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The Oshawa Times, 16 Mar 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES < $. WEATHER REPORT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Mainly clear tonight and Tues Classified Advertising RA 38-3492 day. Colder, but slowly moder All other calls ...... RA 83-3474 ating, Winds west. EIGHTEEN PAGES | 5 3 3 Damage Soaring In Storm's Wake! Sunday night's wind and rain- immediate vicinity at the OSHAWA-WHITBY, MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1959 Atharised As Swan Clan Mal OSHA AGREEMENT TODAY ? Oshawa Strike VOL. 88 -- NO. 63 storm ripped through Oshawa and its surrounding area, leaving " lin its wake a broad path of prop- A store official said: * panel was blown out as clean a whistle. Others wobbled Of Teamsters Approximately 150 members of) members in the car . carrier sec- Local 880, International Brother-|tion of Local 880. Of this number, hood of Teamsters, CLC, went on| 260 are employed in Oshawa. Oth- : | strike in Oshawa today. \ers are located in Toronto, Wind- The men are employees of Mc- sor, Oakville, Gananoque, Mont-| | | | Callum Transport Ltd. |real, Quebec City and Coteau. erty damage, power and tele-|and forth for a long time phone failures. > held. an od * But reports from the city and erchandise was remov : |as far pi is on the east and the shattered window and { [Ajax on the west indicate dam- Wood erected to reinforce it | |age was scattered and, consider-|t0 prevent looting, = | |ing the strength of the storm,| Oshawa Fire Department - |comparatively slight, |a chimney at the home of x atid ¥ A on % 4 |e Lie io "| our otter osawa ime, Tie malty o inion members Television niemas_ were tg C1, 7 Pack mad hor, wil TWO WORKMEN clean up | store front on Simcoe street | gusts of hurricane force, riding | as high as 92 mph, The storm Shippers Ltd., Gharlion Transpost| Wage increases of between 20 and| | + i OR mE Cd vd Damage was estimated at { ; y Ontario Suns | provinces, swept into Quebec lv : bs had been "swamped" with calls. panes of plate glass were blown | property damaged caused in ng Ri iid some. | pr Saturday and proceeded to [reached agreement and are oper- year Ae elie Swi An estimated 60° antennaes were hum the RUC placed le out of the Zeller Company's | the city, Sunday night, by wind parts of the province reached | Ontario Sunday. stg norghy. Hw to the ast £0 one-cent a mile increase in| |g hah down at Bowmanville alone. standard at the main. in 3 : [cents per car for loading and un- the area. to topple before the high winds: . wi Ye ved section of; ing transports, 7 MAN HELD { Flint, |, The storm: blew out several DOCK WASHED OUT a " . ship i y s R. y 04, nt, 4 - Y . Membership in Oshawa and ames eeley. 0! glass panels of Zeller's downtown An hour later, at 10 p.m., fr ------------ voted 233 to 112 in favor of rati-| nection with a triple slaying. | Ripped 50 feet of sheet metal|COPPer flashing on an apa: In New Stunt Shrieking Hurricane fying the terms mentioned. Police said Seeley, a musician OT from the Dixon Coal Suilding DN Coapto road Armed Thugs ( R. L. Wilson, secretary - treas-| and part-time instructor of the |Company's Barrie street storage th ip od 2 yas Hoped oft LONDON (Reuters) -- Maj. . . \ urer and business manager of| French horn in Flint public shed; e wind. e same Christopher Draper, the *'mad : major" who created a sensation k pared to outline the points of wife, Carol Lorraine, 32, with (ihe rural areas and toppled TV wt sticel was Bows oft. ie in 1953 by flying a plane inder us 3) 0. P al disagreement with the McCallum| an ax and knife as she slept | antennaes, bringing down hydro]. 1" Whitby harbor a dock on . firm until after another attempt| and then drowned his WO [ang telephone lines: Canada Dredge property on +1 TORONTO (CP)--Three black-|was made at negotiation. younger daughters Connie, 6 | Blew down a power transform-|the home of Harbormaster led and four i cruiser, which had been in Piccadill lost their steeples, byterian Church crashed through hatcheries topple bank today with an undetermined | spokesman said the company did| the bathroom. Two older daugh- |pjaze: ) ' Hs gas a, Cinirches Ris Pony roads Porn the roof. The church was empty planes of the flying club were Ho = money after threaten. ot anticipate any serious inter-| ters slept and were spared in ped a few basements in|ed for the winter, was raised ~ washed out and power failures |and roped off at the time. |tipped over, damaging wing-tips. ing to kill 22 persons in the Royal ruption in delivery of cars from| an adjoining bedroom. the north Ajax section. its side but suffered no . | A : = Hi ed from the area. and 42% circuits around the god|rain and wind battered Southern|roofs in Hamilton, where a brick stroyed on farms along Highway The bandits herded six opening- g Heavy waves in Lake Ontario * of love, a policeman stopped the Ontario. | cornice of several tons tumbled 24 in the Simcoe area and al, "comers against a wall . . broke up ice formations, releas- vie main dainage Ai; Bowmag- nat | 60 were blown down. Reports sf to abandon the attempt. pk blasts| In the Niagara area, a section the roof of Culver House Canning W n d Sn WwW Rain creek outlets, thus easing the po- major Si, said he pie wit sos 38 fits hg yg of the roof of A, N. Meyer Sec-| Company Limited factory was putter. make. noisalor we'll Jet 1 y O y tential flood danger. pins ph interru; report the major for not obeying storm abated and moved away ondary School was carried away. [torn off. " Wind velocity in this ares was|°% ; a policeman and not keeping in|toward the east. - Much of St. Catharines was left] you all nave ith one of them 8, Were Tecefved by the - try to enter the vault. by press time. druuk." Draper said later. inthe hs JObUrD Of Toromli ma: | Silly' Police said the three were last CHICAGO (AP) -- The sup-|elght hours after it was halted by|piast 0 To oraed 76 mPh| Co ces, however, had been le seven injured were Two . of the three towers ol Knocked 111y seen running along Queen Street. | posedly dying winter, showing no|the huge drifts about 12 miles An Oshawa Flying Club spokes. pruned around the town tation. Cl b Own ; . . " d wind readings a debris caused when seven | south. It was part of extensive | in the wake of a storm which | began Friday in the Maritime Ltd. and Russell Transport Ltd.|27 cents an hour over a three- At Whitby an emergency i i ive- --_-- LN ted injured in threa STEEPLES TOPPLE of a group of nine who settled|Nighway mileage rates and five obody was repor 5 tion, The standard had 'Mad Major' Foci ] There are approximately 675 seven other centres involved| Michigan, was arrested in con- Oshawa store; Local 880. said he was not pre.| schools, admitted he killed his |" Tore off tree limbs, mainly in|2 aluminum awning at 916 Wi r 100 times around] By THE CANADIAN PRESS [the steeple of the Central Pres-| In Brampton, two large chicken masked gunmen fled an east end| A General Motors of Canada| months, and Carol, 4 years, in |or at Cobourg, causing it to Ross was washed out, and a After 40 minutes, three miles|darkened many areas Sunday as| Two downtown buildings lost| Five greenhouses were de-gank of Canada branch. | Oshawa as a result of the strike. (AP Wirephoto) | yt it also brought its benefits.| NO Power breaks were repost. three-wheeler and ordered the| Seven persons were injured as|onto James Street. |tobacco kiln collapsed. Part of and 16 staff members behind a ing penned-in ice at river and od t known exactly. - Maximum id. His companions cleaned out nol company, but a full the line of traffic. The winds were expected to|without power for 4% hours when sa D 2 gusts of 92 mph were reported » "I think he thought I was) subte to 30 miles per hour in|a transmission line fell. Scar- Night Watchman geveral tellers' cages Dut dia not as Tr 1 wes from other parts of the province Of the trouble had not been ' a 4 |Stork restaurant on the Queer lan, plastered the midwestern|north of Green Bay. year, Works superintendent ; ; Daitea States with wind : orks Superintendent | ar ne | Pe (do Comp Ha: th A end and swept, eastwgiad without ne wintry storms, striking as|but that readings were nol axen, damag: were damaged. | " Le A spring stood in the wings await-|(after the ended its day's ac- aL S8ma, holm : (CP)--Walter Clarke! shattered ino Dan RE BUT TOO MUCH losing much of its: power, ing ite he, Wings at v, tivities. olib ete ys day Two Hydro: trucks Wire' of s on their Windsor, St, Catharines, Torom f ony Kull y The wild, late winter storms killed at least four persons--| Oshawa PUC said & few hydro patched to po r $ of , Jean Pear- Hamilton and other areas, rap Slog ~ LOS ANGELES (AP)--A |left thousands of persons stranded three in . Arkansas communities poles were broken, due either di- tue § Vig a n 2 son of Ontario and Keith Rich-/Also hurt were Mrs. William|w ops coum poy Police said Arthur Lang, 52, 4.01 tanker slammed into a |for hours. Included were mearly|hit by tornadoes, rectly to the wind or to falling|day, uf mage was to be ardson of Haldimand were Wright and her daughter Carol; . was aftacked by would-be safe-| giajieq auto Sunday and [350 passengers on four Chicago More than a score of persons/tree - limbs. A section in the DOt too heavy. awarded travelling scholarships Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Keyes and| Power failed in Hamilton, To-|crackers 'who then fled, appar-| coined 4000 gallons of gaso- |and North Wester nalmad suffered injuries in the storms. north end of the city was without i Rr spokesman _comment- at the Junior Farmers' Associa-|their son Douglas, 11, all of|Tonto, Ancaster Township, Bur.ently afraid they had killed him.| yoo on the road, trains which got Stuck in All ofl roperty damage from tornadic| power for about two hours short. ®d: "We were very ducky. There tion of Ontario annual confer- Hamilton. They suffered mul. |lington, Beamsville, Stoney|lang is in semi-conscious condi| "yp Teg no og |snow drifts in Wiscuns t fuel 12d galelike' winds which lashed(ly after the storm reached its |Was no more d in that ence at the Ontario Agricultural |tiple lacerations. Creek, Goderich and Brantford. tion today. eight fire companies cleaned |the trains had a gates uel to/the mid-continent was heavy, |height. which could be ca "a good College Saturday. In St. Catharines, the tall brick] Doctors who used nearly 100 up the mess, police asked [heat the cars an 3 Jassngers The massive storm centre, roll. IN RURAL AREAS electric storm. The winners, selected from 18|CHURCHES DAMAGED chimney of Merritton Junior Pub-|stitches to close five deep cuts| Booker Williams why he had |had food during help 19 honre.| Ing out of the Rockies Saturday, At Cobourg a power transform: candidates, will visit England] Three churches were damaged, lic School crashed across a home, |in his head said he "was beaten| left his car there. layovers, ranging up to ours. 'dumped heavy snow on Wiscon.|. "The bulk of the trouble was|er at the junction of McGill -and and Northern Ireland from May|In Grantham, near St, Cathar-|slicing it in half. almost to death." "1 was out of gas." he said] The last of the stalled trains sin, Towa and Nebraska. Thelin the rural areas -- the same Queen streets was blown down to July of this year to study|ines, the brick front of a United] Everywhere, television aerials| Detectives said Lang was ' '|with 150 passengers gland, was winds battered northern'midwest|0ld story," a PUC spokesman and the fire department had farming methods. Church was blown down; in Chel-|fell in tangles. o "knocked silly" and staggered pulled free late Sunday night, areas with gusts up to 78 miles said. Sieg Ing to deal with the Joseph Connell, general secret-|tenham, 25 miles northwest of| Lawrence Avenue, where itlabout the school from 2 to 7:30 an hour in parts of Michigan, Wind, falling limbs or small resulting blaze. ¢ ary of Kitchener YMCA, was Toronto, a Baptist church lost|crosses the Don Vlley in To-la.m. until a maintenance man The snow, powered by the high) trees toppling on to wires hit tele- TREE BRANCHES * " i y J ~ 5 y : 95 t. im. winds, ranged up to a foot or|Phone services -- again mainlyin| A large number of tree guest speaker at a banquet. its roof; in downtown Brantford, |ronto, was reported washed out.|found him { hi cken | nn a rds more. and blocked Nigwen: Or the rural districts A Bow Conn bracicsr £8 Humber. of many midwest areas. pany spokesman said this morn-|toppled. The last of the passenger trains|ing the troubles were expected to Little damage 'was reported i 1 ther H unt was freed from its snowbound|be rectified early. from Ajax. A portion of the root n a station by five diesel units) Oshawa Works Department re-|at the unoccupied old Dalmy coupled together. It was en route|ported "nothing too much out of block was blown off. A few MONTREAL (CP) -- Accord- mass hunt failed to find anything|from Ashland to Green Bay-Mil-{the way from our point of|tennas were blown down and 'ORNADOE tu i Cuba Belt Co J Fi pr es court ing to a cougar expert from Brit-| but the tracks. ish Columbia, there are at least| Meanwhile authorities pleaded : [three dangerous panthers lurking with would-be panther hunters to in the woods on the western end stay out of the woods while Fer- of Montreal Island and he aims|nandez is on the trail of the big 44 to get them, dead or alive. | cats, reported to be vicious when The expert; John Fernandez of| cornered. {|Victoria, B.C., entered the bush| The Montreal Sportsman's| 4 [Sunday in an unsuccessful bid to| Show offered a $50 bounty for taunt the animals into the open|each panther trapped alive for waukee - Chicago. Three other|view". Fallen tree limbs, where some signs at the shopping" céfi- trains couldn't get through the|they obstructed public roads or big snow drifts until snow plows|sidewalks, were being cleared up arrived, this morning. Barricades used to close off streets under construc- tion or repair were blown about THOUGHT F OR TODAY by the wind, but were not om - ed to have caused any damage to A discouraging note con- [other property. cerning space travel comes Seven panels of one of Zel- from a rocketeer.- He says [ler's Simcoe street windows were tre were twisted. % 1 Heavy rain failed to produce any flooding to compare with the rain of a week ago. A few base ments in the north were fl Pickering Township also rej ed slight damage, A few tre#s were stripped of branches. . In the area in general, the cold snap which followed the storm exhibition at the show. a To and planned to go after them Fernandez, a professional skin| {ravelling in outer space may [smashed in the gale about 10 again today. Tove. th thers diver, got interested in the Mont- be as dangerous-as travelling p.m. One panel blew into the (GALES HIT) - His plan is to lure the panthers) o,j panther hunt while here re.| in inner space. street, but nobody was in the (Continued on Page 3) == into the open with a batch of ow verine from the bends, an ail- {| chicken innards while he waits in| 4c ierorad by divers. hiding armed with a rifle. | It was thought that only one Fernandez, credited with kill- panther was wandering the west i {ing more than 25 cougars, the|end of Montreal island until Fer- { \western species of the panther, nandez reached the scene. | |has identified tracks in the woods| He warned that panthers are { [between Ste. Anne de Bellevue extremely excitable and fear ,i|and Senneville -- only 20 miles nothing. Unlike most animals, % [from downtown Montreal -- as|they weren't afraid to go after| "1 those of one large male panther, | human beings. : [probably weighing about 160 -- i | pounds, and two small females i | weighing about 40-60 pounds each.| Ontario Faces i HE VOLUNTEERED : He volunteered Saturday night R d Bill F RCMP LEAD the procession | liam Moss moves along a St. | member of the Newfoundland | police at a picket line in Bad- [to try his hand at hunting the| 0a 1 or as the funeral of Const. Wil- | John's street. The 24-year-old | constabulary was fatally injured | ger, Nfld. eastern species, believed extinct| YY. | in a clash between loggers and | (CP Wirephoto). [for more than 50 years, after a| $7 Billion Gov't Refuses To Ban | LATE NEWS FLASHES [fu irate na vincial department of highways f . . | {estimated today. - The department said that is the| §& Nild IWA Legislation [Cangde U5. To Build. Canal fo ee a Te L180 Eo » municipal governments must OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada and the United States have set- |. : : SBI Cl " . : | tled terms for building a six mile cut-off channel in the St. {Spend Io provide Jirects and high 3 OTTAWA (CP) -- The federal |sue to the Supreme Court of Can-| GRAND FALLS, Nfld. (CP)--A| Clair River between Lake St. Clair and Lake Huron, allowing |" avel a year It ou) Ta i government will not disallow pro- ada but that--at _mid-morning-- (handful of Grand Falls people two-way traffic to bypass the sharply-ecurved channel known Ih lo + 4 PL expects wil vincial legislation outlawing the no final decision had been are shaking their fists and the as Southeast Bend. {be logged by 4,300,000 motor ve- Internatio aa 1 o oodwapkers of reached on this, rest are shaking their heads. hicies a Smadeie a? America in Newfoundland, it Was| The cabinet has been discuss-| Except for the beuicose few. Wi; | 4 de | y learned today. : ing the tricky Newfoundland ques-|the 6,000 townsfolk are saddened Wilderness Area Act Approved : [page eport ot provincial oi Prime Minister Diefenbaker tion for several days and sources|and shocked by the bitterness| TORONTO CP) -- Ontario's proposed Wilderness Area A fled 18 ey ant ' street was expected io announce this to|indjcated there has been a divi- and violence of the loggers' strike] Act was approved by the legislature's lands and forests com- Se 5 hv in ik egis| ature to- the Commons this afternoon. |sion among the ministers on what|and the notoriety it brought, mittee today despite a Liberal members threat that his party ny 501060 18 ways epart-| | Informants said it was likely should be done about Premier| Residents have always thought| may vote against it in the House because of its name. ih report Po ont. i0's| i that the cabinet will refer the is-|Smallyood's emergency legisla-|of Grand Falls as a good place oper. called' Ontario's I ) | ( ads Streets, is S ; {tion aimed at the woodworkers. |to live. They have taken pride in Krushchev Blasts Nasser Rosas aud ess a a Ruse ook CITY EMERGENCY | The upshot, according to cab- their Toey Wooden boies snd the, LONDON (Reutersi--Soviet Premier Nikita Krushchev to- [at 83,800 miles of streets, town- PHONE NUMBERS lle Sours lo tat the ministers) Z6an ace. 0 e town. The gu accused President Garaal Abdel Nasser of the United Arab (ship and county roads and King's nglo - Newfoundland Develop-| li f wanti Highways. One. informant said that it jsiment Company, wher not thos Republic of wanting to annex Iraq to the U.A.R. Tie stady by ity and other mk ' about a 60-40 bet that the Small-|for granted as a source of liveli-| : [nicipal engineers and provincial POLICE RA 5-1133 wood legislation will be referred hood, has been regarded with af. R€COTd Ontario Road Budget . Pp 3 and provi RUNAWAY FREIGHT CARS road experts showed that the Wreckage of three of 15 | this capital city" + med FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 (to the Supreme Court of Canada fection. There had been no labor TORONTO (CP! The Ontario Highways department to- [province will need much more! freight a which runbled out Bg Ld ein ingore uve Se THe subul kr HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 {for a ruling on whether it Js trouble since a miner strike in| day asked for a record budget of $261,257,000 for this year's |and better roads for the popula-| of control and smashed into | and one killed when the freight city at speeds of 50 to 69 mphe« I valid. 1921. | gigantic road and bridge-building program. tion of 8,800,000 in 1979. Olympia, Washington, * lies in | cars cut loose from a locomo- =AP WIlirephot LS

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