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The Oshawa Times, 24 Feb 1959, p. 14

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94 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Februery 24, 1959 Frost Keeps Confident In Avro Arrow Issue ONTO (CP) Premier Frost said Monday he is sure a substitute program can be worked out to keep 13,800 work- ers at A. V. Roe (Canada) Lim- ited employed, but his remarks drew scathing attacks from op- position spokesmen. The premier told the Ontario legislature he had telephoned Fi- nance Minister Flerhizg and La- bor Minister Starr at Ottawa about ways to preserve employ- | ogy ment at the plants in nearby Malton. "I prophesy that it will be suc- cessfully worked out," he said. Liberal Leader John Winter- meyer called the premier's state- ments "pious hopes" and CCF leader Donald MacDonald re- ferred to them as "light-footed political footwork." SUGGESTIONS OFFERED Both had suggestions of their own. Mr. Wintermeyer said a se- lect committee of the legislature should be named to study the problems caused by the federal government's abandonment of the Avro Arrow program and Mr. MacDonald suggested the pre- mier lead a protest march to Ot- tawa. Mr. Frost said he had not an- ticipated the shutdown at the Roe-owned Avro Aircraft Com- pany and Orenda Engines Lim- ited. He had understood Ottawa was making provision for pay- ment of $50,000,000 "for orderly termination of the contract." The premier said the most im- portant thing now was for the Canadian government and the aircraft firms to sit down and work out alternative programs. "I understand the negotiations have already commenced." ALL AID OFFERED He said the province has of- fered to place any of its services at the disposal of groups attack- ing the Avro employment prob- lem. Mr, Wintermeyer said a select committee should determine the session, C. E. Janes ( have, PC -- Lambton'row," he said. before the orders of the day.|East) put the blame on the A. V. Speaker A. W. Downer refused |Roe company later in an address to permit further debate until|in throne speech debate. Mr. Wintermeyer's proposal comes up for discussion later in{months ago they were going to to stop bulliog that Ar- "That company knew six WGR-TV Channel 2---Buffale TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Chavpel 1l--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte WEKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5---Rocheste: WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale TUESDAY EVEN 5.00 P.M, t1--Theatre, Sports 6--Whistle Town 2--Three Ftooges 5.15 P.M, 4--Chilaren's Theatre 530 P.M. 7--Disney Time 6-Sky King 4--Dinner Date 6.00 P.M, 11--News; Theatre; Weather 7---Early Show 2---Woody Woodpecker ING WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM, 5,2---Today 4--Captain Kangaroo 9:00 AM. Sun 8--Burns and Allen 4--Popeye's Playhouse 3--Rumpus Room 9:15 AM 1] 7--Devotions 9:30 AM, 7--Romper Room 3--District Attorney 4--Topper 3-My Little Margie 10:00 AM, 4--For Love of Money 8,2---Dough Re Mi 10:30 AM, 7--Playhouse Weath 4 s-- Playhouse 4-Fun To WEDNESOAZ P.M. 11--Theatre; NN 6--Rope Around The Learn 2-Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. dren's Newsree] 4--~Children's Theatre 5:30 P.M, 7--Mickey Mouse bE Hound Bengal i, Lancers 11 Thesire News.~ 6 5 whether Ottawa's decision on the Arrow was final and what federal aid might be available for mun- icipalities hurt by the mass lay- offs which followed the Arrow announcement Friday. He said Premier Frost had the Arrow situation, jermeyer added. ferided the premier"s support lor Prime Minister Diefenbaker In the last federal election. Mr. Wintermeyer said Mr. Diefenbaker's vision "had a cer- tain amount of astigmatism in it." The CCF leader said it had been "grounded in the muskeg of the north." | Mr. MacDonald said it was up to Premier Frost to press for a federal solution to the situation. SUGGESTS DELEGATION "What we need is a delegation | from this House," he said. "Let the premier lead this non-parti- san delegation to Ottawa." News 2--Sky King 615 M, 6-It's A creat Life News 630 PM. S--Bengal Lancers 4 3--News, Weather 645 P.M. 6, & 3--News 7.00 P.M, 6--Tabloid S8--Zorro 4--Annie Oakley 2-If You Had a Million 7:15 P.M, 7--Perspective 7.30 P.M. 7--Cheyenne 6--Donna 8-2--Dragnet 4--Whirlybirds 8:00 P.M. 11, 6--Front Page Challenge | 8, 2---George Gobel 4--Ann Sothern 8:30 P.M. 11.6--Chevy Show 7--Wyatt Earp 4---To Tell The Truth 9:00 P.M. | 7--Rifleman | 5, 2--George Burns | 4--Arthur Godirey 2:00 P.M 9:30 P.M. 11-8--Folio promised to bring the province's| 7_Naked City "best brains" to a conference on| 4--Red Skelton 2:30 P.M. "The best| 5-2--Bob Saminings 10:00 P. brains of the province are right| ;_ Aiea rN herein this chamber," Mr. Win-| 5.2--Californians | 4=Garry Moore Both he and Mr. MacDonald|; qprem ¢ Sports 11:00 P.M. 11-6-5-4-2-News; Weather, Sports 7--Playhouse 11:15 P.M, | 8-Viewpoint $--Movie 11-Late 6--Sportsview 4--Theatre 3-Jack Paar 11:45 P.M. 2-1 8 1.00 AM, Led Conference 7--John Daly 5--Death Valley Days 2---Bold Venture 10:45 P.M, 7--News; Weather; 11:30 PM. 2 Show 5,2--Treasure Hunf 4--Arthur Godfrey 11:00 AM, 7--For The Ladies 8,2--Price Is Right 41 Love Lucy 11:30 AM, 7--Peter Lind Hayeg 4--Top Dollar 8,3--~Concentration 12:00 Noom 11--Popeye; Bugs Bunny ews and Weather 85,2~Tic Tac Dough 12:15 P.M. 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M. 11--News 7--Play Your Hunch 5,2--It Could Be You 4--Search for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M, 11--All Star Theatre 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M Reed 7--Liberace | 6--Matinee | 5--Feature Movie 4--Meet the Millers 2-Mid Day Matinee 1:15 P.M, | 11--=Movie Matinee | 1:30 P.M, 7-Our Miss Brooks 4--The World Turns 1 7-Day In Court 4-Jimmy Dean 2--Helen Neville 1 7---Music Bingo 6---News 6- 5--Home Cooking 4--House Party ?-Haygis Bagsis 45 11, aNarvery" Schon 3:00 P. P.M, 11-6--Our Mia 'Brooks 7--Beat The Clock 5-2--Doctor Malone 4--The Bie "avoff 3:30 P.M. 11,6--Open House 7--Who Do You Trust 5,2--From These Roots | { 4--Verdict i= Vours 4:00 P.M, 11--Bugs Bunny | 7--American Bandstand | 6---P.M. Party 5,2-Queen For A Day 4 Serials 4:30 11--Popeye 6-~Howdy Doody S--County Fair 2--Trouble With Father 4--Edge of oignt Three Lives 2--Official 10:45 7--Early Show Ni 6--Animal Parade 6:30 P.M, 6--Meet Lorraine S--Leave It To Beaver 42~-News; Weather 6:45 P. 84.3~-News 7:00 P 11--Family Theatre 6--Tabloid 5--Commentary 4--Mackenzie's Raiders 2--Special Agent 7 7:15 P.M. 7--News; Weather 7:30 P.M 7--Lawrence Welk 6--Disney Presents 5,2---Wagon Train 4--Union Pacific | 11--Leave It To Beaver | 4--Adventure of Champion 8:30 P.M. | 11-8--One of a Kind | 7--Ossie and Harriet 4--Trackdown 8-2--Price is Right 9:00 P.M, 1--~This Week |- 7--Donna Reed 6-5-2--Music Hall 4--The Millionaire 9:30 P.M, 1--Stories of the ury 7--Accused 3- 2--~-Bat Masterson 11--8San Francisco Raat | 7--Boxing 6--Have Gun Will Travel 5-2--This is Your on 10:30 P.M, 11-6--Close-Up 5--Flight Detective P.M, 7--News: Weather; Sports 11:00 P.M, 1.8-5-4-2--News; Wanther: Sports 7--Playhouse 11:15 P.M, 6--Viewpoint 3--Feature Movie 2-Sports Ree: 11:30 P.M. P.M, 11--The Late Show 6--Feature Film 4--Theatre 2-Jack Fn 7 2-The A BROOKLIN The Brooklin Home and School Association met at the Meadowcrest Junior School with an attendance ot, 60 mem- bers and friends. The president, Mrs, Ted Draper, was chairman. Mrs. R. Humphries, convener of the Valeptine tea and home baking, extended thanks to all who contributed to make the Home And School At Meadowcres: March 12, in the Sunday School room of the United Church with the Faithful Workers Group in charge of the devotional period. ABC Group in charge of the pro-|Biltmore -- "Machete" 12.30, 3.20. gram and Friendship Group for refreshmen ts. ing, attention was drawn to the floral display at the front of school room brought by pupils of the Senior School. WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION The March meeting of the Lend-a-Hand Group of the Wom- an's Association will be held in} form of a pot luck supper for h ds and friends event a The presid Mrs. Draper, added her thanks, and expressed appreciation to Mrs. Humphries and Mrs. Man- tle, convener of the home baking sale. Mrs. Roy Walls, thanked teachers for organizing the bus trip to The Ice Follies in To ronto. Mrs, Ralph Milner, new teacher engaged for Grade 2, was intro- on Tiesdsy evening, March 3, in the Sunday School room of the United Church. Committee is Mrs. $32,000 TO BOY MONTREAL (CP) -- A police constable was ordered Monday to pay $32,000 to a 15-vear-old boy crippled by a bullet from the po- licemen"s revolver two years ago. The judgment was ordered paid to Harry Gordon, tutor for Ralph Beim, who has been paralyzed from waist down since he was Shot by constable Joseph Goyer an. 22, 1957. F. Jones, Mrs. W. Stevenson; Visiting committee. for the month, Mrs. A. J. Cook, Mrs. H. Mow-| bray. The Woman's Association will meet on Thursday afternoon, COLD WATERS The frigid waters of the Arctic Ocean, with its eternal ice cover- ing, sustain seals, fish and crus- taceans. 1,08, 4.10, 7.15, 10.25 p.m. also "Ride Yaquero™ 2.30, 5.35, 8.45 p.m, Last complete show at 8.45 p.m. Plaza "Perfect Furlough" shown daily at 1.46, 3.42, 5.38, 7.34, 9.35 p.m. Last complete THEATRE GUIDE 6.15, 9.10 p.m. also "The Decks Ran Red" (adult) 145, 4.40, 7.35, 10.30 p.m. Last complete] | show at 9.00 p.m. RR MISLEADING SIGN KINGSTON (CP) -- Passers-by could hardly be blamed for snick- ering Monday. A public utilities commission crew installing new cables six feet underground was prominently surrounded by huge vellow warning signs reading Caution, Men Working Overhead. show 9.09 p.m. Regent -- "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof" in technicolor shown daily at 130, 3.25, 5.30, 7.35, 9.35 p.m, Last complete show 9.25 p.m. |Brock (Whitby) -- "Ghost of the China Seas" 7 p.m and 10.18 p.m. also "A Certain Smile" 8.35 p.m. Last complete show 8.20 p.m. Marks -- "Baby Face Nelson" GET MORE OUT OF LIFE GO OUT TO A MOVIE! TENNESSEE WILLIAMS rust COMES TO THE SCREER duced by Principal J. Wallace and heartily welcomed. The attendance plaque for high- est number of parents at the meeting was awarded to Mrs. M. Routley's room. Mrs. Ellen Bird acknowledged | 'Founder's Day" by reading | "Phe Creed" and the object of the | school. Elinor Wescott played piano- forte selections, Mr. Wallace, announced tickets would be sent home by pupils for "Father's Night" and urged parents to pur- chase them. "Father's Night" will be held on Tuesday evening, March 17, at the Meadowcrest Junior School. Mrs. M. Routley introduced T. Houghton, sehool inspector, who| addressed the meeting on "Great| Expectations" of both parents and teachers. | Mrs. Ralph Thompson thanked | the speaker. [ The Junior Farmers Quartet of | | Uxbridge sang several selections. | Before the close of the meet-| Cent. TONIGHT AT 7:00 "RIFLEMAN" Presented by Proctor & Gamble NELSOm...: ROBERT TAYLOR | AVA GARDNER HOWARD KEEL ADULT ENTERTAINMENT TODAY, Prices For This Engagement MATINEE EVENING ADULTS ... 60c ADULTS ... STUDENTS .. 35¢ STUDENTS .. 50c CHILDREN . 20¢ CHILDREN 25¢ | FEATURE DAILY AT . . 1:30 - 3:25 - 5:30 - 7:35 - 9:35 288688888088 ¢ 8! 85¢ WOMEN WENT TO WAR | . and she was the bravest otarring DANA WYNTER MEL FERRER DOLORES MICHAELS (ENT PN te =] = LAST TIMES TODAY: "THE DECKS RAN RED" (acum | Added Thriller MACHETE" All three party leaders spoke | | [ Leskard Group | Visits Orono By MRS. C. MARTIN LESKARD -- Mrs. A. Vaughn, Mrs. Norman Bairston, Mrs. R. Chater, Mrs. C, Grant and Mrs. C. Martin attended the World's | Day of Prayer service in Orono. | Mrs. R. Chater was the speaker | for the service and Mrs, Grant| and Mrs. Martin also assisted in| the service. | Mrs. Angus Loucks has return- ed home from Memorial Hospital, | Bowmanville, where she under-| went surgery. Mrs. Priscilla Bradshaw, Oshawa, is staying| with Mrs. Loucks while she is convalescing. | Mrs. George Eade is a patient | 3 Nemoria] Hospital, Bowman- | ville. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chater and Ruth and Mrs. A. Watson visited Mrs. Bassnett and Miss Elsie] Bassnett on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin and] Allan, Mrs. Art Young and Mi-| chael, Toronto, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Puckrin at Audley. [ Mr. and Mrs, E. Warburton and family visited with Mr. and | Mrs. Angus Loucks and family on| Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tennant and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. | Art Tennant on Sunday. NEIGHBORS AID FAMILY CORNWALL (CP)--A family of seven, whose trailer home was] destroyed by fire Sunday, is re-| ceiving aid including a rent-free house from other residents in| Newington, 18 miles rorthwest of | here. Mrs. William Smith hurled | four of her children through a window into the sncw and car- ried another to safety when an oil heater her husband was ad- justing exploded | | KEENAN WANN ELAINE STRITCH Sigs xe 1 NDA CRISTAL 2 DAYS ONLY MARCH 6th & 7th THE FIRST BIG PROFESSIONAL MUSICAL IN. YEARS ! ROADSHOW TO COME TO OSHAWA PRIOR TO 4 WEEKS AT THE ROYAL ALEXANDRA IN TORONTQ AT $4.50 TOP BUSI DANCE SATI COM ONE OF THE GREAT NAMES IN AMERICAN SHOW NESS PAUL HARTMAN RIST, ACTOR, EDIAN Direct from the Broadway Hit "DRINK TO ME ONLY" in tiny UNDINE FORREST ® DOUGLAS CROSSLEY eo PAUL ELSOM LYRICS AND SKETCHES BY OBERT GOULD eo TIMOTHY GRAY e RICHARD MORRIS MUSIC MOSTLY BY DOLORES CLAMAN eo DOROTHY o CHARLES KEHOE © GORDON MARSH AULL ® BRIAN BEATON ® LILLIAN BOZINOFF e JOHN VAN EVRA Choreography "and Musical Numbers by HARDING DORN Musical Director ROI AND Fi dail 24-0 OTOUSLY FUNNY COMEDY SONGS DANCE NUMBERS & SKETCHES | PRODUCTION DIRECTED BY RICHARD BERGER EVELYN PAGE Pd Glan pop Singing y of Musical Hits "MR. WONDERFUL" "PLAIN & FANCY" "THE PYJAMA GAME" and "LIL ABNER" -24 MAIL ORDERS NOW FOR BEST CHOICk OF SEATS EVENINGS 8:20. ORCH. A to K $3.00. L to R $2.50 ROW § to Y $2.00. LAST 3 ROWS $1.50, ALL SEATS RESERVED Moke Cheques or Money Orders poyable to the REGENT THEATRE, OSHAWA. Please include self-addressed stamped envelope for return, otherwise held ot Box Office. POPULAR PRICED SAT. MAT 2 P.M. SEATS $1.00 -- $1.50 -- $2.00 | WEDNESDAY 1 1 1 OF INTEREST TO DIABETICS Personal diet counselling sponsored by the Oshawa and District Branch of the Cana- dian Diabetic Association. THURSDAY, FEB. 26, § P.M. p levi 2,000 HOME FILL-A-CARD Tomorrow's Numbers -23 BINGO 6 32 48 N-45 GAME NO. 2 63 62 69 75 74 64 67 65 17 24 26 30 3 21 5 22 1 27 4 29 4 3 8 9 2 |You have until 5 p.m. the day to phone if you |playing rules 'appear "on the bock of ery Bingo card. Benefit of ARMY, NAVY AND AIR FORCE VETERANS IN CANADA McLAUGHLIN HALL 338 SIMCOE STREET NORTH | KELLY Does ItAgain Direct Factory To You LOWEST PRICES in Oshawa OR ANYWHERE!! 200 OFF! '29 FRIGIDAIRE FREEZER © 700-Ib. Food Freezer © Target Signal Light @ Adjustable Cold Control @® 5 Year Protection Plan © Two Removable Dividers @ Handy Loading Shelf 95 DOWN KELLY T.V.s APPLIANCES 29. (Others freeze only 50 Ibs.) @® Fast Freezes Over 150 Ibs. at One Time © Automatic Interior Light @ Built-in Lock (two keys) ® Free Food Insuran © 2 Storage Baskels ® 1/3 K.P. Meler Miser : 1 c},",V:{ es GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 2 00 ) | OF CANADA, LIMITED __ . = = Per Week | TIME PAYMENT LAN pl LUXURIOUS VAST NEW (017 3: 3c To Jel VN 3) TRUNK CAPACITY! EXTRA HIP, LEG AND HEAD ROOM Chevy's sleek, slim and low on the outside, but big on the inside. You'll find a full 30 cubic feet of luggage space in Chevrolet's trunk, room for more of everything. And passenger room is the big- gest it's ever been. There's more hip, leg and head room in Chevrolet this year . . . real stretch-out comfort for six. Try Chevrolet today and see for yourself. GO CHEVROLET - FOR EXTRA VALUE! RA 5:5121 RA 5-9181 81 KING WEST . "Tickets On Sale At The 'Box Office of the Theatre From Feb. 26th on

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