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The Oshawa Times, 27 Feb 1959, p. 9

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Committee Is Named '| COBOURG -- R. G. Parker, | [president of the Cobourg Branch of the Canadian Red Cross, an- nounced today his special com- mittee for the financial campaign that is- to be held during the month of March. M s of the are, Colonel W. E. Bawden, general 4 |chairman; Ralph Harrison, chair- 'iman of the town of Cobourg; Jack Mitchell, chairman of the {|rural areas; Miss Madeline Rooney, chairman of the house- to-house canvass and J. P. Wil- ; |liams, chairman of publicity. A special meeting will be held shortly 'at which time complete campaign plans will be outlined. Town Bowling Loop Standing PORT HOPE -- Following is the standing of the Ladies' Town Bowling League to date: Eldo- wives 97; Margles 87; Uneeda is i SAYS 'BAM' Boy, 12, Believe He Was Machine CHICAGO (AP)--Joey was an able to establish any relationship unloved boy who mentally turned |with them. himself into a machine because| The was brought to it was too painful to be human. ae. boy of Chicago's Lu He '"'plugged" himself in when|g he ate because he firmly be- hankman school for treatment - aw THE OSNAWA TIMES, Fridey, Februay 27, 1959 © when he was nine years old. After long attempts to make emo- tional contact, the doctors finally won his trust. Joey reverted to a partially human stage--but as an infant, He made drawings showing him- self as a papoose, powered by electricity. Bettelheim said: 'Joey at last broke his prison. Suffice it to bir he ceased to be a mechanical boy and became a human child. This newborn child was, however, nearly 12 years old. To recover the time lost is a tremendous task." BURNT OFFERING BRISTOL, Eng. (CP) -- When Earl Attlee received the freedom of this city he said: Every I offer a little burnt Oftering to You. For years mys ays come from Bristol." y lieved electricity powered his di- gestive system, . He drank through an elaborate piping system built of straws so that, in his fantasy, liquids could be pumped into him. He strung' up wires and a taped-together cardboard appara- tus by his bed at night to "live" him while he slept. MAKE-BELIEVE MOTORS He had make-believe motors that ran him through the day and exhaust pipes through which he exhaled. During bathroom chores, he had to hold onto the wall with one hand while clutching frantic- ally the imaginary vacuum tubes thought powered his elimina- tion. When psychiatrists first tried to Vacationing to the Far North or Deep South? Travel in style on your next vacation! If you're splitting expenses--remember that five can ride for the price of one! If you're flying part of the way or v 5 THIS IS NO SPACE SHIP Taxi 82; Roll-A-Ways 80; Queen's|talk to him, his only reply was, Hotel 75; Joice Sweanor Elect-|"bam." The simulated explosion] going by train-- Residents of Grafton, seven miles east of Cobourg, wonder- ed if the driver of this truck carrying a missile, might be | Lawrence Sugar Refineries in looking for Cape Canaveral. The missile turned out to be a plastic sugar bin for the St. | Montreal. When the truck was it de- | going through Grafton, | veloped motor trouble and was forced to park on the main yous 71." Nicholson Flyers 67; House of James 60: Eldorays 49: Filter Queens 46; Shell Oil 44 and Eldoettes 39. Muriel Fox took street forcing traffic to one 1 | lane. Semi-Finals | Will Assume Under W ay New Post Study Of Policy | ..On Farms Urged the high single on Monday even- ing with a nice 279 while high three string went to Olive Lowes with a 681. Those breaking 225 were: Olive Lowes 258; Nanav Yeo 259; Ann Doney 231; Lois Lingard 232: Karen Trenouth 227; Roxy Sheard 239; Louisé Guy 272: Eve Burger |neutralized his machinery, bar- [ring human contact. | Bruno Bettelheim, professor of| |psychiatry and psychology at the | | University of Chicago, gives this picture of Joey in the Scientific American. Joey is a schizophrenic child and Bettelheim said it is unlikely his "calamity could befall a child in any time and culture but our own." arrange to have a TILDEN car waiting for you when you arrive, TILDEN rent-a-car sg BSE OED EE BD BI BED EE EE IGNORED BY PARENTS { Bettelheim described Joey as a child robbed of his humanity by being completely ignored since birth by both parents. He was un-' COBOURG -- Norman .. {love, administrator of the Co- PORT HOPE -- The semi-fin-|bourg District General Hospital| OTTAWA (CP)--Federal aid to tion from the federal govern- als of the Town Mercantile Lea- announced today he will leave establish an independent research|ment. Gwen Berry 263: Ruth O'Neill gue got under way this week with|Cobourg next month to take uplorganization for study of farm| The brief was supplementary 239: Muriel Wakely 243; Lois the following results. Finishing the position of administrator of policy is proposed by the Inter-ito one presented Feb. 16 to the Brandwood 225; Hazel Smith 246; in first place the Lawrence Har-|the Wallaceburg District General|provincial Farm Union Council. [Prime Minister, in which the Ada Hills 227. vesters received a bye into the Hospital. The council, which represents|council called for federal defici-| SE finals. Mr. Dearlove who has served|farm unions in the Prairie Prov-|ency payments on western grain, Eldos 8 Mathews Conveyor 4 |as administrator for the past two|inces and Ontario, suggested in|to make up for low prices in the| After winning only one game and a half years, said the reason|a brief today to Prime Minister|last few years. I and losing fourteen in fifteen|for his resignation was purely a|Diefenbaker that the research Today's brief suggested that! starts in regular season play thelfinancial one, and would be ef-lagency start with a study of Po-\tne research agency start hy| River of Gold boys turned on the/fective March 24. licy on wheat. {looking into policies on wheat Gravity gang to double the score Rr, G. Parker, chairman of the| The brief, presented by vice-/prices, international trade and| on them. The Eldos led by a pogpital board, said Dearlove's president Olaf Turnbull of the domestic and international credit tight 43 count at half time bu ut resignation had been accepted|Saskatchewan Farmers' Union,! The agency would work best outdistanced their rivals 41 iniand the position is being adver-|said there is no adequate source "if separated from farm organ- the last canto. Tom Micks potted tised in a Toronto paper. of information so that farm or- izations." a hat trick for the winners with| [= 00 ot jscued, Dear:|ganizations can make sound po- 221 and 229; Kay Benedict 262. rg p--p------ 1 45 KING ST. EAST R A5-6553 Bn oo on om em nw en ww wl We Finally Have 9¢ In Oshawa! ANY HOUSEHOLD SERVICE WITH ONE PHONE CALL! AVAILABLE TO ALL HOUSEHOLDERS! (Example: you need a) Plumber, T.V. Repair, Heating Service, Exterminator, etc. Fast Guaranteed Service! On call 24 hours a day, every day!! Qualified Competent Service Men! Guaranteed Fair Trade Prices!! Honest ® Dependable @ Efficient For information {ill in the coupon and Mail Now to: 1 Associated Household Services Reg'd. 539 Albert St. Oshawa, Ont. Please send more inforr ation, en your services, | without obligation. wig gah Vevasdiavanen Sih Address EE TE EER Phone No. ... "ems Mme Em GER tm ww WE mme Gee ES eek 1 bs 1 I I Everything Plymouth does, it does with an exciting difference It out-drives, out.rides, out-handles any other car at its price. And it has features you can't get on competitive cars in its class at any price . . . Total-Contact brakes e Safety-Rim wheels o inde- Plymouth DOES 1T with A Difference! IN DRIVING EASE pendent parking brake e most imitated style. Discover the singletons going to veteran Rene, 'o '.ii the problems of ad:/licy decisions and keep their led the losers by scoring tw day as C. Harold Hale Day in The. ¥it-Wavs aise siiove hard) The brief suggested a research|clamation is in honor of an out- forced to accept the short end| ups and organizations and|in the public library today. Kelly and Bob Lax also natched| COBOURG (Staff) -- Cobourg should have grants from the Can- Rose had two. made Tuesday by Club Manager lung cancer" says an eminent | 3% TIMES BUREAUS | are horrible. But this article | ville Sports Centre. Frankford, a|G, McAuliffe " Resident Has | Get Reader's Digest today: {may be induced to enter the cir-|fain Macdonald TU. 5-5737 | being struck on the head by a president. Bob Bland was return- The stone - shot from beneath City League, Joined the Quinte man's Store. {urday night games at Victoria injured by flying glass. April 20 is the deadline for team . . oy difference in PLYMOUTH now! Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited. Racine, Alvin Dark, Gerry Pou-| i. {lding membership well-informed. EDITOR'S DAY | : Iministration in the new building P y ¥n, Sarveit Slaton aj Tamer were almost over. He said he| Such an agency, it added, could ALi (CP) ayo? Ar Oy CHE Y an or has had a challenging time butjalso be of immediate value to P! > apiece. : [has hed Ee -- a Igovernmen in deciding farm PO honor of the editor emeritus of Nicholson File 11 Hi Ways 8 | staff | y The Packet and Times. The | : |FUNDS NEEDED {mayor said Thursday the pro- for an upset against the second| | ; ; ol i 1 ough agency would need $159,000 for|standing citizen "in recognition ace Et bios. Cobour In lits first-year budget and pro-|of a lifetime of unselfish service | {posed that the initial funds come|to the town of Orillia." A bronze of a 11-8 count in a free scoring! {from the government, interested bust of Dr. Hale will be unveiled tray. File led at half time by a| : t L [gro ; score b from the Canadian Wheat|+ of 62. Rich Brown, Murray Quin e 00p Board's fund of undistributed | . hat tricks for the winners with payments. Eventually the agency| The Growing Horror Jack Bl two. : wi Black setiing Ronn Kellay| Merchants will play in the Belle-lada Council, governments, farm of Lung Cancer picked up three each also for the! ville and District Softball League|organizations and other groups. Department gang while Keith this season. Announcement was| It suggested no specific alloca-| "Every heavy smoker will develop | Huck Matthews Slowing 2 doctor in March Readers | u 5 "will meet|lengue meeting 4 Digest. If , what are your Mathews on Sunday at 6:45 with] Other entries set to operate this chances pi ess The odds | Nicholson File and Hi Way going summer are Point Anne, Belle- COBOURG on Monday night at 8:45 p.m. ville Bobcats, Trenton and Belle- FR. 2.5349 tells you two simple tests which [ {member last season, is not ex-| i reveal early symptoms while | |pected back in the fold. PORT HOPE there is still time. There is a possibility Picton 43 articles of lasting interest. 1 cult to make it a compact six- ---- ose a team grouping. Trenton, a junior club in 1958, will jump into the COBOURG -- An elderly Co-|intermediate bracket in 1959 bourg resident narrowly missed Harry Morgan was re-elected large stone on Thursday after- ed as secretary-treasurer. noon as he walked down King werchants, after several years street just mear division street. |5c members of the Peterborough the tire of a passing transport/loop last year and enjoyed one end flew through a 75-square|of its most successful years, foot plate glass window in Sted-|drawing huge crowds to their Sat- + Park. They were ousted in the The accident occurred around 1|jaague finals by the Point Anne p.m. and fortunately no one was Cementmen. Estimated damage was $300. entries. Another league meeting The window will be replaced to-|is planned for .the third week in day. March. IN CONVENIENCE IN COMFORT r FELEELLE Swivel seats! Why be satisfied with ordinary seats? Plymouth does it with a difference . . . seats that swivel! Flick a lever, the seat swings out to meet you. Sit down, swing in, the seat automatically locks! Torslon-AIRE Ride! Why put up with the bounce and sway of a less-than-modern suspension sys- tem? Plymouth does it with a difference... Torsion. AIRE Ride! No bounce on bumps! No lean on corners! Push-button controls! Why he content with an old-fashioned steering lever for your automatic transmission ? Plymouth does it with a difference . . . push-button controls! Just touch a button and Plymouth's automatic drive takes over. FEAR SPRING THAW Shown is Cobourg river be- fore it drains into Cobourg harbor. Some merchants in Co- bourg are beginning to worry about what damage the spring thaw might do to the business section of town. The Cobourg river which runs underground through the business section is golng to be forced to carry an extra heavy amount of water this spring due to the heavy saow falls during the winter At present the river is frozen over with only a sections where water will flow freely To make matters worse, the river, in some sections, is lit- tered with rubbish, tree stumps and debris. The town is now studying a plan to see if the river bed can be cleaned and expenses paid for, under the Winter Work Program. The greatest strain is where the river flows underground as it is expected many basements will be flooded with possibilities of damaging building strue. tures and roadbeds. Prove the difference to yourself with a demonstration drive. Come in today! VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. 149 KING ST. W. OSHAWA, ONTARIO

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