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The Oshawa Times, 6 Feb 1959, p. 4

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~ WHITBY and DISTRICT Dominion Store Theft [chime jeictents Lane and Hilltop Home and [J Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas 81. West Tel. MO. 8.3708 N t T ne YorkiOmlarle: Daiiet 30. ofitte Manager: Lloyd Robertson 2) S T10 WO ears |Schoot Adtoviation wite hai Jost Ontario. Secondary Sehool {Founder Night on the occasion Teachers' Federation will hold rer : dan Three Toronto men who walked money at him and continued, or other disguise, He sald that e| Of, fhe 3rd birthday of the assock-lits annual adicationsl econ'er. eh ence at Whitby District High 4 Y i ue Doimision Store in| Later, Everson, sald the state. could not ask for less than a pen The meeting was opened by j ' thy wit 0 only Ww be trip iment, reached Into Wis coat and itsntiary term and asked (hat Schoo! P| ped up, minutes later by store he, Wiggins, stopped and Ever. Everson recelve only the mini president, Mrs. Williars Schon! Tuesday, OW, clerks apd police, were sentenced |son ran on, mum, two years, Hicks, with the Lory prayer. Dr. Robin 8, Harris int to two years in penitentiary by HELD ACCUSED | Speaking on behalf of stant. ports aie given vb Mi! rolessor of F sh ot Unt Judge W, 8, Lane In the Ontario|" = 0 tbaum, defence counsel B. C oe neon in the absence of Mrs, [pro Colle i Mu i A County Court on Thursday, The| in # Matement by A" Barron, ; wad, eman. regular secrétary,'SSTAMY Uollexe, doronto, w three pleaded guilty to theft trom |Mr, Hall read that be had fol. Bysios, Toronto, sald hai be had yrs Crawford gave the freas. the guest speaker. the store, on April 22, of last lowed the trio and Stahlbaum Y ArYlurer's report Two hundred and seventy-five i 4. 7 moro 0 1000, Si eg 2s Sos, roam. esr A Ona sa Yor ln I 1 ; 5 Sentenced to the minumum|\M0 the air, then fost his bal. [oiteg VOCED (CLONE TCI vener, | introduced two "murses,| Counties ave exnactad fo A ily " 4 4 , "lance, Wiggins had held Stahl. 0 succossinl an ' Miss Atkinson and Mrs. Mole, |tending. They will discuss , 4 term In Kingston were Robert (accused had heen pressed 10r|.hy sn ke on the Health of problems and teaching tech Simpson, 34, Hewitt Everson, 2 police funds, He sald there was a lack your Child, A filsh was shown niques, ' and Frederick Stahlbaum, 33 A statement made by pe premeditation and Stahibaum | ontitled Behavious Pattern . The only evidence in the case Charles Whiteside. of (he Whithy | ed only succumbed (v tempta:|with Mrs, C,- Lee at the pro-| was given by Crown Alorney| Detachment of the OVP, was also "°" jector. showinr the many ways Alex. C, Hall, QC, who read into|read into the record. In it, pC . On behalf of Simpson, Terence|a child should be treated at the record statements taken from | wiiteside sald that he and pc|V: Kelly, of Oshawa, said that he home and at school, This flim a number of the witnesses, {Ernie Collinson, of the smme de. "ad been released in 1956, He proved to be most enlightening | Reading from a statement by partment, had arrived at the(*d that he had worked for a David Cros played »>vordio Jean Callow, Mr, Hall sald that|Plaza Parking lot intending to Construction company in Peter. selections, Mrs, Courtiss , of on the a'ternoon of April 22, whe pick up a bank escort As they Porough for two years and had|Oshewe. spoke nm Founders had been In the process of mak. parked, sald the statement, the helped support his mother and Night. The president and Mrs, officers saw three men running|#isters. He also pointed out there|"iaskin, of Oshawa, 1it the birth. ing up the store's cash deposit | and had left the office to com. | through the lot with three other|had been no violence and Indeed | day cake and addressed the 0 REPRESENT KINSMEN CLUB plete some work in recelving, di-/men, in white jackets, chasing!Po resistance to the arrest, He'groun brief wishin" the aseacl QUARTET T rectly below the office As she them. Being advised that the 880 asked for leniency ation many more active years, . ba ABV dh aht' arber § ol J Gartshore. Judging | 0 y , [returned to the office, the state- Dominion store had been robbed, HAVE REC £9 rs Behind those graying beard night's Barber Shop Quartet | and Jim artshore udging | from shawa, Bowmanville ment oid, she 'met 'three Ienlhe oid Conan Face cna ee: IAVE RECORDS [ 1 stand four members of the | competition in Lindsay, Left | by their attire, their songs | o »e. Peter g lo | y : Crown Attorney Hall noted that H ( Kinsmen Club of Whitby, the | to wight are Murray Silver, | have a Scottish air, They com | Port Hope, Peterborough and |coming down the stairs, | PC Whiteside had taken Stahl all three men Y a records, alll ame mnners club's entry in Thursday | Doug Taylor, Jim McTeague | peted against similar groups | Lindsay. SHOUTED ALARM baum Into custody after he had vee having served terms in pen. ,{been stopped by Wiggins, Ever |... | H ive your Valentine At the top of the stairs, sald|g,n™ ang Simpson were arrested tentiary, Tn omes 10 t Give y : the statcment, she found a bag y,., v 4 aver In passing sentence, Judge / " HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Attersle Holds lot silver which had been drop. AA ples Buffer. of he Lane sald that if it were not for| The following are the winners her heart's desire , . . |ped, She shouted an alarm which ; ¥ he PB the accu ed's previous records, of Brock Street Home nnd Schoo! our wonderfully the statement, taste-tempting choc- sent other clerks after the three 'he felt he might have been able! Association Games Night, I Basketball Teams . men as they walked up through|NO VIOLENCE [to give them reformatory terms, Euchre: Man's. FE. Collard. J rl n t the wore to the exit, Pleading for Everson, his, coun- Put under the circumstances Sackett, A, Gower. Men's lone olates! They'se her " (0) A statement made by Gary sel Malcolm Robb, QC, of Toron. 'here was no alternative but give hend V, Palmer, Mrs, J, Mos: : . Wiggins, and read by Mr, Ha" to sated that he had been re. Penitentiary terms, Ladies: Mrs, L, Cox, Mrs, C favorites , , . so pure egis er uccesses By CLIFF GORDON still leads the goal keepers' race stated that he had foliowed the leased from Collins Bay in 1955, "I hope you will foe) this gen. W"=on, Mra, B, Diff 4 fresh) eid [ Bobby Attersley, the "lttle|with a neat 2.92 average. Next|™.® out of the store. As he ran He pointed cut that the trio had tence is lenient," he told them, Low prizes P, Bentley, Mrs, and tres 0 By CAROLE BARRONS pennant and Diane Miley of 10C blond bomb shell of the WHINY oiouopt 1 Gordie Boll of theme, saver nee tld, the tate. nat 'becn armed. 'had shown nol aud You will keep mit of budil Len Ms Pode h One finer anywhere! . N a) a ride . y KE 50 4 olence w ask |e 4 3 g ' a 7 y MPS, ' The Grade 9 team playing at|the Junior pennan Dunlops, still leads the league In Belleville team with a 3.39 mark, Ld i aC orn Io Muskicompeny when You come out Mwe Japp Yoaheg, Mrs, LL Hil | © rhor T / Ine wr, 1. J. Woolsey, head of the (he individual ring race ac Peterborough Thursday Included [ Y. ie Individual scoring race acy. RH i : forwards, Mary Lou Cuddy, Cat Health of Animals Branch of the cording to the latest releases Henderson, Bell and Lynn Davis Miss E, Goldring, riona Harvey, Kate Menzel, June federal department of agricul: Attersley hag led the parade right the Kingston Moschanta ne ® nid " en, Mre Owens, ® Scott; guards, Judy Atkinson, |ture, showed a film on rables from the start and appears a pion ro snouts wih 'a pals unnies cas O - Bi Hin, Mrs, van Duren, " Ann Dryden, Suzanne Stonehouse| Grade 13 has been dominating) good het to capture his third scor- "¢" Door prives: B, Baw Mpg, 7 | the Inter-form basketball league. ing title in ay many full seasons| Al Dewsbury of the Belleville Caas YY M. Northey, Al pean shoped Boxes by Moirs Hil, | and Pat Lowe, A . Sr Fay b ph 0G g In girls' basketball action last/Joy Bradley and Flaine Spencer|of play, [McFarlands is the bad man of }. Nicholson, ond Jenny Lind . 79¢ te 6.50 week Whithy defeated Port Hope scored 23 points In their game| fe gave the other fellows a|the league having served a mam hd i 4 [J - seniors 25-15 at Port Hope, Sue|8gainst 11A. G. Menzel scored 8X good pun for the title last year Moth total of 114 minutes (six 11 ver = | Cuddy counted six of the Whithy points, for 1A oD } and played several less games piles fon of Io games) In LL 8 FOR baskets, while Mary Keyes was Grade 10B won over 10D by a than did many of the other play. the sin bin However, mis. | S . RS best for Port Hope with eight, wide margin. Diane Graham and ors. as ho was with the Dunnies conducts have played a big part By CLIFF GORDON gol a pair with Gordie Myles, Dunnics to a stag after the game MS ED PAPE | COURTICE I Dale Stonehouse, Marlone Burn Kathy Rhoddes shared scoring 10 i, (heir march to the world title, |in this, as he picked up a pal) Whitby Dunlops chalked up aj fandy Air and Al I'veen eah Gordie Myles was eul ove IN WHITBY Spencer played a [points for the winners. Barhiplaying coach Ike Hildebrand of (of them here in one game very convincing 142 win In fired one. Harold Hodgson anc : a pay Rochany was tpo scorer for the palieville is In the runner up spot! Tomorrow night the Cornwall|€iouffvil'e last i ght in an ev. Gre. Corey sor fo ( ou ! the eye for 8 stitches in the. final Whitby and Port Hope juniors losers. " for the second week In a row as|Chevies will be the visitors hibition game against the Stouff- side, The Dunnies led 3.0 at the rame He was going inte Plione M0 8.31 i ! Pharmac played an exciting game with| Forms 9D and 8C played one of he has a total of 68 points, six They have made a few changes|. | | Hnper the ~proceods, eid of the first $2 ut (he enc the corner to check a player and] It you mave mor hd y neither team getting ahead more|the best games in the Grade 9joes than the local flash, Atters.|since their last appearance here after experises, went fo the of the sceond and 14.9 after the \LEIEE la 0 wei : Hou, nave nor received your than three points at any time, TOUP Scorers were: Gall Robert: joy hag, however, played elght|both In players and coaching Stouffvi Lions club final perio? . ppears at he ran ino | 117 BROCK ST. N. Whitby edged them 23-21, Mari.|%on, 3; Kate Manzel, 4: Julie joss games Manager Ray Miron has taken|for crippled children and some! ICE CHIPS , .. Tom O'Connor Md of the Clipper's stick, The BELL TAXI i lyn Tripp, Joan Fairman and Uta Tweedy, 4; Johanna Witeing, 2; Playing conch Sid Smith, of the over the coaching chores from |; 400 fans jammer the rink for, was once again in fine form fo Sith, as very go and elon | AN ells must be nlaced between Dial MO 8-2394 Menzel scored 2! points for Whit.|Joanne Underwood, 2, all of 9D. punnies, and Moe Savard, of the Bob Bingley in an effort to ge!(the stellar event the local »% the Bomber anpears ™\th @ mere five penalties being 7 end 7:30 p.m, by. Heather Phillips scored 11 Jul Jarrett was 9C's lop scorer. |gerappy Kingston Merchants, arc more drive into the Chevies Tom O'Connor lui the Whithvlte be I full wine mow oh Lande on Henderson points for Port Hope | Marilyn Tripp scored 12 poinis in a tie for third snot, Of the ton They have been playing tremen- attack as he fired home no less Hassard, who lives In Stouffville, pl ved the full game in goal for In games with the Ontario 88 she led 11B to a win over C110 the Macs who have departed dous hockey of late, and are look than four voals. Bn: Hoos hesved his home town vy, Hie Dunnies and came ' Ladies' College Tuesday, Whitby Dolores Lundemark anc Mary rye Europe, have a total of five ing forward to knocking off the came up with a hat trick, Sid wae to fire a trin He then "OMe Rood saves as the Clippers tired me hot ones his wr 25, Ellen Sinclair were best for 11C. layers, the Dunnies two, King-|Dunnies in an effort to Increase|gmit Geo, Samolenko e reate ymbe: . ad a iy Hotta B05, In the game between 13 and «ton two, and the Hull . Ottawa their chances of the third playoff| nih and 60. SamJlenko each treated. the members of the be vv On Saturday night the 3 Cuddy, 2: Lynda Law, 4: Elaine|12A11, Carol Swain and Rose Canadiens one spot. So there should ha plenty of [Dunnies will at.emnt to tal as ra [+] on Tutt 6. The high school' juniors Marie Bond led 12A in scoring,| Long Jihn Henderson of the action at the local arena starting ' back a plece of- first place as . LJ downed their hosts 28-18. Uta but went Sows n defeat to 13 world champlos Whitby Dunlops' at 8.30 isis \ 1ainroc 3 thav host the Cornwall Chev hy y Gerry Matthews and Lynda The Dunnles tr 3 ) Le Meuzel scored 10 yolats, Martyn Ee il ore TOP TEN : . Frtnies trall the Beleville DECORATING COKTRAGTORS A 2: and Flaine Camp. 11A. Virginia Atkinson and G Including all games to Monday, February 2nd 1050 | 1t Y | end would like nothing bett Bate Flam, 2; a7 Elaine AMP" Menzel were best for 11A, Cat. ASSISTS PTS, ust e e S thn to pet right back g a bell, 8, riona Harvey and Mary Lou Bob Attersley--Whitby ! 47 7 whe District Deputy Grand where they have been oy " AS AS AAAAAA PRESENT BARS Cuddy starred as 9C downed on Tke Hildebrand Belleville vor A 36 ! hater Brother Merle R de Bottom place Shamrocks for the better part o! the sea o Wallpaper A Specialty Flaine Spencer, president of|by a score of 25-11, Cecllla Loc.| Sid Smith--Whitby | officially aitended the regular, SOUS, PCE OO, « COrnWall hou roles Ve ---- the Girls' Athletic Amociation, mills and Paula Jackson were Noe Snvurd iogeion I | By | whokly meeting Sa in Park Vista Mors 'Dart Yl Binglay of the Ay Tel av nha I ht 0 BAA Bd n. - | Lou BSmrke elleville I i J il OW! al tiisg hal n Yara ANG {| ror \ terion, Bue Cudty and Lynda| Tulle: Tweedy scored eight| Wayne Brown--Bellevills "rr. 2 2 3 [Fen 3, Inaction ty, he afte] Eine Rebels into second vince. 1] Rb, smanager Ray Miron 3 PHONES TO SERVE YOU Law. [points as she led 9D to a 1-11 Bob Boveher gull 1 ; B Ta 2 DON, oe Jug. the a ih for i mone the Chevies to a higher spot in y . p art Bradley--Belleville 'aes 29 Zhis 4 r elder Re the learue sts ¥, T) Pennants were awarded to the win over 9G. Pat lowe and I 20 : exemplification of the second that will be presented at the' cy. oo hold 2 Dinas aver A WEST HILL WHITBY BROOKLIN captains of the inter-form volley. Karen Morgan combined to score| Bus Gagnon--Kingston Ol ora oa rong nd oF the aeuwert (rn SIPChe Yin A A A p " re dare for y bail teams that won, Fran Larkin nine points for 9G, In one of the| Paul Payette--Belleville 29 45 [(Arree puners, ember. Hills still has the top score for| PVINES In. thei Ingt mpnting 2 J of of 1181 Tecelved the senior|best Grade 9 games of the year GOALIES Re Yo a het the single trovhv w Tih his 123 and have high hopes of making AT 2 0961 MO 8.3559 3 3 ! [ GAMES G. AGN, AVE, Upon completion of the second Standings managed team, John Henderson--Whitby 39 14 2.02 degree exemblification, Brother) P WIL Pts Avg ToC Cnoo Gordie Bell--Belleville .. 156 3.90 . Gerry Brassard--Hull 41 an Wickett, chairman of the mem. Shamrocks 78 40 36 120 521) Gerry Devaney~Cornwall ,, ! 138 4.08 hership eommittee, read » ver Revel 76 3M i ji 0 . y impressive report on activities Too Lales 76 35 )5 40 1 Has Ice Carnival Lynn Davis Ringston ! 161 4.35 [of the committer cons! itint of Black and Tan 76 33 43 99 434 TOWN of WHITBY and TOWNSHIP of WHITBY Claude Cyr--Hull 114 4.38 | ' 4 TT [fers and annlications for mem DESECRATE CEMETARY 9 of ety A ruton, ple 7 au andor, Tommy . bership into and favourably, \uipd patie Ont (CP) pupils rock St ublie School Bergstrom, andy Scero Will Present WHITBY hallotted »n hv the Lodge, ay, A004 lay, | : Vandals Wednesday night dese [the obtaining of several trans. met at the Whithy Community " . o i a y Boys 8 and 9: Lewls Pritchard, considerable reduction in out crated Drummond Hill Cemetery | So --oBeD awarded for best costumes and races Following is the list of winners tendanes, The 'renart len nointec tones which date from the 1800s James Ottenbrite, stationed out the possibilities and recom. Bones hiring I om A aon] Control and Dog Pound Officer for the joint municipalities of the Town and with the RCAF in Trenton, left, mended selection for member. , t < i with Mrs. Ottenbrite and family, [ship from various nationalities Noel Videos of Je 1 Ones hid the Township of Whitby. Mo t Original Costume: Joan pg What would happen if it' dig ® Son Jay and daughter Gall, forihow residing in ach Lodge wo or 1812 was fought on By-laws have been passed by both municipalities providing for the capture and impounding Perry, Ralph Delonge, Loulse Girls 9. and over Linda wi'l be shown in a realistic skit Baden Baden, Germany for al locality cemetery land of Dogs running et large AT ANY TIME OF THE YEAR, Any dog in the Town and Town. Pritchard : Young Margaret Sheedy. Cathie boing presented hy the Ontario four - year stay. James is the son! Reother Ross. DDGM. In hi y ship found running at large and not under control of o competent person will be captured Fancy Dress Costume: Lewis Ak. Comte Chil Defence Unit Thurs of Mr. and Mrs. J, Ottenbrite talk to those present. was very Rand. fr { " and impounded for a maximum period of seventy-two 72) hours, and a fee of Five Dolloms Pritchard, Sandra Scero, Keith' . a day. Fob. 30. at the town hallisT romnlimentary ta Noble Grand inderhane Tom. a poslion lu ($5.00) will be charged for its release. Following the 72-hour period any unclaimed dog may Mace. / J Mrs, W. Colline and Mr. and|Brother Crawford in the able [{f¢t or more In front of the be sold or destroyed Comle Costume: Margaret SAVED FROM JAIL a; PD Unit skit will show the Mrs. David Potts, of Toronto, (active manner In which the|target, will find Whitby sched ' Sheedy, Gilbert Kentner, Peter, TORONTO (CP) Rev, John| yf : hi Li Wi! anow en. Pent last Wednesday at the home| Lodge has been following up and ted to play again very soon All dogs must bear a tag at all times, Owens | Foote, VC, former Ontario reform S inioved tn & av. OF whon flood of Mr, and Mrs, John O'Neil, of|securing new members as well and al' members are reques'e WM. A. HERON, Reeve HARRY W. JERMYN, Meyer w institution minister, intervened on di . Wi 4 Ct Buelid street as otherwise increasing Lodge to attend all meetings In order) A ' ' ' JUNIOR ROOM i ear'hquake, hirricane or 8 8 Hi ale. dnd hel Koen: thel Township of Whith Town of Whitby Most Original Costume: Erika behalf of a comrade In arms Mrs. A. Roberts, grandmother|[attendance and decreasing on'./10 participate and he'n keep he! Pp y ] similar disaster happens [ team In top contention Greenland, Glen Evans, Tommy ' | Sobezak Keith Mace, John Bergstrom, Willem Verhulst, i Girls B years: Louise Prit:| Disaster could strike Whithy SENIOR ROOM chard, Donna Pinder, Joan anviime Arena for their lee carnival. ipeugias Short, Bob Jones standing dues ae well in. During the afternoon pr re : 4 iv: Lindwe one of the oldest burial grounds arid for ben commes sn une, Oc, MESS CD Skit Here PERSONALS avi i Bn Bs y|in. Ontario, Police sald grave Mr. Hugh McMaster of the Township of Whitby has been appointed Dog | had AC Thursday And Alfred Hambleton Whithy Chamber of Commerce(0f Mrs, G. Page, of Dulferin|standing commitments of due Cadman. 09, was saved from a Jal on is sponsoring the skit to show Street, is in the Scarborough #1%0 stating such good Oddfellow.| Upon completion of busine Fancy Dress Costume: Anne .°N€® for theft of a radio Ma). services elubs, noice, firemen, | (ieneral Hospital, Friends wish ship merited being reported tothe refreshment committee of Greenland, Stevie Silver, Bobby Foote, member of the legislature Mrs. Roberts a complete re | Grand Lodge (Brothers Noh'e and Shuttleworth Stevens for Durham, told the mag Lae | hee hes and other organizations covery Dart baseball, which is very ally assisted, served ovsler Chmie Costume: Chris Mace, Ve Were at Dieppe together ane what should he done if disaster] Last Saturday afternoon the Povular with Lodges in this|coun to the Inrge and apprecia spent three years together in a) 0 Sh Toh areaniza. (Whitby Baptist Church Explorers district, the darts being thrown!tive attendance Peter Evans. Barbara Jones. |. 5. ) t = a Yin 3 : ( sxnctlviparty ap ' a Kindergarten: Terry Scero, him a suspended sentence 1 will| Civil defence means exac ty pak y pidler He supervision o| DAILY CROSSWORD Wayne Silver, Mary Perry personally supervise him." {what its name implrw, It means Mise Mary Ann Hardy and Miss 3 . fo ---- - defence hy civilians agains! [Jean Hewls, They were after TY N disaster. Not just war, but any wards entertained at the home ACROSS 3. Neurotle 21, Bibl. Fite nossible disaster that could of Mrs, William Hewis when re LA fraud thieves cal M11 (1. [F] 0 4 WHITBY threaten a community . |freshments were sorved by the (colloq.) 4. Batfling name io fi ( B The skit will ha Savill *Thia[ hostess, assisted by Mrs, Harold 8. Strong. 8. Property 22, Gaelic midint Hat! ¥, Could Happen Here". It will|Crawforth. Miss Louise Pogson boxes (L.) 24. 8ick |B D 10 WwW H T Phone MO 8-3618 |show what con be done bv|gave a vote of thanks to Mrs.| 11.City (Fr) 6. Polish river 325 Mos. [QIDIENENIAININI un our ar I NOW PLAYING EVENING SHOWS 7.9 P.M. | properly organized civilians, A Howls, 12. Worship 7. Decorate lem ALS 4 disens fon will be held following| Miss Jane Mowat suffered a| 13. Ostrichlike 8. Prefigure name fates BN ALY SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 the skit, broken arm due to a bad fall, un Jira fvar) . ing 28. Queen aa, ALA . . . -- {her school companions of Col. . Unders| , Assam SLUTIESIRGIKIEIS[E] Get More Out Of Life-- Go Out To A Movie . borne school and friends wish her water wheel allkworm oe | egion ost 0 a speedy recovery, 18. Vipers 10, A line of Yesterday's Avawer A NEW MOTION PICTURE MASTERPIECE || 1 Nix Bren. of Atpotsirem| oo OF DADOE, 18 Overhead 38 Otherwise © 8 more miles per gallo . Mrs. Alex Brown, of Athol street, of paper . Overhea v 8 erwise of , Service Clubs [Kien her third birthday on| 17 Music note train h 30, Property mor pe 9 n FROM TNE BRITISH STUDIO THAT BROUGHT "GREAT : Sunday, Attending the hirthday| 318 Ages 10. Bones contract EXPECTATIONS AND "OLIVER TWIST" $0 AN Branch 112 of the Canadian!dinner were her grandparents, 30: Scooplike (anat.) 41, Man's VIVIDLY TO THE SCREEN Legion. Whithy, will host the Mr. and Mrs. Goors, ' . implements 20, Shinto nickname d . other three service clubs of the Mr. wl its, Sere Brows, Kis 23. Hawk temple 38. Stupefy 42. Curve Re b 53 town on March 12 for an inter. Sharon and Danny her hrother parrot : 4 service club meeting. Attending Patrick ad sister Donna Marie. 20. Greek poet vill he members of the Kiwanis,| A very iuecessful Valentine tea 27. A stable Rotary and Kinsmen clubs, and home baking sale was _held 29, Constellas This will he the fourth such at the porish ha!l under the*aus. 0 fon U A meeting of the 'our groups.'nices of All Saints' Anglican 2 Seriously L Annually, one of the faur clihe| Church Afternoon Guild, Ladies 3 Te Ie acts as host and this year, the nouring tea were Miss 1 3s Po rion Branch hes invited the Beaine, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. G baht d p other three. The dimer meeting Eastwood and Mrs, R. S. Cas - Evi hed > NATIONALLY ADVERTISED will be held ir the Logion Hn'lleols, Mrs, 8. Arme'rong and «0. ay : Two new mombers wa "Mrs, RoE. Smith welcomed the track ducted as Legion membhess atl «peste. Conveners for ten tahles 42. Od his © month'e gencenl meetin wape: Mrs, G. Lomax, and Mrs wom Ish They are Arthur Wilson, of 308 W. Seales. serving, Mre, TU. Hoar oan . . ) Q \ 43, latlv DIRK BOGARDE | Faas i I Erie Yates, of Mrs H Mallard, Miss L. Me. oA, Hittive DOROTHY TUTIN i ens NC aa i ntosh, Mrs. GG. Beaton, Mrs of soap 7 CECIL PARKER 5 tet e tiation and| Tack Clark and Mrs 1. Beckley 48, Organs of DISTRIBUTED LOCALLY BY = Induction were branch presi: 'kitehen ennvenars, Mrs, F, Price smell aonpiey by TER CANE y , \ ; ---- o " ~ dant Verran Mee(iny | second nesisted he Mrs, CT. Honateck 46, Confined, Descied by ALM THOMAS INS | vice-president Ingram Marsh Mee, C, Naly and Mrs, A, Lear : ' RE ST S The Svan \ ' ' LLY 7, I} * » h od ¢ inka table M+ P. Riswardenn bird dent Inkpen and Tom Beer a LR | A "anrad The ten DOWN bi its renr atives on the Whit. 't « nicely decorated with af PHONE MO 8-2070 WHITBY, ONT. municipal officials industry, | ® Get up to 31% more horsepower Also ee Bug's Bunny - Sport - Novelty by Chamber of Conlmerce [rec v contre plece and the| 3 ot ho . A grant of $10 was made to small were attractively 2 Paints the March of Dimes, Idecorated iu hs Valentine motif, =i

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