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The Oshawa Times, 16 Feb 1959, p. 10

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obrusry 16 ----r---- 10. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, F Belko Redy-Mix Win Opener UAW Finals crest of their hot-streak, nipping Tony's 2-1 to take a one-game lead in the best 3-of-5 champion- ship finals, Neil "Butch" McMahon, Bel ko's slapshot specialist, got them off on the right foot, blasting a sizzler from 50 feet out as the puck took a crazy hop, eluding Joey Melnick's outstretched hand, The Cementmen added another marker with McMahon again en- gineering the play from the point, as Ronnie Lintner, the former Scottish League flash, deflected in the rebound. As has been the case in Belko's [recent upsurge, goalie Vince Van- |stone played a key role, booting shots from all angles especially in the game's dying minutes as Back last fall, when the UAW Hockey League was just ready to start its regular season action, noted hockey experts were glanc. ing down the loop's four team rosters and came up with a "can miss tag' for Belko Redy-Mix, This club has everything the ex- perts quipped, 'top-notch goal gending, a rugged defence and forwards who can put that puck in the net. But after a few weeks of action the experts were com- pletely befuddled as the pre-sea- son favorites lost their first two statls by one-sided scores and then continued to play mediocre hockey, only showing brief flashes of brilliance. About a month ago, coach Les 'Childerhose shook up his line-up An an attempt to restore some meeded confidence into his be-|ed Melnick in an attempt to get wildered hot . shots. The move|the important equalizer, Petit paid off, as the Redy-Mix lads pivot Bobby Sutton was the only started to move by leaps and Refreshment attacker to dent bounds, winning their last two|Vanstone's armor, flipping in league starts, then polished off linemate Bobby Irvine's rebound defending ¢ h a m p 5, Maddock's! ICE CHIPS . , . The series re- White Rose, in the semi-final in sumes next weekend at 11.30 straight games, am. in the Bowmanville Arena However the Cementmen were Sunday morning. Tony's given little or no chance to stop production of scoring champ Bill sthe powerful Tony's refresh-| Berwick, Joe Reid, and Bobby ments, who saffered only one Harmon were held off the score sethack in play-off and regular sheet at Belko's line of Jimmy season action Shaw, Jack Armstroag and Syd Sunday morning at the Bow- Arnold seemed to have the "In manville Arena the Cinderella dian sign' at least for this en Pelko's continued to ride the counter. , . . Tony's energetic BE .-_est ar - Tony's Slip Back In Crucial Series With only three weeks sched:| In their previous meeting which wled bowling remaining in the was won by Tony's, the scores Toronto City Major League, Osh. were 3898 for Tony's and 3858 for awa Tony's are one point behind Playtime v#'ch indicates how the leading Playtime Bowl club, keenly these two clubs battle it as a result of Saturday's win by/out every time they meet Playtime. On the season's play, the com- As usual, when these two clubs paritive records show how evenly meet, it is five-pin bowling at the two clubs are matched. For its best, and Saturday was no|example, the total pinfall for exception, with both clubs turn. Tony's is 64,105 for a team aver: ing in some whopping scores. age of 1187 per game, and Play. Playtime took the first game time total is 63,947, for a team with a.1335 total while Tony's average of 1184. team score was 1092 and this It is hard to believe that the one was never in doubt at any-(Tony's club has so far, not been time during the game able to make a play-off spot, de- The winning of the first game Spite the fact that their gave Playtime a one-point lead [shows that they are third high over Tony's for first place, and club on total pinfall in the entire this meant that the Oshawa squad league of 24 clubs. had to really turn on the heat in| The 3907 team score by Play- order to stay in the fight time is the top total in their group It was a great effort by Tony's for the season and it was a great trundlers in the second game effort which included Boh Bag when the local lads rapped in a shaw 850: Ernie Haley 796: Fd. 1308 total, only to again finish on die Reaney 780: Tom Moxon 758 the short end when Playtime re. and Lorne Cunliffe 728. tallated with a 1379 game to take Tony's total consisted of Ozzie the decision Keeler 774: Alex Donaldson 761: Facing a two - point deficit, Lloyd Sabins 729; Denny Linton Tonv's boys went all out in the 330 for 2 games, Bob Gallagher third game and as a result of 270 for one game, and Dick Ad: their determination and excellen t ams 683, bowling, the final game went to| Bob Gallagher again turned in Oshawa, 1347 for Tony's against ® terrific relief job in the first 1193 for Playtime. two games which included a string of strikes resulting in a POTENT RIVALS 342 game, All told it was another On their season's play, it can big day for the big fellow be safely stated that the playtime TONY'S AT HOME SATURDAY elub and Nshawa Tony's, are thel The action will take place at two strongest clubs in the entire Motor City Lanes on Saturday league and should both of them and it shonld he a most important make the play-offs. they should day for Tony's. when the local provide some exciting competi: lads take on Village Bowl in a tion crucial series The team scores for Saturday. | for Playtime, 1335; 1379: 1198 for 8: Tony's 7: Village Bowl 7: Da a 3907 three game total, while forth 7: Regent Press 6: Me. for Tony's it was 1092: 1308: 1347 Guinness 5; O'Connor Bowl §: "for a team total of 3747. OLD COUNTRY SOCCER + LONDON (Reutes)--Results of Bury 3 Queens P R 1 Asoccer matches played Saturday Colchester 1 Tranmere 1 in the United Kingdom Hull City 4 Halifax 0 . , opp Vansfield 3 Notts C 0 POOTBALL ASSOCIATION cup Reading 2 Stockport 1 Fifth Round Sontiend 3 Rochdale 1 Arsenal 2 Sheffield U 2 ol ™ rocidae 'Birmingham 1 Notts F 1 Swindon 1 Chesterfield 2 Blac 1'3 West Brom 1 Wrexham 1 Southampton 3 THolton 2 Preston 2 Division IV ~ - - Tony's mentor Pete Siblock pull | record | Dennis Fletcher, The standing shows Playtime ish Isles. avi nd The following officers were within reach, but trailing 44-40 at fine team game HOCKEY SCORES, STANDINGS Sunday's Results |8t, Catharines 4 Marlboros 6 Guelph 2 St, Michael's § Tonight's Game St. Michael's at Marlbhoros SATURDAY Western League Seattle § Victoria 4 New Westminster 0 Calgary 9 Edmonton 0 Saskatoon 3 Vancover 0 Spokane 4 International League Tray 4 Louisville 3 Nova Scotia Senfor Dartmouth 4 New Glasgow § Stadacona 3 Halifax 6 First games best-of-seven seml- (finals By GEORGE FRAJKOR Canadian Press Staff Writer New York Rangers' coach Phil Watson has never been hesitant {about declaring that his goal keeper, Lorne Gump Worsley, |is bloated with beer, and Worsley 'is just as ready to express his feelings about Phil, Nevertheless, after the Rangers took a ferce 5-1 beating from Montreal Canadiens Sunday night fiery Phil was mad at everybody Pholadelphia 5 New Haven 3 but Gump. He made the whole Porcupin Mines Senjor team except Worsley practise | Kapuskasing 5 South Porcupine 4 skating for 43 minutes after the | Abitibi 6 Timmins 4 game, as punishment, Saskatchewan Junior The loss didn't mean much in Saskatoon 4 Mellville 7 {the National League standings, Regina 2 Prince Albert 4 but it did provide the setting for Weyburn-Moose Jaw 1 I'lin Flon 4 Dickie Moore of Montreal to be: a Okanagan Senior come the season's first 30-goal {Penticton 2 Vernon 8 scorer, and for Bernie Boom | Kelowna 3 Kamloops # Western Internationa! Trail 2 Nelson 3 | OHA Junior B | Woodstock 0 Sarnia 24 Burlington 9 Preston § | OHA Intermedinie B | Forest 5 Point Edward 3 | Stamford 5 Fort Erie 1 Bradford 9 Collingwood 4 SUNDAY Westen League Vancover 1 Seattle 3 Quebec League Montreal 2 Quebec 2 Trois-Rivieres 6 Chicoutimi 8 Trois-Rivieres 4 Chicontimi R Completion of Jan 18 game International League Troy 10 Toledo 6 Eastern League | Washington 6 Charlotte 3 {Clinton 8 Johnstown 1 | | | L 34 15 3116 21 26 21 25 18 30 16 29 {York's Andy Bathgate in the |scoring race. Eddie Litzenberger lof Chicago caught him, too, WINGS TOP LEAFS Otherwise, the Rangers, with (32 points, were too far ahead to| be caught by fifth-place Detroit Red Wings, who beat Toronto Maple Leafs 4-2 Sunday. I And they were too far back to catch third-place Boston Bruins who ended the weekend with 56 points after missing a chance at second place by dropping a 2:1! decision to Montreal Saturday and managing only a 3-3 tie with Chicago Sunday. 4 : Last-place Toronto heat Chic- Fort Wayne 4 Louisville 3 Lo ig Bhi Canadiens, with . Thunder Bay Junior 72 points, hold a 15-point lead |Fort William Hurricanes 3 Fort ,... the Black Hawks William Canadiens 0 : Manitoba Junior Brandon 5 Transcona 3 | Saskatchewan Junior Weyburn-Moose Jaw 2 Flin Flon 9 Exhibition Oftawa-Hull Juniors 4 Winnipeg Braves 2 North Bay Trappers 2 Timmins Flyers § | OHA Junior B 'Waterloo 6 Guelph 1 . L} R. Rel | Moore scored his 29 th goal of the season Saturday against Bos-| ton, It was the winning goal Farlier, he set up a tally by Henri Richard, who in New York Sunday suffered a shoulder sep- avation in a vileup and will join injured big brother Maurice Ri chard on the sidelines for a while. Rookie Larry [each scored Boston's only goal- ' F 8 3236 18 5 201 15 12 195 20 5 13% 25 7135 194 39 Barrie 16 26 6 144 169 38 {Hamilton 931 8 146 197 26 xIncludes four 4-paint wins, Saturday's Results ed Oshawa Rugby Football parrie 5 St, Catharines 7 Peterborough 7 Hamilton 6 A Pts, 151 77 160 57 183 54 138 49 37 26 21 18 16 St. Cath, | Pele {Guelph xSt. Mike's Marlboros | Maple Cleaners In Slump, | Harness Drivers Get Insurance i ae Lose Again By One Point | cov cr - vn me expansion secre-| Thursday evening at Simcoe this quarter as Gord Davidson ance policy to cover drivers for {Hall in an Oshawa Industrial Bas- talked himself right out of the 12 months of the year in their |ketball League fixture, the 'bat- game, being ejected and leaving 'normal duties" was adopted tle of the Cleaners" took place |the losers to finish the game with Saturd . 4 with Acadians coming out on top, only four players. Saturday at an executive. meet: in a real squeaker, handing Ma: ACADIANS RUN WELL ing of the Canadian Trotting As- Plea Shete Secon Successive de:! Going into the final quarters. sociation, 'eat by a single point last week, the Acadian squad made great n . He also explained briefly, the with a 91.80 victory. ue of their man advantage as I: Be 0h werk Jus work 'of the: Union. aud 'the very FIRST QUARTER EVEN they continuously caught Maples ac adopted covering grooms as {real assistance 'which it is able The teams battled on even out of position while outhooping| a) y i to: Tender 10 member clubs: terms in the' opening stanza them 34-21, to overtake their lead = Tan Walker gave some sound ag. With Maples pulling into a and win the game by a single In other business the executive vice on organization equipment | "LM one-point lead by edging the point Set 1039 river Joanses at SN, Vice on igen bid p Rubs victors 17-16. Bob 'Gump Wors:| Jerry Gelette came through in engaged C. R. Bradley as super activities ley fired home five points to lead great style contributing 13 as Visor of racing in Quebec for this A aber of 10cal. tlibe. were the losers to their early lead while well as Al Dickinson's 10 and Year, and announced a school for PIO ht Une Tes ee |Al Pickinson kept the winners Jerry Burrow's six, to lead the judges, starters and other offi- Fgh sony rg Fuh | right In the game. victors to their close victory, Carl|cials will be held at Toronto an borou A ig a Acadians took over in the sec: Cheski, the league-leading hooper, March 24 and at Montreal March Sash a. . ' jond quarter as they started to notched 10 points and Joe Olinyk 26, » s was especial: pour the power on, outscoring Ma- fired home eight to take care of - ly appreciated) and Ajax, ples 28-23 to take 'a four-point Maple's scoring. ~ During the course of the even: lead. Jerry Burrows connected] CAGE COMMENT -- Maples ing three New Zealand films for 10 with some nifty shooting missed a great opportunity of [were shown each one covering along with Al Dickinson and Bob moving farther ahead of the idle f an International Rugby game: Booth, who divided an even dozen. Ernie Cay Lumberkings This) Vere very accurate from in-close New Zealand versus South Afvicalto put Acadians out in front, w hile was the second game in the same °" their shots with play-offs and British Isles and the game Joe Olinyk hit for eight along week that Maples have dropped ©BlY two weeks away they look between the Maoris and the Brit-|with Carl Cheskissever and Gord by a singe point. Acadians really [lo be almost at their peak. . . . Davidson's six to keep Maples deserved this victory playing al Next Saturday's opposition will ". The three probably come from an All-Star elected: president, Frank Moon. |half time. stars of the evening went to Al M&h school team selected from ev: vice-president, Cliff Gilbride;| Maples came out fighting to Dickinson, Joe Olinyk and Jerry the city's three secondary secretary, Jim Stephenson; trea. |overhaul Acadians on the strength'Burrows schools. . » Don Mcllveen, Cen- surer, Bob White; team secretary, [0f a 24-13 quarter as they scored| ACADIANS --- Kain 2. Dickin. tral's fine coach, is picking an | Chris Krause: captain, Ed. Jones 3nd checked - very well to take son 23, Salter 4, Gelette 19, Irwin &Rregation of this city's best and membership and public rela. |the lead. Joe Olinyk; who played 15, Booth 11, Shields 2, Burrows ball players for an Oshawa tions 'olficer. Terry Kelly. {his finest game for some time, 17 |championship. Since the -------------- Wr ---- {Whipped . In nine with some fine/ Fouls -- 10-out-of-15 Shopping Centre team has the | a shooting along with 'Gump™ Wor-| MAPLES -- Cheski 27. Wrubel Pick of the Industrial League, Bowmanville Boys sley who hit for eight. with his 3. Davidson 14, Worsley 17, Olinyk this would be a game between pi | Nip Canadian Tire two-handad set shots. Carl Cheski 29 e best plavers in town alsa contributed eight to pace| Fouls -- 18-out-of-28. There will be more on this i Crain Trot eh Oa Maples to their lead. while Irwin| OFFICIALS -- Don Seeley and the coming week. | Canadian Tire team, of the Osh- Acadians with six Paul Wright. Timekeeper ---- Ray (OSHAWA ALL-STARS -- Booth awa Minor Hockey Association's, Maples suffered a big loss iniSuddard and Gus G 0 : lilson 8. Dicl y op ok a acistion s uffered a big loss iniSuddan d Gus Gordon 1, Wilson 5, Dickenson 4, Mallett the Bowmanville Bantams yester- day afternoon at Brooklin Arena By THE CANADIAN PRESS National League | WLT F APs Montreal 80 18 12 190 117 72 | Chicago 22 21 13 159 161 57 | + | Boston 24 25 8 165 175 56 New York 21 24 10 153 166 52 Detroit 21 27 6 128 154 48 | Toronto 19 27 9 138 160 47 centre, Jackie Sneddon, missed, Saturday's Scores the tilt but is expected back next Montreal 2 Boston 1 |Sunday as Tony's attempt to| Chicago 1 Toronto 5 | even the series up, . . . Belko's Sunday's Scores Frank Kap and Tony's Rab Montreal 5 New York 1 Reid both played a standout| foronto 2 Derolt 4 |game, going strong both ways, [Boston $ Ciicago 3 adi |", , . The largest crowd of the mer on enagne A Pts season, estimated at 260, took in| + 4 "" Buffalo 32 20 3 106 156 67 the Hilt, , . . Jimmy "The Sena-|yieie 24 21 § 170 160 61 tor" Coyle, Bowmanville's voice rong 29 24 2 212 213 60 of hockey. selected the three joni (EL 34 29 3 199 176 51 stars with McMahon and Vanproyidence 23 31 2 175 205 48 stone of Belko being picked 1 and gpringfield 22 34 1 108 240 45 |2 respectively while Melnick of Saturday's Results | Tony's was third, {Buffalo 2 Cleveland 4 TONY'S -- Goal, Melnick: de- Hershey 2 Springfield § fence, R. Reid, Gyurka, West, Sunday's Results McCabe; forwards, Locke, Davis, Cleveland 2 Buffalo 4 | Terwilliger, Berwick, J. Reid, Hershey 3 Providence § Harmon, Irvine, Sutton, Smith. [Springfield 1 Rochester 8 BELKO -- Goal, Vanstone; de- OHA-NORA Senior A 'tence, Kap, Corbeil, McMahon, FA Pts, |Steffan;: forwards, Saw don, Chatham 1203 165 69 Clarke, McQuaid, Hartford, Lint. Kitchener $a in oi {ner, Richards, Marshall, Shaw, Sudbury 1 183 180 43 Amstrong, Arnold, S. 8. Marie 0 210 3 Ist Period .. | Windsor 2 190 : | 1 Belko. Moly od. sas North Bay 1 160 217 33 i a 0, NeVahon Saturday's Result Unassisted) 3 windsor 2 Kitchener 7 Penalties -- Steffan, Sunday's Result | 2nd Period Kitchener 9 Windsor 7 | 2. Belko, Lintner Eastern OHA Senfor A | (McMahon, Steffan) 13.30 WL T F APis Penalties -- Corbeil, Gyurka. |Whithy 30 9 6222 131 66 3rd Period Belleville 27 13 8 215 160 62 3. Tony's, Sutton (Irvine) 13.27 Hull-Ottawa 17 23 4 134 190 38 Penalties -- None, Kingston 15 25 5 174 200 35 Officials ---~ Mickey MeMaster Cornwall 10 20 5 121 185 25 and Ivan Locke. Saturday's Results m------ ------ ee Hull-Ottawa 1 Whithy 7 | Cornwall. 2 Kingston 6 F k M 7 i Sunday's Results ran ooney [Kingston 6 Hull-Ottawa 3 | Whitby 2 Cornwall 4 Heads U Ne | OHA Junior A | p New wr 'Rugger' Club | An interested and enthusiastic audience of about 35 was present in the Knights of Columbus Hall on Thursday evening for the in augural meeting of the newly: form Club. Under the very able and good. humored chairmanship of Chris Krause, the meeting clected an executive committee, Prior to this the group was ad- dressed by two directors of the {Ontario Rugger Union; The Rev. {Cannon Guy Marshall, president, |and Tan Walker, tary, also said a few words. Cannon Marshall spoke of the good comradeship engendered by the playing of '"Rugger' which, ! by virtue of the many countries in which the game is now played, has a truly international flavor. easily the hest game played by the local club, . . They used good checking, and passing and 5, Davidson 8 Newey 3, J, Olinyk 2, Oldfield 12, Cheski 2, Vaughan 12. Total 54. Fouls 8 out of 20, The Habs Have It! Rest Merely Trail |Boom Geoffrion to catch New| | At New York, Worsley, back| The three points tied Howe | after a two-game absence with a | pulled muscle, held up the lack: pyc 5 we hb We sooring. race. lustre Rangers for 2% periods] "ov aC ve 61 points, im-| before everything collapsed. | mediately behind Bathgate, Litz.| Camille (The Eel) Henry had enberger and Geoffrion, given New York a 1-0 lead in the| Other Detroit goals were scored | second period. At 9:51 of the, gafanceman Pete Goegan--his| -i-- third, Montreal rookie Ab McDon. first in the NHL--Len Lunde and| |ald started the fireworks. by jut yon ol 497 Simeoe 5. RA 5. o} banging in a goal. ' l Then Phil Goyette got one, Toronto's two wera scored by Moore got his, Geoffrin another and Marcel Bonin the last, all within 10 minutes, The goal, and an assist, tied Geoffrion with Bathgate at 64 points, Chicago's Litzenberger got two assists during the weekend. to tie him with Bathgate and Geoffrion, He got in on the Hawks' lone goal--scored by Tod Sloan--Sat. urday at Toronto, The Leafs spread their five markers among | Frank: Mahovlich, Barry Cullen, Bob Pulford, Billy Harris, and George Armstrong. Sunday, Litzenberger managed another assist as Ted Lindsay, Mahovlich and Dick Duff, Have Your Ca Expertly Serviced CITIES SERVICE While you are at Work ® GAS & OIL ® OIL CHANGE * LUBRICATION ® MUFFLERS & TAILPIPES IN-! STALLED WHILE YOU WAIT | © COMPLETE BATTERY SERVICE NEW BATTERIES NEW & USED TIRES ALL SIZES Bobby Hull and Dollard St. Lau- rent scored for Chicago. For Boston, Jean Guy Gendron scored in the first perind, Johnny Bueyk set up Bronco Horvath's third-period tally and Horvath did the honors for Bucyk's tying goal TRADE CELLAR SPOT In the other game Sunday De troit and Toronto exchanged the league cellar again as Gordie Howe fired a goal and got two assists to lead the Wings to a 4-2 victory, NHL LEADERS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Standings: Montreal, won 30, lost 13, tied 12, points 72. Points: Litzenberger, Chicago; Bathgate, New York; Geoffrion, Montreal 64 Goals: Moore, Montreal, 30 Assists: Geoffrion, Montreal, 43 Shutouts: Plante, Montreal, 7 Penalties: Lindsay, Chicago 158 minutes ! with Your Old 88 KING ST. WEST RA 5-4543 - RA 5.0706 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS GET THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY! |and the Bowmanville lads eked sit w= Local All-Stars Get Another Win Hooper did the scoring for the | Oshawa Shopping Centre All- Mallett "Burnley 1 Portsmouth 0 Aldershot 4 Millwall 2 TEVerton 1 Aston Villa 4 Barrow 3 Shrewsbury Town 4 Tottenham 1 Norwich 1 Carlisle 1 Coventry 6 Ipswich 2 Luton § Shegte 2 Bradford 0 * " a. "rystal P I Port Vale 1 i Scovrse ort il Gateshead 2 Walsall 1 $Aberdeen 3 Arbroath 0 iillingham 0 Exeter *Airdriconians 2 Motherwell 7 Hartlepools 0 Workington N &4yr U 3 Stranraer 0 Oldham 1 Darlington 3 *@abeock and Wilcox 0 Morton § Southport 1 Northampton 3 Brechin 3 Alloa 3 Torquay § Crewe Alex 2 Neltic vs Civde ppd Watford 2 York City 3 Coldstream 0 Hamilton 4 SCOTTISH LEAGUE Dumbarton 2 Kilmarnock 8 Division 11, Dundee U 0 Thd Lanark 4 Cowdenbeath 2 Berwick 3 Fraserburg 3 Stirling 4 Exhibition Games Hibernian 3 Falkirk | Rotherham 1 Dundee 0 Montrose 0 Dunfermline 1 Stoke 1 First Vienna FC 1 Rangers 3 Hearts 2 Doncaster 0 Blackburn 2 St. Johnstone 3 Queens Pk 1 IRISH LEAGUE St. Mirren 10 Peebles 0 Ards 7 Cliftonville 3 (played Friday) Coleraine 4 Ballymena 0 Stenhousemuir 1 Partick 3 Crusaders 3 Linfield 2 ENGLISH LEAGUE Distillery 1 Glenavon 2 Division * Glentoran 2 Derry City 0 Man United 4 Man Cily Portadown 5 Bangor 0 Division u : | Regina Rink | Family Group Barnsley 0 Brighton JBristol C 2 Middlesbrough 2 By THE CANADIAN PRESS A family rink at Regina, Cardiff 3 Liverpool 0 Charlton 2 Swansea | Fulham 5 Leyton Or 2 Huddersfield 2 Grimsby 0 Lincoln 1 Derby 4 Sheffield W 2 Scunthorpe 0 group of young Edmontonians and a Montreal Outremont four won provincial curling | championships during the week end and will represent their prov ces at the Dominion final at TORONTO ARGONAUTS Dave Mann 10, Willie Russell, |Boyd Carter 11, Bob Perry 14, {Don Burrel 2, Harold Nester 7. {Sheldon Wolfe. Total 43. Fouls 7 {out of 17. | and Vaughan scored {ciAls = re Kelly Stars won their third game in equally as well from away out xa fcisle - Dave Rally aid Tim Dumos arage four, Saturday night, dumping and regained the lead for the All: Fred Whalley and Bruno Wrubel. Dave Mann's Toronto Argonauts Stars. aimee ---------- e-------- T . 54-43 at Donevan Collegiate gym. A rash of fouls in the final op uveni es Weather conditions delayed the minute of the game gave Toronto visitors over half an hour but four extra points, but left Osh- MITH' Durno's Garage defeated Osh- didn't dampen the enthusiasm of za wi poi awa Juveniles 5-3 in their Oshawa the crowd who turned out in ter hp) With a Ipoint lea aed 353 KING ST. W. FOR | Mercantile League scheduled rible weather conditions to watch game at Bowmanville Arena yes: a fine game. NEW & USED terday. The Oshawa crew played their PHONE RA 3-9311 winners while Talling, Black and | Murdoch with three, were the goal-getters for Canadian Tire. Material at Reasonable Prices EVERY ~ DAY High scorer for Toronto and the game was Bob Perry (who plays Myles, with an unassisted tally, best game together since the club his football with Fast Yaerk got the only goal of the first per- (was started In contrast to other Argos) With 14 points. Boyd iod, that saw Price and Hughes games, the Oshawa team made Carter added 11 and Dave Mann both draw penalties for Durno's. fine plays and missed very few 10. Brent Oldfield and Gary In the second stanza the Ju: shots from in close. The Shop.|oiukhan edch had 12 for the veniles asserted their speed, with ping Centre crew completely out- Shopping Centre crew. Davidson two goals by Wright, unassisted plaved the Argos in the first half scored eight, Mallett and Wilson and Middleton from Mapes and with Brent Oldfield and Gord "® apiece Butler. Six penalties were meted Davidson sparking the lead. The In foul shooting, Oshawa hit on out in this frame, the winners Toronto club could not stop the R-out-of-20 tries, Argonauts on 7 drawing four of them -- to Myles, [fast "weak Oshawa had set-up out-of-17 Hughes, Lack and Plancke, with/and the All-Stars used it to full ,CAGE COMMENT... This was Burke and Westfall 'getting the advantage with a 31-18 first half| ( ) j : [/ "0 le gate" for the Juveniles. lead. Royd Carter and Bob Perry INTERIOR -- EXTERIOR In the final frame Sadowski, on were top men for Toronto in a Many designs to choose from {three-way play with Westfall and {scoring way in the early stages | Wright, got the third goal for the {while Dave Mann was the spark- ® EXPERTLY BUILT eo FREE ESTIMATES © REASONABLE RATES Juveniles but the Durno's team plug of their offence OSHAWA caught fire in this frame, to rap The Shopping Centre crew lag- in four goals, Myles, from Shetler ged slightly in the early stages ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS 47 CHURCH ST. -- OSHAWA and Kilpatrick, made it close [of the second half, as they were PHONES Shetler, assisted by Myles, tied it more content to shoot from the jup and then Shetler got another |outside. Toronto went into a zone OSHAWA RA 3-4161 WHITBY MO 8.2681 AFTER HOURS RA 3.4114 AFTER HOURS MO 8.2500 @ BUILD NOW . . . PAYMENTS START APRIL 30 UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY e MORTGAGES ARRANGED eo 2 some HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS ~ OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED © 9 PHONES TO SERVE YOU Main Office and Showroom COURTICE -- RA 8-161) AJAX -- ZEnith 2.9600 goal, Myles and Kilpatrick helping [defence keeping the tall "inside" out. Cole, on a play with Brown |men for Oshawa away from Division 1 REMEMBER WHEN? ses AL Regina, a family rink Each team had three penalties in [very effective and helped Argo- Sunderland 3 Bristol R 1 Bournemouth 1 Plymouth 1 Bradford C 0 Accringtor 0 SBrentford 3 Newport ¢ Quebec City March 2.6 and Price, added the clincher June the basket. The move was By THE CANADIAN PRESS skipped by Ernie Richardson of{ this rugged period, Westfall, Mid- nauts move to within two points Suzanne Lenglen of France was Regina knocked off Gard Grimes dleton and Porteous for the losers, (of the home squad. But Oldfield, the queen of the international[of Eston two straight Curling | Hughes Twice! abd Lack for her stennis world when she defeated |With him were his brother Gar WIRE. ES LM othe United States star, Helen net ahd cousins Arnold and Wes I dint al. Moron: WHAT IS Wills, vears age today at lRichardson Porteous, Middleton, Sadowski, ®Cannes, France, by ¢3 86. Su! Herbie Olson's Sarochan, Bobbie, Mapes. Sned Downtown Oshawa 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH -- RA 8-1617 BOWMANVILLE -- MA 3-2130 Edwinenton Curl n wal the: first ? a a (don, Wright, Burke, Merritt, West - Te wa the fr le ading ten jing Club rink, averaging 280g) Butler and Napiorkowski NIST player to (urn professional. [vears, swept the Atierta cham DURNO'S goal. Wiltshire geaccepting a hid for a United |pionship with a final victory over plancke, Shetler. Hughes. Me States tour shortly afterwards Tommy Nuttall's Northwest Ter- Tavish, Cole, Price, Kilpatrick, be died in 1908 at age 3. Iritories rink. {Myles Lack and Browa.

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