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The Oshawa Times, 6 Feb 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 83-3493 'All other ealls ...... RA 83-3474 WEATHER REPORT Saturday sunny with moderat- ing temperatures, clouding over by evening. Winds west. dhe Osha Same VOL, 88 -- NO, 31° zed As Second Class Mall Authorl; Price Not Over Post Office Department, Ottawe ke Not Over OSHAWA-WHITBY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1959 TWENTY PAGES ISENHOWER PONDERS VISIT TO KHRUSHCHEV School Board | No Present Plans For Russian Trip 'Raps Minister | KITCHENER (CP)-Kitchener| Mr, Darling's statement said] § Z THOMASVILLE, Ga. (AP) i |The White House said today Pres ident Eisenhower would consider "The president had no present plans to make such a visit--in |fact, he hasn't received any in- 4 public school board has criti-|"As part of the course in elvics| cized Education Minister Dunlop (it has been the practice on pre- visiting Russia if future develop-vitation except through the re- ments indicate it would serve the ports of an off-hand invitation ex~ for his comments on last Tues-|vious occasions to arrange for |day's visit by 50 Grade 8 students | Grade 8 pupils to attend a session! [to a murder trial, [of the spring assizes to learn| r y cause of peace. James C. Hagerty, presidential | press secretary, made the state-|fice President | Board chairman John 8, Dar- about the operation of a couri of| & 7 | ts Little Mark Perks has a glee- | pow working in Birmingham, | form, The agent studied the ful expression as he jabs at a | England, As a citizen, she was | form, waived the signature, pat- United States income tax form | given tax clearance to make the ted Mark on the head and gave on the eve of his departure for | trip but not Mark, because he Mark left whil England, His mother, Mrs is British. Mother and son went | him a quarter ark left while Peter Perks, is an American | dutifully to the Federal Build- | he was 25 cenls ahead married to a British engineer | ing in Detroit and filled out a AP Wirephoto | ling said Thursday night he was|law." disappointed the minister had ex-| "This is a properly supervised 71 pressed opinion publicly "without |experience subject to elassroom' taking the trouble to ascertain [tests later on what the facts." learned." Mr. Dunlop said he was "hor-| Mr Darling said the principal rified"' that the pupils had been asked the sheriff for a date on taken to the trial of i'rank Mar-|which he could take the pupils tin, 51, charged with murder inland it happened to be the second connection with the fatal blud-day of the murder trial, geoning of 44-year-old Mrs. Helen Rahman in her garage at her Hespeler grocery store Principal Harold Wildfong took the students to the trial as part of their civics course. Mr. Dunlop said a murder case was the last place he would take . children, particularly one so G t 0 P 1 "grisly." | e win 0 ice The school board, however,| HAMPTON (Staff) -- OPP In agreed there was no cause for spector J, A. Stringer told Dar. censure or alarm over the priv-|lington township counefi Thurs cipal's action and expressed its|day that the Bowmanville detach- complete confidence in the ment of the OPP is overworked. teacher. He suggested that Darlington set Mr, Wildfong was described as|up its own force, as the Bowman a "dedicated teacher-of some 26 ville detachment, with 11 con- years experience, a first class stables inder a corporal is three principal of some sevén years ex- men under strength, perience and a man of sound] Policing Darlington township judgment and of highest moral placed an added burden on the standards." | detachment, they have Darlington Twp. Told To "I am cure that the citizens of 50,000 BUTTONS Darlington would be better satis- FOR CAR THIEF fied if they had their own force, We would help out whenever any- thing serious Sropyed up" the in. ! or promised. GENEVA (Reuters) -- Al Reeve Roy W. Nichols told coun travellmg salesman today re- |. that he thought that Darlington ported a thief had stolen {could not afford to set up its own three sample cases from his force at this time. The expense ca {would be too great, He reminded council that the township had been saddled with a big expense as its share of the proposed addi tion to Bowmanville Memorial Hospital, r "I only wish I could see his face when he opens them," the salesman told police, The cases contain 50,000 buttons, OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern- outlays by #$500,000,000 through the economy, the government Hk righ yy | elimination of waste and extrava- ely will face another big deficit tween higher taxes and increased ot i 1959-60 le it increases t ng in the wake of Finance Sance. He called for fast delivery/in 1956 unless | of record-shattering expenditures so that Parliament could scrutin-|derstood to be considering higher 0 oh ol but no firm decision has reached, the Commons Thursday the main|shows ho. the government pro. gue also recalled the Conserve. spending program for the 1959-60 poses to raise the money to cover|tives' pledges to reduce spending. | 800,000 a figure likely to be|ing April 1. Mr. Fleming has|outlays for welfare and suggested topped by further spending later. forecast a record peacetime de: Canadians would be willing to tary outlays and old age pensions, rent year a "comprehensive" national fs some $439,000,000 higher than| Even with an estimated rise in health program the outset of the fiscal year which! "Si. Fiomin L k H A amid the general rise, a $39,100 - a e uron rea 000 reduction was made In con | but Opposition Leader Pearson said in a statement later that Mr foundation.' SHE TRI J 7% bh. : SHELBURNE (CP) -- Drifting Mr. Pearson recalled that at snow in the southern Georgian servatives when in opposition to isolate dozens of communities may let up tonight--but not for Records Shattered ment faces a tough decision be-| | Minister Fleming's announcement |0f the government's new budget taxes. Federal authorities are un-| Minister ing unwrapped in|down towards the end of March. | CCP House Leader Hazen Ar fiscal year, totalling some $6,171. spending in the new year start {though he supported the increased The amount, combining budge. |ficit of $700,000,000 for the cur |gupport even greater spending for the original estimates made at EE -- Mr, Fleming maintained that trollable non-statutory spending B * uried In Snow Fleming's claim was "without one time the Progressive Con Bay area which has threatened long, the weather ofize says southeast to the Orange burne district and north up the Georgian Bay shoreline Wiarton outhwest of 2 wood had promised to reduce federal Township Barn Damaged By Fire Fire in a barn on Powell Road south of Mount Lawn Cemetery was extinguished after a 45 minute battle hy th rar Road Volunteer Fire Depart. ment Thursday night, The fire was sighted at 10.15 p.m. burning up ene wall of the structure which contained stored lumber The barn {s helieved to helong to Fred Powell and damage was|!on estimated as slight Westerly winds off Lake Huron Snow squalls, which have piled drifts on secondary roads over a 4,000-square-mile area and forced Dufferin County to abandon at tempts to keep roads open, are io be fallowed hy more snow condi ; tions either late Saturday or early Sunday Conditions on Highway 21 from Southampton to Goderich were steadily getting worse 'today and there was a possibility near-zero visibility would force department of highways plows out of opera hore, had a snow layer inche Iursday. Colling- and other lakeside towns recorded depths near the 20-inch! mark Several school buses from Shel- trict collegiate in this County town completing their Dufferin without Thursday About 12 students, unable to reach home, spent the night with| friends. Most highways, with the| | exception of No. 21, were pass-! continued to handicap plows US. Evidence Shows Reds Shot Down Plane WASHINGTON (AP) The ter; The department said the re! "The target is a transport, four rifying words, "The target is cording was authentic, but would engine , . burning I will finish him not say where it came from "I am attacking the target , , off, boys" echoed here today and Deputy Soviet Premier Anastas *"The target is burning . . . brought demands for stepped-up I. Mikoyan brushed off several "The tail assembly is falling defence programs inquiries about the plane on his off the target % : The words, the state depart:|recent visit here and treated i "Look at ment say, were those of Russian'as a routine crash WY Jet pilots shooting down an un : harmed 'US. transport plane At least six---possibly 17-Am erican airmen died in the crash Sept. 2 of the C-130 transport | J t he is already falling , The Russians turned over the bodies of six crew members a short time after the erash, hut have consistently' denied any knowledge of 11 other air will finish him off on the run, , .| "The target is falling , . ." the eldest house but they died in hospital returned Toronto returned ye about 5 am. to find his TUNS house in flames Pp room, He found David in his bed room but couldn't find Stephen, able early today but drifting snow the bat! equipment was used on the three victims In wagon and at a neighbor's home. are locked in a mighty stru Police drove them te hospital in for the station wagon, write that soprano Maria Callas] him, he will not get|filed against the editor of Milan's 1 "I will finish him off, boys, I/Beniamino dal Fabbro, and she . +| Was ordered to pay costs of the case "Our assessment for the build- ing fund is $148,000" he told coun- ceil, Mother, Son = Die Of Smoke Bill Proposed To In Home Fire Label Negro Bloo TORONTO (CP) -- Mrs. ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -- A bill Jane and Georgian Bay are drifting] Varney, 24, and her son, Stephen, |!0 require human blood used for|ficlals the snow of storms throughout an 4, died of asphyxiation early to transfusions to be labelled ac-| area from Owen Sound 50 miles day . . 4 ele their blazing split-level home in/introduced in the Georgia louse With Mr. Brandt, y suburban Don Mills after being rescued from cording to race of the donor was Thursday Ralph Varney, 26, was burned) The measure is similar to one : . i " roposed last year whic! ras cable record of resisting totalitar- on Georgian Bay's and bruised in rescue attempts, |PTOT ich was R tota He 'managed to get his wife and killed on the Senate floor, out of the burning AIRCRAFT ORDER son Another son, David, 2, was res cued and was reported recovering | ill | REGAINS SIGHT AFTER 24 YEARS John Ellis, 63, of Leamington, | an operation two weeks ago in who has been blind for the past | Windsor which restored his eye 24 years, smiles as he is able to | sight, read for the first time following | AP Wirephoto OTTAWA VISIT Berlin's Mayor ment in comumenting on Premier) Khrushchev"s invitation to Eisen- hower Thursday to come to Rus-| sia But Hagerty stressed that Eis- enhower has no present plans to go to the Soviet Union, The press secretary Thursday declined comment on the Khrush chev invitation, extended infor- mally in a speech by the Krem- lin leader at the Moscow congress of the Communist patty. | Prime Minister Macmillan al- ready' has decided to go from Britain to Moscow Feb. 21 for what he has called a reconnais sance mission. Today Hagerty volunteered this statement at Eisenhower's vaca- tion headquarters: 'Premier Khrushchev's invita- tion to President Eisenhower to visit the Soviet Union occurred in a lengthy speech which con- tinwed very hostile references to United States leaders. "SEEMS STRANGE" "It seems strange that Premier Khrushchev, if he really wel- comes a visit by the president, would extend it in such ecircum- stances. . 400 Hens Die Doubts Russians OTTAWA (CP) -- The spokes./here Thursday night aboard a man for free Berlin says he fav-|transport department Viscount. ors negotiations with Russia on He came from Germany by way |divided Germany, but is a "little of London and New York, | bit sceptical" about the results. The visit is at the special re- Willy Brandt, mayor of Berlin's) quest of the Canadian government island of freedom' behind the | which is eager to «ee what the Iron Curtain, brought that mess-|central problem of the cold war. | |age to Ottawa as he entered to- the future of divided Germany day into a series of talks with top| looks like from a window 110 Canadian leaders. miles inside the Iron Curtain, | | The 45-year-old Social Democrat | | i i : | The mayor leaves Saturday already widely publicized here dh | |morning- for Washington on a |as a dynamic and rising YOURE fry ocoad States tou |politician--was to have meetings ji : x | this morning with Prime Mgnis-| Mr. Brandt calls himself a ter Diefenbaker and Governor. Scandinavian - type Socialist-- | {General Massey and to hold de.[one completely lacking in sentl-| tailed discussions in the afternoon mental Jet wing Husichs about {with External Affairs Minister |fussia--and he made his reserv-| {Smith and senior department of-|ations about the Soviet Union| plain Thursday night. | THOUGHT FOR TODAY | It was understood Mr. Massey personally asked for the interview | A large square-shouldered and |reassuring man with an impec- In a way, the person who boasts of his ancestors is rob- bing graves for a reputation, | | | kinds he halter fanism of all in hospital Mr. Varney, who works for a brokerage firm, arrived He ran into the bungalow and arried his wife from their hed Firemen found the older boy on| oTTAWA room floor. Resuscitation Limited, (CP) Canadair Montreal, and Boeing Mr. Varney's station Airplane Company, Seattle, Wash ggle a multi-million-dollar United States aircraft. order At stpke is # huge US, gov ernment contract for some 200 . % radar picket planes designed as Loses Libel Suit an airborne north ward extension of the DEW radar line across the MILAN, Ttaly (AP)---Tt does no! Canadian Arctic, constitute a crime, a Milan court| py ruled Thursday, for a critic 10 the Soprano Callas is understood Canadair had contract practically in the bag when the US. government or dered a 60-day deferment to per 15 Broadcast Application acted amateur was unworthy of La iired applause, shly and Scala's stage She thus lost a libel suit she| Glorno and his music critic the and Soviet Armenia The piane admittedly 2 + betwee | \ near border betwee Turkey men aboard the plane Today two members of the Sen had | od act the border ate armed services committee re waderec ac ro: 3 ie : rae iu [newed demands for a speed-up in over Soviet territory nt "ithe defence program LATE NEWS FLASHES Get Board Nod OTTAWA (CP) The Board of| Broadcast Governors today rec-| ommended 15 broadcasting appli state department expressed a su spicion the crew may been|. misled by Soviet > State department off} Thursday disclosed the graphic recording of voices said were of Soviet sending the' plane into it plunge. An English was made public CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6574 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 Democratic Senator ton of M have Stuart m 1 radio sign ouri said ing DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) Doreen Denny today won the pionship. The victory made tl ice dancing championships in ( Ing Feb, 24 ial ! ¢ nore and more |clear tha vil ) stand the oto they Communist ion ney put pilots Proper po have have growing We wil defences in that sta defence to a bal those er death on to ta translat } " "hy tallorin (anced budget Senator Henry M | Dem. Wash.) sald the attack {was the outgrowth of "a weaken ling defence posture on our part FIVE PILOTS AT WORK OTTAWA (CP)--Canada has Jackson| maintain that country's minute pr rding 'ORONTO n Ontar oop 0 have The ent Orar an ed! ors ope o ¢ We wv f f Ontarin " talk among themselves Included: Rom British Pair Wins Ice Dancing Canada Gives India $17,000,000 $17,000,000 worth of essential commodities and equipment to economic External Affairs Minister Smith announced today. Orange Lodges Protest RC School Grants gislalure protesting High education grants to an Catholic separate schools. cations for approval, eight for de [ vial and three for deferment. The| imendations arise out of the hoard ®=Tirst public hearings, held here Jan, 29-31 The board said in a statement that in recommending new radio| or television licences or extension of existing station facilities, it h Britain's Courtney Jones and Furespean ice dancing cham em favorites for the world 'elorado Springs, Colo., start isos of performance made by nev agreed to prov dia wit | greed to provide India with |= old applicant development program, |said "Board members were |amazed by the admission of one|ostrich plumes flying from Bar |station manager that he did not {know 'what his emplovers promised in the of program gh he nge ' to members and of Lodges of open left tern way ming altho had been man two years, Thursday {will keep close seruliny "on prom-|of Kenya and Uganda |by Governor Sir [ Chairman Dr. Andrew Stewart|and his wife at Nairobi airport had |disconcerted a |ager of the station for the last|pursuit. Later the governor stuck " Isome of them back in place. Canadian Firm | In Giant Battle mit Boeing time to put in a last minute bid, Canadair plans to modify the CC-106 transport plane it is build ing for the RCAF so that it could carry the large amoum of elec- tronic equipment required by al radar picket plane, Boeing proposes to produce a new version of its 707 commer-| cial airliner for the same pur-| pose. Boeing contends its plane would have more speed Canadair submits that its plane would have more range--some 1,000 miles--and that long range is the cardinal requirement for al picket aircraft, If Canadair gets the contract it would be kept busy for a number of vears producing the picket plane's airframe. The instru- ments would be installed by Con. vair in the U.S. Convair and Can adair are both subsidiaries of General Dynamics Corporation of the U.S | | ---- re | Queen Mother Cheered In Kenya eri ot By ignoring a boycott call by their political leaders, - turned out to cheer and wave | flags as the Queen Mother ar rived to begin a three week tour The Queen Mother was greeted Rg - Evelyn Baring _- SHATT A shattered utility pole and a split auto tell the story of a spectacular 100-mile-an-hour crash on a Detroit street in which Paul Flake lost his life Al left, a wrecker prepares to tow away one section of the car. A sudden gust of wind sent, the ing's ornate hat, Baring appeared the plumes runway with police officer in as around the ranking wirled high 4 ge go 3 RN AE ERING END T In Third |willing to go anywhere tended in a political speech, "Ever since he has been in of- Eisenhower has lear that he was in the world i, by so doing, such a visit would serve the cause of peace. "Should future developments suggest that visit to the Soviet Union 'or anywhere else would serve to advance this cause, then it certainly would be considered." The fact the White House re- versed Its no-comment position of Thursday makes it apparent that Eisenhower wants to avoid any impression of flatly brushing aside the Khrushchev overture, even though it may have been made for purely propaganda pure poses. Hagerty's 'statement also made it clear that any acceptance hy Eisenhower would depend on fu ture developments, and not om the situation at present. Council Asks Rabid Cattle Compensation TORONTO (CP) -- The Ontarle Agricultural Council Thursday asked the federal Sovetument fn always made it ¢ government to boost to $9 from $4 the bounty paid for foxes, blamed Courtice Fire For the third time within a week, the Bowmanville Volunteer | Fire Brigade was this morning, ralled to battle a fire in Courtice.) Monday morning, fire gutted the home of Mr, and Mrs. William| Epworth, on King street east at Varcoe's road, and on Wednesday night, fire gutted a barn at the farm of A. Muir and Sons on Highway No. 2, east of Roy Nichol's garage, causing dam- ages estimated over $30,000, This morning, fire gutted a chicken house at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Butters, on Lawson road, north of the Town Line road, Destroyed in this morning's fire were 400 laying hens and 200 chicks. Cause of the blaze was believed 0 from a brooder stove in| the building. Damage was estl.| mated around $1500, J | be os 0 CAR The other section rests against a fence at right. Police said lake's car suddenly shot out of control at terrific rate of speed" estimated at 100 mph, struck the utility pole shearing Brooklin for carrying the disease south from sub-Arctie regions. But a motion asking the federal department of agriculture to vae- cinate all Ontario cattle before May 1 was turned down by he council in the windup session of its annual meeting. Two Lincoln County motions gained the council's approval, In one, the council expressed oppo sition to the "certain outside in~ terests" it says are trying to pre serve fruit farming lands in the Niagara district, These were discriminatory tae tics against farmers who might double or triple the price from their land by selling it for subdi- vision or industrial purposes, the motion charged. Deputy Reeve Heber Down of becomes director for Hastings, Northumberland and Durham, Ontario, Peterborough, Victoria and York. his car in half as it literally flew 70 feet to crash between two cars waiting for a traffie light. They were only slightly damaged, AP Wirephota

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