ey CAR-WASH FOR CHARITABLE EFFORT Pictured above are four Osh- awa girls who are preparing to put some real effort into the | campaign to raise funds for re- tarded children, They are, left Gimblett, Betty Baxter, and | April 4, at Bowers service sta- Margaret Blears, members of tion, King and Ritson, the pro- the Phi Phi chapter of the Beta | ceeds of which will be donated Sigma Phi sorority. The chap- | to the Retarded Children's As- Uomeen, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Merch 28, 1959 Tio Canadian Concert Artists Well Received In London By M. McINTYRE HOOD "She has a light touch and a Special to The Oshawa Times [light voice, but it is nimble. She |showed her powers deliciously in LONDON -- Two young Cana-|the Cimarosa imbroglio. The Car- dian artists, coloratura soprano colina role needs an exquisite Doreen Hume, and planist Geral-| judgment, singing and acting dine Mason, have made a splen- |g btlety, and she made it most did * impression in their recent|engaging." appearances in London, and have added to the already large coterie| TALENTED PIANIST of Canadian talent received ac-| Geraldine Mason was very well ceptably in the United Kingdom.|received when she played a re- Doreen Hume sang the role of cital of German sonatas at the Carolina In "The Secret Mar- Wigmore Hall, Her program riage" presented by the Impres- showed that her sympathies pos- sario Society in the St. Pancras|sibly lay more with the works of Town Hall, It was her first ap- Reger and Hindemith than with pearance on the operatic stage in| Beethoven and Weber. Her touch this country, and musi¢ critics was sensitive and her phrasing are predicting that she will be elegant in Reger's sonatine in A| cast in many more operatic roles Minor, while the challenge of in future. |Hindemith's No. 1, with its un. In Canada, Miss Hume devoted usual sonorities and big tone, was her talents largely to television splendidly met. {and radio singing. She came to| Although a serious player, her {England some three years ago, | rendition of the funeral march in |and has been busy broadcasting|Beethoven's A Flat, Op. 26, was for the BBC, and also recording(somewhat lacking in grandeur, NICE START SURBITON, England (CP)-- Hairdressers Set Mrs. Ann Tait of this Surrey town is emigrating to Toronto Minimum Price : April 24 with her husband, a civil '| A fair attendance was recorded engineer. Six weeks before ths /|at the Oshawa Hairdresser's As- departure date she won £1,000 in ' [sociation meeting last Monday a Sunday new sp ap er contest / night with the main topic of the which, she says, "will help us get { jevening being minimum prices. Alon our feet over there." / |stendard of two dollars was set {for a shampoo and finger wave Z|and this will take effect as soon RUGS AND ' (as ninety per cent of the licensed Cleaned to Perfection 4 |establishments have agreed to it. NU-WAY RUG Miss Annette Hudson was elect-| ed chairman of the social com-| ond Carpet Soles 174 Mory RA 5.0433 mittee and Mr. Clint Hall was| elected chairman of the publicity department. The next meeting was set for| Monday, April 20. | Those attending were: Clint | Hall, Arthur Huycke, J. D. Page, Lilian Howard, Dorothy Switzer, Betty Leesterberger, John Weiss, {Ken Hardie, Anne Pankier, Ann |Godin, Adelyne Kempt, Ellen Corbeil, Berniece Johnston, An- nette Hudson, Marie Marlowe. The "Every Day" Way to REST TIRED NERVES Hectic pace getting Tre : to relas 160 Just fake" PHOSPHO-PLEX, Relieve that jum, "tired ll the time One-year-old William Patrick | grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wil. | is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Don- | liam J. Noonan and Mr. and ald J. McGarry, Alma street. | Mrs. Patrick J. McGarry, all of Billy who celebrated his first | Oshawa. birthday on March 17 is the --Photo by Robert Aldsworth wAMPOLE PHOSPHO-PLEX Tasieve PERSONALS RELIEVES 4 TIRED NERVES to right, Isabel Russell, Jean | ter will conduct a car-wash | sociation. but mostly music of the lighter|and her tone was inclined to} i { variety. Now she has blossomed harden in fortissimo chords. ce ral tows Rests 107 the Io|about » Year ud Si Rickard forth as a potential opera star. Weber's delightful No. 3 in D. peth Davis and Mr James Sher-1 to join him in Mont i] The critic of the Daily Tele- Minor, was fluently played, but| for, "on™ ov dod" Mee. Richard y n-Mon:venl, graph wrote this about her per- needed a somewhat lighter po Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hall, Miss Agnes Kirk, Athol street Drmance: touch, |Mrs. Leo Hall, Mr. and Mrs. east, is spending the Easter vaca- ' AFULLTHREE WEEK TREATMENT Alvin Puckrin and Mr Timothy tion in New York, oy & Wenge § Unit + Fok Ontae Butt of Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. | | -- Ronald Hall, Mr. Richard Hall Magistrate F. 8. Ebbs and Mrs. | and Mr. and Mrs, Howard Arm-|Ebbs and Miss Catherine Ebbs| strong of Oakville; Mr. and Mrs.|are spending the Easter holiday| © LETTS TIRED NERVES GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES Filet Club ' Marks Birthday LAUREL GROUP the business. Mrs. Dean Peel Mrs. George Werry presided at called the roll and read the sec-| One year ago this Service Club the March meeting of the Laurel retary's report. Treasurer's re-| received its Charter and officlal- [Morley Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Allen|in Ottawa. ' Double-Ring C Uni | i? ' Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Gp or 8 ihe WA, onport wa ben by Hr Bvt beep or Blt Ter 1 ed wilh worship using the "Eas. sick calle nd cards' ona, mie 20 enarter men | Marilyn Davis, James S. Hall / . | White, Miss Anne White and Mr. | Mrs. Warren Hal! of Rich-| Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert Munns, | ed with worship using the "Eas-sick calls and cards sent to the dn ter Message' as the theme. sick and Mrs. Earl James re- bers Pledged Hemeelves at that Following the reading of re- ported flowers sent. ine 10 will wor, A pin tom. ™ . f Maril and ports, plans were made for the| Tickets are to be made for the Junky »d uring the first year e marriage of Marilyn Eliza- had full length, lily-point sheath pond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simcoe street north, are quietly garden tea and bazaar at Stone- turkey dinner, scheduled for Sep- ve Da e strides in the Tight beth Davis, only daughter of Mr. Sleeves. A fingertip vell of tulle ya) Belleville; Mr, and Mrs, celebrating the 62nd anniversary haven, the home of Mr. and Mrs. tember 30. It was decided that occ ion. ; ard Mrs. F, Gordon Davis, and| HS oy With aching applique Gerald Stevens, Detroit, Mr. and of their wedding today. | G. N. Irwin on Wednesday after- the meetings would be held the Members of the Club and their|ng, yume Sherwood Hall, only and ro oe piace by 8 Jean) tara yrs, W. A. Hall, Windsor; Mr. Yo invited poon, June 3. Mrs. Donald Storie! third Wednesday of every month, {riends met together at Simcoe tM dM S er bouquet was of pink and gnq Mrs. Clifton Carruthers, Miss u are invited by the Social will be the general convener. Mrs. Roy Bishop and Mrs. Archie Hall to celebrate the birthday in|S0n Of Jr. and Jers R. §. Hall, red roses centred with a white Marion Harvey, Mr. and Mrs, Department to send in any little) Members were reminded of the Button sang "The Man of Gali- 2 social evening. The program all of Oshawa, took place re. gardenia and lvy trails. |Candice Carruthers, Mr. and/ltems of interest. News of teas, | rummage sale at the church on lee' accompanied at the piano of Drogressive Rout hist 8 cently In Simcoe Street United Se wore by Beitioom pendant Mrs, John Carruthers and Mrs. Suippiee Pa west, au. enjoyex uring the refreshment [necklace and a lace handkerchief i ens of Pe! : ngs and goings) Church, William Ovens of Peterborough; | always very acceptable and| Tuesday, April 14 at 1:30 p.m. and by Miss Irene Winter. 0 . the flower fund tea in the chapel yr. py oe Morri d the Period Mrs. Madge Lindsay, pres. doublert as Originally carried by her great-/Mr. and Mrs. William Carruth- on Thursday afternoon, May 21 "Ear I oy of ident, cut the cake bearing one vale doble ring a grandmother. ers, Kingston; Mr, and Mrs for Which hers Is no charge. ri ' . 2 Stor) y " i i p 3 V. . ' ! M Javie| Please writ An invitation was extended to|ye Red Hen and the Easter candle and 18 doing So Wade tie Moffat and wedding music was Miss Claire Myers attended the Ralph Davis, and Miss Pat Davis|s gra) "Th0, OF telepohne RA 117 BROCK ST. SOUTH all members to attend the meet- pg, nny har lobogbst d in the vear Played by Mr. R. G. Geen. Dur- bride as maid of honor and wore of Solina; Mr. and Mrs. Walter| ing of the Woman's Association the Shun go forward in the year & "he service Mrs, Howard turquoise lace over a taffeta Davis and Miss June Davis of| in the chapel on Wednesday,| | " ' sheath with floating back panels Taunton; Mrs. J. J, Black and| SOCIAL NOTICES |, Mrs Grace Clairmont and Miss Brownlee sang "Praise My Soul x hae sl B CAMERAS - COSMETICS i PRESCRIPTION CHEM PROMPT FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E CR To | Talo] 0 PR) pHONE RA 3-2245 OSHAWA "Shione fins 3sac BOWMANVILLE 5 KING ST W WHITBY - PHONE MA3-577¢ MO 8.2338 April 16. At this meeting then the ven". The of pink satin, pink picture hat|Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pearson of | eth Miller, the committee in the ig hig ven Pert and matching accessories. Miss Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Rich- charge, were congratulated on Love". Patricia Davis, cousin of the ard Taylor, Noranda; Mr. and the success of a very splendid The bride was given in mar. bride and Miss Jane Siersma, | Mrs. Earle Stoddard, Mrs. Frank evening, riage by her father and wore a| Whitby, were similarly. gowned Hamon, Mr. and Mrs. John Announcement was made re. . ho oh gown of frost white and all carried cascade bouquets! Richel, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Col- garding the spring convention of eat ng sole. The slim bodice and |! pink carnations and ivy. |lins and Mr. and Mrs. David Pilot Clubs which is being held Ll teat 'were embroidered, Mr. Richard Hall, of Oakville Harris of Toronto; Mr and Mrs, in Hamilton on April 10, 11 and with d'Argentine lace applique and cousin of the bridegroom act-| Glen Ireton, Niagara Falls; Mrs , 12, and it is expected that mem- encrusted with seed pearls and ed as best man and ushers were Charles Sandercock and Mr. and | bers from the Oshawa Club i P Mr. Peter Davis, brother of the Mrs. Melville Sandercock of | would be attending. RR jaride, and Mr, Timothy Butt of Camborne; Mr. and Mrs. Frank | In the midst of celebrating the M | thy. Taylor, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. service work was not ating the Lengthen Life Span| At the reception in the church Irwin Gibson and Mrs. E. W. and at the close of the Golden 0 {Pp [nay He Jother of he bride re-| Nesbitt of Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. Age Club meeting the members ceived wearing pale blue flower. John Nesbitt, Port Perry; Mr. | from Fairview Lodge in Whitby| ermanent Wave ed Shifion with matching Die ne and Mrs. Charles Powers, Kitch- | Memorial Church Young People's , ~ were transported home by mem-| The best way to increase the(cessories and corsage of red ener; Mr. and Mrs, Neil Met- was held on Monday, March 23 Howsn) Crydormgh of Maple bers of the Pilot Club who try to |ongevity of your new permanent rosebuds. ; : calfe, Bowmanville, in the Parish Hall. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Provide weekly transportation for is to look up your hair brush for| The bridegroom's mother was The minutes of the last meet- you" B00 a took place in these senior citizens. 3 hours after the curl is put in. |2oWned In rose beige silk shan-| Mr. Ronald Barney Rickard, ing were read. A letter was git of BSCE ON arch 14, -- Zealous brushing to loosen up tung with navy blue accessories Chevrolet street, project mana. recelved from the Diocesan Coun- oxo ; ' * |curl, while the permanent is stil|2nd a corsage of red rosebuds. [ger for Piggott Construction ell about the conference to be ~~ fresh, will keep it from enjoving , Leaving for a honeymoon trip|company, Toronto, has been held in May in Brampton. [a long-life expectancy. Switching|tC Washington. D.C. and points|transferred to Montreal Where he The monthly report of the East the hair-style that vou and vour SCuth. the bride wore a sheath will be engaged on the extension Local Council was given. In this Mr. and Mrs Gordon White an hair-dresser decided upon. when! Gress of Dior blue lace over satiniof the T. Eaton Company store. report It was brought up that a hounce the marriage o ai the curl was put mn. is another with matching shoes and acces-| Mr Rickard expects to be away | Local Council be formed in Osh. Dect Lita Marie Puls, to My orn Bath a Wg ign i) Sories and a grey persian lamb -- dais oi hd [ A te a wei hen Ng | permamene scoding to Factor 50% CENTRE STREET WA Mr. Everett Disney The mar- A BR RR The Reverend W. J. Dickson wage took place in King Street opened the regular meeting of pied Church, Oshawa, on the Woman's Association with a Thursday, March 26, 1959 Fe geen LODGES AND SOCIETIES recent!y in the chanel of Centre Street United Church Mrs. Fred Graham presided for LOYAL TRUE BLUE NO. 55 | Victoria Loyal True Blue lodge No. 55, held its regular meeting in the Orange Temple, Bruce street, last week with Worshipful Master Willard Spencer and Deputy Mistress Mary Thompson presiding. Roll call of officers and minutes of the previous meeting | were read by the recording secre- |tary, Sister Ruth Gatchell Lodge opened with reading of the scripture and prayer by Sis- ter Alice Short in the absence of |Chaplain Sister Elda Howard | Reports of special committees were given. Sister Annie Toms was reported sick and all were | pleased to hear Sister Elda How-| ard was coming along fairly well land home from the hospital. | Members were also pleased to| see some of our old members out! to lodge again. Draws for the evening were will be a study and discussion of 8 "Woman's Federation" in a congregation Following a discussion period ENGAGEMENT ; Mrs. A. W. Arm. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fisher, arranged by Mrs, A J Oshawa, wish to announce the en- strong and Miss V. Moyse, 'a so- X ras ved. tesses Bagement of their only daughter, elal hour was enjoyed. Hostesses hoi Tra Mar Mar od y Mrs. D. ve, Mrs.» Jere rs pe, Fy rs Lines, son of Mr. Herbert Lines, Storie and Mrs. Reg. Burr. 'Oshawa, and the late Mrs. Lines. The April meeting on the eve- The marriage is to take place in ning of Monday, April 27, will be Northminster United Church on held at the home of Mrs. George Saturday, April .25, at 3 o'clock. Morgan, 720 Besshorough drive. | MARRIAGE CHRIST CHURCH AYPA The marriage of Shirlie Lucille, The regular meeting of Christ o\qact daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MARRIAGE Hi € p f pi Jer Soratne wan ol wink} MUSICAL DRUM | Mr. and 'Mrs. Hall on their re.-| Donkey skin is used for the {torn will reside in Oshawa at 152 head of the conga drum, used in HOUSEHOLD HINT How about a shampoo for your| Eastmount avenue. Latin-American music. Y 'umbrella? | The bathtub is a convenient| | ' place to do this job. First, open > ; the umbrella and give it a good | { SELES PEE ETRE CUE BH N . PROMPT J STORE HOURS PRESCRIPTION Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SERVICE Sundoys and Holidays Tpm.tobpm. | | | | { |brushing to remove dust or grit. Dip a soft brush in thick luke- warm soapsuds and go over the outside and inside, paying spe- cial attention to creases. Turn on the shower to rinse the um- brella off. Leave it open to dry. \ Youll either get quick relief from. 8 yourmffering or well give you 7 CAMERAS COSMETICS $= PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PROMPT FREE DELIVERY NTT 530 SIMCOE ST. S 8 KING ST. E PHONE RA5-3546 PHONE RA 3-2245 By ALICE BROOKS Sheer beauty against dark ma: hogany or light woods! You'll wis compliments for useful set. | S 1 table with pine- | donated by Sister Margaret Phil-| Ne cleguul, lob pus | [lips Sis Mary Thomp-| . '| lips (2), and Sister Mar Pattern 7024: crochet directions son and were won by Sisterit,. a4 inch center-piece; smaller Maisie Keeler (2) and Brother doily 14 in No. 30 cotton. USEFUL SET | | TOPS ALL ICE CREAMS AND SHERBETS : mea Bring your Easter dinner to a toste-thrilling finole with Duncon Hines ice cream. Made with rich, fresh cream Fred White and Sister Clara Ewen. Happy birthday was sung for Sister Elizabeth Morton and Sis- ter Clara Ewen with Sister Em- maline Henderson at the piano. All the degree staff is request- ed to be at the Orange Temple on Tuesday evening of next week, March 31, to practice the white degree at 7:30 p.m, Lodge closed with the closing ode and The Maple Leaf Forever with Sister Emmaline Henderson at the piano Refreshments were served by the committee in charge "FOR HALF-SIZES By ANNE ADAMS The new, high-waisted sheath superbly desighed to flatter half sizes. Choose a soft spring print Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to The Osh- awa Times, Household Arts Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT- TERN NUMBER. Our new 1959 Alice Brooks Needlecraft Catalogue has many lovely designs to order: crochet- ing, knitting, embroidery, quilts dolls, weaving. A special gift, in the catalog to keep a child hap pily occupied -- a cutout doll and clothes to color. Send 25 cents for your copy of the hook with a contrast collar for flat tery next to your face. To morrow's pattern: Misses' skirt. Printed Pattern 4763 Half Sizes 14%, 16%, 20%, 22'a, 24%. Size 16% requires 23 yards 35- inch; % yard contrast. Printed directions on each pat- tern part. Easier, accurate Send FIFTY CENTS (50¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accept ed) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Ser i to ANNE ADAMS care of The Oshawa Times, Pat Chase Nerve Food nerves, but . . . order NF 59.58 Maybe you can put off using Dr. Nerve Fatigue caused by jittery Clo You to overcome tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Dear. Sadics RA 5.4321 Open House at Jutta's second Beauty Salon, 27 King Street East. corner of Celina Street on Monday: March 30. From 4 pm. to 8 p.m. end pure, notural flavorings, It's sure to delight every- one. Choose your own combination of tempting flavers. Made For All Central Ontario Exclusively By The Rove! ICE CREAM COMPANY DISTRIBUTED BY IDEAL DAIRY LIMITED Suita