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The Oshawa Times, 30 Mar 1959, p. 6

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§ TVR GSMAWA TIMES, Mondey, Merch 30, 1939 Block Busters Beat Merchants BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- The Murdoch-Welsh Block Busters fl [Thursday night secured a berth ll in the Town League hockey finals when they eliminated Front "Bl |Street Merchants two games to nil in their best two of three semi-finals. They play the winners of the Brooks Construction Department of Works semi-finals which stands tied at one game apiece. Final score in the first game was 7-8 in favor of Block Bus- ters, while the Brooks team de- feated the Works 8-4. The second game, between the Works and Brooks Construction was called by referees Tim Cox and Bud Perfect 16 seconds be- fore time, after a brawl in the Works end. The final score in this game was 84 In favor of Brooks. wD e Vince Vanstone and Don Masters were each penal ized five 'minutes for fighting in the closing seconds of the game, and Hamilton was penalized two minutes for roughing. n Brooks got off to a fast start, scoring the first 25 seconds after the game got underway, Hamil Only one goal was scored Initon gogred from Masters. Kilpat- the first period in the MW.Front rick evened the score from Lyle street game, by T. Masters, with|a¢ g 45 the assist going to Cal Blake at Garry McCullough put the WD 18.15. out front at 2.54 of the second period with the assist going to Foster. Bun Welsh gave them a Merchants evened the score one minute and 48 seconds of the second period. Stainton scored one point margin on a drive from from Mason and Cole, The two|the centre line on a pass from remaining Front Street goals Brooks at 8,25. The Construction were also scored in this period boys evened the score at 10.11 by Sheridan from Merg Marjerri-| when Masters scored from Hamil son and Pollard at 4.34 and Fer- ton and took the lead three min guson from B. Cowling at 11.05. utes later when M. Brooks scored Block Busters ended the period unassisted, with a one point edge with goals, Chant opened the scoring in the by Perfect from Mason and Cole, third for Brooks from Mort Ri- Mason from T. Fairey and Mar- chards at 1.28. Then Richards shall 'and Quinney from B, tipped the puck in from Hamil Fairey. {ton and Masters. Jack Marshall scored the three Masters scored the next one remaining goals in the third per.|/from Hamilton and Masters. fod the first at 6.57 with the as.| Masters scored the next one sist going to Perfect, then at|from Hamilton and Mort RI ® (14.94 with the asst going to| hards scored the final two, one { |Cole. Cole took a shot and Mar. |unassisted at 17.45 and the other shall got hold of the rebound to|from Hamilton at 19.44, tip it in, He scored the winner to interest Canadians in read ing more, Next to Americans, Canadians read fewer books than any other English-speak- ing people. Library committees throughout the country are dis- Librarian Trudie Town of the Toronto Public Library shows a poster to Dr, Roby Kidd, chairman of the Canadian Li- brary Week Council, The coun- cil is conducting a campaign WAKE UP AND READ SMALLER VEHICLL. WATERLOO, Ont, (CP) = reasons of eco , the rd 4 department here the first time in 15 years will use motor. cycles for patrol, and some ex- isting patrol cars will be re- placed by smaller European cars. | MORE MOOSE SIOUX LOOKOUT, Ont. (CP)= A survey near here recently in. 378 por square. mile, One amimal 2.76 per square mile. to the square mile is considered la good average. 1 paid oll my tributing posters, streamers and bookmarks to publicize a two-month "wake up and read" campaign which will be elimax- ed with the first annual Can- adlan Library Week April 12-18. | WD captain Jim Clarke was| |sitting out a 10-minute miscon-| | traffic on No. 2 highway and on unassisted at 16,04. some of the rural roads, no major | accidents occurred and not one person was admitted to hospital duct penalty for breaking his| stick when Richards scored the Port Hope Boy $501 $5000 endorsers AJAX SHOWS Mrs. R. D. Thompson is per- haps one of the best known fi- ures in Ajax, small fry ls concerned. Top as far as the | picture shows her operating one of the puppet shows she intro- duced a couple of years ago at | the Library. FOR TOTS Bottom picture | | shows audience of enthralled kids at one of the Saturday morning shows. --Pictures by John Mills. Penalties Mar File's Chances PORT HOPE -- Taking advan-|variety. tage of disastrous penalties to Nicholson File at the local Ice Palace, Lawrence Harvesters evened their best of three series at one game each in the finals for the championship of the Town Mercantile Hockey League. They took an easy 9-4 victory. Fille had won the first game 6-5 on the strength of penalties to Harvesters, Decider will be played on Mon- day night, Harvesters ran up a 4-0 lead In the first period and were up 70 going into the third, when they eased up and were outscored 4-2 By the Filers. Harvesters took the, mer, Rob Lax, Rich Brown and said "several odd penalty in 11 of the minor | Rich Brown, Moe Lingard and Chuck Groome picked up a mis- conduct, fighting major and {drawing blood major for the {losers respectively, These played 'an important part in the final score, | Harvesters' Peter also had a fighting major. | Boncardo led the Lawrence |gang to the triumph with a hat {trick. Susie Turner and Reg Law- rie cracked In two each with | singletons going to fan Halford {and Jim Davidson. | Scoring for the losers was di- {vided evenly between Jimmy Gil- Boncardo |Jim Black. Manslaughter Charges Seen In Man's Death EGANVILLE, Ont. (CP) -- Po- lice say they expect to lay sev- |eral charges of manslaughter in |the death of a white man follow- ing a fight between white and In. |dian factions early Sunday at nearby Golden Lake. | | Allan Buckwald, 27, of this {town 70 miles west of Ottawa | was pronounced dead after a car bringing him here for medical treatment overturned on the highway. rovinclal police Sunday night {said they had made no arrests |yet, but constable Norman Was- |lyk of the Killaloe detachment manslaughter charges will be laid." Pathologist Dr. 8. T. Bobra of d | dents and friends attended the * dance at Port Perry High School At Home. bara Heyes; vice-president, Ste-/the weekend with her parents, phen Fralick; principal and Mrs. Grant MacDonald; Aileen Park- er and Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Love, space ship occupied one end of| Sunday. the dance floor, with an animat- ed robot. Colorful murals depict- have returned home from a trip ed life on some fanciful planet, while above hung blue netting re-| Billings, wa, t presenting the sky, dotted with Audrey Jisge. Oshawa, spen silver stars. featured. The spot dance was won| by Carol Ogilvie and Charlie Pav- lik. Eleanor Rhetan and Archie Menzies were the winners of the "Rocket" dance, e G last two. | It was after this score the| brawl started between Vanstone and Hamilton with Masters as: High School Dance At By MRS. CHARLES REESOR PORT PERRY Suzanne Perry, of Port Hope, and Mel Peterseill of Peterborough were sisting. Port Perr Y top prizewinners in the Lions In. By MRS. J. FORRESTER {0 nation, District 10. 'public By MRS. CHARLES REESOR | ORONO Karen Ormiston, speuiiag Nuals bed i the high |Courtice, spent the weekend with school here, Dr. Jamieson, Dis- PORT PERRY -- Over 200 stu yy and Mrs. Les Aldread. |trict Deputy-Governor, of Cha. i _lconk made the presentations. Joan Reid, Mrs. Heatin, Toron ten wets Abe Rah riord of Peterborough and Bob Falby {of Ajax. | | Port Perry Lion's Club was host to the students, representing 22 clubs from Ajax, Barrie's Bay, Peterborough, 'Trenton, Port brated their 49th wedding an-|Hope and Oshawa and other mu- niversary with their family at dhe nicipalities. ial, # {home of their daughter, Mrs.| Irvine Boyd welcomed the visi: Spach Yi Be Swe une | Gearge Crowthers, Newcastle, tors and introduced Dr. Jamie-| Harold Dean |to, spent the weekend with Mr, A reception line, consistea of And Mrs. W. Reid. tudent council president, Bar.| Caroline Jones, Oshawa, spent Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Jones, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood cele- son. Chairman for the event was Mr, and Mrs. Is Top Orator Grant MacDonald, nelpal of Port Perry District High School. The judges were: Caroline Me- Quade, of the English depart- ment at Uxbridge High School; Mrs. Margaret Hewitt of the com- mercial department, Uxbridge High School, and John M. Wal lace, Principal of Meadowcrest| school, Brooklin, Joanne Roseborough, Lake- field; Suzanne Perry, Port Hope; Mel Petersiell, ' Peterborough; Patsy Reid, Orono; Pamela Townley, Fenelon Falls; Helen Knox, Bowmanville; Peter Cowan, Lakefield; Bonnie Foster, as a result of a motor accident, | Traffic on No. 2 highway was travelling almost bumper-to-bum- | per from about noon Sunday and! through the early' part of the evening, [ Only fatality reported over the weekend was that of Francis Beaver who shot Biuselt accl-| dently on White Isl in Rice Lake, QUIET WEEKEND Cobourg fire department re- ported an exceptionally quiet Eas-/ ter weekend with one one call re- ceived. At 9 am, Saturday when a small fire out in a car on Park Lane, By the time fire men arrived, the blaze had been extinguished, without or hankable security Now | enjoy the peace of mind that your blls=s0e Superior, You'll be glad you did! 2 SUPERIOR FINANCE 17 SIMCOE 51, N, KA 2-0041 Open Friday tl 8 p.m, Open Saturday Hil 12 Noon Offices throughout Onterlo, Port Perry; Bob Falby, Ajax; Danny Reesor, Port Perry; Bob Heatherington, Fenelon Falls; Judy Hankes Drielsma, Hope; Anne Rutherford, Peter- borough, [$outh, e weekend with Mr. and Mrs. {Carl Billings. | Mrs, John Morris entertained her family with a dinner party| Saturday evening. | Mr, and Mrs. Jack Bryson and| family spent Sunday with Mrs, COBOURG (Stath -- Easter The. Sriowhall D tart {Sherwin, weekend turned out to be almost e SNOwWDhA! ance was start. accident free. Cobourg police dev d off by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon AUXILIARY MEETS partment . reported 10 accidents Several novelty dances were Heavy Traffic No Casualtie lice department ed almost the same thing. Despite the exceptionally heavy ode. The Evening Auxil met in bags vy aside from a few scraped fen- \ the Sunday School room with Jo Judges for the "Queen of the 'Ne Su ders. The Ontario provincial po- as chairman. = Mary SUBSCRIBERS {Ball" were Mr. and Mrs. John Barlow Space Flight | Conditions | Are Simulated | WASHINGTON (AP)--Airmen| Bastily sampling brief moments | of space flight conditions have| floated around in an airplane| eabin steering themselves with Jets of air, and have even walked upside down on the ceiling with| the help of magnetic shoes or suctions cups. They have been able to under-| take these human fly manoeu-| vres after an airplane pulls out MEET TO PROTEST CNR RIGHT OF WAY PICKERING (Staff) -- A further meeting protesting the proposed new CNR freight line through Pickering Town- ship will be held this evening Monday at the Rouge Public School, Altona road. At the last meeting in Dun- barton school Wednesday over 400 persons crammed into the limited space. At that time a motor cavalcade to Queen's Park was sugges'ed as a means of protest. Tonight's meeting is to lay out a plan of action. of a dive and screams into a steep climb, during the 12 or 15 seconds it is in the upper part of | its are. The Air Force Research and Development Command, an. douncing that alreadv its re- searchers in roller coaster air- plane flights have accumulated more than 100 minutes of zero gravity flight 'and now are pro pelling themselves about the cabin with nozzle and air bot- tles," added 'From these preliminary stud- ies it is hoped that equipment can be designed to move a weightless space vovager around in his cabin, or around the outside of his space ship while he makes re pairs." SNOW REMOVAL NORT HBAY, Ont. (CP)--Snow removal costs for 100 inches of snow in this city up to the end of February amounted to $56,000. Plant snd pick this summer--the mar. véllous new Red Rich Everbearing. Virus-free plants of new Paymaster, Jumbo, and U.S. D. A. Premier. All guaranteed true stock: guaranteed safe delivery anywhere in Canada. These and nearly 2,000 other fine things for your garden, described in our big illustrated 164 page Seed and Nursery Book for 9. Send for your FRLE Nea copy today In A MINION SEED FORE WN ---- HOUSE A NEW, POTENT VITAMIN-MINERA} SUPPLEMENT PARDEC SOLD IN YOUR DRUG STORE Ask Your PHARMACIST VITAMINS for HEALTH that give Pembroke was to perform an au- topsy today. Police said the dispute broke | Carnwith, Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs, Rutherford read the scripture out in a Golden Lake restaurant | Glen VanCamp, Port Perry and and Alma Mitchell gave a read- {Mr. and Mrs, Ted Griffen, Port ing about Easter. when an Indian took offence at a| Perry. Mrs. Chater, the guest speak- white man's attentions to the In-| They chose Jacqueline Ed. er, recounted the history of the |dian's wife. A free-for-all be. wards. Last year's queen, Sharon|Red Cross. : tween the white man's group and Haugen, crowned her successor.| Alma Cuttell presented a cup (the Indian's friends followed on| Following this ceremony the @nd saucer to Kathleen Rainey, {the highway outside. queen and her escort, John Pot. Who is leaving the district. Lunch Buckwald was knocked uncon-|ter, danced a solo dance. was served. [scious when he hit his head mn Lunch was prepared by the Lit- | | TIMES BUREAUS | the pavement. | Jack Groatenbober, 26, the 1. Srary Society under Miss Pur. John Mills Ajax 426 dian whose wife allegedly was BOWMANVILLE molested, was treated for facial] Following lunch Stephen Fra- Rae Hopkins Ma. 3-7282 {lacerations and head cuts. {lick presented a short program The car carrying 'Buckwald, his|With a vocal selection by the |wife and several friends over- Grade 9 Quartette, consisting of turned on Highway 41 just out-| Nola Hunter, Carol Harvey, Ruth side Eganville. Buckwald was Milne and Margaret Terrat, thrown clear and the others es-| Second number was a trio hy {caped bafore the car burst into Peter Lawrence, Brian and Bruce THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANYILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3.5822 If you hove not received your Times, ne your carrier first. If you are unable to con || tact him by 7:00 p.m, | TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI! Calls Accepted Between 7-7:30 p.m. Only FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX If you have not received your Tines by 7 p.m, call AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All calls must be placed before 7:30 ROTARY CLUB OF AJAX Presents Gay Nineti ay Nineties @ FRIDAY, APRIL 3 - 8 P.M. AJAX COMMUNITY HALL TICKETS 1.50 REFRESHMENTS eo FOOD oe DANCING ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Proceeds Go To Crippled Children's Hospital flames. 1 | Taylor. TWO DAYS ONLY CHOICE MEATY PORK SPARE RIBS you real VALUE for your money 31 A&P LABEL -- CONTROLLED ATMO SPHERE STORAGE . *The Victor Estate Wago had. It has everything. It drive, too. Why not take your local Vauxhall dealer. THE BRITISH CARS BUILT AND BACKED BY GENERAL MOTORS . .. » "This Victor Estate Wagon is ourkind of car!" EVERYONE DRIVES BETTER IN A fil DA { A GENERAL MOTORS VALUS n is about the best car our family has ever 's a smart, economical town car. And it has more than 45 cubic feet of loading space to take all our gear when we go away for weekends and holidays. Vauxhall is such a 'fun' car to one out for a demonstration yourself?" See Eauxhall SERVICE EVERYWHERE ON THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT APPLES = ---35. LIMITED 266 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA, ONT. CLIFF MILLS MOTORS WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY, ONTARIO

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