CLEARANCE ! Girls' "'"Penny" Loafers Reg. 4.98 Please, no telephone or mail orders Broken size ranges account for the worthwhile savings on these excellent quality casuals for girls A very popular style, in a choice of black or brown , . . smoéth leather uppers with moccasin style vamps, sturdy 'Neo- lite' soles. Sizes 4 to 10, narrow and medium widths in the group. A EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 239 EATON Opportunity Day Special, Pair .usmairmmana If you have a hearing problem . . . come to EATON'S Hearing Aid Clinic On Wednesday or Thursday, February 18th and: 19th " when Mr. H. H. Soldwisch, Certified Hearing Aid Audiologist will be on hand to test and anclyse your hearing. You may be surprised at the help thot is possible through proper analysis and careful selection of a hearing eid. Let's have a frank talk about "Comparative Prices"... and what they mean in EATON advertising! Comparative prices are common currency in advertising. They're expressed in many ways, in terms like "Regularly"-"Ordinarily"- *Originally"-"Made to sell for"-"Worth twice the price"-and so on «.. phrases that are sometimes meaningful, sometimes misleading, often hard to prove or understand. Have YOUR heoring tested, without cost or obligation, at EATON'S. Phone RA 5-7373, Store Managers Office for an appointment \ : Sprightly Little Spring Togs Styled for little girls and boys WE WANT OUR CUSTOMERS TO KNOW HOW WE AT EATON'S USE COMPARATIVE PRICES IN OUR ADVERTISING ... HOW WE LIMIT THEIR USE BY STRICT REGULATIONS TO ENSURE THAT THEIR MEANING WILL BE CONSISTENTLY CLEAR: A GU DE ADVERTISING When we quote "comparative prices" --that is, compare an Baton special price with the dinary price prevailing--a thorough survey is made of the local market, to make certain that the special price to be quoted is substantially lower than the price at which this article is presently being sold in other stores as well as our owa.' Only when this condition is fulfilled will we quote comparative prices in our advertising. A. 3-pce. Outing Set -- Quick- dry, cotton jacket, snopperalls ond hat set. Jacket and hat lined with cosy napped cotton; trimmed with stripes ond tiny plastic toggles. Snapperalls feature domed crotch for quick, easy changes. Set comes in pre- dominantly pink or blue. Sizes to fit 6 months, 1 year or 114 This is the text-book that guides Beers. our advertising writers in every EATON Opportunity 3 99 thing they say about our mere Day Speciol, each . . ehandise. It lays down hard-and- fast rules against exaggerstiom and misrepresentation, helps us to keep our advertising seourete and true! Whenever we quote a 'regular price," we refer to.the last price at which the merchandise was sold at Eaton's, . . even though that price may have been a reduction of an earlier 'regular price.' Thus, if we sell an article at 4.95, reduce it to 5.98 and later on reduce it to 2.98--it will be advertised as "Regular 3.96, Special price 3.98. If we advertise an article "Regular 4.95, Special Price 3.25," we mean that this same article has been selling for some time on our counters for the regular price and hag been reduced for some specific reason, which we slate--such ee 'ends of lines' or "broken sizes," "discontinyed styles." B. Cendy-striped Overalls ~-- Quick-dry, need little or no iron- ing. Cotton with cross-over straps to button on to lined bib; back waist elasticized, side snap-fasteners. In pink, blue ond ton stripe, or yellow, blue i ond tan stripes. For sizes 2, 3 ond 4 B ~" "EATON Opportunity "Day Special, each .. 1.49 3 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 210 PHONE RA 5.7373 Strict imitation i on the use of comparative prices is only one of the many ways by whioh we maintain our reputation for integrity. We rigidly adhere to a principle of clarity, truth and accuracy in every phase of our advertising for ABOVE ALL THINGS WE VALUE YOUR CONFIDENCE. Therefore we stick to this simple. straioht.forward vias EATON ADVERTISING MUST MEAN WHAT IT SAYS AND SAY WHAT IT MEANS f Bor H- od - 3 - be - Specially priced for indoor gardeners Planted Bulbs . give a gift TE -- he So Beautify your home , to a shut-in friend . . . a complete growing unit. Just add water, and soon you'll be growing Amaryllis, Caladiums, Gloxinias in a choice of blue and white, pink and white or red and white or Begonias: (mixed). The children too, will enjoy watching them Eight lovely ways to beautify your sweaters! . Simulated pearl chain with flower-shape? =!asp in metal the colour of gold EATON SPECIAL PRICE, EACH Square shapad clasp with mat surface ond curved sides on chain -- both in metal the colour of gold. Charming costume accessory -- . ; . Simulated peorl in centre of tlower-shaped clasp with "petals" in metal the colour of gold, simulated useful for anchorin r sweater pearl chain, / g your. § eaters, Rhinestone and simulated pearls in leaf-shaped clasp of metal the colour 2 gold, Imuiciag fucdl hein H H ei THY "petal" cl tal tt i] {! lated pearl at centre, and simula pearl Choice of beautiful designs, be- ives petal" clasp in mat surfaced metal the colour of gold, simula pear 3 . Basketwork design in circulor-shaped clasp on chain --both in metal the colour of gold. coming for day and evening , . . . Simulated mother-of-pearl double diamond-shaped clasp, set in metal the colour of gold. Simulated pearl chain, i tones, chain 1 tal the cotour all set in metal the colour of gold. . Ws Curved fon shaped clasp in metal the colour of geld studded With rhinestones, chain In metal * PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON"S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 215 New Weaves, Colours, Prints for Spring! SAVE ON FABRICS! 40" to 42" Printed Silk Chiffons grow. Bulbs are set in a growing med- ium, in a fibre planter. EATON Opportunity Day Special, 069 each 3 for 1.99 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 280 PHONE RA 5.7373 » Ordinarily 6.95! Save 4.00! Exquisite printed silk chiffons from one of the greot Swiss fabric houses outitanding Opportunity D. florals, Paisley effe. . in colours to nto Springti ond dance dresses * peach, open, navy; black, oll with white: sise beige with brown. Not every colour ~ Piss design. EATON Oppo Speciel, yord |, 54" Novelty Wool Suiting Bosket weaves -- in attractive veriety For suits, s, Spring coats ; . . new basket weaves including heavier and lighter weights of the season. These textured woollens show off ther beauty in colours of Aque, Dynamic Red (mew, lighter rosy-tone), Pale Mint-Green, Ture Quoise, Fira-Red, Melon, Shrimp, Tangerine, Bright Moss-Green, Powder-Blue. 3.49 EATON Opportunity Day Special, yord ......... "revs 50" Novelty Flocked Nylon Sheer Fresh charm for your wardrobe -- colourful nylon sheer flocked in white on colour , etheral all-white . in predominant tones of light blue, pink, yellow, aque, light green, selmon-pink. In patterns you have a choice. -- but not in every colour These: for evening dresses, go-south fashions, bridal wear, confirmation and graduation dresses EATON Opportunity Dey Special, yard . RATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 233 44" Silk-Nubbed Royon Shantung Here's a lovely suiting to, choose for a two piecer or dress' An excellent weight for Spring, woven with silk nub on rayon to give the new textured look White wi colour is 'news' In new fabrics and this shontung is flecked in white on grounds of Aque, Lime,' Pansy-Purple, Deep Corel Iso in solid colours of Deep~ Coral, Grey, Lime, Periwinkle, Copen, Brown. EATON Opportunity Dey Special, yard PHONE RA 5.7373 35" 'Sanforized' Cotton Broadcloth Mercerized to give it a lovely sheen , , . "Sane vat-dyed in a wide range of beautiful colours -. . this is the big choice for" fashions the yeor round . . . dresses, blouses, children's togs, home-decor In White, Caribbean Blue, Aque, Powder, Royal, Yellow, Natural, Gold-colour, Apricot, Lime, Apple or Moss greens, Tan Red, Chocolate, Silver grey, Wine, Light Nevy, Navy, Bleck. EATON Opportunity Day Speciol, yord forized" (pre-shrunk) , , 35" Washable Cotton Prints A Springtime collection of prints and colourings . specialy priced for savings! Fresh, crisp~ cutting, well. woven cottons, including gay florals, novelty designs, geometric patterns. Best make your choice in person, if possible. In the group: Rose, Blue, Green, Lavender, Red, Gold-colour, Black-with-colour . . , but not in every design. EATON Opportunity Dey