iT a an fi hl 4 a 8 v SE - on y --] Sk po -~w > i a Pp RGR Cg YT ES a tite ne " nelal arrangements may Bot) THE OSHAWA TIMES, PROGRESS EDITION, Fridey, February 37, 1959 198 : necessarily mean that double the a results: will- be obtained. On the ;:|other hand they might easily friple; There is no real answer on thid point, There is a trend today for com- HENSEEEl 70 THE CITY OF OSHAWA lightening the financial load of any one, A good industrial de- velopment program, centred in { one area, accrues benefits to a considerable radius around it. Therefore, it would be logical for A ; a ii . ' a group of communities in an # i economic area to bamd together i area promotion prooram | rather than to attempt to do it individually on a smaller scale. Two 'major sources of new money to any community come from industrial operations and visitors, such as tourists, conven- tion, delegates, salesmen, and visiting executives. The ratio of these two activ- ities 'in any community vary with its natural attractions. In the cese' of a popular tourist com- munity 'the percentage of the tourist dollar is considerably in- creased: Other than tourist in. come and manufacturing income. most other groups are service grouns and merely re-circulate | the dollar in a community, but do , [not generate it. A¢ a result, in the minds of many of those who come under ; ithe "service" category, there is a' faflure to appreciate that their prosperity emanates from one or the other, or hoth, of these twe activities. Their 'apathy is one of the problems of industrial and "i .fother promotion in any com- An exciting break-through into a new era of more zestful living, munity. | Over one million people enjoy the of Niag Cyclo M 3| Never overlook your present in-|} - dustries. Perhaps their expansion {could be helped by assistine them to secure additional acre- age, to obtain new lines of manu: facture, to contact some com- pany which can supply them with 'basic goods or purchase their own products or by-products and so of, lr ps ahi hg X ih. po BR y 4 Forget about concessions and oo : on oy ia ; * |other," similar. considerations, A DUPLATE (CANADA) LTD. PLANT IN OSHAWA (Poto by Ireland Studio) [300d Industry does not want A ; Do not be disappointed if tan. A third factor, which is an im-|tHe ability of doing some"studious| gible results do not come at once. § portant one, is that there is no/research and presenting the facts/1t {s a long-term project and x | | 1 us Ila IOg Tess standard formula for success in'in a forthright manner. Much of | must be well-planned. | Lh industrial promotion, other than .is time is required to be s: | 4 iu t " neus promotion, oune is ie 48, required 10 spent! 1ndustrial promotion is -not al- | id 1% consistent effort,- thorough pre-fon . public relations, reading| yy ,yq glamorous. It is frequently A ANNAERT a ARNOLD em a ad LJ : : Airlie % . paration, adequate financing, pa-|periodicals, -and - being on the| 1 11S Are Ask tience, and other such considera:|alert for new developments. Some ig IRR LS Dealer Oshawa Agent 4 tions. {of his most important efforts zations are those who arrive at : | Some municipalities already never show. publiely is la realistic' assessment of them. o ! What constitutes a good indus-|cessions, publicizing low labor | velopment Council recently con. have two strikes against them Industrial commissioners - in|selves, their finances, their re- trial development program for alrates, and other factors, which|ducted a survey of its members due to having acquired a reputa-{Ontario: feel that in finances| sources, thelr . defects, and their ] municipality? W hat type of or-|for the most part are completely |on 'various points. The council|tion for high taxes, high wage| there might be a point of dimin-| possible - percentage of. success. YCL MA AGE ganization is required? What will [different "today. Today, compan-|discovered that there was nollevels, labor ores ineitielent irhing Fetus. Tpat isto say, iia After having Andlyzed thelr Tocat Yo lies. tw & igating sit ir: : i ..|local government, and othe *|presen effor costs 5, situation . wi understa 2, y # likely cost? What results canlies in investigating sites requir¢|common practice in the basic or-| recone 259 SIMCOE ST. S.. OSHAW/ i RA 8-6234 ed® |a great deal of factual data and|ganization from i tors. Such communities a year, and the community has|they should proceed with. pa-| pormally be expect |a 8 ganizatiol hp community 30 ETeasinglY difficult to -"sell"{been.obfaining one n= two indus-|tience, pe why and convic-| Thee aud maz thr ave SCAT, larorou, pubes communi. y A conditions. | yuo : iis se Doing ssh By Somat [we more substantial companies | A second point which was Wise, or the disadvantages are ists in the minds of citi-{40 not wish" tax or any other brought - out was that in a| offset by equal or more desirable IE dai a pe % to the ultimate result of (concessions, and regard them as|medium-sized city, costs ran be-|features. : industrial development w hic h|8 "snare and delusion for which tween $14,000 to $20,000. per. year | Modern industrial develop: | they can reasonably expect in| ultimately they will have to pay." if a full-time operation was estab- ment is not a questi of em-| wd it So what constitutes a local in. Shed: 'The difference between|ploying a back-slapping, "haillf Weir community. [the two amounts is made up by|fellow -- well met" person, but| i # ad \ . First of all there should be ayduetrial program? : |varying factors in different com:|rather it is the work of one with . u - J clear conception as to what is| The Ontario Industrial De-' munities. 'a pleasing 'personality who -has' 7 f meant by industry, whether it is| -- v . ' Sr pew or presently existing. The | | {until the facts are proved other-|tries a year, mere' '~1'"V'aa theltion, ! ee ------ re? \ ASS ---- ally accepted concept of an| within the meaning of industrial promotion, is that of a =i "SERVICE MADE US" || | SINCE 1900+ order to bring in new money. | In other words, it does not de- | pend upon local purchases for al successful operation. Companies | such as lumber yards, machine pe] shops, and other similar cate- HY: ories, as desirable as they are mw A eC ---- a community, are usually not dg considered as industries, since] ; do not generate new money, They merely = redistribute the ¢ Ea , J UNEXCELLED SERVICE " money which already circulates] - Bane 2 in unity. On the otk y 7 Band, 'a manufacturer of auto. SEH - ° COMPETITIVE PRICES motive trim or other similar | ; . ? "i ' materials which is supplied to an| 7 sutomobile mamisstorer in the | ® REPUTABLE "Qualit Merchandise" same community, could be con-| 7 WE y sidered in the export bracket. | yr Td 1 WORKMANSHIP % D J The bw that could be ex- > A pected of any community is one| " : ry Somunyuliy io we ay : QUALITY PRODUCTS provided that the average held. Byes Whit he averuns tou J. FOLEY * FINANCING IF DESIRED larger Se, 2 a Foro, " . . " a coun mare o-oo Customer Satisfaction dustry every 0 vears, t If tends to reduce "the odds tor 21 SPECIAL OFFER! other communities obMining an in any one year, It is| Py ews 55) NEW HOT WATER TANKS than one every two years, What then it; ! . under these clrumstances? y do Due to our tremendous buying power, we can offer to our ustries ve tended to o read over a greater area rath. customers prices so low they absolutely can't be beat. an to concentra n any one place. The pattern usually! followed by many sevalir sn CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ON YOUR INSTALLATION [| - : ch : 4 Fifty-Nine years ago Davidson's Shoe ment is to start with a small 1 : : ; : 3 Tie Ln Store was established in Oshawa and th 2% Suiugans Who gather Hl. b.ins hihi | = a : since that time many changes have taken and oy Jong Pim ut Wer A TIMELY SUGGESTION | Pi i * : ¥ : place in the downtown Business section . 3 ely I g i ' 2 3 . speaking, sit back to watch the| ; : I : : i y : of the City of Oshawa. industries line up on the right. We suggest that you take advantage of the winter lull in con- Hid Tl : Gr he i iy ' Davidson's have occupied their present Nothing can be further from acegality, | struction work to have your bathroom completely remodelled. location since 1921 and we are mighty 1 proud of our record of service . . 59 years LOCAL PROGRAM There are two other popular Our skilled staff will be happy to assist in planning and estimat- RE Od hit = : f : . : ny --- Ap ey, 3 o the citizens of Oshawa and District. promotion program. The first is ing your requirements. i ! ™ gree. this time we the Management ond stoff misconceptions of local industrial | the view that by hiri . priced roe 2 Ng -- , ox man, industries can bs practical . a Find : : > wish to express our thanks for your con- eo te ip . Bu aes " 1. ang SE : : : : E>» tinued confidence throughout the years al 3 y 4 " A y trial commissioner is advised of NO JOB TOO SMALL -- NO JOB TOO LARGE" ? Gh Ba. Fae . . . and as well, add our congratulation the name of a certain company : . 43.5 . i" : : ; which is considering locating in : TE ; i : Wi ; on this . . . 35th, Anniversary of the City Ontario or Canada, he is incom- ~ I y ; _, of Oshawa petent if it does not locate in his ; : » sh i . . area. et 1 Title 0s tia a Phone. RA 5-4241 OUR POLICY mrToos RO and gs rere "~ AR Ta ETI Member Of: #8 which it is not suited. If the industry is properly crganized it will recognize this immediately, £35 : . and no amount of selling or pe: i suading can bring it into any par. vy ticular area where it would be un : economical for it to locate. Most 2 : : iadustries look at several areas " i ; ] before selecting a final site, and ; : he best that any industrial com- mission can do is to sell the par mt ea seen: | PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. ll "Operated by E. A. Southwell" sompany -- it is spending its own | money, 'and it hag the right to | wend it the vay it chooser. "| 319 COLLEGE AVENUE OSHAWA ie SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-3312 Phe. a a a tn ar a ad consisted of acquiring | land, providing tax con. | Il