Be "PROGRESS DIRECTORY Holody Aluminum The Holody Aluminum Co., started in 1957. It has become one of Oshawa's leading distribu- tors of aluminum products. Catering to contract- ors and home-owners, Holody offers a complete line of aluminum windows, doors, awnings, pre- fabricated cottages and garages. (See Advertisement on Page 21B) Horwich Credit Jewellers Horwich Credit Jewellers Ltd., specialize in watches and diamond rings, They carry gift items including luggage, silverware, etc. The store was first opened in 1909, on King St,. by Joseph Horwich. It later occupied the spot on Simcoe St. S. that Zellers now has. From there it moved to Simcoe St. N. It is now located at 20 Simcoe St. S. and is run by Samuel Horwich. Mrs. Joseph Horwich still as- sists in the operation of the store. When the Oshawa Shopping Centre opened, Horwich Jewellers opened a branch, This store is run by Maxwell Palter. Both Mr. Horwich and Mr. Palter are graduates of the Canadian Jewellers In- stitute. (See Advertisement on Page 5A) Hotel Genosha The Hotel Genosha is easily the largest in the area, There are 105 rooms complete with shower, bath, radio and TV, ample parking space and a complete list of services. The main dining room, seating 100 people, is completely air condition- ed and newly renovated. In addition there are the most complete banquet facilities in the city. The Starlite Room, recently opened, seats more than 100 people and offers to patrons a bev- erage room of top quality as reasonable prices. (See Advertisement on Page 17B) Houdaille Industries Limited Having begun operations in Brockville, Ont. in 1834, Houdaille Industries Limited is one of the pioneers of Canadian industry. When it first start- ed operations, harvesting tools were it's main products and a desire to expand spurred the own- ers to move the plant to Gananoque, Ont. In 1930 the company built a new plant in Oshawa, discon- tinuing it's operations in Gananoque. Since that time the company has grown to meet the demands of the rapidly increasing General Motors of Can- ada Limited. They have also branched out into cther phases of industry. They produce many au- tomobile parts such as bumpers, brackets and bumper guards for the automobile industry, as well as miscellaneous large and small stampings and many other products. (See Advertisement on Page 9B Howe And Millen, Real Estate Howe and Millen, Real Estate, 67 King St. E., specializes in better class residential property as well as commercial and industrial sites. This firm was known as Donald Howe, Real Estate until January, 1959 when Harry Millen, a former salesman for the company, became a part- ner. Mr. Howe originally opend over Karn's Drug Store in 1956. After a year, he expanded to the re- sent office where he maintains a staff of six sales- men. (See Advertisement on Page 4B) Stoppages Of Work Boosted | OTTAWA (CP)--January work OLD POST OFFICE AT ONTARIO AND KING LARGE AREA large area, being almost 22 square miles. It extends from the |shores of Lake Ontario northerly 6.3 miles and is 4.4 miles from east to west. The city of Oshawa cecupies a | GUSCOTT PLUMBING AND HEATING We wish to extend congratulations to the City of Oshawa on its 35th Anniversary. This marks our seventh year of conducting business in this City. * kx SERVICE GALLS 1952 - 1959 Our Motto quoted above "Our best advertisement is our work- manship" means exactly this . . . satisfied customers have enabled us to stay in business over the years. HEATING INSTALLED MAYCO TURBO ACTION Authorized Dealer For * x x APPLIANCES INSTALLED WATER SOFTENERS GUSCOTT PLUMBING & HEATING LIMITED 98 WILSON RD. SOUTH RA 5-5132 |stoppages increased by seven to |38 but there was a substantial | decrease in time lost compared | with last December, the labor de- | partment said Wednesday. There were 13,739 workers in- volved in the 38 stoppages--am- lounting to 158,730 man - days-- while in December there were 18,129 employees affected or 243, 104 man-days, said the prelimin- ary summary of dispules under federal and provincial jurisdic. tion. The end of the Mine Mill dis- /\pute at Sudbury and Port Col- {borne was credited with the dif- ference. The logging strike at Grand Falls, Nfld, the CBC TV pro- ducer strike at Montreal, auto workers out at Chrysler's plant lin Windsor, and the British Col- {umbia woodworkers dispute ac- | counted for more than 65 per cent lof the time loss in January. To... OSHAWA Congratulations on your 35th Anniversary as a City Now As Always Builders Of A Better World WE PROUDLY SALUTE OUR LABORING FORCES Oshawa & District Labor Council CHARTERED BY C.L.C, Canadian Labor = = RETAIL TO THRIFTY CANADIANS PROGRESSING with OSHAWA since 1936 TWO MODERN STORES TO SERVE YOU! With its wide and varied assortments of popular merchandise, Zellers stores have become "Junior department stores' where, with the exception of big-ticket appliances and furniture items the average family can now purchase practically all its needs. In keeping with the company's slogan of "Retailers to Thrifty Canadians', Zeller's prices are at all times in the average income bracket. DOWNTOWN LEFT--Is a recent photograph of Zellers' department store located in the heart of Downtown Oshawa serving the citizens of this district since 1936, SHOPPING CENTRE RIGHT -- Is the new Zeller's Store located in the Osh awa Shopping Centre, which opened in 1957 . . . Zeller's entry into many Shopping Centres from 1956 on, points out that the trend to suburban living with con- sequent extensions of Shopping areas, is now well established. The growth of Zellers Limited in regarded as among the phenomenal developments in Canadian retailing, and in the opinion of the president of the company, the coming years will add many more "Success Chapters" to the story of ZELLERS. ZELLER'S LIMITED DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3-2294 SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD. PHONE RA 3-2209