THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3.3492 All other calls ...... RA 83-3474 lye Oshawa Toes . WEATHER REPORT Cloudy wi th wet snow or rain tonight, clearing Saturday morning. VOL. 88 -- NO. 49 OSHAWA-WHITBY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1959 Post Office Department, Authorized As Second Closs Mail Ottowa SIXTY-FOUR PAGES . il Eu p ER - em . 3 1] CHILDREN'S ARENA ROOF IN DANGER Three fire fighters from Osh- | snow on the roof had reached | wood. Mr. Crome awa Fire Department are | a dangerous depth, Placing shown on the roof of the Osh- | arena supports under undue | , | awa Children's Arena, taking in | strain. He said he was taking | id rey ree a 0 hose, after attempting to flush no chances of having people | down Wi e wa snow off the roof. City Engin- | inside. The men with the hose | dered the process eer Fred Crome ordered the | are, left to right, Ron Templar, srena closed, Thursday, when | Ken Courtney and Jerry Orp- | open by tonight. i » | Pe Ee | were washing off some snow, The arena is expected to re | CLC Kicks Out Nfld. Labor Body GRAND FALLS, Nfld. (CP)--, Mr. Rhodes said "the CLC re- {The Canadian Labor Congress grets that it has been necessary . |made its first major move today|to lift the charter of the Grand |against a labor organization that Falls - Gander District Labor | refused to pledge support to 1,200| Council." But "no one is going [loggers striking against the An-|to use the name CLC and at the |glo - Newfoundland Development same time follow strike-breaking y |Company. tactics." The CLC is backing the Henry Rhodes, assistant na-/IWA. tional director of CLC organiza- tion, said he was revoking the charter of the affiliated Grand| 0 h M Falls - Gander District Labor S awa an Council. Claude Jodoin, Le president, said in Ottawa Mr, F d H d {Rhodes had "full authority" tol oun an e In His Cell a balking labor organization since n 1S e {the International Woodworkers off A prisoner committed cuicide |America (CLC) called a strike in his cell In the Oshawa police |against Anglo-Newfoundland Dec. station, Thursday night. [31. They want higher wages and! panty police Chief D. Fergu- [shorter working hours. son said today that Roy Hicks, The action came a few hours 61, of 76 King street west, was after a mass walkout of eight un-|e lg panoad with his own belt at they |ion leaders from a meeting of the iq 35 pm "Hicks had been arrest- district council called to Siscust eu on a charge of being intoxi- Ho wag|cated in a public place. cl! Hicks was arrested by Con- stable John Jenkins. He was f|taken to the station and charged | i to the|at 1.30 p.m. Deputy Ferguson fshe 12 we ihe! said that he was checked several |take such action. It was 'the first punishment of] -- sald : : [the reinstatement of packing it thomas as president. : er. He or- |suspended last oak W ho Cu stopped. |for opposing IWA "tactics. jie The walkout left only four ol Pearson Plumps For Summit Talks OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition) The double-summit suggestion trained on twin summits. » first general external affairs de-| He s Pi M le 0 w fy Nebr; dt, Th a cel Thursday is level, and he and the United States should get/munist China, together for a similar huddle on eommon problems, Parliament will be asked to ap- A summit conference called by prove Canada's aecession to the Mr. Nehru, was committed to|Austrian peace treaty as an act neither East nor West, wouldlof 'friendship and sympathy." make some contribution to cut-/The peace treaty.was signed by ting through the *'circle of fear" Britain, the United States, Rus-| that surrounded the world. |sia and France on May 15, 1955, "The stakes are very high and with provision for accession later the reward would be very great," |by other countries. Mr. Pearson told the Commons| On Berlin, Mr. Smith pledged Thursday. that Canada will not countenance On Canada-U.S. relations, Mr. the "swallowing up" by the Com- Pearson salc problems between munists of the divided city's 2. the countries now are more nu-/500,000 inhabitants. In putting merous than at any time in|pressure on West Berlin, Russia years. A "top-level formal con- had deliberately sought to create ference" might work out anla crisis where none existed. agreement on principle to govern' Canada has no "blueprint'" for relationships. the German problem, he said Joseph Sullivan, | possessing some of tence by Magistrate burn. had been in custody and full restitution Mrs. Rinhardt, from her lunch hour Feb. 16. walked into the polic and of $2,000 by two me \ » a 4 boarding party had been plac- ed on the Soviet trawler by a U.S. Navy ship off Newfound- land." The Navy radar picket ship Roy O. Hale which con- ATLANTIC CABLE CUT? THE DEPARTMENT of De fence in Washington issued this photo of the Russian fishing trawler Novorossirsk, (PT-99) after it was anncunced that a gating recent break atlantic cables --AP U.S. Navy Searches WASHINGTON (AP Navy team took the unusual step nounced, lessened t he possibility the agreement of boarding a Soviet trawler onjof an incident the high seas Thursday, hut! put there was found nothing to link the vessellingication how with recent breaks in transatlan-'react, Nations: jealous of their land Fishing tic cables sovereignty often resent "No indications of intentions boarding of their ships by other than fishing," was the find-lof another nation Five transatlantic no immediate been damaged since Moscow might day in the area off vessel times occurs in the n 'Bank Teller Paroled After Cobourg Flight i 4 Mr. Thomas estimated that the ( ", ol 1 1dl Leader Pearson has his sights|emerged as the House held ital TORO Ch a) 3vear.| H | hie irs Smith, w! d a stand: . arges of 't roe . ig fof $5515 from a Bank of Mont. ggests Canada pat policy on récognition of Com: rel AOI | Mr. Smith also announced that, + Noonan, 27, charged with | money were given the same sen-| The magistrate, explaining the | lightness of the sentences, said this was their first offence, they made. All three pleaded guilty. | mother of two|_° small children, failed to return|® Three hours later she Cobourg, 65 miles east of here, said she had been wi . ried to the Philip home. | Philip drove his wife to the Bow.| ~ manville Hospital shortly after the doctor's arrival. _-- "I would"t want to go through ducted the operation is investi- |end," died on the gallows early he was "suddenly seized with an A U.S. hours after the boarding was an-iStates and Russia are signers of the nations operate in that area and|friend, who followed every possi men accidental cable damage { Further Under S OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern- ment today announced Initial steps to preserve a nucleus of technical personnel at the Mal- ton, Ont., plants of A. V. Roe (Canada) Limited, Finance Minister Fleming said in the Commons that the govern- ment will share with the com- pany the payroll cost of an "'es- sential nucleus" of technical per- sonnel for the next six months. M the company were to de- velop new i ts to sell, it GOVERNMENT RETAINS NUCLEUS OF AVRO MEN Plans tudy been aimed at a continuance of Roe's design, research and prov duction facilities. Roe was working on "certaln contracts" for the government besides the cancelled Arrow and Iroquois programs and these would be continued. The company had proposed ex- tension of work in the fields of civilian and military aviation and 1 power and also new tasks must retain the nucleus of trained workers, he said Mr. Fleming added that he hoped there would be a steady in these fields. "These proposals have been carefully examined and certain of them will be further studied im increase in employment at the Roe plants. Some 2,500 technical personnel were laid off by the shutdown of the Arrow jet interceptor and Ir oquois engine programs, about the number of personnel in- volved in an "essential nucleus," OPPOSITION COMMENTS Both Opposition Leader Pear- son and Hazen Argue, CCF House Mr. Fleming gave no indication| the hope that they will offer og: | portunity for the employment and |effective utilization of technicdl {and production personnel and fa- |cilities," Mr. Fleming said. The company recognized its re sponsibility to make every effort to obtain contracts from sources in addition to the Canadian gov. ernment. It now was di some work for the United States and other leader, said the arr t should have been reached long before the Arrow program was cancelled. {times in his cell, and that at 10.30 necessary for 3 quorum. p.m. he was found hanging from | Fred Grimes, council secre io"harg of the cell door. Hicks, [tary-treasurer, said the eight un-i¢pe jenyty said, tied his leather ion leaders refused to pledge Sup- po) around his neck, and to the (port to ste Iva as Tequasted id top bar of the cell door. Mr. Rhodes. The council repre- 4 x | sented 3,000 workers, including This was the second suicide in y tion, I 1,400 Anglo-Newfoundiand work-|the Bey Oshawa police sation ed OSHAWA'S HOPE IN SKATING Donald Jackson, 18, of Osh. | he competes against David awa, removes his skates in the | Jenkins and Tim Brown of dressing room of the Broad- | the U.S. Jackson is currently moor Ice Palace near Solar a EERE S sked why the belt was left {with Hicks when he was taken to , De 1 Txpeet there vil be a eight 3 ary |e mill org have memberships totakling 3,200. ; nfl Was. Mr. Fleming said government- company talks this week had gover s "will vigoms ously explore ways and means obtaining orders from the U.S, under the recently announced ar- rangements between Canada and the U.S. for production-sharing.*" cal | today in b Belts, ties, suspenders, etc., are normally taken from prisoners before they are locked up. aesarea Man Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall, Deli e vers lac, sald today that an inquest C. A. Tho-| 1 PR : will be held. "There must be an | 1 e S 1 | inquest where anyone dies In cus- | t " tody," he said. CAESAREA (Staff) -- Ronald| °®y" "€ 88 STATE OF EMERGENCY South Rhodesia a ther or. sane mre] BOYS BASHFUL Natives Jailed TOWARD NURSES | SALISBURY, Southern Rhode-; One of those seized was Daniel been |SAT1Y Thursday morning, desper- |ately following the telephoned instructions of a doctor 10 miles : 01 t ) MIDLAND (CP) -- Bash- |sia MAD)=The jailing of 'militant Mazimabuto, a co-producer of fulness of the bovs in this {African nationalists continues in the film African Drum Rolls, Georgian Bay district may be this rich British territory but the which drew its usual packed au- partially to Yiame for the {Rhodesian capital remained |dience here Thursday night. He shortage of nurses at St. An: quiet. lis a leader of the congress. drew's Hospital. A state of emergency was pro- Salisbury is the capital of both "Nobody asks the nurses |claimed Thursday but life went this self-governing territory and out for the evening or offers [00 much as usual and no troopsithe Central African Federation, to entertain them any more," |Were seen in the streets. {which also includes the British says Mrs. Jean Holt, super- | But some Africans warned that Protectorates of Northern Rhode- intendent of nurses. the arrests of between 250 and|sia and Nyasaland. : : She told the hospital board: |500, African National Congress South Rhodesian Premier Sir "It gets pretty boring sitting [leaders in Southern Rhodesia Edgar Whitehead said he pro- | in the nurses' residence night |were bound to have a bad effect claimed the emergency in his after night. That's one reason (on the 2,000,000 blacks in this|area to save the federation--a " |territory dominated by 176,000! member of the Commonwealth-- Why hey prefer the larger error y {from "extreme nationalism, aig board wasiet te to -- would be fatal." bachelor on it. UAW Director | THOUGHT FoR ToDAY | Takes Action , and Bren-| the stolen | for 10 days had way. The mother, Mrs. Joyce Philip, 24 and the 6 pound 3 ounce baby daughter were doing fine at Bowmanivlle Memorial Hospital today. Mr. Philip was unable to con- tact his own doctor when it be- came apparent the birth was to 4 be hours ahead of time, He man- aged to reach Dr. S. P. Kandel at Port Perry by telephone. As soon as the doctor had com- hd * 4 pleted his instructions he hur- J al the bank e station at robbed n. Mr. {that again," said Mr. Philip who lis already the father of an 18- month-old daughter. | [related {many and West Berlin. | But the British generally had {hoped for more. As a result, Mac- stores and business offices. Soviet mier wreckir.g millan's Moscow mission. The "diplomatic to oth ache' which caused Khrushchev to de cide against accompanying Mac their talks. The newspapers which read: to return with information. reconnaissance mission, millan on his trip to Kiev Thurs- day was blamed for finishing off| sense. proclaimed. The Manchester Guardian says their views in heavy headlines) "The toothache insult: It looks like ending the Moscow talks," [Khrushchev wrecks the talks," and "Moscow mission negative." | Macmillan had promised only He {had warned he was going on a i "to try| Reds Blamed For Failure Of T LONDON (AP)--Brifish news-|chev's speech hev. for conference on German . Prime Minister Mac-|wrecked the British-Soviet meet. ing. . '| The Labor | |"We had better start prepa |in earnest for the next airlift an tried to interrupt it." $1,000,000 Loss In Oakville Fire OAKVILLE (CP) to break the ice and get some storey building owned by Joel |feeling of the general situation. {STANDING FIRM British spokesmen in Moscow admitted Thursday, after their chief flew to Kiev for the sight- seeing portion of his trip, that the "feeling" Macmillan got was that (both the Russians and the West so far were standing firm on the issues of divided Ger- millan's trip was widely termed a failure, a bold move that had The papers agreed that Khrush- [Morgenstern of Toronto was de. |stroyed by fire here early today. No one was injured. | There was no official estimate {of damage but various reports placed the loss as high as $1, 000,000. | Only one wall of the Trafalgar |Building in this town 10 miles west of Toronto remained stand- ling after the fire, which started in the basement, swept through The main street was blocked as [three fire brigades fought the do that you want to but ought [turned out to be a disappoint blaze. The building's basement |ment. was occupied by a beauty parlor and the weekly Record-Star. bachelor on it. ja The more things you don't 1 C 11 | not to, the longer you'll live Montrea a ows On Small Cars | Mot to enjoy not doing them. WINDSOR (CP)--George Burt.| | i LQ " : Canadian director of the United End For Murderer Auto Workers Union (CLC) has [sent a telegram to Prime Minis-| ter Diefenbaker asking his inter-| {vention to ensure Canadian pro- MONTREAL (CP) -- A part- $200 ith them, Perreault an- time salesman, who told police he swered the ad. : [duet small cars planned for was "guilty and resigned to death Poirier's statement said that iT he: Unter rates to bring a miserable life to an while driving along a lonely road |i. fall. | i A : fo . Burt said that unless the today for the bludgeon murder of irresistable impulse.' He struck | oy cars are produced in Can- Jean-Claude Perreault, 21-year- Perreault over the head with 2lada the problem that would re- old Montreal tinsmith. piece of metal. Poirier drove aim-|g¢ from the added competition Hector Poirier, 52, plunged |lessly about the following day in the Canadian market 'may through the trapdoor of the scaf-|with the body in the trunk before ya) eclipse the unemployment fold at Montreal jail shortly after mutilating it. problem handed Canadians by midnight Thursday and was pro-| Mrs. Alphonse Perreault felt|the decision to drop the Avro Ar- nounced dead at 12:55 a.m., 15 something had happened to Jean- [pny minutes later. Paul and asked Monireal police| He charged the Big Three Poirier was sentenced to be|to search for him. But police said] auto producers "still hang out the hanged after being convicted last|they could do nothing without | 'we don't know' sign to every in- a A s in trans- Wirepholo was not apprehended found nearly a year ago in a last Satur |23, 1958 PORT ARTHUR (CP)--Three men were killed today Nov. 20 of one of the most grue.|specific information because the quiry of the union" on the ques. roadside ditch near Montebello, Que Newfound. It as the persistence pent when a light single-engined plane crashed near Green Point, s of manpy|Feauit's mother anc 5 8 Ont., 10 miles east of here. The pilot, veteran hush flyer some murders in Montreal's/son was an adult tion Poirier Ken Cheeseman of Port Arthur, was injured. Killed were criminal annals. Perreault's| headless, handiess body was until about six weeks atler young y + . | . cables haa|Perreault's disappearance' Jan. Three Killed In Plane Crash some-|{ble clue, whie h eventually| Nicholas Dyck, Fred Small and Hilding Jensen, all members ormal deep- brought about the arrest. of the Port Arthur fire department. ing. The Soviet vessel is the trawler sca fishing operations. Poirier said he killed Perreault The quick negative rePOLt, | Novorossisk, with a crew of 54] In Sydney, N.S.. a spokesman (18 carrying out a robbery plot, sued by the navy here a few|hon and women. The navy re-|for Eastern Telephone and Tele- [expecting to get $200. Instead he, ported the captain was friendlylgraph Company said the Lord|80t only $52, He also stole Per- CITY EMERGENCY {and co-operative Kelvin is expected to be in the|reault's car, some clothing and PHONE NUMBERS The United States acted under|area of the break about noon to-|{Some cheap jewelry. {an international agreement the|day. The cable ship left Halifax] The hanged man's statement to defence department said "author [Tuesday |police said he placed an adver-| POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 izes investigations by naval ships of official documents of other weather conditions are good and/single young man with own car| ships suspected of damaging and the break is found within a short|to travel; salary $600 a month interfering with cables under the time repairs could be made in| with expenses." | thigh seas." Both the United one day. Applicants were told to bring! ! Jupiter Missile Tested Successfully CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. sile, with 'a range of 1,500 miles, hurtled aloft today on the start of a full-range test of the workhorse vehicle. The army said the flight across the Atlantic was successful The spokesman said that if{tisement in a newspaper for "al Mickey Mantle Signs For $80,000 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla York Yankees outfielder, finally came to terms on a con- tract today which gave him an estimated increase of $8,000 to $80,000 for the 1959 season. Dally Herald labels "ithe talks 'a complete failure," but urges Macmillan to continue [trying to make Khrushchev see [for all the tricks that may be A four. Ot A oar (AP)--An army Jupiter mis- RAIL STATION GUARDED BY TROOPS These are part of the troops | after a nationwide railway | platform. Other strikers are. rushed to Buenavista railway | . ..o began. One striker sits | Shown in background at upper station in Mexico City to guard safely on now idle rail beside -AP Wirephota! (AP)--Mickey Mantle, New property and prevent disorder 4]