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The Oshawa Times, 23 Mar 1959, p. 15

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"TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS |g}, ort. Time Renewal CarBuyers. TORONTO tae 2 i: gna, [BEE EFEEF E TREE | Of Broadcast Permits Unaware Of 3 | Vg. : [} - --Ex- 540 830 J Ena yigan, ¥t-ER Bo Maud an 13 1% 158 Dupuis Fr A 1160 $74 74 J TORONTO (CP)--Dr. Andrew "will not be affected only by the, Speaking of the Broadcasting] Kick-Backs i 500 "0 990 0, 0, - Foundation sie 1614 164 Stewart, chairman of the Board|ratings or evidence of profitabil-/Act adopted last year, and under| ) Stock Bales Migh Low liam Fargo " boy 884 A a8 " of Broadcast Governors, said to-|ity." |which the BBG was established Industrial [HH : 24 day the board soon will propose| He said it might be easier for to take over the old CBC board TORONTO (CF -- Car dealers ustiriais Midri 0 renewal of broadcasting li sithe broadcasters if the board de- Of governors' regulatory powers would rather sell on time pay- 00 836% lof 'some stations for as short a|fined precisely and quantitatively over Canadian broadcasting, Dr. ments than for cash because of period as one year. what it means by "high stand. Stewart said: the percentage "kicked back to He told the Canadian Assocla-|ards" of broadcasting, but "this "The act refers to the (Cana. 'be dealer" a car salesman told tion of Broadcasters this would be|would tend to create uniformity, dian Broadcasting) Corporation| County Court Judge Frank Me- 1 inv 140 pr 128 n done to stagger renewal dates, eliminate experimentation, and providing a national broadcasting Donagh Saturday, jn on HA ; {so that a roughly equal ber|place the nt of stations service. The other elements in| Leo John Smith, salesman for Argus - ; 3 Ind Accep 600 2 (will. come up each year. A totallin a strait jacket." the national broadcasting sys-Jobn Harvey Motors Ltd., said Argus 240 pr Hu 8 4 Pi 9000 New Int Bronze pr 100 $34 UK of 171 radio and television | ENDORSES CODE tem. which the board is enjoined that when autos are purchased Atlas Steel Y Provo Gas 8 2M 4300 4 In Nickel © 300 99} H cences are due for renewal to maintain, are the private com. through finance companies a cer. y AR) Ranger ¢ He : Jot. Paper, 00 NA March 31. He said the board endorses the rn orcial broadcasters. [tain percentage is "kicked back" Royalite 200 0 90 - ) 20 2 Iroquois pr 100 Dr, Stewart said in his keynote|association's own code of ethics "In the light of the act, the to the dealer. Je 825 = > W |address at the association's an-|on programming which says: {noard oe pin station as a part "Is the kickback disclosed to 50 $43 4 @ nual meeting the board will rec-| "It shall be the responsibility of a national broadcasting sys. he person who buys the car? Mass Fer ny + ommend to the transport depart-lof member stations to so Ppro-\jem with responsibilities of a na asked the judge. Molen 4 HH ment that renewals--which untillgram the broadcasting day that. (ional character within this sys, VO: the customer does not Molscn pr 220 $401 40% 40% now have been for five years--be as far as possible, all groups of (om {know about it." Smith replied. Mtl Loco 108 in 11» for periods ranging from one to| listeners shall have some part of ' Judge McDonagh: "In other Morgen pr five years. the programming devoted to| NETWORKS PROPOSAL |words, time payment means 3 He sald the board licence re- their special likes and desires in| The board would favor, in prin. more to your firm than cash pay- Decalta on oo 21 2 x Nor 30 $36 0d newals must not be considered proportion to the relation of the ciple, the extension of private- ments?" to be automatic, but recognizesmembers of each group to all station networks "but will be con-| Smith, Empire Motors Ld, that there must be assurance of groups. It shall be the respon-|cerned to ensure thati they con- and the successor firm, John continuity. sibility of the member stations to|tribute to the objectives of the Harvey Motors, are heing sued NO CONTINUOUS THREAT |meet such requirements through|national system." |by Lieut. Robert G. Campbell, a ¢ Hydro Car 10 TW 1% Agnice ve 500 PB 1 rice a wl $85 85 8S "It is not, therefore, the inten-|the best programs that available| Among his recommendations to, Toronto naval office. OPR Cana W Alba Expl 1 ' 9 1 . 8N5n n iy tion. of the board to hold over talent and ingenuity can devise. [the broadcasters' association. Campbell claims he purchased Con das ." A Alm 0°33 33 92.41 Pick Crow un oom. Can 45 oa stations any continuous threat of 'Whatever this does mean pre- Dr. Stewart said the board would a car from the defendants for Sonos p 25 82 2 Amal Rare } hig ' ' cancellation of licences. How-|cisely," commented Dr. Stewart, hope to achieve "'a record of in- $3,300. When he reccived the Cosmin RL Anncon 08 108 108 'orp ; ) lever, if the board is to perform "it certainly does not mean con. creasing independence, self-reli. papers from the finance company Crestbrk wie 17) 2 NM Ang Roun Fiat 0 s 2 its functions properly it must|tipuous musical recordings inter- ance and self-discipline within it was marked up to $3,985, he Pint Saas ' : n Area Ly. - 8 * |have an opportunity to review the spersed with news." the (broadcasting) industry." said. Aulaque J 7 performance of stations before EE Fest - wits te-------------------------------- > making recommendations for re-| © Ld Steinbg A 411 newal of licences. Trans C PL #130 $274 % "There are in all 171 radio and Wisdon wm " television licences coming up for| Zellers pr 1000 " [renewal at March 31, 1959. The| hoard is, therefore, recommend-| Satine o Boymar 1 a [ing the staggering of renewal of Gen Dynam 38 { Butla EE lt TY 260 40! -- 00 66 68 licences so as to have a number 38 W Bunce ill 5 08 - I lcoming up each year. CN Inca 1 & p ] k iA | "On this occasion, stations will Cdn Lid 8 000 |be recommended for extensions Hard Carpet - ] " A 900 "wo, ie #80 " {of one, two, three, four or five #0 A : Captain . 250 248 M8 + A [years. The announcement of the imp on 0 $43 ih Cation 00 300 Surf Inlet M 1 pecommendation o Feiewal of mp A) 7 Chester 3 ylvanite d Light : {those licences whic! apse at Ind Asap. Sn Ch'b-Kay 23 28 Ten a Pac Ad Inv 3 : {March 81, 1959, will appear scientific Inglis 900 1 t Chth M 300 : its : 17 Que Phone, 2 i |shortly, and will be accompanied wonder Iniang Gor 6 Chrom 265 - 265 26! - Ht p 5 +1 Shop Save rt 2070 160 2 by an explanation of the prin- a y a RK Shop Save 670 $234 23 23 : Inter PL 0 $32 p 2 Cody Teee 8 u 2 7 Union Gas 100 $16% 16% SIDES overning the extenslons| p 1 Comb Met 28 % 0» sed. / : Ventures X ) ) . ; ; . a ft g Conlagas 6 a g: - en | Dr. Stewart sald the board's 4 - 30% 3 Bolleken ! \ Violam 228 Mines c rE E---- SE EE EEE ---- -- we w . Curb Dalhousie ¢ Callinan 17 1754 Waitt Am 100 74 : Aa Mints S00 |view of broadcasting standards a i _-- -- iE SER M Leaf Mill 200 ¢ Jenison 280 25 r Ny etuon 1 Ameranm 500 [ s . 4 Wo+ en w 3818 a A 3 500 i Nort wis 0% L + C Disoeviry EL 3 bit A : Alucen 4000 plants at Hamilton, Chatham and Mut Brick 1000 328 : C Haliwell : & Yate Load 1 ; 3 Baker Tale 1300 2 gerso l. ; Moore 257 Con Howey 800 " : Yk Bear Bateman 130400 Ss 9 -n Use of explosives by uranium ". North Star 100 813 Con M and 8 3 Hadd ytl + Youn HG 0 7 Bellechas 2000 63 -1 | mines increased but requirements £ Nor Star A Mm v Zenmae . Dluevaier 3 |of the iron ore, nickel and other ye Curb vi - : Conn Cop 200 400 400 Bornite 500 --8 base - metal mines were lower. Yukon Con Bamt mn oo 1 Demand from the construction in- Conwest 4 0 amn 1 3 1 dustry decreased, reflecting the Cop Lorp : 4 v Sales to 11 am: 1, . Cartier Que "0 © |near-completion of the St. Law- op Chipman 1 10} rence Seaway and Trans-Canad Coprand 3 - . ) | g a Coulee 6 8 MONTREAL 4 20 50. 250 250 Tih gas pip line. Cowich - MONTREAL 11:30 AM. STOCKS L 22 10 ------------------------------------ Croinor By The Canadian N 1000 | Daering : . - 2% Montreal Stock Excha D'Aragon (Quotations in cents unies| arked D'eldona ; 4 v-0dd lot, xd Ex-dividend, xr--Exe Donalda 2 » rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Hollinger y ¢ Int Ceram Industrials ji Len, oe Nothing afoot can match "ale 5 - Sales High Low JI hee saritimi 500 16 { Cat-Tex soles' solid comiort, Fiwest Tung 370 836% 36W 36% -- Mh Norge oo. | | value and good looks! At your : : Fe mber 1%0 200 nn | Ww am N ogador 7 17 | IR / Shoe Repairer' get Cat-Tex .... #7 Suptest ord. 3 : Sroblshel 2 + 3 Montaary so 3 od ' for all the family's shoes! Worth much 300 3 6 F E) 7 ¢ "more, cost no more! By the makers of CAT'S PAW SOFT, RESILIENT HEELS Gunnar ot at ell P 9426 00 NA 5 | y 3 Gunnar 1 v 4 . Hasaga 25 a BA Of x18! : Okalta Crs. H of Lakes 20 ; 42 " 1 20 2 20 Headway Heath . . Orchan Heva o . " " Pi So 8 Hollinger . 20 orcupine Weston 3 4 Hoyle 81 Lo Portage White Pass) Hud Bay 3 \ A Prove Curd Ind Lake . 7 = W o | Que Loney Int Nickel 3 ; 3 3 § Marconi , 40 Irish Cop 50 300 283 29 : ? Que Lith 2 Int Pa 1 Iron Bay 1 55 4 3 Que Smelt Int Ut 51 51 W = Iso. Uran 3 3 - * Conv 36 300 300 Radiore Price Br A 5 - Jacobus 200 Cottons pr St Law Rvr Jellicoe > 1 Power p Sherritt Jonsmith 8000 Oil 16! Steep R Jowsey a 6 ) 3 Sullivan Kerr Add 3 9 C Pet pr 20 1% 2 un Kilem wits 3 - 1 1 . Fabrader D [} 7 A 5 on ) 2 - | 3-WAY Lake n A © 150 --8 D Sore 15 » Weenie 3000 M E D 1 CAT E D Tara on ron wy D pares pr x28 Bn DW ah -- Sales to 11:30 am." Industrials 4.500, TREATMENT -- | : New hypo-allergenic treatment GROWING DEFICIT along , with other adverse bal-out of resumption by Britain of and subsidiary companies. 10 Lelp clear Hah Tlackheads, A {ances 'In shipping costs and the annual repayments of $22,200,000 Total sales .were $140,756,000, | P eS, h {flow of interest and dividends. worth of interest on her $1,185, ; S about one per cent below the : i . |The deficit in trade usually is fi- 000000 loan made by. Canada x 1957 figure of $142,653,000. | Medicated Face Wash, scientific formula for corrective cleansing. .$1.50 nd |nanced by foreign capital. As this 1946. This interest payment w ! + : - a | ravel Dollar flow of capital gD EADIE Ba waived to JST Net income, announced earlier, Cleansing Grains for blackheads, blemishes... 0... 00vvuver... $1.50 [to Canada's interngtional indebt. ree WAS $5,170,079, or 58 cents a All Clear Medicated Lotion, the creamy liquid that conceals | edness. share, compared with $86,662,250, blemishes and speeds up healing ........oiovvrviienssnaneennesns $150 " : At the end of 1957. this net in- Ch | U {or 98 cents, A IT ad ternational debt climbed to $11,- emicais P | Increase in uranium refining 000,000,000. The bureau of statis- . {resulted in higher sales of sul- tics now figures that hy the end Explosives phuric and nitric acids and to EASTER SI By HAROLD MORRISON | Details of where these dollars of 1958, this debt rose 'to well (supply the additional demand, _ Canadian Press Staff Writer went are being prepared by the *V3" hs it means sulphuric yo] pans "Some "P) rel'h , bureau of statistics. Prliminary . " S | D | } 4 ' a F statpatin ete /information indicates little increasing foreign control over ales Uecrease 2 Ditwle 'aciq_piant at Beloeil, \ § R more) | h ) The bi Canadian economic development were brought into operation. dollars abroad than foreign trav. change in the pattern e big dian earnings from for! MONTREAL (CP) -- Sales of| : oll Canada. And flow of tourist trade is between : A hemi " | Additional laboratories for ex- \ t 28 KING ST. E ers Be Re apace. : how In a EO aad the US. But a lot of Cin investments increased -- to chemicals were up in 1938 but p)ocives research were opened at : Tol oy Higigind piv hd Canadians are making Europedn $11,000,000 from $149,000,000 in sales of explosives and detonators Beloeil and granular fertilizer ; RR DIAL RA 3-4621 Sons 3 trips and officials say this trend 1957--but this was not entirely were down says the annual re. units went into production at the T : Ever since the government is increasing. , commercial. The increase arises.port of Canadian Industries Lid.'company's agricultural chemical Jilted restrictions on travel funds' Tourist trade is but one factor fn 1950, there has been a grow- in Canada's deficit in trade in Ang deficit in Canada's travel a¢- goods and services. The over-all| count. More tourist dollars flow deficit dipped last year to $1,112, ' out than flow in 000,000, down $288,000,000 from] From a surplus of $49,000,000 in the record $1,400,000,000 of 1957. 1950, Canada went to a deficit of But federal authorities main AT $6.000,000 in 1951. This deficit has tain this deficit--the highest of ee {ncreased each year. Last vear it any year previous to 1956--is still . climbed to a record $192,000,000.! fairly high. Usually the big factor) * Canada's foreign spending rose in the over-all deficit is trade in| even in the midst of recession. goods. Last year this deficit in| In 1958, the flow of tourist dol trade in goods dropped sharply to| Mars Into Canada dipped to $352, $174,00,000 from $405,000.000 as| 000,000 from $363.000.000 in 1957, imports declined under the spell} Correlated Furniture by down $1,000,000. Canadian spend. of recession H 4a in other lands increased to Offsetting this decline was the : $19,000 000 2 rise in the tourist trade deficit, Kaufman of Collingwood Come in Today to See Graceful, Luxurious La SR Tome I =| If | J Planner Bils ping yp?\ Scandinavian Styling IT ARIEL BW oo i Youre tlwoys welcome ut Highlights this Gracious Dinette ame ANG || | |g aS : So a ov. a . attractively displayed \ Includes Butter, p \ 3 tb y § y Bh 3 in the decorator rooms at A | Table and Four \ \ RUTHERFORD'S. You'll y \ Cheins. ® 3 WN ; aa . find proof that you CAN NIAGARA (Hutch extre). 8 x JN tastefully furnish. a home , for much less: thon pou RIED Here is the last word in elegance and style . . . *he lines of Bracious ! Ruthurtords features ! Hoers Mhink. hi RUTHER- y traditional furniture with a modern outiock. Highlighted by beau iully : E of Furniture in the main store * ks finished GENUINE walnut, a suite you'll be proud to call yours. for many TR X with com onisieted diap: ' years Yo come, Je " ot Ruthertord's mow, Coirelated bedroom to match \ ery ond broadicom depts. ARREST. ALLCANADIAN LOAN COMPAS toy niale, pc. suite includes buffet, table ond four chairs, (Hutch 37 KING ST TAST--Alger Building (next to Biltmore Theatre), Suite 22, RA 35.4381 -- Open Until Noon an Seturdey --_ Branches throughout Ontario Atmesmsim-- ---------------------------------------------------------- " | 154-156 SIMCOE ST. S. IN OSHAWA RA 5-6559 OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9PM. |

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