TO RECEIVE DIPLOMAS AT GOLD CORD PRESENTATION Guides, who have received their Gold Cords during 1958 will be presented with their di- polmas by Mrs. J. Keiller Mac- Kay. Front row, from left to right: Dorothy Elizabeth At the annual Gold Cord Presentation of the Ontario Girl Guide Association to be held at Convocation Hall, Uni- versity of Toronto, on Thurs- day evening the above Oshawa Brown, Norma Joanne Caverly, Dorothy Faye Gordon, Kathryn Jean "Reeve, the 12th company. Back row, from left to right: Elizabeth Joyce White, 6th company; Nora Lee Flegg, 3rd company; Sandra Shaw, 5h udy Saunders, 11th company; Patricia Findley, 9th company; Arlene Sargent, 1st company. --Oshawa Times Photo MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Spinster Considering Marriage Faces Family Objection Dear Haworth: I am a courageously; and, finally, how to woman, 37, unmarried, but en- accept the consequences of one's aged for the past three years to|choices in a growing way. aul, a very patient man, now| If one's chosen course (disputed 38. by others) leads to success, one 1 dated other boys in my youth|should be happy about it, of but, for one reason or another,|course; but not triumphantly didn't let myself get attached to|righteous. On the other hand, if anyone. But when Paul came|things turn out badly, there is no along, nothing was going to keep(cause to be shamed or discour- me from going with him. aged--because at least there is 1 lived--and still do--with my|the stuff of learning implicit in widowed mother, grandmother, hurtful experience. three aunts and two fncles in a] Remember, the only persons very neat house and clean neigh-\who don't make mistakes are borhood. Father died when I was|those who don't do anything, Evi- a baby and grandmother took us dently your mother (painfully re- in, . .. |hearsed in this theory) has done Everything had to be weighed very little on her own initiative by eight persons before I did any-|since she returned to live with "Belles and Beaux" was the theme for the third annual Ju- bilee Hoedown sponsored by the Golden Jubilee Chapter IODE at the Airport m recently, Gay dancing figures and re- plicas of musical instruments in black and white highlighted the stage setting from which Margaret Hough called the dance routines to appropriate music by the 'Hayriders'. The dance theme was carried out also in the main auditorium where musical notes and square dance calls were hung from the walls In colorful profusion, The tables were centred with bow-decked bells and there were small bells for the ladies' place- cards, and miniature bows for the men. The bright swirling skirts and colorful plaid shirts of the capa- city crowd of dancers added greatly to the casual air of gaiety which has made this pre-spring social event increasingly popular. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Poirier and Mr. and Mrs. John Houghton greeted the guests. Mrs. Poirier was the general convener of the affair, and Mrs. Houghton is the Chapter's Regent. Mrs. Donald Burns was at the door in charge of tickets and the guest book. Mrs. R. W. Barr took care of reservations and was as- sisted by Mrs. H. E. Ramshaw. Mrs. S. T. Hopkins was general ticket convener and Mrs. R, E. Kelly arranged for the gayly wrapped prizes. Mrs. R. S, Ir- win, decorations convener, had as Jo Aldwinckle, Women, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Merch 31, 1959 PERSONALS her assistants Mrs. Walter Libby and Mrs. W, H. Gibbie. Mrs. Stan- ley Gales had charge of publicity. Prizes were won by Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Elliott, Mrs. Walter Libby and Mr. Donald Wells, Mrs, John Anderson and Mr. Ver- non Freeborne, Mrs. John Greer and Dr. R. S. Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Donald. Guests signing the register were Mr, and Mrs, C. R. Halli- day, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Adam, Dr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Murdie MacLeod, Dr. and Mrs. Jack Langmaid, Dr. and Mrs. Peter Willson, Mr. end Mrs. Earl Huntley, Mr. and Mrs, Representing Oshawa General Hospital, Mr. Kenneth Wright, business administrator, Mr. Ken- neth Paul, accountant and Miss Bernice Hawke, dietitian attended the meeting of the Regional Hos- pital Council, District 8, at Peter- borough Civic Hospital on Thurs- Oshawa guests at the Hart- Brown wedding in Galt on Satur- day included Mrs. and Mrs. W. O. Hart, Mr. and! Mrs. Kenneth Braithwaite, . R. F. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. C. | Dewhirst, Mr. and Mrs. D. Camp- |bell, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hewett, {Mr. and Mrs. Peter Francis. Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson, (Mr, and Mrs. R. Smyth, Mr, and Mrs. J. Houghfon, Mr. and Mrs. "Belles And Beaux" Theme Of 3rd Annual Jubilee Hoedown Mrs. (Mrs, Victor Saunders, Mr. and William Braithwaite, Mr. and : [James Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Barry Fox and Mr. Edward cy, 0 McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. thing, and I hadn't many teen-age/your grandma. And maybe the latter, in these years, has been figuratively beating your mother over the head with disapproval and complaints, for ever having married at all, and for producing a child by a man who didn't live to take care of them. HOW MANLY IS HE? Your grandma's gripe - theme may be that she's paid the piper for your mother's folly in bring- ing home another mouth to feed-- namely, yours. In your letter, here condensed, you say: privileges by the standards of the| 1930s. Nobody was ever welcome in our house. And, since they would have been ridiculed by the clan, if I had brought them, it wasn't a place to bring guests. PATIENT SUITOR But finally, on meeting Paul, after a bit of a struggle with the cold atmosphere, I did bring him home, as people do--even though it amounted mostly to just sitting, reading the papers or talking, as the TV was reserved for certain hours. Paul was married years ago but divorced his wife for adult- ery. And my family is so opposed to divorce that they won't consent to my marriage to Paul, even though he was the innocent party. He has faults, like everyone; but mostly he is good and has utmost patience with my family life. Mother threatens suicide, and the family will drop me, if I marry Paul. He is getting pretty "Grandma kept telling me over and over how much she was doing for me, and how worthless I was (in childhood)." Maybe it's this kind of psycho- logical conditioning that inhibits] you from taking direct decisive action as regards Paul's mar- riage offer. And that kept you also, in earlier years, emotion- ally walled off from boys, re- solved never to let yourself go and get involved in love and mar- restless and anxious lately, for which I don't blame him. I'm be-| riage; and thus perchance run the risk of repeating your ginning to hate everyone; yet Ijmother's blunder (in grandma's must admit I fear them, in a way, eyes). even at this age. It helps, just I'd like to tell you to marry writing you; but can you offer Paul, and get in step with the any suggestions, please? R.G.|real world. But the fact that MOTHER ISN'T FIT |Paul"s wife was unfaithful and Dear R.G.: When a mother|that he puts up with a meaning- threatens suicide as a pon of less t, makes me won- control (or punishment), she ad-|der--just how manly is he? To be vertises that she isn't fit to gov-|on the safe side, check the sig- day. The speaker, Mr. G. S. Rob- erts, director of Public Relations for the Ontario Hospital Associa- tion, spoke on the effect of the new hospitalization plan on pub- lic relations. Acting as chairman, Mr. Wright introduced Mr. Wil- liam Sharpe, Hospital Contact Of- ficer for the Hospital Services Commission, who answered nu- merous questions relative to ad- ministration. A regional account- ing group was set up with Mr. Wright elected chairman and Mr Paul, secretary. Out of town guests at the Lam- |bert-Litovchik wedding included Mr. and Mrs. James Kezen, St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs, George Golow, Mimico; Mr. and Mrs. Nick Lewchuk, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs, Steven Melnichuk, Mimico; Mr. and Mrs. A. Golow, Mimico; Mr. and Mrs. B. Cymbaluk, Mr, and Mrs. John Masulka, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Melnichuk, Toron- to; Mr. Dave Young, Miss Bon- nie Lamb, Ajax; Mr. and Mrg, Fred Tzard and Mr. and Mrs. John Hickmott, Rochester, N.Y. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Collison, Bloor street west, were Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Blacker, Ottawa. Delegates from Adelaide Me- hlin Home and School Asso- ern. nificance of your attach: t with The hallmark of leadership isja family relations eounsellor. self-reliance, which overflows in|M.H. a good example to others--show-| Mary Haworth eounsels ing how to size up situations|through her column, not by mail sensibly, how to make decisions|or personal interview. Write her rationally, how to act upon themlin care of this newspaper. J. A. Schell. ciation to the convention of Home and School Federation at the Royal York Hotel on Wednesday and Jhursday will be Mrs. Frank azlé®, Mrs. John Richardsén, Mrs. Mortimer Brown and Mrs, SOCIAL NOTICE * |Alan John Major, son 'of Mr. [Church on Saturday, April 18, ENGAGEMENT The is of Janet Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. F. Griffin of Eltham, London, England, to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Major of Osh- awa, The marriage will taka place in Simcoe Street United 1959, at 3.30 p.m. The bride will be given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Herbert Gentry of Oshawa. Westmount H&S Marks Birthday The annual birthday banquet of Westmount Home and School Association was held in the form | i | ¥ RN FASHIONS rated with a fringe - horse applique of dotted cot- SOUTHWESTE FROM Dallas comes this sep- arate costume designed by Jus- tin McCarty and made for | active sports as well as lolling dent, introduced the guests and of a pot-luck supper. Mrs. Graydon Gutsole, presi- past presidents. Mrs. John Gas- kell read "Our Preident." Mr. T. D. Thomas expressed wishes for the continued success of West- mount Home and School Asocia- tion. Alderman Chritine Thomas added her good wishes. | eis of Miss Irene Harvey la Eila Minkilla, sang two Irish selections. Donald. Other guests were pres-| ent from Toronto, Goderich, Kingston, Montreal, Brantford, Sarnia, Thornhill, Fort Erie, Port Credit and Hespeler. Mrs. Clarence Anderson will represent King Street Home and School Association as official dele- gate at the Ontario Federation Home 'and School Convention which will be held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto on April 1 and 2. Also attending will be Mrs, George Pearce, president of King Street Home and School As- sociation, Mrs. George Moss, past-president and Mrs. George Webster, financial chairman. Mrs. C. D. Russell, president of the Women's Auxiliary, Oshawa General Hospital, with Mrs. J. G. Carter, convener of the Gift Shop and Mrs. Gordon Curley, chair- man of the Evening Chapter, went to Peterborough Civic Hos- pital on Thursday evening to at- tend the annual meeting of Region 8 of Hospital Auxiliaries' As- ation of Ontario. Ten hospitals were represented and each gave a report. Mrs. J. E. Buchan of Belleville, director of Volunteer Services and past-president of the 2¢%exiation spoke on voluntary ef- ort. SEW-THRIFTY BY ANNE ADAMS J. C. B. MacMillan, Mr. and Mrs. IS. K. Jarvis, Mr, Lloyd Morey | and Miss Betty Williams, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Law, Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cotie, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Reddick, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Har- per. Mr. and Mrs.) George Perkin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. L, Freeborn, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sproule, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Munday, Mr. and Mrs. Ri- chard Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Jaycettes Meet At Pot-luck Supper The monthly dinner meeting of the Oshawa Jaycettes was held at the home of Mrs. Donald Brown,, Mason street. Pot luck supper was the order of the even- ing, a new and successful ven- ture of this kind for the club. During dinner three prospec- tive Jaycettes were introduced and welcomed by the member- ship committee. They were Mrs. E. Jones, Mrs. W. Girling and Mrs. J. Connelly. Following the supper, the com- mittee reports were heard. Mrs. W. Carey, entertainment chair- man, told the members how suc- cessful Men's Night was "and thanked the club members for their co-operation. Mrs. Carey also reported on the April meet- ing which will be an inter-club visit night. Several Jaycette clubs from Toronto and surrounding areas will be the Oshawa Jay- cettes' guests. This meeting will take place in the Blue Room of the Hotel Genosha. Mrs. Henry Hewitt, chairman for the refresh- ment booth for the upcoming Jaycee Home Builders Fair, told of the preparations being made by her committee. Mrs. William Edwards reported on the work of the Civil Defence. After the general business meet- ing, two new Jaycettes were in- ducted by the president, Mrs. Robert Dewland. The club wel- comed Mrs. Donald Down and Mrs. Bert Bicknell. A debate on various subjects was enjoyed by the entire mem- bership later in the meeting. * Conant School Holds Open House Open House was observed re-| cently at Conant School. The chil- dren's books and work were on display. The teachers were in their rooms and the parents had a chance to meet them. The meeting of the Home and School Association followed with Mrs. William Baldwin presiding. The minutes of the February meeting were read by Mrs. Gar- net Shaver and Mrs. Fred Britten gave the treasurer's report. The principal, Mr. J. D. Gal- braith spoke on the trends of to. Easy-sew anced three numbers. Mrs. Wil-| SMart girl's best fashion choice|the school choir under the direc- i icc/for a lively spring schedule. tion of M: Earle C. bell wi I rd Cook, accompan ed by M n ol Ts. arle Camp with p i 155 Blouse and skirt cur ve close toa corsage in appreciation for the a) S, lks or yl : separates are aj the figure -- jacket is brief, day's education, and introduced work she has done with the choir. Mr. Stephen Saywel!, chairman boxy. Tomorrow's pattern: Half-/The choir sang three selections. | of the board of education, stated that $1% million has been spent| in Oshawa on education. He, sizer. Printed Pattern 4676: Junior Miss Sizes 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. Size! stressed the great difficulty ex-|13 jacket and skirt take 3% yards perienced by the board in keep-|33-inch; blouse 1% yards. ing up with the growing popula-| Printed directions on each pat- tion. He remarked that people|aise,crcu .a art e etac S-etaoii take advantage of the many op-| maned sea |Were not preparing themselves to|tern part. Easier, accurate. Send FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) Miss Diana Kidd played the piano and Miss Patricia Young played| the Swiss Bells. Miss Linda Mac- Dermaid sang a song accompan- ied by her sister, Margaret, at the piano. Miss Lynda Henderson played the piano. A group con-| sisting of Carolyn Connors, Rob- ert Waters, Vernon Woods, G sary McCormack, Ronald Siblock, Lorne Thompson Mr. and Mrs. |" John Cameron, Mr, and Mrs. Ri- chard McLaughlin, Mr, and Mrs. John Phillips, Mr. Mrs. Al- bert Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scilley, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Gibbie, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Libby, Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Adair, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tag- gart, Mr, and Mrs. Morley Robin- son, Mr. and Mrs. William Dell, Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson, Mr, and Mrs, Murray Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snell, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pearse, Mr. and Mrs. Merv Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cornish, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thompson, Mr. and Mrs, William Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John Stead, Mr. Robert Purselle and Miss Kathy Totten, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilton, Mr. and Mrs. Aage Johansen, Mr. and Mrs. John Vivash. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Donald, Mr. and Mrs. William Holland, Mr. William Watt and Miss Joy Thomas, Mrs. William Sloan and Miss Mary Langan, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott, Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam MacDonald, Mr. 'and Mrs. Edward Bind, Dr. and Mrs. Alan Fulton, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Wragg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ty- son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dew- land, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cook. Mr. and Mrs. John Penn, Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Walker, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley King, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lock, Mr. and Mrs. K. James, Mr. and Mrs. M. . Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. G. E, Hall, Mr, and Mrs. M. B. Reed, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Vipond, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Schell, Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Langmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Murray MacLeod, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kinsman, Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. D. Clemens, Mr. and Mrs. R. Laing, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Munroe, Mr. and Mrs. R. An- drews, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brad- ford, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Tur- ney, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Scho- field, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Day, Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hill, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bircheshyer, Mr. and Mrs. {M. R, Cummings, Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. G. Lofthouse, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Horn, Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Willson, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Kellett, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Famme, Mr. and Mrs. Ri- chard Bassett, Mr, and Mrs. Grant McIntosh. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Drew, Mr. and Mrs. John Kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bell, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Foote, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Swinton, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Souther, Mr. and Mrs. H. Web- ster, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Wil- son, Mr. and Mrs. John Norris, BRENDA AND BILLY JEFFERY Children of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jeffery, Gibbons street, are Brenda Margaret, one year old, March 19, and William four years, March 2, Their grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Braund, Osh- awa, and Mr. and Mrs, Victor Jeffery, Bowmanville. The children have two great-grand- a = mothers, Mrs. Charles Davie, Whitby, and Mrs. Hugh Barker, --Photo by Ireland. GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES y CALVARY BAPTIST WMS ~ The regular meeting of the WMS of Calvary Baptist Church was held in the church parlors with the president, Mrs, Grace Moncur presiding. . Opening hymns were sung, and Mrs. Henry McGhee read a poem, 'Choose Thou for Me." Mrs. Moncur led in prayer. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Otto Sharrard. The memory for next week will be Psalm 91:1-8. Mr. Clarence Bass of Aurora, formerly of the Ceylon and India General Mission, was the guest speaker for the afternoon. The Charles Anderson led in the de- votional period. Mrs. William Edwards of To- {ronto sang two sacred solos ac: companied at the piano by her mother, Mrs, G. R. Booth. The {speaker was Mrs. G. R. Booth and her subject was on the his- tory of sacred music used in the Worship of God. She traced its beginning from the book of Gene- |sis and on to the Gospel of Mark, also St. Paul's Epistle to the | Ephesians, continuing on to pres. ent day hymn book and the im- vortant part it plays in worship today. Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mrs. scripture portion was Matthew Charles Dolley, Mrs. B. Richar- Appr 3:13-4:11. Mr, Bass closed the meeting with prayer. RCAF ASSN. AUX. The March meeting opened with Mrs, Arthur Bilton presid- ing. Mrs, Thomas Murphy gave the financial report, The minutes were read by the secretary. The president thanked Mrs. Donald Robertson, social econ- vener, for the excellent job done in catering for the Men's Asso- ciation banquet held March 18. iation was also expressed Mr, and Mrs, A. Der Tohn Hart Takes Bride At Galt A marriage of interest to Osh- awa was solemnized in Galt on Saturday afternoon when John Michael Hart took as his bride to all the members who helped make it a success. Final reading of a charter was passed with one amendment. This charter will be written up and kept for future reference. A pot luck supper is planned to end the season in May. A banquet will be held in September at which time the new executive will be elect- The s decorated boxes Edith Marion Brown of Kingst The bride is the daughter of Mr. to be used on the tables at the 10th anniversary dance Refresh- and Mrs. Ernest Villiers Brown of Galt and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Harold Pierdon Hart of Oshawa and the late Mr. Hart. The Reverend Leslie Ballantyne officiated in Wesley United Church with Mr. W. Holton play- ing the wedding music and Mrs. S. R. Gowman as soloist. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. Her white satin gown was styled with a lace| Mrs. Edward Hyrcanuk acted as yoke and sheath sleeves and a|chairman. long train. A juliet cap of lace] The following committee was held her fingertip veil and she elected for the ensuing year: carried green orchids and steph- Mrs. Frank Baron, president; anotis. Mrs. Peter Macdvoy, vice-presi- The maid of honor was Miss|dent; Mrs, Edward Hyrcanuk, Phyllis Brown and the attendants, secretary; Mrs. John Rudka, Mrs. Alan Hart and Miss Jane|treasurer; Mrs, Stanley Mala- von Zuben. They were gowned|chowski, social convener; Mrs. alike in deep pink silk organza|John Wacko, publicity; Mrs. Alex over taffeta. They carried feath-|Korkush and Mrs, Nicholas King, ered white carnations and freesia| controllers. and wore matching flowers on Father Pereyma closed the their hair. i ocial Dr. Alan Hart was his broth. leet With prayer and a 5 er's best man. The ushers were GOODWILL GROUP Mr. William Braithwaite and Mr. Douglas Proudfoot. Mrs, John Dyer presided at the monthly meeting of the Goodwill| A reception was held at the Iro- quois Hotel. Receiving, thelwa group of Simcoe Street Unit- ed Church. bride's mother wore Tse heige organza and a green orchid. The ' bridegroom's mother was in beige a was Jorided io ploa 2 come lace with reseda green accessor-\y "puer Athol street east on les and a corsage of Talisman|wegnesday, April 22. Then Mrs roses. . ¥ Later the couple left on a wed- ding trip to New York. For trav- elling the bride chose a green and beige paisley wool dress, topped with an off-white coat and hat. Mr. and Mrs. Hart will return to reside in Oshawa. ments were served hy Mrs. 8, Fraser and Mrs. Jack Lee. ST, GEORGE'S G.C. AUX, The first meeting of the newly formed St. George's Greek Cath- olic Junior Auxiliary was held at the Parish Hall, Albert street. THREE WAYS T0 ENSURE BETTER HEALTH FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY PARAMETTES PARAMETTE RUP HOUSEHOLD HINT Heavily soiled cottons must be soaked. Clothes containing sand or silt should be soaked 10 or 20 minutes in a tub of lukewarm water. Before doing so, make sure jackets have been turned inside out, pants cuffs have been turned down, and clothes have been thoroughly brushed. It is not a good idea to soak : 21 VITAMINS, MINERALS, ,|lives resulting from mixed and |son and Miss Leona Stainton serv- ed refreshments. CHEERFUL GIVERS The March "meeting of the Cheerful Givers Group of King | Street United Church was held in |the church parlor with the presi- |dent, Mrs. A, W. Brown, presid. ing. Mrs. LeRov Kellar gave the secretary's report and roll call. Announcement was made of. the Easter Thank-Offering to be held on April 14 at 7.45 pm, Miss Vera Boyd, missionary from Japan, will show slides and also be the guest speaker. It was decided to have an imag- inary bake sale again this year. 'Easter' what it means -- was the theme of the worship service led by Mrs. Lawrence Allan. Mrs. J. L. Crumback read the scripture and Mrs. J. D. Tane read an Easter poem. Mrs. Doug- las Lander sang two solos, ac- companied at the plano by Mrs. Clarence Scott. Mrs. Norman Wirsching spoke of the proposed amalgamation of the WA and WMS in the church. Mrs. Duncan MacMillan and her committee served refreshments, SIMCOE STREET WA The March quarterly meeting of the Woman's Assoclation of Simcoe Street United Church was addressed by Mrs. Evelyn Bateman, a former president of the WA, her subject "Why". With charm and sincerity Mrs. Bate- man sketched the all: r pattern of confusion in human often ulterior motives. Then with skill and simplicity she enumer- ated the steps towards mental, physical and spiritual health through faith in the power of the living Christ. The Easter worship was led by Miss Millicent Luke. Miss Leah Garrow sang two solos. "Soft Were Your Hands, Dear Jesus" and "Memories", The business period was con- ducted by the president, Mrs. Robert H. Holden. Three impor- tant of ing events were made: Dessert lun- cheon in Memorial Hall, April 5, at 1.30 -- speaker, Jo Radcliffe Clark; Smorgasbord Supper serv- ed "Town and Country Sunshine Style" May 2, from 5 to 7 p.m.; The Quarterly WA meeting on June 17 as a pot luck luncheon at 1 pm, Members of the Lenore, Com- LIONETTES . CLUB The Oshawa Lionettes held their March meeting at Simcoe Hall with the president, Mrs. Nor- man Gower presiding. The meet. ing opened with the secretary's report followed by the treasurer's statement. Mrs. L. W. Hammill reported on the coming activities of the Humoresque Club, John Anderson gave her report on the safety council dinner and also the meeting. Mrs. Gower reported 12° members were taking the Royal Lifesaving Course and | Farrow: tickets, Mrs. Robert F. J, Donevan Collegiate Insti. tute, Final arrangements were made for entertaining the Bowmanville Club in April. Mrs. John Anderson then took over the meeting as convener of the annual bridge which is being {held on April 13 at Simcoe Hall, {The following members are acte |ing as conveners: Prizes -- Mrs, E. L. We'lman; candy, Mrs. T. G, Ferrow: tickets, Mrs. Rober Schoeren; refreshments, Mrs, ™ John Mintern; kitchen, Mrs, W. Miller: tables, Mrs. G. F. Pax ' ton; decorations, Mrs, Norman Gower, | Refreshments were served by Mrs. Farrow, Mrs. Rufus Lame bert, Mrs. J. Swan, Mrs. 8. Payne and Mrs. P. Andre. Glamorous Women . . . Depend on professional hair care. Enjoy the lux- ury of our personalized attention. TINT-PERM You too could have lov- lier hair, lon glasting na- tural waves and curls, Call our skilled stylists today for an appointment, LU ELLE'S BEAUTY WORLD 42%, SIMCOE ST. N. Phone RA 3-2521 miggle and Fideles Groups were hostesses during the social hour. RUGS AND LIVING ROOM SUITES, Cleaned to Perfection TRACE ELEMENTS AND & ELECTION TIME at an But after the excitement y service club is always an exeiting time. the comes the work plans for civic betterment for the coming standing of his community service club you of programming the many year. As a member in good harmacist u r neighbourhood usually plays a prominent part in the business and tr affairs of his community. Your pharmacist is community-minded. As a profes- sional man, as a businessman, your pharmacist is vitally interested not only in his community but in the health apd well-being of everyone ton. Matching the cut-out is a | portunities offered them in thelin coins (stamps cannot be ac- short - sleeved, V-necked blouse field of education, |cepted) for this pattern. Please ¥ kt with a wide collar. A belt of the | Mrs. Gutsole thanked Mrs, Ron- print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD-| Mrs. Baldwin thanked all wh fabric features a metal ald Thomas, and Mrs. " . R. T.|DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. 5. Ki ski sea % 3 took part. Mrs. Konarowski won horse buckle. Bryant, co-chairmen of the party, {Arthur Irving played two selec- in the sun. The three - piece [tions on the guitars creation consists of blouse, skirt and shorts. The shorts, worn underneath the skirt in NU-WAY RUG | and Carpet Sales DRUGS 28 King St. E. RA 3-4021 this picture, are of denim with dotted Send order to ANNE ADAMS, the door prize. Refreshments . Also ef denim is | --~By TRACY ADRIAN ' served by mothers of the in Grade 8 / and others who ing 8 success. assisted In mak- care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- were | Dept, Oshawa, Ontarie. 174 Mory RA 5-0433 }l Regular City-Wide Deliveries living in his community. Make visiting your drug store a regular part of ny our weekly shopping habit--you'll find ita pleasant, relaxing Qf waft LAL yo A ve