: ---- ion CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH ON MARY STREET By H, L Fair Agricultural Representative, Ontarto County In looking over some of the early history of Ontario County, some very interesting information is recorded in the report of the Ontario Agricultural Commission, dated 1881. In this report, it is noted that settlement commenced in Ontario County in the town- shipps of Pickering and East Whitby in 1800. In 1807, settlement started in Uxbridge township and in 1810 in Whitby township, Settlement {did not start in the northern townships of Rama and Mara untli 1835, With regard to fertilizers the cent of the farmers used artific- lal fertilizers; principally salt and plaster in varying amounts. In Brock township 100 lbs. of salt per acre was used, In Uxbridge 250 lbs. per acre, In Whitby one barrel per acre. Plaster was applied at the rate of one third barrel per acre in Whitby one barrel per acre in Uxbridge, and in Scugog three barrels per acre. There is also some interesting information in the 1881 Agricul. (Photo by Ireland Studio) As we at TIP TOP celebrate our "Golden Jubilee", we extend warmest congratulations to the City of Oshawa as it marks its 35th Anniversary. Having shared in the progress of this community, we should like to thank all of our friends and customers for helping to make TIP TOP Tailors the largest r | , I I clothier in Canada today. On this occasion too, we rededicate ourselves to the pledge of always 10P lerrle /) bringing you the very best in ~tyle, quality and value. olden, 1909 1959 23%; SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA RA 35-0451 Serving th Settlement Started Uxbridge Twp. In '07 report stated that about 30 per! THE O3NAWA TIMED PROGRESS EDITION, bered 28,653. The number given in the 1956 cencus is 15,462, At the same time as farm pop- ulation was leaving the farms for number of farms in Ontario County were reduced in number. report on_ the crossed with Clydesdale and other 1 BLY Wore reducer dumber. erent crops imported animals; the sheep were aris County was listed as having grown at that time, In dealing Cotswolds and Leicesters; the with fall wheat, the report stated cattle improved Durliams and that theaverage yield in bushels Devons, and the hogs Berkshires per acre were as follows: Pick. and Suffolks. ering, 25 bushels; Scott, 20 bush-| With the tremenodus growth of els; Scugog, 30 bushels; Uxbridge urban populations adjacent to 18 bushels; Whitbv, 18 bushels: Ontario County and with the re- East Whitby, 15-30 bushels per sultant demand for whole milk, acre. {there has been a great increase gl 2 Rog sii Fe i fl n re 3 foe low : Yields Jer 20 at the expense of the beef breeds. bushels; Scott, 40 bushels; Ux. A lot of horses have been replac-| aporoximately 57,000 acres, This bridge, 25 bushels; Whitby, 30 ed bv cattle, as mechanization i the equivalent of approximately {bushels; East Whitby, 40 bushels| increased and horses became one of our large townships. Pick- [per acre. ewer B Hobe, toh. casi |ering wwasbip is listed #1 having The demand for high quality 54,000 acres; Reac! 7 las, He 00 ou Jning. sug and pork products has occupied farm land. fertilizers, farmers Meant th. . a bacon type hog has) Farmers of Ontario County by today have eremendously Increas.| P¢en developed. Most of th. hogsithe use of improved cultural led yields per acre of all crops (iP Ontario County are onw white| practices and 1 echanization have 1"It'ls interesting to compare the! Color and are either York:done an excellent job of main. numbers of livestock in 1881 with|*hire or Landrace, taining their production of high the 1956 census report on Agricul-| The population of Ontarlo/ quality agricultural products dur- ture. County in 1881 was given as 45. (ing this od. This is a rather 4 890. In the 1956 census we were remarkable accomplishment when | Agriculture Commission Report reported as having a total popul-| we consider that it was done with |1881: Cattle, 31,927; Horses, 16.-\ ation of 108,440. la reduction in farm population of 527; Sheep, 25,004; Hogs, 12,355. There has been some very around 13,000 people and a re- Census Report on Agriculture, marked changes in population in duction in farm land equivalent 1956: Cattle 78,118; Horses, 3,582; Ontario County during the past|to approximately one township. Sheep, 16.288; Hogs, 42,882, few years. According to the 1941 In this very short report we tural Commission estimated ylelds of 3,913 farm . The 1956 census re- port listed 3,093. This is a de- crease of around 13,000 in farm population between the years 1941 and 1956. Durin s'ze of increased from 133.2. During the same period the total area of occupied farm land in Ontario County decreased by the same period the e farm in Ontario County 119.9 acres to | commercial Horses were reported as native, census the rural population num- have been able to touch on only /'to take his place. | Karn's Drugs Lid. "One of Oshawa's Finest" Pridey, Pobruery @ 1939 | 58 (8 few o fthe highlights partain- ing to agriculture . in Ontario County. For the most part' the' family employment in urban centres the farm ha ss urvivedf% farm has survived in Ontario For 'the most part thet County. The farmer his wife and family are doing a. gnlendid job in: producing large quantities of high quality agricultural products, GIVE US THE DEEP WATER WAY The proposed deepening of the St. Lawrence waterway is essen. tial to the progress of Central Canada, that area extending from Montreal to the head of the Great Lakes. alah Within this area are not: only great natural wealth resources in forest, fields and mine, but it is the heart of industrial Canada Give this area direct access to the sea by a waterway of suffie- |ient depth for ocean going vessels and the products of our Canadian factories will find their way to every big foreign port. CHANGING TIMES WEST BERGHOLT, England (CP) -- This Esse) village in re- cent years has lost its miller, coal merchant, blacksmith, baker thatcher, brickmaker, brewer and undertaker. Now the village shoe mender has retired--with no one | ARMA LEH ro Citizens of SHAWA for 38 Years! During the past 38 years it has been our sole aim to give you prompt efficient service at all times . . . and as Oshawa expands so will the services that we have to offer. At this time we take this opportunity to say "THANKS" for your past patronage and to hope that we muy continue te merit your confidence, SENNA LEO GLOVER President WE ARE RESPONSIBLE! . . . to you and your physician for the accurate filling of his prescrip- tion with fresh, potent drugs. You can depend on him . . . and you can depend on US, because we double-check to make sure that you get "just what the doctor ordered"! We carry a complete selection of - CAMERAS CAMERA EQUIPMENT "cor somes Director COSMETICS The management and staff of Karn's } extend congratulations to the City of Oshawa on the occasion of their 35th anniversary! Karn's Drugs Ltd. 28 KING ST. E. PHONE 3-4621 N - _------ ae RRA SN a RAY WEEK Vice-President TT 7 A SS a Sol IY 5. pot. 1