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The Oshawa Times, 16 Mar 1959, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March 16, 1959 wr prop - A WESTERN THRONGS RECEIVE KING, QUEEN Cheering crowds line the toria as King George VI and ' In background are the ferries | Queen Elizabeth and Prince dockside and the walk leading Queen Elizabeth leave their car that ply between Victoria and Philip will spend eight days in up to the Empress Hotel in Vie- | during the Royal Visit in 1939. | Vancouver. This year the young | British Columbia. WI Meeting At Blackstock » Early Canadian Loba Honors | PaintingsFor Vrs Johnson By MRS. R. C. HILL A letter from Nestlcton WI list- New Brunswick By M&S, R..C. HILL BLACKSTOCK -- Mrs. J. A. ing articles needed 'or the Insti. TORONTO (CP)--Twenty val. BLACKSTOCK The LOBA McArthur, was hostess for the tute exhibit at Cartwright Fair uable early Canadian paintings meeting Thursday had as guests Women's Institute meeting at Was read. The exhibit is entitled by the 19th century artist Corne- Mrs. H. Johnston. Grand Mis which 30 members were present, A Royal Luncheon" livs Krieghoff are to he pres. tress of Ontario East and Mrs Wednesday afternoon, * President Mrs. Lorne Thomp- ented as a gift to the people of Wright and Mrs. Muirhead of Mrs. D. Dorrell read an Easter Son read a letter from the sis- New Brunswick. Janerifle ; a ; story. ter WI in England thanking the' Mining magnate M. J. (Jimj sa Joken © fSanreciatop | or Mrs. M. Graham displayed the local WI for a gift of apples at Boylen of suburban Etobicoke is Job Viste 24 ~ p re itt > quilt made from the blocks shown Christmas. splitting his collection to provide Lone on ¥ > present - J at the district annual in 1958 and It Was deicded to hold the an- the Lord Beaverbrook Art Gall- 87% Susan 230 2 it Jona] Less plso showed material purchased Nual bazaar in April and a meet- ery in Fredericton, scheduled to Te ning hoy 5s. as Present for drapes for the Community ing at which Gordon Paisley will|open in September, with one of ih 3 -- e amp 3 SER vas Hall. * show pictures of his trip tothe world's finest collections of|S social ha u eet Europe was planned for March 13. [the artist's works. {lowed Brooklin 4H - The program consisted of a 'It breaks my heart to part|PERSONALS showing of a film on the pipe With them," said Mr. Boylen who Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dorrell, thanked Mrs. McArthur and Mrs. Mr. Boylen, who worked in his spent two days with Mrs Ed. By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT |J. Venning for obtaining and YOuth as trapper, miner and . to Mount Mrs Wright, Wright, line construction from Montreal started his collection "many. yy. in Valerie and Brenda, Otta. Mrs. D. Dorrell, group leader, ued at $100,000. Mrs. John Carter, Burketon, BROOKLIN -- The Brooklin Showing the film, trader in Northern Ontario and £ brook has given so much to New Sturrock and family, Bowman- township hall with Leader Mrs. MISSION BAND MEETING In 1953 Mr. Boylen was' re. Pon Wright of Camp Petawawa; The following were elected to Meeting Tuesday . : ; in (ne Bathurst district of New Church Sunday morning when : ' . ,. a poem and Judy Mouutjoy play- Weales; secretary, Carley Sey Afterwards they were dinner Girl's Bedroom" was announced Explorers met Thursday even- rink skipped by Ernie Hewitt Mrs. Albert Wright and Mrs The leader, discused points to' The worship was conducted by day of the five-day Royal City! Mr. and Mrs. C. Venning, Mrs bers were requested to make a Helen Swain Guelph quartet in the final. Con- Lindsay hospital Sunday. cushion covers and chair pads, presented on affiliation night, Guelph, Sid Smithers, Galt, and time with her daughter Shirley Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dianne Fowler. Oshawa, spent Mr. and Mrs. Garnet and Mrs |.Will Forder Sunday. birthday March 11. Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers |Harold Martyn attended a Lead- |Sunday. Prizewinners were? High lady, man prize. Door prize was won Maple Grove, visited her mother, to Hamilton and the branch to Many years ago" and has 62 can- | Lt spent the weekend with his Ottawa. vases. The 20 paintings are val- |g. "Fai Dorrell oid Mrs. Charlotte Forder, Donald oh Was. Serv: ; uebec bush before striking out, : Iam 4-H Girls Club held its first mpet. Lunch was served by the group 2 prospect, said: "Lord Beaver- Forder, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ing of the Spring session at the 20d a social half hour followed. t : pi i ] Brunswick, I felt someone else ville: LR Rr eid Hane Ibert Cooper and assistant lead- ; ould try to help too." YC ly en er, Mrs. Robena Nesbitt in Eleven girls and two leaders should try to help Wri were present at the mission band, onsibie for the discovery of and Gail Forder, Port Perry, at- 1 X : : 7.000.000 tons of base metals in tended the service in the United office for 1959: President, Carol ms. Stuart Dorrell was th Swndsy] J Fh Nesbitt, vice-president, Sandra charge and Lorraine Turner read|prunewick. Paiicia nn Wright was bap- ' : a ed a piano solo mour; pianist, Jillian Coe. : KITCHENER RINK WINS y "Cotton accessories for the Club EXPLORERS MEET GUELPH (CP) = & Kitchener|n or," Wr and Mrz. Howard BY title for the Spring pro- ing with Mrs. Richard Van Camp tok top honors and the Milton|Ed Harris spent a few days with ' in charge. Brick trophy in the finals Satur- Mrs. Wm. Lawrenson, Toronto observe in choosing accessories Margaret Carnaghan with the as- honspiel. The Hewitt rink won Orr Venning. Mr. and Mrs. John for a girl's bedroom. Club mem- sistance of Nancy Dorrell and 10.2 over Murray McGregor's Venning visited Orr Venning in survey of their bedrooms, with During the business period the solation winners were rinks, Mrs John Hamilton flew a view to making dresser scarf,!girls voted $25 to Missions to be skipped by John Eccles of Winnipeg Tuesday to spend some or bedspreads. March 25 Carman Burton, Guelph. (and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Ger- -- -- -- ERR - = |ald Warne. joy spent two days with Cecil Ferguson, Newcastle. (the weekend with her grand- {mother, Mrs. G. Fowler. Port Perrv. and Hazel Oshawa, visited Mr | Mrs. Brown, mother of Mrs |.G. Saunders, celebrated her 92nd Mr. and Mrs Rupert Byers, |Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Tom Campbell, Lawrence Mc- Laughlin, Gerald Asselstine and {ership Training Course for Cubs at Camp Samac from Friday until The LOBA euchre party was well attended Tuesday night Mrs. Snow of Port Perry; Mrs. Carl McLaughlin took the high by Mrs. Burnham, Scugog Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter, Mrs. Wesley Bradburn, and Mr and Mrs. Lewis Henry, Tuesday. Ruxiliary Plans For Annual Party By MRS. A. L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE Plans are well under way by the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary for its 46th birthday pariv in the Lion's Centre. Mrs. L. Mason is tea convener The Auxiliary was organized in 1912 and each year a tea has been held on the Thursday near- est March 26 to celebrate the event The public took this opportun ity of making donations of pro duce or money and the funds were ased to purchase linens and dishes for the hospital kitchen and cafeteria Past presidents are Mrs. L. Tole, Mrs. T. Tod, Mrs. J. Spence, Mrs. F. Goddard, Mrs. V. H. 4 Storey, Mrs. J. O'Neill, Mrs. W. H. Birks, Mrs. M. A. Neal, Mrs A. R. Virgin, Mrs. L. T. Mec- Laughlin, Mrs. F. H. Heyland, Mrs. M. Vanstone, Mrs. W. Caw ker, Mrs. L. W, Dippell and Mrs B. Mutton Mrs. J. W. Alexander first honorary president. LONG DISTANCE DOCTOR Dr operates Dr. Francis Winnipeg Mathewson, a ! tients" Mathewson started ' him reports on their heart con- dition every five vears. The aim < to determine a puitern of de velopment of heart disease (CP Photo) heart p list » Ac } heart specialist, ex and a scheme in amines a c.ydiograph mailed to him from one of his 4000 "pa ch department of transport and former RCAF pilots send Was the 1$600,000,000 PLAN West Indies May | Revise Constitution By D'ARCY. O'DONNELL Canadian Press Staff Writer ops that ¥ PORT of SPAIN, Trinidad (CP) the era Members of the West Indies fed. find itself frustrated in trying to eration plan within the next few| accomplish anything. months to take a' close look at their first constitution. , case," said Dr. La Corbiniere, hanging the sword of Damocles 'The Federation started with a who represents the former over the heads of other members. weak constitution, because we French-owned island of St. Lucia of the federation, but they are {had to start 'somewhere," says|in the federal Parliament. "Re-| Dr. Carl La Corbiniere, deputy member we are building from | |prime minister in the federal nothing and we find there is a gress would be made faster "if government. "But everywhere |tremendous amount 'of werk -to' Jamaica does withdraw. Such a |now people are asking for a re-do." / | withdrawal would deul a serious, | [vision of the Sonstitution hecguze SERVICES STARTED Tout not a fatal blow to federation. | oS [epophized 88 oo Wea The federation has already in- The constitution makes it| Under terms of the federation, formally inaugurated April 22, augurated an inter - island ship- |1958, the constitution was to be Ding iors. It has taken: over revised after,five years, But in{*€ : y |the i of demande for 'earlier University College of the West In- revision, the government agreed Gies in Jamies. 3 erates! to call a conference not later Weal v " | adv . [than this June to initiate study Services and trade commission 24Y33t3ge to withitaw of possible. amendments. SetVices, ao ast ISTUDYING REFORMS 4 ve ans are going asead for a' Dr. 'La Corbiniere said a fed-| LINKS 10 COLONIES ; federal banking service and for a eral 'government committee now! 'The federation, whose ultimate corporation to stimulate indust-|jg working on constitutional re-| aim is to reach the stalus of a rial development and investment. forms, Each island government! self - governing dominion within Efforts are being made to have jas been invited to establish a the Commonwealth, brought to- federation members adopt uni'|gimilar committee. Political part- gether 10 British island colonies form tax concessions for new in- jes are also considering possible in the Caribbean. The members dustries. 1 Henltar | changes. are Antigua, Barbados, Domini-' 'The constitutional lim tations | " ica, Grenada, Jamaica, Montser- placed on us permit us to do oD ue wii hazy ? pions » rat, St. Christopher - Nevis-An-|well whatever we have to do," : igo R Fir ide 4 . i Pe obtain agreement on changes be- (guilla, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and said Dr. La Corbiniere. "By the fore the end of the five » year Trinidad and Tobago time the constitution is revised eriod 4 The members sought to retain we should have the experience P # x 5 as many as possible of the pow- needed to handle wider powers." Another committee is working ers held by their individual legis-' Dr, La Corbiniere made the On Proposed terms of a customs latures. The federal government statements in an interview in his union which would provide for, was given few exclusive powers. government office overlooking free trade among the islands. On Many powers were placed on the the Gulf of Paria. Along the joining federation each island re- concurrent list--that is they can waterfront were ships busily tained its own customs and be exercised by both the federal loading or unloading cargo. tariff structure. government and the legislatures. SECESSION THREAT | Still another committee is Broad administrative powers: He declined to be drawn into studying ways to permit the free were retained by the United discussion of Jamaica's threat to movement of people from éne Is-| | Kingdom, which continues to quit the federation because of dis- land to another, At present each! make substantial financial grants satisfaction with the constitution. |island has its own immigration to the Islands. But a federal constitutional barriers. {way she threatens to withdraw," | |draw from federation until five] {years from now when formal re-| for operation of | Vision of the constitution must take place, The genera! feeling is that it will not be to Jamaic¢a's A year ago there were predic- authority who asked to remain = tions that within a few 'months 0onamed said Jamaica's threats = government would are not being taken seriously. |~ "Everytime Jamaica wants her | : "That has not proved to be the the authority said. "This is like + becoming accustomed to it. Some, are beginning to fecl that pro-| | [clear that Jamaica cannot with-| ¥ 4 ~ LEFTIST Dr. Cheddi Jagan, leftist Peo- ple's Progressive Party leader in British Guiana, leads the re- sistance to pressures exerted on the large British island to bring it dnto the 10-island West Indies Federation. A -41-years old, East Indian native of Brit- ish Guiapa ~-- largest but most thinly populated of Britain's de- pendencies in the Caribbean -- Dr. Jagan argues he is not op- posed to federation but wants to .see. all colonial ties elim- 7 ii inated before British Guiana joins the federated group. He and his American-born wife, Janet, are ministers in" the Guianese government and out- spoken leaders of the majority party which fell into official isfavor with Britain in 1953. e is shown here addressing a meeting. Seated at left. is Arthur Hale, president of the incorporated chambers of com- merce of the British Caribbea. --CP Photo 24 Canadians Die WA Meeting Maple Grove WMS Donates | In Accidents * Five Quilts To Salvation Army By MRS. M. E. Laverty Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whiteman 0 Vi ts of his brother MAPLE GROVE, -- WMS After-| ere gues ; J noon Auxiliary held its month- 410d Whiteman, Osliawa, Satyr. ly festing in the church when| Hy and Mrs, William David. p Mrs. A Mec. members joined jn prayer for . wicked ul Soni] sang 2 Solo. Mss. lox. Me missionary Miss K. Greenbank 0B, Toronto, were weekend It was decided to hold a lost? Japan. & | heir and euchre party in the Sun- wae quilts completed Feb, Rogers. day schoolroom Friday, March ¢ wi go to the Salvation Army 5 s Uday for. distribution to ncedy famil- as Sharon visited ie Diother, Sever Is for the church ies. {Mr. and Mrs. Normaa Gimblett,| Kithn a in it w as| The layette will go to the sup- Columbus, Friday. announced that the annual meet- ply department to be placed in a) Mr, and Mrs. Howard Bradley ling of the Presbytery will be|bale for overseas. and Brian visited her mother, held at Tyrone April 23 WMS Sunday service has been Mrs. E. Page, Enmiskillen, The March group. Mrs. Alex Planned for April 12. Mrs. James Paterson and 'Mrs. McMaster, Mrs. William Hasiuk, Mrs. J. D. Stevens gave a read- Phillip Paterson, Taunton, were Mrs. Tracy Glaspell and Mrs/ing on the Salvation Army re-|gunday visitors to Mr and Mrs, Hans Geissberger, Jr., served re- habitation centre, Toroio, Mt: Milton Paterson freshments 0ss Stevens was in charge o : April group, Mrs. Tom Sobil, the worship service assisted OY al Mss Jobs man |Mrs. Gerry Glaspell, Mrs Her-|Mrs. Ceqgil Jeffery. |Mrs. Albert Catchpole Cherry {man Haass and Mrs. Jim Stain-' PERSONALS Mm were Sunday visitors to Mr. | Mrs. James Allen, Oshawa. and: Mrs.' Cedric Russell" 1 and Dontld Allen, Toronto, called. Mr, 'and Mrs." Ron Brooks at-| on Mr. and Mrs. Bob Labrecque, tended the poultry producers! Saturday. roadrow.. Sa sisi 3 meeting in N ee, Friday. Woodrow, Sask., visited Russell "yy. "Gye pritchard, John and| jy oe Kidd, Ajax. -- 2 sup- Perkins'. Paul, Manotick, spent a few days : Ms. RB Cy Siainton stiended last week with her mother, Mrs. a re Aes, gz Club m ing Mrs, , 18 2 4 Ath y r hor Reiiing Sd : Oshawa L S. Snowden, itchi sion of Wayne's birthday. y Vins Mr and Mrs. John Aitchison Mrs. Harry Snowden, Mr. and Monday and Billy, Blackstock, were tea are Robert Rogers, Sr., and Mrs Delbert Flintoff and Carol guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, Bowmanville. 'and Len Harvey, Kedron, visited: Wes Ron Rogers. Goodmurphy, Oshawa, visited Mr. Cameron's Margaret Carter was a weekend and Mrs. Ron Rogers, Saturday Mrs Tom Currie and Tommie guest of Carol Abbott, Burketon. ny. and Mrs. Sam Snowden Hamilton spent several days with; Mrs. J. R. Metcalfe visited her |, 4 Roy, Blackstock, called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- aunt, Mrs. A. Challoner, Hamp- Mr. and "Mrs Ron Rogers Sun- ert Killen ton, Tuesday. day. ' Mr. and Mrs Robert Cameron Mrs. F. Swallow and Mr. and| "yy. ang Mrs. Clifford Munroe, and Raymond and Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Clifford Swallow were Sun- |p ier" Mrs. Herman Weese and Herbert Cameron, Tyrone, visit- day tea guests of Mrs. Annie ng Andrew Haight, Consecon, ed Fred Cameron's. Creighton, shana, Sunday, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton and Laurie and y. aud 3 A iain Dachenes Mrs. E. Gould, Saturday. visited Mrs. Harry Poloz, Osh-| 4 nol "Walter Doyle and fom: Mr. and Mrs. Emikraszewicz, awa ily Richvale visited' Mr. and | Paul and Kathryn, Oshawa, were Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspell, pp "Dov MG Sunday visitors to Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. Stephen Doyle and Mr. and Mrs F. B. Glaspell and Mrs. | ni Cecil Jeffery aunday H- E. Gould, Donald Yellowlees have returned y ~ m--_------ ! Mrs. Douglas McNairn, Kathy home from their motor trip to and Cindy, Toronto, are spending Florida a few days with her grandpar-| Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens | visited Howard Abbott's and Ben'and William Snowden, Sr. Hubbard's, Burketon Merton Hill, Bowmanville, was Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron a weekend guest of Ross Met- | visited Jack Cameron's, Mill- calfe | brook . Mrs, L, C. Snowden, Mrs. Otis Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspell Pritchard and sons of Manotick, and family, Tyrone, visited T C.|visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Castle, Glaspell's Peterborough, Sunday. Mrs Charles Naylor attended| Mpg. Pritchard, Mrs. L. C. the Presbytery WA at Five Oaks gnowden and Mildred Snowden this week : ila attended the wedding of Sheila Mrs Fred Cameron is visiting Munro and Harry DeLong in To- her brother, George Sonley, To.- ronto, Friday. ronto, for a few days | Bill Snowden, Toronto, spent Mrs. F. B. Glaspell and Mrs. gunday afternoon with William Alex McMaster visited Mrs. gnowden, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. | George Hilts in Oshawa General gp "Rp stevens. Hospital. : : Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickson Mrs. George Sedgwick, Dorset, a4 Barry, Toronto, and Mr, and| visited Russell Perkins'. Mrs. W. M. Smith, Lindsay, were M Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron vis: ¢ ited Fred Ward's. Burketon. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. » Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Frank and David, Toronto, were week- iano Brooks speit Tues a ent gk Oh Mrs. Gordon Rodman, Little Brit-| with the 'flu and Johnny Mona han and Sharon Fisher have heen home from school with the mumps. Allan Glaspell is spending a few days with Vernon Powells, Columbus 'At Zion By MRS. RUSSELL STAINTON ZION -- Mrs Hans Geissberger Jr opened the devotional portion of the WA meeting and Mrs. Tom ton. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs Wilfred Samson, BIRTHDAY (Cetetration am | Mrs. Eldon Essery, Courtice, was a luncheon guest of Mrs. Russell Gimblett Tuesday. ONTARIO TEAM WINS | TORONTO (CP)--Ontario won an Ontario - Montreal - Detroit YMCA wrestling meet here dur- ing the weekend on the basis of five firsts and one second. Young Liberals Support Fluoridation OTTAWA (CP Fluoridation supported unanimously hy 18) delegates to a one-day con- vention the Eastern Ontario Young Liberal Association Sat- urday FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX If you have not received your Tines by 7 p.m. coll of By THE CANADIAN PRESS Twenty-four Canadians, nine of them in Quebec, tally during the weekend. Of the 12 fatal traffic accidents reported died acciden-| of Lindsay. She was a passenget in the car driven by her daughter, Mrs. June Handley, 42, who suffered a possible broken pelvis. Two of her daughters, in a Canadian Press|Trudy, 15, and Ruth, 5, received survey from 6 p.m. local time possible fractures. Friday until midnight three occurred in Ontario. Ontario fatalities: bile transport on Highway 5 near Brantford. Mrs. Martha Matilda Handley, | 169, of Burnt River, killed when al/south of Ottawa. Provincial po- CNR train smashed into the car she was riding 25 miles northeast Key Official In Government Sunday, | | kight killed Saturday when his |car went out of control on High. guests of her sister, Mrs. Ron Lt.-Col. John L. Firth, 51, of way 40 near Mooretown. St. George killed Saturday in a] Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gimblett head-on collision with an automo-/At least one person was killed [th Murray A. Fell, 35, of Court- SWAN STATION, Ont. (CP)-- Sunday night when a car collided with a CPR train at a level cross. ing near this community 40 miles lice were investigating. Details were not immediately available. SIMCOE (CP) -- Eight-month- old Randy Allan Harriett of Sim- coe, injured in a two-car collision near here Thursday, died Satur- day. He was the son of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Harriett of Simcoe, both of whom were injured in e accident. Dies In Ottawe ies InOttawa OTTAWA (CP) --'W D. Mat- thews, 52, "assistant undersecre- tary of state for external affairs, in charge of administration, died | Saturday. Mr, 'Matthews is sur-| vived 'by his wife, the former Janet McCulloch of Galt, and five children. A gentle, self-effacing man, the Toronto born Mr. Matthews played a key part in the early post-war years when the exter- ral. affairs departmenl was un- dergoing rapid expansion. He was educated st College, St. Catharines, Military. College, Kingston, the University of Toronto. Before the .Second World War he practised. law with a Toronto firm and was with the foreign ex- change control board in Ottawa | prior to his appointment as chief administrative officer at the ex- Ridley Royal and "ternal affairs department in 1943. SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 If you have not received your Times, phone your ¢ first. If you are uneble tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7-7:30 p.m. Only TUESDAY AND : WEDNESDAY TWO DAYS ONLY HOICE QUALITY PORK TENDERLO " 79: LEAN 'MEATY PORK BACK SPARE RIBS: 39: The resolution called for per. missive legislation granting fluor- idation of drinking-water supplies to those Ontario municipalities voting for it. David York of elected president Duncan Fra Named Paul Sm AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All calls must be placed before :30 p.m. Ottawa was succeeding er of Brookville ice preside | and Je Vel th of Cornu an Paul Filion, Ottawa a FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS SIZE 96 GRAPEFRUIT 10- 49 |

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