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The Oshawa Times, 24 Feb 1959, p. 5

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RETIRED CRUSADER FOR TEMPERANCE for "more than 80 years" all over Canada. While little has been heard from him in the last 10 years, he has written many books and pamphlets against alcohol, He is an or- Rev. Ben Spence, a retired crusader for temperance, plays a game of Scrabble with his wife Beth, in their Toronto apartment, Mr. Spence, now 91, says he has fought 'the booze" his time at home wearing his red plush smoking jacket and sitting in his favorite oaken chair talking with his wife. --CP Photo dained Methodist. minister. Once he was Washington cor- respondent for the Toronto Star. He also ran unsuccessful ly for a seat in Parliament in 1935, Now he spends much of WHITBY and DISTRIC Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lilo Tel. MO. 8-3703 yd Robertson Brooklin Back In Series With Win Brooklin C showed ted for two for Whitby, with fans brothers Elmer and Herb scor- Whitby that they are Bol ing one each and Cockerton ready to up their skates ,oiiing the other Hillcrest yet. After spokting the Hillerests| a ker. three games, the wines Comt door flashed back fo sparking 8 my oe ict i Bin to ® 8 victory, Mi y do so in the remaining games To show that they are still alo¢ the series if they are to enter team to be contended with, the the league finals. which they Combines bounced back from alwere expected to do. 4 to 1 deficit in the first period,| These same two clubs do to score seven goals. while paitle Saturday night in the Port bolding Whitby to just one. Perry arena for the fifth game valiant efforts the best-of - seven series. y i s five aig it will be n Whitby Murrey Jones, standout defence-imext . men, Danny Grav, and Vern| As the teams were coming off Ferguson, 1 ,|the ice, fans who the scored two goals each, with|refereeing left something to be Arch Crossey and Bill Cornish|desired forced the referee and metting one goals each for the|linesman on the ice for several tremendous win. Paul Tran ac-' minutes. Wins Appeal On Careless Driving | | Benevolent Lodge redit Union C Holds Meeting Reviews Year The annual meeting | Co-op Credit Union was held at/IOOF hall. Whithy, Wednesday, King street school. After the Noble Grand Sister banking business was looked Wickett presided, {to a film which outlined Credit {Union work. The annual reports were given and the year's work reviewed. Dividends declared by the board of directors and put to the meet: ing were as follows: 4 per cent was declared on shares $1052.06, 10 per cent on loan interest [s130'41, to learn there are still a with sickness. the evening. (sent to Easter Rebekah Lodg in bereavement at Chamberlain, Noble gave a few ucouraing words response to the on Credit Unions in district. WHITBY [copie vere rece. PERSONALS cards were read. Applications were rece! for membership by initiation. Miss Denise Campbell, attend- ing Lorne Park College, Credit, was week end guest at/bers will respond accordingly. the home of her aunt and uncle,| Lodge was closed Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rawn. Miss Barton Sala entertained Thank letters had been sent to with refreshments A Toronto man, Carl Ignatius ber. He said that this decision Fernandes, on Monday won an|had been appealed by the ecquittal on a careless driving Attorney General's Department | appeal when Judge John E.| but a decision had not yet been Pritchard refused an adjourn- handed down. ment until such time as a deci-| Defense counsel Wallace Scott, Sou ® handed down bY Sheof Toronto, seid Lihat | the aceused Court ppeal on Ll |opposed any oment. He of the Highway Traffic Act. said that to keep the accused When His Honor refused the ad-|in jeopardy any longer would be k an oe hate Contrary to the basic principles . ' » lof t Justice. yoid pe Sale bo Pole In refusing the adjournment, |His Honor said that it has be- and the charge dismissed {come a tradition that a charge Fernandes had been convicted| against ed must o I ae against an accused person mus! trate W. S Mitchell, in traffic(the moment, and until such om, on ghd of ast Yearitime as the decision of the When the case came before he sald, he was bound hy the His Honor, Mr. Hall asked for|decision of the Chief Justice. an , noting that the] "I feel this case must be careless driving section had|dealt with as the law stands been declared ultra vires by now, he said, and refused the Chief Justice McRuer in Decem-! adjournment. WHITBY BROC Phone MO 8-3618 EVENING SHOWS 7:00 P.M. NOW PLAYING LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:20 | | | | be dealt with expeditiously. At|of at a birthday supper at David's {on Wednesday evening. Guests included Janet Matthews, Eileen | Randall, Nancy Mesher, Jane | mittee, won the draw. Fathers, Sons Have Banquet and Cubs Father Bassett, Nancy Moore and Susan | Foster. | Almonds Women's Assoclation| meeting. which is taking place on April 18 will be opened by {Mrs Louis Richardson, of Whit- Ih, Mrs. Clayton Lee, or | Oshawa," who was so well re-| |celved last year, will be enter- {piano instrumentals. | Mrs. Mary Johnston, mother {of Mrs. James Wilde, of Henry street, is celebrating her 9ist|Yellow and green, | birthday today. Her friends wish Mrs. R. A. Phair, of anthemums, Centre street south, is opening|Plaved the National Anthem to {her home today to the members A of de Jomei's Service Com- od by Akela mittee tby Branch of the 33 Canadian Cancer Shelety. or pas ately, Sher : full Soe r. a rs. mer Powell, as Servi Siete daughter and son-in-law, BY the Scouts and Cubs Mothers' . and Mrs, Allan McKenzie, and daughter Garle left for a DBrear, introduced the head table | vacation to be spent in Florida, | Buests and a toast to the fathers|p, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Wood, |Was proposed by Cub Rickey Janis and Marilyn spent Sunday Lunney followed with a reply by with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall at XK. Lunney. Rev. J. M. Smith Sharon. |spoke a few well-chosen words |and pr fou wa gave 2 short speech of appreciation replied to bv Mrs. James McBride, presi- Rubber Workers deat of Scouts and Cubs Mothers' nxiliary. Discuss Contract "pric, r w. weaver. Local 494, United Rubber Prought greetings from the Workers met in closed session Whitby Boy Scouts local associa- Sunday, Feb. 15, to discuss on and District Commissioner demands in the coming contract G: Willan spoke a few words. negotiations. No report can be *S 2a 'snecial feature of the issued and it was decided busi. evening Wren Blair, manager of ness be handled by the execu. Whitby Dnnlon 1958 World tive board. Hockey Champions, was guest President George Brooks dis- "1 World hockey tournament closed the campaign for funds films werc shown. for the Ajax and District Re- ~~ rr The regular meeting of Bene- of Whitby volent Rebekah Lodge met in the Dorothy assisted by |after, the members were treated|Vice Grand Sister Grace Harris who reported for the sick com- mittee. The members are sorry few members confined to their homes Sisters Beacock, Keeler and Thompson, of Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 3, were welcomed by the Noble Grand as visitors of A message of sympathy was e a ol Sist Wh ster + Grand Sister Shiela Gordon reported CPT ster Dorothy Wickett re- to Easter you Sister Gwen Halton reported all members for the bakeless bake- Port|sale and it is hoped the mem- in usual {form and a social hour spent served by Sister Ruth McKay and com- Sister Glad McConnell The 4th Troop Whithy Scouts and Son banquet took place last Fridav taining again. Miss Lynda Bar.|tVening in the United Church rett will play the accordion and Hall with 2 record Stendance. Miss Ruth Atki ill nteresting program for the ison Will. render onto Aas ba planned and the banquet tables were decor- ed with the Scouts colors of The head table being flanked {her many more happy birthdays. |i affodils and yellow chrys. |Court of Appeal is handed down, py ans anth Scout Ed. Maunders begin the program followed by Bonnie uxiliary, the chairman, Gerry Whitby Hillcrest Juniors gained a powerful 3-0 lead in their OHA Junior C hockey playoffs Satur- day night by defeating the first place Brooklin Combines 4-8, at Port Perry. Fourth game is here Monday night. : Captain Kenny Roberts paced Hillerests with a two-goal per- formance and a long awaited star - studded performance was also contributed by Bill Lund- mark and Gord Luke who to- gether scored the other Hillcrest goals, set by Whitby Dunlops, shook a deficit with a terrific third pe- riod rally that saw them count three goals In the final minutes of the game. Kenny Roberts clicked for the winning goal at 18.54 when Com- bines had sacrificed their goalie for an additional forward and Roberts fired into the open net. Brooklin"s move proved futile later when Ted Fairey scored the goal that would have given them the tle. Roberts opened the scoring in the first two minutes of the game as he gave Whitby a 1.0 edge. They held it until 2.09 of the middle frame when Archie Cros- sey clicked for Brooklin to tie the Hillcrests Take 3-0 Series Lead count and then Vic Ferguson tal- lied at the midway mark to give the Combines a 2-1 lead. Gord Luke converted Bill Lundmark's pass at 6.31 of the final stanza and Hillcrests were on their way, Lundmark was on the receiving end next time as Luke fed him a pass that gave Hillerests the edge and forced Brooklin to make the fatal mis- Love Is Theme Of WA Meet By MRS. LORNE JONES BALSAM AND MT. ZION -- The Woman's Association met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alan Manderson. Mrs, Lloyd Wilson gave the les- son thoughts on the first com- mandment. Roll call was answered with the word "love", by 16 members. Mrs, Lorne Jones gave a paper on "Love", taken from verses in the Bible. Business was discuss- ed. A motion was made to give THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, February 24, 1959 § BOUND FOR SCRAP LE HAVRE, France (AP)~-- {Commandant 8, Komaki and 18 |Japanese seamen have arrived las the advance party of a 70-man crew to sall the retired liner Ile de France to Osaka, Japan, where she will be scrapped. The crew will get two weeks' train- ing on the famed old trans-At- lantic vessel and e to reach Japan by mid-April, Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by the committee, PERSONALS Miss Arnold of Uxbridge was guest for a few days at the home of Mrs. W, A. Ormiston. Miss Ferguson of Toronto en- Joyed several days' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ormiston. Mrs, Russell Van Horne of Whitby was a caller on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Victor Parkin, Mrs. Albert Cooper and Mrs. Robena Nesbitt attended the 4-H Homemaking Club's local leader Whitby, following the pattern, $100 towards the furnace fund. Mrs, Lloyd Wilson was appointed a delegate to go to Paris in March, Mrs. George Pickett conducted several Valentine games. Mrs. Manderson served supper. PERSONALS Anna Wilson, Mary Jean Jamie- son and Ronald Jones left on Thursday .and returned Saturday, on a trip to Ottawa with the Pick- ering District High School, Grade 12 pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Disney were host and hostess to a party for the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carson of Toronto. Twenty- five young people enjoyed games and refreshments on Saturday evening, Three carloads motored to Hills burgh for the funeral of the late Elton Hubbs, husband of Jessie Green. Mrs. Hubbs lived in the Mt. Zion community for a num- take of pulling their netminder. Hillcrests are hosts to Com- bines tonight in what could be the final game of the series. If Whitby plays the calibre of hockey tonight they exhibited last week, the game should provide fans with real exciting watching, SUMMARY First Period Whitby: Roberts (P. Tran, W. Lundmark) 1.53 . Second Period Brooklin: A. Crossey (Lawson, P. McMillan) Brooklin: V. Ferguson (N. Pascoe, M. Jones) 12.01 Third Period Whitby: G. Luke , Lundmark) : W. Lundmark (G, Luke) Whitby: Roberts (open net Brooklin: Fairey ........ 2.090 16.00 ) 18.54 . 19.55 Tells Of Health Unit At H&S The February meeting of Dr. Robert Thornton Home and School Association was opened with the president, Mrs. A. Manson, in the chair. Following the minutes, read by Mrs. A. Joynt, and the treasurer's re port, given by Mrs, J. West- lake, roll call was taken and the attendance shield went to Miss Marie Koster's Grade room. During the business period delegates were appointed to attend the Home and School Convention on April 1 and 2, these being Mrs. A. Manson and Mrs. A. Joynt. It was decided to put drapes in the teachers' room. The Principal, M. Karpick, announced that the finalists in the public speaking contest for off at the March Home and |would be held the first week in | March. man, introduced the speaker, Health Unit, fliustrate her talk. refreshments were s Mrs. Pascal. Presentation To Newly-weds By G. KILPATRICK Mrs, Fern Fillion, of Oshawa, was held in the Prospect School is the former Faye Painter. They were presented with a coffee tables of euchre were played. Bruce Cummings accompanied Andre Doyon to Toronto on Sun- hospitalized. Mrs. Bruce Cummings, Jackie and Karen and Guy and Diane Doyon were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Trick and fam- ily, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Birkett cer home. Mr. and Mrs. Manson Woods and Brent and Dale, Manchester, were Saturday guests at the La- roque home, George Park of Oshawa visit- ed his father, Charles Parm, on Saturday afternoon. B. Benschop was in Belleville on Tuesday. Mrs. Lloyd Collins and Mrs. Ernie Willerton visited at the Id- rus Stacey home, Oshawa, on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. John Den Boer and Jane visited Mrs. Harris on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Kilpatrick visited Mrs. Maggie Real in Port Perry on Tuesday afternoon. The Prospect .WA. meeting for 'ebruary was held on Thursday evening at Mrs. Murray 'Holthy's home. 4 Men Beat Up Backwoods Recluse, 72 PARRY SOUND (CP) -- Four men badly beat an elderly back- woods recluse Sunday and smashed up his cabin in a search for money and liquor. "1 thought I was going to be killed," said 72-year-old Albert Williams from his hospital bed Monday. "At one time they Grade 6, 7 and 8 would be run School meeting and open house Miss Marilyn Scott entertained |with three accordion selections, Mrs. L. Hall, program chair- guest Miss Margaret Atkin- son. who outlined in detail the work of the Ontario County showing slides to Following adjournment dainty - uf by the Grade 3 mothers convened by ved] CEDAR CREEK -- A presenta- tion for the newly weds, Mr. and on Saturday evening. Mrs. Fillion table and a step end table. Eight day to visit Mrs. Doyon who is and Murlel of Raglan were Mon- dazy evening visitors at the Spen- ber of years. Mrs, ErolgCarson's sister, Miss Ida Brignall, of Toronto, died on Saturday after a stroke. Race Prejudice Discussed At WMS Meeting By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN The regular monthly meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society was held at the home of Miss Alice Olver, with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. E. Kay, presided for business. Mrs. Arthur Elliott presented the devotional 'Race Prejudice Exposed", assisted by Mrs. M. Routley reading scripture and Mrs. Lloyd Bradley closing with prayer, Discussion groups on "The Book of Ruth" was led by Mrs, Elliott, Participants were Mrs, Lloyd Bradley, Mrs. E. Kay and Mrs. Ernest Acton, with members adding their various viewpoints. Mrs, C. §. Thompson introduced the study, on "The West Indies" and the 'Caribbean Areas'. Mrs. Arthur Elliott: presented an interesting paper on the peo- ples and conditions of the Islands from 1492 to 1900. p The treasurer's report present- ed 4 Mrs. M. Routley showed AUDLEY By MRS. FRED PUCKRIN AUDLEY -- The World Day of Prayer service was held during the church service on Sunday af- ternoon. A number of ladies took parts. Mrs. G. Astley and Mrs. A. Bell sang a duet, "Whisper- ing Hope", accompanied by Mrs. C. Trigg at the piano. The offer- ing was received by Anne Guthrie and Joyce Smith, The Rev M Buttars gave a short address. The WA family supper will be held on Friday evening, Feb. 27, in the church basement, followed by a short program. The skating party set for Satur- day evening had to be cancelled because of the slippery roads. The children of Baggotsville and Audley schools enjoyed Valentine parties in their class-rooms on Friday afternoon. Miss Joan Esdale spent the weekend with her family at Corn- wall, Some of the ladies attended the Valentine Tea at Pickering on Thursday afternoon. Fine Praver Service Held At Columbus By MRS. FRANK T. SMITH COLUMBUS -- An impressive service was held in the Lower training school, at Sunderland Town Hall, The 4-H Girls' Club will be resumed in Brooklin shortly, BRIDGE CLUB The Brooklin Bridge Club met in the basement of Township Hall, Highest scores were: Mr. ard Mrs. John Goodwin, 48; Dave Coates, Jack Patterson, 43%; Mrs. Nora Jordon, Mrs. Wm. A, Heron, 41%; Mrs. Doug- All colls must be MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO 8-311 If you neve mot received your ' Times by 7 p.m., Coll BELL TAXI Jiaseq between 7 ond 7:30 p.m, las Wiseman, Mrs, Guy Steven- son, 37; Mrs. R. Heron, Mrs, C. Davies, 34%; Walter Wadell, Wm, A. Heron, 34, Sunday School | Rally Planned | KEDRON, -- Miss Millicent| Luke, Oshawa, president of Sim- coe Street United Church WMS brought an inspiring devotional message to the World Day of Prayer service at Kedron United urch. Mrs. E. Mountjoy and Mrs. W. Woodward were the leaders, with Reasonable Rates! Guaranteed Work! All makes fixed! 118 BROCK S. Ph. MO 8-3707 PROLEHS BUTT RADI prayers offered by Mrs. H. Pas- coe, Mrs. G. Stinston, Mrs. H. Brown, Mrs. W. Mountjoy and Mrs. M. Walter who with Mrs. C. Werry received the offering. Organ music throughout the ser- vice was played by Mrs. R. E, Lee who also accompanied Mrs. M. Mountjoy and Mrs, L. Tre- gunna for a duet. On Sunday evening, March 1, in Burns Presbyterian Church, Ash- burn, there will be a Sunday School rally. The Whitby Town- ship Christian Education Coun- cil have as the speaker at this service the Rev. J. K. Braham. PERSONALS Mrs. H, F. Werry was a re. | cent guest of Mrs. M. Moffat, | | | [ ROK Created To Ah ES Individuel Requirements STAFFORD BROS, Monumental Works 318 Dundes East MO 8-3552 Oshawa. A birthday party was| C. F. Werry was in Guelph at OAC attending a two-day conven- tion on farm accident prevention, Home-School Dance Success By MRS, W. SEYMOUR PICKERING BEACH -- The Pickering Beach Home and School held a Valentine dance at Para- dise School. A few games of euchre were also enjoyed. The door prize of a heart shap- held in honor of Charles Werry. Hall of Columbus United Church to commemorate the World Day of Prayer. Mrs. Roy Ratcliffe, president of the Afternoon Group of the WMS, led. Soft music played on the piano by Miss Lois Heddon prepared those present for the service to follow. The service was divided into five parts. The period on "Wor- ship" was led by Mrs. Frank Smith assisted by Mrs. Alan Scott who read scripture. *'Peni- tence" was led by Mrs. Murray Eaton assisted by Mrs. Albert Slute of Raglan who also read scripture. The third section on "Assurance" was led by Mrs, George Gilroy with Miss E. Lawrence taking the scripture. Mrs. Ray Scott was the leader for the part on "Consecration." Several prayers of intercession were offered. Those taking part were Mrs, Ratcliffe, Mrs. T. Pereman, Mrs. Roy Nottingham, Raglan, Mrs. Clifford Naylor and Mrs. Walter Holliday. The Rev. Ronald H. Love was e guest speaker. Following the address, Mrs. Foster Snowden from Raglan sang a solo. Miss Heddon played soft music while the offering was being re- celved by Mrs. Ernest White, treasurer of the Afternoon WMS. It was dedicated by Mrs. Rat- cliffe. $22.59 on hand and the fund $7.16. Christian Citizenship secretary, showing Ontario to be the most sensitive spot in Canada to racial prejudice. Associate members' secretary, Mrs. Charles Pilkey, reported six calls. Mrs. 8. J. Hillier for Young- er Groups, reported good attend- ance of children at Mission Band meetings, Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Arthur Elliott, reported three business letters written and read reply from Miss Anne Ward, To- ronto, regarding WMS speaker for April or May. Christian Stewardship secre- tary, Mrs, C. S. Thompson, read an article from "Missionaries Re- porting" with regard to the mis- sionary for prayer for 1969, Miss Kathleen Metherell of Cold Lake. Mrs. E. Kay reported on busi- ness items dealt with at the Pres- byterial executive meeting in January and announced a dona- tion of two dollars towards sheets and pillowcases for the Girls' School at Assiniboine. Mrs. E. Kay gave highlights from the Story of the Year" pre- sented at the Oshawa Presbyter- lal held at st, Andrew's Church, Oshawa, on Tuesday, Feb. 17, Announcement was made of which 14 members from Brooklin attended. AFTERNOON AUXILIARY Baby Band mother's meeting to The February meeting of the be held on Thursday evening, Afternoon Auxiliary of the Col-|Feb. 26 in the Sunday School umbus WMS was held in the Room of Brooklin United Church. Lr "Church Groups Hold Meetings ditions of the roads and sdme sickness. Mrs. Roy Ratcliffe, president, occupied the chair and after the singing of a hymn, opgned the meeting with prayer. TS. pg : y MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT By was in charge of the ABROOKLIN -- The Evening Mrs. Love offered prayer, Mrs. | ux iary e WMS had 50 Alan Scott read the scripture jleseal 3 fe Fetevaty meetilg. and Mrs. David Dyer gave the Hunter, was in charge. The service was led by Mrs. Norman Alves, assisted in the discussion group on Rible study by Mrs. R. Heron, Mrs, G. Hunt- o" and Mrs. Lew Blight. Mrs. meditation, followed by prayer. vordon Cook sang a solo. Mrs. Love gave a paper on "Christian Stewardship." Mrs. Clifford Naylor read two letters from 'Missionaries Reporting" from Miss Joyce Kilpatrick of India. Mrs. Hunter welcomed visitors from the Afternoon Auxiliary and other friends, prior to introducing Mrs. J. Lawrence of Raglan, guest of the evening. Mrs. Law- rence showed colored film of Mrs, E. Acton, gave statistics tarrded Children's Fund was in excess of $600. He said this was {the largest donation to the or ganization by any single or ganization in the area, = compares with the $1,000 raised by Local 222, UAW, .for the campaign held in the Oshawa district. Bro. Brooks has issued a pamphlet describing the activi- ties of the Premier of New- foundland. Our members from that area, Bro. Tom Edwards, reported that arrangements had Beer) Dk Ces Cone Jo A . DRT GEIS AWE OTRO HOM -Souom wv oe xe ADULT ENTERTAINMENT _ War-trapped fugitives blast their way out of the South Pacific battle-trap! {threatened to chop off my toes if |T wouldn't tell them where the money was." | Mr. Williams said he was re- peatedly hit on the head with a {hammer while the men menaced {him for two hours in his cabin {20 miles north of here, beside the Telephone Firm Finishes Project TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario Telephone Development Corpora- tion, established in 1955 to give |assistance to small telephone |Shawanaga River systems, appears to have nearly | ; : finished its first project. They broke tables, chairs and The corporation's annual report windows, and damaged the ceil- tabled in the legislature Monday. ng and doors. Provincial police |indicated expansion of the Mada-|[Const. E. H. Collins of Parry waska Valley Telephone Com.[Sound said the men apparently Miss Barbara Baiden and Leo Laviolette from Kingston spent the weekend with Mr. Lavio- lette's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Laviolette. Supper guests at the home of {Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Naylor {were Miss Thelma Willis and | Ross Naylor from Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stephen- son, Jill and Shelly-Lynn from Oshawa visited Sundav afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Edward La- violette and family. Mrs. Clifford Naylor visited Mr. A tape recording made by the late Dr. Marion Hilliard was Iis- tened to and discussed by those present. PERSONALS missionary endeavors in Alaska, which she had visited recently. | Mrs. Robert Heron extended {thanks to the speaker and pre- sented her with a pot of yellow mums. The president led the business (session, making plans for the |Spring Tea and Home Baking Sale in March, to be held In the Sunday School room of the Unit- ed Church. FAITHFUL WORKERS GROUP | Mrs. J. Thompson opened her COLUMBIA been completed for the con. pany Limited is almost complete. ference on the need of a new| The report said construction in political party and the confer./the Bancroft-Barry's Bay area Is ence would be held at the UAW/|nearly complete with $680,300 {Hall, Oshawa, Saturday, Mar. 7.|transferred to the company in ex- didn't take anything but left the cabin in a shambles. 'When they got wild," said Mr. Williams, "one of the four picked up my hunting knife and pressed {home for the February meetin] and Mrs. John Naylor of Don lh Mills and while there accompan. Of the Faithful Workers group of| ied Mrs. John Naylor to the Ice|the Woman's Association, Follies. g The leader, Mrs. Ralph Hunter, Mrs. Harriet Daze of Ajax was Called the meeting to order. Mrs. ed box of was won by Willlam Seymour. Other prizes were won by James Webb, Lor- etta Armsworth and Mrs. E. Yar- row. In spite of the bad weather a fair crowd turned out and en- joyed dancing to the music of The Elliott Trio. A prize offered for the couple who were married the longest went to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Reid EUCHRE PARTY A euchre party was held at Paradise School on Wednesday sponsored by the Firemen's wives. The door prize was won by K. McLeod. Men's high was won by P. Whitaker, men's low by R. Reid. Ladies' high went to Mrs. Redmond and ladies' low to Mrs. W. Seymour, Following the euchre lunch was served by the ladies. Niagara Lands | Bring Hassle | In Legislature TORONTO (CP)--Reg Gisborn (CCF--Wentworth East) accused the Ontario government Monday of ignoring advice from planning experts in the Niagara Peninsula and was promptly challenged by Labor Minister Daley, member for Lincoln. Mr. Gisborn told the legislature little progress has been made in saving any of the Niagara fruit- lands--his suggestions last ses- sion that the government acquire lands for - recreation and con- servation had been brushed off as undemocratic. "It appears it is the govern- ment's wish to leave the field open to land speculators and in- dustrial commissions, whose only wish is to place industry in the most advantageous locations and forget about any kind of plan- ning." Labor Minister Daley said there is "plenty of planning" in the area, citing planning boards in St. Catharines, Niagara and South townships. "The people who live on the land there and who through thrift and good management have done well are getting sick and tired of people from outside telling them what to do with their land," Mr. Daley said. "Would you expropriate all the land?" Premier Frost asked Mr. shorn. No, replied the CCF member, only part of it and those parts would still be farmed by farmers. Whittier College | Women Dean Dies WHITTIER, Calif. (AP)--Mar.| jorie E. Gree, 47, Ontario-born | dean of women at Whittier Col- | lege, died at her home Monda of a heart attack. Miss Gregg had been dean since 1950 and also was an in- structor in sociology. She was bom in Ontario, but y Glamorous range of exciting models! Ride the range! There's different kind of thrill to every Chevrolet. Whichever [4] way your new-car fancy strays to sedans convertibles . . . station wag ons . . . scintillating hard tops or Corvette, America's only true sports car they're all in Chevy's linbup Visit your Chevrolet dealer's today. Pick out the proud and practical, low-priced Chev rolet that's right for you! GO CHEVROLET - |The response from people out-/change for capital shares. the point near my stomach, say-la Sunday supper guost at the|/Gordon Hunter presented the de- bas ; 3 : |moved to the United States and side labor to the conference has| Telephones in use have in-|/ing he would push it in if I re- home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.|votional service on "Prayer." [became a naturalized citizen. FOR EXJRA VALUE! t PICTURES presents heen most gratifying. T. Thomas, MPP, Stanley Knowles, vice - president of CLC, and | "They also wanted liquor, but as nearly as pot are now served. the place for a year." D.|creased to 2,046 from 780, the re-|fused to say where the money Laviolette |port said. "The growth will con- was. [tinue in 1959, but will be slower , | Haden Argue of the CCF will attend, | Mr. and Mrs. M Russell and Harold + Hepburn, ited Thurs- ential customers|I told them I hadn't kept any in/day with Mr. ar | Mrs. Ray| Mrs. J. Thompson conducted a " |Smith and family of Newcastle. | Nine members and one visitor responded to roll call. Nine calls | were reported for the month, though provoking Hyms Contest Ont, Miss Gregg was a graduate from Whittier in 1948. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Mildred Harvey of Sparta, | |

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