A4--For Rent |44--For Rent 43---Real Estate For Sale 45-----Real Estate For Sole 47 --Automoblles For Sale 48--Automobiles Wanted |50--Articles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, March 21, 1959 13; SINGLE room for gentleman, cooking privileges. Apply 66 Warren venue, MODERN, two | F electrically equipped, TV aerial. Adults ished. SEVEN room house b responsible s Available April 1 D Sasha 863 rent, unfur- 13 Sylvia Street, or 'hone phone RA 8-6907. ' RA 3.2008, or partly furnished THREE rooms, self - contained ground floor apartment, heavy duty wiring, laund facilities, reasonable rent. frail le April 1, Apply 285 Bouts TWO rooms, also furnished room for yeti: Jan. central. 118 Tyler Crescent or RA FOUR - - Yoom apartment, $85 monthly. April 1. Phone RA 57573, 651 TWO housekeeping rooms for one two gentlemen, with private stool, be but: in cupboards and sink in kitchen, Close . to Fittings and Duplits, Apply 254 Beat. ty Avenue, RA 8-1435. 661 pir » Lg Street. | FHREE = room self-contained apart. ment, adults Phone RA 3.7225, 65( LARGE lot near Thornton Road. Phone «| RA 39974, on Park Road Call RA 8 three bedroom ranch style home, lari income home, hothe on one Acre, $4700, nd others, Call Don Siradost Wilson ud] 65 TWO-, and four - room sell . contained, immediate possession, Jrivase bamuvom: Phone RA 56184 or LARGE furnished front room for two, Apply Mrs, Needham, 171 Nassau Street. BLA. MODERN three « room basement apart. ment, lots of built-in cupboards and closet space. West end: \ sity Hits Very reasonable, RA 5-407 THREE room etal Eu suitable for couple without children or for working girls. South Oshawa. Phone A 38-6016. 65¢ large furnished rooms or unfur. p= nished, vate bathroom and private " 5.9287, 641 entrance, Phone RA ONE large room and furnished kitchen, Suit couple or two girls. Apply 620 Sim. coe Street No TWO rooms, unfurnished, kitchen fur- nished, Close to buses, 206 King Yet: 65¢| FORSESSION April 1, Four room & ot d room, suitable for re Housekeeping; Phone RA 51904, 51526, tate, Toronto, AX 3-435. x 113, corner of Rosehill and S10, | Floyd, $2800. RA 52161. 0) LOT, 84 x 1 Joly low pay: hilders cholce--13 acres os with Seven - room Farms, lots| RA [be pleased to give you a free appraisal 631 as FOR Sale -- Family plot of four; Mount Lawn Cemetery. Terms. Box 630 Osh. awa Times, Lor South, Oshawa, fully serviced and completely land. scaped. 8571. 661 NEW owner-bullt Phone | TRIPLEX, all rented, includes Slave refrigerators, washers, dryer. Ne school, shopping a Box 643, manville, MA 3-361. RANCH BUNGALOW, six ro 0 m 8, fin: ished basement, asphalt double drive, Many other $18,000, half atl 1134 " somerville Street, Ye "frame building, containing ap- rox. 40,000 feet of best quality pine nly Priced to 8 Cu taka down. Phone Ne 65¢ TIRED of "your "present po Used homes are in great demand, we wili 20 of your 5. 333 5-987 sous brick ranch style home, large rooms, bath, Locat roperty, Walter Koco), RA Joseph 'Bosco, . Broker, ment with bath, Nicely decorated. tral. Adults preferred, Phone RA § CENTRAL, self - contained, four-room apartment, modern kitchen and bath, ove, refrigersior, TV antenna. Avail: le April 1. Apply Powell's Drug Store, 84734. on 45--Real Estate For Sale THREE bedroom brick bungalow, north west section, 5% per cent NHA mortgage. No agents-please. RA sia, , "10 room house, large TR Ll yw soll, This farm Is suitable for poultry farm or market gardening. Peter Feddema, Real Estate Broker, 189 Beupol See, ow. manville. Phone MA 3-3 NISHED room, for single lady o very central Apply 9% a TWO - room fully furnished apartment. tile floor, sink, use of phone, good ~ washing facilities. Available April 1 for married couple. 25 Brock | §- 2879. 5 FURNISHED or uafurnisned apart. 0 rooms, private bath and ol rae, abstainers, Phone RA 3.9188 oo or APARTMENT --two large, "clean rooms with kitchenette with built-in _cup:| boards and sink. Apply 586 Street East, CLEAN, furnished housekeeping room Central. Girl preferred. Phone RA| $9503. 67¢ THREE - room apartment, self-contain- od, heavy duty wiring, sink and cup: boards In kitchen, antenna for TV, new: ly decorated, $60 a month. Apply a Rowe Street. 92000 DOWN. Ritson and Fulaiie .. trict, solid brick, six rooms, modern kitchen, good renting area. Call RA © $3,500 SPLIT LEVEL BROOKSIDE ACRES 7_ROOM S ATTACHED GARAGE 4 BEDROOMS PEDWELL REAL ESTATE Large and small farms, houses, service stations, gen- eral stores, etc, VICTOR MANOR FOR SALE 7 - suite apartment house, with store end 4 garages, room for 3 more suites, located on main street of Bowmanville; revenue over $4,000 yearly. This is a good investment at $32,000. Will consider a house or $4,000 cosh os down poy- ment, 134 ocres with new large house, on No. 2 Highway be- tween Bowmanville and Osh- owa, House has oll conven- iences, attached garage, large poultry house, Asking $12,000 with $4,000 down. 30 ocres garden lond on No. 2 Highway and backing on 401 Highway. Large barn, foundation for new house, water, hydro. This property is on a corner and could be sold off in lots. Asking $18,000 with $3,000 cash down or would consider lot, six od on quiet residential street. 9 Freder ick [veins Phone Bowmanville MA 3.5147 NEW 3-bedroom bungalow, in Sood dis- [4h trict. No agents. Phone RA 8.0048. 68(|op $12,000 -- full price, beautiful Three bedroom brick bungalow, located on Mary Street North, plenty of large closets, oil heat, storms and screens, and just minutes to down town. For appointment call Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544. John A J. Bolahood Ltd, Real tors. be: DUPLEX Income brick veneer house. Double garage, 3 yeors old. Newiy painted for 1st time. 3-room apartment upstairs with heavy wiring. Separate entronce and meters, Four rooms downstairs, Air-condi- tioned heating. Lot 70° x 225', Full high basement. For further information call RA 5-2540, PETER KOWAL REAL ESTATE BROKER 99 King St. Bowmanville MA 3-5868 100 « acre form in the Bethany area. Full line of buildings, 7 -room house. |10 tiae, Al 57739. RA HILL] back, mot in your lap, room for six foole: $1795; deiuxe sedan, We have no competition on the present jarkel, Free demonstration, $895; radio, $350. RA 5.4513. RA 5.7436. '54 DODGE Mayfair, royal blue, auto. 'matic, custom radio. This is a low mile. one-owner, new car trade-in, Only of -- "53 CHEV, deluxe, four door, two-tone, Apply Kent's Sevie § Station, corner pu Bow. |Athol and Albert Si 4 CHEVROLET 2 power fi very good Street, ACTH CHEVROLET, *| Apply 26 Wayne Street, RA 8-5004. condition, 128 in Connaught 647|5-1161 or RA 35-1182, good condition, oof '80 FORD, A-1 condition, $200, '49 Pon. condition, $175. Phone RA 641 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to pay. For personal service at your home call RA 5.2002, per cent. § months to N 1950 models now ol $1095, "Bring dis: to tionwagon, complete, SMITH Corona adding machine, le typewriter, very reasonable. cash register, like new, $40. RA 3.4404, TTS 55 21-INCH_ Phillips TV and serial, guar. PANEL or sedan delivery truck, me-| chanieally good, $200 with $50 down. a Phone RA 3.2615. 67¢ LAKESHORE Aufo Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA and mattress, vac. attachments, RA 63 tress, roll uum cleaner 4420. MACKIE MOTORS mn Will buy good clean cars. Pay off liens, Sell on consignment, Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup plies new and used, For the best deal in town see Dominion Tire Store, 43 Bond Street West, RA 5.6511, WE pay highest price in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store. RA 3.3271. 444 Simcoe South, 25 WP Johnston moior excellent cond): ED RA 57713 after 8 p.m. 1201 King as GOODRICH Sto! Thrifty budget plan. RA A 35-4543. in USED {elevision sets, 17° and 31" com- e will give you $100 a new Hillman. Small down st offer. Phone RA 5.9757 1514 Oxford Streel. |'s8 BUICK Century, radio, two tone, '51 Chevrolet sedan, clean car 67b Van Heusen Motors. HEVROLET, , light | blue, § 800d ¢ con- | dition radio, clean upholstery, one own- er, good tires, new licence plates. BRAMLEY MOTORS | 54180, '58 PONTIAC finish, mecha teed, Dundas West, depot, open 9 a.m, to 10 p.m.) '3 MONARCH 68f dark blue and white finish, automatic transmission, speaker. [alas |new, | teed | Motors Ltd. by sedan, utomatic transmission, 95. Seaway 'Motcrs Ltd, Whitby sedan, radio. and rear and white viny interior, very low mileage, This week only, $1395 200 Dundas West, farmerly bus dopot, open 9 a hil p.m.) 'st CHEVROLET, reconditioned motor, shower cabinets, $49.50 Phone RA 54170 |'s4 MONARCH Lucerne sedan, "origina al with spotless | matching interior. Motor Is as good as|GIRL'S spring coat, red, size 8, ne any 1958 car we have. Power biskes, power steering, radio, whitewall tires. This car is absolutely arp dark blue finish, power seat, cui automatic transmission, LJ ment oi trade, 36 months on balanc You whl do well at Wellman's, 5 51 VAUXHALL, good condita 0. RA or r apply RA rent SALES'LTD. new dark green radio, ally excellent, fully guaran. 00 (formerly bus bbe immaculate seat new white wall tires, spotless| motor like! Fully guaran- Seaviy 661 Soper, pletely reconditioned. Free 90-day war. Irvine Ap- y 49--Automobile Repairs DKW & FIAT SALES & SFRVICE ANDY NAGY'S EODY SHOP 408 King Si Ww ranty on Aor and parts. Bond East. hoped r service, cuttin | heads, cords, etc., attention given to a razor (free 661 | LADY'S "muskrat "fur jack ts {length station a | weather mattress, ze 12; one otton ¢ with mattress cover, Syd 8.1001, "Weymouth Cruisers, $1800 and up, '59. Ajax Marine, a See the Scotts for No. 2 Highway at Ajax, FOR free delivery on Southern Fried Chicken. fish and chips or sandwiches, 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 i To 10 pm, all day sir day and Sunday. CABIN cruiser, A-1 condition, 24" double cedar planking, 65 HP, Gre Marine engine, sink, head, fresh w |ter tani, sleeps four, Will finance $200 down, Dick Bradley's Furniture Drive-in, HIGHEST prices pald for used furni- ture, also scll and exchange. Contact J-plece bath set, Community Furniture Store, $59; stainless Street. Phone RA 81131. | kiichen cablnels, 335; LARGEST selection of used TV, many, tee at Parkway Tele: | plastic, steel pipe and fittings, Vth PEW guaran nn's, corner of Hillside and Park| vision. 913" Simcoe Sireet North. | pind RA 3.7088. _|sEWING machines, 1039 portables, ex: hibition Dodald, rion greatly reduced. |MO_8-4493 by. Specialists in Ford service and parts, Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment, Newest type electronic tune-up equipment !50--Articles For Sale MoU MP pumps, $35; 75; pressure systems, steel sinks, $9.50; to new; lady's aut, size 16. RA 5.743 RE PRICE RAYON 43-inch Molfat elec. tric stove, kitchen chrome set, single rosset. formals, wed! g soun, et se tailored by Eaton clea: parts, attachments, ¥. tires, batter. De Kelvinator yofrigerators, television. uni f'nish chest » tinghouse washer, complete with pum», $119; rangettes, cator, $44.95; two-piece bed daven suites, combination fabrics, full | makes, fast wives, Meagher's, § King fniah beduiom dine lazy b 812; 8, rol (RED ons Simcoe Street North. 68a spring-filled pig $19.95 --= chrome Kitchen §: ! Bradley's Furniture Drive In, coe South, illed ELECTRIC ranges, i ! pletely recondition ped size; all in excellent condition, BAL from $39.50. Irvine 'Applin: ast, big savings. --. |SUMP pumps, 50--Articles For Sale Yourh bed and combination Sresser, anteed, bunk bed with spring.filled mat. Boras, CONCRETE mix good condition, 00d for oT pair: 1 rushes. guaran. ed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, Rentals, Vacuum Cisaner Repair Set vice. USED tires, 83, up. Tire Store, 44 Bond Wes STOCK disposal sale at Dick Srediers Driv Smooth top mi RA 68-1081 081 anytim Domi Street ses, of drawers, with oven heat indi. stered arms, $139; three bo hair floor lamp suites all makes, com. ET. supplies, tropical fish, ah, hamsters: budgies, turtles, wild bird see a Phone 1288. Sportsman's Corner, 105 Byron South, Whitby. Open till 9 p.m. Friday 21ILINCH Phillips Console lid. walnut eabinet with full doors, xcellent condition. Apply 629 Masson reet, = USED 21" TV sel, console, mahogany, anteed, $105. The Dutch Merchant Albert Street USED Beatty washer, $16.95; tional four-burner range, $19.95. Dutch Merchant, 633 Albert Street. "used Na- 19 Prince RED maple baby's crib with Podtie mattress, bumpers and pillow, hardly used, Phone RA 8-003 Lia [BEATTY electric ironer, Street, j phot corner gave the topic. arranty, 50 Bond "television, 'W.A. Meets. At Leskard -- By MRS. C. MARTIN LESKARD -- The March meet ser |ing of the Leskard Woman's As sociation was held at the home on of Mrs, Robert Chater. Mrs. Martin opened the mast. ing with a poem and Mrs. Cha. 1/ter gave the treasurer's revort, Mrs. Sutcliffe reported sending cards to shut-ins, The theme for the devotional period was Easter and Mrs. Al mas read a poem. Mrs. Newman read the scripture. Mrs. Baristow' It was decided to donate #3 tn ,|the Red Cross campaign and Eas: (ter lilies will be purchased for pl 399 Sin|ihe special Easter service, 63M arch 29, It was reported lals were purchased tables for the church. Lunch was served bv Mrs, Cha-" io Mrs. Tennant and Mrs, Mar;. tin, Next meeting will be held at' the home of Mrs. M, Almas. PERSONALS Mrs. Robert Chater is vietine her mother this week. Ruth is that to mater. make 67h h The Michael, iS Commi 67b Toronto after a week's holiday 51--Swap and Barter pressure sae] Livy copper, | ler, 1, fittings. Chinn's, RA 3.7088. "lend visitor. staying with Mve, "porn while) er mother is in Toronto. | Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Young and' Toronto, were wee snd' {visitors to Mr. and Mrs, C, Mar. (tin, Michael stayed for a holi- 1 day with his grandparents. Carole Grant has returned to with Mr, and Mrs. C. Grant, Fred Anderson, Toronto, was a week- Mrs. Earl Puckrin, Audley, and'spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. C. Martin. i Hydro, 2 wells. Asking $8,500 with $2,000 down. Immedicte possession, {a stand out, Be sure to see and drive bed, Dri ed, Spring mattress, dresser, Tollaway toy 1108 pm. at 238 Kalser Sully |it. Special for this week, $005, Seaway | ny at [Motors Ltd. 200 Dundas Street Yak tion, RA 8.160 pares, wi avog eongs cent, corner of Louisa Stree RAI 82 Legal Tomer qui git © [WE will net he responsible for any (formerly bus depot), open § a.m on TWO So 5.1212. Also ladies' 0pm.) > 0-gallon tanks. Burrows Garare -- - KROEBLER Red ale Salesman: -- 55 FORD custom sedan, two-tone biue | Brougham | folds, bedroom sult sofabeds ter debts contracted by eur daughter, Carl J. A. BAST {and white, immaculate, excellent me. NEW wood "paneled overhend "garage chairs, Brand new styles at lower than Lorraine Carpenter, "an oF he or | ON--MA 3.3098 ehanically, custom radio, four very door, size 7 x 8%, reasonable. RA 8.0439. aver pices 310 down delivers a Kroeh te, March 19, ned, 'Sihina and 65c Eocd tiren. fully guaranteed. $1098, Se | rpc ler chesterfield ar bedroom suite te| ®t! ition ey: iar Brock strat Whithy u ! On duaplay now at Barons' Ge0rEe ' Se | jway Motors Ltd, 200 Dundas West, | 1 epot) o) n 9 completely reconditioned, North, Whithy. 46--Real Estate Wanted am to Hormerly bus depo Pe fe $69.50. ings, 424 Simcoe Street warranty, from |WE anxious! uire for sale, hi + 30 Bend East prices ars lower ind lously require for sale, homes, '35 BUICK two-door, -- or your money back!" businesses, farms, commercial and re 3% BUICK tue doar, Tigh Ag "pirce chesieriieid; ey yo y bar sidential sites, out of town properties, motor 1 like a clock, TH with pad 6' x 9'; two hlond end tables, | EXPA large or small. Don Stradeskl, RA 35-1326 haauly cial, $1495. Seaway EH [a for 833. Phone RA 5.9748 after 3 workers Teprasnting Wilson Real Estate, Toron-|200 Dundas West, Whitby (formerly bus ? 8c | "Help Wa ' | today. gL. to. AX. 3.45) | depot, open 9 am to 10 p.m 86 | Two girls' "bicycles, need minor re. NORGE refrigerator, in §00d Working WC 18 WHITE, 11.foot stake and rack, Dp % 5.3263, 6st WANTED BUILDINGS Both for $20. Phone RA Il? condition. RA body, custom tarp, good mechanically, after 3 FOR DEMOLISHING 1 bi $745. Se 1d, TV d: table con : ' owe Ta HR real buy, away 'y -- use able console | motor boa L v 200 Dundas West, Whitby tormarty bus| models, 17" - 21", Re-conditioned, Bud. | [RA 3401 10. iid Any type of building or house. Highest prices paid. CALL RA 8.5827 or depot, open 9 a.m, to 10 p.m. 66¢| get terms, B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA SMART shoppers find exceptions] Rad MA 3.2236 RECREATION ROOM 3 BATHROOMS DECORATED IN OIL ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS ALUMINUM COMBIN- ATION DOORS WALK-IN CLOSETS COLORED TILE AND FIXTURES HAND-RUBBED CUPBOARDS OPEN FIREPLACE Truly a beautiful home The last lot the builder has. Too many features to mention here. house in Oshewe. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Electrically equipped LA SALLE COURT RA 5-3815 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS Immedicte pessession, elec. trically equipped, best loca- tion. Buckingham Manor, RA 8-8676 MAPLE GROVE MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Wes Down and Paul, Eben- ezer, were tea guests of Mr and Mrs, Bert Sn wden, Sunday Mrs. John MacLean and Mrs. | John Whalen celebrated birth: days during the past week, Mr. and Mrs, Ira Travell, Osh. awa, were Sunday guests of Mr." and Mrs, Gordon Beech. AL . and Mrs. Fred Allain, Pe-'" terborough, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fd Holmes. furday guests were Mr, and Mrg, V/illlam Slaght, Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs, Sam Snowden and Roy, Blackstock, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alm Snowden Sunday. 1 Frank Pierce and John Reddy, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mr. Tom McGuirk, Saturday. Sunday visitors were Mrs. Felice Fortin Foy Donald Wilhelm of Hamil on, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and Vicki, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gow Sunday. § Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mills, Bar- bara and Ralph, visited Mr, and Mrs. W, E. Begley, Enniskillen, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Max Morrissey were Mr, and: Mrs. Russell Morrissey, En 3 len and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Synes," of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech and family visited Rev, and Mrs, * Eugene Beech, Toronto, last week, g Mr. and Mrs. Les Jones, Bow. manville, visited Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Holmes, Sunday even ing, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Howell and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Lioye Parrish, Uxbridge, , Sun. ay. : Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Beech, Janice and Bonnie and Mrs. E., Ashton, visited Rev, and Mrs. H, Stainton, Courtice, Sunday. : Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Whalen and family were her mother, Mrs, Don Me- Lellan, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Me- Lellan and family, Ajax, and Mrs. L. Ackford, Pickering. Sharon Robbins, Peterborough, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Holmes. W. Tucker and his mother call ed on his daughter, Mrs. Rob. ert Shearer, Sunday. Maple Grove Girl Guides and Brownies Association met at the school Monday. District commis. ioner, Mrs, William O'Neill spoke. , on camping and Mrs. Lloyd Snows « dden was appointed Camp direc- tor to replace Mrs, Howard. Bradley. 10 ocres on No. 2 High wey, nice house, lerge chick- en 'house, small born, gocd garden land. $16,000 with | $5,000 down, Would eon- | sider house in Toronto, refrigerators, all makes, onday free Irvine NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF NORMAN FERRELL, DECEASED gos stetion ot on 35 Highway, doing 100,000 gallonage, repairs, living quarters and snack bar, no opposition for 5 miles. $22,500, reason. oble down payment, Feed business loge, large turnover, A rare opportunity to get into a live business. $15,000 with terms. Supertest Cameron one | All persons having claims against NORMAN FERRELL, late of the City of Oshawe, in the Cou:ty of Onterie, deceased, who died cn the 8th day of February 1959, must file their claims with the unedrsigned before the 10th day of April 1959 efter which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims so filed. DATED this 17th day of March 1959. LOUIS S. HYMAN, Q.C. 37 King Street East, OSHAWA, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices. in goed vile "57 CONSUL six + passenger se d an, (53-4343 nitire. buys "Home Furnish. maroon and grey finish, like new, 7000 ATR compre "Webster" 1/3 HP and ings" tn i to 8000 miles, styled exactly the same 5 fy air hose $38, Ford car radio.o| as a 1959, 38 miles to the gallon .This|§30; cash register, $125; Spray gun PUY "of the season t coma car was driven by our service man |wwenster Mod: AC, new, $30; bend And see the Filly hia: Ell Golden ager, 21495. Seaway Motors Ltd., 200/,,4 $30; sand blasting machine, $325; IF] Hawk 15%' all mahogany runabout, up: Dundas Street West, Whitby (formerly eked jack, $29; boiler testing water | holstered seats, wi bus depot, open : 10 10 p.m.) 66¢|pump, high pressure, $25: vacuum air|¥are and controls, powered by the 80 '5 METEOR sedan, absolutely immac- pump, $24; air hose, electric motors, | bp Flying Scott. Mounted on O.B, 70, ulate, dark green finish, custom radio. 1 HP; car heater, furnace fan, ete. Super Deluxe Tee-Nee trailer, All this Abole 807 Simcoe Street South, Pal only $2095. Sangatercratt 14' run. 47 --Automobiles For Sale [This car 1s In new ear condition Abn App a b teed 18,000 miles. Be 48 BUICK sedan, needs transmission, | 'Iroukhout, guaran EIEIO and sure to see this one, $1445. Seaway x; 8, ' $70 or nearest offer. Phone RA sai. Motors Ltd, 200 Dundas West, Whitby gr RG finite? Nol say el four We jnckety, Powered 40 Pa fin RE (formerly bus depot, open § a.m. HE stoves, ete. For top cash offer, contact | Soares ith Tenens trailer, No. 55 MONARCH sedan, immacula' [10 p.m.) 19 Prince Street. Phone ® RA 81131. | hing 'more to buy. Only $1743, 18' and dark blue and white finish, automatic |: 8, new C transmission, radio and rear seat % FORD, ford "hone R and 4 te, 64 BARGAINS -- Crome chairs, #4 $20.95 DOWN delivers three rooms of speaker, new white wall tires, spot (plates, hes Space saver, $14; chesterfield fermi to your home! hag incledes less blue and white 3 terior, | PARTS "for "50 Meteor at 118 Mill Sireet chair, $29: 4-burner HD stove, i . moter like new, very low mileage. Full | after five. 6dc | dresser, $14.50; wardrobe, $15; sewin, guaranteed This week only $1395 37 OLDS #0 sedan, ne, $12 and $17; bed and I Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West. li two-tone LE and ae finish, $9; 21" TV, $89; rangette, $9 and $17; Whitby Yormerly bus depot, open 9 ith matching interior, radio, power: tape recorder, 2-speed, $69: accordion, am. to 10 pm brakes, power steering satomatic, $18 and $65: refrigerator $49; washing DODGE Crusaier lly STF ad white wile Man. other. Shirts Don Haina: nan Sr By. Cammatmity. urn 22,000 miles. RA 83-5029. 504 Fairleigh ok ioe this buy for this week ok only ae ore, 19 Prince Street Phone RA ney and_suality Avenue. hit Th bus ig HA 13 ) ot, y (form i PLYMOUTH, re-conditioned |e | USED tires, most all sizes #3 up. B, F. $395. Phone 9923, or apply 1110|' nm: © 10 p.m.) $e wv Juriable, Goodrich Store. RA 34543. makes button holes, ith kr "Terms a TWO children's cribs, like new, with a month. RA 5-3422. ic mattresses, raise to four levels, reason. WALNUT suite, Ty SL... |able. Phone RA 57198 or 828 Mer er with large TAror, bedside table and | Street. hd stand, all with marble tops, and in BABY carriage, Jight Soe and wey. good conditicn. MO 8-3674, Whitby, 66c|good condition, RA 8-897! 14 FOOT Peterborough cedar "strip 58 GENDRON baby cw Pu boat, 9 used two Asasons, and Mercury |green and silver, Phone RA § 67c rk 3 motor, 6'4 HP, Both In excel. TIRE ME TNT out [17 CUBIC FT. lice crea r lent 'condition. 0 Rousiang Road West. stroller, commode chair, athiette. |ete. Men's coats, ladies' coats, size 32 |to 16 16, dress y 8 suit, | RA 3-437! 71 115 HP motor, new, $69: portable alr compressor, 834: Ford car radio '53 LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee Is less thon o vo- cancy, only screened and re- lioble tenonts. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe St. N, RA 8.5123 45--Real Estate For Sale Country general store with i gos pumps, living quarters, no information opposition, doing a nice busie ness. Property and stock RA 5-883] around $25,000. Easy terms. 6 acres garden land planted W. T. LAMSON in all small fruits, solid brick | REAL ESTATE LTD. house, close to highway, pouls Call for complete mw 66c Re- | try pens. First time offered, would consider house in Bow manville, $12,000, Money to loan on first morte goges. 68a plec 3-plec [ste * » proce kitchen set, "spring: filled at 1 spring, breakfast set, able, two end tables, two table {amps two pillows, two boudoir lamps. ete. Borons' Home Furnishings, 424 | Simcoe Street South, "Where prices are igher - or your $11,600 full price on this large 3-bedroom bungalow with 3.room basement apartment rented now for $50 monthly, large lot 75 x 239 feet. This home is only 3 years old, one block from bus stop, 'Eost Whitby Township, low taxes. Asking $3,000 down. Call OzzietAddison, RA 3-2254, Carge 8-room brick home on Charles Street, Just off King. - Forced air oil heating, hardwood throughout, extra bathroom facilities, double garage. Listed ot $14,500 with $2 500 down. Call Ozzie Addison for an appointment at RA 3. 2254, CAN YOU HELP? Client with $1,500 -- $2,000 down, in urgent need of a 3-bed- room home, close to schools and bus service. Reasonable monthly "CALL RA 32254 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR WHITBY CLASSIFIED ROOM for Rent -- In new bungalow 's0 PLYMOUTH, good co.dition, id for young man, I optionm, Ab- cash, or can be financed for * $14 stainer. Phone MO . 68¢c| month. MO 8-4506 after 6 p.m. MODERN DRY %: eaners & Launder | FOR" RENT--Small three room "ground ers (formerly Bus Gagnon's) Pickup | floor apartment, self contained, not and and delivery, MO 83227; open Thurs (cold water supplied. Available det J A day and Friday until 9 April 17 17 Mo Sum. LIVE poultry, also feathers wanted. FOR RENT -- Three-room 1 apartment, Highest market Fils paid. Phone col-| self-contained, heat and light included, lect MO 38-3486, Whitby, ~~ April 10.570 per month. MO 8.3578. nd bungalow wanted, Good -- New chrome Good down payments. W, NeAvles Realtor Byron Street South, MO smal Fuk $ UY] MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3.2812. sell and exchange. PANT ot and Seton | FOR RENT -- Large two roomed apart apart ment located in central part of town. MO 8.2691, 86c THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE . that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa at its regulor meeting to be held on Monday, April 20th, 1959 intends to pass a by-law to stop-up and close the south- erly part of that portion of Colborne Street Eost as shown on Registered Plan 671 which lies between River- side Drive and the westerly limit of Plan 671. AND take further notice that ot the said meeting the Council shall hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applies fo be heard. DATED ot Oshawa this 21st doy of Mech 1959. . BARRAND, City Clerk, USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS DAILY CROSSWORD 40, Uncommon 11, Sand Salesmen: MAURICE H, PEDWELL . Phone Newcastle 3851 WM, A, HERON Phone 12, Brooklin E. JEFFERY Phone 238, Colborne H. C. PEDWELL BROKER NEWCASTLE PHONE 3856 IF you believe that Prices are going up then BUY GOLDELL BUY NOW Lowest priced home in mae North-west Oshawa 200 as 'est | merly bus depot), Open § a.m. to 10 5 GOLDELL HOMES pmo Hrd "16-FT. PETERBOROUGH sports cruls- 63¢ er, sleeps two, twin electric 25 HP |Johnston motors, many extras Excel famous | The finest Canadian made aluminum combination win. dows and prime windows, self-storing doors. Very low price, only $49.50 installed. Finest aluminum awnings. Remember sold only by your local deoler. ALEX VAJDA, Modern Woodworking Shop, RA 3.9851, CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3-2284 JSED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPCLITAN, MORRIS, M.G,, WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE, SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN SALES onc SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. TEL RAndoioh 3-3461 BUILD THAT | BOAT NOW | Is ecsy with a molded hull or boat kit, trom 8' to 26'. See | Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway. | PHONE 1266 AJAX EXTRA!!! '50 PONTIAC sedan, automatic, fully equipped: '55 Chevrolet coach, exeel. ns condition. RA 8-5179; evenings RA 56 GNC, 500 dump truck, per perfect condi tion, nylon tires. Can be financed. RA 5.2156. $33.67, take over payments. Nothing down, '54 Ford Tudor, yellow, really good mechanically, «eep-tread tires, err appearance, King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre, '55 CHEV. standard coach, with V-8 custom radio, white walls, RA 5.5959 67a rdtop with AWNINGS, plain, "colors, or "gay st stripes, ow service. Free estimates. Order | now fpr early delivery, Chair and table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe. North. | gq push-button, $29: electric greasing $50 TO $150 allowance for your old aay Alemite, with grease gun, television on any new Electrohome, Ad. t+ and many other items at very miral, Victor or Westinghouse at Pork-| reasonable prices. Come in and look way Television, 918 Simcoe Street around every evening. Aprly 597 Sim. |North, ~~ _|coe Street South. RA 85-9216. ! "delivered, | > BARGAIN, one walnut dining room DRY firewood for sale, and $10 per load. Phone RA 8-1326. in good condition, nine pieces, nable price. RA 35-5190. 674 ELECTROAOME, Cavaller, Hi-fi, -- in Je price. i ------ most new. $175. Apply 339 King Street Fwo double beds complete, also one East, 68¢c 3, bed without mattress. Phone RA ¢ PA SYSTEM, complote, one of the best, 88628. for its price. Phone RA 8:1526 after USED "Crosley sy _Shelvador refrigerator, 3m. 641 very good condition, $65. The Duteh AM ave radio, new, $75: 633 Al Street and AM . FM radio, $65. RA 5.8588, REE ca A 6 and 7 p.m. 66! tion, $22; twin carriage $15; eoliapsible [ANTIQUE walnut tabi "oval stroller §7. Phone MO 8-3428. {In perfoct condition, $37: also square ONE cedar strip boat, 15 2 fibre a [table, 24nch mahogany to be refinish. | with' centre deck, 56 16 HP Sco |ed, $17.50. Phone Pickering 270. 63a water, steering wheel hi oot os |LLOYD carriage, 6.way convertible, | trailer with wine 3.2619. en like new, $25. RA 5.3804 68¢ TV AERIAL $10; also Heintzman plano ONE chesterfield chair, In good condi-(363, both in good condition, owner tion, 40 Jones Avenue. RA. 3.3082. 63 moving. RA 8.3438. _8%c SA ---_ | BEAUHEUL) 'will sacrifice; three. ce mohair chesterfield, 's6 METEOR Victoria, : Slate Windows, a9 c, fender skirts, $250 t over payments, Apply 11 Mil 'Bowmanville after 4.30 p.m. 671 *88 CHEVROLET four-door, good shape, cash or terms. License No. A 24388, Geo, Wehner, RA 5.3568, 112 Simcoe Street North, 9 am. to § p.m 67¢ '85 DODGE Regent, tutone blue, custom radio, tires like new. This car is priced right at $995, bhi Heusen otors Open till 9.00 p. LJ) 51 MONARCH I light gr rey y and green finish, push butt radio and many other extras. this § very low mileage car and is In es ulate condition. Special for this week | only, fully guaranteed, $2145. Seaway Motors Ltd., Dundas West, Whitby (formerly bus depot, open 9 a.m. to 10pm) soc '87 DODGE Regent, fordor, tutone green with matching jmteriors custom radio, spotless throug! i SEE HOME APPLIANCES [light grven. ike new. Reasonsbia price OSHAWA LTD, parti 6 mm movie camera, 3 lens, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR [turret model with case. Ph hone RA FRIGIDAIRE Se SALES AND SERVICE | cuffing ue ladies' wear: drapery alterations, . KB. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South, arch 24g 54 L180 | THAATonsY, complete with tractor equipment, good rubber, 15,000 miles on engine, $1395, Seaway Motors » Whitby (for. -- 1959 Ford Coach, can be financed, Rea 10 8 4125 after 3:30, 53 Vanguard Sedan 4 radio, hea . Private only. Tow FOR SALE -- Oriental rug, 9 x 15; mil Sood condition, Phone MO 8.5774. 68c | Pho SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary FOR Sale -- big new tanks installed. Walter Ward, | door, '59 plates, 204 Chestnut West; phone MO 5h M: SICA REMIOIMIE INT] NIOIVIATE UBIER] 1 A] IM] IRIN TION GIA IM] HA i GIA] | condition, overdr! 4/713 Green Street. Food and freezer plant. $15.40 a week per family | of four, includes approxi- Domestic and Commercial ACROSS 1. The == of Avon WATER sa: service, 300 gallons or 1000 load. MO 8:4172 before 8. after 3 p.m. April FOR C.I.L. PAINT FOR SALE -- New and used boats, trailers, Scott outboard motors. sed motors--3 Va, 5, 10, 30, BRAEMOR lent condition. Call RA 5-173¢ alter "ei 8 CHEVROLET sedan, biack with [Srey interior, excellent tires. motor in| top condition, guaranteed. Special fer |this week, Seaway Motors Lid. 200 Dundas West, Whitby 'armerly Rus For c better buy en aluminum storm-screen windows, flair mately 90 per cent gro- céries and freezer, no down payment, for ap | SEWING MACHINES Elna demonstra- Salesmen's 8. Jokes 9. An Iroquoian GARDENS {Stevenson's Rd. N.) ROSSLAND MANOR® (Rossland Rd. W.) FROM $1,749 DOWN Name your own down payment if you qualify. | . ° For information RA 5-7272 or John A. J. Bolahood Real Estate RA 5-6544 quick. RA 5-259] MR. KABBAZ tor, phone 10. Toward the sheltered side 11, Primitive communis cation medium 13. Mule blanket 14. Tree 18. Upright pianos a. Nickel (sym.) 18. University official 19. Look 20. Half an em 21. Bowlike curve 22, Microbe 23, Hardened skin 28. A Moslem 27. Enemy 28. Jewish month 30. Number 31. Telegraph 32. Thus 33. The Devil (collog.) 35. Entire 36. Heaps 87. Master of cerémonies depot, open 9 om. to 10 p.m. VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. Your Local Ford, Edsel Monarch, Renault Dealer Sales and Service 149 KING ST. W. RA 5.3557 BUYING OR SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494, Res. 5.5574 '46--Real Estate Wanted SPECIAL -- i" only, used 14-foot boat, 5 h.p. motor and trailer $435 FOR RENT -- Boat box and cabin trailers, chain saws, skill saws, paint sprayers, cement mixers, wheel bore rows, etc, WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1101 Henry St, yaputby. Ont, + MO 8.3226 WANTED-TWO MEN FOR DUTIES OF STEWARD at Canadian Legion, Whitby Duties include: Clubroom Counter work, Cleaning ond Main. tenance of Clubroom and Auditorium, Upstairs and other work os directed by the Chairman, | Application will be received until noon Saturday, March 28, 1959, [ | Apply In writing, stating age, experience, referénces and salary 10} mm pointment. No obligation. Phone RA 5-3709. "2 BUY NOW AND SAVE | Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motors -- budget terms, Free winter storage on motors. Boat storage. Factory op- proved, Service centre for motor repairs, Open evenings ond weekends. | MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED BROOKLIN, ONT, PHONE 87 WINTER-SEAL ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS -- Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. RA 5-463. Les Eveniss, RA 3-2707 Bill Galbraith, RA 5-8832 Don Howa. RA 35-0313 vent awnings, doors, porch railings, pre-fob cottages and garages, stone tex siding, call HOLODY ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell St.,, RA 5.2431 Whitby, MO 8-4633 48--Automobles Wanted HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cors. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-9421 46--Real Estate Wanted LIST WITH CONFIDENCE WILSON REALTOR Old Houses -- New Houses -- Farm Property We Have Buyers Waiting WILSON REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 | call DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 COLONIAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS, DOORS AND AWNINGS Manufactured in our Whitby plont. Before buying come into our show room at 134 Simcoe St. S. and see our display or for a home dem- onstrution coll Oshawa RA 8.8571. FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN COLONIAL ALUMINUM 134 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa FOR RENT Chain Rh ga Sow and aint yers. For Sale -- Used Boats, Motors ana Trailers. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE D SALES aseggs 24. Clinch ers (slang) 25, On the top of 26. Re. experience 38. Pads 1101 he a MO 8-32 iby or H. Goldstein Real Estate RA 8-5161 GOLDELL HOMES Your locel Builder specializ- low end medium priced homes, _ F. J. STEFFLER--Secretary Branch 112, Canadian Legion, WHITBY \ $b l