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The Oshawa Times, 27 Feb 1959, p. 7

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ITE GSTIAWA TIMED, rnoey, revruary Xv, 1939 7 Parachutist's Death Called The jumper attains a stable posi- APPROVE LOUNGES tion in the air (body parallel to| GRIMSBY (CP)--Voters here the ground) and has no feeling of | approved dining lounges in a }- speed, He can let his mind|quor plebiscite his Week but turned down cocktail lounges. Of- wander, 1t 42 more like a feel-|fioial figures released Thursday ng 8. showed 60.9 per cent favored din Port Perry Public School Ice Carnival Successful "8 ' By MRS. CHARLES H. REESOR|2 Nancy McDonald; 3. Betty "Transfixion PORT PERRY -- Through the Badour. 2 co-operation of the principal, Roy| Senior boys -- 1. Chris. Dow- PARIS, Ont. (€P) Target| The jump made by Pace was a|ing lounges while 58.7 per cent Cornish and his staff, the P or t|son; 2. Colin Gerrard; 3, Richard|transfixion' was the theory given|i0.second drop before pulling the|yoted for cocktail bars. A 60 per Perry Public School once again|Stephens. by two parachutists Thursday as EE i had made several de cent majority was necessary 4m held a successful ice carnival, at TUMES the cause of the death of David s 'leach case. < the Memorial Recreation Centre. FANCY DEESE COS |Pace, Toronto, killed Feb, g/Jobnson and Cpl. Alfred Coxall, Junior girls -- 1. Barbara Hil- : {Canadian Army, of Toronto, " There were over 400 pupils, ;ion"9" Mary Nelson; 3. Susan North of here when his parachute] oo "ono jot; ranging in age from the five. Gardiner ry gh failed to open in a delayed jump ages e vic Lm Nas a | : year-olds to the teen-agers on the : from 3,600 feet. ent jumper and ha nig SUBSCRIBERS : : Junior boys -- 1. Ronnie Wake- f < THE TIMES ice, decked out in costumes of all\, "9" gy "o'Brien; 3. Billy|, AL, 8, oroners nduest the iri'y tia) Say. > BOWMANVILLE: hues and varieties irhaginable. jury's verdict was death Approximately 107 children were St: John and Tommy MeNelll. {io failure to pull the ripcord of FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST prize winners. Intermediate girls -- 1. Linda his parachute for reasons un- The judges were Mrs. George Heayn; 2. Martha Carnegie; 3. known, and therefore accidental. Samells, Mrs. Douglas ~ Aldred Beverley Carnegie. Robert Johnson, Leaside, one and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter. Several) Intermediate boys -- 1. Richard of two parachutists who had of the teachers on the staff dress- Ryba; 2. Ian Cook; 8. Brian made successful jumps before TAX! SERVICE PHONE ed in costumes and went out on|Knight. |the tragedy, advanced the theory LL the ice with the pupils to direct! gepjor girls -- 1. Marianne Ver-|of target transfixion, describing STEVEN'S TAXI their activities. Along sas non; 2. Linda Bruton and Sheila/it as "something like hypnosis. were Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. MacMil-|genny; 3, Kathryn Jefford. MA 3-5822 If you have not received your Times, phone your carrier boy first. If you are unable to con- tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Colls Accepted Between lea and Miss MacMaster. in| _ Senior boys -- 1. Barry Oke: 2./don Carnegie; 2. Dale McNenley; | 7 -7:30 p.m. Only A -------- SS --__-- FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX If you have not received your Tines by 7 p.m, call AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All calls must be placed before 7:30 p.m. ae 4 vg Bung WL Jim MacMaster; 3. Brian Reader. |3, Jim Gray. ings, Mrs. Elmer Lee and ba ORIGINAL COSTUMES Bhi 3 TN I von Jauet] Beare. The events were ably! junior girls -- 1. Mary Lynn|-00Pers &. 2 ey; 3.) ably recorded by Mrs. Ron Wan-|yfoMaster: 2, Patsy DeNure; 3. Gail Thompson. | amaker, The ces were .. He Debbie Jeffrey. | Boys, u and under -- 1. David | ig of te stat ep, Sam ak Junior boys -- 1. Bobby ne. {Mentos 3. Gram Tummonds; 3. rue. the sanouncing was done|Shane; 2. Bobby Bruton: 3. Steve| Ordo egle, Ne Ao holeheart Carnegie and Larry Mark. Girls, 14 and under -- 1. Arlene y Mr. Cornish, | "Intermediate girls -- 1. Susan Wallace: 2. Gerry Cooper; '3.| edly joined in the fun by dress-y;neiy. "9 "Bonnie Cawker and Susan Nott. | ing uw in costume to suit the Lynn MacGregor (guided by Dan- occasion. 7 There was a splendid repre- ay Cawker}. 3. Stierilyn Sosley i sentation of parents and friends " on hand to enjoy the afternoon's McMaster; 2. John McDermott; entertainment, considering the 3. Billy Hall. extreme temperature. Although| Senior girls -- 1, Shirley Dow- 20-FOOT DEEP EXCAVATIONS there was a lot of shivering and|Son and Susanne McMaster; 2. men are using a drill to bore | The lake is in the background. | plant is progressing. In the ieeth . chattering everyone seem- Qerey Copper; 3 Diane je & holes for dynamite charges Despite frost, snow and some- | foreground is the water cham- fot to be in high spirits and en- eno ye P al 1p 5 2 an J; | break up the bed of hardpan | times mud the work of con- | ber into which the intake will |joving the sport. 2. Bob Lee and David Porter; 3. that is holding up progress. | struction on the new water | discharge. Space does not permit detailed Allan Raines. were completed, races were held | yoreroy reports of individuals, each one RACE RESULTS Kiwanis Club | K.P.s and Grade 1 boys -- 1. [J Reunion Held eunio "The toljowing is the list of the ackson; 0 Ets 1 Some | hr ay SS This picture shows excava- tion 20 feet deep to connect the new water intake to the new water plant in Ajax. The work- 21 Idled At Dowty AJAX -- Dowty Equipment of | Canada Limited regret that the! TIMES BUREAUS RJRX John Mills Ajax 426 BOWMANVILLE The "extras" are standard nals were quite artistic. Grade II boys -- 1. Glen How- After the judging of costumes |... 2. Billy Mark; 8. Ronnie was outstanding -- the fancy cos-| tumes were beautiful, the comic noan Beare: 2. Ken. Irvine; 8. numbers excellent and the origl-| pay] Taylor. id PORT HOPE -- A former Port the underprivileged children com-| x Hope 'Kiwanian rejoined his club|mittee, and Mr. Weatherup ap- many prize winners. Patsy Nott. last night almost two years after | pointed member of the vocational COMIC COSTUMES Boys, 9 years and under -- 1. cancellation of the Avro Arrow Rae Hopkins program has caused some lay-| offs at its Ajax plants, The deci-| gion came at a time when the company was energetically com. pleting the development and in. production of the landing :| Cite Menace mie desired "by it y vig vod Apple Sc ab Quite apart from its participa: tion in the Arrow program, the] BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- company has production orders Paul W. Bohne, area supervisor from other aircraft manufactur-of the agricultural chemicals di- ers, namely, Canadair and de vision of the United States Rub- Havilland, and from the Depart- ber Company, speaking to a ment of Defence Production for group of area apple growers Wed- the supply of spares and the re- nesday, outlined the symptoms. pair and overhaul of units manu- history and development on one factured by it for such aircraft of the worst hazards to the or- as the CF-100. |chardist, apple scab. To date, some 21 employess| The speaker noted various directly concerned with the Ar- methods of orchard spraying and Ma 3.7282 moving out of town. !guidance committee. Don Maddock, now sales man-| Two other appointments were sett; 2. Brenda Geer and Char- ager with Matthews Conveyor, announced. Vic Burke was ap-|lene Bourgeois; 3. Karen Ken- Port Hope, returned from Bur- pointed chairman of the under-|nedy. : lington recently and was inducted privileged children committee, Junior boys -- 1. David Carno- into his local club for the second and Jack Langdon appointed tolchan: 2. Glen Howsam; 3. Ricky time last night. agricultural committee. Knight. EP 0 cin en member Se 8 tS nated the chub's Hirst farm [2% President Mal Berry oub|zonet Cooper. 8 Fates lined Kiwanis history and growth |" jntermediate boys -- 1. Ricky [project by organizing 2 pa grows from 1914 to 1959. At presentiwaier: 2, Grant Williams; 3. ling scheme that netied the clubliyone are some 4400 clubs with bead ng H over $500, 1250,000 members in Canada, the Junior girls -- 1. Grace Bas. Dale Beare; 2. Scott Rollo; 3. |Reggy Manns. | Girls, 9 yrs. and under -- 1, {Denise Brisebois: 2. Patsy Hea- \ley; 3. Gail Forder. | Boys, 10 and under -- 1. Bill [Beare; 2. Gary Jackson; 3. Dale | Beare. Girls, 10 and under -- 1, Susan Nott; 2. Janice Porter; 3. Patsy Healey. Boys, 11 and under --1. Rodger | Pickard; 2. Graham Powell; 3. "--=and the value is a standout From this first idea stemmed other projects which resulted in the purchase of a 100-acre farm, now bearing some 22,000 Christ- mas trees on 65 acres, with the rest saleable woodland. Mr. Maddock was immediately appointed chairman of the club] Senior girls -- 1. Karen Leahy; Beh Lee. 1 Bar bara Taylor: 2. Sandra Harris; 3. Lois Sommers. U.S., and Hawaii, he said, John Woods, Morley Macklin, |pelq in the St. Lawrence Hotel and Derek Sharpe formed an for dinner March 12. | "Boys, 12 and under -- 1. Dale interclub visiting group from Co-| Also announced was the club's McNenley: 2. Graham Powell: bourg. Five members from South first annual bonspiel, to be held (3, Rodger Pickard. Peterborough also attended. |in Oshawa March 11 sponsored by| Girls, 12 and under -- 1. Janet President Chris Hagerman an- | the Oshawa club. Jerry Price was Cooper; 2. Barbara Taylor; 3. NEW'39 peanut campaign. Each year club| nounced the club's annual Father| appointed to organize Port Hope members prove that there is and Child night, this year to be rinks. {Sandra Harris. Boys, 13 and under -- 1. Gor® more than peanuts in peanuts by, row program have been laid off, stated the most effective method |. ..: a ard the present prospect is that was aerial dusting, rather iia [5108 Shout S300. trom dove to- there will be further lay-offs as spraying with a water base spray. | * the full impact of the cancella- With his father, Mr. Bohne was|TWO INDUCTED tion is realized. | one of the pioneers in the dusting| mpwo other members were in-| The company is field. He stated the trend in oF ducted. These were Stan Batters- (plied States 12iby and Bill Weatherup. Mr. Bat | | | = Liteil Simplicity every & to keep to- { gether the majority of its highly 3PPle scab control. skilled spec | He told the gathering there is oes. and alized employ {no country in the world, growing tersby was appointed ber of | Dowty 4 is 'to cipate apples commercially, which does| not have to face the same dis-| Work Close in the Government's plan for de-|oa5e in the orchard. The origin jence production sharing with the| ot apple scab was probably in To Schedule ni ates and has already|a ia Minor, near the Caspian | f bad discussions with several com-|gea where the apple was first| AJAX (Staff) -- Despite the panies below the border, such as' grown, | continued cold weather work on the Boeing Airplane Company. | mpe group saw a movie pro-|the new water purification plant] In recent years, the company duced by United States Rubber|at the foot of Harwood avenue is has been developing its Indus-|which portrayed in detail the life|proceeding close to schedule. | trial Division, and success is in'of the apple scab and received|This week the contractors res- sight in the wider application of a 13-page booklet prepared by G.|ponsible for the installation of Dowty hydraulics to industrial C, Kent, professor of plant path- the 2000-foot intake began opera- uees. {ology at Cornell University on the|ticns. 2 subject of apple scab. Dvnamite has to be used to 1959 Edsel is priced lower than many models of "the low-priced three". And yet Edsel offers so much more. Distinctive styling unlike any- thing on the road. A choice of big V-8 or Economy Six engines. Extra long 120" wheelbase. Luxurious wall-to- wall carpeting. Big, safe, self-adjust- ing brakes. Power-booster windshield wipers. Self-regulating electric clock. Aluminized exhaust system for longer life. And there are many additional features you'd pay extra to enjoy on other cars. Thousands of motor ists have already found that Edsel is today's best buy--bar none! Take a look at the car. Check the price. Add it up! You'll make Edsel your own. the elegance of the unusual -- priced just above the ordinary . enable the workers to continue Acid Thrower risswose caters and is vauea ie excavation The trench trom at 000,000. ; is about $1 |feet deep and is nearly all hard-| | A little more than an hour after| ., | amages discovery of the damage, a news| A Canada Dredge and Dock reporter received a letter saying Company spokesman said the | its writer would destroy within| oe" on 1and will be completed | aster one Hour BNother Svan Daint"| before the frost is out and the - st of the 36-inch rill be - MUNICH, Germany (AP)--The named The Four Apostles by Al | [at in dhe 35 inch Inske wilt = Fall of the Dammed, a great brecht Duerer. The reporter joie hy floating cranes painting by the Flemish artist called police. The mouth of the intake will be Peter Paul Rubens, was dam-| "I am not insane," the letter|in 40 feet of water and there is aged Thursday bv an acid|gaid. "This is the explosive erup-|little likelihood of any more mud- thrower. Experts felt there was a tion of a mind which chose this|dy water or blockage of the in. chance it could be restored. | breakthrough after all other ways|take by ice such as occurred las: The painting hangs in the Alte were in vain." week. Take Advantage of the Low Introductory Prices Featured in This Special Offer! 1959 SIMPLICITY AUTOMATICS BUY THE MATCHED SIMPLICITY QUALITY PAIR AND HAVE 36 MONTHS TO PAY WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT! You'll find these two efficient Simplicity machines will take all the problems out of washdays . . no need to worry about the weather, no wringing to do. Your clothes will be beautifully clean and fluffy dry. SIMPLICITY AUTOMATIC WASHER fills, rinses, damp dries and shuts off auto- matically. Features: 10-pound porcelain double tub has 'Aqua-Poise' balanced operation, 'Turbo-Flex' gyrator washing action; full power triple rinse; 'Simplamatic' dial allows you to stop, start or interrupt cycle at any time; temperature controls from hot to cold for washing and rinsing. Mndel W40, 60 cycles. 19 95 SPECIAL, EACH a 4a [] SIMPLICITY AUTOMATIC DRYER with seven-heat controls from no heat to 185 degrees; timer easily odjusts to ahy drying time; safety door; automatic overload protector; free flow lint filter; porcelain cabinet top. Dimensions for dryer and washer, 25 x 26 x 36 inches high SPECIAL, EACH . Six months supply of 'Tide' at no extra cost with each purchase gratulations to Oshawa, a City for 35 Years N.H. EDGAR & SONS LTD. Painters and Decorators Three great series: RANGER all the elegance of Edsel--at its lowest price VILLAGER quality and value in all-new wagons for work or play CORSAIR " the proudest Edsel ~--now at a new low price FORD] SEE Your THR DEALER oon a SERVING OSHAWA FOR 35 YEARS [monarch 34 KING ST. WEST Ph. RA 3-7351 or mentioned are "Standard" on some models, optional at extra cost on others, Headquarters For . . . e BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS * PRE-PASTED WALLPAPERS ®* WALTEX MULTICOLOR * ARTIST SUPPLIES FOR OSHAWA & WHITBY DISTRICTS SEAWAY MOTORS 200 DUNDAS ST., WHITBY PHONE MO 8-3331 OSHAWA RA 3-4683 PHONE AND MAIL ORDERS FILLED RA 3.7543 FOR BOWMANVILLE & NEWCASTLE DISTRICTS CARVETH MOTORS NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO PHONE 3251 432 Simpson's Sop

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