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The Oshawa Times, 7 Mar 1959, p. 13

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S0---Articles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, Merch 7, 1959 13 KROEHLER Red Tag Sale -- Chester- fields, bedroom suites, sofabeds and chairs; Brand new styles at lower than ever prices. $10 down delivers a Kroeb- ler chesterfield or bedroom suite to your home! On display now at Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South, "Where prices are lower and quality higher -- or your money back!" STOCK disponal Ne at Dick radsyy ch: ot tu! ve-In, ooth n 2 re pry $29.85; wk Pbea|dresser. $14.50; wardrobe, $15; sewing units, maple finish, complete with| Machine, $12 and $17; bed and spring, spring-filled mattresses, $69.95; wainut|$%; 31" TV, $89; rangette, $9 and $17; finish chest of drawers, $20.95; Wes- Fey recorder, 2-speed, $69; accordion, with pump, and $65; refrigerator $49; washing $110, with oven heat indi- $25. Also many more bar cator, $44.95; two-plece bed davenport|Eains. see them at Community Furni- suites, combination fabrics, full uphol-[ture Store, 19 Prince Street Phone RA stered arms, $139; three-piece walnut|8-1131 finish, bedroom suites, $88; corner tables, genuine walnut, $19.95; walnut dinette chairs, $8.88; odd wi 3 $12; fi lamps, $9.66; roll-away eots, spring-filled mattress, $19.95; five-piece chrome kitchen suites, $34.95. Dick Bradley's Furniture Drive-In, 299 Sim- coe South. 564) beds TWO roll-away and ! o'clock phos 48--Aatomobles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA 68-1161 or RA 5-1182. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR C . clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-9421 45--Real Estate For Sele 147--Automobliles For Sale '53 PONTIAC, two tome green with matching interior trim, custom radio, automatic, nearly new tires, This car nly $895. Van Heusen Motors. 5 45--Real Estate For Sale GO DIRECT $750.00 ULL DOWN PAYMENT SOLID BRICK, 3-BEDROOMED BUNGA- LOW, ALUMINUM STORMS, SCREENS | ROOM and board for three men, south y of new GM. Apply 757 Gaspe Aveme AND DOORS. OPEN HOUSE N.H.A. RESALE Awaiting your inspection this weekend. Folow these directions: Drive north on No. 12 highway, thru Whitby, past Curling Rink to Fina Station, turn left into Holiday Heights, then west on Palmerston to Donevan Crescent, ' |44--For Rem 50 FOUR - ROOM, sell - contained apartment, close to downtown. Avail able April 1. Adults preferred, Phone RA 5-4569. Su 0 - room basement, furnished apart-| LARGE, two - bedroom apartment for we suit two geptlemen or couple.|rent Stove, refrigerator, TV aerial, 44 Drew Street. RA 35-6169. 56f | parking space provided. 113 Rossland GENISHED thioeroom apartment, Road East, Apartment 4, after § p.;, leasant surr al SHEP dults preferred. Dial RA 54233. 56f UPPER duplex, centrally located in UR - room ap: 'ment, self-contai ilable immediately. OUR - room apartment, seli-contain-| Oshawa, ava hone d, private entrance. RA 5-1864. 56f) B: 143 or RA 5-4221. a ms, idren, & - Church Street, a OUR - rooms, no children, gardening SIX - room house, 68 al t 200 Drew Street.| conveniences, . $85 monthly. Availabl pace. Call after 4 a ot | APril 1. RA 8-8876. ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail: |able in pri home. 82 Park Roa North 5 - 7 p.m. RA 8-867L For Rent E new four-room and bath, ARG ment. Large, 50--Articles For Sale REFRIGERATOR, three-piece bedroom , TV and aerial, couch, washing h electric clock, automatic toaster, tri-light, radio record player. Phone RA 8.6988 or call at 638 Bloor street east, S60 COMBINATION WINDOWS J0RS, AWNINGS, THE BEST FOR LESS. CALL RA 8-8571 Whitby MO" 8-4891 Manufactured in Whitby COLONIAL ALUMINUM 50--Articles For Sale WASHING machine; 18-foot ladder; new v binet! sewing lamp; table. RA 5-3735. ~ 56f BARGAINS -- Crome chairs, $4.95; chesterfield and is sharp. O; appreciated. R. 's3 BUICK sedan, dynaflow, power steering, radio, spotlight, other extras, priced for quick sale, $600. 242 Court Street. 55b '55 CHEVROLET BelAir sedan, spot- less condition, low mileage, $1400. Fi- nance available. Private, Dial RA 5.8640 after 5. $1905 OLDSMOBILE '57 Super 88, auto- matic tr power power brakes, white and qi two- tone, guaran! mechahieally; Shotless terior, new s. King We: otors, opposite Shopping Centre. su, MACKIE MOTORS '51 BUICK deluxe sedan, dynaflow,| i radio; nice, clean interior; good tires,| Will buy good clear. cars. Pay h off liens. Sell or consignment, washer, clock etc., sale price, ns, Trade up or down. King West Motors. RA 5-814. 51f 52 CHEVROLET deluxe sedan, med- NEW LOC ATI ON KING STREET EAST jum metallic blue, good mechanically, Formerly Varcoe's Drive-in RA 5-5743 est Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. A 5-8141. 51f 49--Automobile Repairs DKW & FIAT WO large furnished rooms for rent. Kitchen and bedroom, suitable for two working girls or two boys willing to {hare same bedroom. Situated near Seneral Motors north plant, Kkitchen| srivileges, parking space, private en- pply 122 Mary Street or a) WEEKEND SPECIAL SEWING MACHINES some |45--Real Estate For Sale NEW owner-built three - bedroom] ranch style home, larfe , low pay- ments. Large income home, a money maker. Builder's choice--13 acres with neat tour-room home. Seven - room (home on one acre. $4,7000. Farms, lots and others. Call Don Stradeski, RA __9%%15.1526, representing Wilson Real Es- ONE large furnished housekeeping |tate, Toronto, AX 3-4535. room, refrigerator, downtown area. AP-|SoLID brick ranch styl home, large large ply 114 Athol Street East. 56f | {ot d, six roo a bath, Locat PARTMENT, cosy, cf ; jet residential street. 9 Frede APARTMENT, cosy, central; reason-|ed on qu dentin) oe ole 110 able. Phone RA 3-3078, [isk Svenve, P R ONE large furnished bedroom, refrig- prator and stove, private entrance, near south G.M. Apply 206 Marquette Av- snue. it 56a 0 furnished housekeeping I on and kitehen, with 'frig. C parking. Adults only. Apply 166 Agnes Street. 56¢ portables, each. 5.2591 Electric Singers. $25 RA good condition, After 5 RA 3-9455. USED refrigerators, $44.95; washers, $16.95; rangettes, $9.95. Dutch Mer. chant, 633 Albert Street. RA 8-6051. 55b, RANGES, used, 24" - 40", washer, motor guaranteed, Dutch Merchant;"633 Albert 8-6051, ) '56 TELEVISION, 21" table model, '56 BUICK Century, four door hardotp, immaculate, low mileage, one owner car, fully equipped, forced to sell, ask- ing $1925 or best offer. RA 3-7854 after 6 p.m. 53( $1025 MONARCH '57 sedan, orange and white twotone, automatic transmission, | powér steering, power brakes, radio, r- fect King West Motors. RA 5-8141. 51f ELNA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 54b one year. Street, RA 35h Be sure to look for our signs ™WOo partly furnished rooms. sink. Use of washing machine. Apply 48 Drew Street, RA 3-4152 after 4 pan, 53f STORE for rent, central, ideal location, FIVE - room bungalow, with three room basement apartment. North Osh- awa, $11,900. Terms W. McAuley Real- tor. RA 3-2512 Whitby. MO 8-3231. DON'T dream a dream, buy one, on going concern, tobacco and lunches, all fixtures included. Real money maker for right party. Apply W. C. Hutcheson, 156 William Street East. Apply side en- etrance. RA 52173, WHITBY --one-, or two-bedroom apart: ments, electrically equipped, balcony, parking, laundry facilities, lockers. Ap ply 101 Craydon Road, MO 8-4221, | easy terms, Beatrice Street, off Simcoe Street North $12,500, nearly new, brick bungalow, suitable for retiring farmer, oil heated, interest only 5% per cent. Jones Real Estate. RA 5-6412. 55b SE -- Storey and a half, clap- J Mol water heating, six large | s, built-on garage, newly decor- ated, d flcors large; THREE . room apartment, private path, heavy wiring, sink, cupboards, $65 monthly, hydro included. 227 King West, RA 3-3224, 53¢ FOUR upstairs, heat, hydro included, west end. RA 8-5385. 55¢ ATTRACTIVE three-roomed, self-con- tained apartment, TV outlet, automatic washer. Business couple. RA 5-545 after 5. room, suitable for one or two, laundry facilities and refrigerator. Apply 63 Greta Street. 53f APARTMENT for rent, four rooms and bath, $70 a month. 84 Simcoe Street North. Dial RA 3-2118 or RA 5-4462. 52f APARTMENTS -- Three rooms each, heated, separate meters, close to bus. 121 Oshawa Boulevard South or RA 5-2817. FOUR - room apartment, self-contained with stove. Possession April 1. Applv 101 Ritson Road North, 54f FURNISHED three-room attic apart. ment, 'frig, rangette, sink, hot and cold water. $12 weekly, No children, 37 Ar lington Avenue 54¢ BUNGALOW, modern, three bedroom, k, attached garage. East section of Immediate possession. Phone 54c 3.4278 after 6.30 p.m. iE ONE three room and one two room apartment at 822 King Street East, un. furn'shed, hot water heated. hot and cold water supplied, wired for heavy duty stove, at bus stop, Parking space available. Abstainers, For information phone RA 5-5373. SMe SIMCOE North, four and five-room apartment, all conveniences. Call RA $6343 9am. -5pm. 0 THREE unfurnished rooms and bath. heat, lights and water included. $50 monthly, Apply 23 Arlington Avenue after 4. SOIREE Saf LARGE four room flat, sink and 'frie. in kitchen, large cupboards. hardwood floors. Corner King and Division, Osh- awa, Phone Whitby MO 8-2398. :, Sat ONE furnished bedroom and ki hen, rangette, icebox. cupboards. Also one single room with cooking privileges Available RA 5-1904 An Va 5. THREE - room, self . contained ap ment, centrally located in Osha ONE large, furnished housekeeping | lot with two fruit trees; | possession. North Oshawa. Terms. pH 15-5011. . 56 : Used TIRED of your present home? homes are in great demand, we will be pleased to give yo bg ii property. Walter Kocoj, 5.1732; Joseph Bosco, Broker, 5 |5-9870. Grocery Store and 7-room | brick home with double ot- tached garage, north district, owner forced to sell due to poor health, going concern. Owner will accept house as part down payment, For further information call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254 any- time. $11,600 full price on this large 3-bedroom bungalow with 3-roon basement apart- ment rented now for $50 monthly, large' lot 75 x 239 feet. 'This home is only 3 years old, one block from bus stop, East Whitby town- ship, low taxes. Asking $3,000 down. Call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254, Large 8-room brick home on Charles Street, just off King. Forced air oil heating, hard- wood throughout, extra bath- room facilities, double gar- oge. Listed at $14,500 with $2,500 down. Call Ozzie Addison for an appointment at RA 3-2254.. LLOYD AYERS REALTOR 56 «FOR THE YOUNG SATOK REAL ESTATE LTD. This Is The End BUILDERS SEASONAL SACRIFICE $695.00 OWN IF YOU QUALIFY Now only 5 of these exceptionally beautiful bungalows left, with 3 large bedrooms, living-dining room, living kitchen, 4-piece bathroom. You get unbelievable value. Only $11,300 full price. N.H.A. mortgage, and taxes only $75.00 monthly. . COME OUT THIS WEEKEND TO SELECT A HOME OF YOUR OWN Meadowcrest Subdivision Brooklin NORTHWEST COR NER HWY. 7-12 32 52 DODGE station wagon, radio, heat- ar. $495 or best offer. RA 8-0404. 56b STUDEBAKER Champion with radio and overdrive, running condition. 12 payments of $26. MA 3-2198. S4c 50 CHEVROLET two door, green, with white walls, radio, good mechanically. Buy now and beat the spring prices. Reliable transportation, only $245. Van Heusen Motors, 34 '56 GMC, 500 dump truck, tion, nylon tires. Can RA 5-2156. 1958 PONTIAC Laurentian hardtop, turboglide, 8 cylinder, fully equipped. Private. Phone RA 5-707. 53 CADILLAC, 1953, Fleetwood sedan, dark green. Power steering, windows and seat. White-wall tires, motor over- hauled, hydro-matic transmission. This car in wonderful condition. $1250 at Monty's BA service station, 284 Simcoe Street South, 52¢ rfect condi- financed. SALES & SERVICE ANDY NAGY"S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W. -- RA 3-7132 BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Speciclists in Ford service and parts Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, SE posession mA --TL '59 PONTIAC deluxe fordor, 2000 miles, must sell, can finance, RA 8-8180. $33.62, take over payments. Nothing down, 54 Ford Tudor, yellow, really good mechanically, deep-tread tires, sharp appearance, King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. '56 TRIUMPH TR 3, new brakes, new racing tires, steel--hardtop convertible tou, Tonneau covr, overdrive, wire wheels. Phone RA 3-2090 after 7. 52f MODEL 9700 GMC, g wrecked, parts for sale or will sell as is. Phone RA 3-4158. 52f '53 STUDEBAKER, this is the popular sports coupe, with overdrive transmis- sion, previous owner had recent valve job, Good value at $545. Van Heusen Motors. 54f 1953 CHEV, sedan, with 1956 motor. Wil! take older model car in on tra Phone RA 5-3151. de Sdc 50--Articles For Sale B. F. GOODRICH Stores, tires, batter- fes, Kelvinator refrigerators, television. Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-4543. TWO piece French Provincial chester- field suite, 9-piece Hespeler dining room suite including corner cabinet, solid mahogany; Imperial Loyalist maple bedroom suite, includes desk chest; Peppler bedroom suite, large size, bookcase bed with night tables; occasional chairs, two solid walnut Baetz commode tables, coffee table. table lamps, floor lamp, drop leaf table; this is all high quality, practi- cally new furniture. Will sacrifice. Also chesterfield set and occasional fur- niture from recreation room. 59 Me- Laughlin Blvd. 54¢ 50-PIECE stainless steel flatware, $15: 60-plece dinnerware for 12, never used, A 54f i hardtop, t condi '49 METEOR, good shape. Call 8.0715 between 12 and 4 p.m. $45; tic tea and coffee maker, $10; cream and sugar with tray, Bril- lium, $3.50; child's feeding table, $10. RA 5-3338. 51f tion. RA 5-1523, s4f ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent. Nine months to pay. For personal service at your home call RA 5-2802. '56 FORD two-tone, radio, new tires, good condition. Sacrifice for quick cash sale. RA 8-054 between 5 and 6 PR BRAND new '58 Plymouth, six or eight cylinder, only two left, new car war- ranty, big discount. This is exceptional $ value, Van Heusen Motors. 5 "#8 CHEVROLET coupe, best offer. RA 527. 3c ho '50 - '51 CHEVROLET, $250 each or best offer, good transportation, RA 5-6817. 52 #| USED tires, $3, up, Terms. Dominion SMITH Corona adding machine, port- able typewriter, very reasonable. Also National cash register, like new, $40 RA 3-4434. TTS USED tires, most all sizes $3 up. B. F. Goodrich Store. RA 5-4543. BABY buggy, light color, in good con- dition." RA 5-6893. 50f | th $99.50, special, Dutch Merchant, 633 Al- bert Street. Open till 9. RA 8-601. 55b 3, BED. spring, and springfilled mat- tress, Phone RA 5-5345 or apply 377 Leslie Street. - i. 9 CHESTERFIELD suite, beige; tables and lamps, single continental bed, maple chest drawers, like new. Owner leaving country. 35-8249, 85¢ KNITTING machine, repossessed, auto- matic. Take over balance, $3.50 weekly, RA 5-3422. 55¢ SEWING machine, electric, portable, repossessed after two months, with but- tonholer and other attachments. Trade. in accepted mgainst balance. Free home demonstration, Terms $1.90 weekly. RA 5-3422, 85¢ BRIDESMAID'S dress, white, size 10. Very lovely, worn once. Phone RA 8-8784. 55¢ RUG 9 x 12, burgundy, very clean; fur, coat, grey, 14, like new. RA 5-5453. ONE convertible baby pram, white; also gas range. All in good condition, 107 Brock Street East. ONE glass showcase, 58" x 24" x 41". . 200 Brock South, MO aa VACUUM cleaner repairs, all parts, attachments, brushes, teed rebuilt machines. Estimates ) Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice. RA 8-1081 anytime. SKATES. new and used. No. 1 Skate Exchange". U: $1 up. New skates $4.95 up. Largest selection in town. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street East. USED furniture -- Chesterfield, kitchen and bedroom suites, ete. Must be sold by Saturday. Best offer. 30 Biréheliffe Avenue. Phone RA 3-3623, su BUY. of the season! At least come in and see the Luxurious Gren-Ell Golden Hawk 15%' all mahogany runabout, up- holstered seats, windshield, lights, hard- ware and controls, powered by the 60 hp Flying Scott. Mounted on O.B, 70, Super Deluxe Tee-Nee trailer. All this for only $2995. Sangstercraft 14' fum- about, upholstered seats, windshield, lights, hardware, controls, 2 paddles and four life jackets. Powered 40 HP 59. Scott, electric with generator. All this '59, Otaco commander trailer, No- g more to buy. Only $1748. 18° and "Osha sed ski ONE Phillips TR 3 tape recorder, two months eld, also one custom radio for '49 or '50 Ford. For information phone RA 5-1214. 52f Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. CUSTOM built Hi-Fi set, finest compon- lents, Phone RA 3-2090 after 7. S2f NEW wood paneled overhead garage ONTIAC Strato Chief, low mileage. excellent condition, RA 3-9410. 5! "54 DODGE five passenger coupe, star- mist blue, custom radio, mechanically Ce F Street. Phone RA 8-1131. door, size 7 x 8%, reasonable, RA 8-0489. HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Store. 19 Prince 21 y Cruisers, $1800 and up. See the Scotts for '59. Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway at Ajax, Phone 1266. EF 45 46 47 38 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Two years of economic re- cession have reduced Canada's unemployment insurance fund. At Dec. 31, after nine months of the current fiscal year, the fund had dropped to $625, 300,- 000. The peak was $881,200,000 at the end of the 1953-54 fiscal year. This graph shows the an- nual amount of employer-em- FUND SHRINKS ployee contributions, benefits paid annually to jobless and the balance in the fund at the end of each fiscal year since unem- ployment insurance began in 1941-42. The column shows the levels at Dec. 31, last date for which figures are available. --(CP Newsmap) $20.95 DOWN delivers three rooms of furnituze to your home! This includes 2-plece - chesterfield, 3-plece room suite 5-plece kitchen set, spring-filled . WORLD BRIEFS mattress, steel spring, set, coffee table, two end tables, two table lamps, two pillows, two bondoir lamps, ete. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South, "Where prices are lower and quality higher -- or your money back!" BAR INFANTS TAIPEI (AP) -- Formosa theatres will ban children under 6 starting March 1, as "nests" and to saf d their health. At USED washer parts, % HP motors, $5 wringer type wa the same time, smoking in thea- tres will be banned as a nuis- of Austria. The government agreed to this after long negotia- tions with the United States, Brit. ain and France. - ANCIENT CHINA PEIPING (Reuters) -- Archae- up. Repairs to all e; 330 3 $150 anowance for your old we. + vision on any new - hy miral Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA Bowmanville, Vietor or Westinghouse at Park- 918 Simcoe Street sound, ideal for small family, reason- wash SATOK ably priced at $795, Van Heusen REAL ESTATE LIMITED Motors. HILLMAN 1999 models now on as- Phone MArket 3-3100. = FOUR - ologists have discovered neat Peiping relics of an anc Chin. BATTLED ALLIGATOR ese town dating to the Chin YAOUNDE, French Camer.|and Han Tmperial dynastl oons (AP)--Armand Setter. 25-| Which ruled China from 221 B year-old Thlte man, battled an|to 220 AD. alligator bare-handed when it at- {asked hum as Je Liu ID al ROME AB" i erry on the M'Ban River. : Sta / He orsed the alligator to flee but a Je Vaiioh Sues Jute is Sy mgngled. Taken t0/ movies, in the opinion of the Ital- ' 8. ian Catholic Cinema Centre. The BAB centre, which aporaises films for NYERI DONS CURIOUS Italian Roman Catholics, judged TRE e %3 3 BY -- A ba-(only 11 per cent of films shown : uLle a eir offspring|in Ttaly last year were suitable climbed on the observation nlat-| for audiences of both children room apartment, all conveni- ance to non-smokers. ences, laundry facilities, one child wel- me, immediate possession. Apply 165 Ferdun Road, RA AT HEART These blithe, bright mod- ELECTRIC 'razor heads, cords, etc., attention to makes, fast service, Meagher's, § King Street West. RA 3.3425. GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup. plies new and used. For the best deal in town see Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. ONE Gurney electric stove, 2-plece chesterfield suite, Phone RA 5-2203. 55b SUMP pumps, pressure systems, 3- piece bath sets, steel sinks and cab- Friday |inets, pop cooler, hamburg grill, roto- ale inintof tiller, copper, steel, plastic pipe, and STEREO, Expert conversion of your | fittings. Chinn's, RA 3-7088. resent Hi-Fi or ta record: = Feteo. Sales ang se ne hey all Ger TOLEDO computer scales; six-piece man and Domestic Hi-F' and stereo] LOC 56 Whitby four chairs, bustet, equipment. For information phone Osh [HOTPOINT heavy duty electric range, form when Queen Mother Eliza- and adults. repr , Hein fer, Ho RA 8.1469 mornings i py Fern |calrod elements, thermostat oven Deth visited here on her African control, $18. Phone RA 3-4300. s4e (tour, and had to be shooed off. NUDE DUMMIES EASTBOURNE, England (AP) Electronics, 423 Yonge Street, Torento SEWING machines, 1059 portables, ex-|HI.FI AM-FM short wave radio, 'S9 hibition models, prices greatly reduced. model, 12 watt output, reasonable, Sea- MEXICAN LOSSES Opening a campaign againsi MO 8-4493 Whitby. - { preete 1ape recorder, stereo, $145. RA| TAMPICO, Mexico (AP)--The| nude dummies. Basil Huggins, BED, full size continental, with a blond | 588, 87 pm. "Mexican tomato growers' a-so-i-|retired army major, is sending book care headboard; 'china cabinet; [ELECTRIC refrigerators, all makes, ation reports an insect pl lett i ois y Duncan Phyfe dropleaf table. Phone (completely reconditioned, 90-day free h ect plague letters to city officials demand. RA 5-1393. 5b warranty, from $69.50. Irvine Appli.|has destroyed 90 per cent of the|ing that window - dressers pul ances, 50 Bond East. crop in Tamaulipas, with losses|clothes on them. 'They are of ELECTRIC ranges, all makes, com. Of about $4,020,000. The plague is|fensive to public decencv stand. reported spreading to corn crops.|ing stark naked in shop wind REPLACE EMB' EM OWS," Ye savy, pletely reconditioned, 90-day warranty, from $39.50. Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond ast. , plain, 4 ripes, UMP prompt service vie Cute ric Malaya les [PUR (AP) i he LUSAKA. Rhodesta. (1 now for early delivery. Chair and table islative council has| , Rhodesia (Reuters) padue. Ses Fok: 5 Simoes. North. proved a bill favoring the Red| Elephant meat now is being used A ST selection of u » many Crescent as a Moslem counter-/to supplement the diet of Afri with new guarantee at Parkway Tele-| part of the Red Cross emblem. cans in the Lusitn resettlemeni Sheikh Ahmad said 'the work of area of northern Rhodesia. Free the Red Cross is laudable," but/milk also is being issued, in am the traditional emblem symbol-| effort to combat the lack of pro ized the Crusaders. teins in the diet of the natives, vision, 918 Simcoe Street North. WE pay highest price in the city for used furniture Pretty's Used Furniture Store. RA 3-3271. 444 Simcoe South, USED television sets, Lg and 21% com: pled recol tioned. Tee ay war. g AID NAZI VICTIMS GERMAN FARM AID VIENNA (AP)--Austria is set-| BONN (AP) -- Parliament has ting up a $6,000,000 fund to com-|been told that West German pensate persons persecuted for farmers Will again get more political, religious or racial rea-|than $300,000,000 in farm subsid sons during 'the Nazi occupation ies this year. ranty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap- : DAILY CROSSWORD EXTRA!!! ] SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, contact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. ACROSS 4.Curvedline 28. AUS. 1, Before 5. Mr, Presi. 4, Malt Durocher dent beverages 6. Small shields 27. Recto 8. Ata wi North. i%h HP motor, new, $69; portable sir compressor, $34: Ford car radio '53- *55, push-button, $29: electric machines, Alemite, with grease gun, $60: and many other items at very reasonable prices. Come in and look around every evening. Apply 597 Sim- coe Street South. RA 5-9216. PET supplies, tropical fish, hamsters, budgies, turtles, wild bird seed. All at big savings. Sportsman's Corner, 105 Byron South, Whitby. Open till 9 p.m. their clean lines minimum housekeeping. Here are bungalows that have a large living room with picture window, bright modern kitchen and dinette, 3 perfect bedrooms, 4-piece bath, oak floors, full high dry divided basement, forced air oil heat, large lot, pri- close to npl Call Ajax 710. Si - room, self - contained ment, ards, stove and refrigera- for in kitchen. private bathroom. Avail: able April 1. Business couple preferred 30° Gladstone Avenue. 55¢ LARGE. bed - sitting room, smal) bed- room, and kitchenette, nicely furnish- #d. Suitable for working couple. ap INCOME home for sale, modern bun- galow, with basement apartment, fully serviced, heavy duty wiring up and down, fenced in lot. Phone RA 3-2870. 544 $1000 DOWN, houses and bungalows, W. McAuley Realtor, 26 Prince Street. RA 3-2512 Whitby. MO 8-3231. SIX room brick two -storey, oil heat. ing and garage. good condition, Arthu Street. Va . Only $12,000. Terms, W. McAuley, itor, RA 3-2512, MO 8-323] MUST BE SOLD INDUSTRIAL LOT 55' by 600' With unfurnished 6 - room house. Located on 401 high- way service road. Plenty of room for commercial build- ing. PHONE RA 5-7252 Ever.ings, Whitby MO 8-2680 S4c P.S. == Drive in off No. 12 at Brooklin Mouse. Don't mind . Styling and ershoes. the Ee pa place, gas at back, not in your lap, leg and head 55b 100! for six footers, stationwagon, We have no competition on the present market. Free demonstration, "Bring in BUICK coach, good condition, auto-|on new Hillman. Small down pay- tie power steering. RA 35-7800. 36t ent or trade, 36 months on balance. green, excellent cundition, V-8 automat. |5-7981. ec transmission, custom radio, white snow, bring your ov in the 17951 deluxe sedan, $1895, complete. 3) --Awremabiles For Sale is. ad", we will give you $100 discount 85 BEL AIR Chevrolet, two - tone|You will do well at Wellman's. RA walls, $1400. RA 5-1604 after 6 Pay CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3-2284 USED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPCLITAN, MORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE. BUYING A CAR? Before you do see "Honest Ed", "Irish Stew' or Frosty the Softy NEVER UNDERSOLD EXCELLENT SERVICE EASY TERMS WRITTEN GUARANTEE METEOR A Good One. FORD Custom Radio, Two-tone. MERCURY $695 Automatic. Cost $3,400. $93 King Street East s LARGE, furnished room, gentlemen or| fadies. Apply. 275 Albert Street. TA 32972 85h BUNGALOW -- Modarn, two bedroom on large double lot, corner site, full pasement. Children welcome. Write 0 Box 625 Oshawa Times 561, ULTRA four room apartment, stove, re a apa er vale drive, Imagine all IV outlet 208 Cromwell Avenue, Met=n Si hag WR ta| "this for as little as $2,300 = ---- | down and a full price as MODERN 2-BEDROOM low as $13,450.00. Situ- APARTMENT ated in a nice quiet sec- At 15 Gibbon Street. Imme- tion of the City, close to diate possession. Adults or | transportation. wits chicken over 12 ROSSLYNN ESTATES Schofield Realtor RA 3-2265 Bolahood Realtor RA 5-6544 Wilson Realtor RA 5-6588 Ristow & Olsen RA 5-6165 Vickery & Goyne RA 8-5155 51 FORD sedan, $160 or best offer. Apply 378 Mitchell 'Avenue or call RA 8-8738. 56a '52 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, $450 cash or best offer. Radio, heater, . signal lights, Phone RA 8.8131. 54f 1958 CHEV. Delray coach, 2-tone job, one-owner car, 13,000 miles, full equip- ment. Call after 4 p.m. 313 French Street. Sde '3 PONTIAC se automatic, fully, equipped; '55 Chev: coach, excel- lent condition. RA 8-5179; evenings RA "57 CHEV. coach, two door, as new in- side and out, $1600. Terms if desired. RA 5-0728 or 505 Woodcrest. 5 53 OLDSMOBILE 88, blue sedan, stand- ard transmission, 38,000 original miles, new tires, one owner, excellent condi. tion, $795. Apply 520 Madison Avenue. RA 5-1026, 54¢ 51 BUICK deluxe, dynaflow, two-tone, radio, whitewall tiresl mechanically in C $350 cash. Phone after 5, RA 8-8037, S3¢ SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN SALES anc SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. TEL: RAndclph 3-3461 Food and freezer plant. $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approxi- mately 90 per cent gro- ceries and freezer, no down payment, for ap- pointment. No obligation Phone RA 5-3709. BUY NOW AND SAVE! Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motors -- budget terms. Free winter storage on" motors. Bocr storage. Factory ap- proved. Service centre for motor repairs. Open evenings and weekends MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED BROOKL IN, ONT. PHONE 87 'SELF-STORING DOORS 41.95 INSTALLEC COMPLETE NO EXTRAS LIMITED OFFER ONLY Call Colonial Aluminum 134 Simcoe St. South Whitby MO 8-4891 Apply: -- 21 GIBBON STREET LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less than a va- concy orly screened ond re- liable tenants. Lloyd Realty (Oshowa) Ltd. 10! Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS Immedicte trically equipped, best tion. Stores for sale, location Celina St., 2 to choose from, comparatively new and mod- ern with 4-room apartments above. display windows, hot water heating, call exclusive ogents L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. ot 43 Park Rd. S., RA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761. $1,000 down payment buys practically new, modern store, tile flooring, light fixtures, shelving, display islands, lorge display windows, full size extra high basement, forced air oil heating, 4- room unfinished apartment above private drive, parking area, location east of City Limits on No. 2 Highway. Call L. S. Snelgrove Co, Ltd., RA 5-8761 or RA 3-9810. Cosy bungalow, large living room, modern kitchen, 2 bed- rooms, 4-piece bath, full basement with recreation room, oil heating, storm windows, garage, $2,000 down ond take possession. Location Stevenson Rd. N. Coll L, S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd., RA 2.9810 or RA 5-8761. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East ot Wilson Road) RA 3-4494, Res. 5-5574 46--Real Estate Wanted URGENT! Spring is just around the corner and we have clients with spring fever, looking for homes. If you have a bungalow or 2-storey home, now is the time to sell. We offer fast and courteous ser- vice, so give us a call any- time, RA 3-2254. Ozzie Addison, Sales Representa- tive; Lloyd Ayers, Realtor. 51f A Niogara Six, BUICK Hardtop, Automatic, Power Steering, Radio, White Walls. CHEV. $6 Radio, White Walls. CHEVY. , . $1195 Sound and Safe. FORD . $1395 Fairlane, Automatic, Ra- dio. Thunderbird equip- ment. CHEV. Some Rust, Bl VERE LOR] A RIARIA[TIENIAINIA Le elec- loca- Buckingham Manor, RA 8-8676 WHITBY CLASSIFIED LOST -- One, 3-inch Homelite Pump, model 24 § 3, serial No. 234892. Re- ward. Public Utilities Commission, Town of Whitby 361 FOR RENT -- Sell contained five roomed apartment, central, by March 15th, $60. MO 8-3476 days or MO 8-3714 after 6. 6b FOR RENT -- Two rooms, ground loor, Green Street. Phone MO B8-5754. a LUMBER -- Used, for sale. Flooring, ! x 4, doors, windows, tollets. Apply Algoma Cabins, Whitby. 56 WOMEN for phone soliciting. Apply 9 to 12 am., 2 to 4 p.m, in person only, to 31 King Street East, Suite 5. 55¢ FOR SALE Six room bungalow Sacrifice. Owner moving out of town Phone MO 8-5363, s5¢ FOR SALE -- One -plece dining room suite, walnut: three-piece chesterfield, wine, MO 8-3466; 207 Byron South, EXPERIENCED waitress wanted ,Ap- ply David's Drive Inn. MO 8-4066. S1f possession, For c better buy on aluminum storm-screen windows, flair- vent awnings, doors, porch railings, pre-fab cottages and garages, stone tex siding, call HOLODY ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell St., RA 5:2431 Whitby, MO 8-4633 BUILD THAT BOAT NOW Is ecsy with a molded hull or boat kit, from 8' to 26'. See Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway. PHONE 1266 AJAX MODERN library, latest titles, fictiin le. RA 7. Alone (L.) (abbr.) 8. Helps 80. Sun and non-fiction. Most reasonable. 5-7709. 10. Clergyman 11. Stop 15. Exhibited 19. Exist 20. Runs over, as water 22. Vitality 23. Some 24. Neon (sym.) 25. Cleaves distance 9. Register 12. Troubles 13. Grand «ee= [OIGL IE! IE1E[ZENOIR] EIVIENITIO) [PIEIS]IISIT] god. 83. Wan. [DAMP] Pl [LE] IOINIEIR] AICIE[S] |FOR RENT -- Two room apart main floor, Phone MO 8-26 "i -- Bo ei ao 4 cat : r week. A 3000. S6¢ Runs Good. ve $95 Good motor and tires. CHEV. Celuxe, Radio. 1 ONLY -- '59 HILLMAN Demonstrator. New guar- antee, attractive reduction. AND MANY MORE '59 HILLMAN and '59 RAMBLER now on display. Free demonstration No obligation TOP DOLLAR FOR- YOUR CAR. LOW DOWN PAY- MENT. 36 MONTHS ON BALANCE. LIVE poultry, also feathers wanted. Highest market prices paid. Phone col- lect MO 8-3486, Whitby. April 10. FOR RENT -- modern one - 17. Pigpen Xi 18. Owns apartment, electrically Bll Garang Craydon Road. Apply Apartment 7 or ol partment 2, Whitby. S4c SEPTIC tanks cleaned 54d 46--Real Estate Wanted WE Auziously require for sale, homes, arms, ner - sidential sites, out of iin Bo Ry large or Fall, Don Stradeski, RA 5.1526 representing son Real Estate, - to. AX. 3.4535. Toms 25. Scatter 28. Sluggish 20. Correctly 31. Girl's the sanitary way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West; phone MO 8-2363. May 4 CASH paid for used furniture, appli ances, pianos, sewing machines and al most any article. Call Furni ture, 113 Byron South. Phone MO 8. 4981. March3| WATER Service, 500 gallons or 1000 gallons per load. MO 84172 before 8:30 am. and after 3 p.m. March 11 HOUSE and bungalow wanted. Good down payments. W. McAuley Realtor. MO 8-3231, Oshawa RA 3.2512. or Oshawa RA 8-8571 55¢ WINTER-SEAL ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS -- Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. RA 5-4632 Les Eveniss, RA 3-2707 Bill Galbraith, RA 5-8832 Don Howe, RA 5-0313 32. Split pulse (Ind.) 33. Uncooked 36. Mischievous ones 39. Push 41, Walkie- LIST WITH CONFIDENCE WILSON REALTOR Old Houses -- New Houses -- Farm Property We Have Buyers Waiting WILSON REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 44. Roman poet 45. Scoffs 486. Vegetables 47. Copies 48. Sea eagle DOWN 1. Music key 2. Revive 3. Gaelic FOR RENT -- Apartment, three-room- § ed. modern, self - contained, heavy wiring, 203 Byron North; MO 8-459. Sic FOR ref AT WELLMAN'S RAMBLER -- HILLMAN SALES AND SERVICE NONQUON ROAD RA 3-443] Open Until 9 p.m, rent, three-room apartment, with erator and stove. 233 Palace Whitby. Now available. RA 5-4202 Oshawa. Sif FOR SALE New chrome ¢ $44.50. Call Midtown Curmtarer 113 Byron Street South. MO 8-4981. We buy, sell and exchange March 26 PANT cuffing and alferations, men's and ladies' wear; drapery alterations R. H, MacDonald, 1013 Centre South March 24 FOR RENT Chain Saw, Skili Sew and Paint Sprayers. For Sole -- Used Boats, Motors and Trailers. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1101 Henry St., Whitby MO 8-3226 54b'

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