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The Oshawa Times, 16 Feb 1959, p. 3

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TEMPERATURE HOVERING | ip of ice. Sidewalks were ren- around the freezing point com. | dered hazardous while - trees ip and wir>s received a coating bined with a heavy rain storm which in some instances was Saturday afternoon to sheath almost half an inch thick. When the e Oshawa district in a coat- | the sun rose Sunday morning BE Es the whole area was transformed into a glistening jewel box of beauty. The picture at left was taken on Simcoe St. S. near | the Oshawa Central Collegiate | Institute While the picture at Investment Fund Is Success At Lin Often, a community Oshawa Industrial Commission, & its next meeting Feb, 25, 19 consider the possibility "ol apORIOting a community invest. ment fund aimed at providing buildings or capital for new in- dustry, Ald. E. F. Bastedo, QC commission chairman, told The munily is sufficiently Oshawa Times, in them and shows that interes Probably featuring largely in Ly setting up a fund." the discussion will be the state-| Investment funds are ment of City Industrial Commis as private corporations, sioner T, E. McLaughlin, at an ly without personal liability, Oshawa Builders' Association din- share issues and dividends. ner last month, that there are 4 AT amy two industries willing to come to 6 PER CENT DIVIDEND Oshawa provided $100,000 and Lindsay, for instance, $50,000 can be raised locally. vear announced a six per that has an on it, trial Commissioner Ed May, set 10 pe to argue that community invest. ing $10 a share and a ment funds have been operated cent dividend on common successfully and profitably in at $1 each many Canadian and US Closer to home, Lindsay and Co boconk have attracted industry with their respective funds PROVIDES BUILDINGS those draw Essentially, a community in. like it vestment fund provides industria! pont for the new venture. buildings and sometimes de. Some people can't afford velopment capital hoth to as shares immediately sist companies making a start in!?Vercame hy enlisting a new. locality and as an ex support of the banks just pression of the community's good interested in new business faith anyone else which COMING EVENTS WOODVIEW PARK MONSTER BINGO MON, FEB. 16,8 PM $1,300 PRIZES mon share The wider among the community the bette who buy this interest on their loan, even the first year after, made a profit. {were used hy the banks as secur lity. In essence, it was a time: payment plan $22,000 SUBSCRIBED Lindsay began vestments in 1956 and early the next year. A 10.000 population, Lindsay eribed $32.000 "This me ant we had the abil ity to supply buildings at a rea sonable rate o* tal where necessary," May The fund, though, ended to compete with lending institutions, but to com plement them, he said. It was the means of establish but, there calling for in © $100.00 DOOR PRIZES JACKPOT NOS. 50.54 RED BARN Bus Service to Door said Mr was not in. BINGO Ur Hall Wednesday '4th ot KE pm. 20 ond $8 $40 share tre weclih rthers thinking of relocating ENDORSED BY ASSOCIATION Endorsing the )indsay exveri ment is the 10k pots )ntario Development hich has prepared a for communit, investment funds "Many nanufacturing compan ies," said the association, At the Street Bond Februe on gumes $6 x Association NIGHT OF CARDS Unde. the auspices of Ladies 'Auxiliary Canadian Branch 43, Oshawa. To be held in Legica Hall, Centre Street. on Tuesday, F ary 17th at 8 pm prizes and. lunch Legion hrildings which are already avail able or for which plans of con and financing exist Experience indicates that ther factors being ccmparable e communities which medinm plants available cons t trams planned, |} rtunitvy of ret pension struction bd sized read ion pro a better ining the ex industry or ---- y or BINGO JOHN'S HAL DDO existing ST or ting) ne ndustry ** planned communities industrial and Well vith zoned all necessary ties are the first choice of indus 3%¢ try. the association savs -- Oshawa can meet all these re- It just lacks the Sites quirements KINSMEN "BINGO buildings, Tuesday, Feb. 17 two praxs JUBILEE PAVILION : The LODA outli FREE ADMISSION |", ire unds. oo Extra Buses ern and medium sized b 39b speculation. nes two plans of a mod ng on a uildi industries will locate in in-/dustrial site and the preparation] \estment Hund without drawing of plans, "They just like to know the com interested last cent The commissioner is expected dividend on preferred stock cost- tion of . 12-, stock community One preferred share the municipality's needs and to cities. had to be hought with each com- plan for the main project It shows widespread sup to Lindsay menas the committees to deal as aspects, as construction, loaned! The importance of good publi It meant investors, paying bank strongly emphasized only broke The shares should check thoroughly supply equitv cap- * normal Mayor Lyman A ing one new industry in the town @ situation and created active interest among dangerous, blueprint ture a small industry, I "pre-| er to rent or purchase industrial more workers, all have services and facili | dsay (2) The acquisition of an In. ready for immediate plant construction should a com- According to Lindsay Indus- pany intend to take advantage of $4,000,000 Ontario Crippled Chil. ise E Mac ko, Richard P. Gir- the fund. Such a plan could not be car- t corporatic., using public money This is prohibited in Ontario by Up the Municipal general- witl Act. Money raised by nity corporation should be the commu con sidered as a revolving fund with through the Hospital for Sick Chil- and dren and Ontario Society the money being used over over again, says the association The LODA suggests the forma representing interests, I committee, PUSH NEEDED Y An active and aggressive chair the spread of stock upon the fund man and secretary are musts in I'he need for such the subsequent of officers The appointment association also recom- the organizing of sub- with legal real estate, finance and city and public relations Is In negotiating a contract a new industry the corporation on the company's financial worth, reli ability and assess the degree of probable success of the new oper ation It contract should enter no short-term A 10 - year period is) finished recommended. Provisions should town of be made for sub- the company, if it wishes, to purchase the building during the contract term at a pre - determined cost. NEED MOUNTING Oshawa's need for new indus try is mounting -- and the need is being recognized at city hall. Gifford himseif recently drew attention to the fact that residential building outstripping industrial building - that is potentially and one that is not escaping the attention of the On tario Municinal Board If new industry is not estah lished here, the city's growth wil pinion of the Lake be checked the pic emplovine only 100 workers can mean this to the community: A total >f 296 more people, 219 112 more house holds, 51 more school children £590.000 more personal income 2 vear, $270,600 more bank de nosits, 107 more passenger four more retail establishments $360,000 more retail sales | In short more prosperity around What is perhaps cant is that it takes only industry, even of Aimencions to hresk ead the way for o On the other side' of a more signif one new conservative the ice and | DESTRUCTION DELAYED HERBIGGEN, Switzerland (AP)--A cold wind swept across the Alps Sunday, saving this doomed Alpine village for an ther day and possibly several more. The 18-degree temperature helped solidify the mass of ice rocks and earth hanging on a precipice over Herbiggen. Geolo gists say it is sure to plunge down by spring. ried out by the municipality as a or 15-man citizens' mo St Chief, Hospital for Sick Children, to discuss/giates: with is| cars Music Results Are Announced he following is a list of suc- Peter cessful candidates in examina: Mullen, Joan R. Smith (equal); tions held recently by the Royval|Janis Loos, Helen Kostrzewa Conservatory of Music of Toronto Gieorganne Tonks, Carole Lang in Oshawa. The names are ar- maid. ranged in order of merit GRADE 1 PIANO A.R.C.T. PIANO First class honors -- Kathryn Solo performers, conditioned in A Baker. ear test -- Marion Fisher. Honors - GRADE IX PIANO ldra M. Cook, Diane Hoover Seeks Funds os ? ss | s -- Patricia (equal); Louise Wilson, Janet First Sass AONDne ane Jarvie, Sharon McMahon (equal) | | For Centre | aa onort -- Joyce C. Fisher, Di GRADE VI VIOLIN ! . Olech, Stephen P. Macko.! Pass -- Edward P. Clark, GRADE VIII PIANO GRADE V VIOLIN Honors -- William Dorks, Pass -- Gail Lynde, David L Knowlton, Vicki Mitchell, GRADE IV VIOLIN - Judith A. Kashul, GRADE III VIOLIN David Crowe right was taken in Lakeview | Park. One of the vagaries of | the storm was that the ice coat- ing did not extend much west of Toronto Os hawa Times Photo Milroy (equal); Marlene Carolyn Ratelle, San M Oshawa has been asked to fale," $16,600 as its share in the new! Lou Pamela Peterson (equal). | den's Centre to be huilt adjoin- Pass Jean C. Russell, F.| ing Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto.! Anne Yonson. Gladvs A. Clark. | Heading the campaign is Oshawa Grant Cryderman, E, J. Eileen Rotary Club which over the last Corbman GRADE II VIOLIN quarter century, has been active GRADE VII PIANO Pid -- Richard Skoreyko, Bw . a class honors -- Carolyn Terry Keyes. in carrying for the crippled child Joan M. Weir (equal) Passo Carol Greene. Honors A. Francis Johansen, A.R.C.T. SINGING Jeffrey McIlveen equal); Ed Solo performers, honors | ward Z Kolodziejecaxk Mary Lou Baker. Pass Barbara Karolak, Nan y GRADE X SINGING y Puskas (equal). First class honors -- Elsie F GRADE VI PIANO Drvgala. class honors Honors --- Anna Dovgalev J. A. Henry Ann Sinclair, Olga GRADE VIN SINGING M. Kisil, Linda A. Johnston Honors Gerda Craig, Karen Mosier (equal); Kathleen vail AMaeDonald Beath, Helen McDuff GRADE VI SINGING Pass -- Jacqueline D. a . 3 been urgent for many years; lo Ellen A. Skinner, Lance C. Sken Fist Sass otors == Jean Su provide many therapentic facili ratt (equal): Eleanor A. Coul ties now lacking in our city andlter. Linda E. MacRae (equal):| to relieve the Genera! Hospital| joan Tisdall, Ruth H. Bell, Di and The Hospital for Sick Chil-lanne P. McIlveen, Sharon A. Ste- dren of the responsibility of long-|phenson (equal) term care of handicapped chil-| GRADE V PIANO dren no longer requiring surgery! Honors Yeather A. Eaton, Honors Janet L. Carmich- or other radical treatment." Rarpara Holland. Patricia Lan- ael, Sharon E. Dickey, Beverly There are over 15,000 crippled der, Carol A. Weir, Jean Fra-|A. Gibson. children in Ontario and this new ser. Carolyn MacDonald (equal. Centre will provide "living - in| Pass Alan Dewar, Jone Fin for 105 patients, where extremely ley, Alice Wilson (equal). onevan difficult cases will receive the GRADE IV PIANO attention of leading medical and! First class honors -- Carolyn surgical specialists. Also there| Faint. will be facilities for serving 300 Honors -- Carolyn J. a "out patients" a dav from the Maxine L. Wray Lal 1573] heavily populated part of Central Baumers, M. Caro} Daniel, Aw To celebrate Valentine's Eve in a festive atmosphere Donevan C.I. held a dance under the name of Cupid's Capers. On the even- ing of Friday, Feb. 13, large oux, Pass Pass First Hayward, The project is endorsed by al leaders in medicine and welfare Dr. A, W. Farmer, Surgeon - in - Donna Ross Cotton, Robert "irst - silkes, 'The plan of the Ontario Soc ety Rouure (4) for Crippled Children to build a treatment centre in the Toronto area, has been eager!» awaited a centre has Mrs Menzie GRADE IT SINGING First class honors Sandra Lummy Honors Patricia L. Kell. GRADE 1 SINGING nephews former Fri his for two Children's (five - bed)| Pass -- Christie A. Irwin, Hugh jective. Contributions, large and Karen Gray, Sylvia Lancaster. |avane member of Oshawa Rotary or at pierced by an arrow. Margaret Dominik and Carl fay, will on pallbearers at Ross, Catherine Bassett. Rob Ontario, ert D. Tole, Pamela Vipond Oshawa's contribution will pay (equal). Wards in the new Centre, Results'A. Popham. after the opening week of the GRADE IIT PIANO campaign are $4623.00 and Ro Honors -- Wanda Pudlis, Peter tary's Campaign Chairman Byron Graper, Jonne Mintern, Penny Edmondson appeals for the gen- Tonks (equal); Michael K. Lan: pare of students gathered in erous assistance of al! Oshawa caster. .., [the gymrasium-auditorium for the citizens to reach the Fund's ob-' Pass Barbara M. Devitt, jac "dance before the mid-term small will be acknowledged GRADE 11 PIANO | A fashion note at this dance through Fund Treasurer, S. A First class honors -- Margaret \vas the need to wear red giving Cross, Royal Bank. C. Cross. a rather jaunty appearance to all You donation may be given Honors -- Jo-Ann Loos, Donald who got into the spirit of things to Merle Book, local manager G. Werry, Barbara S. Low, R. Festive red and white streamers Eaton's, who is vice - chairman (led to a tremendous centreniece of the Oshawa Committee: any a huge red and white heart nis Credit or the success of this any cy bank. dance, which was sponsored by the student parliament, must go 6 N h C to many people, ep ews ary The excellent achievements of everyone on the advertising com . A : : mittee, under the direction of Bier Of Col. Tom TORONTO (CP) -Six Steenburg, the decorations com of Thomas Kennedy J {+ milter, headed by Myron Mech, Ontario. premier. whe: died and the co-ordination committee y 4 : headed by Tom Disney. made N this a wonderful night ners: today : : Everyone who went had a tre They are Elliot Kennedy of mendous time in the romantic at Litchener: Donald Kennedy of St Thomas, and Gordon, Arthur, Rl hard ard Harold Kennedy of Port Credit, Ont mosphere that was created ANCIENT OFFICE Sir Geoffrey de Mandeville, the first Constable of the Tower of London, was appointed about | 1078. Funeral services for Mr. Ken nedy will be held at 3 p.m. in St John's Anglican Church in subur ban Dixie. AIR GRADUATE wire fence. Flight Cadet C. A. Winegar- den, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C Winegarden, 505 Perry St., Whit- by, was a member of the class which graduated recently after completing 30 weeks of basic training on Harvard aircraft at RCAF Suation Moose Jaw, Mr. Kennedy, 80, Progressive Conservative member of the On ' served Peel, 1948 to DID YOU KNOW? You con hove @ Nving room (ap- prox. 12' x 12°) im od wall-to-wall broadieom end under- tario Legislature for as premier from Ociooer, May, 1949. The Legislature will meet to Il adjourn at ence on a WA day but will Phone "A 5.1202. | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Pebruery 16, 1959 § Three Injured In Accidents Three persons received , rfc was esa avenue. Damage injuries in one of seven traffic|was estimated at $500. accidents in Oshawa over the! Saturday at 11.15 p.m. in front. weekend, lof house No. 575 on Mary street "1. Casey, of 122 Mary street,|a car driven by E. A. Cay, of, {injured his head and stomach.|184 Winona avenue, was involved. |D. Taylor, of Taunton road, was|in an accident with a car driven [cut over the left eye and bruised|by J. Gibb, of 70 Rossland road land G. Sheffar, of 88 Simcoe east. Damage was $400. " |street south, received facial culs Two.CAR ACCIDENT land bruises, All were taken to| Simcoe street north at Sunsel |the Oshawa General Hospital and| drive was the scene of an accel released following examination. |dent which caused $275 damage The 1948 model car, driven by Sunday at 12.35 a.m. A car driven Casey, was written off as a com- hy M. Charlesbois, ot Whitby [plete loss after it was involved township, was involved ir the ide {in an accident with a bus driven jap with a car driven by K. Wi {by G. A. Wilson, of 766 Gifford | pattice, 65 Sunset drive. : |street, Saturday at 11.30 pm. on! ©, Wood, of Port Hope, was {Simcoe street north, south of driver of a car involved in an ae- | Connaught street. | adem with a panel truck driven 19850 DAMAGE [by A. Bouckley, of 124 A total of $850 damage . .ulted | road S., Sunday at 9.10 am 2 when a car driven by W, W. Bar-| King street east and Fa rett, of 45 Teignmouth avenue,|avenue. Damage totalled $2237 | Toronto, was involved ir an acci-| An unknown car caused | dent with a car driven by C. F. {damage to a parked car belongs | Bradley, of 246 Oshawa boule- ing to G. A. Dobbs, of 79 Mone |vard south, The accident occurred |trave avenue, Sunday at 4 p.m. lon Simcoe steet nortn Saturday The car was parked in front of at 9.15 p.m, a house on Albert street at the A car driven by L. D. Wolose- time. |wich, of 849 Sylvia street, col-| ; Death Sentence lided with a parked car belong- ing to J, F. Morritt, of 520 Simcoe on Simcte iret north, rig 'Commuted To - 35-Hour Sleep Life In Jail {Ends Timely For Family mie' omtiice Vain CHATHAM (CP) -- A 35-hour knife slaying of Marie Gaetanne sleep ended in the nick of time|Helene Bouchard, 16, Edmunds- {early Sunday for six members of ton, N.B., high school girl, last a Chatham family, found near May, {death from carbon monoxide, Vollman was to have béen poisoning. hanged Wednesday. He will be The father, Edward Lunnon, 78,/kept in penitentiary at Dorches- was in serious condition in hos- ter, N.B. pital. His wife, Amy, 45, also! The girl's body was found in a ~ taken to hospital was in 'fair' gravel pit near the border town | condition. of Edmundston last May 14. | Their four sons, Keith, 19,1 Vollman was convicted of mur- John, 18, Bert, 16, and Paul, 8,/der last Nov. 20. The jury recom- |are recuperating at the home of mended mercy. No appeal was |an uncle in Blenheim. All four made. {were revived after ambulance This is the 18th commutation {men worked with inhalators for of sentence to life imprisonment {over an hour. ordered by the cabinet since the The family went to sleep early Progressive Conservative govern. |Friday evening. Sunday morning ment took office in June, 1957. |John was aroused by one of his There have been four hangings brothers to get assistance. {in that period. BUEHLERS 3, Fender EAT'N A] Sh TRUE-TRIMBEEF \ + io") Se | OTTAWA (CP) -- The govefn. {ment Saturday commuted to life imprisonment the death sentefite six Puppies Perish In Kennel Fire Six four - day - old foxhounds| perished Saturday night when their kennel, on the property of C. Sheffield, 54 Taunton road west, was destroyed by fire. The purebred Trigg and Walker foxhounds were the property of J. Haines, 117 Tecumseh street. | Oshawa city firefighters were] called at 10.15 p.m. 'and had the blaze extinguished at 10.40. The single . room doghouse was enclosed in a seven by ten foot lis believed the fire started from a fault in a Second World War type army oil stove One burner of the two - burner stove was checked and found to be burning properly before the dogs were bedded down for the night The mother, four .- year - old | Mollie Sands, had escaped un- harmed when firemen arrived Loss of the puppies was estima- ted at a minimum of $200. All had been sold before birth. Their sire, Ieadaway Lines- man. was born in Canada after his Texas - bred mother was im- ported to this country last year "Liner, as he is known, won the speed and drive cless in central Ontario trials last year Mollie Sands finished the All- Candian trial last October and placed in the hunting and trailing |classes 12 KING E. -- RA 3-3633 Meat Specials! Tues. and Wed. 29° 65° END CUTS BY SALMON CUT-UP CHICKEN o LEGS. THIGHS, BREASTS oo WINGS 4 o BACKS and NECKS FRESH MADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE 5 --1.00 n. 49° 1.00 3 Ibs. 25° LIBERAL CANDIDATE SUDBURY (CP) Elmer Sopha, 35-year-old lawyer, was chosen by the Sudbury Liberal Association Saturday to contest Sudbury. riding in the next pro- vincial election. Progressive Con- servative Gerald Monaghan is the sitting member, IMPORTANT NOTICE { To our many customers in Oshawa and District Siberry's wish to announce that due to the expiration of their lease at 27 King Street East, Oshawa, their store will be closed at the end of February 1959. ; Siberry's will be most pleased to look after their many old friends in Oshawa at their large fully stocked men's and boy's wear stores located at 629 Danforth (just west of Pape) also 2038 Danforth Avenue (just west of Woodbine) in Toronto. Please note that outstanding accounts may be paid direct to Sib- erry's at 629 Danforth Avenue, or at 27 King Street East, Oshawa until February 21st, 1959. At this time we would like to take this opportunity of extending our sincere thanks for your patronage throughout the past 32 years and look forward to serving /you at our Toronto stores. SIBERRY"S motign of the House Leader. Sask,

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