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The Oshawa Times, 6 Feb 1959, p. 16

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16 THE GUNAWA TIMES, FAsey, Fobruerwy §, 1797 wie] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [uci 8--Building Trades Li Jiovseheld Repairs | 19--Persona 32--Articles Wanted 37--Male Help Wanted 44--For Rent (44--For Robt E=Accountanis BOW CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting HOD 1 A Jou, RA 58018 for ecarpen y TBieigh riding pariies, PIANOS wi EXPERIENCED} welder on|ATTRACTIVE, furnished rooms & | Tro apart , pr Please Note Serfices offer complet ¥ Ming ang handyman Accommoda rhe 11 Will pay State make And price. [light aluminum, part or full-time, Na-'able in private home, #2 Park Ro od bathroom ancom aeatiment Deadlines now In effect for daerbices for small busine ; - [SEWING "machine repairs in your §r0ups. ¥or information, telephone RA Write Box 301, Oshawa Times _____ |Uonw Aluminum Products Co. Ltd.,[North, 57 p.m. RA 8.6471 heavy duty wire, Apply 820 Sylvia this column; | Hirket West, oom 1, Office A 507; PENT "work, "framing. "iim | home, all makes, 92.80, Call RA 8.4720,(37930 or HA B4 PB! SELLING fumiure, We'll uy it, Re Pickering Phone 38, Pickering, 3b UNFURNISHED two rooms and kit. 7 et RA 5.7886. Call anytime. Mf J Cards of | esldence, MA 3.700% pa ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved. | WAVE you a i "problem? Write 1 hers, pianos, So---------- m-- ~ | chenette, builtin cupboards, with sink, (THRE - room apartment and bath, Births, Memorioms, YALE, Friedlander, Hunter and [Alterations and repairs No Jobe 100 GUN Tocal chimney cleaner, hip: Alcoholics Anonyinous, Box 249, Osh. e Vor offer, contact reasonable, Phone RA 5-644 (heavy duty wiring, central Park Bou- Thanks = Brie drine shad Will P| i i00 "smal ork guarantesd. | End Teraired, kn Linings mn. Awa Times 19 Prince Street, Phone RA 81131, 16 TO 19 ™wo rn "single room, with /€3ad: now available, 365 a month, RA 9 AM. SAME DAY | Trustes In Bankruptcy, 84 King Breet | stalled, furnaces vacuumed, Free esti 21--Personal Service SELLING furnifure or cleaning | cooking privileges, central, two m 5304 g nt HS | East, Oshawa; B, L, Fale, CAs 1. |mocxwoor" Tnmiiation, | blowing het mates, HA 3.2007 your basement? You will get your LARGE CANADIAN FIRM | utes walk to four corn Phone RA TWO furnished hou pi DEA WY DAY Friadiandat. B. Comm. CPA (oda. is mutsrls ana WOstimater, | {Rooms papered, $8 up, Painting, gyp- SEWING machine repair And "service, | highest price when you phone RA 5.8131 | 37237, 138 Celina Street 26( |Rround floor, privat nirance, 1AM, SAME 8, 7, HOPKINA and Compas Cried odes) [roc appiled, sealed seamless, hone to all makes, Eins, HA 5 The Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Simcoe REQUI RES NEW six . room bungalow, oil heat,|" nd children by the day. RA 8-125 ant DIAL RA 3.3492 ublie Accountants, 172 King RA 37207 BABY sitting Bureau can --suspiy re. | Street South, | close to school and bus. Finished rec "roofing # poly |¥oom, For information, call RA 3.2629 | THREE bright rooms, sink and cup Last, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 5.3500, [ALL a dwelling repairs, 4 ared | liable experienced women far baby sit |WANTED--ski boots, size 6 siding, plastering And repairs, Chim: CHESTERFIELDS rebulll, recovered y y ait. | 4 "size boards In xh onen i GTI, So, hy PAY. Mores 4 tes | UNE: A180 to eure for children or elderly skis. 6 (t, size and 6%, AR ps N 264 | Doards itchen, outlet and pri- MONTWIT, Monteith, Wiehi and Co. nays, new and repaired. Dial RA 8.0304 like new, Why pay more? Our rates Unk: Also to chre for children or elderly skis. TWO YOU G TWO Thies Tov soaime a Jicae, driveway. Adults preferred." Phone | Chartered Accountants, leensed 'Trus Gordon May |are reasonable, Latisfaction ( aran.| T THS- | toes, Ajax, Oshawa, Biratford, Toronto: bo | Tea Toon iow. ies soli [1100 Mattresses tobutlt. Oshawa Up. Sosbie fates Mrs. R. 8. Ditngy, RA | meemmmmmmm-- | AMEN TO TRAIN [piv 615 oxford sireet ema [Mon J. W. Monteith, FCA A, B, Mon. PO that astoring, | waterproofing, holstering Co, 10 Bond Streer West, 7} ice Noun, iowa th Bin NEWT - TWO furnished rooms, basement, sult teith, B, Comm, CA} G, W. Riehl, CA; |" ry Jastenng, TA 89108, DIal KA 5011 0 pm. to 7 pm. Closed Thursday CEDARDALE CW Iarge, four . room and od working couple, RA 51520, of Hi all bullding repairs, - (aitornpons. Must be of ood appear- [basement apartment, Targe windows, | - -- terre ~ 9 Pp private hating and entrance. Must be frou R.- fom Dhsement apartment, ree piece bath, separate entrance, | "AiG p -- RN, F. Lightfoot, CAiGieorge W, Trath TRNITURE Wed 7) rr L , CA, 27, 198 cos street | ALL plumbing and heat supplies FURNITURE repaired and re-upho A... ; owey RA 53527, 135 Nimcos street vl [] \ 1Ad,, |#tered. Bee our materials for re.cover SCRAP ance, ambitious and will- [seen to be appreciated. Phone RA| ey lice, bah, separate etratre, , NATON = M nd Mrs Robert 1 CRA ron A oy North, Oshawa Phone RA 5:3521, Harold 8, Hi ing, Bruce NR. Dalton, 75 Charles Eas JANE BLACK Slenderizing IRON METAL LTD, ; geen, UA block irom Sh "Ea on ILE Cranston (nee Ann Donevan) wish . plumbing, heating and Aneinaering, 235 p of nounce the birth of A son, i |WERGER FRANKEL AND CO A RA 3.7212 ; ing to travel, N . Yebruary 5, 1050, at the Kingston Hos (countants and vou, 104 K in P Simeon Street prund i . id" Tepairs 15 Instruction Studio, Slendurizing, Reduc- IRON i: METAL S i 3 ° Yipes unfurnished, a X00 "Toa! enn as al [Htreet East, RA 3.0 FIRST class Jlasterin an BR » AP enc n ry. 0 i REAVY RNISHE| keepipg front ; Te A ing, Steam Bath end Mas PAPERS : : RAGS e ecessary PPYY | wiring, tile floors, cupboards and. sink with refrigerator, as eT we | Phone MA 5870 i FAIRMART = Michael and Marion 7 [MARVEY Dance Academy Baton, tap.| gage. 451 Simcoe St, South, Tuesday, Wednesday and |!" Kichen, private bath, Separate en.|cupboards, hot and cold water, clothes DECORATIN ol sign painting or A Royal Academy hallet, Highland, Reg) Y, y ir d (nee O'Dwyer) are happy to announce | 'm) ' s PEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY « and TV outlet, Adults only RA (closets, TV lead-in, private entrance. the arrival of Mary hranoes on Wad LEO GOODMAN terations. Disl RA 8.0225 or RA i ster now 424 King West. RA 86122 Ra 5.9602 for Aupeinimen; OPEN § th 5.3432 Thursday 9.30 to 11.30 [#554 261 {184 Beatty Avenue nesday, Vebruary L] 6 Osh. TUTOR, student counsellor, 13 years' en 10 a.m, m A »i , "he - awn General Hoapital. A ober Jor CHARTERED experience. Appointment only, Call! Pp Ld co -- RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 and 3 30 to 5.30. Kings- oom heated, hot waier, uit two hl] Am Sungilow: TH Pats, Michael and Charles, Mother ACCOUNTANT GRAVEL RA 51054, ; 100 ANNIS STREET Motel, 695 K [PURNISHED sieep) {dny, Weekdays after 4. Immediate pos. baby doing fine, lB Coleas View A v PRIVATE tencher, student counsellor, VENETIAN BLINDS FREE PICK-UP way Motel, ing Sf. [plenty of hot "waters cenirals abstain. "#100. One or two children welcome. A - Mr, And Mrs warden] ollege View Avenue, Toronto |18 years' experience, Appointment only -- -- ba shod dO [A . (ers. 48 Brock Street East, Me ae ws Sn, WEE) "on 5.6121 gh ded Ageigl LL CLEANED | E. Eastern limits of Osh och Sireet Fn a their daughter on Tues son | fine and coarse Per (LILLIAN Mas Marsh, Dance Eduostor Webbing' , February 3, 1050 at the Oshawa f Nancing Het, tap, baton, | Repaired, new cords, tapes, ebbing's Lg Joipitet, - Notar and pavy) | Qe Barristers ood. Be satisfied -- Dial ira iii Oar a Saturdny Free pick-up end delivery Rental Service Forester, Room 14, OR By APP Sp and screens, newly decorated, include doing fine nr. 9 ol 4.728% - ' | ing drapery track, washer, dryer at- WEARER =~ Mr, and Mie, Joryy New {JOM A CANA ON, Barrister, Kollel _RA ".527¢ Le -------- | MASORE ample; RA 3TH. | venation blinds end window TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT (38--Male or Female SINGLE furnished bedroom for busi tachments in kitchen, MO 8.4735, Whit- i w Mr, an ' tor and Notary Public, 104 King Street ®A8 man, In aulet home. Apply 38 Col by 29¢ t ' $ FOR RENT aT ian Ry Ast A 5, ua aud privile mort HAYNES OIL PAINTING odes meds 10 mesnire, x 0 ; | Help Wanted | borne Street West COMFORTABLE room, suitable for Karen Louise, on Saturduy, January 31, 5%¥ ang - BUILDING CONTRACTOR . 282 King St, West OPPORTUNITY for two saies repre.|NEW separate heated apartment, |/dy or geniteman, close to north GM, 1080. at Port Colborne Hospital. A sie JOSEPH P, Mangan, QC, Barrister, £ Clas CANADIAN RA 5.4873 sentatives with initiative for nationally |€lose to school and bus, Phone RA reasonable, Call RA 8.1072 20 tor for Marlyn, Diane and Bobby Holieor, Money \o loan. Otfled 164 pn, guperts, Old loom | -vening Llasses 9 | advertised product, Bales experience 9627 after 5, 504 Dunkirk MODERN, three - room well - contained shawa 92) ' \ preferred not esse. v ' 4 Residence, NA 5.3408, made like new. Hardwood | Radio Park Clubhouse WINDOW SHADE |. Ample Parking B0711 before 5.90 or MOhawk 8.4035 heed EO Arrtriant With hath; Brarenent. Avallaie Februnry 18. 25 00) h "| or tiling. Carpenter work al after hours, -- EW. tri - level home, three bedroo | NEW bungalow, three bh ¥ t awa Highway No, 2 Mr, (furnished. oi] heated ® Aarunms, poaie | and dining "room, close fo Hillcrest |Hchoo! aerial, aluminum storms DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister IRKPATRIC | c | iRoom | wniral (SELF - contained, three - room DEATHS [and soleltor, 20 King Kirest East terations. Kitchen cabinets M. J. KIRKPATRICK 68 KING ST, WEST EXPERIENCED telephone solicitor for | oii Bg Some. Raitd Sena; ment, refrigerator and stove supplied, Telephone ness, RA 8.0501; Reni | our specialty | Artist Teacher | RA 8 0151 appointment, Phone Mr, Fulton at RA Eigin Street East ¥ man. 102) in apartment building, RA 53-8160. 20f dence, RA A.bY7 . £119 n 80351 1] | 0 RA 5.3138 AFTE 7 - . . -- we TWO clean, furnished roo heat, TWO unfurnished rooms and kitchen, CNL 3 + Robinson MANNING © F, "SWARTZ, ~ Warrisier, GALL RA 3-7196 - - RIE TVR SCRAP AND POULTRY NEATLY dressed, reliable omen Lor lights, water, frig "and Move, Damn completely furnished; close to buses, CHAMBERL ' Argare OWIneOn | Koljeltor, Notary, Money to loan, Asso a i wom With references an relerably lin kitchen; ahstainers only; immediate | Apply 206 King Street West of At the Women's College Hospital, T0.| ijste, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry PAINTING AND \Us ra truments 2 adio epoirs I. TURNER some wales experience for ~ delivery. possession. Apply 224 Bruce Street. 271 COTTAGE. 1 lara or fonto, on Thiruday February 8.100. lock, 2614 King Street Ent, KA 34007, 3 : : IV TOWERS completely installed, | Ful ar Barviime, Aly 1) BOIS ONLY | Tutmahed IOusRRsSTIRg Tosa. lteds OI Bennie Sn oonier Margaret Robinson (Noble Grand Fas idence, Dial RA 3.4020 y year guarantee, $6450; no bolts, no * J ng Hires su " Ho ! wd i tor Rebecca Lodge No, 950, Plekering), [oh ence: TIA DECORATING ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES riveis, all welded. All channel aerials RA 3 20 Near Shovping Centre, Phone RA 5.4373 | line, RA 8812) 00 weloved wife of 'William Harry Cham: CREIGHTON, Vraser, Drynan and Specialists In flooring Hard V 1G SL I fiom $20.98: easy terms. Kelly TV, RA - . or 107 Fernhill Boulevard 21 LOVELY bedroom for gentleman in neriain, Windsor Drive, North Picker. Murdoch, Barristers, Nolicitors, Notary| PEC/@erd (8 HE EEAd It and Used Pionos 50121 ELL OVER PHONE [rou I: room self-contained Apartment, private home, 444 Fernhill Boulevard ing Village: dear mother of Ronald, Public, Bank of Commerce Building, 8| wood, Sanding, © | Ing Nau 4" Used ' , (collect) wly decorated, three-piece bath, one RA 3.7070 f Wendy and Robert) dear faughter of Simcoe Street North, WA 3.3446; 71 Wall and Floor Tiling, Free lew ar ) 11] Ly 1ALIZ) BD 14d | ° Jd vision - Desk space ond phone pro- hid come, Phone RA 54490 21 - , Mobinson and the Iate Creighton, QC) N, C. Fraser, QC) , . | tion of all in ary ir HR nampaon, [ y hours LARGE f Hrarien Robinsoni oar sister of Mob [reiuhion, 9 1. Murdoch, NHA mors.| estimates Full sele ball instruments jas giiiot Street, Call MA 3.9792 vided, Work the hours you (#40, = Central Oshawa, completely pri. |jady Willy cooking pins Big A ort of Highland. Creek and John Robin: | gugon arranged RA 3-9206 477 Simcoe Street South 2 CARS WANTED | yn, Experinnce DO Cah: | Copla anly aint Foun, kiichen Jollel,| Warren Averive son of Calgary, Nesting at the new " EC - | sary, e show you how in ouple only, Apply 149 Celina Street or Re -- fiam EK, Sherrin Funeral Chapel, No, 2[UREKER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar. «=== T.V. AERIALS {20 mindtes, 2 yo ok phone Whithy MO 8.3606, 28¢ THREE - room apartment, complete. Plokering (Just east of Har. risters, Solioitors and Notaries Public, tr Fun, Popularity and Success € FOR WR ECKIN | We LP borrier VIVE " lv furnished. in new home. Suitable for g North. Ajax) until 12 noon |6 King Street East, RA 54717, Russell JACK C. MacDONALD TRY DANCING g 50ld and Installed If you are over 21, Hi Para apartment, stound floor {two Indies, Phone RA 8.1729 2¢ Saturday, thence to Bt, George's Angli-|J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald PAINTER & DECORATOR 3 Moved and Repaired Phone Mr. Stelz, The Queen's |formation eall RA 5.2389, | | 201 (BRICK house, upper (Int, may be subs p h, Plekering Village, for fu y in Actual y. rie p. " ¢ & ' ean Church, Piekerin MR tirdny |Z To SALMERK, BA, Barrister, Soll t 2011, aerial, $29 and up. Scrap iron and metals Hotel, TU 5.5737, Port Hope, [AVAILABLE Moreh 1 Witcher wi ol heat, tw bathrooms, central, neral service at 2.30 pm, vitor, ete, 19% Simcoe Street north ) n \ | ~ February 7. Interment adiofning come: BIN GES 0% SHIRT colldence, "Ra | Poperhanging and Painting # GO DANCI! G ROLLAND T.V. bought. Call Monday, Feb. 9th after 11:00. |utave and "ire, dining ara, Tare tery, Casket will he open In ehureh seer, Gyptex Alt One n RA 3 4849 ' am. for on appointment [ins Joon large bedroom with { fee ) 4 \ : " 18, all. | until commencement of servic DOWNAN David 1 Baveistor--ol: Free E stimates AR TH IR Mi IR OA Y a SHAW 31 Fog Fp plentre | FIRST IN OSHAWA 8.3815 Il Werk Guaranteed Al aT} [XY GAR R = En nier fp rest in| itor, 34 Simcoe South, RA 5.0802, Resi A | 5) STUDIOS 5.1977 or RA 8 bot | oumava General Hotpt Tags: dance RA S034 50 Nomou 5t. RA 3.7080 Va: Simeon § A 8.1681 | T.V. AERIALS -- T.V REPAIRS RAG & METAL 41~-Room and Bourd wu (BIICOE NOI Toi a Term) SPociol. sell-contoined: new uy A ona of Mey I pif MeGIRBON and Bastedo, Barriaters, n - - All-channel antenna, rust. ROOM and by i¥ Jover a . "eek | apartment, all conveniences, Call RA| bachelor's apartments in a ADS (Solicitors, Clients' funds available for yroof material j one. Apply 253 Quebec Street|5.6343. 9 a.m Apap : . father of Mra, idward Wardhaugh Gol F000 lll 90 Simeon Strest - \ f ) loff Park Rosd South AH very good location, available tt Mellaville, Mrs John Haw D . TER | LEARN TO DRIVE [20 ft. $24.00; 30 ft, $34.00 | APARTMENT on MN arguerite) of Raterborough, Wil. North, RA 3336, Charles C. MeGib 0) & SOU $7 $ ; RA § 231 | ROOM and hoard for Kentiernen, §00d (rooms, three piece Lath stave." eur April 1st ? r ¢ / f antenna $65.00; Towers Toa ehee, 1d: bon, QCi Edgar ¥. Bastedo, QC | A DAPPER y/ tor antennc J | meals, single beds. 252 Arth tred Gardiner, La Tuque, Quebec PAINTS WALLPAPE SCHNEIDER'S $54.00 89 BLOOR STREET EAST : me Ia, hy 2 rthur Street, | erator, fIDaERle snirince. on Muuod Write Box 409, ward Gardiner, Nelleville, George Gar (nUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Warristers,| PAINTINE & DECORATING i 5 diner, Peterborough and brother of olicitors; RN, D.. Humphreys: QC, CONTRACTORS Oriviva. Sei ' LEN & LOU'S T.V. OPEN SATURDAYS (TWO "rooms for gentlemen oF coupis | 2c Oshawa Times Mrs, John Grant (Maude) Belleville, |G", Boyehyn, BAI W. A hemes - > riving Scho RA 5.7844 without children. Central, close to south |ONE or two Kiris (0 share Apariment . ; senrl) Belleville » Boa yn Pl CA " "his Bre, An ot es A L] bp For free gstimotes call Olive A hawe r Bowmanville MA 3.3942 35--Employment Wanted oa ae er onal 7s 00m APet | Ra" ir " ih la i |45--Real Estate For Sale 0h year, Nesting at the Armatroni wpithy, MO 8.2761, Money to loan | Days MO 8.5231 | wen AM AVAILABLE every morning, have ROOM and board J 5.5322, 9 30 p.m z Junarat Home, Silawa, with memoria WoPRUCE Affleck. DA. Barrister and | y . l RA J | PARKW T food Sue ation, drive, personality and | 001 wy board Ro Aaneman, Hote Livi lous and bright three room, un LOT, on College Hi il; 40120, sewer and ta bm. interment Oshawa Union [Holistter 4" Park' Moad south, RA| Evenings RA 5.7426 [T6--Tnsuronce R AY TELEVISION {model ear, RA sara. M' '\e privileges, garage. RA" 5.7754 LL Er Rab Ml La Pn de yp ree ety Demetery . en ER and Kelly, Darristers, Soiion | 107 Byron St. 5. Whitby |aiiwsans Auto insurance: Have up to ELECTROMOME, [BOOKKEEPER accountant i [ROOM "and board. Apply "235 Bruce | parking. RA 3.9634 2 Hot water heating. six larfe 1ooms, ne per cent, nine months to pay. For RCA. VICTOR, ADMIRAL, (Part : time employment, Fully experi. Street. RA 8.1120 30 ONE furnished room, cooking privil. | Oh Karage, nowly decoraled, hard. ¢., 74 Simcoe Sireet Roun. Dial | Toy h . J rpenin rvic |enced in preparing financial statements | ROOM, bos - eges vil: [wood floors throughout, large lof, with Residence photesi J. M.| Sha pe 9 Se e ROOM, board optional, in private e8es. Apply 621 Olive Avenue, RA 8.6033 | ("0% Ci Ch nte possession in [WA 27 raonal service our home, eall RA MES "HOLS GERROW FUNERAL Greer, BA, 30, HA 3348 terence ¥ I" = (ral [ WESTINGHOUSE and Jneoma oy Mratos. Wiite Box 448, home, Single or to share, Central J1eiNarth Oshawa, $12,700 with terms. RA CHAPEL Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8.5032; i Punean R| | The finest in television and mes 29( | Phone RA 3.9231 300 [NEAR OCVI, hospital and IT pan aw $12, RA Phillips, B. Comm., RA #1 SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! | RT tomer to Loan oivice [RELIABLE lady" desires Housework.| ONE single room; 88 & week, 358 Park ATEE OUT = Too PAR TEnL Pot i Ju The finest service at JOUN 4. MesBONALDL 8A, Snvisier| CLIENTA money to (oan on first mori( 918 Simcoe N.--RA 3.3043 {partime. Prope NA 3.1505 30¢ | Road South « |bath-and_ entrance, $85. RA 5.9870 0 1 a u 0m " - 3-3 9 0 finest service o and Solicitor, 101 Simeon Street North | qo oy complete outomatic [Rate Mo ie} 10 loan oy lest mort . | VADY offers day care to children in| BEST in (own, single eds. si modern FOUR + room apartment, furnished or| Corner store selling moderate prices. Thon Jie Yast} i "Nia nortgages arcanged. | her own home, Phone RA 59043, 30f| conveniences, close to south RA unfurnished, in apartment house, close confectionar ice THOMAS M. KUNDLE, Barrister, Boil | @rinding equipment In Osh [Ereiehion, Fraser. Dinan and. Mor . A CF RELIABLE lady would like to do baby | 5-442. Apply 538 Lorraine Street, |. J0WR town, adults preferred, NA nary, RA 8. 6226 tor and Notary Tublie ne ad Kin | owa for sharpening Hand. |doch | FAST T.V. SERVICE | mitting, five mornings per week, in thelr | KOOM and board, hom oked - - (8 5.4369, dof cream, tobacco, meat - >) Ne CO i ee 3%0 King 5 ot West is. | saws, Bondsaws (metal end [FIRST and wecond ~ mor(kage, "4 ale] From Ato Z home, or ironing. Phone RA 33540: clean ncoommodailon, Phone RA 5.3710. | HAR E Jovely rooms and ba th. newly | and groceries with five GREER, Murphy and MacDon [agreements purchased and sold, Hen ROOM and board. close to four corners IAwn: PACKING space, near bus stop rooms living quarters. itera, Solicitors And Notaries Public, ) . 0 §, 3 s | \F sors, 3 . SE AT RA var Nusa] Wood), Lawnmowers, Skates, mick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Guaranteed expert job 36--Female Help Wanted (37,00: Good European meals, KA ii ERY month everti |. Good basement, Owner | 60 or 29 Elgin Street East, For Funeral Flower J. Murphy And James A. Macbonaid, | ete. STAN'S SHARPENING [*iree! East RA 3 Fer \ : Arrangements . - ' CLIENTS monies avallable for f rat CLERK ~ Typist required for inter. Close UR. room Apartment, upstairs, in poor health, Fine for 9 RALPH 8, JONES, BA, and Thomas H SERVICE, cor King & Burke, [and second mortgages, Mortgages and! CALL RA 8- 5286 esting position. Must be able to meet ROOM aid board for gentleman. Tio |n Ah decorated, south end of city, one, young couple Write ' Greer, Associate Barristers and Solicl agreements of sale purchased. Apply |the public and handle cash efficient] 1 or two.child family acceptable. RA LEWINGTON'S Jor 4908 | RA 3.3224 ME Swarts, Marriner and Notary] OSHAWA ELECTRONICS (fw Bubiic and handle cash efficiently 3.3101, (3200 Shan sic] 603 Oshawa Times. FLOWERS | tors, 68 Simcoe Street South Mortgage loans available [Puntic, ants King East, Oshawa, RA {Oshawa Times ROOM and hoard for two gentlemen Rl -- 18 J 4607 ee W h 4 vy ONE furnished room for one girl or| 4--Dentists {11----Business Opportunities 23 omens Column. YoUNa ~ woman far inch conte, [ith Italian family, Apply 248 Verdun|,n"iady, Apply 620 Simcoe Street ---- - SPECIAL = heat permanents, $6.50; excellent wages, paid holidays, conge i / -------- | NOIh 3 " - JOSEPH hone RA 6211 = RA 8.6212 pra, 1. ACIUK. Office hours § to 6 5 c old 5.50 P, | } 3 ) rm -- . y ( le waves, $5.50 Page Ha g [1a] working conditions. Apply tio ROOM and board for gentlemen, con. |wwo © 24 King St. Eost, Oshawa [Open evenings by Appointment. 250 DELIVERY WORK MORTGAGES AND 100 Pine Avenus, A 53363 Bar-Be-Cue, Park Road Souths Unuous "hot water, home DHVIISEOS. | mint, far amumie ormpiore with move BOSCO (2 doors from Karn's Drug Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5.222) $300 monthly income for | AGREEMENTS OF SALE 20Mariot Bashet side, : 70 [Apply 241 Ritson Road South 31 | vefrigerator, use of phone, good wash. | MARRIED woman, between 35, neat [ROOM and board with Dutch family,!ing facilities. Between hospital and BROKER Store i art-time deliver \d collec- ) | 5--=Nursing Services pal ie dally Ys of g co se First ond Second Mortgages Potatoes, Apples and tur.|!n Appearance, for part-time" work in single beds, 371 Elizabeth Street or town. 25 Brock Street West, RA 8.2879. | -- - s---- ons. ust have car or ligh greoment of Sale " Ritson Road North, RA [Snack bar, evenings and weekends. phone RA 5.1632 af a RA 5-9870 d and 4 i: ps truck, Must have $1,600 cosh | bouch \d and arranged on EX: 2020, J. KE. St. Thomas A 8.0970 : 20¢ ONE three . room And one {wo-room RIAM ANDEN Reply giving name, address, bough: wid Jed oo [EXPRRIENCED Te gai secretary re. 43--Wanted to Rent apartment, at 822 King Street East, un LUXURY " and phone number te iy ar Ye ul} 25--Pots and Livestock |quiredy For appointment, RA 5.5501, | - nme | furnished, hot water heated, hot and| 3 281 | TWO « bedroom, self contained, un-| oq wa supplied, wired for heavy WITH A CAPITAL L ING HOME § 90s, $2,000.00 : NURS BOX 504, OSHAWA TIMES dmmar. Lo! | WEAUTIFUL Daby budsies, ready for furnished - apa 4 i . A 3 N partment for occupancy ty stove, at bus stop, parking space 304 ond ur training, talking strain Apply Mrs GLE: cashier, single, references To: | Ani" 1 preferably With stove and Fe. |oucianie For Information; phone. W $23,400 an award win- --- vi r 1 - pr 1 HanER 18 loving memory os Has now Instclled a modern a ---- OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE Broad, 14 Elgin Street East | quired, Apply 909 Simcoe Street North, frigerator, Must be within immediate Gordon Bunker, RA 5.5373 ab ning design bungalow asad away February 6, 1085, fire detection ond alarm sys. CORP. LTD [ron wale German Shepherd, 12| occ - Walking distance of Rew Oshawa Times | yoyo oqm~ apartment, down finest area. Two Peaceful be thy rest, dear father, | tem. {ot the added. protection BUSINESS COUPLE I wooks old, $25, Phone RA 8.5808. 30f | Li woman for Jeneral office bull ne, ing treat East, Write Box [town with all furniture including telev! n ines e wor Must be an experienced typist 446, The hawa Times [sion, $100 monthly or $80 unfurnishe % bathrooms, attached 3 It 1a sweet to breathe thy name 112 Sim t, N., Oshaw i ife lo l of It tient 4 2imcoe v awa BOARDING, trimming, bathing, "de [and stenographer. Apply in own hand A Bh 4 we oved you dearly, f its pati he WANTED | Mam A ey fleeing. Waubena Kennels, RA 5.6321, |writing, stating qualifications and ex. PACHELOR apartment or light house. [RA 88180 spacious main Be a0 the Mame : vd 3nos DACHSHUND [perience to W. Gordon Bunker, Busi. Keeping room. Private entrance, Area iyyyy™ room bungalow, Available for gorage, Si ghterinlaw Ann, daughter Anne | ANDEN NURSING HOME Business couple to purchase plonship Wook, Tour bg Lake ness Administrator, Board of Educa Rg fos Teiteen Wea immediate Seeupancy heat asp i tloor den or rec. room, tion ald and public school, east en fireplace, spacious din- remembered by son Bil and | | J n take © 1G/ ot P Yo! feniaden Am | (Licensed) Ie To nett nah food | MONEY AVAILABLE [yew "Reulevard." Pickering "seach, 0. i "| Whithy MO '8.3688 a r 5p WEST > ig Ay 80. eh Akt » UNIQUE l¥wWo partly --iunished homekeeping| ning room, 3: nice size ARTYN «= In loving memory of a KING ST ; i . "R Rother And Sramimoener Fra] Excluties Mursing home. for lished with high net profit TO HOME OWNERS |26--Farmer's Column REQUIRED APARTVENT. STUDIO rooms, Aink, use of washing machine | bedrooms decorated to | \ . .9 !Apply 48 Drew Street, 3.4152 a 4 Martyn, who passed away February 6, Owner retiring 1949 | convalescent and elderly peo- Up to $3,000 tor any good [MAY for sale, 40c. per baie, W " . 4 21 your taste complete al- We mention your name and speak of| ple. (Men ond Women), Box No. 506 purpose, including down pay- |Eyemann, Courtice, R Asam of ACCOMMODATION DESIRED (12% uminum sto ht s and you often, Nurses ond dieticians In h , . > 7 " { | God bless you, dear Mom, you Are Oshawa Times ment on. home, payment of [WELL service Walls Sleknta, wi na PERSONABLE | Must be unusuol or offer de- | Five room brick bunga- screens, numerous never forRonen attendance Tray service, existing mortgage, consolida- |deepened; well [RA 8.0304 Oshawa velopment possibility, Inter- low, with recreation other extras. Lovingly remembered by daughters radio, T.V lounge | ¢ tion of debts or purchases of Gladys and Margaret, son.inlaw Jim ' . : * DEAD | tock v G Y SUdsy aa aTEATel a |6--Optometrists any kind, No penalty for pres Fis [arm stock picked up prom iy YOUN LAD hed » ory term laste room, to years old, on $880. DOWN ave dog case write Box | Jasper Avenue near gh : { | payment, bonus Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone MIEPHARD w In loving memory of (GM. TUCK, Optometrist, specializing 1st friendly servic . WARD -- In loving memory of|€ 1 TUCK. Gniameirv. snecaiiing START For f riendly service call |27--Fuel Wood 20-35 447, Oshawa Times Cedar. Possession im- Ten fertile Voit Li waste lan "our miles 29% mediately. Bus at door 9 on y February 6, 1050 Klasses, KEveings, Mon, Wed, Fri, 68 s Kreatest gift, remembrance. |IAVAlIdN examined at hems. RA 8.6143 IMMEDIATELY SEABOAR D WOOD cutting by bur saw and chain ¢ id I VT 1 Is. Al «Lovingly remembered by husband Disney Bldg, 31 King Fast PART TIM oT DI I CANADIAN LTD saw Snow plowing. Phone RA 8.9727 onsideration wi be |44--For Rent Call Pat O'Donnell RA excellent roads so and family hy dB . i) Af A m---- - 23 es m - 7--Surveyors £ STEADY F 1% meee Street South 30--Lost and Found given to applicant who |LIGRT housekeeping room. use of re.| 5-6713 or RA 5 6544 4% acres same loca [DONALD WH, TROLLOPE, Ontario Land| DELIVERY WORK IN RA 5.1121 | LOST i J 'a wate i GY aoxated, Phone BA 29) tony ond terms »n Surveyor, 216 Alice Street RA 8681 T (Formerly Bellvue ! n th Ana, Ril of No is adept at figures and 4130 gr apply 30 Figin Street Ent. ght | Ie " , 28 § [ Y v Lithi oe lust: me 9 ------------------ | CARD Or THANKS T. MORTON and Associates, On HIS AREA 8 Mort Phone or write C. Smith, Newtonville, who has a pleasing hid urn, TO ne otis ONE BEDROOM | A tarto Land Surveyors, Professional Kn No sell | a---Mor! gages Ont, or phone 812 Clarke Mb )| Aig Ph ae aan N Hineoring, 70 Harwood Avenue. SOuin, selling. Age or experience tor, private entrance, Apply 214 Cadi) | tan leather case, vieinity of Athol and REE " Ajax. Phone RA A012) not important, Car or light | B -- ay rt ley Basu, noate | F. 4 DONEVAN d Associates, | truek 4 $950.00 cash Lindy and second mortgages and pur. 310 CL LMC ay: February 1. NA THY room basement apartment, . Real Es A ad rind) My inaere |} d wh ssociates, Land ruck ana . cash re. chase of agreements of sale, Louis § | L 3a WRITE BOX 505 | heated, hot and cold water, three piece ea state anks and gratitude to their many Surveying and Fngineering, 12 Bloor | d. Could handled Hyman, QU, 17 King Street East, Osh'? y bath Close to Shopping Centre. Apply Immediate possession, elec friends for cards, visits and Kindnesses Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA| Quire ould be handled by [,0a "KA 34011 oN M | - ~ e hown | ny ways d Mrs. | 5.5632 . A a 31 --Articles For R OSHAWA T ¢ 10 King Street West MW yically equipped, best loca: 43 BOND ST. WEST TE (liny Way uri Nor | someone presently employed MONEY available for first and second ---Articles For Rent H A TIMES SWALL Store. good" DUSBENY corore; . | cally eq i | i DA Ef 8--Building Trades Write Box 443, The Oshowa [Mortgages Reasonable rates. Fixed | ELNA rentals, RA 5.3301, Straight| 30¢ | With three or four rooms living accom tion. Buckingham Monor. RA 5-0429 WE sincerely Wish 10 thank All these | Times Drokbenge fee. Lyndewood Investments, [Stitch and Zig Zag -- [37 modation Close to South GM, bus stop RA 8 8676 BAR BUSINESS who were su kind to us while we were PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, | ' Biooklin 303 201 --Mal at door. Apply 274 Pacific Avenue. 28f { . 3 CK SUSINESS we 290 o Help Wanted --- L , from G.M. North Plant atients in Oshawa General Hospital fixtures, news and used, changing rb our thoughtiulness wan greatly appre: [septic tanks to sewer a specialty |19--Personal DO IT YOURSELF! CAN "earn 8388 "Week for VATL-time | ate bain, hb Te Tl FR ) of fixtures. Real® clated and will never be forgotten. A stallations at reasonable rates Bo "| 12--Dressmakin . YA | work. V for two full time \ . upecial 'Thanks 10. The nursing Mall of mation and estimates free on Any tvpe| po 9 IF YOU are not living a full and happy| with the power tools and [aio CoEhncies Jor tun ful) tiny men oceupaney, $55 A month. 2 iperance BEST ot ii Sickness forces 3A and to Dr. Vipond and Dr. Me of plumbing Dial RA 54241, J. Foley pu KNENARING and alterations, RA lfe because of Tension, Fear, Yiu equipment you con rent at Street, Bowmanville nt $2,000 ==, " mw a tration, a Complex, Hypnotism ean help. | |wANTED young man, 17.20, Grad | Kinney Hilda and Ivy Hopkins PLASTERING and repairs, cement a rms | AINO TOUCH WOLKE, Stop smoking, re.| otan"s Sharpening Service I of better education, interested In hat) a tur nished gy APARTMENTS $1,000 down plastoring, 'waterproofing basements, -- [lieve nervous pains, gain confidence (corner King & Burke) RA [the shoe business. No previous selling Dr'VAte bath. kitchen cupboards, sink. | - alterations, archways, tiling floors > ~Gardening & Supplion |e oe an Tie ta cones 3.3224. Choin Saws; Floor, |tXPericnce mecesary. Sound future fof | So* (0 appreciate, 202 Elizabeth Stree! | REPAIR GARAGE, Service Workmanship muaranteed, A. Woods, iandacaping and garden (Eihnical Hypnosis, Professional Budd pei i * (hard worker, Apply in person to|°ff Louisa, RA 58106 201 | IN OSHAWA Station, Booth. Cor 'Sales Toronto Labor RA R131 lin wna seaded, sodded, for |Ing, 308 Dundas Wost, Whitby. Daily| EF ¢ and: Oscillating | Maher 'shoe Store, Oshawa Shopping [SIX - room ranch style Bungalow with 2 ' N lined, gardens and iawns ploughed, [! + ® pm. Saturday "10 am. 1 pm Sanders: Skill Saws; Electric [Centre 20¢ [attached garage, double driveway, fin-| | new Duplex, design- Fully equipped. vi ready 4 ours or' DRYERS wanted. RA 8838) a \ ) !roto-tilled. Sidewalk wiabs, patio slabs, [IPhone MO #4852 Whithy | Hommers end many other [FULL or part time sulesmen for ap | Shed basement, natural finish wood, to start right in RVersthing tor your carden' RA S300 ra ge rover AR [proved home improvement product |$18.000 full price, $10,000 down. 104 ed for family living, 18 ly $8,500 -- with $2,000 il R X) THAT REMOD NG ! Shirts skilfully ee | SOME knOWlodge of heatin, Somerville Street of A i Counci aps he Eo SLING WI NTER A red. rates for hotels, In| \ | Must he neat Aonearing Ee Ramee NEW iy rat bungalow, In good loca foot living room with y \ stitutions and club tal order' our RENT A FLOOR sve, We will train vou. Good com | an: near achooln ool Rd | picture window, huge KING ST. Elaine apocialty Me Cl 04 Simcoe . | mission. P) ¥ 6041.7 ots / \ : =a Mp Ascians. Mane, Cantors. We wment] o NOER and FINISHER y n. Phone RA 8.6811 250 $95 a month, RA 5.1457 we, kitchen with dining | large modern kite HELP OUR WINTER PPLIE wel Sout Eaton Company , y SU S RA 5.7824 WATKINS RAs ual Able: full or part yMRER rooms. unfurnished; "veason-| grea, and door to sunny | n, living 'room with nots NORK PLAN ICE SALTY . FROM [ me Phone RA 5 #580 able: Young eonple preferred. Plone ' ' n f TORONTO .(CP)-The Torontn WILD BIRD FEED DO-IT-YOURSELF [EXPERIENCED body men for fuil.| "A 81801 after 7 p.m. 163 Ritson R xy balcony. Two wonderful y Hrepioge All Mak gi " . 0 DO 'NM T NO. | SUNFLOWER SF R ) YS S . time or part kK, P ¥ South 3 © down District Labor Council said Thurs.| NO DOWN PAYMEN C ROWN DIAM oD re ELEC OLYSIS HARRISON & KINSMAN ee "i o person to Rows Auto| FRE ~Tobm apartment, Built-in ist sigtet | - Hardwood and tile floors, oil day night the T. Eaton Company BIRD FEEDING © NA Removal of superflucus hair 337 Simcoe St. 5,0RA 3.4425 [Thi SiMeoe Street North, - Brooklin (ounhoards, TV outlet, private entrance oe ' y 3 Garaq Lot 49 x Play rooms, kitchens and BIRD FEEDING STATIONS 157W 3b [26 Slr fo DHSS SAAS This apartment, com- , $13 500 -- $3,000 has dropped delivery drivers amb PIGEON FEEDS | ri urduft will | in f ts staff at St. Cathari cabinets, No job too big or PE FEEDS , . 10.11 - 32----Articles Wanted [MODERN large four - room apart:| pletely electrically rom Hs staff a | atharines; a1 36. months to po Wi MTT ATION WOULD YOU LI KE ment and hath, second floor, stove, io: | ay . MH . . oo! TION: TV radio and record frigerator, automatic washer and dry equipped Convenient | WARREN AVE Six FOO ara Falls to evade col ~ p lective vargaining with the i No. payments till April 30 COOPER SMITH CO Player: Jurmtite: "thols, pimoine Hix er. TV. aerial. Metro Apartments, BAl to public and separate sters Union (CL( pn PHONE OSHAWA RA 16 CELINA ST 1 oppointmer Tres, What fnve. your RA 370 TO LEARN 1471 I soho Shani f brick, all modern convensss |. 20%% 4 b . _- Te Er inl RT Schools, shopping anc iences, 4 ms down, 4-piece Cohn Buchanat. a teakistor 6917 OR AJAX 12664 RA 3.2312 31--Articles For Rent 31--Articles For Rent NEWSPAPER MODERN 2.BEDROOM | transportation: JSnsesi 3 Iogms Gown) isc ai DRIVE NORTH ON WILSON |. contained apartment up, psy agent, tole © cou a ---- : busine agent, told th neil 15--Instruction 15--Instruction { ADVERTISING? APARTMENT RO/ZD NOKIH FIVE | Rent carries house pavments, the two Eaton branches had sub / | contracted thelr deliveries to an 4 : WEBBING S RENTAL SERVICE If you have previous ad- | At 15 Gibbon Street. Imme- BLOCKS NORTH OF KING '| Good garage. Only $1,300 ° other firm After the union was | vertising experience, or diate possession. Adults or | STREET LOOK FOR OUR down certified to represent St. Cathar . with children over 12 SIGNS | " cerited to reprosent 81. Con OSHAWA COLLEGIATE of MUSIC Vibro ond Cro Sanders. we hove a | TEI les Background, ne | | ror ner: Sgt ara Falls drivers j : re ash ind alot Sows Electric Drills ee Bol opening now 21. GIBBON. STREET | ANDREW HAZLETT nished apartment 3 PY. . 4 i 0 mes advertisin 4 dbhecdy bith PCT | entrance street" level, Dave Arc her, president the 3] BUCH KINGHAM AVE ( ¢ pri is, Centrifugul Pump; Pipe staff for a man bol 3 3005 Bathurst Street $65.00 per month, Simcoe, Ontario Federation of Labor, said| | " " LLOYD REALTY RUssel 3.1733 South employets are using a new tactie| { i owel, and many other Tools the ages of 22 and 35 . gos 2 : High school education RENTAL AGENCY Toronto 25 ACRES vacant land on' J Femoving hor od mploves Modern Instruction on Piano, Piano Accordian, Guit- WEBBING'S H necessa C | ¢] ! ! Be Ne 2 } « e Labor » ARDWARE DRIVE IN ecessary. Come in anc Our fee -is lass thon a va or Ey ; : i 5 ighway. $500 * per acre fro a. Drums. Soxaphene. Clatnet. Resin Gioretesd i { fill out an application £ancy % vy ; creened and re Phone Oshawa H thway $500 : per acre, Toe coniell saked the. seared Al WAVE 2 y AL \ form now. Ask for Mrs able tenan $2,000 dowr (oh Count] asked the provine LWA AMPLE PARKING Kennedy in the RUT Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd irs Wright, RA 8-1521 - 101 ¢ SN partments now ready for ployes' rights, | FOR FURTHER INFORMATION--RA 8.6321 | 282 KING ST. W. RA 3.4873 | ing dept. A 8.5123 | WE WAVE clients monies for loans on|FADY'S blue plastic frame glasses in telephone personality lae Avenue South TL. APARTMENTS M. O. TINDALL YTHERS OF occunanev. 1a

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