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The Oshawa Times, 24 Feb 1959, p. 13

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JU-----Articies For San 17-INCH RCA Victor TV, $75. Phone RA 57203. 42b &7--Automobites For Sale 'ss' CHEVROLET BelAir sedan, gpot !less condition, low mileage, $1400. Fi nance available. Private. Dial RA |5-8640 [SO--Articles For Sale VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, arts, at brushes, guaran. teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice. RA 8-1081 anytime. HIGHEST prices paid for used furnj. ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Ci F Store. 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. ED television sets 17" and 21" com- pletely reconditioned. Free 0-day war. ranty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap pliances, 50 Bond East PORTABLE typewriter, Smith Corona, nearly new. Phone RA 8.5322, 46c COAL furnace, with automar'~ control EW refrigerator, below half price, pipes. Owner changed to oil. Good con-| must sell, going to U.S.A. 100 Cre dition. Reasonable. Apply 395 Division well Avenue, Apt. 3. Street RA SOV. ai. ISEATER. Tow and esd. Orewa's BUFFET, roll bed, like new, ran-|No, 1 Skate Exchange". Used skates 46--Reo! Estate Wanted WANTED 2--50 acres with lake front- age between Whitby and Port Hope. Private buyer. Write: Box 433 The Oshawa Times 47 biles For Sale §5--Real Estate For Sale your present home? Used homes are in great demand, we will be pleased to give you a free appraisal your property. Walter Kocoj, RA 5-1732; Joseph Bosco, Broker, RA 5-9870 $1000 DOWN, houses and bungalows, W. McAuley Realtor, 26 Prince Street. RA 3.2512 Whitby. MO 8-3231. 15% ACRES of land, off Taunton Road East, on paved road. $400 per acre, B lle, MA 3-3986. £5--Real Estate For Sale AVAILABLE March 1, two-room apart- Foun - room, two-bedroom house, ell furnished, pay: ment, partly , vate en-|furnace. Full price $8500, down - ei heat, lights and Co sup- {ment $1500. Call Mr. Stephen Rat, $50 monthly. Suit couple. 369|RA 8-5752, A5¢ Street, BA SH132. SOLID brick ranch style home, large THREE - room apartment, with three- lot, aped, six rooms, bath, Locat- piece bath, heated, $45 a monty, im- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, February 24, 1939 13 Farm Probe Seen - Election Gimmick TORONTO (CP) -- A Libera!|(PC--Lambton East), who cons member of the legislature sug (tinued his attack of last session gested Monday the provinciallon the Union Gas Company's government's promise of an in-|.reatment of farmers in south. quiry into agriculture is just an | western Ontario. other election gimmick. Mr. Janes that Mines "Every election year this gov-| Minister Spooner be given au. &8--For Rent STEREO, BAND ME 3 ai present Hi-Fi |MUST be sold immediately 57 Dodge |eustom suburban, four-door, automatic V8. Phone RA 35-7252 evenings, Whithy MO 8- Expert conversion of your or tape recorder to stereo. Sales and service on all Ger man and Domestic Hi-Fi and stereo equipment. For information phone Osh. awa , Heinz » RA 8-1469 mornings or evenings. Fern El 423 Yonge Street, Toronto. SEWING machines, 1959 portables, ex- y ces greatly reduced. ped, ed t residential street. 9 Freder. 43f oe Phone Bowmanville MA 3.5147 1-TON pick-up and three-ton truck wanted, in gi bl; for cash. Private. RA 57478. 44 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent. Nine months to pay. For service at your home call RA '54 PONTIAC new Jenetaior, busters, 5-2802. s v ob, own, | take i eh cash, [CAR radios installed, $5 down, $2.50 a week. Dominion Tire Sfore, 48 Bond Street West. an, fully aid 'heated, hot and cold water, tor, stove and basin, five ns 5 || P- 43 . LEAVING country. House full of near- ly new furniture and appliances Jor nd defrost frig., Thor wash- and " hesterfield suite, ¢&, bioadioon,, beg TV, radio, | 46a A ub GET your home site early in the year. Check the offers in "Lats for Sale" in Classified today. REFRIGERATOR, excellent condition. Phone MO 8.3976 Whitby. NEW . bungalow, newly Ay near school, vacant now, off Wilson Road South. Apply Joe one | Realtor, 18 Bond West. 434; 355 powN, three-bedroom bungalow oom, use of private kit-least end, large finished recreation Sen, close to corner of King Street|room, ceramic tile bath. One mortgage and Park Road. Phone RA 8 for the balance. Joseph Bosco, er, $ pm. Je 5-9870. - room apartment, refrigerator TS, private bath, private en- trance, adults preferred. Apply 39 Sim- eoe Street North, Apartment 3. $-3352. SIM North, four and five-room en By all conveniences. Call RA 56343. 9 am. - 5 pm. TWO partly rooms, sink, use of Apply 48 Drew Street, 4 pm. SEVEN - room brick house in Bow. an. Possession March 1. Box 436, Oshawa Times. ao FIVE room self contained apartment, with stove and refrigerator, possession March 1. 496 Simcoe Street North, Apt 4. RA 5.6209. 4 THREE unfurnished rooms, with three- plece bath, rangette supplied; private entrance; working couple or two ladies ed, $16 weekly. RA 57019. 43 YHREE . room basement apartment. Private entrance and bath. Frig, stov 1278 Simcoe South. RA is MODERN, three - room self - contained apartment, stove and refrigerator, laun- dry facilities. RA 8.6820 after six. 4a HOUSES for rent. W. McAuley Real- tor, 26 Prince Street. RA 32512. dc COMFORTABLE room, chrome set, RCA Victor 21" etc. Phone RA 8-1403. s5 CHE r Suet Wem. _ , two tone, slip covers, low mile-|'57 OLDSMOBILE a a mor available. RA blue top and rear quarters, MUST BE SOLD INDUSTRIAL LOT = ne copatummine Seamer 'Mee. err -- | PRIVATE e '35 Chevrolet lute: sound m ' 00' | wagon, standard two door, good condi- black and white King |1% HP motor, new, $60; portable air 55 by 6 tion, radio, heater, signal lights, SNOW weg Motors, entre, , $34; Ford car radio °53- hr i , |tires. RA 8-1923, 461 45155, push-button, $29: electric greasing With unfinished six - room PRIVATE 87 Plymouth Vo hardtop, Diachines, emite, w grease house. Located on 401 high- equipped; also 84, Oldsmobile sedan, (3000 ANd TOY way service road, Plenty of room for commercial build- ing. i. $00d 'condition. around every evening. Apply 597 Sim. 1 Lowest prices of |[RA 58161, days only. a To year. 55 Ford twodone custom 1958 TUTONE Chevrolet Phone RA 5-7252 Evenings Whitby MO B.2e00 . four door, white, - storey brick, four bedrooms up, Hid rooms down, sun poreh, back shed and garage, $9700 cash. For in RA formation 25 Sandra Street East. Alf 'interior. isms. 51 GMC pickup, good running condi- .| tion, new paint, $385 cash. RA San, in and look ing and Street. Vac Re t. Only altor, RA 3-2512, MO 8- LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM INSURANCE REALTORS : OPEN EVENINGS GLENGROVE $16,900 L Custom ultra-modern brick bungalow with attached cor- port, floor to ceiling natural fireplate, built-in china cab- inet in dining room. Three very large bedrooms, double closets, built-ir. bureau. Bath- room has smartly styled van- ity. All Pierson windows. Call Bill Millar, RA 8-5123, $9,500 ONLY 4-room clapboard bungalow on large lot, oi. heated Glaze TWO unfurnished _roon and bath, | King St. E., bus and shop- TWO unfurnished rooms and bath, | to d Shep. { . Ph RA 8.5394. 41f| . Carries for | Sly Call Art. Weinber- | ger, RA 85123. N.H.A. FULL PRICE $11,950 $1,000 DOWN $1,000 3.bedroom brick bungalow, oil heat, hardwood and tile floors, Ceromic tile 4-piece bathroom. Large lot, private driveway. All services paid. Many more extras. Carries for only $69.00 per month principal, interest combined. Call Doug Gower for addi- tional information, RA 8-5123. DOWN TOWN SPECIAL $1,000 DOWN Six-room, two-storey brick home with garage and new oil unit, Only 4 blocks from 4 corners. At this price you can't miss! Only $9,500 ° full price. Call Doug Hurst, RA 8.5123 COUNTRY LIVING S-room, 3-bedroom bungalow with large lot 132° x 200'. Oil heated, very clean ond quiet living. Carries for $65.00 monthly, Toke oll offers. Call Frank Barnoski, RA 8-5123. ' fat range, two. All in good MeAul -- |coe Street South. RA 5-9216. yne se Ter an Fae sie, wingsels waster (1980 $13 showarce oF your 0 oe cury, automatic, radio, $595; '87 MeLeOX| jeter, 11,800 miles, excellent con miral, Victor or Westinghouse at Park- Niagara, a beauty, $1495; '56 Chev, dition, RA 8.8775 after 6 p.m. or an, ' two-tone, radio, $1295; '55 Buick ha r| time Saturday. 4 way Television, 918 Simcoe Street North, top, dynaflow, radio, two-tone, power |" ; 3 Mercury, good motor BRAND new Plymouths, '58 models, orgs gE og discounted from $364 to $841. Full new ; '54 Chev., radio, white alle. 588 ht) a clean d car warranty. Van Heusen Motors, Xing : West. 95; and good, $1005; '56 Ford Fairlane, Thunderbird Sault, 54 FORD deluxe, equipment, very good $1395. Price good for Monday, Wednesday only. Easy ou terme, wrilen marintee at Wellman ata, RA S44, take over | ar A, P RL ol condi: FOUR burner Beave duty range, fout 739 PONTIAC deluxe fordor, 3000 mien, | (il 00 = eee must sell, can finance. RA 88180. |3574, 4 "the Dutch Merchant, 633 Al- sy Er a . rn -- - ee ar ---- At TABLE top four-burner, modern gas ( ; e I OVI | e |'54 FORD, $500, must sell. RA 37152 | stove, two storage drawers, RA 38 | | s---------------- | 13-FOOT boat, 69" beam, with 25 hp RA 3-4152 after qu ALL makes of used refrigerators in various sizes, $40.95 and up. The Dutch Merchant, 633 Albert Street. RA esr STORE equipment, two-door refriger. ator, Berkel slicer, Berkel scaes; 46--Real Estate Wanted WANTED house for wrecking. Phone|terms, RA 3-410. 46c Motors. 45--Real Estate For Sale a5 --Real Estote For Sale suitable oo lady or gentleman, close to North & Reasonable. Call RA 8-1072. room apartment, private en- conveniences. Apply in THREE - trance, all Drew Street, Seat hd TWO rooms, unfurnished, furnished kitchen. Close to bus stop. Apply 286 King Street West. au h Food and freezer plant. LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee Is less thon e ve- cancy only screened ond re- | liable tenants. { Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. After hours please call: ernment hauls- out the agricul- (thority to cancel any lease or gette, wardrobe; reasonable. RA 8-1773./81 up, New skates $4.95 up. Largest Street East. farmer vote," J. P. Spence (L-- |leases be re-negotiated, FOUR speed portable Lakefield Street, soy speech debate was C. E. Janes| oo. 08 in respect to natural terfield suite, condition 5688. 46c make sure they install the pro- budgies, turtles, wild bird seed, All at KIMBERLEY, South Africa|those lines and make sure they're Friday was discovered recently at (PC i . i walnut, blond and seamist, from $133, Vai Haren (PO W ngyon Duiieriy} de Street, {vised by a resident of Haren that ment of the hog industry. |tinental beds, single sizes, ions Ting markings. [to be a spokesman for agricul {Serta mattress with every bedroom JERUSALEM (AP --A govern- foo) himself. | predict that when FREE Serta smooth top mattress with {opening of a gambling casino has most rural ridings." Mrs. dresser, chest and bookcase bed. | r BERLIN (AP) -- Trumpeter R00t, are "whistling in the dark" {tour here he told a reporter: *'I| INFLATION CAUSE ranged anything yet but when he wage increases and higher profits LONDON (AP) Hicess He suggested an index of pro- French. She has just oon the provincial economics depart [either in profits, or wages or new J. Goyne, 5-5378; S. Macko, 5-0771; R, Vickery, 5-6342 NA AP) Pres tural fiddle and rubs some resin|part of a lease for natural selection in /town. Drayton Cycle, 204/00 the bow to play a tune for the|storage, and that all existing Bond Street East e HiFi record Kent East) told the House. player, with automatic changer, si Another speaker ose throne DEFENDS GOVT, lent condition, $50. RA 3.7713. 1471 Mr. Janes .also defended the SIX-plece apart: gas expl SRY: ment size M -piece ches- x ying: "It's Edie NEWS BRIEFS |i", the comoumis to PET supplies, tropical fish, per equipment. It's next to: im. big savings. Sportsman's Corner, 105. KEPT GOING ible for inspectors to follow yron South, Whitby, Open till § p.m. (Reuters) -- A pigeon released putt them in." DON'T miss Fd. Wilson's "Bedroom here in 1954 for a 500-mile flight minister John Root Week" sale. Gorgeous bedroom suites, Belgl psi b um, 000 miles away. (fended the government f Pl Free § Smooth t. o rom tress Wilson Furniturer. 30 Charen | The owner, Wally Brown, was ad- position criticism of its -- BEDDING, bargains for February. the Pigeon was in his loft there| He said CCF lead [Spring filled mattresses, $14.98: com. and had been identified by its! MacDonald should ag [nape sinished unk beds, compels ture. He i t fooli 56. p foam pillows, $1.79. "Free" | wre. Ss not fooling anyone | NO GAMBLING i " 't thi suite. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church in fact 1 dowt think he can even Street. ment set up to see| i | 0 |election day rolls around he will the purchase of any" bedroom. sie. whether Israel should permit theo: even enter candidates in Lovely honey bedroom suite, Mr, and y r rejected the proposal. | : i Reg. $239. This week only $133. | Ross Whicher (L--Bruce) and Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street, SATCHMO AVAILABLE , [other Liberal critics said Mr. {Louis Armstrong wants to blow |i claiming farmers will not sup- [hot and blue for the Reds. On Port the government, would like to play for those Rus- R. M. Myers (PC--Waterloo sians. - My manager hasn't ar- South) said inflation is caused by does I'll be ready to go." | without a corresponding increase FLUENT PRINCESS in productivity. ductivity be maintained by th Anne, 8, is carryin Eh y ie oy io) the royal Dominion Bureau of Statistics or ratulated by Ma aliop | ENE because of "the impossibil« Er Svegood y a evalter ly of attaining any stability [taxation without sueh an index." VIENNA (AP)--Press reports | Mr. Myers also suggested grad 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 45--Real Estate For Sale TWO lots 75 x 200 vicinity of Garrard and Rossland. RA 8-5205. 461 from Czechoslovakia say eight uation of Ontario's Corporation persons there have been jailed /tax on the basis of earnings per for two to six years for illegal share. possession of gold, John M. Chaput (PC--Nipiss- : |g) supported North Bay cou RED CROSS GUESTS |eil's request for Paci Bp 3 WARSAW (AP) -- Thirty-two operated by provincial police- (Polish children believed suffer- | men. : |ing from lung ailments have been ! |flown to Switzerland for treat- | ment. They are guests of the Swiss Red Cross. NORTH-WEST LOCATION Beautiful brick end stone bungalow with natural fireplace in 19- foot. living room and 10 x 10 dining room, 12 x 14 kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, 4-piece tile bath. Fully equipped with alum- inum storms ond screens. Situated on a 62-foot lot. Reasonable down payment and terms. To see this lovely home call Bill Norris ot RA 5-6588. 3 ONLY EXECUTIVE HOME MASSON ot ROSSLAND 100% living Is offered In this 2-storey brick, with gar- age. We are sure it will de- light you if you are looking for c 3-bedroom home in a choice section. The effect of spaciousness is felt in every room, Natural fireplace in living room. Formal type din- ing room. Master bedroom 12 x 14, with double closets. 4.piece tiled bath. Recreation room with 2-piece powder room. A large tree shaded rd. Priced ot $18,900. ho suitable to purchaser. Owner will corry 'on one mort- NEW 3 ONLY $11,500 3-bedroom brick and stone bungalows, tile baths, aluminum storms and screens, divided basements, Hollywood kitchens and many more features for comfortable living. Wilson Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- RA 5-6588 Bill Norris Jack Sheriff Stan Ske: e kirk Avenue 42( USED washer parts, % HP motors, $5 up. Repairs to all wringer type wash 460 ed with windshield, lights, paddles, ALES LTD. $1,200 DOWN, N.H.A. RESALE, 1 YR. OLD, 5 EXTRA LARGE S | w4ass, forced air heating. Close to south G.M.C. Sacrifice for quick sale. 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH | AWNINGS, iim oor ay stipes, of four, includes approxi= rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. | -i h. 1 block % early new oil furnace, storms and closed-in porc Sout CRANFIELD MOTORS |» etween 5 and 6.30 p.m. anu down payment, for ap- i hom nd value you should see. Rooms ! or Bone FRONT Sxieptionel re USED CARS |% HP electric motor. RA 5-3429, i hi hout, 3 divided basement wired for dryer. Nicely decorated throughou Flies wew und usen. For {le bust deel BUY NOW AND MORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY, . |tein Health Foods, Steam Baths, Health * Street East. RA 8.0511. | Motors -- budget terms. Free See TED CAM IN Bond, Strest West proved. Service centre for ies, Kelvinator refrigerators, television. | (Just Eost of Wilson Road) A 7 1508 : |See "Home Furnishings" in Classified MARINE STORAGE & refrigerators, makes, 5.1161 or RA 5-1182 ances, 50 Bond East. PHONE 87 crib, one playpen. RA 5-4539. 43f | KOBE, Japan (AP)--An eight- [BLACK Persian lamb, full-length coat WINDOWS 1i Good clean cors, Trade up or of 3 ] . scaling Mount Himal Chuli, The AXMINSTER rug, 9 x 8. Beautiful eon, 314 PARK RD. S. | pletely reconditioned, 90-day warranty, |CARRIAGE, biue, Tn excellent _condi-| | LONDON. (AP) -- Sir Winston gage. Will buy good clean cars. Pay * filmed for television with Sir foam rubber seats, steering and remote ROOMS. Bright modern kitchen, large spacious living room, three STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN vg rd ¥.| ATE SALE, SIMCOE N. 4-BEDROOM, 1%4-STOREY BRICK OSHAWA, ONT. |prompt service. Free estimates. Order | EST ; A y 144 . STEREOPHONIC record player, 24 mately 90 per cent gro- south Simcoe N. school. Listed at $11,900 to settle estate. 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH | USED tires, $3, up, Terms. Bowie | pointment, No obligation all large size. L-shaped living room, dining room, ultra modern A m RA as] B A SERVICE GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup-| beautifully landscaped lot 63 x 125, stone patio. Owner trans- Bond Street West. RA 56511. RILEY SALES' & SERVICE SAVE! LE . Master vegetable and fruit juicers BOATS. motors and trailers, new and| inte: storage on motors. MOTORS fore motor repcirs, Open evenings Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-4543, RA 3-4494, Res. 5-5574 Se ome J p " [ SUPPLY LIMITED [LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars| completely reconditioned, %0-day free HIGHEST PRICES |SINGLE bed, spring and spring-filled man J. i |with mink * trim collar, small size down. Liens paid off. DOORS, AWNINGS THE dition, $45. Phone RA 8:5815. |%,801foot peak in West Nepal RA 3-9421 CALL RA 8-8571 {from Britain and South Africa. | |from $39.50. Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond | tion, mattress included. Apply 509 Dun. Manufactured in' Whitby Churchill's "History of the Eng- | off liens. Sell or. consignment, Johaso t d trailer, fully equipp- RA 8.5155 Rose Bowl Bldg. 39 PRINCE ST. SABYAN MOTOR [l2wmn motor an control, Suitable for water skiing. MO oversized bedrooms (double door closets), natural wood trim, SALES and SERVICE tor only fori Tl $15.40 a week per family Older h in good condition. 7 rooms. Deep dry basement, TEL: RAndolph 3-346] Inow for early delivery. Chair and table | er home : 3 | watts with matching speaker. RA 5.1452 Ceries and freezer, no CHEVROLET ST. 6-ROOM RANCH BUNGALOW, STONE |v RA 3-2284 {Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. Phone RA 5.3709. i Li th big bedrooms and deep kitchen with built-in breakfast area, three big GUNS. ammunition and "hunting "sip: RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN, ferred andi will sell, ot cost |SLENDERIZING treatments, Hi-Pro- BUYING OR SELLING . |Homewood ~Health Studio, 204 King| Peterborcugh boats, Evinrude | used. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48] Bocr storage. Factory ap- B. F. GOODRICH Stores, tires, batter { 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA and weekends | LOOKING for value priced appliances? 48--Automobles Wanted |gLectre all BROOKLIN, ONT. for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA|Warranty, from $69.30. Irvine Avril) 0 THREE - piece bedroom set, one baby COMB | NATION JAPANESE CLIMBERS PAID FOR | mattress. Phone RA 5-7507 43f | team has left for Nepal to try wore few times. Phone RA 5-3963. 42f| PODD MOTOR SALES | Cs ---- on rt BEST FOR LESS. {has defied four earlier parties, |ELECTRC ranges, all makes com. | East. | Whitby MO 8-4891 NOTABLE WORK COLONIAL lish Speaking Peoples" will be | J Lioyd Realty Ltd. 101_ Simcoe St. N RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Peacock EET REALTOR Coll Jean Peacock, RA 5.4330 46a -~ LIST WITH CONFIDENCE WILSON REALTOR OLD AND NEW HOUSES--FARMS WE HAVE BUYERS WAITING WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- RA 5-6588 Recipe For A Happy Family { | Toke ao nice residential locality with o poved street such eos Carnegie Ave., one block west of Simcoe St. N., odd to that a well constructed 2-storey brick home, not brand new but in ex- cellent condition with the work all done and nothing to do but move in, and containing 6 spacious rooms tastefully decorated, odd to this oil heating plus a natural fireplace, which everyone loves, in the living room. Now add one garage for the 'car and you certainly have a fine home for the family. The owner would consider $2,000 down with reasonable terms on the balance. Possession? 2 weeks. For further particulars call ERNIE HOLMES REALTOR 204 KING ST. EAST RA 5.2363 KELLY BOLAHOOD, Representative .... RA 5.2363 4 L] WHITBY CLASSIFIED | | FOR SALE -- '55 Chev. Bel Alr, new tires, radio, low mileage. Reasonable MO 8.2631 after 6 46c(8-3777 FOR RENT -- Five room bungalow, FOR rent -- Fourr $80 monthly. Available now, 610 Brock apartment, gas stove, living room, South between 6 and 8 p.m 46c feet, For appointment. MO 8.2308 SERVICE station attendant PANT cuffing and alterations, men's R. H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South giving references and full particula March 24 15 | 46¢| wanted. | and ladies' wear; drapery alterations |' '/t¢ Box 303 Oshawa Times, Whitby rs. et FOR BALE -- 1314 foot, 36-inch beam cedar strip boat and 3 hp Johnson motor, used one year, $275 Apply 311 Dunlop Street East. Phone MO 8-4556 4c FOR RENT Chain Saw, Skill Saw end | Paint Sprayers. | For Sale -- Used Boats, Motors and Trailers WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES Henry St, Whitby MO 8-3226 REPORTER WANTED WHITBY BUREAU of THE OSHAWA TIMES Require WANTED -- Position as housekeeper, live in. Whitby or distriet. MO 8.4695 between 6 and 7 pm 4c) FOR rent Two-room apartment, hot and cold water. Apply 66 Church Street, Pickering. Phone 913 Pickering 44c 1101 SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed Walter Ward | 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8.2562 Feb 26 LIVE poultry also feathers wanted Highest market prices paid. Phone col lect MO 8-3486 Whitby March 9 CASH paid for used furniture, appli. | ances, pianos, sewing machines and al- most any article. Call Midtown Furni- ture, 113 Byron South. Phone MO 8. 981. Marcha A ee hsm WATER Service, 500 gaMons or 1000 gallons per load. MO 84172 before 8:30 am. and after 3 p.m. March 11 FOR sale -- Three-speed portable Sea breeze record player. $15; LP record ollection also available at option Phone MO 3.3784 auf ROUSE and bungalow wanted Gos | down pavments. W. McAuley Realtor MO 83231, Oshawa RA 32513, | Junior Matriculant, Experience not essent Apply Box 100, Whitby, Ontario al, 46a |FOR RENT -- Three room apartment. | Apply 508 Centre St. N. Phone MO| 46b "self-contained SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE Trode up or down. NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST f Formerly Varcoe's Drive-in | RA 5-5743 LOW COST HOUSING IN THE NORTH WEST AREA 49_Automobile Repairs 6-room bungalows and 2-storey homes all with large living rooms, 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. tiled bathrooms. Full basements. Down payment os low as $1,285.00. 1 N.H A. mortgage for balance $62.67 principal and interest. For further information, please call Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5-1726. SUNSET HEIGHTS Large 5-room brick bungalow with stone trim. Situated on a lot 45 x 166' with fenced-in back yard. Home is comprised of 19' living room, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, 4-pc. bath ond tiled walls, completely decorated, oil heating, asphalt drive. Close to public school and separate school. Call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5-0243, MARY STREET 6-room brick home In this most desired location. Large entrance hall, good sizé living room with fireplace, dining room -11 x 14, nice kitchen with plenty of cupboards. 2nd floor has 3 large bedrooms and bath, new forced air oil furnace, enclosed porch in back, garage, nice fenced lot. Priced to sell $11,500.00. Substantial down payment required. For further details, please call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5-0243, DUPLEX Very cleon modern duplex with garage. 2 kitchens, 2 bath- rooms, 2 heavy duty metres; heating forced air oil. For further information, please call Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5-1726. BEFORE 5:00 P.M. -- RA 3-2265% BETWEEN 5:00 & 6:00 P.M, -- RA B8-1624 460 DKW & FIAT | SALES & SERVICE ANDY NAGY'S | BODY SHOP 408 King St. W.. -- RA 3.7132 | BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Speciclists in Ford service and parts Wheel alignment, | wheel balance, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment. [S0--Articles For Sale LATE model used furniture, chester. | field suite, dining room suite, bed- room suite, modern sink, metal kitch- {en cuboards. Must sell, owner moving ers. Guarant: tioned washers Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3-2055. Bowmanville. COMBINATION TV radio and phono graph, bleached mahogany. Apply 720 Tennyson, 431 BUILD THAT | BOAT NOW Is ecsy with @ molded hull or boat kit, from 8' to 26'. See Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway. PHONE 1266 AJAX LARSON FIBRE-GLASS BOATS 7-25 Open Evenings and Weekends Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. PHONE 87 RAILINGS Beautity your home, protect your family -- custom made railings, $1.50 per foot up; aluminum windows $15 up; doors $35 up. Free estimates. Call collect ATlantic 2-2152. IMETAL CRAFT COMPANY | Phone RA 3.3623. 46c FIVE - piece grey chrome suite, one {hostess chair, lined drapes 144" x 90", 21" Marconi blond TV set. All in good | Phone RA 3.7458. 45 L. S. SNELGROVE (CO. LTD. 43 PARK RD. S. OSHAWA NORTH EAST SECTION LOW DOWN PAYMENT, 6 room 2 storey brick home In good condition, living room, dining room ond kitchen on main floor, 3 bedrooms and bathroom on second floor, 2 heavy duty stove cables, full basement with laundry tubs, oil heating, double garage, private drive, asking $11,700. Call Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 or evenings RA 5-4162. EARLY POSSESSION For the small family or retiring couple, large 4 room bungalow, featuring comfort and economy with modern kitchen, 24 ft, living room, 2 bedrooms, 4 piece tiled bathroom, fully decora- ted in attractive colors, oak and tiie floors, full size high base- ment with recreation room, oil heating, laundry tubs, storms, windcws, private drive and 'garage, located on bus route in north west section. $2,000 down payment will handle, for oppointment call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810 RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW $1,500 down payment gives possession of this spacious 6 room suburbon ranch style bungalow, extra large and modern kitchen, full size dining room, large living room, 3 good bed rooms, 4 piece bathroom, large heated utility room with laundry tubs, under floor heating with forced oir with oil, attached gar- age, circle drive, large lot with trees, full asking price, $1 1,000. Coll Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 or evenings, RA 5.4162. $2,000 DOWN PAYMENT 7 room, | 12 storey home, suitable for income, private entrance to second f 5, 3 piece bath, iarge modern kitchen, hot and cold watei, garage and small barn on large lot located in Brooklin fasy payments on completely open agreement. Call Sid Martyn RA 3-9810. 22 ACRES, THICKSONS RD. NORTH Nice level land with 16 fruit trees, some bush at back, good spring. 742 ft. frontage, asking $10,000 with terms. Call Keith Peters RA 5-8761 or evenings RA 5-4162. BRICK FAMILY HOME rooms, perfect , modern kitch ved tr condition throughout, dining room, living room with 3 bedrooms and 3 piece tiled comporitively new oif furnace, land vith private drive and garoge, central location, full 500. 6 hardwood 3 n aped Int price $11, Aba FURNACE four years old, complete hot and cold pi Can used as conversion heater, RA 3-9004. 45¢ LARGEST selection of used TV, many with new guarantee at Parkway Tele- vision. 918 Simcoe Street North. |WE pay highest price in the city for {used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store. RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South, SPECIAL | 12-foot car-top boat and 5 h.p. Scott-Atwater motor, $380. Also few left... 70a h.p. motors at $240. Ajox Marine, No. 2 Highway. Phone 1266 Ajax. Dollar for Dollar You'll Get A Better Deal on ® Aluminum Doors ® Aluminum Flair-Vent Awnings Aluminum Storm Windows | and Screens Pre-Fab Garage | | ALUMINUM .|Laurence Olivier as narrator, land shown on the British com-| mercial network next winter. 52--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Estate of HENRY LYON, Constable, In the DRUST deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of HENRY DRUST LYON, late of the Villoge of Brooklin, in the County of Onta'io, Constable, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of Janu- ary, 1959, are hereby noti- fied to send in to the under- signed Personal Representa- tive of the said deceased on or before the 17th day of March, 1959, full particulars of their claims. Immediately ofter the said date the said Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have nofice, DATED at Oshawa this 16th day of February, A.D., 1959, DR. JOHN H, McKINNEY, Executor, by his Solicitor, BRUCE V, MACKEY, Barrister and Solicitor, 264 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. ALEICHEM STAMP LONDON (CP)--Soviet Russia has issued a new postage stamp |to mark the centenary of the [birth of Sholem Aleichem, the Yiddish author who was a native of the Ukraine. REAL HAZARDS LONDON (CP)--Golfers of the Bova) Air Force base at Guter- , Germany, are pla on a bobtailed course. haying, the greens are missing, since they fwere undermined by moles and | then swept away by floods. LUNIK ON SHOW BERLIN (AP)--The Soviet Un- lon for the first time will show a model of its Mechta (Lunik) rocket at the East German trade fair at Leipzig March 1-10. The rocket last was reported orbiting | around the sun. BIG LOOPHOLE TOKYO (AP) -- The national | police board believes an average of 80,000,000 foreign - made wrist watches are smuggled into Ja- pan every month, It says most | are brought in 'by merchant sea. | | men. | | LIVELY GIFT | J KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP)-- Yugoslav President Tito, visiting | here, offered to give the Khart. |oum Zoo a rare yellow bear from ! 'his private collection. DAILY CROSSWORD | Pre-Fab Cottage Stone-Tex Insulated Siding | (Four different colors). Porch Railing (aluminum and wrought iron) at HOLODY ALUMINUM SALES 30 Grenfel St., RA 5.2431 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT REASONABLE PRICES | SELF STORING WINDOWS | ALUMINUM DOORS | FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP VERN GLASS CO. LTD. 1216 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8-6214 ALL TYPES OF GLASS WORK After 6 p m. call JOHN REID, RA 3-7679 OSHAWA Winter-Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Alumin um Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND - CLOSE RAILINGS--Interio r and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST | Les Eveniss, RA 3.2707 RA 5-4632 Bill Galbraith, RA 5.8832 Don Howe, RA 5.0313 2. Astonish 8. Toshirk 4. Half ems of Russia 18. Relinquish 14. Goebbels, [CIAIPIERNCIH]! [C] JUMBRHIOIRIAIE! | AIRIMEAMIAIRIA] SITIVIM I [S) APT] HY eg. 15. Wallow 16. Slim 18. Ruthenium (sym.) 19. Agree (slang) 20. Mongoloid language 22. Verdant 25. Swimming tanks 26. Perceive by ear 27. Medieval boat 28. From 29. Decides 33. Mean 36. Rational 37. Examina. tion 38. Government of Turkish Empire 30. Little 40. Anxious 41. Weaver's reed 42. Mimicker (collog.) DOWN 1. Of the calf of the leg NEW deep soft FULL Chevrolet puts deep, easy- flexing coil springs to work for your comfort. You're cradled in velvety, floating comfort over every road you travel. That's because Chev- rolet's coil springs are iso- lated from braking. and 'ac celeration stresses, they're free to work full-time on smoothing your ride. Find out for yourself, take a Revela- tion Ride, today! GO CHEVROLET - FOR EXTRA VALUE!

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