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The Oshawa Times, 6 Feb 1959, p. 18

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<< THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Febroowy 6, 1959 $0---Articles For Sale {Two Wine beds; kiddy ear small (rl -. ---- [7 THEATRE yele; large enh; complete Brownie . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING iin ob ibis ii i NOT Overs | (Continued from Page 17) | sonable; electric "seal cont, sie 13, good IN THE ESTATE OF ISAAC condition, $30. Phone RA 32020 ie SFT, skis, poles, spring harness andl FRANCIS BULMER, de ceased hoots, size §. Men's skates 6, 7, § and | Card table and. chairs Black pemen ALL persons having claims agains tthe estate of the sold [52--Logel Noteos Civil Servants Must Be Prudent | Bittmore--' 'Johnny Rocco" 12.80] OTTAWA (CP) The govern 8.25, 6,16, 9.056 p.m, also "Re. ment sele list who described the | volt In the Big House" 1.65, 4,45, United Ktates' Allas satellite | 7.85, 10.26 p.m, Last complete a "'rubbishy propaganda stunt" | show at 9.056 p.m was let off with a simple repri T0 N ! GH ! | mand because of his good record w "A Tale of Mines Minister Comtols told the ( Two Cities" 7 p.m, and 9 p.m. Commons Thursday COUNTRY MUSIC | Last complete show at 9 pom, | Mr. Comiols sald a letter of w= NIGHT {reprimand sent to K, R, Argyle {Marks -- TO RADIO ARTISTS "Sar of India" 1,10,|0f Victoria accused him of vio 4.45, 8.25 also "The Plainsman" [lating an unstated rule of "pru 240, 6,15, 9.56 p.m, Last com ldence and reticence" in public And His Street, #e| TV, 31-inch, good condition, RA Yi, are required to file with the plete show at 8.15 p.m [statements by civil servants, undersigned solicitors for the pee oo "Dunkirk" 1.80, 3.50, CHUCK WAGON BOYS Featuring executor, full particulars In | 5,30, 7.38, 9.45 p.m. Last com. JIMMY AND JOHNNY [A | a. | BG or we WiLo StaLvions | Cmmscort SOLON Gein MONTGOMERY 'starting SATURDAY CITRA 1°) 13 STARTING (VN spy sh "REVOLT IN THE BG HOUSE wn i" PAY: 50---Articles For Sale | eonversion of | present WF tape recorder to sere, Sales nd servis on sll Ger man and Domestic HI-FI and stereo auipment, For joiormation phone Osh ry 81460 morn s OF evenings, Vern | Yonge Birest, Tow 48---Automoblies Wanted id wi "nn wrecking, Mighan oes poid, RA B18 ov RA HIS " sider other LL Revi her | em, » MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars, Pay off liens, Sell on consignment, Trade up or down, NEW LOCATION King Street Eost Formerly Vareoe's Drive-in {Brock (Whithy) 1amb cont, size 16 «IB, RA H-3736 26 AMANA Freeger, also small refrigerst or, floor model, All in good condi tions, Phone RA 81726 We ISAAC FRANCIS BULMER, MOUTON fur cont, size 14, worn three! [ate of the City of Oshawa, In times, Phone RA 57047 or 208 Guelohl ghee County of Ontario, Re- tired Plant Engineer, whe died on or about the 13th day of January, A.D, 1958, fuel and wood, Phone Loox ad RA 5 ot REPLACEMENT parts Tor all makes pte . "elder Barrels AVAIREIS, 4 is or mare radios, TV. sizes, Oshawa Hardware and Electric, rein orion, Ran oo ale # Chireh Breet, RA 37634 Jo ites Aero ' bi WOE GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup e lies new and used, For the best desl up bof town see Dominion Tire Store, {| Bond Street West, RA 56511, CALL, Barons' for gusraniesd service: qualified technicians for all makes and models for TV'S, radios, washers, refrigerators, dryers, Hi Fiend small appliances, Barons' Radic and Eleetrie writing of such claims, en or | plete show at 9.30 p.m before the 13th day of Feb: Regent = "The Inn of the Sixth miary, AD, 1959, after which date the executor will Happiness" in CinemaScope color shown dally at 1.00, proceed to distribute the sald an 3.40, 6.25, 9.06 pm, Last com. | #49 up! estate, having regard only te plete show at 9.00 p.m, | Many table A floor Coffes and end tables, vn up! Springfilled mattresses ~~ all sles, 018 up! Rockers, hostehs, swivel and recliner chairs, 30 per t to 40 the claims of which he shell then have notice, DATED at Oshawa, this 21st TONIGHT ot 7:00 THE INN OF THE RA 5-5743 Are---------- er ---- HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR . Good clean cars, Trade up er down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §, RA 3.9421 per cent off! Bunk beds, desks, cedar chests, luggage, smokers, hassocks, ae ull drastically reduced! Easy term arranged! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Bimeos Street South, "Where prices | are lower and quality higher -- or your money hack!" 11 CUBIC foot refrigerator; apartment size Moffat stove, electric coffee pot, GY (ron, washing machine, 4x6 (able, all In good condition, RA 8.6888 an LARGEST selection of used TV, many with new guarantee at Parkway Tele vision, 818 Bimcoe Street North SELLING furniture or cleaning oul 14d, 426 Bimeos Bt, 8 J ELEOTRO refrigerators, il completely reconditioned, 90-day free | warranty, from $60.50, Irvine Appi {Anes 50 Bond East IBELIANG furniture! We'll buy [0 Fridges, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, ete. For top cash offer contact, 19 Prince Street, Phone RA , ns 1068 WOODS 16 eu, fi Value $400, Sale price oo. 2612 21 INCH console TV, $134; riage and car bed, $13, RA 51053, 20f p (reese Teall MO wl haby ear "makes, day of January, AD, 1959, CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & MURDOCH, 8 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, Ontarle, TO-NITE! Y VARIETY "TENNESSEE ERNIE FORD" Presented by Ford Motor Co, | THE SHEY BROS. RED BARN Solicitors herein for the executor; Thomas Kelse CREIGHTON CLUB'S Drop In At, . . SIXTH HAPPINESS INGRID ERGMAN Gurt Jurgens Robert Donat ~~ Drices or This Engagement vi MATINES vie 2% mtu B What /s the VSINth Happiness"? Each of us must find It in our own hearts! Popular Dance 9-12 PM, ADMISSION; Visitors 75¢-~Members 50¢ Come SKATING with the Club In North Oshawa before the dance--~a party will leave the "Y'" (199 Centre St) at 7:30 p.m, TONIGHT 7:45 P.M. Station CBC HEAR Wm, HAMILTON POSTMASTER GENERAL E. L. MORRIS HALIFAX Dr. J. SLOGAN MP, SPRINGFIELD CHUM'S nine for that Morning or Afternoon 49--Automobile Repairs DKW & FIAT SALES & SERVICE ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King 5, WwW RA 3 7132 BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD, 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 PHONE RA 3.4675 Specialists in Ford service and parts Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest THE WORLD! VICTORY SHATCHED aon PIIRSTER! CHESTERFIELD hargains, ses our window display. Alrfoam chesterfields, sofa heds, divan suites, On sale at one low price, $177. Plus a "free" goffes table or tri dite floor lamp, Wilson Fur niture Co, 20 Church Kireet 2 BUY "her" a cedar chest for Valen tne's Day, Lane, Hed Beal, Boshart, Chesley, smash savings from $20 Wilson Furniture Co, 20 Chureh Breet 20¢ | WALNUT Duncan Phyfe (able, four chairs and buffet, one automatic roller | won, #440 Winchester deer rifle, all in| good condition, cheap for cash, MO A-A428, Whithy Me USED tires, most all sizes 83 up, BF Goodrich Store, RA 54543 ARY spin dry washer and floor polish | Jour basement? You will gel your high price when you phone RA 8A131 he as Trading Post, 446 Bimeoe | Steet South |'84 CHEV, custom radio, four B00x16 tires, one long type battery; '83 Chev [ hate ton transmission. 87 Gibb Stree 0 Ae 40 HORSEPOWER Scott outhoard, only $460; 7% horsepower Boot outboard $226) 60 horsepower, regular 81244, 25 (per cent off, All new motors, Must go 0 make room for '69 models, Only a {fow left, Hurry AJax Marine, Ajax, Ontario, Phone 1266 Ajax on FUR coat, Persian Paw, size 38-40 heavy satin lining, excellent condition reasonable, MA 3.9823 or write PO Hox | 181, Bowmanville 30 | ACCORDION 120 bass, Salant} pee dah er, in excellent condition, 49 Burk | hardly used, In perfect condition a street, RA 5.7743 . af FEBRUARY 26, 1959 CHESTERFIELD, S-plece sel, red and | ELECTRIC range, 40", dark green, Very good condition, Phone| for the supply of a truck with ) f No reasonable offer refused Phone RA 3-160] Wt GVW. equal to or greater [rookiin 97 C(TADY'R winter conte, dresses, skirts, than 25,000 Ibs, The supply HIGHEST prices pald for used furni- blouses, size 14, Man's winter over 4 or A type equipment, Newest type (ure, also sell and exchange, Contact coat, size 35, Phone HA 53565 sin| of @ dump haody ond hols electronic tune-up equipment, Community Furniture Store, 19 Frince is not included in the ten Street, Phone RA 8.1131 der. A 1947 FW.D. truck 50---Articles For Sale USED tires, 83, up, Terms, Dominion RAILINGS with dump body and hoist [Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West Beautify your home, protect will 'be offered in trade as leautl ot ome, ne your family custom made CHEATER FIELD and chair, wine, Li} | GE, refrigerator, automatic defrost, re partial payment 4 Rowe Stree! [volving shelf, Canadian Beauty electric p USED washing machine, in good ho rangette, Both excellent condition, Call $1.50 per foot up; aluminum windows $15 up $35 up. Free estimates 60¢ 35 206 ADULTS ADULTS STUDENTS STUDENTS CHILDREN CHILDREN A IAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE RRS RRIAINN COUNTY OF ONTARIO TENDER FOR TRUCK & BODY Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 4:30 pm. THURSDAY, 2 ACTION PACKED THRILLERS! PARAMOUNT presents FAI GARY COOPER sna ISH JEAN ARTHUR OF" [NA TECHNICOLOR $ ho AD) good condition We Serve The Best Coffee in Oshawa ! 27 CELINA ST, H 0 M : SUNDAY NITE FILL-A-CARD FROM 8-11:30 PM, | " BINGO POLISH HALL Tomorrow's fomorrow's Nos. ON BANTING AVE. Admission by Silver Collection I- 24 0- 61 GAME NO, 1 B 3 N G Of 1 31 34 38 Separate tenders will also be received until the time noted above for a dump body and hoist Tenders must be submitted on forms which together with additional information may be secured at the office of the undersigned Lowest or. any tender necessarlly accepted R. E SIMS, P Engineer, Engineer, County of Ontarlo railings ton, Apply Nonquon Road last house [after 5, 283 Drew Aireet 201 on north side before five points, 27/ | TWO semi formal dresses, size 11, blue Bl INCH GE. range, deep well i {and yellow, RA 6.6103 LL Call sure cogker, automatic oven, ma |USED washer parts, 4 HP motors, $6 METAL tras. Good condition. Phone RA ra, | up, Repairs to All wringer type my lors, Guaranteed reconditioned washers BUILD THAT BOAT NOW WE pay highest price In the eity for [Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3.3055 used furniture, Pretty's Used Furnl: | Bowmanville Is easy with @ molded hull or boat kit, from B' 10 26', See ture Store. RA 33271. 444 Simeone Kouth [#0 fo $180 allowance for your old tele Ajax Marine, No, 2 Highway, ELECTRO ranges, all makes com | vision on any new Electrohome, Ad PHONE 1266 AJAX leet ATlar 2:2152 CRAFT COMPANY tie RECORD, DANCE | EVERY not pletely reconditioned, 90.day warranty, | miral, Vietor or Westinghouse at Park from $30.80, Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond | way Television, #18 Kimeoe Stree! East | North USED television sets 17" and 31" com: | THREE flaca b hedroom suite, with mat pletely reconditioned, Free 80-day war: (ress, RA 3 ie yanty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap oo ony pliances, 50 Bond East BNITKING knitting machine and rib. bing machine, complete with Instrue- tions, $100, Phone RA 8-536) Saturday anytime, Friday before 4 p.m, or even: | PERSIAN ings after 7.30 26f (trim, size 16:18 | Phone RA 53735 iV WP motor, new, #89; portahie air | compressor, $34; Ford ear radio '83 [PIANO "accordion, '88, push-button, 839; electric greasing In very ood condition, §% machines, Alemite, with grease gun, {Bruce Street 960; and many other items at very| {CHINA eaninet, solid walnut, Hatonshie prices hr ne i and Look | giase RA 38130 Around every evening Priy m heavy duty 110-380 volt -- con Birest Mouth, RA 89 a Y SVT 20 tarpauiin, 425 IRATRA, new and used. V4-ton steel box traller, $60, inch table No. | Skate Exohange 5 Used saw, 1 HP motor, $63 complete New #1 up. New skates $498 up, Largest 4inch planer and joiner with atand, selection In town, Drayton Cyele, 304840, 70 Glovers Road 0 Bond ftveet Fast [FUR jacket, mink marmot, % leniih AMBITIOUS for » farm of your own? size 14, Excellent condition, #40 or See the Interesting offers under nearest offer. RA 5.7430 ila "Farms for Sale' In the Classified sec | GIsCOSE rug and pad § x 13, carpet ton sweeper, used 3 months, Phone ha VACUUM cleaner repairs, 81 makes, [3-0350 paris, Mtdenments, hrus i oe | ISINGER treadie sewing machine, w HOL ony - teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free. |p 30047 after pm 4 Rentals, Vacoum Cleaner Repair Ser Phone RA Al UMINUM SAL ES vice, RA 8.1081 anytime : 10 Grenfell St, RA 5.2431 ARSON SLENDERIZING treatments, "Fi Pro | FIBRE- GLAS S BOATS THE Y TEENS present "CUPID CAPERS" Saturday, February 7th 08:00 P.M, SHARP | ADELAIDE HOUSE PRIZES--REFRESHMENTS--TOP RECORDS DRESS-UP . ADMISSION 78¢ thiee In automatie washer, years old, $65, Phone RA 5-420 ALL heavy duty Moffat stove, us ™ 5-0887 after 4 pm hi : arn east Dinok--mink| Dollar for Dollar You'll Excellent eondition Get A Better Deal on 120 bass, Seandalll . 28, Apply 16 a . mos! A y Na Cash Adjustments Are $113 Million OTTAWA (CP) The govern ment spent an estimated $113, 741,000 for cash adjustments, commissions and other expenses In last year's bond conversion campaign, Finance Minister Fleming reported Thursday In a weries of other replied tabled In the Commons, he also sald the government will spend | {an estimated $233,020,250 a year {for interest charges on the $5, [#05,500,000 In conversion bonds | | Issued, nl interest charge on the) wm---- three-per-cent wartime Vietory 51---Swap and Barter {Bonds which were converted, he| CHESTERFIELD, electrio coon cola Said, was $174,165,000 cooler, rototiller, tile machine, box and Ean" or st Nida of ptm The replien were made for WI supplies, Wanted combination TV, tools, motors or what have you. Chinn's, Hill | Rainy River) and Frank Howard (CCK..8keena) side and Park Hoad South, HA 37088 52--Legal Notices I, John §, Finley, 1200 Somerville Street, will net he responsible for any | The Porcupine River In the Yu. | debts contracted In my name hy my kon was SCOVer: 9 | wife; Winnifred A. Finley without my 4 ' wa , Siacovered In 1842 hy written consent, on or after this date, John ell, a udson's Bay Com Ii February #, 1050 John 8, Finley, dle ' pany trader, | Aluminum Doors Aluminum Flair-Vent Awnings Aluminum Storm Windows and Screens Pre-Fab Garage Pre-Fab Cottage o Stone-Tex Insulated Siding (Four different colors) In the radio series "The Nation's Business" The Progremive Conservative Party Porch Railing (aluminum and wrought iron) at ATTENTION! OSHAWA'S ONLY TRULY HUNGARIAN KITCHEN Serves you daily with traditional Hungarian specialties, Open daily seven days a week from 12 AM, till 9 P.M, Reasonable prices, Boarders welcome FREE PARKING PHONE RA 8-0764 104 ATHOL ST. EAST Health Foods, Steam Baths, Health Hiswar vegetable and fruit juleers lomewnod Health Adio, 204 King Ktreet East RA 8.0 | BF. GOODRICH Stores, tires, b flor | fes, Kelvinator refrigerators, won Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-484 KITCHEN sink, white enamel, 34 inches by 18 inches, with deck faucets and spray attachment, 810, 171 Alexandra Street. RA 3.483 le DRYER, 'Sa General Electric auto matie, freshener and suit de: | wrinkler. Five months old, Value $300 Selling mn ) Chow's 25 26 27 29 30 18 22 51 55 56 58 60 54 53 57 é 67 | 68 70 75 n 73 Open nor id Weekends Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. PHONE 87 BABY BARGAINS Lovely Full Panel Cribs Plastic teething rolls, adjust able spring, on casters, com plete with bumper pads Regular $49.95 Wilson's Special $39.50 Plus a "free" spring-filled crib mat tress BABY CARRIAGES Lloyd, Gendron, Thistle, clearout of 1958 models from $44.50, Plus a "free prom mattress Chrome High Chairs, $10.88 Strollers, 2 9 42 45 37 33 35 A4 BRERERE 40 You have until § pm, the following | day te phone If you have & full sare Let's CELEBRATE Binge (Sunday exeepted). Complete playing rules appear on the bask of LI I To-Night YUKON STREAM (10 3 Exotic SPECIAL ON p Oriental » DINNERS and ® BANQUETS 7 Canadian e LUNCHEONS Dishes eo CHINESE FOODS alr $200. MO a 2812 BUY NOW AND SAVE Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motors budget terms, Free winter storage on motors, Boat storage, Factory ap- proved. Service centre for motor repairs, Open evenings and weekends MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED Brooklin, Ont | [I 12 TAKE-OUT ORDERS OUR SPECIALTY DIAL RA 5.2543 Spectacular UTUITY I on boovtifyl fUzassry Exhibition pert on Park avery Bing h Benefit of ARMY, NAVY AND AIR FORCE VETERANS IN CANADA COMBINATION WINDOWS OPEN 7 AM, TILL 2 AM, HOUSE '° Xn ST. WEST OSHAWA MUSIC STUDIOS Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments | Phone 0" | [ | at the STARLITE strong end sturdy $4.99 large and roomy $8 WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH ST DOORS, AWNINGS, THE | BEST FOR LESS, CALL RA 8-8571 Whitby MO 8.4891 Manutactured in Whitby COLONIAL ALUMINUM | BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT REASONABLE PRICES SELF STORING WINDOWS: ALUMINUM DOORS FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP VERN GLASS CO. LTD. 1216 SIMCOE ST. N, RA 8.6214 ALL TYPES OF GLASS WORK After 6 pm JACK McGRAW { MOHAWK 8.4633 WHITBY Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings Playpens, "LORRAINE FOREMAN" Fach Sat, Eve, » BUILDING OPEN: Weekdays 12 noon to 10.30 pm. ADULTS 50¢ o Saturdays 10.30 am, to 10.30 p.m. CHILDREN 25¢ ¢ | © 0 0060000060000 00000 06» OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE PRESENTS High Ground HASTINGS WILSON & LEE LIMITED 2% ® CLARINET ® HAWAIIAN GUITAR ® TROMBONE ® VIOLA eo CELLO ACCORDION VIOLIN SPANISH GUITAR POPULAR PIANO SAXOPHONE TRUMPET SUSPENSE DRAMA BY CHARLOTTE DIRECTED BY HARRIET RAPLEY at McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE FEB. 11, 12, 13, 14 at 8:20 p.m. Box Office at Henderson's Book Store Our 6.week beginner's course on the accordion at $1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an accordion during that period which. is taken home for practice, ON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE NORTH A call JOHN REID RA 3-7679 OSHAWA Saturday, February 7 Monday, Tuesday, Feb, 9, On Nights of Performance 8:30 am, to 6.00 pm 10 At CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS---Interior and Exterior Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures 4pm toébpm Theatre ON THE SCREEN! TECHNIRAMA® TECHNICOLOR® rRLEENTED ay WARNER BROS Fireplace 7 pm LES EVENISS SALES LTD. PRINCE ST RA 3.2707 Bill 'Galbraith Don Howe, RA 5.031) 87 SIMCOE ST, RA 5-4706 GENERAL SION $1.00 ---------- » 5.4632 RA Les Even RA 58832

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