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The Oshawa Times, 16 Feb 1959, p. 8

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WE SER + Singer, Mrs. Lyman Gifford, Mrs, Charles Templar, Mrs, Reginald Anderson, Mrs. Will. Wo Thomson, president, is seen centre with the honored offi. cers, left to right, Mrs! Frank rsages for the past presi: ts was a pretty gesture at the birthday party, Mrs, George {am Badour, Mrs, Jack Flint. off, Mrs. John Badow and Mrs. Frank Singer, Jr. Cedardale H&S Social Evening Celebrates 35th Anniversary A gay note of informality was tended congratulations to the As: the keynote for the program at|sociation, the 35th birthday celebration of| The Home and School Creed the Cedardale Home and Schoolwas read by Mrs, Alyn Elliott, Association at the regular Feb: [It was decided to send two dele ruary meeting held recently, gates to the annual convention in The prettily decorated birthday|Toronto in April, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Women, Editor Dial RA 3-3474 cake, flanked by greer and gold| It was announced that educa-| tapers tion week would be from March room, Was the focal point of the 8 to 14 and that the March meet-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mo nday, February 16, 1959 ' ing would be Open House, the Founders' Night wan marked; ocoro0ms to be open from 7 to by a Founders' Day Observance g.an vm on March 9 with a with Mrs, John Badour leading meeting following, the tableau with Mrs, Reginald( myo 8 eet Adelines, a well Anderson, Mrs, Jack Flintoft| pon Oshawa singing group en: and Mrs, Willlam Badour particl-| yo tained, displaying thelr well: pating, trained voices to advantage in Mrs, John Badour introduced four-part harmony, The group was Mrs, Lloyd Courtice, vice-presi- introduced and conducted by dent of Area C, who spoke brief: Mrs. Fred Fox. ly on the aims of the Home and| An amusing skit was present: ' School movement, extended con: ed by Mrs, Frank Singer, Jr | The regular meeting of the Py thian Sisters was held rgeently ng, The election. of officers took | New President And Officers Elected By Pythian Sisters MEC Sister Ann Cliff present ed Sister ean Fltches and Sister with Sister Jean Fitches Presid: Evelyn Marke with a gift from the Temple. Sister Nan Kirkbride sang 'My 'place as follows: Most Excellent Tagk', A thank-you letter was re- 'men hobby show In May. March Kinette Club Marks Birthday The nineteenth birthday of the Oshawa Kinette Club was cele- brated recently at the Hotel Gen. osha, Several past presidents were guests for the evening -- they in- cluded Mrs. J. R., Reeve, presi- dent In 1046; Mrs. George Rus- sell, 1047; Mrs, John Risebrough, 1052; Mrs. A. O. Pollard, 1954; Mrs. Monty Cranfield, 1955; Mrs. Richard Donald, 1957; Mrs. H, E Webster, 1058, The 1959 president, Mrs, John MacLean proposed a toast to the past presidents, The r was given by Mrs. A, O, Pollard after which she cut the anniver- sory cake, | Reports were heard from the secretary, Mrs. Norman Ralke; the treasurer, Mrs, James Hen: derson; and the registrar, Mrs.| Robert Taylor, It was announced that Mrs, G. J, Poirier is the chairman for the Kinette project at the Kins. of Dimes chairman, Mrs. R. Don- ald, reported the collection of $0800 from 'The Mother's March" on February 2. It was decided to give a dona- tion to the march of dimes, Mrs. Gordon Garrison Intro. duced the speaker, a cosmetician representative, who spoke on skin care and gave a demonstration on the proper way to apply make up. Following this coffee and an- niversary cake were served to end the evening's activities, Man and Wife Make Good Team ny " i ® HANGE VOWS Albert V, Smith of Oshawa, and EXC Married recently at St. Greg- land Mrs, Charles Wilcox as the Canadian Legion Annual Party Dancing and games featured the annual combined executive and committee party of Branch 43, the Canadian Legion, held at Legion Hall on Saturday night, February 14. / First vice-president, Mr. Don. ald Iverson, acted as master of ceremonies while Comrade Mor. ris Proctor was in charge of the games. One of the highlights of the evening was a presentation to Mr, WHAT IS ARTHRITIS? longest married couple in attend- ance, The president, Mr. Leona: Mitchell, and Mrs, Mitchell, who were congratulated on their 20th wedding anniversary, welcomed the 90 odd persons present on be- half of the branch, Winners of the games were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Matthews, straw race; Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Weeks, balloon race; and Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Patterson, cardboard race, Spot dances were won by: Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Patterson, Mr. Donald Weeks and Miss Monica| Halferty and Mr, and Mrs. Bob Williams. Door prizes were won as fol- lows: Ladies, Mrs. Edna Elliott: men, Mr. Alex Walker; special prize, Mrs. C. J. Wilcox; mixed prize, Mr, 8. Wilson. During the evening music for dancing was supplied by the Van- dewalker orchestra and a turkey plate supper was served by mem- {bers of the ladies auxiliary. Grey County Opens by Ronald Bilsky, D.C. Chiropractor Specialist in Palmer Specific Upper Cervical Method Arthritis is essentially an Inflamation of the surfaces of the joint. This inflammation involves not only the bony suf- faces, but the musculature and the ligaments surround: ing the joint. In many instan- ces, this joint Inflammation results from excessive stresses and strains arising from im. proper functioning. This is a matter of faulty body mecha. nism, arising from bad pos. ture, curvature and other con. ditions which would induce body unbalance, : Another factor that is often Involved in arthritis is faulty calelum metabolism. This means the body's ability to utilize for its own purpose the natural calcium salts found in certain foods, Recent research has demon- strated that there is definite relationship between arthritis and an upset nervous system, ory's Roman Catholic Church were Mr, and Mrs, Murray Boyle. The bride, the former Miss Joyce Ethel Smith, is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES JESSIE PANTON AUX. Social Service, would give an ad- husband Pat, 35, operate an auc (East G ) dress on the evening of March [tion centre here billing them:| "ast Group 5 and that W.,A, groups from| selves as "Canada's only man and| The east group of the Jessie giher parishes be invited. |wife auction team {Panton Missionary Auxiliary held| wMps, F. §. Wotton and Mrs.| | She ran her first sale in Decem- jt monthly meeting in the ladies G. K. Blears agreed to repre- At Auction Centre By BILL RATHBUN Canadian Press Staff Writer EDMONTON (CP) -- Jean O'Hara, attractive mother of four, throughly enjoys her job as an auctioneer. She hus sold every- thing from 10-ton hoists to bras- sleres. Dark-haired Jean, 33, and her the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. George Boyle of Grafton, Ontarlo, ~Photo by Hornsby New Hospital Wing OWEN SOUND (CP)--Provin- cial Secretary Phillips praised Grey County's leadership in pro. viding hospital facilities at the opening of the new $123,000 wing of the Centre Grey Hospital in Markdale Saturday. T. Stewart Cooper, who spear- headed the fund-raising campaign In the town 25 miles south of here, cut the ribbon. Disturbances in the nervous system interfere with meta- bolism, The chiropractor, in dealing with arthritis, seeks to restore normal body balance, and nor- mal functioning of the nervous system, by removing the pressures which clog, re-estab- lish the body's proper calcium metabolism as well as the |] correct mechanical functioning of its joints. When he does so, symptoms of arthritis disap- pear. One of a series of articles published in the public Interest to Sploin and VOICE OF EXPERIENCE KITCHENER, Ont, (CP)--Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Owen here gratulations and presented cor-|Mr, Daniel Shutka and Mr. Rob. cpier sis er Iva Cliff: P.C. Sis: ceived from Queen Elizabeth Hos- ber while they were living at Hin.| parlor of St. Andrew's United sent the W.A. at St. George's have been married 66 years. ep! of chiropractic, written by Roneld W, [ton, 180 miles west of here. Her Ifirst "Parish Life Confe " on|They give these guide husband had operated a hardware irst "Parish Life Conference' on [4 guides to happy February 21, [marriage: "Keep your mouth The date for the annual W.A.|Shut if you want to get along with {Miss Grace Anderson, presiding. spring sale of work was set for YOUr in-laws; and when the chil. | The secretary submitted the De-| April 30. {dren are old enough to think for | sages on behalf of the associa: ert Goddard, or J "itches: E. 8, Sister tion to the past presidents pres: To round out a most enjoyable rin chi ey pital for the donation, » A 4 Marjorie Carey; E, J, Sister Kay oy ent: Mrs, Frank Singer, Sr, Mrs, [social evening several games Large: manager, Sister Ann Holt; It: was decided that the annual| gona there since 1954 and he had Chales Templar, Mrs, Ly man were played, the door prize was| secretary. Sister Mae Feasby:| copper Carnival' be held at the|ys task of selling the stock of a 3 | secretary, Sister YU April meeting y Sits, Mn Resbukd Anger won By Mry, ons, Rauitoon. treasurer, Sistor Christine Aitchl Sister Evelyn Clarke presented bankrupt indies' Wear sore, | son, Mrs, Willlam Badour, Mrs.| The president presided for the son; protector, Sister Iris Kirby:|ai Vel A Jean took pity on him and sold|comber oi The! themselv 1 " {son; , Sis f Vi r Jo shes Ww 3 sember and January reports, Th /ing the business selves--let them, Jack Flan, Ms Johy Badour business meeting, The minutes guard, Sister Dorothea Johnston; |Sister Jar Fishes wih het past the dainties herself. Fa! of the T0O8 Wrong cris | Mis Gerpige a easing ad Mia. Tronk Sug EL were, oad a am Lustees, Sisters Mary Si fay, called that It had been 31 years| "I was very nervous, getting up were disposed of among the mem. (tional secretary, introduced the Mrs, Couctica: then weeopied J py Ry eh oP os MR or ago that she had first held office. (in front of everybody 1 knew. bers. study book for his year "He Mrs, J J L ' 8 g ¢ 8, 8 Marie The meeting closed in ritualistic|she recalls. "Ninety per cent ofl Announcement was made that/Cares" with a sketch of the ca- lovely bouquet: of flowers from 1 The Stitoitalniry Were Shanked le Goyne, Evelyn Clarke, are the people at the sale had come ye February meeting of the Jes: reer in social service of its Mrs. 'Badour y Mey John Butoue: 3 Toa) (Lavender: oS Halos Sepresunive to see what I'd be like, but they gio panton Missionary Apxiliary author, Dr. Leonard Hat Mw. A. J. Ales, vice-presk. DAI I tive. Hig For) Sister Christine Atchison: junior | WATE Very Hico about i. {would be in the form of a pot luck fleld, MA, DD, general secretary dent of Oshawa and district Home| Giyorg and Mrs, Charles Tom: |representative, Sister Mae Rut:| "I'm used to the crowds now supper, with the east group sup-|of the Council for Social Service, and School Council, brought|plar poured tea and Mrs, Frank ter; alternate, Sister Beatrice jo have Ho Toute. i Edmon piving he sheclal Jeature, At this Dr. James, \ney ae his theme! Sn 18 : Rh ale Alora. a Sister] ean's firs s B * meeting donations to the mis or you", de-| greetings from council and ex: Singer Sr, cut the birthday cake. Hurst; degree captain ton was a real problem when four sionary overseas bale will be re. scribes his book as 'an attempt| -------------- --= [Margaret Stevens; pianist, Sister| ro [to describe in brief detail some] . . Emmaline Henderson; press, Sis: 1 PY hisiee teived, of the 'yous', individual and so-| | ) '| The members were reminded hd Valentine Decorations Add Color . . To Ritson H&S Night of Cards ter Leeanna Bathe, R! { # . Sister Emma Larke reported | I got so flustered I Just had to ya on Tuesday, February 16,[clal for whom the Father that Sisters Christine Altchison| quit, p i at souidit the Presbyterial would be held at{cares 'Was served by Mrs George " 5 i - Md | . and Beatrice Hurst were away ill| time." St. Andrew's United Church, and | vr oGregor and her committee. Mrs, Carl Creamer and Mrs. Milne, Mrs, W. Dart, Mrs, M.| Harry Souch were converers for a|Fryza, Mrs, Winfield, Mrs. Roy| successful night of cards held last Morris, Mrs, Frank Zarowny,| week in Ritson school, (Mrs, D, Tyce, | Sister Marie Lavender read the |arrangements were made for i a ll lk ete i Ht sa O_o Mrs, Henry Etmanski, who was| The lucky tickets for bridge Monthly Echo, At the large four-hour sales ;., luncheon. ED. WILSON in charge of decorations chose St./were drawn by Mrs, J, C. Fet.| held three times a \'eek Jean Mrs. Percy Mason and. Mrs. NEWS BRIEFS FURNITURE Valentines colors, She wa. assist: terley, Winners were as follows: | | pandles Rousewares. Jewelry: Fi Harold Tripp offered to lend as- takes the bigger pleces of furni. sistance in connection with the ture and equipment (telephoning of members regarding NIGHTS OUT "But we have a sale coming up| Matters pertinent to the organiza. PETERBOROUGH, Eng, (CP) [of a garage and its equipment," TCC: 55 Chak Sh. * RA 5.52W "TE » ENR, (CG urch St. he ed by Miss Margaret Kerr and Mrs, E. W, Peterson, Mrs, Mere.| 10 Hive young parents a chance Grade 7 pupils. dith' Moffatt, "Mrs," G. Wight, lo Ho out on Saturday nights. where Mrs, Jack Kewin, prize conven. Mrs, R, Burr, Miss Muriel Ee as city hi organizing a scheme with prizes wrapped In| Lucky door prize winners were! club. : red and white, (Mrs, E, J, Dumas, Mrs, A, She:| 1 % Eel Ct ell Cl le tle Church on Wednesday evening. February 11, with the president, | | Biisky, doctor of Chiropractic, whose office Is located at 100 King Street East (Plaze T e Building), Teles phone RA 8.5 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! SALE COMMENCES TODAY AT Reitman. LS SMART WOMEN SHOP laytex appy New silhouette sale {mechanic's course to find out Jokn Shearer were hostesses for | { [what I'll be trying to sell. [the evening. § : Natives of Neepawa, Man,, they| : ; '! [owned an electrical contracting] ST. GEORGE'S EVE, W.A, . 41 [firm at Roblin, Man, for some| The regular meeting of the / J ; |years after the Second World evening branch of the W.A. of St.| | ' wustl (War, Jean once helped Pat to George's Memorial Church was wire a farm home. They began held recently in the parish hall PRESIDENT their auctioneering career when wiih Mrs. F. S. Wotton presiding. an auction seem e best way, ' s, read by| At a recent meeting of the [to clear a large stock of trade-in ype pind He nutes, Sond i Ontario Regiment Officers' [goods from their hardware store. and the treasurer's report, given Wives Assobiation Mrs. John (The hired auctioneer from Ed- by Mrs. G. K. Blears, it was an-| Rolle tras aumed presiden jor monton failed to appear, so Pat nounced that Miss Nora Lea, an liam Paynter who has been president for the past two years, she said. "I'l have to take a! Mrs. Harold Sweet and Mrs. Tables were handled by Mrs, [veluk, Mrs, William Clark, Mrs. | COUNT WRIGGLES William Marlowe; tickets by Mrs, (A. Etchells, Mrs, A. Oke, Mrs, H.| LONDON (CP)--Furniture de- George Cuthbert; refreshments Armstrong, Miss Maude Ramsay, | signers have come up with a new, by Mrs. Florian Tomalak and Mrs. Leonard Eccles, Mrs, Wil-(gadget--the wrigglemeter, It will Mrs, Donald Cutler; candy by/llam Broadbent, Mrs, D, Cham: be fitted to chairs in places such Mrs, William Paynter; publicity bers, Roy Morris, Mrs, Stanley as public libraries, and will re. Mrs. Rodney Wiltshire. G. Sargeant, cord every movement of the Mrs. Jack Marshall, past presi:| Prize winners at progressive chairsitter, in a plan to show dent, extended a welcome to alljeuchre were Mrs, G, Masters, whether chairs are well de- in the euchre room and announe. Mrs, Slower, H. Motrison, Mrs. | signed. that Mrs. Garth Gillespie and J. Wright, Joan Smith, Susie Sal. ) 3 ye Jones ple inter, Mrs, J, Tilling, Mrs, Shirley! QUEEN AT HOME charge, Novak. clade in On LONDON (CP) -- Queen Bla. y oor prizes in the euchre room beth has decided to have the| a sep W. fat, PRR, were drawn by Mrs, Harry Souch, [royal standard floodlit when she | bridge room, winners were Bill Andrews, Mart is in residence at Buckingham| I Others who assisted the various/Cassilo, Mrs, Betty McKinstry, Palace or Windsor Castle. Lights conveners were Mrs. Lorne De.|Lois Burden, Mrs. R. Nelson, Mrs| will shine on the flag from dusk vit, Mrs. Donald Allman, Mrs, |" + Dart, to midnight. Ivan Morrison, Mrs, Thomas| Goch, Mrs, Peter Tulloch, Mrs. | William Murray, Mrs. Norman Ward, Mrs, John Fisher, Mrs, | Stephen Minacs, Mrs, William | WOOL IN HOLY ORDERS | The religious orders were im: portant wool-raisers throughout the Middle Ages. Almost every "MOLD °N HOLD" GIRDLE ~5©95 FOR A UMITED TIME ONLY did the job himself. tiv . n for! When they moved to Edmontn active member of the Council to devote full time to the auction. cering centre, Jean started sell. ing seriously. --Oshawa Times Photo "MAGIC CONTROLLER" edical Mirror Par o0cTos Sav a0our ® TB X-Rays ® Eyeglass Cleaners GIRDLE ® Milk Leg eg.48. ® "Doctor" or "Mister" 895 Qu 1 x harmful, why \ se WI re rage i HOW % 4 5 1 ---------- well urged to have chest x-ray i INOW Medical Science GUARANTEES tol OUT OF THE I 1] A. Because benefits of properly abbey, priory and bishopric had! a huge flock. In the 12th cen. tury, the Abbot of Caen had vast sheep pasturages in the Cots. wolds: the Priory of Swithins, Winchester, had 20,000 sheep and the Bishop there hai 29.000. Ely Abbey had 13.400 sheep and "the puns had 1700 grazing on Min. champton Common" not long af- ter the Domesday Rook failed to) tally the sheep. They were too many, | STOP. COUGH! {wm DR, CHASE 'OMA 0 oli io NOW Medical Science GUARANTEES to ing" ina ately, all too often the only thing splash jumps on is you! And there's another dress, sporting en ugly grease spot, is beyond repair every remedy FRYING PAN ++ + but not necessarily inte the fire. Because, unfortun. cooking grease skirt, or blouse To make matters worse, when an accident like this occurs the grease-spattered victim often tries to remove the stains herself. When this happens = in mast cases the damage done Because such attempts usuully result in "fixe the stain permanently. | sure wish | hod a dollar for garment |'ve seen brought in after just such a "home treatment, | might not be able to retire but I'd be higher income tax bracket, That's for sure! lconducted chest x-ray programs 'fur outweigh possible harm. This 'was the conclusion of a special investigative committee appointed by the Ontario (Canada) Tuber- culosis Association and American and State Trudeau Societies sup port this view, Q. What is the best wey te clean glasses? A. Soap ond water is excellent, provided a mild hand soap is used. Stronger soaps might affect the trims used on some glasses, Several good cleaning fluids for glasses are available through op- tical! stores. These contain a mild alcohol solution which takes off M.D. after his name. An English dentist or veterinarian or chemis- | try professor is seldom called) "Doctor even though they are have the degree or status of doc- tor conferred by @ university. In the United States the word "phy- sician" is now commonly applied to our Medical Doctors, Q. "What is the couse of milk leg? | have had the condition for seven years ond have de- veloped very pointul leg wl cers."--A Michigan reader, A. Milk leg, so called because it most often occurs after the baby arrives, is a painful swelling of the leg coused by plugging and FOR A UMITED TIME ONLY a happy new figure to you all and a prosperous saving too! Playtex offers this exciting sale to introduce you to these two wonderful girdles -- the girdles that HOLD THEIR SHAPE and YOURS, even after six months. Hurry --this offer good for a short time only! Remember this, won't you, the next time you get a grease splash on your clothes. Take my word for it you'll only com. titactore fo ~ plicate matters it you start experi ing with cleaning fluids J Pe" O° $0 18a 1 hy > ue : yourself, Although some ei can be tymoved ot home, cept on rn ali grease int one of thom. Try instead to get the grease. cay stained garment into us en quickly ax possible. Be sure to g have w- Pony label the stein, too, or tell us when you bring the garment in. | ore called Tmister™ in Englond. . Is this true? A. Yes. In England a good many su k the title of Doctor mn physicians may not have it. When-an Englishman is ill he consults a doctor, as we do. But a surgeon is usually plain Mis and to be so call although he may have inflamation of a deep vein. The condition can occur in men or women of any oge following some leg injury or és the result of prolonged stays in bed. Leg ulcers may form because the blood stagnates behind the plug ond devitalizes the tissue, Whe- ther to use drugs or resort to surgery requires careful weighing of all circumstances, People afflicted in this way need great! patience and must be willing to] follow the doctor's orders to the! letter, most spots. Silicone-treated pas COUGH REMEDY This new DIRECTED cough remedy travels through your blood stream to the cough con- trol centre--your (}Zone--and stops ordinary coughs 'right where they start. No habit forming drugs. Ne harmful after effects. Safe, effective and pleasant for children too! Expert spot removing is just one of the mony ways in which we can help you to protect your clothes investment You can be sure that all your dry cleani requirements will receive the same careful attention to deron Try us ond see. deven MH, COUGH SYRUP OR TABLETS Another milestone for medical science --at last SAFE, speedy | velief from irritating coughs due to colds or smoking. | JAMIESON | Brucs i 5 TELEPHONE 24) KING ST. &. Y SA RA 5-1169 2 A A TE ter prefers I'l be back egoin next week with more suggestions on what to do -- or not te do -- to preserve the life of your wardrobe and household fabrics. ed | Answers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of all doctors, The | diagnosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's | personal physician, Questions directed to Science Editors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario, will be incorporated in these columns when possible. Published as a public service by am Drug 2 Oshowa Next week is DRY CLEANING WEEK IN ONTARIO, Get ready for Spring DO-IT-NOW -- give us a coll and we will clean, press and store your garments until you need them. Pay only cleaning ch on delivered, sto free, SO DO IT NOW Reitman» WHERE SMART WOMEN 29 SIMCOE ST. S. -- RA 5.6221 STORE NOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. Tues. Thurs. & Sot. -- 9 a.m. 1 pm Wed. -- 9 am. to 9 pm. Fri. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE King St. West & Stevenson Rd. -- RA 5.4361 STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. Tues. & Thurs, -- 9:30 am, to 12:30 pm. Wed. -- 9:30 a.m. to 9 pm. Fri. -- 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Soturdey. TWO WAYS TO FAST COUGH RELIEF a Dr. Chase new DMM. cough remedy in liquid or handy tablet form. Your druggist has it--better have it handy, too! -- 7 Coy 9 / 1 i t 28 CP | l

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