, Monee, or, Comwall Others from out of Murloss, Mrs. Ralph Jones, Mrs town are Mrs, Ethel ( 1ifton, Bar 0, R, Gay, Mrs, Fred Curtis, Ma} Mim Gladys Cartas in Mrs, Mervyn Allin, Mrs, Gordon i ' Varnum and Mrs, K, C, Shortt, and Mrs, Evelyn Begley, Verdun; Madam Cecile Paquette, Otawn:| plang for the annual "night of cards' to be held on Thursday, Miss Margaret Langford and Mrs, Augusta Thompson, | February 12, under the convener London; Miss Grace Sager and) hin of North Simcoe Home and Miss Phyllis Braund, Peterbor: School Association were formu ough; Miss Allegra Walker and|jnted at a meeting held recently Miss Bess Soutar, Sudbury; Miss at the home of Mrs, Morris York, Gertrude Moore, Miss Lotta Mc general convener, Present were Kollar and Miss Gladys Neale, Mrs, Fred Bigwood, Mrs, Ronald Toronto; Mrs, V. Hall, Mra, H Wragg, Mrs, William Baker, Mrs Upper, Miss Dorothy Fourt, Miss John Lockwood, Mrs, Donald Olive Box, Miss Elsie Ansell, Cranfield, Mrs, Charles Cooper, Miss Grace MacDonald, Port| Mw R. W. Bassett, Mrs, Stan Hope, Miss Jennie Pringle past||ey Lawrence, president of the Oshawa Soropt! | | mts, ia entertaining the out of) You are invited by the Social town visitors at tea this afternoon and Miss Madeline Kelly, Oshawa | Depart to send i any Hale president, will be hostess at a|ltema of interest, News of teas, | coffee party this evening, surprise parties, showers, anni : |versaries and comings and go A meeting of the South District {ngs are always very acceptable Blue and Brown Gulders and t tone witch tare 1a ham Testers of the Girl Guide Asso. And for Which there 18 no charge olation was held at Guide House Please write or telephone RA | TO LIVE IN TORONTO Pletured after their wedding recently in the chapel of On tario Ladies' College, Whithy, are Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Reid Hastings, Mr, and| Lee, The bride, the former Miss | 8 June Audrey McDonald, is the Present Trophies At Banquet Honoring Champion Curlers a Doni a1 C Matoods, oa AE, Gen-| Johnson, Mrs, G, NH, Bonk Sei a The highlight of the banquet hy and. iver tory to, the wit ners by Mrs, Bhmuck, The reeipl ents were Mrs, Fred Mrs, C, H, Jenkin, Mrs, H, A, Tdoyd Oke Tis Gomme Moe Noll wood, Mrs, George C Mrs, J. A, ns, President Mrs, H, A, Lawrence of the Oshawa Ladies' Club made the presentation to the Toronto Royal Canadian Club Rinks, runner-up prizes and Mrs, ®, H, the Northey + hy lo the Catharines Ladies of A '|consolation event, i i TO on, were the" Gravis Slats and of Kingwion " X Flan n dining room of the Hotel osha on Tuesday vening, follow, Ladies' ; awa Ladies' Club, Mrs, H, A, Lawrence; the convener, Mrs, Nell Hezzlewood and het eommit- Ballet Director Quits As Dancer. Club was host at a buffet supper for 170 visitors and members at~ tending the Ontario Tankard held at the Oshawa Curl. RUGS AND LIVING ROOM SUITES Cleaned to Perfection daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Claude McDonald of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lee of Agincourt, ' «Photo hy Astor stud National Ballet of Canada, an. nounped Friday thet she Is quit- (omen, Women's Editor THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, January 31, 195% Jo Aldwinckle, 8 NU-WAY RUG hy ond Corpet Sole appearance in the nine: |} 174 Mery RA 5.0433 |pertvininne run by the National llet this week, Dial RA 3-3474 Cheerful Givers Group Name Officers Mrs, J, D, Tane opened the| regular meeting of the Cheerful Givers group of the WA of King Street United Church held on] Wednesday afternoon, January 2, with prayer The secretary's report was given by Mrs, Norman Wirsching,| The worship service was con ducted by Mrs, Stanley Gomme and Mrs, Douglas Lander read the scripture lesson, Two solos evening, to arrange for the an. Were sung. by Mrs, Bruce Shar |were made: Valentine Tea, Sat [nual meeting to be held on Feb rard accompanied at the plano urday, February 14; World Day by Mrs, Clarence Scott Mrs, Hales Barker thanked conferred | Mr Tane for her work as leader hyterial, 8t, Andrew's United stressed Of the group for two years, Mrs {Church, February 17, Miss Vera William Medland installed the| officers for the coming year as follows: President, Mrs, A. W,| Brown; past president, Mrs, | J, D, Tane; first vice-president, Mrs, Stanley Gomme; second, vice « president, Mrs. Douglas Lander; secretary, Mrs, LeRoy Kellar; treasurer, Mrs, Almond Brintnell; planist, Mrs, Clarence CARINET POST Denmark's first woman eabinet minister, Nina Bang became min ister of education in 1024, MAKE YOUR WEDDING APPOINTMENT NOW Ireland Studio 21 Athol Street West RA 3.3680 Wed, evening, Jan, 28, Mrs, C. M, |3-3474, local 13, Tooley, president, Mrs, George MacGregor, division badge sec retary and Mrs, J, O, Coldrick, south district badge secretgry, as sisted in melting up a schedule for Guide and Brownie tests Guiders were given an opportun Ky to explain, the manner in {which the children were prepar {ed for the various testa, Follow ing the meeting, the Sea Rangers served refreshments HOUSEHOLD HINT Intense cold can damage even hardy cotton by breaking the cotton fibres, So if you launder shirts yourself, dry them indoors [Turton It was noticed that under Christ Church Aft. Aux the splendid leadership of Mrs, [Simeoe Street WA, (Grp, 3), Dougherty the Guild had enjoy In the winter months COMMENTATOR led a busy and profitable year, A short business meeting was Mrs. H. E. W. Brownlee will (held and the newly elected of be the commentator at the [ficors were Installed by the Rev. MOTOR CITY CLEANERS fashion tea to be held at Sim. |erend R. A. Sharp: President, | coe Hall on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs, Jack Edwards; vice-presi-| February 3, under the au. [dent, Mrs, G. A, Turton; secre spices of the Oshawa Lion. (tary, Mrs. Arthur Davey: trea elles, surer, Mrs, Danald Morrison, WINTE NARA NAN PROMPT CLEANING SPECIAL R DRY | STORE HOUR y Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, yl Sundays and Holidays 'PRESCRIPTION \_\' SERVICE ~ PLAIN DRESS or MAN'S SUIT Reg. $1.50, Reduced to . 1.25 Tpm tobpm, PLAIN SKIRT, SWEAT (or Slax), Reg. 75¢ each. Reduced to ER, TROUSERS 65' s | Resa cAI AHEM 0RUGs RESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PROM Pr FREE DELIVERY OSHAWA $30 SIMCOE ST. § PHONE RAS 3546 COSMETICS BRANCH STORN: 184 Simcoe South ' RA 3.7020 8 KING ST E PHONE RA 3 2245 MOTOR CITY CLEANERS ® FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY ¢ MOM Pr FREE 8 KING ST. © Kingston Road Hest PHONE RA 3-2 ot Town Line RA 5.4498 5 KING ST w 317 Brock St. South, Wh OUTSTANDING OFFER ---- Achieve perfect skin heauty with Tusey Balanced "Diet", , , See how dramatically it transforms you, Normal or Cleansing "Diet™ , ,, Olly Skin Dry Skin CLEANSING CREAMS , , , i SKIN LOTIONS COMBINATION DIET", , 205 OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE Pink Cleansing Cream, Bracing Skin Lotion Cleansing "Diet" , , , Emulsified Cleansing Cream, Dry Skin Freshener $1.50 1.28 Rey. 3300... 3 278 Limited Time Only Reg. $3.00 , . Reg, $200, ,,.. DELIVERY S30 SIMCOE ST. § PHONE RAS 3546 PHONE MAS 577, itby Plaza, MO 8-2338 SCHOOL OF DANCING DE. A Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton, Pre school, Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street, Fridays & Soturdays. For 1959 Beott; press, Mrs, Harry Porter; nominating committee, Mrs, Stanley Gomme, The treasurer's report was given by Mrs, Almond Brintnell and Mrs, LeRoy Kellar called the roll, On behalf of the group Mrs, Tane and Mrs, Lawrence) Allen presented Mrs, Wirsehing with a pin and life membership In the WMS, The following announcements of Prayer,' Christ Memorial Church, February 13; WMS Pres. INFORMATION: RA 3.7253 Boyd, Reg N,, and Mrs, C, M, Loveys will be the speakers, ~ NOW! DANCEY'S FAMOUS SELF. © SERVE SHOE SALE will start on Menday, February 2nd ot 10100 am, ond will ond on Friday, February 6th ot 9,00 pm. Prices start ot 49¢, Come eerly for bast selection. v ® NO EXCHANGES ® NO REFUNDS DANCEY'S . .. w oowntown oswawa