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The Oshawa Times, 30 Mar 1959, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March 30, 1959 13 So. "Arict For Sale i= Killer Subs rama For U.S. Navy? WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice Admiral Hyman Rickover has urged immediate construction of a fleet of nuclear-powered killer submarines to meet a threat of 50--Articles For Sale CABIN eruiser, A-1 Sondition, 3 0 of 21 vB double cedar Mianiting Marine engine, sink, wa- ter tank, sleeps four. Will _ finance, $200 down. Dick Biadiny'y Furniture Drive-in. SPECIAL! This weal wer aplv, op of fibre-gl ar ineh 19 inne sop, 13 inch "deck, its with ] free set of Sar-0p Tie Store, Bond terms. (Dpminiop KROEHLER Red Tag Salg -- Chestér- fields, bedroom suites, sofabeds 48--Automobles Wanted LARESHORE Auto Wreckers want el for wrec) prices paid oi 85-1161 51182. MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars. Pay off liens. Sell on consignment. Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 45--Reol Estate Por Sale (45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Scie fo thaw Tome WW SE Bljy DIRECT FOR LESS! on. 5 SB ae (pn sh Dis Ee ol EXCELLENT VALUE $11,100 to $12,900 N.HA. NEW 3-bedroom bungalow, trict. No agents. Phone RA 74f 159000 DOWN. Ritson and Bulalie dis. JOUR . T00 Wungalow; bald and el. trict, golid brick, six rooms, médern| |... ioc six-room detached and semi-detached bungalows, lew down payment. Free stove and frig. with each house purchased lar, also ig . sou Shiriinem, heat, kitchen, good renting area. CAll | Ar -- Aap bangs. gr, during Easter week. Come end see these tremendous values. Arana r osname 130 "front. Sensei. Rory eights. rr syle i TAF" ie SSE MODEL HOME THREE unfurnished réoms, eentral. Apply 71 Warten Avenue. (] CHOICE 669 SHAKESPEARE AVENUE 44--For Rent SEVEN. Jotun house fee hy llis ma. soom apartment. Phone . 708 Street W new styles t low : han ine chairs, Brand styles af er al ou Bt APARTMENT, two large clean rooms built-in and Ba child welcome, Phone 1s TARGE, new, w four bath, basement. rye ment, age win- dows, hardwood floors, bus line; heat and hot water supplied, $85. Phone RA 7a pated welcome. RA 51083 NICE four - room apartment, central | 16oation. washer, and TV outlet, | dryer, 4 or $100, jueluding all furniture and TV set. RA 8-81 hed" five-r room or two 73 unfurnished rtment, central, re THREE room Apartment, Se bath, es possession. RA 8 38 Bond Street East st MODERN, thrée - bedroom bungalow, BUILDING LOTS FACING GOLF CLUB PARK ROAD N., 50 TO 65 FOOT FRONTAGE Builders terms, plus ary finencing ot bonk in- terest. See C. Bint, North Shore Realty Ce. Ltd., 112 Simeoe St. Nerth, Osh- owa--RA 5.3568. After hours call RA 3.9484, 741 {46--Real Estate Wanted WANTED BUILDINGS FOR DEMOLISHING Any type of building er house. Highest prices paid. on Stevenson Road North. Available! April 1, $95 a month. RA 3.2433. 7 THREE unfurnished rooms, heavy duty wiring. heat, lights, and water supplied, parking space. Apply 229 Nassa uStreet. of TWO single furnished rooms, 'gentle. | men, abstainers only, 5 minutes mn Four Corners. RA 8.0375. FURNISHED four . room pve Id rent separately with kitchen privileges, to young men, office workers, very central. RA 3-4935. 71 FUR part ment, two Tome, prlvale Dat and en- trance. abstainers. RA 3-9 721 THREE rooms furnished, stove and re- friserator, good location. RA 8.0475 or RA 81129 72) CENTRAL, three room apartment and| bath. heated, heavy duty wirin aerial, private entrance. Apply 82 Park Road South. RA 8-8374 T2e BUNGALOWS Immediate possession. 2-bed- room, médern bungalow. In west Oshawa. Every conveni- ence, large lot, garage. Ref- erences lease. Phone Bow- manville MA 3.2746 7 45--Real Estate For Sake '$12,000 -- full price, beautiful bedroom brick bungalow, located. Ton Mary Street North, plenty of large closets, oil heat, storms and screens, Just minutes to down town. For appointment call Bill Swarbrick at RA §-6544. John A J. Bolahood Ltd, Real tors, FARM for sale, 100 acres, 12 miles west of Lindsay on Sosnty road. Build. ings In repair. Barn, steel roof, | 100 x House brick veneer. seven rooms, water on pressure, hydro, eil furnace. bw and garage. Would sel equipment with farm. flo B Box 717 7 Osten Times. 71¢ #2800 CASH -- $3000 mortgage, $50 four. "home, large Seid" Lock anville MA hea ted, all highway, ve miles east of per 1 acre of land. Blackstock, 1 8-R-12. 728 IPLEX, all rented, includes Slaven refrigeral War ea tors, Bog manviile, MA YaST LLOYD REALTY GE ™I CALL RA 8-5827 or MA 3-2236 mwf FARM WANTED By Private Party 100 75% workable, with stream, within to 150 acres, 12 miles limit of Oshawa. Principals only need apply, stating location and approx. selling price. Box 614, Osh- | awe Times, 73h Spring Is Here We Have Buyers! WE NEED PROPERTIES! House, Farms, Small Holdings LIST NOW WITH Merv. Bird Brooklin Phone 255-W J. A WILLOUGHBY SONS LTD., REALTORS 46 EGLINTON E., TORONTO Spring Catalogue Sent a {mp For Sole 1954 RED and black Ford convertible, all new customized red and white leath. er seats. C ba Phone 2535, Port Perry. The tempér- SOUTH ON WILSON AND EAST ON SHAKESPEARE 73b QUALITY CONSTRUCTION By ROSSLYNN ESTATES LIMITED New big dimension family living, luxurious comfort, exclusive loca- tion, custom quality with detailed construction. You'll find ALL of these features are part of these truly fine homes LIVE IN. ..ROSSLYNN ESTATES A community of spacious brick veneer homes . . . a clean, whole- some atmosphere for your family to really enjoy themselves with friendly: neighborly homeowners . .. Close to schools: shopping and transportation. Vickery & Goyne RA 8.5158 Bolohood Realtor RA 5-6544 Schofield Realtor RA 3-2265 Wilson Realtor . RA 5.6588 Ristow & Olsen .... RA 5.6165 74b CENTRAL PARK BLVD. S. Arrange to inspect this fine 6-room brick bungalow -- modern in every respect, landscaped, fenced, paved drive, 3 bedrooms, dining rom, end a fine location. Asking only $12,000.00 with eo 42% mortgage end @ monthly payment of only $60.00 whieh includes principal, interest end taxes, | INCOME HOME Live practically rent free in this fine 7-room home. Large lot, good location, 2 kitchens, oil heating, garage, storms, end many other extras. Asking only $10,500. 00 with low dewn payment. After 5:30 call Joe Maga, RA 5-919 APARTMENT Lot 75' x 300' let on Ravine Road zoned for § suite apartment, Coll Lloyd Metcalf after 5:30 ot RA 5-6983. CRESTVIEW GARDENS Oshewa's newest subdivision with beautiful ravine lots -- 4 model homes now nearing completion, for your inspection, walk- out basements, basement apartments if desired, split level en- trances in some models, ceramic tiled bathrooms and panoramic sashless windows, sodded lown, completed in every way. Prices range from $13,395.00 to $13, 500.00. Contact this office to see these fine homes ot your earliest convenience. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 32 SIMCOE ST. S. DIAL RA 3-9329 or 5-6551 After 5:30 Dia! Lloyd Metcalf, RA 5-6983 Everett Elliott, RA 3.9290 74a Joe Maga, RA 5.9191 Dick Barriage, RA 5.6243 ; chair, {dresser, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR are lower quality bl or your money back!" | IF VIVE . piece Mi set; combination | © ardrobe; large size baby enb shidest Xischen desk; a J] good eondition. Road Sou Good ¢léan cors. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES FRONT -- alignment equipment, good condition, portable. Ideal for ser- vice station. Phone Whitby MO 8- sult 314 PARK RD. §. RA 3-9421 95 DOWN delivers three room ovis To to your home! This acta 49--Automabile Repairs 2-plece -piece bedroo: piece kif set, spring-filled ly steel , breakfast set, DKW & FIAT 'SALES & SERVICE ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W. -- RA 3-7132 BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford service and ports, Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment. coffes table, two end tables, two jane lamps, two pillows, two boudoir ete, Barons' Home rnishings, "a Simcoe Street South, ere prices are lowe: and quality - or your money Pack LECTRIC ranges, all Dake, com. H tioned, tely re ie 439.50. Irvine ophiances, 50 East. ET supplies, tropical fish, hamsters, Badges. urtias, wild bird seed. AU af Whitby. Open HII Phillips ie Selavidton, solid walnut cabinet with oor. Excellent condition, Apply 620 Masson LARGEST selection of used with mew guarantee at Parkw ova Tol o | meet Pope John XXIII despite uw two Er bro for storage owing . missile attacks by Russia's large underwater fleet. Rickover, largely responsible Princess Margaret To See Rome LONDON (AP)---Princess Mar- garet will visit Rome next month with Queen Mother Elizabeth. Word of her trip leaked out after a London Sunday news- paper, The People, reported th Princess was "most anxious" to opposition inside Buckingham Palace. "It is feared that if she insists on seeing the Pope there will be an outery from Protestant extre- mists, ad ' the newspaper sald. h Palace officials vision. 918 Simeos Street 1% HP motor, new, $69; Pa or compressor, $34; Ford car radio '§5, push-button, $20: electric io 3%. hi Alemite, with grease gun, 50--Articles For Sale SWEDISH walnut d dining "table and four chairs, RA 3.4656 746 $60; and many other items at very reasonable prices. Come in and look around every evening. Apply 597 Sim. coe Street South. RA 16. ONESTERFIELD and chair, rugs 7x9 and 9x12, underpad 9x12, table lamp and tri.lite. Phone RA 8.6604. 74a ODERN brown and beige chrome Hoe $40, cost $79; Kodak Hawkeye flash camera, new, $0.50; beautiful YOU break them, we fix them, at Bill Morisg's Garage, 1373 Simcoe Street orth BEAR front end alignment and wheel balancing, Moring's Garage, 1373 Sim- coe Street North, FRONT wheel alignment equipment, | good condition, portable, ideal for ser- | | vice station. Phone Whitby MO ai. | | DRY fire wood for sale, delivered, $8 and $10 per load. Phone RA 8.1326, 74f FOR {ree delivery on Southern Fried walnut dining table and four chairs, Phone RA 3-4656. Tie BUY of the season! At least eome in and see the Lixurious Gren-Ell Golden Hawk 15%' all mahogany runabout, up- |p Flying Scott. Mounted on O.B, 70, abot | Aho hardware, tot 2 paddles nd holstered seats, windshield, lights, hard- ware and controls, powered by the 60 Super Deluxe Tee-Nee trailer, All this {tor any $2995. Sangstercratt 14' run- Hahl for the first U.S. atomic sub. marine; said Sunday that Soviet submarines could hit most Atlan. tie coast cities and industrial areas with either atomic or hydrogen bombs carried by mis- siles. "We should build a consider ably larger number of attack submarines -- nuclear - powered attack' submarines which are ca- pable of destroying Russian sub- marines," he said In an inter view with Senator Russell Long (Dem, La.). The talk was filmed for television use. [BADLY OUTNUMBERED "The Russians have about 450 or 475 submarines to our 110," Rickover said. "We have built] about 25 since the ehd of the war | and they have built about 350," As far as is known, the Rus- fence budget propose more. aboard recent frial runs of Skipjack, a nuclear sul and it "established al) kind world records." "This is the fastest submarine that there is in the world," Rick. over declared. ANTI-SUB ABILITY LAGS : Meanwhile, it was reported that ability of the U.S. Navy's prestut anti-submarine system to detect and track nuclear submarines low performance rating in a secret and a dered ent survey by a défence depart. ment agency. U.S. Navy officials have em. phasized for the last two years it should be assumed that naval designers have the lity of pading nuclear marines, overseas there has come Fenoicta) speculation recently that as many as a dozés d subme-sibles may sians haven't got ic sub- a marines, Rickover said, but their conventional submersibles can) jw "been built or started 1" Russia. were not av for Earlier this year the Queen Mother arranged to visit Rome April 20-26, One of her principal engagements will be an audience with Pope John April 22, A British Protestant organiza- tion fired off a letter telling the Queen Mother a visit with the Pope would be "inconsistent with your position as the mother of the Queen who has declared her- self to be a faithful Protestant." Margaret is known to have been greatly impressed by her private audience with the late Pope Pius XII at the Vatican 10 years ago. four life jackets. Powered 40 HP Scott, electric with generator. All this on '89, Otaco commander trailer, No- thing more to buy. Only $1748. 18' and Chicken, fish and chips or phone RA 80771, delivery on week days, 4 p.m. to 10 p.m, all day Satur. |day and Sunday. INEW wood paneled ORE garage Je oor, size 7.x 814, reasonable. RA 8- WE pay highest price in the city > used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store. RA 3-3271. 444 Simcoe South. THREE - quarter bed, chest of draw- ers, springs and mattress, solid blond maple. Must be seen to appre. clate. RA 5.0822. 867 Park Lane Av- enue. 73¢ 1415-FOOT cedar strip, fibre glass boat, upholstered seats, good condition, $150 cash. Apply 184 Church Street. 73b GIRL'S CCM three-speed racing bi- cycle, Bell Howell 8 mm movie cam- éra, mew condition, pair girl's tap dencing | shoes, size 6, new RA 3-3780. BOATS, motors and trailers. New and used, Easy terms at Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, Oshawa. USED TV and appliances, the Dutch Merhant, 633 Albert Street. Phone RA 8-6051. Open till nine, BARGAINS -- Crome « chairs, $4.95; space rer, $14; Jhertiond ¥ A i 4-burner $id. 50: wardrobe, A sewing [NE Machine, x and $17; bed and spring, | 1 2 $89; rangette, $9 and $17; oly er 2-speed, $69: accordion, $18 and $65; refrigerator $49; washing $25. Also many more bar- Jess. 46--Real Estate Wanted 46--Real Estate Wanted LIST WITH CONFIDENCE WILSON REALTOR Old Houses -- New Houses -- Farm Property We Have Buyers Waiting gains, see them at Community Furni- ture Store; 19 Prince Street Phone RA 8-1131 TELEVISIONS - -- used; table console models, - 31". Re-conditioned. get ey ». F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543, SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, étc. For top cash offer, contact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. ELECTRIC refrig completely reconditioned, warranty, from $69.50. Irvine Appli- ud. way Television, Attn - | Presbyterians. That audience provoked criti- cism in Britain from some Pro- testants especially Scottish USED trumpet, godd Phone RA 3-3188 af after 4 p.m. ONE chesterfield chair, in condi- on. 40 Jones Avenue. RA 33083. 681 USED tires, most all fiir Su BF. Goodrich Store. RA §- 543. VACUUM cleaner oo all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser vice. RA 8-1081 anytime. soir muir gmat USED tires, $3, up. , Terms. Tire Store, 48 Bond Street i6 MM MOVIE mite sound projector, little used, excellent condition, iy for group use, Phone Whitby MO 8- 771. 28 Ld Dominion West SELLING furniture? We'll buy | buy i. Re- bin TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash Sess contact 19 Prince Street, Phone 1131. les and he New or HOOVER wi teed, vacuums, Nu-Way Rugs, Sales and Service. RA 51203. HIGHEST prices paid for used furnl- ha Contact also sell and change. ala Sxauisite liquor Finest orkmanship. mahogany, Phone pores plain, 'colors, or gay strives stimates. Order prompt service Free estiimfter,, CHL 78 | of sand have charged five young- Stolen Money Found In Sand By Detectives TORONTO (CP) -- Police who dug stolen money out of a pile sters, one of them arrested in possession of stolen money. Officers said the loot was part of $10,000 stolen from a downtown grocery store while the owner was attending his father's fu- neral. Detective Gordon Lennox and constable James Cleasby dug by flashlight Saturday night in a sand pile, recovering a jar Halifax, with shopbreaking and | jammed with money. Under a ve. randah, in two attics and in two now for early delivery. Chair rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe No: brie Bonini Bhi oy $50 $50 TO $150 "allowance for your a4 television on any CARL py pork. [2 mirsd, Victor or A North. PHONE RA 8-0771 For free delivery on Southern Fried Chickens, Fish and Chips, Sondwiches. Place your order on home made rth. | basements, they found plastic bags stuffed with hundreds of dollars, The total was $5,800. William Verge, 18, and Ivor *| Cowan, 17, were charged with shopbreaking and , possession of stolen money; Andre Beaudoin, 19, was charged with shopbreak- ing. They and a juvenile were ar- rested Saturday night. | Harold McGinnis, 17, of Tor- onto, was arrested in Halifax Fri-| day and charged in the grocery | = BIG LEADER Alexander W. Mathewson | (right) is premier of Canada's smallest province--Prince Ed- ward Island. But he himself is no small fry--he stands six- foot-six--and as a result he is | ed fight: first, he wants better service for the province; see¢- ond, he wants longer berths so he won't have to sleep with his knees drawn up. He is shown here with reporter Jim Murley ances, 50 Bond East. ELECTRIC shallow-well used $50. Venetian blinds. Phone RA Ey pies of any kind. Price rea- sonable. Prepared by experi- enced chef. of the Charlottetown Guardian. "85 PLYMOUTH two-door hardiep V8, --(CP Photo) tutone green and white, eustom radio. This is » popular model, priced right. Van Heusen Motors, open 'til 9 p.m. Te store robbery. He was returned waging a personal battle against to Toronto Saturday. | the railways. It's a two-prong- Lack Of Education OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM 5% RESALE WILSON REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING GENTRE bal BUY NOW AND SPECIAL -- Johnson's Car polish, 50 cents per can. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, 724 SUMP pumps, $35; 3-plece bath set, material on corrections and pre- vide extension courses. "However, these are not ade. quate to prepare students profes- 3 METEOR Rideau 500, four-door se- dan. Phone RA 8-434. Ask for Tony. The ONLY $1,500 DOWN Smart split level brick bun- galow in Southmead area. Home has three bedrooms with extra large kitchen, very close to Conant St, school. Good financing. CALL BILL MILLAR LLOYD REALTY LTD. 101 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8-5123 | LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | 74e overhauling. Phone RA 8-8317 Van Heusen Motors. ONEVROLET two-door V9, futons blue and white, custom radle, deep- RA 5-6588 tread tires, very clean th $148. Van Heusen Motors, ™w 84 METEOR V.8 tu-tone, Perfect bod: wheel dises, radio, Automatie ao! mission. Motor and transmission need Best offer acoepted. 47--Automobiles For Sale |47--Automobiles For Sale $78; steal sinks, $9.50; kitchen cabinets, $39; shower cabinets, $40.50; tow bowls, 85; copper, Paste, steel pipe and fittings. wash basins $8. Chinn's, corner of Hillside nd Park South. RA 3.7088. reli] Auto Insurance. Save up to eont. 6 months te pay. For parson service at your home call RA 8, JORD Fairlane, excellent condition, loaded with RA 5.7904. 70f 69 p.m. iJ 'ST FORD custom four-door, six, Colon. ial white, low mileage. This is a ene owner. New car trade-in. Only $1698 8 CHEV. Bel Air sedan, Je 8 PONTIAC Sedan, 6 PLYMOUTH Beiveders V8, auto matie, custom radio, futons paint, beautiful interior trim. This ear is spot- less. Only $1408. Van Heusen Motors. kL '88 CADILLAC hardtop, te walls; radio, $000 er Phone Ajax 907 W. daytime. automatic, for, ie KU DODGE, Ly -tone blue with match. terior, fully ($1395. RA 5.2831 or 55 Glover Road. 71f excel: | fully late, good running ear, take over pay- ments, $30 per month, Nothing down, a, LJ Jet sondiion. ry +817; evenings RA 2.000 ot rh or 05089, S04" Falah Ave! ue, | King West Motors, Centre. on! CRANFIELD MOTORS USED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN, MORRIS, M.G.,, WOLSELEY, [te RILEY SALES & SERVICE, | | WHITBY CLASSIFIED RA |Z teers '2 DODGE station wagon, two-tone, radio, heater, $423 or. best offer. RA 8-0404, Tot '50 PONTIA good 8-0357, idl HOT rod, '39 Chev. coupe with '36 Chev, motor, four new tires, radio and heat. er, floor shift ,customized. RA 5-3633. ook OLUSHOBILE: Super "88" sedan, perfect low ents can finance. Phone RA 5-8640 after § p.m, mo PLYMOUTH. reconditioned met 59923, or preg fi] S| King g Street East, [40 MERCURY sedan, radio, good | shape, good motor. Apply 219 Ritson Road after 4 p.m. of '86 PLYMOUTH sedan, coral and white, nearly new tires. This car ow a care by pi wher, 'ST FORD Fairlane, two-tone, ie transmission, radio, practically new tires. Beyond eriticism mechanically, like new inside and out. $1795. King Ne Motors, opposite Shopping ca =" FONTIAC four-door, tutone blue and | white, eustéom radio, white walls, priced | right at $795, Van Heusen Motors, open 'til § p.m, 74 WATOH "Help Wanted" in Classified for the better job opportunity you've been wanting. FOR rent -- Thrée-room apartment, heat and water: centrally located. Ap: ply 111 111 Euclid Street. 7c | WANTED TO RENT -- - May ry trae. tive 548 room apartme plex or 0 house, near transportation By two Box LL Sine adults. References wa Times, mover close to "to Dunlop and General 401." All tare for large family, Phone RA| 5-3926 Oshawa. Tec | ers (formerly ee | delivery, MO 8.3227; |day and A LARGE two room apartment, Cen-| |trally 'ocated. $42 monthly. Phone MO |8-2801 Tae | 201 iors for sale -- three residential, dui lots. Aandeuaal, mercial building MO. 98-3154, , evenings. et | "57 " SEPRTR sedan or Ford, I Only Bes, Van Heusen Motors, KL $35.60, take aver payments. Nothing down, '84 Ford Tudor, yellow, really ed mechanically, Joep tren est six opposite Shopping Centre. 55 OLDSMOBILE tudor hardtop, inal gun metal and white tutone, automatic transmission. Clearing up estate, $1498. Xing Bigs Motors, op- posite Shopping Cen! 691 | 5 MODERN DRY pieaners & Fauhder Bus Sagnone), Pickup Friday until 9, *P*"apm 17) 8 | UPRIGHT piano. Good condition. Rea. 83340. T3¢ | paoite sonable Phone MO PART TIME work requested, garden. | 4 y care given to your child, hit i Very or, landscaping, Rainung, interior and creation to play in, | and he in excellent condition exterior. Phone Mo CHESTERFIELDS Cleaned owR home. Reasonable. Ajax. FOR RENT -- Three Tee-room apartment, | self-contained, heat and light included, | | $70 per '_month. MO 38-3578. SHORT ORDER cook for evening work. Apply David's Drive-in Restaurant. MO 4086 oof 8-4657 Rel! in GIVE poultry, also feathers wanted. market prices paid. Phons col- 8 Whitby April 10. 10. SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West; phone MO 8.2863. May 4 | WATER service, 500 gallons or 1000 gallons MO. vin Betles. 8. ) Sm. ind ater 3 » FOR C.I.L. PAINT call DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South blue, 12,000 miles. , 1958 CHEV. sedan, with low mileage Perfect, 81395, King West Motors, op. . will consider older ear jor trade. Al oo posite Shopping Centre. RA 5.8141. oof Winona a or RA 5-84 po '52 PONTIAC sedan in good condition, #5 FULL price, * LH Studebaker, "48 Chrysler, "47 Ford, "80 Ford, '48 Ply-|gen, Phone RA 53168, PONTIAC, $400 or best ¢ i > good conditiin. Apply 184 Celina > Biren mouth, Terms, Kay West Motors, op. phoite Shopping Centre. RA 5.8141. 69 | ATTENTION working mothers! reliable [7 ™, constant supervision. MO 8.2472. your [HOUSE and bungalow wanted. ( Good| Phone 1358), down ne Mo 31, Oshawa RA 3.25 payments. W. McAuley aoa] 12. FOR SALE -- New and used boats, trailers, Scott outboard motors. Used motors--34, 5, 10, 30, hp. SPECIAL -- 14-foot boat, ond trailer .. FOR RENT: -- Boot box and cabin trailers, chain saws, skill sows, paint sprayers, 2 only, used S h.p. 'meteor 8 FARGO three-ton dump, V8, hoist | | Rood mechanically. Priced at $1495. Van| 3s OREVEOLEY deiuxe. four. ao. No ae shtvat halal ued : haf [ner of Athol and Albert Streets. 73 y condition, asking pric - r $745, can be financed. Apply 247 King | CLEARING: '49 Chev, is; 80 Pos. Ww tiac 8145: '53 Chev., $795; Stent West, Ant. 2. "23985; '54 Ford, $093 '57 Chev. $1808 Easy terms at Wellman's, RA 3.4431. BUYING OR SELLING ls 4 ene] se Er ar TED CAMPIN MOTORS miles very reasonable. 26 cami 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA from, North, evenings. Oust East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494, Res. 5-5574 [4 '8 PREFECT. door sedan, powder blue with matching lea. ther interior. for the ecomomy minded { family, Only $795. Van Heusen Meret w spacious four - cement mixers, wheel ber- rows, etc, WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1101 Henry St. Whithy. Ont. CHIP truck for sale. Phone RA eo VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. Your Local Ford, Edsel Menarch, Renoult Dealer Soles énd Service SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 8 radio, two speakers,| #1" CONSOLE TV; Phileo 'frig. a large size china cabinet. Phone 561M. Lg SAILBOAT un i sail area 118 square feet. Avoit, dejans, RR 4, Bow- manville. MA 3. $y BUILD THAT BOAT NOW Is ecsy with a molded hull or boat kit, from 8' to 26'. See Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway. PHONE 1266 AJAX Food and freezer plant. $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approxi- mately 90 per cent gro- ceries and freezer, no down payment, for ap pointment. No obligation. Phone RA 5-3709. SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 32 The finest Conadion made aluminum combination win- dows ond prime windows, self-storing doors. Very low price, only $49.50 installed. Finest aluminum awnings. Remember sold only by your local dealer. ALEX VAJDA, Modern Woodworking Shop, RA 3-9851. SAVE | Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motors -- budget terms. Free winter 'storage on motors. Boat storage. Factory ap- proved. Service centre for motor repairs. Open evenings ond weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED BROOKLIN, ONT. PHONE 87 COLONIAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS, DOORS AND AWNINGS Menufactured in our Whitby plant, Before buying come into our show room at 134 Simcoe St. S. end see our display or for a home dem- onstration call Oshawa RA 8-8571. FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN COLONIAL ALUMINUM 134 Simcoe St. §. Oshawa EXTRA!!! Fér ¢ better buy on aluminum storm-screen windows, flair- vent awnings, doors, porch railings, pre-fab cottages and garages stone tex siding, call HOLODY ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell St., RA 5.2431 Whitby, MO 8-4633 LES EVENISS 15 PRINCE ST. 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. 149 KING ST. W. Les Evenins, RA 3.2707 WINTER-SEAL ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS -- Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures SALES LTD. RA 5-4632 Bit Galbraith, RA 5.8832 By DON PEACOCK Canadian Press Staff Writer year-long study has shown that Canada's facilities for educating the people who handle law of- fenders in this country are far from adequate. It also found a serious short- |. age of qualified personnel in ev- ery section of the Canadian penal system. The report on the study added: "Despite all that may be done in the foreseeable future, it seems very unlikely that the sup- ply of fully - qualified profes- sional staff will be sufficient to meet the demand." The findings are contained in a report issued by the Canadian Corrections Association, an org- anization of governmental and voluntary agencies and workers in the field of penology -- grad: ually becoming known as the cor- rections field in line with an in- creasing emphasis on the correc- tion, or reform, . of offenders rather than mere punishment. BY A COMMITTEE The report was drawn up by a five member committee as- | signed to make recommendations 'SMILE, SMILE" | NEW PARTY LINE LONDON (AP)--The Soviet people are being urged to smile, smile, smile. "A kind smile is the com- panion of good deeds," Kom. somolskaya Pravda, organ of the Young Commun list League announced Sunday. "A smile , . . fine bright, welcoming . . . it not only adorns a person but it warms the soul of those for whom it : Intended and those who see The article was broadcast by Moscow radio, which also reported t h.e government newspaper Izvestia has care ried letters denouncing "squabbling and bad lan- fusge" among the Soviet eit. ANY 20. For Penal Staff on how educational facilities for corrections staff might best be or- OTTAWA CP) -- A special| ganized. Commiittee chairman) sionally for practice in this field." For the people already em- ployed in the field he jail guards, policemen and other$-- the committee recommended that universities provide more 'exten. sion courses in the field, both for was Dr. Stuart Jaffary of the Un-|summer and evening classes. iversity of Toronto's School of/ Social Work. The committee said it found only three universities paying any 'major curricular attention" to | corrections. They are the univers- ities of British Columbia, Toronto and Montreal. "A number of other univerit- ies offer courses containing some "Ideally, chairs of corrections |should be located in universities that have schools or departments of social work, psychology, psy- Lhistsy, sociaology, theology and aw." The committee said the de mand is greatest in the corrée. tional field for social workers and clinical psychologists. DAILY CROSSWORD Senior 8. Tough fiber 9. Water bottle 8. Exchange sound premium 11. Blundered 13. Abandon 18. More loyal 22. Left over, as wares 17. Gloomiest 19. (poet.) Place 21, Burst torth 24. Dried fruit 25. Lowers in rank 28, Fuel 81. Fuegian ' Indian | 82. Of modern Greece 84. Steps over a fence 87. Peter ey actor 88. Kind of duck 89. A conduit 40. Stylish (collog.) 42. Eft (var) 43. Come in 44. Roman house god DOWN 1. Nutritive 3, Hillside shelter (It) 25. Gave, as URIC [LINE br EIN[OIS RIAVIE] [E]F 36. Gaelie herb 41, Year (abbr)

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