TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS 11:30 Ned High Low a.m. Ch'ge 28% 28% + % ™™ Th Stock J Waite Jacobus Jellicoe Joburke Jonsmith Kenville Kerr Add Kilembe Kilem wits Kirk Min Stock Sales Int Util 100 $28% Third CG Inv 300 $7% Oils +300 750 100 430 500 Net TORONTO i i TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--March 16 (Quotations in cents unless marked 8, $--0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex~ rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Industrials Sales. High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge 135 $38% 38'% 38% -- Sales High Low 11 a.m. 1000 13 13 13 C oil 18 191 870 22% 18% ~1 191 +6 870 +5 2 + % Anchor Asamera Bailey SA Bail § S%pr Britalta Calata Stock Abitibi Stock C Cottons pr 225 & Hydrocar Cl CI Power C Pet pr C Vickers Net Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge 811% 11% 100 8 +% 410 $17% 17% 15 $22 -] 125 $28% 28% 225 $30 3044 72 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March 16, 1959 US. Trus In the Standard Oil action, the By DAVID J. WILKIE government won a dissolution or- vision does abou t Busters | The Acceptance Corporation Di-| t 30 per cent of to court action. Only recently, a Investigate GM. The corporation is no stranger Acad-Atl A 220 $20% 20% 20% DETROIT (AP) -- Fifty years Alta Dist 500 Alta Dist vt 400 25 Alta Gas 366 Algoma 235 Alumini 512 Alum 2 pr 36 Anthes Imp 150 Arcan 00 Argus Argus 240 pr Atlan Ace Atlas Steel U.S. district court ordered the du GM PAMPHLET Pont interests, who held nearly Jersey into several smaller com-| The General Motors case has| General Motors executives 23 per cent of GM stock, to get panies, charging it stifled compe-|not reached the sult stage. It/have not commented on the in-lout of General Motors. tition. Inever may. If it should,the liti- yestigation butte public vie Nobody questions that GM is Today another generation of|8ation could drag through many 4 AS out hig. It has nearly 40 divisions or trust BY has i investi.|vears and many appeals. comment, has distributed a pam-| affiliates in the United States. It gating the contemporary giant off What the government specifi- phlet captioned For Your Infor ja subsidaries abroad. ago the U.S. government broke der two years after filing its final|all the U.S. car financing. Jaden up Standard Oil Company of New|brief in court. MacLeod Madsen Magnet Maneast U Maralgo Maritime Matatch Mcintyre Home Oil A Hud Bay Imp Oil Imp Tob z155 Ind Accep 425 Majtrans Marigold Medal Mdicen 25 700 3% mation containing a number of The list of GM product is a Bank Mont Bank NS Bath Pow A Bell Phone Bell rts Bowater pr Braz'l BC Forest BC Pow BC Phone Bruck A Build Prod Burns Can Cem 230 185 25 Mayfair Mill City Nat Pete N Concord N Davies Okalta Pac Pete Pac Pete w Petrol Phillips Place G. Provo Gas Quonto Ranger Reef Expl 13% 13% Rocky Pete 2000 36% 36% Secur Free 100 1% South U 6000 y 8) er 510 615 50 17% 17% 39% 39% 4a 0% 1015 10%4 3A 3M $10% $374 $13% $36% $18 xd 25 805 100 500 60 Poon 7% 71% Stanwell 3 59 Tex Cal 530 530 Tidal $39 38% T riadoil 2» 2 Un Oils s STi Ti Wsburne 340 325 $17% 17% $30% 30% 30% $20% 20% 20% $23 23 23 300 $387 38% 38% 100 $101 101 101 2 204% 21 33% BU -- % $37 $711% $59 75 400 255 Cdn Brew 330 C Cel $175 pr 25 C Chem 300 C Collieires 100 C Curt W 2050 CIL 355 CPR CWN Gas 5% Chat-Gai Con Gas Con Gas B Corby vt Dist Seag Dom Elect D Elect wis D Fndry Dom Stores Dom Tar Dom Tar pr Fam Play Ford A Fndin Gat Spe pr Gat 5lapr G Dev GI. Paper Gr Wpg G Gr Wpg vt Greyhnd Gypsum Hees H Smith Imp Oil Imp Tob 421 100 100 -1 + YW MEYY 100 2500 Advocaté 365 365 Alba Expl Algom 1125 Amal Rare 2300 Anacon 4 Ang Rouyn Apex Res Arcadia 365 290 9 190 463 150 60 9 $14% 14% 14 14 1810 100 235 142 211 10 10 300 50 100 200 255 $48 $834 $46 $4244 813% 109% 10 34 48 Bl 4% 3% 13% B'dcop Black Bay 2 Banville 13% Ind Accep Pp MacMill B Mares Mass-F Maxwell Mid-West M-West wits Milt Brick Mont Loco Moore N §t Car North Star Nor Star A N Star wits57 NO NGas Ocean Cem 0 Jockey Orange Cr Page-Hers Pbina Rapid-Grip Roe AV Can Roe AV 5% Royal Bank Russell StL Corp 2300 Bouzan Boymar Bralorne Brunswick Buffad Buff Ank Bunk Hill Camp RL $39 $144 270 $4934 38% + 14% + 270 4914 49% + 30 30 2 $307 $39 $38% $4518 45% 4514 + $441, 44 44 100 100 100 $143 14% 14% + W 5 5 5 160 31 38% 38 % % +5 -2 160 31 325 323 184 18% -- W 100% 101 17% 17% 123% 12% 14% 14% -- % 365 365 15% 15% + W 157% 1% 260 260 460 460 34% MM --W 9% 94 67 67 5 160 31 100 325 250 $18% 175 $101 120 $17% z15 $12% 100 $14'% 25 365 Coch Will Coin Lake Coniagas Bellek Callinan Denison Den wis Fen Halliwell +5 25 $34% $9% a0 AAAAA 100. 95 6435 $1644 645 $114 East Mal East Sull McKen Ment Merrill Milliken Minda Mt Wright Nama Cr Nat Expl New Alger N Goldvue New Hosco New Jason N Kelore Newlund N Man N Mylama 25600 Nickel Ms Nipissing Noranda Norlartic Normetal Norpax Norsyne N Gate N CGoldert N Rank Nersp A wis 400 Nudul 500 Obaska 6000 Ogama 1000 Opem 1525 Orenada 500 Ormsby Pamour 500 Patino wits 100 Purdex Que Ascot Que Chib Que Cop Que Lab Que Lith Radiore Rayrock Rexsnar Rickwin 1000 Rowan Cons 4000 Ryanor 500 Satellite 750 Sheep Crk 100 Sherritt 3750 Slocan vr 3500 Stdcona 000 Stanigh wits 880 Stanrock 500 Starratt Steeloy Steep R Sullivan Sylvanite Taurcanis Temag Thom L Tombill Trin Chib Willroy Yale Lead Yk Bear Yukeno Zenmae Curb Bulolo Gaspe Cop Pend Ore Sales to 11 a.m.: 1,130,000. MONTREAL MONTREAL 11:30 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Stock M 16 (Quotations in cents unless marked §. Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- 3---0dd lot, xd -- rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Industrials 11:30 Net Stock Abitibi Algoma Alumin Argus 100 Argus 240 pr 70 Asbestos 200 Bailey § 3%p 100 Bank Mont 95 Bales 130 350 755 $384 384 8% 29 40% Ind Accep wt 100 Int Nickel 50 25 8 50 225 1320 325 25 zl 225 210 235 210 175 100 Intrpv PL Iroq Gls pr Mass-Fer Molson A Molson pr Mtl Laco Nat Stl Car Noranda Pac Pete Page Hers Price Br Prov Trans Que N Gas Roe AV C Royal Bank St L Cem A st L Corp Salada-§ 475 Shawin 1185 Shawin 4%pr 25 S. mpsons 0 Sid Str Stl Steel Can Steinbg A 485 57 100 260 Canadian 75 845% 45% z15 8 21% 100 4a 42% 3» 17 Ang Pulp C Dom Sug C Ingersoll Cons Paper Coens Gas Crain D Eng D Oilcloth Ford A Loblaw B Nfld light Pow Crp lpr Qce Phone Shop Save T Fin A Trans Mt Waterman 50 1025 225 19 z5 45% 123 38% 50 43% 3214 22 39% 11% Va 25 250 750 25 165 500 High Low a.m. Ch'ge 384 Mines Advocate 1000 385 Alscope 5 31 Alta Mines 18% Ameranm 51% Augustus Aull Baker Tale Sateman Belle Chib Bonnyvle Bornite Burnt Hill Camp Chib Canalask Canorama Canuba Cart Que Cent D Rlo Chib Jac Cleveland C Denison C Que Yell Dolsan 25 Falcon Fano Fontana "undy iturity Gold Age 500 Gui Por Ur 1000 Haitian 3500 Hollinger 410 814 $32% Mclintyr Merrill Mid Chib Mogador Montgary 2500 N Formaq 22000 N Hosco 1600 N N N 1000 2000 Jack L 3000 N Spring 500 \ W- Amulet 5800 Nocana 1000 NA Rare M 6000 Obalski 1000 Opemisca Opemiska Orchan Partridge Paudash Portage 368 31 18% 514 68 14 25 363 31 18% 5% 69 14 25 lequivalent for the phrase, com- industry, General Motors Corpor- cally seeks to establish about ation. They want to know General Motors is known only to whether GM has too much con- the federal grand jury doing the| trol over the automotive industry. investigating. Generally, it is un-| The contrast between the two derstood the justice department] cases is remarkable, In the Stan-| wants to know whether the huge dard Oil suit of 1909-11, the gov- concern is a monopoly. There ernment charged that "the trust long have been assertions that be- in 27 years has earned a billion cause of its big share of the auto- dollars on an original investment motive market its pricing pro- of $69,000,000." gram automatically sets the in- General Motors, 50 years old dustry pattert. last September, earned more| General Motors, at times, has than a billion dollars in the single taken more than 51 per cent of year of 1955. Accountants have the over-all American car mar- figured that an individual who in. ket. This has led to speculation vested $1,000 in General Motors that the government. may seek stock at the time of incorpora- to seperate it from its big Cev- tion and took advantage of all rolet and General Motors Accep- his purchase rights and the num. tance Corporation divisions. erous stock splits today would have holdings worth more than gest car builder. It accounts for t $1,000,000. newspaper editorials d ing| the action or questioning its sin- cerity. But if GM has supporters it also has critics. One is George Romney, president and board chairman of American Motors, riding high on a swelling demand for smaller cars. Addressing a Detroit luncheon club recently, Romney said, '"'Competitors have existed only because of the pursuance by Gen- eral Motors of policies that per- mitted them to exist." long one, ranging from tiny ball bearings through radios and re- frigerators to big earth movers. Besides its several car divisions there are seperate units for the construction of such items as large marine, industrial and other engines; for rubber, metal, plastic, foam and friction mater- ial for refrigeration and building industries; residential heating and cooling systems and numer- ous other products. At the end of 1958 GM had 'as- Chevrolet is the industry's big- ceive an annual |about half of GM's car business. 000. General Motors' defenders sets of $3,238,233,125 and a net point out that it is not privately working capital of $2,098,705,137. jowned. At the end of 1957 it was With the inclusion of real estate, {owned by 717,746 shareholders. plants and equipment, less ac- | These shareholders normally re-|cumulated depreciation and obso- \ return from lence, its total assets as of Dec. heir holdings of avout sso, 1 1958, were reported at $6,890, 380. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 'Syndicats' De OTTAWA (CP) -- "Syndicats| strike, the producers demanded de cadre" a term that popped up recognition as a union. The CBC in the CBC's dispute with its insisted that the producers, with Montreal producers, may be managerial functions, should not heard with Increasing frequency be members of unions. in labor-management relations in|CBC WON x : | The CBC won its point after men is industrial relations in|} pickering and some picket- # % line violence, granting the pro- Yet it became a byword in talks| gy cers the right to form an asso- leading to settlement a week ago|ciation with limited bargaining of the nine-week strike of 74|poyer. It obtained a guarantee Montreal French television pro-/that the producers would not be- ducers. come affiliated with a union Roughly interpreted, it means "management union." From the start of the CBC "TASMANIA BOUND Billy Graham bor. MELBOURNE (AP) -- Evan-name of Christian brotherhood Tasmania today as his Austral- great missionary effort which Dr. ian crusade drew to a close. Graham and his Roman Catholics, bute to his work. {truth € The largest crowd ever to turn Spiritual reality." out for a Graham meeting, an| One Jewish journal |estimated 140,000, jammed Mel-|Graham for his fine character, Australian clergymen called it Bue. the greatest religious meeting in Scores of radio and television New Labor Expression ment unions, are a relatively Toronto, common phenomenon pean labor - management rela- Land Deal In Sarnia SARNIA (CP) -- The biggest land deal in the history of this area was concluded during the weekend when the federal cab- inet approved sale of 3,100 acres of Sarnia Indian Reserve to Di- mensional Investments Limited, at a price of $6,500,000. Telford Adams, chief of the In- dian band, said a meeting of the Cadre Syndicats de cadre, or manage- in Euro- group such as Quebec's Canadian and Catholic Confederation of La- Wows Aussies gelist Billy Graham headed for|tribute should be paid #o the ollaborators Protestants have undertaken with a view to and Jews all joined in paying tri- awakening the world to the vital] A {truth and the all-importance of IB North America, but it was bourne's Cricket Ground Sunday. |innate goodness and silver ton-| (In tions. To North Americans, they are new. The producers, who have lim- ited hiring and firing power inso- far as casting is concerned, at first argued they do not consider themselves part of management, Later they said: "What if we do have managerial "functions? Does this reduce our right to un- ion security?" JUST STARTING Dr. Eugene Forsey, research director of the Canadian Labor Congress, told a reporter that un- ion organization is just beginning to penetrate to the positioned or salaried-employee level in North America -- groups above the craftsman or factory worker. Dr. Forsey has just returned council will be called in the next week to study details of the 352- acre\Indian village, to be set up on the river-front land retained by the band. The money to be paid to the band as a whole amounts to $2. 509,309. Half of this will remain | in the band's trust fund in Ot- tawa. The other half will be di- vided in equal shares among the total band membership. It is estimated every man, woman and child on the reserve will receive $2,500 in addition to any indivdual payments re- |ceived for personal holdings. Greatest number of shares in a' Mrs. Noah Joseph and their nine' children. Their 11 shares will give them $27,500. from a research tour of Europe where he found so-called white- Bids for the land are expected! Li the investment company from, collar unions as as labor unions. Among these were groups whose members had functions that undoubtedly were managerial and whose organiza- tions would fill the bill as syn- dicats de cadre. Organization at the white-col- {lar level hardly had a foothold |gaining momentum. Office work rs were organized in some in- |e praised 4, tries in Canada, such as rail, steel and automobile. British Columbia, some |1,200 civil servants went on strike irms ducts of a big petro-che: company in the Sarnia area. Danger Of 'Seaway Explained HAMILTON (CP) -- A Cana- single family will go to Mr. and Bank N§ 50 Que Ascot Australian history. And officials broadcasts brought Grahany's| Friday, demanding. union recog: dian economist warned Saturday Francoeur Frobisher 9 32% 62 8 93 380 240 $93 410 245 72 BURNING FEUD Border Clash Charges Rack Egypt And Iraq nr Ge Vid Gay 1c the Frese Fepu Abue. EK Arai SIRES Her Vo Chana Party Petiti Ghana's opposit has asked "heed a pet London Quee Kl Ghana 93 390 245 72 + W " --% -18 +5 +1 Banque PC 210 Bell Phone 2055 Bell rts 7239 Bowater § pr 100 Bow Paper 200 Brazil BA Oil BC Forest BC Power BC Phone FP own Cal Pow Can Cem Can Iron C Iron 4%pr Can Malt pr CSL Bnk Com Brew Bronze Cel 0 1335 100 890 225 240 100 5] 100 30 90 pr 128 248 735 100 $23 2 150 820% 20% | Seven Radio S Que Chib Que Cop Que Lab Gue Lith Red Crest St Law Rvr Siscoe Sullivan Tache Tazin Tib Expl Titan Trebor U ' Asbestos Weedon Wendell Westburne 2000 800 12000 1000 500 Sales to 11:30 a.m. Industria mines and olls 00. tations | OTTAWA (CP)- Broadcast Governors will launch| !a new regulatory practice this week hy hearing public repre- sentations from seven radio sta- tions whose licences are up for A dictatorship and the heresy of rebels and pro-Kassem villagers .anewal this month bor: communism continues' In Baghdad, leftists called on "ween Kassem to arm the people and Ln 'eC purge the army and government Fremier of "traitors." The idea obviously was tn get rid of army officers n and others sympathetic to Nas the ser's aim of Arab unity 4.000 PARADE Some 50,000 students and work ers paraded through the heart of Cairo Sunday in a demonstration a Kassem and Iraqi Com The demonstrators, led y airo university students, de ounced Kassem's regime support for Nasser paign azainst Communists Middle Fast The latest Syrian horder charge sald the Iraqi troops crossed the frontier near Talha mar village, in the general area U AR. officials claimed Iran! fighters strafed vill ages Baturday Calro newspapers exprésssd he lief the planes charged with Sa! srday"s strafing were | Queen Elizabeth to rebel refugees from tHe northern m of her loyal sub: Iraqi oll centre of Masi! and in ons where three Reuters on United party Phan site of jects" urging the release or trial 1ast week's uprising of 40 det The mem leading legis!ator san and M tained at th ed co Minister alle the CGaena Commonwea ed party ican member members The Iragl government reporisd including two nearly a week that the s, R. R. ampon. bellion was crushed, hut reliant K. Ap were de. reports have r foy fighting e areas n- FOREIGNERS SAFF Detention without apn re hers indicated sym Associated Press correepandent Stan Carter visited Moan! the weekend and § so foreigners there pendent West Af. But he reported sizeable of t British ties in the fighting and many Ith--in November. 'dead in a battle between fleeing! durin said the 100 due to visit were ile canunl in Iraq. on the road to Syria more, Carter said the The stations are among a flock Mosul appeared peaceful once of applicants appearing before with most of the board litter cleaned up Dr. Andrew Stewart, BBG The Mosul army garrison head. chairman, said in a letter Feb. | quarters had a gaping hole where 18 to the seven radio stations rockets struck the unoccupied of-| 'Members of the board want to tice of Col. Abdel Wahah Shawaf, hear from you something bout) reported leader of the revolt [your philosophy of broadcasting There was another hole in the We are seeking an expression of conference room where Shawaf|their philosophies from stations and his staff were conferring last in various parts of Canada Monday when the revoll was at, The stations asked lo appear height | Wednesday, the last vay of hear A v officers Inge which begin today, are Iraq. ariny officers fold Carist CFPA, Port Arthur: CHUM To- wounded by tockets, had heen tonto; CKEY 'Toronto; CKNW, killed by thelr awn soldiers while New Westminster, B.( ; CKOY, being driven to a hospital Ottawa; CKWS, Kiogston, and called, the noard made a selection HUANTIFORD (CP) Vi) was CKRN, Rouyn, Que | Dr. Stewart said last month [ Indian, 21, | The board will also hcar an ap f plication for a new private TV ccus {station in Cornwall, and five Saturday charge that 80 |denied published reports that all {133 of the "Iroquois police' , {would be charged. He said there William night be "a few more charges' arrested ati, dition to the 16 now laid night on Bl Johnson was expected to ap : and RCMP 00 in court today 101d warrants Meanw hile, the hereditary for five other similarly charged chiefs insist they are not following last Wednesdays VAT through yet despite their ouster rest and. tre asap trial of school jy RCMP after seizing power for rena aver one week on the reservation. Re s also one of 16 mem- ports heard on the reserve dun the Iroquois ing the weekend were that 400 who face charges of im- pdians were coming here from personating a police officer a reserve near. Lewiston, N.Y RCMP Inspector H. C. Forbes to support the hereditary chiefs. | that not all stations could be CBC low-power TV rcpeater sta- Kidnappi | Tulihann vlion kidnapping 1 unday thes ¥ tencher fohnson het of police so-called , mander - 'Before Broadcast Board "The Board of tions, including one in Kenora. Applicants from Midland, Bur. lington, Newmarket, Huntsville, Parry Sound and Cornwall in On- of the crusade said the crowd Popular sermons to several mill- Bn Tondo and New York "ES | Australia. His impact has been : |considerable, and he is credited With perfect weather, Graham |p, some with increasing church preached that man could only attendance. serve either self or God, but only" He has received praise from by serving God could man reach yin ally every important Pro- heaven. He gave his definition of |testant church leader in Mel- hell as "separation from God." hourne. The evangelist will spend to- day and Tuesday in Tasmania CRITICISMS FEW for two meetings at Hobart and Criticism has been confined Launceston. Then he starts a/mainly to a few letters written to in Queensland before a brief New|articles in small, unimportant Zealand crusade in early April. periodicals. Partly the reason for, t his is that Graham followed a PRAISE FROM CATHOLICS humble line during his Melbourne Catholic priests of several crusade. churches paid tribute to Graham| "I am only a spokesman for on -the last day of his crusade|the churches," he told report- and called him a good Christian|ers. 'Without the support of the who helped people to find God.|churches, we would not have In an editorial, the Catholic Ad-|drawn a corporal's guard to our ion listeners and viewers all over | | juition), Inight that the St. Lawrence Sea- way could mean stagnation for Canada instead of prosperity un- less all levels of government realize 'the importance of manu- facturing to the national well-be- 'STOCK MARKET NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS |"%;, A | Domnlon Tar and Chemical Co|the whole Canadian economy will Itd., year ended Dec. 31: 1958, stagnate," Stuart Armour, econo- $7,304,497, $1.40 a share: 1957, mic adviser to the Steel Company $6,560,586, $1.25. [of Canada, told the Engineering Elder Mines Ltd., year ended Institute of Canada. 1958, $96,240, 3'% cents/| He said the seaway will hit turing st + |Dec. 31: fortnight's holiday at Broadbeach local newspapers and one or dik share: 1957, $88,380, 3% cents. manufacturers in the heart of in- International Paper Co. year|dustrial Ontario in at least two ended Dec. 31: 1958, $72,000,906, ways. $5.46 a share; 1957, $79,435,107,| 'In the first place, it is certain $6.04. | to increase greatly the pressure Rolland Papdr Co. Ltd., year of outside competition upon us. $6 . 81: 1058, $615,205 |In the second, we in the steel guded oT IR B: = and some other industries, includ- '|ing Ontario Hydro, now will have $476,261, $2.38 and $1.98. vocate said "we feel that in the meetings." ! to pay tolls upon the bulk of our raw materials. tario are applying for new radio|' stations. Paper Mills Net Profit $6,068,527 MONTREAL (CP) -- Howard Smith Paper Mills Ltd. and sub- sidiaries had consolidated net profit in 1958 of $6,068,527, equal, after preferred dividends, to $3.09 a share on 1857910 shares. Net sales were $105,124,199 compared with $103,013,041 in 1957. The company says in the an- nual report that the increase in the dollar value of sales was mainly due to an increase in the volume of higher-priced tonnage Inclusion of shipments of Huron Forest Products at Blind River- complete control of which was acquired in 1958 tor. Total cost of a new paper ma- chine--and related services--be- ing installed over a two-year| was aiso a fac-'§ period in the company's Cornwall | division, will be $12,500,000. WEST INDIANS WIN RAWALPINDI, Pakistan West romped to an easy cp cricket: team nine-wickets Ihe Indian victory with two hours to spare match in Sunday in a three-day the Commander XI here. Scores: Com In-Chief's XI 176 and 172; West Indies 267 and 83 for 1. i inst hief's TURNING AGAINST FEDERATION? which became federated vear. The threat of secession by Jamaica, largest and wealthiest member of the fledgling feder- ation, is based on fear of fed- | Norman Manley (right), | ter deal. Here he chats with Sir Grantley Adams, (centre), the federation's prime minister, and Lord Hailes, first governor-gen- the 10-island group | Hon Chief Minister of Jamaica, says Jamaica will pull out of the Federation of the West Indies unless the island is given a bet- | eral of 4 last eral taxes and of a proposed customs unions that would leave her tariff-protected industries open to outside competition. (CP Photo)