we Lt . v - al dl al a th andi eh Sl F > (TR ah a ol oa Sl a Sl [Rl i da St of Sl Sh SS Sl Sl La . - oA ------ Let oh oh EE a . two forthcoming weddings.|and led in the singing of a hymn, KNACK WITH KNOBS | THE OSNAWA TIMES, Seturdey, March 27, ve w | LUBS BAUXILIARIES |Aprons were distributed to be followed by prayer by Mrs. E.| Having the knob of a chest of ' /] ' made up, Eresting gords. wore Macthomsle Mh. Sam Shorty drawers pull loose in cue's hand large to grip the wood. An easy|few hours, then sera. the high 1a ewe The April meeting will be held to Happiness." Mrs, Wilbert|is a great annoyance. Probably remedy is to fill the hole with place. Plastic wood ta i. r 3000 MO Se RE AUX. og Thurgday; Api 30; way Bulk the home of Mrs, R. B. Gal-/Clarke sang a solo, "Oh, Master the screw has worn a hole too'plastic wood, let It harden for a'putty and hardens into wi e 1st Oshawa Sco | . | Dear." Auxiliary met on Monday, March|The members were .asked (0 braith rod Salor. Ratio. litvodiibed 16. Mrs. Gordon Varnum, presi-|bring their surprise packages to SA HOME LEAGUE Mr Ronal 4 Apel, who showed & | !dent, presided and introduced athe next meeting. Yalu titled "Wings over | (new member, Mrs. Lloyd White.| Mrs. Ernest Jones and Mrs, Al-| Te, Tepular mesting 8 the fim 8 d The minutes were read by the|bert Walker served refreshments. |52 ya oa A ome He ague) d vis Rblbow Grow secretary, Mrs. Frank Gravelle.|The April meeting will be held| 1° 7 on Tuesday a | Next week H a 3 ' oup, The 1st Oshawa Scout group has|at the home of Mrs. Albert| Arc ' under the leadership Ri y registered the 'King George Walker, Verdon road. | Mrs. Ernest Sargeant was in| Thomas Myers, will bring an . Tartan" for its new scarves and (charge of the devotional period, 'Easter message. . the auxiliary is making arrange- AMITY GROUP Dear daddies : ments to have the new scarves| mq. Amity group of Northmin- ' ' ready in time for the father and| .. "Uinited" Church WA held its in Bg Noril 35 he March Meeting m_the Joe of ANNUAL SPRI NG ol ovtiee Irn reaurecs oputts bers preses Open House at Jutta's second Beauty Salon, 27 executive and treasurer's reports bers presel i Service wan cor F kL 0 w E R S MH 0 w were read, Mrs. Melville Coolidge introduc. ducted by Mrs. Dafoe, Mrs, R. B. : | | Galbraith and Mrs. J. R, Picker-| : ' . Tat Oshawa Scouts. Mr. Alec Hil, ng." he "theme The Easter kJ Sunday, March 22 | King Street East, corner of Celina Street on who spoke on discipline, | ' | A discussion on scouting was| The secretary's report was 1to 5PM, | he! read by Mrs. B. Byrnes, the 3 . | held "on how fo' best help thei fead by Mri. B. Brine, Ge ot sor Monday, March 30. Roll call showed a total of 21/Latham, Twenty-one visits to sick {members present. The Purple Six Were reported. . served refreshments. | Tentative plans were made for L¥ Greenhouses (instead of Menday, March 23) PEARL GROUP | | The Pearl Group of Albert | . . Bloor St. West ' . § Street Ynired Church met recent-| Superfluous Hair \ | ly at the home of Mrs. Robert YR Bent, Elizabeth street, for its|] PERMANENTLY REMOVED £ ® PAVED STREETS Jutta | Nea meeting. By Electrolysis and ll ' eo NO PARKING PROBLEMS < Mrs, Frank Cooper and Mrs, [| the newest, fastest, SRI y | William Grandy led in the devo-|| [res Century Ser: \ LAA ® NO ADMISSION CHARGE _ [tional period. They chose 'Easter || vealing your true Pz BA as their theme, ({ sole. 4100 of worry ww | 07 ® DOOR PRIZES {| Mrs. Ernest Jones presided for|| ®"¢ *mPorroment. 3 A WINSOME MISS [ees meee, re RA 5.4321 The treasurer's report was ' This happy little girl, Cheryl | nest Wright, Oshawa, and Mr. given B% Js. J Jo pe MARIE MURDUFF R. B. REED & SONS | Lee, is the daughter of Mr. |and Mrs. Milton Green, Lind place an Easter Lily in the|| Hotel, March 24.25, Florists and Mrs. Robert E. Wrigh d. | saY, Ontario. {church on Easter Sunday as in Phone RA 3.4641 WEST, OSHAWA RR 3, Bowmanville. Her Sra Proto. by. Hornsby [the past, for appointment on these dates, 163 BLOOR ST. EST, parents are Mr. and Mrs, Er- --- y sb) The spring bazaar to be held! CLUB CALENDAR | 90-50 Club | | Dinner Dance MONDAY The 50-50 Club of Simcoe Street Southmend Park Aut. i United Church held a St. Pat. Pet i Ti Club |rick's dinner - dance fin the IODE (Prince Philip Chapter) church hall with Mr. and Mrs Castle Chapter, OLC |Bob Smith's group in charge. 13th Scout Mothers' Aux, The hall was gaily decorated Oshawa Lionettes with St. Patrick's motifs. Centre Retarded Children's Assn. pieces made of potatoes with IODE (Golden Jubilee) Irish pipes and green candles gave the tables a [estive air. : TUESDAY Shamrock place cards marked JAMIESON DRUGS Re-Echo Lodge each guest's place. A turkey din- TOPS Club ner was served members of the 241 KING I. RA 51169 S.A. Home League club and their guests by the St. Matthew's Guild Commingle Group. Christ Church WA Immediately following the din. Catadian Legion Avs. ner Mr. Bill Shepherd led in a Holy Trinity WA 3 sing-song of Irish and other folk H and § Council songs. Mrs. Frank Singer ac- JURY & LOVELL Jessie Panton Aux. companied on the piano. Court Oshawa IOF An enjoyable evening of danc- 8 KING &. 530 SIMCOE §, ing to the strains oi Williams' RA 3.2243 RA 5.3546 Ae ey YWMC orchestra from Newcastle fol- lowed. | North Qstiava Wa Winners of the novelty dances King Street WA = Arvilla McGregor Aux. were as follows: Lucky number Women's PC Assn. dance, Miss Maude Cockerton Rendezvous Club and Mr, Kenneth Rose; elimina- d < KARN DRUGS First Baptist WA tion dance, Mr. and Mrs. Fred i Friendship Group Britten; spot dance, the Rever- 28 KING §. RA 3.4621 end and Mrs. J. K. Mcfiat; mys- Beta Sigma Phi | Dorcas Group tery tag dance, Miss Lillian Hay- ward and Mr. Lloyd Moody. I WEDNESDAY As well as dancing, card games 4 a, Rebekah Lodge No.'s High prises went to Miss Earione| pi Ss wen ss Earlene Chest Givers Collard and Mir. Roy Barrand. | =Z McCORDICK'S PHARMACY St. Matthew's Guild | - 128 WILSON RD, §. RA 5.8711 Tors Gin RUGS AND | TOPS Club 19th Group Committee Calvary Baptist WMS LIVING BOOM Christ Church Eve. Guild MEDICAL PHARMACY Albert Street WMS Oakleigh Lodge, LOBA SUITES Bt. Stephen's WA % out 107 SIMCOE §. RA 3.4275 Cleaned to Perfection HOUSEHOLD HINT : Dig out your bag of tricks to| NU-WAY RUG ip Youngsters hapey during| C 'a ong car trips, A , filled an arpet Sales with 'small toys, 'Periact for] 174 Morr RA 5.0433 TL) our rug lore MITCHELL'S DRUGS this purpose. Use safety pins » 9 SIMCOE N RA 3.3431 hang it on the back seat. AN EXCLUSIVE NORTH SIMCOE PHARMACY Only 4t It is always wise to buy Eee uu 7/2 | " . x POWELL'S DRUG STORE Conlitli | vitamins in your drug store. [lm ee RITSON DRUGS Featuring The New - | There you have professional [2a rmae "A 3.3970 SOFT-SET FINISH Yalniteh . : : Then elp in choosing the vitamins WHITBY For the same price as ordinary dry cleaning. : : ) Try us to-day and feel the difference in your Y ou an d Y our fa mil 1 Y ma Y ALLIN'S DRUG STORE garments. 100 BROCK N. MO 8.3726 Clothes have that "just like new" look. As earns | need. Ask your pharmacist Se ------ about vitamins for health 50 MILL ST. PHONE RA 3-4631 that give you real value for S GRO NELGROVE DRUGS For the convenience of our Ajox, Whitby, { 103 BROCK §. MO 8.3684 Rickerinn: with bey ad Sounvilie customers ENT "13000 your money. NO TOLL CHARGE JURY & LOVELL 317 BROCK §. MO 8.2338