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The Oshawa Times, 27 Feb 1959, p. 48

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Rd letin, Press. Radio, Personal calls. ed SPECIAL SERVICE J ' The Chamber is now in a pos [felon to be of special service to { small industry where research 3 [costs are out of the picture from {a financial standpoint. Through { jour connections with the pro- vincial government (Trade and Industry Branch of the Depart. 8B THE OSHAWA TIMES, PPORRess EDITION, Priday, Pebruery 27, 1989 ment) the Ontario Research Foundation has made it possible for our industrial members as well' as members who operate ! {ment of Planning and Develop- mals Field Aviation Expands A recent reorganization of Field Aviation has placed companies activities into four main operating divisions--civil tenance, inte- 5 mal ance agency and supply, and air. craft sales. The civilian maintenance divi- sion. which includes hangarage the es with a long-term contract for Firm the RCAF for storage inhibiting and radio servicing, which pro- vides work at Oshawa and at three air force bases. An impor- tant export coniract was recen- tly carried out for the West Ger- man Government for supplying A TRADITION . OF SERVICE SINCE 1927 a commercial 'enterprise to use the facilities and experience of high!» technical personnel. The service offered by 'the founda- tion are varied and include as- sistance to manufacturers who may have encountered difficulty in their formulas, to dry clean- ers in trouble through their solu- tions, to small concerns who may have an idea for a new product who need technical assistance with its development. By calling the Chamber office, arrange ments be made for a Field En- gineer to visit you at your plant, There is no charge for this serv- ice to members. | | This service has helped many la one-time small industry to ac- (Photo by Ireland Studio) |quire the results they would other- wise have possibly never atta- been taken care of otherwise. fed. | salety equipment. The contract was further extended for supply- ing similar equipment for their Sabre aircraft. and light manufacturing, rates mainly at the Field's have recently put n hand the contsruction of a| piglq nave established a real new hanger at Calgary adjacent o.ganization across Canada for | to the new terminal 'building 8th aircraft supplies and parts which | McCall Field, which will extend include dopes and finishes, skis, their maintenance activities in parachutes asd aviation acces. the West. The construction off ries The headquarters for this this hangar is unique in North division is now in Ottawa and is America. Pre-stressed concrete headed by Gordon Duguid pre. has been utilized throughout the viously General Sales Manager basic. 53,000 square foot struc- for Field in Oshawa, ture, resulting in a combination ' The aircraft sales division of, of oral, safety, and ap- Viol Arrears: So is x peali architectural design. It|Fiel viation recentlv sold n.d ig three Beech Aircraft Travel Airs features a 30 foot high electri cally operated hangar door, and/in Canada. A fourth Beechcraft fatra.tey heating which will utl. 8 DF 50 Twin ) pomataa las et ize the abundant supply of Al-|been purcha rom Fiel y berta natural gas. This new|East-West Airlines Limited, New hangar, which will be in opera- South alee, | Justtalia, Fields| tion this spring, will cater for are also co-ordinating the ferry. Starting this spring our cham. db of t . ber will adopt a new "Business| corporate and commercial opera: | pe his machine across the: ve" branch as an addi. Population tors in the Calgary area. | Pa | CONTRACTORS! of the Chamber and to the gen.| Ne are efficiently equipped to supply you with yi 'Hike Seen activity will | any quantity of [SHOP IN OSHAWA erce have been many po oe Ph the 'buying The relationship of the Oshawa- bey Mpeg Le Re gli ag A on commie wi b sep. fo SOUR SERS epreseta Top Quality SAND-GRAVEL WASHED 3; STONE AND MULCH ALSO tives. The reoprt from H. L. Fair Janie ay a 3 plats, of Ontario county is significant. LOAM AND FILL AT LOWEST PRICES A ide With the growth of Oshawa came SPOR svedls. from local and outside a bige demand for dairy ucts. | ® MODERN CRUSHING PLANT ® MODERN SCREENING PLANT i As a result, the beef breeds of Each year new and stimulat-! The "Shop in Oshawa ® BRICK AND PLASTERING SAND oe Ay Oshawa theme| cattle decreased, despite the fact g projects are considered by VW e carrie: Oly ie best that from 1881 to 1956, the over- the committees of the Chamber|0f Our ability and a rea © TRACTOR EQUIPMENT FOR GRADING AND MOVING EARTH er 4 ) Sasonavle all cattle population increased] Were 483 members signed up and under which they ma come, [3nd fair exchange of goods will from 31,927 to 78.118, $25,858.50 subscribed. Some of these i as. be introduced so that our popu-| GRAVEL SUPPLY | dit ! at Zopy While the production fijures for | ace receive courteous treat-| this period are not available, it| aa" pl iS mactiied wu ile lished. {ment from our local stores. This 877 KING E. RA 5.0232 | « REAR VIEW OF CITY HALL AND PARKING LOT - Chamber Has Long History The Oshawa Chainber of Com-jof Comm merce, according to the library and varied. For many in the Oshada Times, was found- many civic projects have ed in 1918 at: a meeting called by spearheaded by the Chamber, the late Mayor John Stacey. |and some have attained the de- Some of those attending that/sired results, while naturally | meeting were the late George Mc. some have fallen by the wayside Laughlin, Mr. R. §. McLaughlin, | through lack of public support the late Dr. Hoig and others. Our regardless of their records show the Oshawa Cham-'to the community, ber of Commerce was organ- ized at a campaign meeting. on in Thursday. March 1, 1928. There JEWELLERS 1 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, OSHAWA animal almost doubled through badly abused and in order that|the use of Better feeding and a stronger and more co-operative breeding techniques. spirit be introfuced in our area. Oshawa's growth as a centre it is felt that a closer liaison be of mechanization is fully reflect- established between our merch: ed in the decline of the horse ants and the public. populaton from 16,527 in 1881 to The other phase of "The Busi-|3,582 in 1956. This is perhaps not | ness Protective" branch would/a yardstick for a comparitive! be to deal with "Solicitation measure for the rest of the pro.| dustrial field. families of employes of mem- Control". A regular form -would| vince. The Oshawa area is still The Oshawa Chamber of Com. bers thas anything so far under- pe made out outlining and an-|one of the horse-breeding centres merce on June 1st, 1929, receiy- sagen o $ has in 2, that ur | swering the questions so that|of Canada, : od Us official certificate from the i (TV, OK O1 the Group plan "The Business Protective Com- From the farmers' point of Canadian Chamber of Com. I'S, and we are proud to sar mittee of the Oshawa Chamber view, perhaps the most signifi- merce. At that time there were that records show that we are of Commerce may obtain in- cant pointer to the growin of the 9 Chambers of Commerce in MY the largest and best main. formation on pro'ects for which! city of Oshawa as an industrial Canada and today there are '2i06d group percentage wise in citizens of the Oshawa area are centre is the farm population it- about 8, so you can readily Canada with the Insurance Com- | olicited for funds. This inform. self. From 1941 to 1956, a total of realize the growth of the Cham. PM * |ation may then be made avail- 820 farms have disappeared from ber movement in Canada. Our claims to date have run|able fo th members of the the area. It is logical to suppose MAN close to $150,000.00 and in many Chamber and residents cf the that the majority of the 13,000 Y INTERESTS cases the recipients of our in- Oshawa area through any or all, people employed on these farms The activities of our Chamber surance benefits would not have of the following methods: Bul-\were absorbed by industry. |is certain that milk yields per| custom in many cases has Leen FROM THE HERITAGE OF THE PAST... COMES THE HOPE FOR THE . FUTURE in the civic projects by the Chamber in their esti the citizens of Our Group Insurance Branch of the Chamber has really done professional, commercial and in. more for the members and the strongly supported by the lead- Ing citizens of Oshawa in the CONGRATULATIONS OSHAWA |. your... On March the 8th This Year The City of Oshawa will have reached another milestone in its History for on that date 35 years ago Oshawa was incorporated as Canada's 15th City. It is with a great deal of pleasure that we at The Jackson Supply join with the many well-wishers on this occasion in extending our best wishes and congrat- ulations to the City of Oshawa, on this 35th Anniversary. versary. «..We Too at JACKSON SUPPLY EERE EAR EE FN BER STEER RET - v are CELEBRATING OUR 10th ANNIVERSARY IN OSHAWA Ten years ago The Jackson Supply opened its doors to the public at 45 Prince Street. Since that time on March 15th, 1949, many changes have taken place. The population has greatly increased, many new industries, homes and businesses have been established. Jackson Supply are wholesale distribu- tors for a great many of the leading lines of automotive and industrial supplies and equipment and as well operate an automotive machine shop for the benefit of the garage operators of this district. From a staff of four ten years ago Jackson Supply now employs a staff of eighteen including; Cec Avery, salesman; Jack Davies, counter salesman; Garth Douglas, warehouse; Tom McGarry, transport; Jack Phillips, machine shop foreman: Art Burgess, warehouse mgr.; Bill Outwin, salesman; Jim Woodley, counter salesman; Cec Goody, stock control; Joan Kirk, office clerk; Olga MacDermaid, secretary; Fred Jamieson, sec-treas.: Gord Bell, salesman; Nick Knapp, salesman and vice pres.; Clarence Bell, shop mechanic and Ken Jackson, president. In 1957 Jackson Supply opened a Branch Warehouse at Markham, Ont. for the convenience of the garage operators in that district ! N SUPPLY LIMITED RA 5-4755 Above is a recent photo of the head office of the Jackson Supply Company located ot 45 Prince Street, Oshawe. TYPE YIN Srv Fai ag ~ PAN { One of Oshawa's Largest Distributors of Automotive Parts .and Industrial JACKSO 45 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA Supplies A "Wholesale Automotive and Industrial Supplies"

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