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The Oshawa Times, 23 Mar 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All other calls ...... RA 38-3474 he Osha Times WEATHER REPORT Cloudy tonight, Tuesday partly cloudy, continuing mild, Winds light, VOL, 88 -- NO, 69 OSHAWA-WHITBY, MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1959 A 38d Ap Second Close Moll 'ost Office , Ottowo 200 dd LAMUILES WHEREABOUTS OF the Da- ! | lal Lama, above, religious and . | political leader of Tibet, is un- «+t known today as fighting was re- 7 | ported subsiding in the Tibetan -- | capital of Lhasa. Indian news- 'REVOLT IN TIBET German, Russ Ships Collide In North Sea THE HAGUE (Reuters) -- A West German freighter sailed to- ward Bremerhaven today with 40 Russian sailors she rescued after colliding with a Soviet vessel off West Germany's North Sea coast Sunday night, The West German coastal ra. dio station sald one Russian was left Spor the 2,332-ton Kholmo- gory, which capsized after the| " collision, Wreckage was found fn] 10%: Nohiy Japaried. the area later and the Kholmo.| Nehru told Parliament he had gory was believed to have sunk.|™® rellable information on the The German ship, the 5,704-ton fate of the Dalal Lama, Tibet's Bischofsteln, was damaged above|23-vear-old spiritual and political the waterline but she reported no leader. He sald he could only casualties, Fog was reported in/hope he was safe. the area. The Hong Kong correspondent In the fog-bound English Chan.|of The Times of India reported nel, a French tug was towing the|today that the young god-king is 2,352-ton German steamer Karl under house arrest in Lhasa. The Grammerstorf, which was in col-| report sald Peiping had ordered lision during the night with the the Chinese military governor of 1,507-ton Spanish cargo vessel Tibet, Gen, Shang Ching Wu, to NEW DELHI (AP) -- Prime Minister Nehru said today fight. ing apparently has subsided in {the Tibetan capital and the In dian government has no intention of intervening in the revolt against Chinese Communist rule, "Apparently the situation in {Lhasa has somewhat quietened en ANSWER TO CRITICS BUXTON, Eng. (AP)--Three Nehru In his remarks to Par. attempts to pull an unconselous| Larner: yas ln Sitect answering college student from a cavern| crevide 1,000 feet underground | "2d critielzd his failure to inter. falled today. Rescue workers | cede with Peiping on behalf of the feared he was near death. Tibetans, Three times members of a 70-| man rescue team got a rope| around the 20. year-old youth, | Each time it snapped when they tried to pull him out of the fun- nel-shaped cleft where he was|Organization governed Tibet with jammed 40 feet down. |only occasional interference from "It will be a miracle if they|/the central Chinese government, get him out," said one of the] Nehru told Parliament the sit- workers. |uation in Tibet is most delicate Niel Moss of Oxford University and "we are not doing anything India long has recognized Chi. nese sovereignty over Tibet, but until the Communists invaded the [remote mountain plateau in 1950 the Dalai Lama and his church House Arrest For Dalai Lama Bay of Bengol papers speculated he may have been put under house arrest, The map locates Lhasa, under. lined, capital city of Tibet, Tibet has been a captive of Red China since 1951, ~--AP Wirephoto pong that Tibetans in that border town had petitioned Nehru to in- tercede with Pelping to save the Dalai Lama and win withdrawal of Chinese troops from Tibet, Tibetan fears that the Reds were planning to kidnap the Da- lal Lama were reported to have touched off the revolt. The people demonstrated in the streets of Lhasa March 10-11 when word got out that the lama had been summoned to a Chinese military reception without his bodyguards, The ruler refused to go. ARSENAL LOOTED Informants said the demonstra- tors looted an arsenal and ob- Results of the Grand National steeplechase at Aintree, England, Saturday means 10 Canadians will divvy up close to $1,000,000 in Irish hospital sweepstakes money, Five qualified for $140,000 each with tickets on the winner, Oxo, Three with tickets on Wynd: burgh, the second-place horse, will pick up $56,000 each, Two others will net $28,000 each for tickets on Mr, What, the pre-race favorite that ran third, Other persons who held tickets on non-starters and horses run- ning out of the money will gel prizes of $1,150 each, GIFT FROM BROTHER Sol (Jim) Pozner of Toronto literally had his $140,000 prize handed to him, His ticket on Oxo was purchased by his brother, Sam, who gave it to him, Sol offered to give Sam and his other brother, Albert, each one- third shares in the ticket but they refused. "You're a family man with children, they told me," Sol said, The 41-year-old textile sales- man plans to pay off his mort. gaged house, then take a trip. "We haven't had a holiday for tained large quantitios of arms six years." Oxo's victory put an end to a job hunt for Lester Yanke, 26, of Elmwood, Ont, An unemployed sallor who hasn't worked since a stint on Great Lakes boats last for a job in nearby Orillia, He sald he won't push that search any farther, *I haven't decided what to do with the money," he sald, But he figured he would buy a car, The other $140,000 winner from Ontarlo was Antanas Tevells, a Hamilton steelworker, He plans to invest most of the money. 'I'm going to be very careful with it." TO VISIT MEXICO However, he wants to satisfy a long - standing urge to visit Mexico and started mapping plans as soon as the race ended. Yolande Dicaire, 33 - year - old switchboard tor the Montreal suburb of Outremont, sald the first Immediate effect her $140,000 win would have Is {that her post at the Blue Cross office would be vacant today. She wants to take her mother and boy friend on a trip, The top prize money means a new home for Montreal's Albert Lemonde, a salesman who says TORONTO (CP)---Ontario med- ical authorities in municipalities with fluoridated water supplies who|ioday scoffed at a report that fluorides in water destroy will. power and weaken brain tissue, Dr. Watson Kirkconnell, presi. dent of Acadia University at Wolfville, N.S., quotes a "prom- inent industrial chemist" as say- ing that fluorides cause damage purpose behind fluoridation is to lower the resistance of the masses to domination and loss of liberty. Dr, Kirkconnell said in a letter to Wolfville's weekly newspaper became wedged in by his shoul.|to make the situation worse." ders after he fell into the rock| 'We have no intention of inter-| cleft Sunday while exploring the/fering in the internal matters of cave with a group which studies China," he declared, caves. TIBETANS DISPLEASED Firemen brought an oxygen of 8 vaen| The Hong Kong dispatch to The that the chemist was Charles Eliot Perkins, sald to have run German chemical plants for the U.S. government after the Second World War. It was also reported today that Oshawa MOH Scoffs At Fluoride Report to brain tissue and that the real i% during a steady encroachment of communism," Dr, W. L. Hutton, medical offi. cer of health at Brantford when fluoridation was first introduced in that city in 1045, called the Perking' contention "just plain silliness." he is "over 40," and his wife and daughter, Bill Russell, a Calgary motor mechanic, 'J. R. Galbraith of Regina, and Lena 'Rudy, Wind. Tickets on Mr, What were held by Marie-Louise Claude of Mont- ea) and A. Polack of Kelowna, Employment Up During February OTTAWA (CP)--Canadian em- ployment rose and unemploy- ment declined in February, the government reported today, Unemployment at Feb, 21 was estimated at 537,000, down 1,000 from a month earlier and down 26,000 from 563,000 a year earl fer, The decline in unemployment from February of 1958 repre. sented the first year-to-year drop n 26 months, Meanwhile, employment at 21 advanced to 5,547,000 from 5,538,000 a month earlier, despite the trend of past years for a mod- erate decline at this time of yoar, Employment in The moderate gain in the num- ber of those with jobs originated mainly in the nonfarm indus. tries, where February employ- ment was 4,889,000, This com- pared with 4,933,000 in January and 4,787,000 in February of last year, | | | summer, he had been looking sor, held tickets on Wyndburgh, | i Mrs, Elizabeth Duncan convicted earlier of first degree murder for arranging the slay- ing of her son's bride, stares straight ahead at the jury as it announces her sentence at Ventura, Calif, -- death in the gas chamber, She called the death decree 'a rotten deal', ' W. Brown, Ontario's deputy min. --AP Wirephoto TO MEASUR TRIPS, CAR, STOCKS Sweepstake Winners E FALLOU US. Reports Fear Deadly Radiation TORONTO (CP) -- Dr. Gordon ister of health, today announced the province is considering es- tablishment of a laboratory to test the fallout of strontium-90, byproduct of atom bomb and hy. drogen bomb blasts. The announcement followed a United States report that the ra- dioactive element is falling faster than expected and that the world's greatest concentration is in the northern U.S, and southern Canada." Health Minister Dymond eon- firmed the announcement. "We are in the process of mak- ing arrangements now to set up our testing laboratory," he said. "It will be called the radiation background testing laboratory." He sald the laboratory will test all of Ontario. Only spot testing now is done, he added WASHINGTON (AP) -- Deadly strontium 90 is sifting down out of the stratosphere faster than expected, with its test fall out in the northern United States and southern Canada, Senator Clinton P, Anderson (Dem. N.M.) sald Saturday, Anderson, chairman of the Sen- ate-House Atomic Energy Com- mittee, put that interpretation on a series of communications from the defence department and the atomic energy commission re- porting on the effects of nuclear re CHAIRS, TABLES ARE TOO HIGH LONDON (AP) - The Ad- of Anthro. visory Committee pometric Evidence for Equipment Dimensions has completed a two-year inves. tigation for the British Insti. ule of dering oi s job: Measul ce furniture to determine how it compares with the measure. ments of humans, Its conclusions: Chairs and tables are up to three inches too high, | | explosions by both the United States and Russia. The letters were sed by the committee. TWENTY PAGES wn Pe ¥ ] +} RR mains in the stratosphere for shorter s than the AEC revi assumed, and "also Indicates that there is a latitude band of maximum dropout of the fallout from the stratosphere which occurs from 35 degrees-50 degrees north or south, "The concentration of stron. tium 90 on the surface of the earth is greater in the United States than in any other area in the world." Strontium 90, taken into the body through food, damages the bones and in sufficient amounts produces bone or blood cancer. A porthern limit of 50 degrees latitude would include all the Maritimes and southern Quebec and Ontarlo, including, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Hamilton, Winnipeg and Vancouver are close to the limit, Rocket Nose Cone Found In Ontario SOUTHAMPTON, Ont. (CP)--A 4%-foot object resembling the nose cone of a rocket was found Sunday on a beach near this Lake Huron town 20 miles west of Owen Sound, John Ranney of Southampton said the aluminum cylinder, about 2% feet in diameter, was similar to news photos of rocket nose cones. There were 27 tubes was stamped * Anderson Feb, from the defence department. in- : inted on one the words "Dec. 30 LA." dicates that radioactivity re. He likened Mr, Perkins to peo. ple who "still say the world is| flat, not round." Dr, Gordon Bates, director of the Health League of Canada, sald Dr, Kirkconnell "evidently has never looked at the real evi- dence." Dr, Cameron Stewart, medical officer of health at Oshawa where| water has been fluoridated for six| years, called the report "'absolute| nonsense," NO HARMFUL EFFECTS | Mayor Jack Langmuir of Brock- ville, which adopted fluoridation | | Meyer. Kin Of Sudden NAPANEE (CP)-Police said today they are investigating the Nazi ly Gone She is the only living relative of Gen. Meyer, who was released 'very mysterious" di ance of Mrs, Carloa Ham, 70, aunt of former German general Kurt from a Ci prison in 1954, He was sentenced to a life term after a death sentence passed by a war cfimes trial was com- mask, but after seven hours in| the hole Moss was too weak to Times of India said Tibetans a Toronto group organized to in 1056, said it has *'definitely had| The woman, who lived alone on put it on. Finally, a rescuer got Were upset over India's inability fight communism has circulated no harmful effects." |a 214-acre cattle farm near this muted, - Meyer was alleged to have given the order to t 18 Canadian prisoners at Nor mandy in 1944 and also to have instructed his men to give no quarter in the fighting, In 1946 Mrs. Ham offered to take Gen, Méyer into her home rather than have him serve hin time in prison. PRIME MINISTER Harold Macmillan bids farewell to Sec- retary of State John Foster Dulles outside his home at Washington after a 45-min- "It is all very mysterious," wid a police constable, "We don't| know what to think | A creek running through the farm was being dragged today, An axe was found near the creek | bank. | Last year Mrs. Ham was res-| cued from the same creek after falling in while chopping ice. There was no ice on the water Sunday. THOUGHT FOR TODAY | An epigram is a wisecrack that lived long enough to ac- quire a reputation, | | " tional Woodworkers of America (CLC), 1,200 of whose members struck the Anglo - Newfoundland Development Company at Grand Falls Dec. 31. In an interview Saturday, coun. cil president Peter Fudge said the provincial welfare depart. ment is waging a "scandalous 3. The foreign ministers there fore would have the committee was considering] endment to the Municina!l were Blenty ul lots in the woods, a prayer: "That as here and out-|eral municipalities protested enu. (Problems, try to narrow Soviet-| Britain protested to the state [3 Welfare Minister S. J Heft ward stains are washed away for meration was too expensive. Western differences and prepare department in January the award ton saict in St Jon's Soi oe 4 us and by us, so the inward sins| The committee also approved Proposals for a later it con-|to an American firm of a $1,750, 3 Ba in . : 3 2s SulINAY it of us all may be washed away amendments to the Municipal Lo-|ference. |210 contract for two hydraulic Sage 84 Tan € | by Thee. cal Improvement Act permitting] 2. Heads of government should turbines on which the "English fa Ey nt Sivig > i oi Rupe 10 Yash the bi changes in local improvement as- hold their meeting when justified | Electric Company had bid about 3 al ras Plus IX, who died sessment against propert n- | by v i % : |fore welfare benefits can be paid. (in 1878 after a 32-year reign. lers. PIOpEry Jb Se Work of Wie foreigs isis oy owe Roh Rare ee ) - | the mask aver his tate. to du anything on thelr behalf a Feapout that fluoridation of water Mayor Robert Mountain oftown 20 miles west of Kingston, Rescue workers who came to and regret New Delhl's "inferior. tranquilized" wartime prison DR. C. C. STEWART Stratford, where there is natural was reported missing Friday. the surface for fresh air said ity complex" in relation to China.[camps in Russia, ' fluoridation, doesn't place much| The bellowing of 60 hunger Moss was trapped "in a coffin off The British - owned Statesman| The Freedom Foundation of oughly the fluoridation of water|stock in the Perkins report. crazed cattle attracted the atten: Yooh» said in a dispatch from Kalin-(Canada, founded by Rev. Leslie supplies and how we were using| "We here are totally uncon:|tion of a passing farmer who in- bbs i A -- Millin, distributed in December |it, in Russia as a tranquilizer in|cerned by what this man or any-|vestigated and called police when a bulletin quoting an affidavit by the prison camps." {one else says against fluorida-|(he found the farm deserted. an American ex-Communist Oh "The leaders of our school felt/tion," he said, Police said there was no indi asser as 35] ver Kenneth Goff, that if it could be induced into Mayor Lioyd Hogarth of Brant.|cation in the farm home that al Goff said that while attending|the American water supply it/ford said if fluoridation was in-|struggle had occurred or that the| . ute conference on the way back ° Communist training schools in/would bring about a spirit of leth-/tended to weaken the will of the/place had been ransacked Mrs, Voters List from Camp David. Britain's t Iraq, Soviets [i mie i, om, Sire ie sion vie vd onl of Banord i coal Ham vas seared oe went Foran Mitr Sava Lod ' or- keep the general public docileldidn't work." wo large watchdogs were also T B M d is bet Macmillan and Dul- Fob les. -AP Wirephot CAIRO (AP)--President Nasser president of the United Arab Re: Mine Explosion 0 e a e has Moeused his rival, Iraqi Pre-/public criticized Kassem and So.| _ = . Nfld L b T : mier Kassem, of refusing to aid viet Premier Khrushchev, whom | a (®) (0) Y Y 123 ACl X | an in oa fight to the finish" against he called Kassem's hacker, Kills eight Men . Ssessors ' 1 Israel. For the first time Nasser as- NS, Tenn, (AP) -- Eight TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario In another fighting speech sorted the Soviets' ultimatum had ™en Were reported killed today in Plans Mass Rall legislature's municipal law com- broadcast from Damacus, the nothing to do with halting the ® £0al mine explosion near here. mittee voted 6 to 3 today to pro- red H 1 eee | British-French-Isracli attack on|. The explosion occurred in the hibit municipalities from compil- P u . Egypt in 1936 | Brimstone mine. | CORNER BROOK, Nfid. (CP) ing voters' lists through enumer PrisonersIn lcorrosovier am pion id, sopurs dual Fi Corer Bonk Lor Cou ion nsend of by assess, || WASHINGTON. (AP) -- Brime| | nol n able to reach the miners WG) 1s old a mass meeting by . ts | He said fighting had stopped but eight were believed dead. [here this week to rally labor ty a se ya et mid hn tesponsitl: Cub a M a before the Soviet ultimatum ar-| There were no immediate reports 8Toups against Premier Small- Sk. Andrevn a Child aronto dont Bissthowes Have proj ity of determining the time, place Y rived Nov. 6, 1956. He also said|Oh how many miners were in the ed's "recent anti-union legisla Wentworth: and D. M. Kerr (PC mill Fol a. opt aid subject matter of the summit ithe Soviets gave Egypt no aid mine. tion. ~T ) urt) | fun erence, Be Isolated during the foes Thi. ang tat Kobbng jo abot 75 mes marth, The Sotto comell i 3 the provision permissive. [mer Nita Knrushthew ths tum. DIFFERENT VIEWS 8 {they not supported last July's Mille. e Interna. Ir, Grossman argued HAVANA (AP)--Cuban author. Iraqi revolution against the for-| campaign against the IWA, Wel-| [transients would be omitted Pai wer Was learned today that thi BE at en ities talked today of isolating po- Mer pro-Western regime. fare officers were ordered March - voters' lists by the thousands if was the vis oy Cs tiate with Khrushchev even if the Heal Prisuters llowing a Shot Russia threatened Britain and LATE NEWS FLA 9 to Xefuse Wellies benefits to assessors did the compiling. ise hy PROS oe a foreign ministers conference Is a n Havana's 2,000-prisoner Cas-'p . ey any member of the IWA, decerti-| P T Ww sh ut other members said resi ¢ failure. El tillo del Principe prison. Nov. 8. i wr SHES fid by the Newfoundland legisla-| ope 0 a |dence requirements restrict vot Dyvid, Md. Seturday. effort Mgrs d iy de rir Mine ui orlando, Plt a0, Frame or ir Tre eck aan ing by iets hoy and | No Wr, dcuein, by We ree owen clio of th lered : [= | Font nA 3 y Ro biguer accused Temnants of fighting Nov. 7, although In the Big Four To Meet In Washington | About 1.400 IWA loggers em.| Feet Of Poor fred Sowilug (PC Toronto High| or Prench President | Berlin crisis and some start on the onatista regime held on war|west, American opposition to the ] gic [ployed by Bowater's Newfound: | he ly nl Charles de Gaulle, it represents|Sir German problems at the Plot Saturday nights Baling ™€ war and not the Soviet threat WR ag 'Reuers) = Mo Big Four, Western foreign Jaa Pulp and Paper Mills Lim:| VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -- very aL Tepresthls al compromise between Macmil.|[°TCiEn ministers meeting. ; oni A . : tene vas believ i v ' n Washington March 31 and April 1 to [ited in this area began leaving YW he: the an thatcn mic . are 1am' A . Eisenhower was ted Prison sources said the riot de. FeRerally was believed responsi-| Munsters will bef ; A mW R B/ Pope John will receive the an-|thousands of th {lan's firm desire to meet with WY as reporte ble for the decision to end hostil- ange views before a possible conference with Russia, it [their jobs in mid « Janudry, ap-|eje g nth y persons throughout yy. enev Eis ver" pleased with the discussions he veloped from a demonstration ' was announced today i 3 cient papal custom of washing the province who can be handled) Ntrushchev and Eisenhower's re-| SSIORS ; DStration jiies, The Arab world, led by Nas- oday. parently in sympathy with Anglo- 0 --as Chr! bully, un : [began with Macmillan here Shatging bad loud sud oad ol Bot most or all of the credit Man Qu esti one d In Lupton Slaying ewioundiung Htipers The dion aa peat Ct % Cwig gy Lip : etunce lo eet Without PO lday. A British spokesman go only about 100 of the 2,000 pris. © 'he Russians. ; : says no strike has heen called|Holy Week, a Vatican source said/an am 1. The Big Four powers--the So the prime minister as oners participate. Guards quieted FEARED ISRAELI THRUST TORONTO (CP) -- A man who stopped a 14-year-old girl [2aInst Bowater ~the company | today. [Franchise Extension Act which|United States, Britain, France| NAPPY and satisfied. them by firing in the air after| Nasser sad the Israelis! In suburban New Toronto Saturday night and followed her yas Just aving trouble finding| The Pope will perform the cer-|was passed last vear to nermit and Russia--should open a for.| Macmillan arranged for a they had set mattresses and aunched a series of attacks on home will be questioned today by detectives investigating the |'88ers willing to work. |emony Thursday at his church as extention of voting rights to] ®i§n ministers meeting at Geneva meeting this morning at the Brit: some prison records afire. No- the Syrian frontier late last year| ssi wer, Patricia Lupton. Police said the girl hurried home |TOLD TO QUIT TWA [bishop of Rome, the patriarchal boarders and roomers and rela-(May 11: Khrushchev has already|ish Embassy with the U.S. econo- body was reported hurt. 2 Tah is aa Jeat after ing bothered by the 30-year-old man but he kept behind Loggers who wanted provincial) chbasilica of St. John Lateran. tives living with property owners, [Substantially agreed to this. The mic experts, There was speculas attack. P, ala were asked to resign ono Pope has washed the feet of As enacted the law required|foreign ministers should reachition he would urge the United CITY EMERGENCY | He planned a fight to th $act the union, and then fold there| py P00% In the last 8 years. |enumeration for any municipality(agreements' on the widest possi. (States to buy more of his coun- he pe pi] pie 7a i nish, ew 0) 1ssioner Expected | The ceremony concludes with extending the franchise but sev-|ble range of German and related try s products, PHONE NUMBERS |i t™, ied Kassem 16/" "orrawa (ch) -- An tans dioioen sa S [send troops to help. Kassem re.| Commis Tl wih Ottawa dispatch says that Deputy fused. Nas . ommissioner C. E. Rivett-Carnac will be promoted to head POLICE RA 35-1133 pons gn asserted, adding: the RC MP. He would succeed Commissioner L. H. Fionn ! Ri Se it the deterioration in| who resigned March 12 over the federal government decision FIRE DEPT. RA 56574 not to send RCMP reinforcements to Newfoundland. It is exs HOSPITAL RA 8.2211 Be ative Minister Fulton will announce the appoint UAR.-Iraqi relation, we knew| we would be alone if we entered | Ia conflict with Israel" \ \

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