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The Oshawa Times, 23 Mar 1959, p. 16

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T10 TVR SURAWA TIMEL, MOREY, Men XJ, T9. THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Sch vom jong Board RS oe a Li RA Soa06 noon and board for one, willing to OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5P.M.. MONDAY to FRIDAY. SATURLAY 8 TO 12 -- |44--For Rent SINGLE room for gentleman, cooking privileges. hy +h 66 Warren Avenue, one TWO-, and four - room self . contained, Immediate private bathrooms. Phone RA 56184 RA 3.2025, fAnce furnished front room for two. Apply Mrs, Needham, Be Nassstt MODERN three - room basement 65 ment, lots of bullt-in pvc AL closet apace, end, Very reasonable, RA 5.4074. oa apartment, children or Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 31--Articles For Rent ELNA rentals. zat 5-2801. Straight Stitch and 32--Articles Wanted beds, clean home, good , laundry, lunches packed, Close Delning "Sars "Phone Brockits GURL io Shovping Cenie. RA 8.11%. Oi women for babysitting or 66{| ROOM and board for two girls, will home making, Mrs, R. S. Disney. RA ing to sh jd ig st 3.4921, Closed Thursday afternoon, PIANOS -- 10. Any m or size. Will nd, RA ry Poh new home west SEWING machine repair and service, pay 28th, State ma ana rice. yrtte % to all makes, Elna, RA 52591, ROOM or" room pad board in "Phone MODS LUELLE'S Beauty World firstolthe. |' sranrLy needed. Fill and lots pone oss." of it. 26 Garrard Road North, week permanent specials. Drop in or|® call RA 3.2521. SELLING Serliture; We'll buy an BABYSITTING bureau, reliable, ex- 3 perienced women for ' babysitting or p caah fer, Contac $3160 Pome making. Mrs. R. 5. Disney. RA . 3.4921. Closed Thursday afternoon, BEAUTIFUL bridal and hand. Jade hats, $5 up. Hats remodelled, $2 up. RA 5.7908. 20--Cartage FOR your local cartage and moving, phone RA 8-1819, e ving; 21--Personal Service '| BABYSITTING bureau, reliable, ex- 15--Instruction HARyEY Dance Aca at 3 {EA dems Dats on, nas Ro now ds ne West. y sty PRIVATE teacher, student S$ years' Call RA 35-1054. 8--Building Trades ROOFING, Siding and Jepaist, MLL 1--Accountants BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Services offer 1 services for small business. 184 Bond Street West, Room 1, Office RA 5-0397; Residence, RA 3.7605. 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certified Public Accountants. 172 King alg East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 5- YALE, Friedlander, Hunter and Co., | Accounts, and auditors, Licenced Trustee in Ba. 54 t East, Osh. Yale, CA; F. F mm, CPA, WERGER FRANKEL AND CO. ac- countants and audio, »Y% Kin | Street East, | MONTEITH, Monteith, "Riehl asd Co, Chartered Accountants, licensed Trus [{ten, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, Toronto; | Ho J. W. Monteith, FCA. de Fou A, 5. onteith, mm. , 4 11--=Business Opportunities Riehl, CA, RIA; R. F. Lightfoot, CA: Mo--Business Opportunities | George W. Trethewey, CA. RA 5-327, 'ante¢ [138 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. LEO GOODMAN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT, 8 College View Avenue, Toronto HUdson 5-6121 2--Barristers , McGIBBON and Bastedo, Solicitors. Clients' funds 'available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North, RA 5-3566, Charles C. McGib- bon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. REYS and_ Boychyn, Barris HUMPHREYS and_ Boychyn, ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys; QC, . & hm, BA; W. A. Hiliman, LLB, Street West, Phones: Office, Cra S77: Res., RA 5-4604; or Whitby, MO 8-2761. Money to loan. JOHN A. MacDONALD, BA, | Barrists: | and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North, | Phone RA 8-8511 | JOAN A CAMERON, ON, Barrister, Solici- | tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street | East. RA 3-2269 NHA and private mort. gages arranged. | GREER AND KELLY, Barristers | Solicitors, etc., 7% Simcoe Street South. | Dial RA 3-2278, Residence phones: J. | M. Greer, BA, Sc., RA 5-3368; Terence | V. Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8-5832; Duncan | R. Phillips, B, Comm, RA 8-1974. Sarid 8. JONES, BA, and Thimas Greer, Associate Barristers and So- heitarn 130 King Street East. RA |8-6246. Mortgage loans available. | THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli- |citor and Notary Public, 26% King Street East. Phone RA 8.1763. | CREIGHTON, FRASER, | DRYNAN and = | Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Bank of Commerce Building, § Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3446; T. wl Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. NHA mort. home, 60f INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION | | ==Accountants 2--Barristers Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column: Quin, Mamcrioms, Cards 'of Thanks AM. SAME DAY DEATHS 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 BIRTHS ANGI -- Mr. and dns, Frank Ai (nes Dove) are proud to announce the arrival of twin boys, March 20, 1959, Frank Robert, 7 Ibs., and Terry Ben. Jamin, 6 Ibs, 10 ozs., first grandsons om and Mrs. B. Angi and Mr. and Mrs, Dove. of Mr. L. 2A of Fa and Mrs, G, Drewe of Oshawa. Twin brothers for Janet. Many thanks to Dr. W. K. Blair, HAIOUK Steven and Fran (nee French) are happy to announce the arrival of a son, Stephen Norman, March 21, 7 Ibs., Oshawa General Hos. pital. Thanks to Dr. M. Lovell. HANDSCOMB Bruce and Jean (nee Huntley) announce the birth of a daughter, Brenda Jean, on Friday, March 20, 1959, at the Oshawa General Hospital, TERECH -- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Terech (nee Mary Gerace) happily announce the arrival of their son on Saturday, March 21, 1959, at the Osha: ral Hospital. A brother for Joa DEATHS FREEBURN -- Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Sun. | day, March 22, Iva Charlesine Wright, beloved wife of Harold Edward Free: burn, and mother of Miss Helen Free. burn of Oshawa and Mrs, Richard Re- naud (Madeline) of Oshawa, in her 45th year. Resting at the Armstrong Fu. neral Home, Oshawa, With Memorial Service in the Chapel on Wednesday, March 25 at 2 p.m, Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. 6b GOODFELLOW --In the Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, March 21, 1939, Baby girl Goodfellow, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.| Goodfellow, (Rossland Road East, RR No. 2, Oshawa). Stillbirth. Inter. ment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. HAM -- Minnie Hayes, widow of George Phillp Ham, mother of Mrs. D. Brainerd Carlyle, of Oshawa. Inter ment took place on Saturday, March 21, in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, To- ronto, | PRINCE---At Toronto on Saturday, March 21st, 1959, Harold Wood Prince, in his 78th year, beloved husband of | Eliza Maud Grosvernor, and loving| father of Margaret (Mrs, Charles Wells) | and John, both of Toronto, dear grand. | father of Joan Wells, and John Prince. | Resting at Trull Funeral Home, 1111] Danforth Ave, with service in the chapel 10 a.m. Tuesday morning, In. terment Veterans' plot, Pine Hill Cemetery. STEELE, William J. -- Suddenly at his| home, Raglan, Ontario, on Saturday, | March 21, 1959, Willlam Steele, dearly) beloved husband of Josie White, dear) brother of Russell and the late Isabel] Toms, in his 75th year. Resting at the| chapel of McDermott Panabaker, Port| Perry, for" service on Tuesday at 2| p.m, Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. | STEVENS -- At Memorial Hospital| Bowmanville, be. | loved wife of Lorne Stevens and dear) mother of Ruth, (Mrs. Murray Grant). I Resting at the new Morris Funeral | Chapel, Bowmanville, Service in the | chapel on Wednesday, & 2 o'clock, | Interment B y pt or i Ea and block work, Carpentry and altera- tions. Free estimates. RA 8.5350. CEMENT work, plastering, and water proofing cellars, also draln work. Phone RA 8-5664, Music Studio for oll Instruments Piano Tuning ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New and Used Pianos Full selection of all instruments 477 Simcoe Street South JACK C. MacDONALD PAINTER & DECORATOR Paperhanging and Painting Gyptex 4--Dentists - S--=Nursing Services b( ists 7==Surveyors 7a--Veterinarians 8~--Building Trades 9=Building Material 10-=Sharpening Service ROOM and board, close fo four corners and GM. Good European meals, HA 8-5160 or 29 Elgin Street East, THREE -room hasement ROOM or room and board, in quiet home, French cooking; friendly people. | fox 'yma s $irls. South. Oa Phone suitable for couple withoul Apply 160 Park Road N., or RA 5.8133, | oA 0-60 66f{ | ONE large room and furnished kitchen, and board for gentlemen. AD: |oos Stor mnie Sirle. Apply 620 i ply 195 "Abert street 6st (° ROOM "and board for Gemiiemen. | eq. close bo pom Hichen ur: single beds, good meals, Bome | priv of lliges, pa lone 48 i CLEAN: Terohbed ome Central, Girl 9503 Re- stoves, etc, For 19 Prince Street, ! CASH | FOR SCRAP ! BUY STEEL, METALS BATTERIES, PA RAGS, ES M. per A Bo Sor & SONS LTD 308 Bloor St. E. Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed 50 Nossou St. RA 3.7080 GREEN DOOR GIFT AND' PAINT SHOP Painting and Decorating Commercial -- Residential Free Estimates -- Call BROOKLIN 240 Evenings-- Call BROOKLIN 6 EVERYTHING IN HEATING All parts for warm air, hot water and steam heating, coal, oil and gas. Expert ser- vice repairs. Enjoy the com- fort of modern automatic heating now with no money down, 5 years to pay on oil ond gas burners, furnaces and boilers. FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL RA 5-7181 COMBUSTION CONTROL SERVICES 10--Sharpening Service | SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! The most complete automatic grinding equipment in Osh- awa for sharpening Hand- saws, Bondsows (metal and wood), Lawnmowers, Skates, etc. STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE, cor. King & Burke. For Fun, Popularity and Syccess TRY DANCING You Con Actual! GO JANCING After One Lesson At ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIOS 11% Simcoe St. S., RA 8-1681 MATTRESSES MARSHALL - BEAUTYREST and other spring mattresses re-built like new. Eiderdowns re-covered. Ontario Bedding Co., 807 Lakeshore Road E., Port Credit, EM 6-2363. 12--oresmoking w & Suppl room, |4==Household Repairs 3 15-- Instruction a 16==Insurance 17==Money to Loan I18==Lodn Wante" 180--Mortgage' 19==Personal 2 0 2i==Personal Service 42=Radio Repairs 23--Women's Column 24--~Market Basket 25=Pets and Livestock 26~Farmer's Column 27==Fuel, Wood 78~Summer Resorts 28a--Hunting 29~=Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted 30--Lost and Found 31=Articles For Rent 32--Articles Wanted 34=--Auction Sales 35--~Employrhent Wanted 36---Female Help Wanted 37==Male Help Wanted 38-=Male or Female Help Wanted 39---Agents Wanted 40--Cpportunities 41 --Room and Board 42--Room and Board Wanted 43--Wanted To Rent 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 450--Real Estate Exchange 46--Real Estate Wanted 4/==Automobiles For Sale 48---Automoblies Wanted 49--Automobile Repairs 50-=Articles For Salg | 51 --Swap and Barter |D G. L. Murdoch, 52--Legal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 228 248 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 it not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to orl inal orders for consecutive inser. ions. Subsequent insertions ordered at o later date constitute a new original order. Protessional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each additional line $1.00 per month, Each Initial letter, abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, figure, count as © word. Box eharged Ibe. additional. Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of rking space, South plants. 102 Mi Street. RA Sat0l, - BEST in town, single beds, all mod- 3. Vieferred, ern conveniences, close to south GM. RA 5-4420. Apply 536 Lorraine Street. THREE El Spartments' W upsiaits, ROOM and board for middle aged lady, raish in 'quiet home. Reasonable rates. North Avply 41 Howara Street oF RA a End. RA 5-1047, 651 43--Wanted to Rent og houses, stores and jarm tenants. W. McAuley, Real rh Pr Prince Street, RA 3-2512, Mi -- Rent THREE bright, clean rooms und bath, heated, unfurnished apartment. Work. ing couple desired. RA 8-8387. ONE large light housekeeping 5 with refrigerator. Central, Tuitable. for | 3.300 3 0228, SIMCOE North, four and fiveroom svuple or" one or two' girls. RA 3 |S all olveRiences, Call RA -- | 8 9am. -5 pm BED - SITTING room, with light house- keeping privileges, or gentlemen, in| THREE ms and a ary duty private, home, abstainers, central. Dial| wiring, ag, near NGM, RA 37314. 692 | BED . sitting Toom, very , Av. TWO - room furnished SPREE. close ply 75 Charles § oo ho oka, 123 Elgin Street West sof | WHITBY --one-, or or bedroom apart. a is---- ments, electrically equipped, balcony, TWO medium, unfurnished rooms and | parking, laundry facilities, lockers. Ap- bathroom, Phone RA 5-8898. 6! t one RA 5-889 9¢| ply 101 Craydon Road, MO 8-4221, ONE large room, wll furnished, sink, (TWO or partly | cupboards, refrigerator, private bath, rooms, also/furnished room for gentle. suitable for business couple, or two man, central. 118 Tyler Crescent or RA Jentlemen, Apply 219 Ritson Road 30. LL South, RA 3.7333 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Wants cars for wrecking, alse scrop, Iron end metals, ete, bought, Open Saturday oll doy. Phone:-- RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR ST. E. WANTED SCRAP IRON AND FEATHER TICKS TURNER RA 32043 (collect) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LD. IRON METALS PAPERS RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY A 5-3432 RESIDENCE -- RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP / 35--Employment 'Wanted RELIABLE woman would like work by the day. Phone RA 8- re [PAPERHANGING, pi painting and Gy ord All work guaranteed. Phone LADY requires baby sitting | SINGLE , after 5 p.m. Phone RA 8.8397. | continuous hot water, $6 "weekly. EXPERIENCED typist wil ldo fyping| WAITen Avenue. RA 5.0687. 60 > her own home, Phone Whitby, MO NICELY furnished bachelor basement -4500, apartment, all conveniences, private entrance, abstainers, Phone RA 3. 13%. THREE - room apartment, share bath. For information call RA 5.2389. -" FIVE - room bungaiow for Tent, 307 Huron Street. Apply between 11 am, 0|and 9 p.m, ad ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail. able in private home, 82 Park Road North 5 - 7 p.m. RA 8.8671, FOUR . room apartment and bath, un- furnished, second floor, heavy duty le, $80 a month, 119 Boulevard South, RA LEARN TO DRIVE SCHNEIDER'S Driving Sehool 157 Olive Ave., Oshawa, Ont. RA 8-5315 16--Insurance ALLiTATE Auto Save up 20 per cent, nine months to pay, For personal service at your home, call RA 57413, 17--Money to Loan | PRIVATE funds available for 1st, 2nd | mortgages, commercial, residential, | reasonable rates, fixed brokerage fees, i i JANE BLACK Slenderinzing Studio, Slenderizing, Redue- Ing, Steam Bath ond Mas- soge. 45] Simcoe Street South, RA 5-9602 for ap- point. Open 10 a.m.-10 p.m. 22--Radio and T.V. Repairs SPECIALIZED radio and television service. All makes. Fred Thompson, 157 Elliot Street, Call RA 3.9792, TV TOWERS completely installed, year guarantee, $64.50: no bolts rivets, all welded. All channel seals Som $20.93: easy terms. Kelly TV, RA \ Park HOME and car radio service 1507 Sim. coe North. Phone RA 8-0861, PROMPT TV service, any make, 10) years' experience. RA 8.5286, Oshawa Electronics, - T.V. AERIALS Sold and Installed Moved and Repaired 20-tt. aerial. $29 and up. agreements of sale purchased, M. E Swartz, Barrister and Notary Public. 26/4 King East, Oshawa, RA 3-4697. CLENTT money to loan on first mort. gage. Mortgage and agreements of sale NHA mortgages arranged. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and ur- doch, | FIRST and second mortgage, sale agreements purchased and sold, Hen. nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 Kms Street East, RA 3.7232, NEED CASH? See Seaboard "Your Lending Neighbor" OF CANADA 'LIMITED (formerly Bellvue) LOANS UP TO $3,000 T.V. AERIALS -- T.V. REPAIRS OSHAWA OFFICE All-channel antenna, rust- proof material. 29V2 Simcoe St. South 20 ft. $24.00; 30 ft. $34.00; RA 5-1121 {Petience to join firm. Must be willing Rotor antenna $65.00; Towers | SEABOARD FINANCE CO 8 palate 'will care for children in her °0: Private bath, ideel for |to invest up te $10,000. All replies strict- - $54.00 ' n h % |couple or young ladies. Phone LEN & LOU'S T.V. ome, dally, Monday till' Friday. [g0R® IF J0UNK tn Avera » Oshawe|18a--Mortgages SERVICE station for lease, Whit WE HAVE clients' moni RA 5.7844 THREE nice rooms, heavy duty wir. Bowmanville MA 3-3942 36--Female Help Wanted ig; Ro ciildren. Shatainers. APDly De area. Limited capital required; oppor. first and second mortg BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solicl- unity for right person. Apply Lambert chase of agreements of s: nero cheese nm 5 and 7 p.m, 201 Oshawa Bou. WANTED -- Middle. -aged lady bod lve ii North. 65¢ tor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 5-9592. Resi-|Oil Co., 2154 Dundas Street West, To- Hyman, QC, 37 King Stree idence RA 8-0264. |rono. LE "1.2272, 65 awa, RA 3-4943, in, help with invalid, and be | Two Tooms and Kitchen, W. BRUCE AFFLECK, BA, Barrister MODERN 1 Tease. pason. Forni 48 Rosehill Boulevard. "or [TWO RA 5.7768. 661 FEE station for HOVRERFEFER 7 for two adults, live ATTRACTIVE three-bedroom bunga- and Solicitor, Phones: Stfies-Us- {Wen known company, out of city lim. | bridge 29. Res. -- RA 8 Open from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. in, good wages, comfortable home, |10W: situated near Sh Canive, publication, Office hours: Daily Phone JA 39194 "or write Box 511, ost. public and separate schools. Available 5, Saturday 8-12. 5 - er gallonage, 180,000 gals. April 64 | §--=Dentists over stock and e: 1, Call RA 3-9970, REGULA I IONS-- | [8-5569, TWO unfurnished rooms for figs Bouse The Daily Times shall not be ||DR. G. T. Scluk. Office hours 9 to 6. daily, for errors in advertise- | O| 3.2393. pen 8 y 5. ments submitted otherwise than in | Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223. writing, nor for more than one . : incorrect insertion of any od- 5--Nursing Services vertisement, nor beyond 'he price charged for o single insertion of the advertisements in' which error occurs. And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classification. In the case of display advertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that in which the actual error oc- cupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability it ony inaccuracies in any form of advertisement are contained there- in. N.S. University 8-01: UR - room apartment, $85 monthly. TWO unfurnished Toons and oS ehen F April 1. Phone RA 35-7573, 688 ette with stove, cupboards, a nk. | Soe ope Two large closets, newly decorated. Tent, adults omy Soli contained apast, Abstainers, Private, Apply 51 Nassau) ps my. a, Street. 9 [TWO rooms, completely furni SINGLE, furnished bedroom for | a y 302 Jars Sires) CRANE nessman. Apply 38 Colborne Wi SION A por, 1 Tom Tom, 4 he far ment wi al icely decoral on. ONE or_two Jutnistied Joome, |tral, Adults preferred. Phone RA §-0128. Apply 107 Fernhill Boulevard o rooms, unfurnished, dt ults. RA 5-4328. ROLLAND T.v. RA 3.4849 | PARKWAY TELEVISION | { | ie. | _ oof ink |CENTRAL, self - contained, four-room sink | artment, modern kitchen and bath, p--- | stove, i PR TV antenna. Avail. SEVEN.room house to "responsible peo- |able: April 1. Apply Powells Prig - ple. Available prt 1. Apply 562 Sim- Store, RA 5.4734. coe Street South. 69¢ TWO furnished rooms, one bed - sit Hing room, one bedroom, furnished, cen- tral, all conveniences. RA 85-1497. 69 nicely ELECTROHOME iL RCA, VICTOR, ADMIRAL, WESTINGHOUSE The finest in television and service. 918 Simcoe N. -- RA 3-3043 ANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister, | Sotleiton, Notary. Money to loan. Asso- | ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA. Jeary Block, 26% King Street East, 3-4697, | residence, dial RA 3-4029. |DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and solicitor, 26% King Street East. RA 3-3224 Telephone: Business, RA 5-5501; Resi: nN dence, RA 8-5373. 11--Business Opportunities JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, | | TRUCKING business for Ro otveet Bots. Ri A salsa | two trucks. For further particulars Residence, RA 5-340. [7 Bet Bo, Oshawa Times, Whitby, GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public 6 King Street East, Ras 54717. Russell | 3 J. Murphy and James A. MacDonal T. SALMERS, BA, ar Soll- ly confidential. Write Box 609, icitor, etc, 13% Simcoe Street North. Times, [Dia office RA 5-3741; RA |= 15-5542, Ra ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Electrically equipped LA SALLE COURT RA 5-3815 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS Immediote possession, elee- trically ipped, best loca tion, Buckingham Manor. RA 8-8676 ytime CONSECUTIVE 3 INSERTIONS 130 69¢c Toon sharming lady would like housswork or Phone | RA 8 65(| TWO iarge attractive rooms, (WELL ESTABLISHED corporation re- quires man with general business ex- nA J 7 for loans on WIND DAMAGED T.V. AERIALS Replaced and repaired. Prompt service. Expert work- manship. Regsonable prices. LOCK TELEVISION RA 3-2433 | FIRST AND SECOND | MORTGAGES and | LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less than @ vo cancy, only screened and re liable tenants. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, "1 101 Simcoe St. N, \ RA 8.5123 '|45--Reol Estate For Sale "large | BUILT for bank manager, six-room located | rug brick, ranch bungalow, smartly de- RA |corated, includes aluminum doors and 67f | windows, landscaped, Joseph Bags > 5| keeping, quiet couple, 65¢ | boards, close to North GM. RA 3 waitresses, D pried Fu Southend Restaurant, Bloor East. HOUSEKEEPER for family of fo of fou: "3 live in, h [! h n. |BEATED furnished Phone RAS ore. for: nie pervan, rooms and bath, Rosehill Blvd. 4 BELL TELEPHONE co [EP ese Tres Soaring house, send HAS OPENINGS FOR CLERK-TYPISTS | income. Phone RA 3.3101, THREE - room apartment, newly deco- Junior Matriculation Age 18-25--Single, rated, near south GM, immedisie Pos session. Apply R Stree PLEASE WRITE TO BOX 647 AGREEMENTS OF SALE $1,800 to $100,000. Home owners, résidential property, summer cottages, suburban homes, factories and acre- age. Quotations by phone or mail. Prompt service. OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE CORP. LTD. 112 Simcoe Street North Oshawa Days--RA 5-3568 ights: RA 5.1386 or RA 3-9484 2nd and 3rd apartment, four self-contained, 1 ATTENTION Route Open For Tobacco Delivery Can be operated on a part- time basis. Established ac- counts. Must hove car or small truck, Minimum re- turns, $53 per week, $2,000 cash required for stock and inventory. For full details write giving name, address and telephone, to Postal Sta- tion Q, Box 247, Toronto. 67f 64f For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS Phone: RA 8.6211 -- RA 8.6212 24 King St. Eost, Oshawa doors from Karns Drug Store) GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL The finest service ot moderate prices, RA 8-6226 |23--Women's Column SPECIAL -- heat permanents, . $6.50; cold id $5.50, Page Hairdressing. 363. ANDEN NURSING HOME (Licensed) KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ple. (Men ond Women). Nurses and dieticians in attendance. Tray service, radio, T.V. lounge. 6--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, optometrist, specializing in muscle anomalties, eyesight and glasses. Evenings, Mon., Wed., Fri., 6-8 Invalids examined at home. RA 5-6143. Disney Bldg., 31 King East. 396 P [SPENCER fou arments, indiv- | [idualiy designed. Registered corsetiere, | Mrs. I. Hendershot, 208. Park Road North, Oshawa. 24--Market Basket FOTATOES = $1.75 per 751b. bag. Tomine and apples. Joe St. Thomas, RA 35-2029. 1357 Ritson Road North, Five Points, 25--Pets and Livestock GOOD home walled 9 dor ten-week-old male pupp. COLLIE pups for ee Lassie breed. Phone 35-5959. 69d . a four ooms and baths "downstairs; five room frou bath, upstairs, parking, rooms, immediate possession, on 20 William Street East. Dial Shore or RA 3-3695. ROOM in private Tome very central, Broker. RA 59870. =~ 60 spring mattress; sult gentleman, 102/31500 'down, five-room brick bungalow Elgin Street East: -- wn paved drive and garage, located on Warren Avenue, storms and screens, RPRRTHEN, F Kitchen: | landscaped. Call Walter Koco). RA Phone Los 53-3632. 67t | Lily Joseph Bosco, Broker, RA EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER WANTED Full or part-time. Steady position. Apply Vincent's 12--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, alterations, gowns, draperies. RA 8.8701. 13--Gard g & Supplies | ) { | wedding ry facilities and refrigera- NEW 3-bedroom bungalow, in r the hospital. Apply 63 greta trict. No agents. Phone RA BUNGALOW, | edroom dis 68d fhree bedrooms, stone. ONE room tor, S 390 King Street West IN MEMORIAM Wins Debating 7--Surveyors DONALD H, TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyor, 216 Alice Street, RA 5.6881. G. T. HORTON and Associ tario Land Surveyors, Profes -| roto-tilled, Sidewalk sl -| Everything for your garden, RA 8.5753 |LEN Bowlers' landscaping and garden ceded. sodded, fer and lawns ploughed s, patio slabs ing service-- law tilized, gardens MORTGAGES $1 Monthly THOROUGHBRED golden Mexican Chihuahus, Call RA 3-7679. 67¢ ROOM or room and board. Apply 345 Ritson Road South. 67] Hair Styling. 110 King St. East, RA 5-8631 OFFICES for rent, two adjoining ro room 68b ground floor, parking free, h , Ja itor service, occupancy April. Geo Wehner, 112 Simcoe Street North, 67¢ front, Sunset Heights. Apply owner. Write Box 713 Oshawa Times, 60) 69F FOR sale -- Family plot of four: Mount Lawn Ci y. Terms. 630 Osh DESIRABLE apartment, self-contained, th, 37--Male Help Wanted awa Times. Championships OTTAWA (CP)--Dalbousie Uni- |versity, Halifax, Saturday night Tors at Jna_trie; won the Canadian university de- I do not think of you. |bating championship by defeat- wAIways Jemembered by son Albert |ing Ontario Agricultural College: Id S. Stark, Ltd., of Guo in tal bere. | BE VS HE Ro OE HUTCHINS -- In loving memory of | Minnie Hutchins, who passed away | Wendell Fulton and Norman Simcoe Street South. Mane Oshawa Garden Service rch 23, 1950. a a TIERS. : In my heart your memory lingers |Reben, both second-year law stu. PLUMBING and | heatig om, Sines, Saturday 1:00 p.m. Tones ot a day: doar mother, (0601S, Were presented thejseple taniy io sever, rl PLANT FOODS | evenings: Tuesday, Thursdoy |Laurier-Macdonald trophy by the *tallations ts x till 9:00 I do not think of you. mation and estimates free on any , {sponsoring National Federation of [of Ea FOR LAWN OR GARDEN PLASTERING, Gain Turf Special--Shur-Gain type Loving remembered by daughter, plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241, J. Foley. tching, remodelling, LOVELL -- In loving memory of canadian University Students. |,nq archw: ine So-Green Evergreen--Shur- Garden Speciol--C.1.L. Triple ROOM and board in private home, cen- tral, home privileges. 118 he Street, RA 5-0858. , Just Sreshentd: 3- three rooms and heavy wiring, heat and Bog down: | town; adults only: $60. RA 8.8175. 64f) ob, PT" pA" g 087 ONE room for two boys, close to south oy = re hui three + bedroom =. Phone after ¢ p : -- ranch style home, large lot, low ments. Large income home, a mi RA a NISHED _two.r | HEATING sa an, sell in Oshawa. " t and hot water supp, maker. Builder's choice--13 acres with 9 #18, best & neat tour-room home. Seven - room sal Tt Pickering district. Phone TEmple 9-1721 Phong e RA 5-4025. (bath, Good location. |home on one acre, $4700, Farms, Pickering. mL + WANTED licenced mechanic for serv. ET pa rete br and others. Call Don Stradeski, NISHED rooms for Tadies or gen- |; 1596, representing Wilson Real Tr station. Write Box 702 Oshawa en, $5 each a week. Apply pil tate, Toronto, AX 3-4 imes. [3 IDI Park Road South. MIDDLE - AGED man for Kitchen |. ro -------- ished rooms, for a cou- THREE unfurn \ DUPLEX Income brick veneer house. * cleaning. Apply Genosha Hotel. 63f Je. No child tro a Double garage, 3 years old. or | ¥ 'da NE or two bedroom apartments, bal: one and free paraig, Avvly 108 ony, Newly painted for 1st time, 3-room apartment upstairs [don Road, Whitby. Apt. - TWO housekeeping Tooms for one or with heavy wiring. Separate entrance ond meters. Four rivate stool, built. Bo ? Finn a in kitchen, Close to Fittings and Tupiate, Apply 254 Bent. rooms downstairs. Air-condi« tioned heating. Lot 70° x 225°. Full high basement, ty Avenue, F RA 8-1 MODERN, two - or For further information call RA 5-2540, 68¢ ipped, v prefered. Teds po Hoasession. Phone 64f RA 3- BUYERS WAITING Income Homes 2- and 3-Bedroom Bungalows 1%2 and 2 Storey Homes Call JORN WACKO' REAL ESTATE 136 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-6569 For Every $100 Borrowed COSMOPOLITAN DISCOUNT Yonge Street, WA 3-0939 Open 9:00 to 5:30, LOT on Pay Road South, Osh gineering, 70 Harwood Aven fully servi and completely land. 4 1. oor Ajax. Phone RA 8-0121. 8--Building Trades CARPENTER work, framing, trim. ming, kitchen cabinets, cusotm work |and repairs, No job too big or too small. Work guaranteed. RA 3.3579, ALL "plumbing and heating 8 suppl 8. B0Y, 16, to work in snack bar. Room board plys wages. Apply Gorden or, Picker, Ontario. 68f O8| MIDDLE - AGED man for Janitor and porter work, Apply Genosha Hotel. 63f| HUTCHINS -- In memory of dear moth: Mrs, Minnie 'Hutchins, who passed away March 23, 1950, In my heart your memory lingers START NOW! TO HAVE YOUR TREES, SHKUBS, PRUNED Also tree removal Call or write for 1959 Cota- logue, RA 3-3222 FOR SALE -- Goats good milkers. Phone RA BOARDING, trimming, bi |fleeing. Waubena Kennel REGISTERED Pug pup Pupp Terrier puppi aca fums, plants, a a brine shrimp. Rabbis, budgies, cana- ries, hampsters, white rats. Pet Stock Supply Co., § Celina Street. RA 5-03 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, as To training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. 26--Farmer's Column 19--Personal SADDLE horses and ponies wanted. RA 8-6821. DRIVING to Toronto, arriving at Yon, Wi DEAD farm stock picked up -- anton Ta. Passengers Phone collect, Bowmanville, MA 3-2679, wanted. Phone RA TE Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. HYGIENIC § supplies (rubber goods), 27--Fuel Wood Mailed post paid in plain sealed en. velopes with price list, 6 2! WOOD cutting by buz saw and chain saw. Snow plowing. Phone RA 8.9727. cents; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Depot. A-11, Nov, Rubber Co., Box 91, 29--Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted Hamilton, Ont. Mar.28 Lakeshore Cottage Lots -- IF YOU are not living a full and happy life because of Tension, Fear, Frus "CHANDOS LAKE, only 98 miles from Oshawa to this tration, a Complex, Hypnotism can help. Also reduce weight, stop smoking, re- lieve nervous pains, gain confidence ete. Consult Edwin Heath, Institute of Ethnical Hypnosis consulting at Gen. osha Hotel, Oshawa, RA 3.4641, Sat- gorgeous 17 mile long lake in Peterborough County, Choice of 8 beautfiully shad- ed, level and surveyed lots 100' x 250' each with pri- vate road, cleared, sand | {areny 10 am. to 1 p.m, until new beach, safe for children, don: Ontario. ses at 13 Ontario St, are ready. Hydro, excellent fishing, sal- ANTED liable tenants, mon, trout, black bass ,pick= erel and white fish. Only 1 Two men to work 9 hours Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. per day. $100 per week. 10% Shoe So aL mile in off Highway No. 504, $995.00 each. Write to Jack WRITE BOX 529 RA 8-5123 _ OSHAWA TIMES Paris, Realtor, Young's Point, Ont, for interview in your own home or phone Oshawa For Oshawa's largest ond most progressive furniture RA 5-4664." [30--Lost and Found % ond appliance store. The man we want must have proven [LOST = Fn agement ring, white gold, | ability We offer excellent renumeration and our mer- lines of | Regent Theatre to four corners. Phon chandising methods are sup- DRY CLEANING RA 3.7869. Reward. ported by a heavy advertising | Always tender, fond and true; 641 Toronto frozen Ee i ssary, married man with good education preferred. Write in confidence to Box 628, Oshawa Times and include phone number. 67, MESSENGER boy -- chance to learn ping, and railway work. Apply Canadian Pantie Telegraph, 11% Xing Street East. SALESMEN, experience preferred, but not necessary, complete training course in new lines of home improvements and contracting materials. Investigate how am improve your earnings in 1959. barrier. For interview phone Wu. MO 8-5261 between 10 a.m. nd LAURIER McKENNA paperhanging; plastic, One four-room and one three- room apartment, large mod- ern kitchens, separate hot water tanks. Can be seen from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at-- 188 WINDSOR ST. sat LARGE United | States and Canadian ng i for Whitby and Picker ing townships. Exceptionally high earn. ings. Guaranteed repeat business. Auto- |mobile essential. Agricultural or farm- {ing background. most important. Sales| training given. Reply to Box 84, 1 6% BE ---------- a ------ or psi you a drinking problem? Write like STERIELDE "rebuil; Te Jecovered Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 249, Osh. are reasonable. Satisfaction gaaran. AWa Times teed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up- holstering Ros 10 Bond Street West. | Dial RA 5-03 |CALL JOE, ER 5-8018 for carpentry, | HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor experts. Old floors made like new. Hardwood or tiling. Carpenter work al- terations. Kitchen cabinets painting and handyman. our specialty. m | | FURNITURE ired id hol. CALL RA 3-7196 |stered. See out materials for SL DODD & SOUTER ing Aruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles East, RA 3.7212. PAINTS -- WALLPAPER YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim. neys built and repaired, gi inings in. PAINTING & DECORATING CON TRACTORS stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- For free estimates coll-- mates. RA 3.2097. | INTERIOR - exterior painting and dec- DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 orating. For free estimates, contact| 107 Byron St..S., Whitby CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Additions, Alterations, Rec-rooms, Kitchen Cupboards, Tile and Hardwood Floors | HUGH CROSSBY BUILDER RA 5-3937 LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee: is less than ao ve- cancy orly screened and re- ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair. Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa, March 24-25. Phone Genosha Hote. on thesé dates for appointment, BEST VALUE IN OSHAWA Two-bedroom apartment in new duplex. 18-foot living room, huge family kitchen with door to private balcony, completely tiled bathroom, fully electrically equipped. Located on Wilson Road North, three blocks north of King St. East. Close to oll schools and Power Store and transportation. Open for in- spection now. Call or write Frank Hazlett, 3005 Bathuist St, Toronto, RU 3-1733 or RU 7-9387, 65¢ For your convenience we are now gable to serve you in all DON'T GAMBLE Be GET THE BEST FOR LESS Chesterfields recovered and rebuilt better thon new. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Call Johnny Poch at Modern Up- holstering, 92612 Simcoe Street North, RA 8-645]. Evenings RA 3-4131. 15--Instruction LILLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance Educator: Daneing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre. school . Friday and § RA »7253, From 9 a.m. - 9 p.m, daily. For fast, efficient service in odorless dry cleaning, call SPEE DEE CLEANERS RA 8-622] Webbing's Rental Service TOOLS AND res aPMENT FOR 282 _ on West RA 5-4873 Ample Parking and 31 --Articles For Rent program. Reply stating age, SHIRT LAUNDERING {3G P for, "rent, $20 up to buy. marital status, education ond P n't be caught by the | spring thaws. RA 5-8563, Jim Hurvid. | previous experience. Inter- views will be arranged. Write Box 803, Oshawa Times. Barbara and family. my dear husband, James L. Lovell! Mr. Fulton became the first| Abramoff, RA 3.4871, who passed away March 23, 1958, ghing. | two-time winner in the competi- ROOFING and siding, eavestroug My heart h pe! A et ire hey im sadness), re five-year history He was/Shimnes, repairs, new and od 'work. Ten--C.I.L. 4.12-10--Milor- Nhat it meant to lose vou, dear, |a member of a team from Mount |~2 gonite, Jue. wi ang Tenily |Allison University, Sackville, Complete Gardening And everthing goes wrong, ., that won the trophy three Supplies at seem ear you whisper, |years ago, Cheer up and carry on." | For expert --Lovingly pollopit Pi by wite,, The defeated OAC team com- A gy ptexing; COOPER SMITH co. Madge, {prised Gabe Eros and Horace P i? i 16 CELINA ST. LLOVELL -- In memory of James L. (Cosby Stones mostic, ne. Hing RA 3-2312 ell who passed away 1h defeat a Univer. | Phone RA 5-2851 i soe Mle was full of eon sity of Ottawa team in Friday| 14--Household_Repoins wiShtment, | night semi-finals. OAC was given! ESTIMATES FREE fxog bapered, .) up, painting, 0 upheaval you had no choice:!a hye when the fourth semi-| HYproc applied, sealed seamless You lived by the Ten Commandments finslist from the University of | ~Sadly missed and always remember. Alberta was unable to appear. ed by mother, Grace and Dan. le Topic of the debate was 'the university student com- CARD OF THANKS | Sa is intellectually sterile." {Dalhousie argued the negative| side Friday night and the affirm: I wish to express my sincere thanks ative Saturday. and apprvelaien to Hy IHendig dee.) { tors, nurses sta e Os awa | General Hospital for thei nd Kindness alsy to vilthg clorsy wel North Bay Deer grids aud or | flowers. Sars nd} ft e wi t ener: sian tors "we Weak From Hunger! FROM PROMINENT FAMILY | NORTH BAY (CP) -- A lands TORONTO (CP)--Mrs. M forests department biologist s. Marian says deer in this area, weakened McDougall Grange, 71, member by hunger, have become easy of a prominent Ottawa family, rey for dogs died here Saturday alter a stroke.| Jim Gage warned district dog She was a daughter of the late o| pers > JD Deir pets tied John Lorn McDougall, former au- [have a legal right to shoot hob ditor-general for Canada, and the running deer and the officers widow of Edward W. Grange, Ot. have started to carry rifles. | tawa correspondent of the To-| Because of their weakened con- ronto Globe until 1917, He later dition deer cannot escape the) served as Reuters correspondent dogs. Some sink th: ough the | in Ottawa until his death 25|crust and get bogged in snow years ago. Iwhere they become easy prey. | 68c

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