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The Oshawa Times, 30 Mar 1959, p. 7

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Lespesnesnasnst., AT PORT HOPE Children Set SHOOTING MISHAP THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, March 30, 1959 J \ Grass Fi i Legion Elects "rps pupeans | fr: sms! o loads Costs Grass Fire | Youth Killed | yoy Treasurer | © oon: Grins ow Muck 3 JRO TO fire was burning. PORT HOPE -- The first bright|minded members and those who COBOURG (Staff) -- Francis for help and saw Beaver slump Legion BESL, long weekend of the year found|felt the equipment was neces The alarm sounded about 2/peaver, 19, of Aldersville, acci-|to the y The appointment was announc- Iain Macdonald TU. 5-5787 Port Hope streets filled with holi-|sary. However the bylaw receiv-p.m. and the fire was quickly|dentally shot and hilled himself] Gray immediately went for|ed following a recent meeting of day traffic, and has led to much|ed first and second readings with-|extinguished. It is believed to|during target practice at White's help while Boltz stayed with the the Legion executive. speculation about the cost of the|out too much opposition. have started when children allow-|1s1and, Rice Lake, Saturday af-|victim, A car driven by Kenneth! Perfect, also serves as secre- LOYAL FIREMEN . Marsland crossed Rice Lake and t. BERLIN AP)--A law just pub- 1959 re-surfacing program. ternoon, The youth, with Leonard ary. The ked up the injured youth and 'Lhe treasurer's position on the|lished in East Germany requires V NIAGARA Soon estimates for road re long, severe winter this|pairs will appear when the roads ed a bonfire to get out of conc uu and James Boltz of Akron, |ple Your has created many deep and|committee submits its annualitrol, Ohio, took revolvers to the is-|took him to hospital, but Beaver executive was left vacant a little|a loyalty pledge to the Commun. enduring ' potholes.[budget. A deficit is expected In| It was the second grass fire(land to practice. died before arrival at the hos- over a month ago following the|ist regime from every member of Town works crews have not been|most quarters, with no hope of rooorted this year. The first oc-| Beaver had a frontier type 22, Pital. - |death of Arnold Hall, aged 68,/the volunteer fire brigades. able to Jake permanent bond- cutting exbeutes this year. ning curred last week, also in a sec-| At the time of the accident, He was pronounced dead by repa Ay J ar at handibltterly about the Soup the(tion of the ravine which paral- both Gray and Boltz had their Dr. Fred Blackwe" tne coroner.| The accident was investigated also of Cobourg. Hall had served for councl, and already expenses|roads Y Gome complaints hav e\els Cumberland street in the|backs to Beaver. An autopsy was pe .ormed by Dr.|by OPP Cpl, Lyle Erskine, of the as treasurer of the branch for 20 -- resulting from the winter have|been received from the general/north-west part of town. They heard a shot and a crylF. L. Lawson. [Cobourg detachment. consecutive years. : had to be met. Some of the heavy|public about the potholes, but aduipmant operated through the|most people are conscious of the ter for snow removal or sand-|job the works department is try- ing has been overworked to the|ing to do. point where replacement may be| Officials of the department hecensty. 2 oka sae that it Is ipwistile to 1 t council two wi ago,/make any permanent repairs un- 2 for 1 2 for 1 Coun. T. A. Brandon, chairman|til the frost has finally disappear- , 1 of roads and bridges committee (ed. Patching of road surfaees bn Ba---- ¢ : Juigmitted a motion on $22,000 de- forty, and the sod mix present- ture bylaw to buy a used|ly in use as a temporary meas- : grader, a five - ton truck with|ure sometimes does not last more Schi aparelli snow plow, a three-fon truck|than a few hours. | y sander, and a sidewalk snow| All this, according to Mr. Spring n blower. Brandon will be Yefledied in this) Summer At the time there was some|year's budget for roads mainte: - between economy-'nance. : COLOCN = | = Li LARGEST ALL-CANADIAN LOAN MBL ot AGES SAT, Suite 22 -- RA 5-656) Until Noon on Saturday ranches throughout Ontario Ps Department answered a call Sun- 9 d COBOURG (Staff) -- Cobourg|G, McAuliffe FR. 2.5349 an ' Will Be Up aw memes on ceri AE Rice Lake cometlor ured, rt, i By Weve de wise bourg branch 133 of the Canadian PORT HOPE iL, AN h %) CR discussion For ® : Sweetening Minor Hockey . 6 6 i Substitute : At Port Hope af "| PULL FULL re Controlled PORT HOPE -- Following are| Bryan Gillis scored in the first | =\ Diets DAY S DAYS the results of games played in| with Bob Edmund assisting, | the Beaver Athletic Association: Pag Je i She i 14-Grain 500's -- Reg. 55¢ Wg sgh Hornels the tirst| Gillis went alone for the next| 2 for 55° MARCH 30 MARCH 30 and were up 3-0 after two periods | counter and Edmunds finished it| : T0 of play. Robert Berry started/up with Larry Gillis setting up| V2-Grain 500s + Reg, 65¢ APRIL : TO them off with Fred Cooper assist- the play. 2 for 65' APRIL 4 The game was exceptionally g. Bob Bateman punched home well played with no penalties. et AA two goals in the middle canto Knights 4, Barons 1 assisted each time by Ricky Aus-| With Beaver Athletic President 4 tin, Hawley Jex, at the helm, the , On a lone sortie in the final Bantam Knights measured the ® ] period, Dick Brown averted a champion Pee Wee All Star shutout for the Bee boys. Barons in this exhibition go. SALE! Millbrook 4, Bruins 0 The losers were handled by The visiting village boys de: Percy Etcher, who filled in for| TAMBLYN SUPERLATHER Pee Wee|Coach Bill Cancilla, All Is | oD feated Port Hope in the Pee Wee Coac anc a period BRONCHIAL 2 for 1 SALE! ; hi 2 for 1 " game by a shutout score. They were scored in the fot one goa i the fire and. add [Pat O'Brien got the Baron cou <3 dn LUCKY SHAVING fo SYRUP ELASTIC A WRITING PADS CREAM Ports tired noticeably. |and Greenaway scored unassist- i (3 Dick Westlake handied the few ed goals for the winrers, with| / shots Bruins were able to direct | Kelly setting up goals potted by| A most reliable remedy OSIERY his way to preserve his shutout.'Donnelly and Terbenche. for chest colds, ] For LAN ' i silky smooth shaves. nn Quick relief for .. GAUGE : Stationery fre toug stubborn coughs, SUE FASHIONED 3 0 Three Sizes Ro pink a hia Ex-Newspaper | Woman's Body | Re ow to VIN firs ord all soem | Does not cause digestive forced Heel and Too A upset, ReiniULL FOOTED 2 15¢ LARGE TUBE Regular 53¢ EN wv 3s 5 = NETTIR ALS ELIILY . -. - . - - Man Dies Discovered Se i " FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. | : : 6 , ' ; cp) -- Douglas McQuarrie, a. In Small Creek | a 2 for 60' Regular 19.95 Pole ) uM ENVELOPES rmer newspa n severa f ) Ee hey. ANPOYTE. Oa. CE Tl 2 wir 19.95 2 pies. 13 a long illness, He was on the body of 70-year-old Mrs. Carols staff of the daily news here. Ham, Mporiv missing um hee A native of Montreal, Mi ome mile 0| rie attended the ge days ago, was Tecovered Sunday LANOLIN SKIN CREAM SPECIAL! Toronto and worked on news- a small creek near her Afi-Purpose Night in Toronto, Sudbury, Bouse. > ' ocket otto aid ndsor befor 1 avr: 4 comin tn FOR THE PRICE OF Sher to : coming here in 1951. eral Kurt Meyer, a convicted Powder Base EE ¥. FOR THE PF RICE OF Nazi war criminal, He covered the state Jegisiature Coroner E, C. Wilson said no| TVacon~REC, 63¢ Sud iF Sthes Joitical yepory he inquest would be held. | 10 Volume ¢ 2 63' } 2 xi) "Provincial police had been M § Hydrogen PEROXIDE 2%. 2 = 29 to En TINCTURE IODINE *% 3 2«35* won a Florida Associated Press Association prize for an expose of| dragging the creek since a post-| 15-05. --RIEC, 1.09 liquor sales to juveniles in Borw.Man who noticed mail accumu. |i} . rd C ; [lating in Mrs. Ham's roadside] 20 Volume for ¢ 21.09 H ima Seiberfing, with Improved . His oy the late Alexander|po% eported hey migeing. Thel Hydrogen PEROXIDE... 3%. 2 25 o Bathing Caps Waterseal -- Reg. 98¢ 2 od 98° McQuarrie, Was aports editor of icky no marks, police sad BORACIC ACID *=%%:™ 2«29° RAIN BONNETS | NAIL FILES SOAP BOXE RUTENE D (, DE A large area of ice on the creek vn include hid aif, had been blasted to drag for rs . THERMOMETERS ETS tn i ew Gti ee ov 0 | English LILAG LOTION 1%. 239° | 772) Vd TRULE © | Manicure Scissors £°® 2«1.50 Amin yle of Toronto. [believed Mrs, Ham slipped into) | HAIR BRUSHES "=: 2+ 2.00 financial department and a short] A native of Germany, she had ||} . . time later moved to sports, ilived alone since her Canadian| Vitamin Bs Tablets 00 ae 2+«89* World War he left The Star and|nounced she was the aunt of Gen. Fingernails Mr. McQarrie began with the|the water and drowned while get-| : 4 | , MENTHOLATED For Well Toronto Star as an office boy|ting a pail of water from the M8 LILAC LOTION '5 ye 235° . kot Wd A SICKROOM NECESSITY Men's, In Plastic Case With where he wrote a turf column for husband, Stanley, died four years hint. 3oc" ideetEE. $e Brush Set Comb and File == Reg. 2.75 2 fr @ Wy 4-3 when he was 16, He entered the creek. Bl I aro. the. Secu] bie abut) won he Sweet Nitre Kidney Pills 5%. 239° 2+20° 2«30* SHOE LACES "Xo: ow 2. 10° eg. 10c worked in both Sudbury and Meyer and offered to take him Woadstok, returning to Toronto nto her home after he was ser HY WART PENCILS tw» 229° ; FACE CLOTHS ™i3'A™ 2«15° He also worked briefly for the bunal to 14 years in Canada. . 9. Windaor Star before moving to}, She marched on of 'oswer JJ] CORN SOLVENT vs 249° EN [| "viceron HAND and NAIL BRUSH ==» 2 «29° Florida. 2 h y . | H ISOPROPYL hi omplete e - Frost Denies | NEWS BRIEFS Rubbing Aleohol 7%. 298° | ham" | Geer) Sri / =---- | TOOTHBRUSHES °% 2-49° | - ---- -- : ubber Hose ---- ; Intention To | __sry wees Cteeine Suppositories 32. 59° 7 | ia \N | oans on vos ws | TOOTH BRUSHES cv, 2 - 39° | 4 --French customs Regular 1.50 Debate Issuses [smo Ss ites § Glycerine Suppositories 'z's 2 59° "| 2m 1.50 | Flashlight Batteries = 225° le r luggage in. Customs Mi TORONTO CP) -- Premier dis announced foreien tourist (ll BACK PLASTERS "24 295° COMBS SUN GLASSES BOBBY PINS recilii c's. 225° Frost says he has no intention cars will Need no Shstoms papers, of meeting CCF Leader Donald if their insurance is valid inji} BULB TYPE NYLON FOR MEN AND Machong in public. debate. France. 48 DOUCHE SYRINGE .. 7% 2+~1.79 MEN'S "POCKET" OMEN Shower Spray ""%.," 1%" 2+ 1.09 Mr. MacDonald said Saturday| GERMAN BATTALION REGULAR ¢ Smart, modern, and in a Reg. 1.09 . he had booked Toronto's Massey| BONN AP)--West Germany's, 18 2 for 18 wide range of styles to suit Hall for an April 13 debate With first operational rocket battalion| MEN'S "DRESSING™ ay atte Re premier 8 Poviaciat jssues. will form up April 1. It will have REGULAR MEN'S AVIATION STYLE leader said the premier| American-made short-range Hon. | 25e 25° "2d . LL] agreed to the debate in a legis-| J lature discussion March 16. ot dm Yockets capatie of doi LADIES' "CURL COMBS" LADIES' E-2-CITE -- 2for 1 "Having completed two months | REGU! of debate in the legislature with, NEW TO MOSCOW er 2 for 75° opposition members on nearly) MOSCOW AP) -- White bread SALE! every conceivable subject I see wrapped i~ wax paper imprinted 2 for 1 SALE! TAMBLYN no good purpose in further de-|"'enriched bread made from the bates," the premier said later. |best flour" has appeared in Mos-| woth Frost id the Puence to/cow stores. It could be a result] K arc! made by Mr. MacDon- of deputy premier Mikoyan's re- a IN SUM ald concerned remarks following cent American tour. After A LUBRICANT 4 \ - a Jelecelt ZX th yl Loi American visit in the 1930s] \ 3 3 A "I tol im I' glad to {corn flakes went on the market " [| Bate ay Istes he ad uy here. | , A polatable emubsion SKIN LOTIO ANTACID AND me," Mr. Frost said, "but of | Lf heavy paraffin , LAX course I meant debate in the leg-| ADS THUNOUS Fre 4 - " with ol ATIVE os slature." =] -Arturo uper- Bi maar > Agor-Ager delicate scented i { ier, a Spanish cosmic ray expert, x o > " - A lotien onthe relied ot gti |who died recently, has won aj : 16-02. Reg. 79¢ ; A relieves chapping and gives Dyspepsia, Indigestion, \ : ae : cared-for Heartburn $10,000 science prize posthum-| Arson Charges |ously. Toe Juss March Founda- Si NN mE the 20-0z . fon nam im for its 1959 3 Against 2 Men |avard | . ? T™H Reg. S3¢ BEAVERTON, Ont. (CP)--Two| GOOD IMMIGRANTS | Reg. 1.69 fe S100 1 ¥, oR ; 21053" whi hnits Beaverton men were arrested in| RIO DE JANEIRO Reuters)-- ' "3 ' this Lake Simcoe town Saturday Brazil now has 62,934 Japanese 4 39 and charged separately with ar- families totalling 404.630 persons. son. The Brazilian government consid- Police Chief Charles Robertson ers Japanese extremely desir- said charges agains' Edward able immigrants because of the Charles Spencer, 41, and Louls/improved farming techniques Sones. 28, arose from a fire Aug. they introduce. 2 | 1 ! , 1958 that destroyed a service I f station and an adjacent building. TRADE PACT or A A L L AM i LYN D R U h S 0 § E S 2 for i - ------ re a - --- rg py ------ _ -- cm ------ Loss total ; NEW DELHI AP)--India and Loss totally S220. Communist Czechoslovakia are doubling their present volume of CZECH HOTELS trade under a 'new economic Czechoslovakia's 1,046 hotels agreement. Each will buy goods| - Sin bes nie Lh mt Boon oi] © KING ST. E. RA 3-3143 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-8541 ----

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