dent of the WMS and her interest in the missions. Mrs. Clarence Scott read the scripture. Mrs, Howard Brown spoke on her trip as delegate to Atlantic City in December to the 50th anniversary of the assembly |of Home Missions of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States. Two solos were sung by Miss Ruth Pascoe) accompanied at the piano by|H! Mrs. Clarence Scott. Debate on Housing Improvement Of Interest At H&S Meeting The highlight of the Februaryjannounced that on March 16, a TB patch test will be given to all , On Monday, March 16, open house will take the place of the regular meeting. Parents are invited to visit the school be- [tween 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. Two delegates are to be chosen, and Mrs. John Kauffman, presi- ined|dent, will attend the convention in Toronto April 1 and 2. A commit- tee was formed to bring to the GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES CHRIST'S CHURCH GUILD The February meeting of Christ Memorial Church afternoon guild was held in the parish hall re- cently, with a good attendance. Mrs. R. H. Broadbent, presi- dent, presided. The secretary's report was read by Mrs. M. W. Suttow, and Mrs. J. D. Elliott gave the treasurer's report. A new member, Mrs. H. Mac- Donald, was welcomed to the guage and culture parents are forced to send their children to Rorfian Catholic schools as there are not enough Protestant schools using the French language. A great many children taught in English speaking schools soon drift to other parts of the coun- Refreshments were served by Miss Madelaine Sinclair's group. NELLIE DEARBORN GROUP group, Mrs. Avern Taylor gave a report of the meeting of the parish council, Members were reminded of the annual corporate communion, to be celebrated on Sunday, March St at the home of Mrs, Carson Heard on Tuesday, February 24. The Nellie Dearborn group of . Stephen's United Church met Mrs. Stephen Saywell was in tion on quality and age of houses, the services of a real estate man would not be needed. However, the average buyer is not so 13TH GROUP COMMITTEE The 13th group committee of! the Girl Guide Association held its regula; meeting at the home|qualified. next meeting some suggestions for recognizing the school's first graduating class in June, The program convener was Mr, James Allen. Miss D. S. Sugden gave the secretary's report, The treasurer's report was given by and real estate man, everyone Mrs. Norman Raike. Mrs. John Kauffman gave a reading dealing should consult a lawyer helobe with Founders' Day. ELECTROLYSIS Remove warts, moles end su- perflous hair permenently end poinlessly. Over 12 Years' Experience charge of the devotional period. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Gordon Tomlinson and the secretary's report by Mrs, John Cook. Mrs, Arthur Ferguson reported on the fruit and flowers. Mrs. Henry Bickle read a let- ter from Miss Muriel Bamford, a missionary in India. Robert 1, at the 11 a.m. service. Plans were discussed for the Daffodil Dessert Bridge, to be held in April. Mrs. R. C. Day is in charge of tickets for this event. Tea hostesses were Mrs. C. H. Chaytor, and Mrs. Day. ST. GEORGE'S GUILD (Westmount Group) The Westmount Group of the Woman's Guild of St. George's Anglican Church held its Febru- meeting in the parish hall with Mrs. Edward Weldon, presi- of Mrs. Alex. Yonson, Hortop av- enue with the president, Mrs. Eric Brock, presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the 'secre- tary, Mrs. Harry Pearce. It was decided to hold the mother and daughter banquet in st. Stephen's United Church hall and ask the ladies of St. Ste- consul phen's Woman's Association to cater. Ways and means of rals-| ing money were discussed. Mr. Donald Dodds added that in spite of faith in the builder Mrs. MacKenzie and Mrs. Percy Taylor gave a report on the afternoon session of the Oshawa Presbyterial held in St. Andrew's United Church. Mrs. are familiar with them, CONVENER of the successful card party, Mrs. Kemp Smith, Beta Sigma Phi Bridge Aids Retarded Children The Ontario Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Soror- ity held a highly successful des- sert bridge at the U.A.W. Hall. Dessert was served buffet style to over 200 guests. Miss Joyce Power, president of the sorority, introduced Mrs. Harry O. Perry, the social spon- sor, who welcomed the guests and officially opened the bridge. Fifteen prizes were drawn by Mrs. Perry, assisted by Miss Power. Winners were Mrs. Donald See- ley, Mrs. D. J. Chambers, Mrs. is seen chatting with a table of players. Seated sre Mrs. Don- ald Seeley, Mrs. Leo L. Krantz, Mrs. R. Van Walker and Mrs. B. R. Sharrard. Proceeds are being devoted to the Retarded Children's Association fund. --Oshawa Times Photo dent, presiding. Mrs. A. W. Bunker read the and the treasurer's re- port. The group will attend cor- Robert ning session. following were winners: Mrs. Mervin Perkin, Miss Alta Kemp, Mrs. L. Parrot, Edna Barnes, Mrs. Gordon Willson, Mrs. T. Adair, Mrs. A, Gardner, Dianne Goodall, Miss Marlene Dawson, Lois Sleightholm, Mrs. J. Moody, Mrs. Murray Stacey, Mrs, Peter Rudka, Mrs, Howard Luke, Mrs. A. Sinclair, Mrs. F. Love, Mrs. J. Women' Jo Aldwinckle, {emeen porate communion on Sunday, March 15, followed by breakfast. It was announced that the main Guild meetings will start at 2.15 p.m. in the future. At the Red Cross blood donor clinic in the parish hall on March 5 the Guild vill take care of refreshments Members were reminded of the St. Matthew's Anglican Church tea on March 11, the Ulster Girls' choir concert in the parish hall on April 18, and the fashion s Editor Dial RA 3-3474 show sponsored by the Georgette Liston, Miss Shirley Shelenkoff, Miss Joan Starr, Miss Helen| 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, F Guild group. A reading was given by Mrs. W. J. Kirkbride. It was announc- riday, February 27, 1959 Blasko, Miss Margaret Blears, Mrs. R. McLaughlin, Kay Hol- brook, Mrs. C. Hubbell, Irene Broadbent, Mrs. Gordon Wilson and Mrs, Harold Lemon. R. B. P. McMurtry, Mrs. P. F. Morrow, Mrs. G. C. L. Wilson, Mrs. Richard Copithorne, Mrs. S. Horne, Mrs. George Vick, Dor- othy Phillips, Mrs. P. Johnston, Mrs. W. R. Short, Mrs, Lillian Jackson, Mrs. S. Sager, Miss A. Goheen, Mrs. R. Rodd. At the conclusion of the bridge be donated to the Retarded Chil- prizes were again drawn and the'dren's Fund. The bridge was convened by Mrs. Kemp Smith and her com- mittee consisting of Mrs. Leo Ra- telle, Mrs, Vera Ferguson, Mrs. Percy Bradley, Mrs. Percy Mc- Bain, Miss Zorria Melnychuk and Mrs. Ken Young. Proceeds from the evening will LODGES AND SOCIETIES REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 Sister Lena Harper, Noble Grand, presided for the regular meeting of Rebekah Lodge No. 3 assisted by Sister Agnes Kirk,| Vice Grand, who reported on the| sick members. The resignation of Sister Jean McKeen due to ill health, was ac- cepted and Sister Nina Peever was installed as chaplain in her| place. Sister Evelyn Fickes, PDD conducted the installation, assist- ed by her deputy, Sister Nelda Thompson. {oT inal arrangements were made receive th of the assembly on March 4. Officers are requested to wear white. Sister Vera Wirsching is con- vening an auction sale following the meeting on March 25. It was announced that donations of ar- ticles would be welcome. Sister Florence Genge and her eommittee served refreshments. VICTORIA LODGE Victoria Loyal True Blue Lodge No. 55, held its regular meeting in the Orange Temple with Wor- shipful Master, Brother Willard Spencer, and Deputy Mistress, Sister Mary Thompson, presiding. Roll call of officers and min- utes were read by recording sec- retary Sister Ruth Gatchel. Scripture and prayer were read by the Chaplain, Sister Elda How- ard. Lecture was repeated by direc-| tor of ceremonies, Sister Joan Ewen and conductor, Sister Susan| Spencer, | Sister Elda Howard gave a re-| port on bingo and Sister Susan | Spencer reported that the lodge birthday banquet would be held on March 20. All members who are intending to attend were ask- ed to contact Sister Susan Spen- cer or Sister Mary Thompson. Conant Home and School Associa- tion was held recently in the school, ers Night and the Srd birthday of the Association. was read by the president, Mrs. William Baldwin and Mrs. Doug- las Pelow read the Home and School Creed. ing were read by Mrs. Garnet Shaver. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Fred Britten and Mr, J. D. R. Galbraith, prin- cipal of the school gave his re- port. He stated examinations would be out about the first week |speaker, Mr. George Roberts, Conant H-S Assn. Founders' Night The February meeting of the SPEAKER Mrs. Ethel McLellan, direc- tor of women's activities of the Highway Safety Council will be the after - dinner speaker at the Oshawa Safety League banquet tomorrow night at the Donovan Collegiate, This meeting celebrated Found- The Home and School prayer The minutes of the last meet- is in honor of this year's safe drivers of Oshawa and district who will receive their awards. Today's Cans Safe For Left-overs A tour of General Motors plant| Corrosion-resistant finishes de- was arranged for March 10. Open |veloped by chemists have made house for Conant school will be [the modern can perfectly safe as held March 16 from 7 to 8 p.m.,|a container for left-over food. followed by the Home and School| In Grandma's day food had to meeting. be taken out of the can as swn A finance committee was ap- as it was opened because of the pointed as follows: Mrs, D E.|danger of contamination. But to- Roter, Mrs. Ivan Smale, Mrs. (48, the "tin" can, which is Fred Britten and Mrs. William really sheet steel and not tin at Baldwin. : (all, is as safe for storing left- over food as a glass jar or an Mrs. D. E. Roter gave a report other container. 2 : y of the first meeting held. A bud- get plan was drawn up and ap proved by the association. | Mr. Fred Britten introduced the | were starting and report cards in March. principal of OCVI, who spoke on some of the problems and adjust-| ments that Grade 8 pupils have on going into Grade 9. The Home and School will send one delegate, Mrs. William Bald- win, 'to the convention in Toronto. The door prize was won by Mrs. Ted Koss. . Refreshments were served by mothers of Grade 4 and 5 puplls, AT-THE-EAR Draw prizes were donated Brother Amon Toms, Sister Mable Blow, Sister Joan Ewen, and were won by Sister Mary Thompson, Brother Willard Spen- cer and Sister Gladys Bevis. Happy Birthday was sung for Sister Susan Spencer. Sister Ina Milgate was reported sick. PERSONALS | HEARING AIDS The many Oshawa friends of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hoare, formerly of North York, Toronto, will be interested to hear that they have recently moved to Orillia where Mr. Hoare has ac- Shetlands Yield Treasure Hoard The eighth century treasure hoard which was found in the summer of 1958 on St. Ninian's Island in the Shetlands is the largest of its kind yet discovered and of great value and impor- tance say British Museum ex- perts. , The items -- which until they were cleaned appeared to be of bronze -- are of silver in which dhe copper element has mineral ized. The unstable minerals must therefore be preserved in an artificially dry atmosphere. There are brooches, shallow bowls, strap ends, a spoon, ladle, and other objects whose uses can only be guessed at. The craftsmanship of the pieces is similar to that of Irish work of ZENITH DIPLOMAT SLIP-ON NEARING AID Ships on or oft Plugs instantly into tiny heb b i A cepted the position of town engi-| neer. Mrs. Hoare is the former Miss Madeline James, daughter of Mrs. William James, Aber- deen street. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Cooper and daughter, Marjlyn, Thorn- ton's Corners north, have return- ed from a trip to Vista, Califor-| nia, where they visited Mr. and | Mrs. Jack Hamilton, formerly of | Thornton's Corners. You are invited by the Soclal Department to send in any little items of interest. News of teas, surprise parties, showers, anmi-| versaries and comings and go-| ings are always very acceptable | and for which there is no charge. Please write or telephone RA 3-3474, local 13. Hew ZENITH EVEGLASS NEARING AID World's most attractive, ie. conspicuous hearing ad, worn right at your ear. mon tradition and extensive com. munication between Ireland and the Shetlands. the period, and suggests a com- *Lonses, frome fronts, Monday - Tuesday FREE HAIR CUT ELIZABETH BEAUTY SHOP with every shampoo and finger wave ELIZABETH BEAUTY SHOP 7V2 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ond related profes. sional tervicer in con nection with Zenith Eyeglos Hearing Aids are available only through your ophthalmologist, ope tometrist, or oplicion, DEFERRED PAYMENTS If Desired IMPERIAL OPTICAL 22Y3 Simcoe St. 'S. RA 5-174 = Wednesday ONLY RA 3-7221 gf be in prospect was expressed by The ban- | quet, entertainment and dance | ed that the Westmount group would attend the mid-week Len- ten service on March 4. Re- freshments were served by Mrs. Percy Broadbent. Hostesses for March will be Mrs. Fred Gunn and Mrs. William Dupn. ARVILLA McGREGOR AUX. 'The regular meeting of the| Arvilla McGregor Auxiliary of Knox Presbyterian Church was held at the home of the presi- dent, Miss Grace Kennedy, on Tuesday evening, February 24. The president opened the meet- ing with reading a portion from "Springs in the Valley", re- garding God's promises to man- kind, followed by prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. James Heath and Mrs. William Callison gave the meditation. The Study conducted by Mrs, Express Fears Of Socialized State VANCOUVER (CP)---Fear that a socialized state in Canada may | Miss Ann Sutherland, Vancouver lawyer, in an address to the Pro- vincial Council of Women. She said much assistance has been given by the government during the last few years in the way of children's allowances, free education, hospital insur- ance, old age pensions and so on. "There is a steady demand for even more dependence on the |government, Pensioners ask for {more money, parents want super- vision on recreation grounds . . . 20d Some. Jaber unions seek 8|ajex McDonald and assisted by - 2 Mrs. Bert Montgomery, Mrs. _ "I wonder if all this paternal-|James Thom and Mrs. Bruce ism might not lead to a govern- McGregor revealed some facts ment by the government instead regarding the problems of French of a government by the people, speaking Protestants in Quebec. |for the people." |To preserve their French lan- Mrs. Percy Taylor's group. Lang reported on the eve- The grade mothers, Mrs. G. R. It was decided to postpone the| fashion show until a later date. A hobby show will be held in the, Shareh parlor on Tuesday, Mares Refreshments were served by| | The next meeting will be held| on March 10 at the home of Mrs. .|Henry Bickle. 13TH SCOUT MOTHERS AUX, The 13th Scout Mothers Auxil- fary met at King Street United Church for its regular meeting, on Monday evening, February 23, The speaker was Mrs. Ray Stevenson, ADC for cubbing, who spoke on the characteristics of leaders. These were good patience, perseverance, personal- ity, punctuality and pride in one's work. A good sense of humor was also necessary, she said Letters of appreciation were SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Gage and Mrs. D. J, Riggs, were in charge of refreshments. The school string and cello group directed by Mr. B, Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. William James announce the engagement of their daughter, Joy Olga, to Mr. Allan Durward Blair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Blair, all of Oshawa. The marriage will take which had won second place in the Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto, entertained with several selections. RESULTS GUARANTEED Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa at the Genosh Hotel, March 3-4 -- RA 3.4641 -- phone on these dates for appointment. Mr. R. H. McLeod, principal, place on Saturday, April 4, 1959, at 2.30 o'clock in the Salvation Army Citadel. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Ann Craford of Whitby wishes to announce the engage- ment of her daughter, Jean Louise Litovchik, to Mr, Jona- than Richard Lambert, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lambert, of Oshawa, The marriage will take place in First Baptist Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, March 28, at 4 pm. GARDEN COLOR read from the Rev. Mervyn Bury | and Miss Mary McLean, Plans were made for serving at the father and son banquet on Friday night, February 27. The cubs and scouts of the 13th Scout troop will attend the morn. ing service at King Street United Church on Sunday, March 1. CHEERFUL GIVERS Mrs, A. W. Brown opened the regular meeting of the Cheerful Givers group of King Street United Church on Wednesday afternoon, February 25, with prayer. The secretary's report and roll call were read by Mrs. Leroy Kellar, There were 14 home calls and nine hospital calls for the month. Mrs. Hales Barker spoke of the late Mrs. Adams, a past presi-| Blueberry bushes in home gar- {dens will provide bright red foll- {age in the fall, as well as summer fruit, RUGS AND LIVING ROOM SUITES Cleaned to Perfection NU-WAY RUG ond Carpet Sales 174 Mery RA 5-0433 | | was a town. | 32 KING ST. WEST ® OPEN TO-NIGH | CONGRATULATIONS ---- To the City of Oshawa . . . on it's 35th ANNIVERSARY from Burns Jewellers . . . A Proud Partner since Oshawa LIFE'S LOVELIEST MOMENTS Ecstatic mome fitting symbol, heart forever! In choosing & Bluebird Diamond you pay tribute to the solemn significance of a unique occasion, for every Bluebird Diamond is guaranteed in writing to be a perfect diamond of fine colour and cutting, registered and Make Bluebird a lovely moment! DIAMONDS FOR HAPPINESS "TOUJOURS U'AMOUR" BRIDAL ENSEMBLE Engagement Ring $100.00 43.50 Wedding Ring Other matched sels of $182.50 ond $243.50. PAY AS LITTLE AS 10% DOWN 1.00 WEEKLY BURNS JE T TILLY PM. oe CREDIT nt... worthy of a to be cherished in the insured against loss. the eternal symbol of WELLERS LTD. RA 3-7022 | | | | Spring Suit Flattery in Souffle Mohair Here is your dressy suit with the new flattering feminine neckline . . , neat, nipped waistline. Light as a breeze in the fashionable Souffle Mohair or Worsted Repp. Your choice of Black, Navy er Sky Blue . , . SIZES 10 TO 18 Fairweather S L) Necklines Neatly Fitted Dressm The Tailored Classic The Suit with the Collar ® The 3-piece Ensemble ® Souffle Mohair The most important fabric this Spring! ® Block & White Houndstooth Check ® Finest English Boucle ® French Broadcloth * Beige © Corel © Topez --and a price for every pocketbook! Just Say Will Go Places This Spring! Important Styles e® Hip Tip Jackets ® Short Stop Fitted Jackets Softly Feminine Suits with Decolletage akers lorge Standaway Important Fabrics Souflana Petit Point Tumbletwist Scots Grey Worsted . eo French Crepes Important Colors © Sapphire Blue © Mint Green ® Navy ® Black ® Grey "Charge I" Open @ FLEXIBLE no-interest 30-day Charge Account with added months to pay, if desired, on convenient terms. STORE HOURS Mon., Tues, Thurs, Set, 9:30 to 6 'ed. 9:30 to 1 Fri. 9:30 to 9 er { OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE