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The Oshawa Times, 16 Feb 1959, p. 11

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| TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS TORONTO TORINID 11 AM, STOCKS y The Canadian Press Torna Stock Exchange--Feb, 16 (Quotations in cents unless marked §. 2~0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex. rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Industrials Net Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge 440 $30 38% 38% 2400 908 1365 $24 520 Sock Abitibi Alta Dist Alta Dist vt Alta Gas Alsons umip! Arcan Argus Argus 240 pr Atlas Steel 906 18865 34 "7 100 35 80 ES FRR g HH HH - £55ust Trans Can Triad Ol Un Olls Wedn OGris W Decalta R Cockshutt Comb Ent Ourb Dalhousie Advocate Akaitcho Algom Algom wis Am-Lard Am Nephe Anacon Anglo Hur Ansil Area Atlin-Ruf Aumaque Barnat Baska Belcher Bethim Bibls Bicroft Bicroft wis Black Bay Bevcon Boymar Bralorne Prunsman Brunswick Buffad Buff Ank Bunk Hil Camp Chib Cdn Astoria C Malart CN Inca Cdn NW Candore Can-Erin F + +44s +11+ 1 | + FFE F FEFF FF aga +1 =F FF 30% 3044 39% 41 164 12% 125% 7% 90% 40 ll I+ Chib Jae Chib-Kay Coldstrm Colomac Con-Key > Bellekene I 11 - Lb FF z.sEenzzseay Ea 5555 55 2382s 3 1 +++ 3 1 id I FEF FF 1100 100 75 ke 4800 int Nickel zd 330 Irish "0 8800 A so Uranfum 3500 Jacobus 5048 Fras £1 238: - 21% 2% UN 203 201 208 Hed Stosk Jaye Expl Jellicoe L Dufault L Shore Leitch Lac wis aritime Jason N Mylama Senator Nick Rim Nor-Acme Noranda Norlartie Normetal Norsyne Que Lab Qunston Quemont Rayrock Roche San Ant Sherritt Stanleigh Stanigh wis Stanrck Steep R Sullivan 8ylvanite Taurcan vt eck: Thom L Tiara Tombill Towag Tribag Trin Chib Ult-Shaw U Asbestis Un Fort Vandoo Ventures Violam x Ex FTI 33 Bales to 11 MONTREAL MONTREAL 11:30 AM. STOCKS y Montreal Stock E: Sales High Low 1) a.m, ony +44 1000 9000 Stosk Sales High Low 11 a.m. oui € Cottons pr 280 $11 1 C Falrbks 220 832 22 CIL 200 $18% 18% Us 125 se © 7. Is 7 1 73 70 10 9 9 9 810% 250 234 12 09 -2 +1 2 4" 13 = + % +1 -1 D Dairies D Dait rts d + = Dom Tar Dom Text = = Home Oil A Smile Imp I th a Imp Tov A oor 25 2 Jove 13 12 250 248 17 17 Int Nickel Int Paper Int Ut] Inter PL Labatt Mm 5 7" KL M F pr Molson A n Molson B n Molson pr Noranda New Rouyn 3 Que Nat Gas 3% Que Pow Roe AV C 265 Rolland A 150 Royal Bank Royalite StL Cem A St L Corp Shawin Simpsons Stand St Stl Steel Can Steinbg A Triad Oil Walk GW Weston A 150 $40 Canadian 51 51 295 200 28 74 43% 36% 16 90 Abitea 8714 $4314 174 1 14% 215 Trans Can Trans Mt Un Gas Algom wis Alscope Alta Mines Augustus Baker Tale Bateman Beatrice Bellechas 4157 500 20600 5500 5500 4600 2000 128 100 4000 Cartier Que 1000 Cent Del Rio 100 Cleveland 20000 Con C Cad 1000 C Denison 825 Dolsan 3050 Dome 100 Fano 500 Geco Mines 500 amt $56,000. nge- (Quotations in cents unless marked 8. #-Odd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Exe rights, xw~--Ex-warrants.) Industrials Stock Ll Abitibi Algoma Alumin Argus Asbe! Atlas Steel Bank Mint Bank N§ Banque CN C Bronze C Chem Cell Marpic Melntyre McKen Mid Chih Montgary N Formaq N Pac Coal N Spring N Vinray NW Amuit M ales "3 65 2108 100 2 100 102 100 25 240 290 1416 $37% $285 $374 $354 $204 $5504 2300 15400 2200 3000 2000 NA Rare Obalaski Orchan Paudash Porcupine Portage Que Sypatt 2500 au Westville 200 104 Sales to 11:30 a.m.: Industrials 36,700, mines and oils 243,900, 34 10% 10% 3 125 Builders Rap Hydro Policy 3 TORONTO (CP)--Ontario con- struption men toda tested |the hE cunt. am att firm be' employed Electric Power Commission of|° Investigate the true engineer Ontario doing construction work TIO aa - with, its own forces rather than [that Hyd 1 for ith calling for tenders. at Hydro call for competitive The ob d {tenders from private industry. bijections were made \%:)| The representations were con- tained in a text made available vestigating the powers of boards|, 0 and comumissions in Ontario. 0) 0 the press in advance of de- They were presented by spokes- hi, for the Ontario Sood The submissions quoted a state Contractors Association, Ontario|ment from a brief presented by Road Builders' Association, On-|Hydro to the committee in Nov- tario cal Contractors As.|ember, which said there is no in- sociation, Ontario branch of the |dication that construction work is Canadian Plumbing and Mechao.|done more economically by con- ical Association, and the Ontario (tact. group 'of the Canadian Equip-| "The construction industry ment Distributors' Association. [wishes to take exception to that "It 4¢ the firm convention of Statement," today's submission | the construction industry," the sald, and added: i submission said, "that the policy! "The construction industry has announced by hydro of carrying|/carried out and is continuing to out its own vast works by day|carry out government works pro- labor employed by the commis-|grams with an efficiency and The Sout desion men urged recommend The earlier hydro brief | parents in Lansing after a week- end here. said it is virtually impossible in| most cases to provide clear and | precise specifications for the en- | tire job at the time Hydro con | struction starts. On this, the construction sub- mission #aid: "It is agreed that a great many | la Hydro projects are signed either through their ow engineering staffs, private consulating e n g1 neers, | large and the weekend, complex. However, many govern- marry the British boy friend oe AEE. ments and commissions have de- {left behind 10 day =| British Girl 'Returns From | U.S. Suitor MONTREAL (CP) -- Pauline ates returned to London during presumably In, s ago when she n|was tricked aboard a Montreal: | or through|bound plane. Pauline, 26, had been brought projects of a complexity equal to|to Montreal by Loran Sheffer, 23, |and, in many cases, greater than of Lansing, those of Hydro. Mich. The couple went on to the home of Sheffers' HANDS TIED? BECAUSE YOU LACK A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA You can get one at HOME in your spare time. If you are 17 or over and have left school, write for interest- free book -- tells vou how! Graduates will re- ceive the High School Diploma of the American School. AQ Send me your free 44-page High Sehoo! Book sion is extravagant and wasteful |economy that cannot be matched and contrary to the Canadian {by government agencies using, free enterprise system.' 'their own forces." Name - EL TERRE FOR SALE! Entire stock of Store Fixtures at 27 KING EAST OSHAWA Must Be Removed By Friday, February 27th Bills piling up? You're always welcome at Sheffer sald on their arrival here from London that he brought Pauline to North Amer- ica to get her away from Louis Gaches, 23, her British boy friend. He said he got Paulines' parents' consent to bring her here. $9,000 HOME FILL-A-CARD Tomorrow's Numbers B-14 GAME NO. 2 BINGO 62 63 69 75 74 31 32 34 36 38 41 20 24 26 30 28 50 52 54 35 58 A NIAGARA 4 i LARGEST ALL.CANANIAN [Ar COMPANY 37 KING STREET EAST Alger Building (Next to Biltmore Thentre), Suite 22 Phone RA 5-656) Open Until Noon on Soturdey | | 60 51 Yeu hove until 5 pm. the following doy to phone it you have @ full cord (Sunday excepted) Complete playing rules oppecr on the bock of levery Binge card Benefit of ARMY, NAVY AND AIR FORCE VETERANS IN CANADA Ee 0-64 | .| meeting: Lumbermen Urged To Export To UK. MONTREAL (CP) -- Canadian lumbermen should explore more thoroughly the possibility of in- creasing exports to Britain and other British Commonwealth na- tions, Ronald H. Robinson, presi- dent of the Canadian Luymber- men's Association, sald today. He told the opening session of the association's 51st annual 1058 total Canadian (lumber) ex- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, February 16, 1959 V ports rose by about six per cent. '"However, while exports to the United States increased consider- ably, it must be pointed out that exports to Great Briain, British Commonwealth hd other coun- tries declined. "This would seem to indicate that Canadian lumbermen are not doing enough to encourage exports to those countries .. ." RUSSIANS COMPETE During 1958, he 'said, lumber were down by some 12 per cent, due partly to Russian. competi tion, However, lumber exporters expected improved trade in the U.K. market this year. "During the first 10 months of THEATRE GUIDE Biltmore -- 'Wild Heritage" in technicolor, 12.30, 3.05, 6.00, 9.00 p.m, "Mark of the Hawk" in technicolor 1.30, 4.25, 7.20, 10.20 p.m. Last complete show starts at 8.55 p.m, Brock (Whithy) -- "Witness for the Prosecution' 7.07 and 9.20 pm. Last complete show 9.00. Marks -- "A King and Four Queens' 12.40, 3:50, 7.05, 10.25 p.m. "Men in War" 2.05, 5.20, TONIGHT AT 7:30 Adventure with "CASEY JONES" 8.40 p.m. Last lete show at 8.40 p.m. Plaza -- "Auntie Mame" (Adult) 1.38, 4.05, 6.30, 9.05 p.m. Last complete show at 9 p.m. Regent--"'GIGI"" in cinemascope and color shown dally at 1.30, 8.35, 5.40, 7.45, 9.50. Last com- plete show at 9.40 p.m. FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment because thelr plate dropped, stipbed or wobe- bled at just the wrong time. Do not live In fear of this happenin to you. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH, the | alkaline (non-acid) powder, on your | plates. Hold false teeth more firmly, | LEARN TO BE A 00000000 PM Yes, there's a fun way, a really quick way to learn to dance, thanks to Arthur Murray's famous "Magic Step", ~ In your first lesson you learn the key to the Cha Cha, Samba, Foxtrot--all the latest dances. Parties are part of your lessons, so you can count on meeting hosts of new friends --have more invitations than ever before, Come, in and have & half-hour $1.00 trial lesson. See for yourself how quickly you learn to dance. { ARTHUR MURRAY "AIR CONDITIONED BALLROOM" 11%2 SIMCOE ST. S. ._ .. RA 8-168} teeersestssestsesrnansesesessnses ses TICHNIAMAS TECHNICOLOR® ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 80 they feel more comfortable, Does i not sour. Checks "plate ndor" (den. ture breath), Get FASTEETH at any RA 3-2843 3 drug counter. | Reds LL IIe' aa i a ALL COLOR FIRST-RUN THRILL SHOW! BILTMORE opay & TUESDAY SN A CARL DUDLEY Ba WO TECHMCOLOR PRODUCTION POSITIVELY LAST 4 WEEKS WITH NARRATION BY ORSON WELLES Mail orders filled promptly UNIVERSIT SHOW! SPECIAL SCOUT and GIRL GUIDE special morning show, Saturday, Feb- rury 21st, 10.30 a.m. ber of Tickets, CANNOT AND WILL NOT EVER BE SHOWN IN ANY OTHER THEATRE | ONTARIO. HURRY. Don't miss this Limited num- Order Now. WA. 4-2581 h 4 100 BLOOR ST. W, TORONTO = + THE Se er [~J WH = ™ THE YEAR 3 IN COLOR A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Ask operator for > ./ ZENITH 1-0380 v sheraton RESERVATRON service tor nN, split second reservations by world's only Sa glectronic hotel reservation service. 7 - 8 - ' 1. Scnnn- ---- 39 CITIES COAST TO COAST U. §. A. and CANADA MONTREAL TORONTO HAMILTON NEW YORK CHICAGO NIAGARA FALLS CLEVELAND DETROIT WASHINGTON BOSTON LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO end 27 other SHERATON HOTEL cities DON'T GO TOGETHER! on Florida's Fabulous West Coast NW Ly SS mam ~~ = = INCREASE -- --_ To ~--~FEB 18 | I "Mh RTMN The month of the year mearms nothing at The Desert Ranch. You will pay the some low rate. from now on. Only at the DESERT RANCH. You Florida's beautiful Gulf Coast, can you enjoy Fall and Win= ter | y (when all other resorts raise their prices) at low, low Summer Rates! »Dseenr Raven For Information -- See Your Travel Agent -- or write direct Chicago: ANdover 3-5737, Get Choice Accommodation RESERVE NOW! ® Air Conditioned Room With Private Bath Transfers to end from Hotel Entertainment Nightly Dancing 9-hole Green Private Beach Large Swimming Pool Outdoor Barbecues Shuffle Board Table Tennis Surf Costing a -- -- x . THE PART OF Thy jiuiTARY MACHINE TWAT survey root ROBERT KEITH oe C0 PES ES EAS nr, PPR, PRED ATTRACTION Plays The Hottest Game In The West With Four Queens!. features

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