THR TIMES he WEATHER REPORT TELEPHONE NUMBERS : Clouding over late tonight; Sat. Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 urday cloudy with occasional : snow changing to rain. ; All other calls ...... RA 8-3474 OIL RIGHTS IN ARCTIC LURE CANADIAN FIRMS 'CRAVY TRAIN' | rem -- '50,000,000 Acres Leased Last Month OTTAWA (CP)--A rush for oiljada now has finished a survey of | rights in the Arctic Archipelago the Queen Elizabeth Islands--the eveda 9 as eda S has broken out with more than upper part of the archipelago-- 50,000,000 acres leased in the last|and its report is expected later. . month, it was learned today. However, geologists on the spot | TORONTO (CP)--A gravy train " mem disclosed of sale or gifts from The total--still going up--com-|have made no bones about their. 4 [started up steam in Ontario in Eu 4 ) "77 any other elected or appointed pares with 32,000,000 acres leased belief that substantial deposits of i{ [1954 and when it puffed into pub- 4 ; : municipal official . . . : i ! for oil and natural gas explora- gas and oil lie under the islands-- 4 |lic view three years later it had 5 { "On all the evidence and after tion all last year in the North. land along the continental shelf [picked up profits of nearly $15,- B® careful examination of the rec- | Officials of the: northern affairs|under the Arctic waters lying off a Joh se. ; | ords as to the disposition of ; 7 |department said the rush has|the islands, OSHAWA-WHITBY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1959 oA Rdg Bed SIXTEEN PAGES VOL, 88 -- NO. 37 ? shares we find no evidence of] 5 been building up for 10 years and| Among the 40-0dd passengers ! bribery or corruption with refer: oh {finally broke last month. ROCKS LIKE PRAIRIES were three cabinet ministers, 4 § i HH i The k fi ti sedi- Bric : i { ence to Northern at any level of ; ? oo, Officials emphasized that the rock formations are two prominent Progressive Som | government, municipal or provin- : % 1Vlactivity represents "insurance" mentary deposits akins to those Linen Seiten n civil servant §& & | cial" y measures by oil and gas compan is te ol bearing pars iof the 4 ph : | Eats 17 ia ies to stake out their rights in . aud two municipal oftieisls, (hh 2 INVESTIGATED BY TRIO a the archipelago and tat it does| It was indicated companies | The gravy eeln was Norther te } The investigation was varied Soni not mean necessarily any in-|Still are coming in with applica- y y { |Ontario Natural 'Gas Company | S88 va out by Toronto lawyer Gordon] of g tions for exploration o i a had "land details of its stock splits | We Ford--opposition members called * ; crease in exploration work. wo gus PELOrHLY SKI CHAMPION HOME AT LAST were disclosed Thursday In the y Ta 4] him "a Tory"--and two officials £ : ; REGULATION REVISION The first came Jan. 22 when a Ontario legislature by Attorney- : ; # of the Ontario Securities Com- ia Regulations for such staking infirm called Dominion Explorers Anne Heggtvelt, 20-year-old | Germany, is greeted by her | her arrival at Montreal airport. |General Roberts. : oh A mission, auditor Wilfred Chish- © = a the Northwest Territories are|applied for rights on about 8,000, Ottawa skier who won a top | proud and happy parents, Mr. : He tabled the long-awaited re- ; ; olm and counsel H. S. Bray. Th ; being revised and the firms in-|000 aces. international championship in | and Mrs. Halvor Heggtveit, on --CP Wirephoto | +" of a three-man committee | . Their report produced only ; f|volved are simply making sure| Othes following suit included : appointed last summer to investi- | SSE ; four new names among inves- BR "they will be in on the ground|California Standard, Fexaco, Tal . ! |gate the stock deals after CCF 2 tors: rT t os ; floor when the opportune time|ent Oil and Gas, Round Valley, P 1 Dra net Leader Donald MacDonald raised Beverley Matthews of Toronto, | & comes to start active develop-la New York firm of consultants 0 Ice g YPIrus Oo ecome the question in the legislature. prominent Conservative known : ment of northern rights. [known as Rosen and Associates F D 1 The report disclosed no evi: - as Ontario financial organizer for) 2 Ar iy # The Geological Survey of Can-'and numerous others, dence of bribery or unrevealed the national party; Mrs. J. M.| | (£2 » \ [secretary when he was mines ? ; Free Democracy. [owen a a BE est Drafts P oy S eat But opposition members, brav-|asked Premier Frost. |Kendrey Improvement District : ( 1 a nn holdings by cabinet ministers. PHILIP T. KELLY Leamen of Toronto, Mr. Kelly's | LONDON (Reuters) -- Britain's] Meanwhile Cyprus Governor ing an election threat from Pre- I Inorth of Timmins, Francois Bor- TORONTO (CP) -- Police/cabinet today debated accepting|Sir Hugh Foot arrived here by mier Frost, indicated they still|[ MORE IMPORTANT BUS ia ee iB i . . Jevated a widening search today|the new plan for Cyprus amid air from the island today to at-|want a judicial inquiry as the| The premier epi there rae [smooth Rock Falls. Io Re the drivers of two cars which| reports that Archbishop Makarios|tend the flurry of meetings| House agreed to postpone debate|been discrepancies in other s! ie In addition, the report dis- Bo 1 l ermal l ] l 1 Y ran over a seven-year-old boy in|probably will visit London during|touched off by the negotiations. to digest the report and 1,540, nets by Wy lume mines min-| C4 details of investments b a ; suburban Thornhill Thursday a three-power settlement confer-| Lloyd did not disclose details] ages of testimony. + former lands and forests minis- 4 4 | oi . 5 is . might and did not stop. [ence next week. of the Greco-Turkish plan but hie MacDonald was quick to] "We have more important Dus-ligp Clare Mapledoram, former & wll ar a within with Russia witha erie Robert Southern, son of Mr.| However, the reports said, it|generally was understood to Pro-| refer to statements last week by|iness to do than try to resolve nuplic works minister William i ) : Ee Not Toto Dey Torn ou vance Mrs: Allan Southern, was hit| has not been decided yet whether|vide for Cyprus becoming an in-ltormer mines minister Philip discrepancies in Mr. Kelly 5|Griesinger, Liberal Leader John 4 German reunification. They hope on road after falling/Greek and Turkish Cypriot rep-|dependent republic with minority gelly, mentioned in the report as words." Wintermeyer and A. D. McKen- ; A Ie lay on the } - hy tathors | resentatives will participate in|guarantees and for continuation rh) four promoters who netted! Attorney - General Roberts|zie, president of the Ontario Fo. BURIED CAR a is storia aastia. Foes platy Stn 'among of British Middle East land, sea nearly ,000 each. | 'the report: ssive Conservative As Wilt : W, ) The boy's Were ommeit ec c to ttle theland. air 'bases on" pi Strategie i nea rian of his en no ofhier evidence Hon, y ---- [ heavy snowfalls that, "have pis shape of the formal stilljcould bring up any his' 'side{Rroblem. of Britain's Mediterran-|island on: 40 miles. off the Turk-Ijocg (octimony, Mr. Kelly had in- | blanketed central Ontario in the s to be fatermined. but if 1s ex. they wish, dovm the ' side| | i ean island colony. Makarios, now|ish coast. or istributing | ih inti when the two cars struck him in dicated stocks in gas distributing | last few da:s, Roy Tipling, of | oad to push the Western re-| 3. A decision that the reunifi- L] in Athens, is the exiled leader of| British opinion generally wel- z a d by other rr « Ear quick succession. He was dead|y. Graek Cypriot community. |comed the agreement between| COMpanies were hel yr | re) Redickville, 25 miles southwest |g oct 'for free all-German elec-|cation of Germany through free When they reached him. | bi the plan!G d Turk government memb er s bes of Barrie, starts in to dig out |: i | i 4 | If the cabinet approves the plan Greece and Turkey. himself and two cabinet minis-| | his car from under huge drifts, |1iOPS somehwat into the back- election -- the formula to which Toles Svadihocke hele set upto make Cpr a independent |ters who resigned last year. | The ear was buried for mory [Eround. {the Western powers have clung along Highway 11 and side roads blic t! conference is ex-| h . / | bid g " i ee in the area. One report said all ii ort shoes Monday and Dulles 71 Under | "You don't propose to resolve . | than a week. ; Many experte beliove that DE ia obiain te available cruisers were told to run for three or four days. | S ' the contradictions involved in Mr. | (o) 1C u [ --CP Wirephoto irvine process could = on Lid y n German look for a car with its hood spat-| Foreign Secretary Selwyn ur eon's Knife d as much as two years before na- » 5 | tionwide elections are held. In| Authorities said today that blood. Lloyd met with the cabinet this g | " 3 | h ay any tered by Lloyd Tel Si te Cie A WASSQIOTON. (AF) vale 35 DEAD MICE ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--|speech 'hysterical and inflam- Wh tehaven the meantime practical steps in/merger plan acceptable to the ..» lings with both the Greek and Secretary Dulles underwent sur-| . Premier Joseph Smallwood has matory. Y the economic and political field| West would require at some point Minimum Age For Turkish foreign ministers, Evan- gery today for a hernia. IN CAT BLITZ |accused the International Wood-| Besides attacking the union, 3 : could be taken to bring the two all-German elections to choose a gelos Averoff and Fatin Zorlu. | The information office at Wal- workers of America (CLC) of Mr. Smallwood said he was| Off Cl d |Germanies closer together. |new unity government but that D 1 D b t d | The two men flew here Wed-/ter Reed Army Medical Centre DUTTON, Ont. (CP)-- l,ausing trouble in Newfoundland|throwing the full weight of the ice ose |. Diplomatic informants said to- the elections would not have to be rivers ebate |nesday from Zurich, Switzerland, {said the operation for a left] Farmer Arthur McCormick's land asked loggers to throw the|provincial government on the) mn ; {day that the United States, Brit-|a first step by any means. TORONTO (CP)--G. E. Jack-|after premiers Adnan Menderes|inguinal (groin) hernia started| four cats are firm believers |, pion out of the province. [side of the Anglo-Newfoundland] TORONTO (CP)--The Toronto ain, France and West Germany| Many Western diplomats also son (PC -- London South) has|of Turkey and Constantine Kar-|(about 8:10 a.m. EST. in the policy of massive re- | 1, 5 gpecial radio and televi- Development Company, hit by office of the Whytehaven Build. are guided by two main tacticallare convinced that if Russia asked in the legislature's high- amanlis of Greece agreed on the| Dulles, who will be 71 Feb. 25,| - taliation when things go 00 | ;n cheech Thursday night, helloggers' strike in the centralling Fund has been closed be.|considerations in the wholesale| d hospital Tuesd far in the mouse world told th ince's 20,000 full and foundland ~t of Grand i f their Ger lici jfocas the igsie the Westory way committee that the mini- joint plan. entered hospital Tuesday. Since| ps ing old the province's 20, |Newfoundlan: own rand aise of "unjustifi . » review of their man policies powers would agree to open the mum age for car drivers be] {then each bulletin on his condi-| When he went to his barn part-time pulpwood loggers, 1,200 pajis. {cause of "unjustifiable expense, ! his. 2 Wk which now is underway. {foreign ministers' conference to tion Ss r p C p | In Southwold Township to lof whom have been on strike : it was announced Thursday. | : BE nin er varemko| POLICE OFFICERS zoo ero, i Wis glart moraing chores, os [since Dec. 31, to form a NOW rent at ine own. A special Whytehaven is a boarding home "oo To LIMIT [Soviet Bloc goveraments: fee answered Thursday the depart-| 4 s MeCormiek i nad unjor: ewfound |RCMP squad of about 60 men is for children, near Oshawa. fini DUSTY 340 18 1 lest fo ment would looked into the issue| GO WRONG WAY ig - dic Hg Three Pn and a kitten 1 Tae yobs ugly.» said to have been moved there. Fund chairman Allan Shanks, ta) Western ns the > . of training and licencing mor BRANTFORD (CP) -- Sur- were sitting back awaiting the ------ 'said. "There is more Mr. Smallwood said the "IWA an Oshawa nurseryman, sald "we sibility that the Soviet govern-| Burma Premier | agers but 'it won't be tomor- : : . in ; : N prised citizens watched a car 1 compliments. - lawlessness, more violence, more never will and never can win in|will continue to make every ef-|ment may be ready for serious row." : # 8 Fos " id the gov-| tiati + . Saw La Dep Tr inis-] and motorcycle travel the 3 |lies, more falsehood, more cheat-| Newfoundland. : He sai 2 tt is = 4 {lding | Negotiations and compromises on| or uty Traaspol Mims i ; ling, more deceit in the past four ernment doesn't want the IWA fort to raise $50,000 for building the unity issue. [ Yul 0S1 10N \ i i city's one - wav downtown ns T A . : ee foe BB streets - Thursday -- both 4 ; 'RCMP Launches weeks than we ever saw in New-|and will never work with its offi- extension to aid Mom Whyte's| Their other concern is to dem: | J into law within a month r ula-| driven by policemen and both rs : {foundland before." cials, talk to them, never answer (Mrs. Bertha Whyte's) work at onstrate to the world a Western| . RANGOON, Burma (Reuters) tions requiing driving hea in-| going the wrong way. J J . | H. Landon Ladd, district presi-|a telegram from them, never Bowmanville." readiness to negotiate with initi- Gen. Ne Win resigned today as structors to submit to tests pre- The officers were. timing : Security For jdent of the IWA, termed the have anything to do with them. «p (ont to assure the public ative and flexibility. [ore ini Burma, go pared by the Ontario govern- Jossie ales In rd aio 3 [here hos been no misappropria-| Several Western concessions al- came hii oer oF. 5 - ment. He said instructors would| four by Queen Elizabeth who aa | ' {tion of funds." |ready have become known as a following the resignation of U Nu be examined from a standpoint| will is here uring her p 3 Queen S Route HAPPY FRIDAY, 13 Mr. Shanks and fund treasurer result of exchanges among the | veteran statesman. : both of character and driver-| Summer tour of Canada. e he Ky : A. T. Jackson, Whitby resident|governments in Washington, Lon-| "Thursday, Ne Win declared training ability. I 3 MONTREAL (CP) -- Assistant and Toronto businessman, said don, Paris and Bonn. The consul- that while efforts were being / | 5 Commissioner J. R. Lemieux, hd hd they preferred not to say how tations are focused in a four: made to unite the country fae- (4 4 ; 88 head of the RCMP here, says the V1C 1011 much had been coniributed so Power meeting of diplomats un-|tions were demanding that states { ' . [force will soon start work on its far, derway here. These concessions he created for certain races and enny O88 asses ; ke ®% security program for the protec- |include: jeven the secession of the Shan | A decision to propose in al {tion of Queen Elizabeth, Pince states from the Buremese Union. I 1 THOUGHT FOR TODAY [forthcoming note to the Soviet| He asserted that Burma _is se [Philip and President Eisenhower. ® i 2 ee ih 3 : The sident and. Mrs. Eisen- xX a n |governmen at German advis- stricken with an "organic dis- Go To Red Korea 3 : hower pinging Canada June ja er A sociologist says that |ers participate in a prospective ease" because of these différ- 2 to join the Queen in opening "people are pretty much the (East-West foreign ministers con-|ences and added that he was A i 4 v same the world over," but he |ference. [filled with anxiety about whether TOKYO (AP) -- Japan agreed) Prime Minister Nobuuke Kishi| povyyg pETANCOURT |Top ry oo ice Seaway, Daniel Sandford, Woodhouse October 1945 in the Royal Cana may be unduly pessimistic. | 2. A declared readiness to havelit would live long. today to let poverty - stricken and his cabinet after a'long meet- i Checks will be made on places| t, Ajax and his family,|[dian Navy with the rank of lead-l. : . rts sonnei inhuman bili Koreans here go to Communist|ing approved the repatriation but| [to be seen, travel routes and crescent, 5 BAR od|INE signalman. He was dis- North Korea in defiance of alin effect tossed the whole scheme| Troo Guard | methods of transportation. {who were to have been eric |charged with a clean record. His South Korean government warn-|into the laps of the International | ps In addition police keep a list{from their home at noon today, carvice wus mostly at sea in the ing that it would resist the trans- Red Cross. | " of persons of unstable emotion have been granted an extension.|,,., ~ Atlantic and Mediter fer 'with every power at its dis- Kishi told Pari th iti- | P d t who might be dangerous Persons] Morley Bain, Ontario county ranean. He was aboard HMCS ig cal issue would Aen Tae au rest en believed hostile to the visitors deputy sheriff, announced that| Calgary when it sank a German The deepening crisis threatened "on the basis of the basic human | will also be investigated. {overtures had been made to Hon.|submarine off Cape Finisterre | to create new divisions between right to freedom of residence." | enezuela Since there is no suspicion of| Michael Starr, minister of labor near the Bay of Biscay. two of the firmest fhends the Presumably North Korea will 3 , j plots against the Queen and her(and MP for Ontario riding. As a The family have lived in Ajax West has in the Far East. Both| er thins (0 transwort Uinse CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)-- husband RCMP do not contem- result a stay of execution of the a little over three years. Mr. | governments held hurried consul-| 1 od for. repatriation. There Troops and police stood guard to- joe investigations of windows eviction order had been granted.|Sandford is a concrete worker og Th a represenatives seemed little likelihood of any jay spans Osa oo or heights overlooking travel| Sandford is a naval veteran a his experience mers sewers 0 and Seoul. " 3 or " Pha ih 15 $ i y y s ril 1941 to and watermain installations and : There seemed littie or no. like- ovement of the Korcans before rth e disterty juguration of routes or stopping places who served from April 1 ws Again Ri lewis eb Bhood that the quarrel, so far|' : resident Romulo Betancourt. - {had no steady work for the past 7% confined to verbal blasts and im-| | Betancourt, a 50 - year - old [18 months. All he wants, he de plied threats from South Korea, | . | moderate leftist and political vet- |clares is a steady job and a; would blow up into a shooting! $200,000 Fire eran, is Venezuela's first freely- [chance to work for a living. ; conflict [Sceted Zresidont in 10. years. | At the moment he owes about | e leader of the Democratic Ac nine months rent, plus interest. U.S. WOULD INTERVENE I 0 b [tion party, he is opposed by su i i d g ay SUD : H He ha ssets except - The United States would be n ue ec {porters of former dictator Mar Fire Fighters Quell House Blaze Te Jas ho nce wi id Tara} sure to stop South Korea from| MEGANTIC, Que. (CP) -- Fire eos Perez. Jimenee. Caracans OSHAWA -- Oshawa fire fighters quelled a blaze at 48 Mrs. Sandford said "The past using either its navy ot air force today destroyed a three-storey - A ro od avy for She 10ader Brock St. W., owned by R. Drum about 12.30 p.m. today. Fire |{wo years have been tough. very in this dispute. They are under building on the main street of this| J e Junta I poi Pep acer Perez| was confined to the second storey of the two-storey building. [little money coming in and the United Nations operational com- Eastern Townships community, |* Te oend ad the op | Damage to the top floor was extensive. No injuries were re- | baby came along. We don't want maa So a [causing damage officially esti- position: planned treat disorders ported, |charity. Just a chance to get on |B he Japanese government was mated at $200,000 and leaving 14 Adoring the ian uTation lour feet." , g cautiously a 4 p ss. Ni 2 a 2 augur, . # TE a0 exh Yious persons homeless. No one was in-TU00% UE oar onan says] Seattle Tug Lost, Search For Crew | Neither have any near relatives fi A dren Sich free liquor was distributed in 2 VANCOUVER (CP)--Five men' were reported missin |in a position to help, either by further arouse--President Syng-| 1 3 . A hi q | p missing p \ man Rhee's Ein yoe h The Maze lon fie tows, which (ig working class neighborhood | today after an American tug collided with a rock in the giving them funds, or providing Lely popu a foo 4 more than|s, get gangs of youths drunk so| Strait of Georgia and sank. An RCAF search and rescue shelter, ee Withou i ep! one comm they would roam the streets and official said two survivors from the tug Henry Foss were As a last resource an appeal CITY EMERGENCY Pasi e burn, y building |cause trouble | picked up after the vessel struck a rock during the night." |was made Thursday for a PHONE NUMBERS as 4 oh alle exehanme as| A demonstration reported ar-| | month's extension before the y Ss ugsto n OUT | ranged for midnight in the cen- : |eviction notice was to take effect. apartments tral El Silencio district of 'Cara-| Axe-Bandits Snatch £1500 | This was granted, and the POLICE RA 5-1133 The Bell Telephone Companylecas did not come off. howevor. | GLASGOW (AP)--A pair of bandits struck down two eviction averted. Deputy-sheriff. ' y Ad oy vas planning to set up an emer-|Stroets in the area were prac.| men with axes and snatched a £1.500 payroll at a butcher Morley Bain said yesterday "I FACING EVICTION today | Daniel Sandford, on the left is | year-old Steve, Kimberley, aged FIRE DEI'T. RA 53-6574 gency exchange tically deserted. The district was shop on a main street today. John Sharp, cashier at the meat have my job to do, and if there | eighteen months, and Eri Y pA Aq . a 1 3 bh y L L \ y in = . € ' Cc | from his Ajax home unless a | Daniel junior, aged 12 today, ged eight. » HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 | Cause of the fire was not yet the site of battles between police market, and his assistant, John McCall, were taken to hos- is no extension, I will have to put . known, land rioters Tuesday night. pital with injuries believed to be serious. them out." time extension is granted, is | Friday the 13th. Next is three- ~Phote by John Milly, % §