Orono Scouts| Fete Fathers By MRS. JOHN FORRESTER ORONO -- Orono cubs and scouts held a Father and Mig + the Ne School auditorium of the United Church. Head table guests introduced by cub leader Donald e were, Mrs. N. Bailey, Jo Anne Ruther- ford and Russel Major. Donald Staples attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Hog Producers Association Mon-| day at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Les McGee have returned home from a vacation in Florida H, M. Mercer, Orono Hydro chairman, attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Hydro Association this week, Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Lunn at- tended the funeral of her grand- father in Orillia. Mrs. Archie McLaren has re- turned home from the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGee spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Ss McGee. Mr, and Mrs. Marshall Chat- terton are moving into their new bome on Centre street. Mr. and Mrs, Percy Lunn spent Wednesday at the Sportsman's Show in Toronto. Janice Rutherford entertained a few friends to celebrate her pinth birthday last week ONO Club Meets At Blackstock By MRS. R. C. HILL BLACKSTOCK -- The March, meeting of the ONO club was| held at the home of Elaine Romeril Thursday evening when | final plans were made for the Family Dance, April 3, Mrs. Pewtress, Miss Steele and Mrs. Dick of Cobourg were pres- ent in connection with the pend- ing TB clinic. They answered questions and gave a talk on the survey which is to be held in Blackstock June 15. Jean Kyte was appointed chair- man for the survey committee which will include Kathleen Dor- rell, Noreen. Malcolm, Elaine Romeril and Dora Martyn. Lunch was served. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Rena Butt. | SUPPER AND EUCHRE [ A turkey supper was served by the WA of the United Church Wednesday evening. A euchre party sponsored by the Farmers Union followed the supper. Prize winners were: High lady, Mrs. Snow, second highest, Mrs. Bailey; low lady, Mrs. Burnham, Scugog; high gent, Allan Bailey, Oshawa; second, George Crozier; low gent, Mrs. Fred Gibson, Nestleton. Ashburn Bible Society Meets By MRS. R. RICHARDSON po -- The annual meet- | ing of the Bible Society was held| - the basement of the church ednesday. The executive was relected for another term. | Rev. Colin Rudd of Toronto re-| pounted his work in a territory| extending from Toronto to Kings-| Ma Rudd told of the distribu | tion of Bibles in India, Brazil and other countries and showed a! film. Friday evening the Young People| people went to Oshawa for af bowling tournament. Joy Bradley was winner for the girls and Ross| Batten for the boys. President Grant Parrott pre-| sided over the Young People's meeting when Fay Heron led in| devotional exercises. Mr. Brad. Jey led in prayer. QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS LOW PRICED AT A4P Libby's Fancy Quality Pineapple Juice 24-35 Libby's Fancy Quality Pineapple Juice «-+37: Libby's Fancy Quality Pineapple Chunks =-~37 Libby's Fancy Quality Pineapple crusher »-.+33c Sauerkraut 2:37 48-02 ing 3 Libby's Fancy Quality 1602 w3]e Tomato Juice wer 2 Qe 7) CLARK'S Ripe Oli ipe Olives PICK CLARK'S -- THE LABEL WITH THE SAILOR BOY Libby's Family Size Clark's Ripe Olives BEANS OVENCROCK 205:c042 Be Clark's Fancy Quality Tomato Juice 2:-+29: Clark's . . . 1 Package Spaghettl, 1 Tin Meat Sauce Spaghetti Dinner 49: READY To SERVE SMOKED COOKED HAMS NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED SHANK PORTION BUTT PORTION Ib GRADE "A" OVEN-READY TURKEYS Young Hens and Broiler Types 5 to 12-Ib average SOLID MEAT WHOLE or HALF FISH STICKS ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS! McLaren's Manzanilla STUFFED OLIVES Kraft CHEEZ WHIZ Shortening JEWEL Ready Cut Macaron) Reg. Jar 410--8AVE 12¢ 8-02 jor 2 9 Reg. Jar B30--SAVE 4o Reg. 1b 330--8SAVE 130 2 1b pkgs 5 3 [3 Reg. 2 pkgs 210--~SAVE 30 16-02 jor 49: . Reg. 3 tine 380--8AVE do @roozins dh 3c Reg. tin 310--8AVE 7¢ 2 2802s 5 5¢ Reg. tin 210--8AVE 7p 2 trois 3 5¢ Cholee Quality A«P PEAS Choice Quality Halves As«P PEACHES Mandarin ORANGES BREADED SHRIMP CREAMETTES Clark's IRISH STEW Plain & Pimento CHATEAU CHEESE Choice Quality AsP WAX BEANS Fruit & Nut, and T.V. Nut Van Kirk CHOCOLATE BARS Robinson's Home Pack CHOCOLATE BARS Robinson's Rainbow CHOCOLATE BARS 3 7-0z pkgs 29: Reg. tin 470--8AVE 4e 25-02 tin 4 3 ¢ Reg. pkg 310--SAVE do 8-02 pkg 27: Reg. 2 tins 330--8AVE 70 4 20-0z tins 5 9 Reg. bar 200--SAVE % 2 large bars 49: Reg. pkg 200--S8SAVE de pkaof SD S¢ Reg. pkg 200--~8AVE de THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 25, 1959 READY TO SERVE COOKED Boneless Smoked Hams 79: PORK SAUSAGE MEAT nc HADDOCK FILLETS CENTRE CUTS OR STEAKS 89: +39 wis 3 Qe nh 1.29 BEA SEALD WHEATLEY BRAND AP 100th ANNIVERSARY RECORD BARGAIN Save over $40.00 on a Complete Set of 16 Classie L.P. Records with Free Giant Album. RECORD NO. 8 ON SALE THIS WEEK ror 1.59 THIS WEEK'S RECORD Brahms: Symphony No. 1 in C Minor, Op, 88 < : First and Second Movements \ _ REVERSE SIDE~-- A Midi Night's Dream . ime and Nocturne RECORD NO. 1 STILL AVAILABLE FOR ONLY §9¢ RECORD NO. 2 STILL AVAILABLE FOR ONLY $1.59 BUY A RECORD A WEEK UNTIL YOUR MUSIC LIBRARY I8 COMPLETE. mis25¢ oT Bakery Specials! Frank Gardiner conducted the BAKED IN A&P's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS ram when Joy and David| radley presented a musical] duet. A quiz was conducted by Mrs. Batten. | Helen Routley of Kemptville ished her parents over the week- end.. W. 'Perry of Waterloo had eharge of the church service in Ashburn and Port Perry Sunday. KEDRON KEDRON -- Services will be held at Columbus United Church Good Friday at 7.30 p.m. C an d K Doubles meeting will be held in Kedron Lower Hall, April 4 at 7.30 p.m. Films will be shown by Mrs. A. Stocks, Brook- lin, on a recent trip to Europe. GUIDES ENROLLED oy enrollment of 16 Guides @ok place Thursday and Satur- day the girls accompanied their leaders to Toronto for a visit to| the museum. _ Barbara Rose won third prize in a poster contest at Guide House, Oshawa, PERSONALS | Mr. and Mrs. John Glover and | Stephen, Toronto, spent the week- | end with Mr. and Mrs, J. Clover. Mrs. C. Crossman, Mrs. | Pascoe, Mrs. J. Glover and ne | H. Werry were tea guests of] Mrs. G. White, Oshawa, Satur-| day. - Taking part in the Junior Farmer Revue, presented by the Ontario County Junior Farmer's Choir under the direction of Mrs, E. Dobson were Jeanine Werry, | Grant Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mountjoy and Mrs, L.| Tregunna. Eleanor Mountjoy and Gail Hit-| chens assisted as ushers Satur- day at Brooklin Township Hall. Mr. and Mrs, W. Werry and boys visited A. Rowan, Yelver-| ton, on Saturday. | COSTLY CLEANUP PLYMOUTH, Engiend (CP)It eost £350 to collect litter left by gourists in the Dartmoor national | park last summer, Turkey Stew =-+37. BLUE BREEZE BARGAIN OFFER 5¢ OFF Fwd 8 WISK LIQUID WASHING MIRACLE 20: OFF 10 OFF King size] 49 Giant Size 77: JIM DANDY ALL PURPOSE LIQUID CLEANER 15 OF os (§OQ EXTRA SPECIAL BOKAR COFFEE awl com 3-LB BAG 1.83 -- SAVE 12. Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Specials! California New Spring Crop, Tender Green, Extra Fancy Grade ASPARAGUS 33. Ne. 1 Grade, Fully Matured, the Tropical Delight BANANAS 2-35: Florida Fancy Grade, New Crop, Sweet, Tender YELLOW CORN 4335 Ontarie Grown, Cold Storage Stock, Fancy Grade, Finest for Eating 3b cello bag 29: DELICIOUS APPLES Now at Their Very Best, Fancy Grade Sugar Sweet, California Sb cello bag 5 5 (3 NAVEL ORANGES Fresh Firm, No. 1 Grade, Hand Selected Quality TOMATOES cello pkg TQ¢ Fresh, No. 1 Grade, Kiln Dried 316: 29¢ YAMS 3b eellobag 3 J¢ Yellow, No. 1 Grade, Large COOKING ONIONS BE SURE TO VISIT THE FLOWER DEPARTMENT. WE HAVE A WIDE VARIETY OF EASTER FLOWERS FOR YOUR SELECTION, FEATURING SUCH ITEMS AS EASTER LILLIES 4 Blooms and up, in 8" Pots POTTED CHRYSANTHEMUMS Assorted Colors, in 6" Pots Polyantha Rose Bushes in 8" Pot POTTED MIXED PANS A Beautiful Array of Colors, in 8" Pots -1.99 CUT DAFFODILS +49 CUT TULIPS bunch 5 Qe Also many other varieties priced to meet your budget, such as Hydrangeas, Hyacinths, Potted Tulips, Potted Daffodils, Geraniums and many others." Jane Parker (8", 24.02 Ple) Reg. 490--8AVE 100 APPLE PIE each 3 J STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE Reg. 530--SAVE So wchd Se Reg. 89c--8AVE 100 FRUIT STOLLEN och 9c Jane Parker Reg. loaf 230--S8AVE Te RAISIN BREAD 2 i6c:loevs 39 Jane Parker Reg. pkg 350--SAVE Ge CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES ss 29 Jane Parker Reg. pkg 290--SAVE %o SUGAR COOKIES 2:49: Frozen Food Specials! Faney Quality Reg. 2 for 370--SAVE Te A«P PEAS 3 2orpkes 9c Fancy Quality Reg. 2 for 37c--SAVE So BRODER'S SQUASH ~~ 2 wore 29¢ New Low Price 20x jar Me A&P INSTANT COFFEE ¢o:iv 89 THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACING THA COMPANY LTD, Jane Parker ANGEL CAKE uw: Jane Parker Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through Sat, March 28th, 1959 STORE HOURS WED. & THURS. 8:30-9 P.M. CLOSED FRIDAY SAT. 8:30-6 P.M. SPECIAL EASTER OFFER! MERRIMOOD NYLONS 30: OFF .::. Each Package of 2 pairs They're Delicious -- Try Some Jane Parker HOT CROSS BUNS moots 2 wv