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The Oshawa Times, 1 Apr 1959, p. 14

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14 THE CSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdys, Api 1, 1959 OFFICE HOURS [#55 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [&:E "|| 1==Accountants 8--Building Trades 13--Gardening & Supplies 18e--Mortgages [29=--Summer Properties 36--Female Help Wanted 44--For Rent INDEX HOB CLANCY'S Ontarie Accounting ALL TYPES of building re roof -- S-------- For Sale or Wanted |FULL time clerk in decorating store, SELF - contained apartment, fous Please Note Services offer complete pookkeeping ix Sten and aiding chimney rep START NOW! FIRST AND SECOND LOT 30 x 300 Test on ake | = Ouhaw, pleasing personally. 8 necemity, ty) a and bath, 2, i for small bai hase, 184 Diadities row in stiest to TO WANT AD [srsien if to Mies wa's ts moovndc-sisins sd "reoszs i 70 HAVE YOUR TREES MORTGAGES rouenn suvdes lor" al" 2 Sana" an hve this column: SSIFICATION Residence, RA 3.7000, RA 3.7780, d miles of Oshawa, RA 8:0624, Box 818, Oshawa Times, se Births, Memorioms, cords of || CLA #, 7, HOPKINK and Col ertified FT om SHRUBS, PRUNED and er . - BUSINERS woman with two children, |P | =Aceountants Kart, Ohaws, Ontario, R. pt a HEE La Also tree removal AGREEMENTS OF SALE | Lokeshore Cottage Lots -- [one school age. vequires capable house ons hs, id ats AM. SAME DAY 2=Barristers YALE, Friedlander, i ey br. | Hare = rouning Call or write for 1959 Cata- $1,800 to $100,000, Home "CHANDOS LAKE, only 98 [Box 728 Oshawa Times, 76¢| Thomas Street, BEATE am. SAME DAY aha or Trunoe. in i a aned chimney, repairs, new and old work, logue. RA 3.3222 | owners, 'reviduntiol property, | Mies from Oshowo to this RELISBLE womar io care fof hawe TWO, snturnished Teoma a LAM, ant 04 d=Duih East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA} F. Oshawa Garden Service summer cottages, suburben | G°r9ecus 17 mile rg, lok la Bokmal wil ive ron. ad Bord pe boards in sii ee IoD . ursing Services Friedlander, B, Comm, CPA, PLANTERING, patching, remodelling, homes, factories end acre- In Peterborough a week. Phone RA 5.6774, 520 G==Optometrists WERGER FRANKEL AND CO, ae. and archways, Fro Vise estimates. Georse 1 4_ Household Repairs ogo. Quotations by phone or Choice of 8 beautfiully ly wire Tomales ped req a a How] T==Surveyors countants and auditors, 18% King Abramoff, a -------- . mail simi A ed, level and surveyed lots WE reuuirs plete py soncel, prefer. Street East, RA 3.0221, --. |PLUMBING aiid i vives, fittings, ROOMS red, 9 up, -painiing, ' M . 100' x 250' each with pri- [sist in the very delicate assembi: working BIRTHS AA MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co. fixtures, few and used, changing from [pio applied, sealed seamisss. KA OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE | vote rood, cleared, abr ation, Wages commensurate with 'abil abil forea Ne NK as Sirest, D 0) hospi 8--Buliding Trades : Ey septic tanks to sewer a specialty Building Materiel et atfond, Toronto) | MAlIAONS At reasonable rates. Inior. FURNITURE repaired and Feuphol CORP. beach, sale for children. |issiion and group benefits. Apply Box TWO medium ire, 36 month. Washing BENSON -- To Mr, and Mrs. John|| |0==Sharpening Service Hon. J, W, Monteith, FCA, MP; mation and estimates P® stared, See our materiale for re.cover. 112 Simcoe Street North Hydro, excellent fishing, sal [620 Oshawa Times. <i Santee, 43 $50 Richard Benson (nee Barbara Luke) all |).Business Opportunities A. B, Monteith, B, Comm., CA G, W,|of plumbing, Dial RA i : it. Bn an ise R. Dalton, 75 Charles East, wo mon, trout, black boss picks |HOUSEKEEPER, experienced, to rie mh 3 erel and white fish, Only | ia for elderly lady, Phone Pickering | sine Bo it or a Arey 81 son, Richard Michael, on Friday, Mar, Riehl, CA, RIA; R, F, Lightfoot, 'CA WOULD you like to have o7, 1999, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Vie:|| !1@= Business Opportunities Treth CA, RA 5:3837, a | +--RA 5- Cri DC Tot Pa a. ve Wanted Georee, imaon Binet Norn Duma; (laute re: volored: Free esi OUR Jr o Hirney oi cleaner, Chim: Day Ni > 3568 mile In oft Highway No, 504, h 4 ied Park Road Sou Edward L, Lake and Mr, and Mrs. || |2==Dressmaki | neys and repaired, gas linings in hts: $995.00 each, Write to Jack |GIRL fo work in modern food store, Phaghi CU amit Suoplies Whitby MO 89731, = ------ ton Wao. vacuumed, Free esti. RA 5.1386 or RA 3.9484 Paris, agen: inch Sn five days a week, Experienced pre- SINGLE ear ez 8 Wan Sas ". 1 d ' + [ferred but not necessary. Apply in per. h BUCKLEY = David and Pat (nee|| |4==Household Repairs LEO GOODMAN JACK C. MacDONALD |e on 'exterior painting and dec. | 19--Personal Ont, for Interview In your [son Stroud's Food Markel. 84 Simcoe Ten Avenue. 18 Instruction PAINTER & DECORATOR orating., For free Setimates, contact ava vou a drinking problem? Write| OWN Jone phone Oshawa |North. 760 |WEATED, three . MoCabe) are happy 9 announce the arrival of thelr daughter, Cynthia Ann, rray's Painting, RA b overlook|; riv on Monday, March 30. 100, 7 Ibs, 944 [| |&= Insurance CHARTERED Paperhanging and Painting vi §: ] : oholics Anonymous, Box 349, Osh:| RA 5-46 37--Mole He Wanted ero dy pro ons, at the Oshawa General Hospital, [| |7==Money to Loan Gyptex CHERTERFIRLDS rebuilt," ree oun Vared awa Times. 30--Lost ond Found sAale Help y ble April 18, Apply |8=Loan Wants' ACCOUNTANT A Rensonable. "Hatistaction guaran.|IF YOU are not Uving a full and happy | > oun SALARY plus commission -- Colonial |Oshawa TY LEIGNTON -- Les and Stephanie || a0 mortgage Free Estimates Tan eres rebuilt Oshawa Up life because of Tension, Fear, Frus (LONT -- Beagle hound, female, black, requires three men to join Sus expand. THREE rooms, unfu {ses Law) are habpy (0 announce tM] |g pessong) 8 College View Avenue, Toronto All Work Guoranteed holstering Co, 10 Bond Street West, ration, 8 Complex, Hypnotism oan help.| white and tan, seven months old, [INE sales staff with a good sound fu-|oiny Centro. One or two arrival of their son, on Monday, March v i { Dial RAYS. 011 '|Alno reduce weight, stop smoking, re:|southwest of Whitby, J, Lowe, Whitby, |ture. Experience not necessary wot come, care If Jif desired. 1m 20, 1999, at the Oshawa General Hos: || 20==Cartoge | 50 Nassau St RA 3.7080 he ed lieve nervous pains, gain confidence| MO 8.2143 ' 78c |DeIpful, Car essential. Drop into Colon: Boulevard, RA tal, A brother for Lynn and Debra. || 2) personal Service HUdson 5-6121 eens OAL JOE, WA 5-8018 for GATPONGTY, eto. Consult Edwin Meath, Institute of fal, 134 Simcoe Street South or eall RA anks to Dr, Rundle eRodio. Repairs painting and handyman, Ethnical Hypnosis consulting at Gen. REWARD = Ladv'y" sold watch, vith 88871, ™ 2 Sh r . 4041, 0 ara - NETLEY -- Don and Mary (nell 23- Women's Column | Barristers GREEN DOOR ny rhe AL Dat. |3023, 'Ask for Mrs. M. Swarts, 755 WANTED -- immediately, middie-aged Drumara) are happy to announce the ll 24. market Basket 2. T. SALMERN, BA, Barrister, Soll. DON'T GAMBLE premises at 13 Ontario St, are ready. LOST -- Light brown Water Spaniel ann for. small dain Jar a 1 NAT isi: modern brick bun birth of their son, Jeffrey Donald, fo i tc., 13% Nimcoe HStreet North, y i 25--Pats and Livestack bi office RA 5.3741) residence, GIFT AND PAINT SHOP GET THE BEST FOR LESS |DANCE bund available, four. or five | puppy. Saturday, March sn Vielnity of | (CSC EHAY C0 soiree NEWLY decorated, modern brick 3 | LL ont fhe, 8% oss, on March 31, 1068, at the Oshawa General Hospital, Our | 26==Farmer's Column 5042, Chesterfields recovered ond (plete, Musie for all occasions, o [share in profits. Age no barrier ow: apraind, now yacht, | $08 Il foulars In oonfi. Tao Se many thanks to Dr. McLean, [| 27==Fuel, Wood Painti d Decoratin, rebullt better than new, Sot- - eee - A ; ab ive o | iO and Bastedo, WATHors, | ainting an 0 ' Sa---- -- 4 - ONE black leather handbag, contain. me! ) § h 3, STAINTON = Keith and Murie hd uw Resse (Hollcltors, Clienta'_ funds avaliable © Commercial -- Residential faction, uarantesd. Call For your convenience we are |!™% allel driver's licence. 'Thursday fonts, a pe hb ae kd AVAILABLE ow, | . (nee Moore) are happy to announce | ¢Bo=-Hunti C. MoGit -- M hn lip MONE 8 un. "Finder Plosse at with weer Kitentn dnd with, 9--Summer Properties For Sale [North RA B300E Chm edo QC Free Estimates -- Call holstering, 926% - Simcoe now able to serve you in all [call RA 3.2320, Reward, To beriance hanging eliminuin doofe And) siove, rig, TV Antenna, Apply $4 Wik a wanted lmusrnniys and bovenyn, mar] BROOKLIN 240 | Street North, RA 8-645]. lines of Lost ana wilile, and_ 10h plied, For abbointment, Fin Calo b pt eh rooms, unfu treet South, \ at the Oshawa General Hospital J0==Lost and Found ' ; gi ters, Solloitorss R. D, Humphreys: QC, Evenin 5 RA 3 4131. h Ady, Aluminum, 13¢ Simcoe rnished, possi fonnBiliio $lenArticios. Vor. Rae rn, Ba Yen Tuiman, Evenings - 2 eter DRY CLEANING 8.0217, Te | Oshawa, RA 80071, and cupboards; adults, RA 84338. "Ta Vout "hones --- wo J2==Articles Wanted tim 6 King Street i , RA B:4604 ond HOTEL clerk, older man to live iy DEATHS J4--Auction Sales Ly RR LPR Reid Call BROOKLIN 6 FURNACE HIRT 31--Articles For Rent {Apply Cadillac Hotel, | Fernhil 'Boulevard, near Shopping Cone dhenimplavmant Wamed JOHN A. MaoDONALD, BA, Barring CLEANOUT SERVICE S LAUNDERING | AUMPFUMP for. rent, #80 up 10 Biv. NEATING salesman, sell in rd S100 soonthiy. RA S909. YH Vé==Female Help Wanted |and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street Nort irs AUENt DY (he Eich ing dire Prone FE pe pis, ir = The betroe Bown | 37=Male Help Wantes [Phone RA 8.8311, NEW OiL $7.30 Labour, plus parts From 9.a.m. = 9 p.m. dolly. yD en i yy th | Pickering. hi id er ILL For fast, efficient service In |ELN MA BAIL, BIPRLghY | meme eee | (FANS OrTed to Ottawa, MO wil KORKUSH -- Entered into rest in th : ; 3 Oshawa General Howital, on Monday, | 8=Male or Female Help Wanted | jouN A CAMERON, Barrister, bollcl HARRY PERRY HEATING | odorless dry cleaning, call Stic and i re CLERK Mareh 30, 9, Willlam Korkush, be | 39==Agents Wanted tor and Notary Public, 184 King Street loved husbal f Annie Magas, In hi | East, RA 3.2200 NHA and private mort: } d year, Resting at the Armstrong || 40--Coportuniies = [gages arranged, i FURNACES RA 3-3443 SPEE DEE Webbing's neral Home, Oshawa. Funeral from 4] ==Room of GREER AND KELLY, Barristers] Buy It wholescle and have It Nights--=RA 3.7944 Rental Service for typing end some book. Buren Thursday. Ap os Onthodon | 43=Rount. ana Beary Warg Bolloitors, ste, 714 Bimcoe Street Bouth.| jnsiqiled by experts. Easy CLEANERS keeping. Good future for ursday pri A am --- F " 1 , N Teal ferment 8 Mary's Cometory, Ouh: (| 43 Wanted Te Roy Fo a a "erence terms Fue! oil, oil burners, 15--Instruction 70LS AND EQ EQUIPMENT right man. Apply in own i a Park Rosé Noi rth 8 « 7 pom, RA 8-087] For Rent A y a sn [| 44=--For Ren! I y, 'Lh RA 8:5032; Duncan| furnaces | HARVEY Dance Academy Haion, Tan, RA 8-6221 handwriting 10 oLVCYK Entered into rest in the (| uo neal Estate Exchange hl 282 Kine, Py West vate home, very cen sents, ak gd - 45-~Reol Estate For Sale R. Phillips, B, Comm, RA 8.1074 HARRY O. PERRY Royal Academy pallet Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, IRALPN 8, JONES, BA, and Thimas Y King san RA 3.4 BOX 719, OSHAWA TIMES reset ou gentleman, March al, 1989. John Lucyk, beloved john aw Yori M. Greer, Associate Barris i fo HEATING 4 ATE ne student counsellor, 21--Personal Service Ample A 73d siveet Mebandg ol ar + In hi LL 4/==Automobiles For . leltors, b | ars' Wr ence, Appointment only | - ------ m tained, h esting at th trol ¥ 48--Automoblies Wanted 8.6246, Mortgage loans av RA 3-3443, Nights RA 3.7944 Call RA = ap Fe Rd Articles Wanted DrSnani Eo ah Gs, conta ome ednesday an it. Mary' 3 . - a -- : | -- [ THOMAS M, RUNDLE, Barri § LILLIAN uy Marsh, Dance Educator : | heavy wiring, heat and oy down. Ukrainian, Greek Orthodox. Church Hall $= Autamable Revo cltor and Notary "Public, - 30 ' Kin | Binet, Sepak ou. ap oEduoaior: BARYNTITING baron, eliable. 5 Semper, AI Ti SALESMAN town; adults only) 860. RA 8-817. Hany yey Hes in bid Churen arte [Street East, Phone RA_ 81763 | EVERYTHING school acrobatic Friday and Saturday [home making. Mrs. R. 8. Disney. RA PAINtng cars. Phone Brookiin 634. LARGE "Dousekeeping room, suitable Men Bt Mary's Cometers Oshana, |} 21 --3wap and Sar | CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and [Masonte (ample, RA 3.7883. 3.491. "Closed Thursday afternoon, ni with connection in for two friends or couple. Apply 171 Yih [| $2--Legal Notices I Murdoch, Rarristern, Solicitors, No IN HEATING Ri = ™ {PIANOS «10. AY Take of size, Wil) Building Materials Field hi ublic Aalst MANN, Bianley = Suddenly at Cler CLASSIFIED AD RATES [Simcoe Strewt North, RAD Wu 1 L X.| All: parts for worm air, hot | m usic Studio for all Instruments JANE BLACK Slenderinzing Box Fa Oe Psy, Writs n 4 banelits 4 . Abel Bi ro Adattment; hare Bath. 4 | Creighton, QC} \ N ' , | wages an n ot lords, on Friday: ark 3.0 25 words or less | Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort: oie, and steam heating, Piano Tuning Studio, Slenderizing, Reduc- | DESPERATELY needed. Fill and lots oh age R hi yd NA or don. Pho ne RA -- Ontario, beloved husband of Dorothy Cosh Charge | #ages arranged | coal, oil and gas. Expert ser | of it, 26 Garrard Road North, evenings, 9 yg eplies held In alow, 88 Bryan, dear father of David and dear || 3 conic) ive MANNING ¥. swanta, harmon, coo oo TRE GER BIRCH ET | ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES | ing, Steam Bath and Mos: |SELLING furniture. We'll buy it. Re.| SOnfidence Grasmere Avenue, Oshawa. Soh of Mrs. F. G. Mann, both of Plek INSERTIONS F&O 2.48 | Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan, Asso: f Ji d \4 A N U Pi 481 8 S 8, TV's, washers, planos, ckering MMs, Sng. Beach. and_ brother of J. Abert | conve ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA. Neonty fort of modem automatic ew and Used Pianos soge. imcoe Street |sioves. ele. For top eas offer, contact WRITE: REATED, two - i Hope ilies nn Poy NSERTIONS as "nl | lock, 2644 King tree Last, ating now with no money | South, RA 5.9602 for op- 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 81131, OSHAWA TIMES a) I RIA BEng ear hating at the ' bi Sas tv 7 dove the | residence ph Sn] down, 5 yeurs to pay on oil | Full selection of all instruments o 1 end 83! _m for service In the chapel on Friday, [DONALD BLAKE DODDS: eet East, aNd 008 burner, furnaces and _ 477 Simcoe Street North point. Open 10 a.m.-10 p.m, | SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. BOX 725 poor Bosh er Central, 58 Nassau Street, RA 3 For F Popul d S - Wants cars for wrecking, also | For Fun, Popularity and Success | PECIALIZED radio and television | scrap iron and metals, ete. 75 | FORT Perry = large, five-room, ee service. All maken Fred Th TRY DANCING 187 Elliot Street, Call RA som | beught, Open Saturday oll |38---Male or Female [EAvnty op for Port " 23 Above rates apply enly to ork dence, RA 8.5% WATKINSON -- Entered into vest in| §0%) SUere \on, SOMES S SONG [joanna B MANGAN, QC, Barrister, 4 Fx RA 57181 oA 3: Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, || gr g later date constitute @ new |Bolictar. Money to loan. Gifice, March 31, 1909, Francis W. Watkinson, || oroinal order King Street East, Oshawa, RA 8-H You Can Actually Jeloved Husband of Ethel Chilton and Professional ana Business listings Restaence RA_3-3400, COMBUSTION CONTROL GO DANCIN father of Mrs. Walter Lane 3 dol Murphy and MacDonald, Bar } Montreal, Mrs. Warner Wil.|| $7.50 per month for 8 ine daly || GREER, NVEEIY S00 Notaries Buble: f rivets, al welded AU channel serials im Hams (Viola), Mrs. Daniel Normoyle|| Ech - additional line $1. per ]iriaters, Sole SERVICES After One Lesson At trom $39.95: easy terms. Kelly TV, RA srr - | mediately, No previous sales exper 14% an | TV TOWERS compleisly installed, || day. Phone:-- Help Wanted FUkon 8-2313, Year guarantee, $84.30: no bolts, no RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR ST. E. ree ay ced FoR: Speriment. Tnmedi =o April 5, at 3 pm. Place of interment Charge rate will apply. [and solicitor, ) boilers. Yo Avi [Telephone Business, RA 3.3301 Resi = 22--Radio and T.V, Repairs | | | -- * | possession. East, RA 3:4717, Russell , Frank, Toronto and|| month. 8 King Street | Rusts RA Bar ane busin ARTHUR M from Rw J 2 Td 23 fr in his "8th The | och Initial letter, abbreviation, $ Murphy and Jam URRAY | CASH JOR SCRAP jor . oiniment sees ment. v one) of Bown ie In resth «| § ond « sign, figure, count @ © |W, BRUCE Arr ECK, BA, Rarrister i DANCE STUDIOS WOME and car "radio service 1307 Sim. RA LA d. B 1% and Phones: __Office--Ux. | - MWA Si SS . {coe North. Phone RA 8.0861 vm. Interment Mount hy Clomitis Advertisements ||bridge 39, Res. -- RA 8.6704, PRE CAST { A Simcoe St. S., RA 8-148) PROMPT TV service, any make, 10/ STEEL, el HE USATTERIES, REAL estate saison or ladies for ne aed men, Pi 6 | MUST be in by 9 em. the day of | RowMAN, David L. Barrister, Solic | rears' experience. RA 8.5386, Oshawa , RAGS, Ete, [ing course, rou Ineirance. aiailabie, | R gupleation, | i's hours: lly itor, 344 Simcoe South, RA 3.9592, Rest CONCRETE LEARN TO DRIVE lectronics, oo All Day Saturde Car easontia) A J. Schats Realtor, preligres for Runaral Flower Aen TALI M. GREENBERG & SONS NO U3 Way 3 kes Artonflamants S13 yg He 4--Dentists SCHNEIDER'S T.V. AERIALS LTD 39 Agents Wanted LEWINGTON'S LA TB "Retwh. Office hours 3 10 & SEPTIC TANKS DRIVING SCHOOL ad ond Valle RA 3.7333 308 Bloor St. EB. | AGENTS 6 "aa Wallored w-nenare | 10) 157 Olive Ave., Oshawa, Ont, FLOWERS Bl Rai Babe Bgl gc ET WALK SLABS 20-tt, aerial. $29 and up. Full or part time, Larger range wi room sellcontain . Whitin " wool othes. ces, oom! PIS se tat to tarde os | S--Nuning Services | PATIO SLABS RA 8.5315 OUI. WANTED | rei eta RE Fa ps. doors from Kors Drug || Solus And ano reserves the right | ANDEN NURSING HOME STEPS & PORCHES Tg insurance S-- -| SCRAP IRON, POULTRY |SmuLomiave Dem. Xb Bex wi ---- "PARKWAY TELEVISION AND FEATHER TICKS |41--Room end Board |r Apply 100 Simcoe Sou - . z 7 -- V.. 38% =e - occurs, And also reserves the right Store) lassity adver t " on Domivication Serie. Yo (Licensed) WELL TILE ALLATATE Auto Insurance. Save uj up | : | I {to 30 per cent, mine months to pay. | ELECTROHOME . TURNER v 'W FUNERAL In the case of display advertise: KING ST, WEST Fo BRIGHT, furnished single room for. GERRO uv ments The Times will not be held Eaclaive. nursing ornate CURBING Tor final srvies at your home, RA, CTOR CRA, RA 3 2043 one PRN wa. op RJ | Ewan rnin EET i ROOM and" buard for. we genlieme: oom Toure: "Apply 30 Brew CHAPEL reiponaidle for more space than : Dan that in which the actual error oc. convalescent and elderly peo Shei cupies. The publishers endeavour to || ple, (Men ond Women), | BROOKLIN 17--Money to Loan The finest JN Jsievision ond (collect) Sngle beds, Sea, J Ma Stine, elose close | Street from 4 to " 0 sou ™ ONrURNTSRED J The finest service ot advertisement are contained theres | : and dieticians in at, Ind 5 ee ---- moderate prices, any inaccuracies in any form of Nurses i i mortgag 918 Simcoe N. -- RA 3.3043 TT | BRAND new bungalow, close to Shop. ment, 34 rooms and Dathrvorn, Ry Jv aro i dvr wer | ottendance, Tray service, 4 4 meee NN. ~ RA 8-6226 ESaeh wa cna na Sosy [| odio, Tv. lounae CONCRETE Ea a Bath as -- Tv. eas | CEDARDALE [houline hom, RESIS O30 Sri JE, wr sien. 3 i "monies rat WV ws Ys - . TR Re ae aie ta rai --_---------- 390 King Street West | 6----Optometrists PRODUCTS LIMITED and ween 'morigurns. Norasees nd Allchgrral : antenna, rush SC RAP THRER coum. Private Sah .t THREE © Tom and two < room apart IC 0! , Apec a ale wm roof material, ent welcome. fi Mute "snomaies, sven and| Phone 155 Brooklin [ME Sway, "Barrier and Netw 20 #, $24.00; 30 #. $34.00; IRONY METAL LTD. [ont Possession Abril 18. Phone RAS aE ' Welland Canal Tox Flaele % Mon., Wed, Fri Publie, 30 King East, Oshawa, RA . t iv a [8.1400 between § a T pm. vate -~ IN MEMORIAM flamer Rvenings, Mon. Wea bri, 14 Wo Ouportunitios [14600 Retr enter $65.00; Towers - | IRON : : METALS | ral conveniences. trance, Kitchen Suncards. fir A Ding ' Open Next Monday Disney Bldg, 31 King Fast PP LIENTE money to loan on first mort: $54.00, PAPERS : : RAGS entleman preferred. Apply @8 unfurnished. Phone R. - PRY « In loving memory of our dear PARTNER wanted for ladiea' sports gage, Mortgage and agreements of sale LEN & LOU'S T.V. p Fast or RA & ot FOUR . room i - ve cond won and brother, Walter Fry, who pass PORT COLBORNE (CP)--T) 7 Surveyors wear store, or will sell 'outright, small arehased, A mortgages arra RA 5.7 OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY |TiREE - room Oe -- unfurnish. [Phone RA 804%. by od away Apri 11, 198) Welland St he COPE Omir Tana CAtal required. Write Box 716, Osh (Creighton, Fraser, Dryoan and Mur: 5.7844 RA 5.3432 ed: Use of washing machine. Apply 481 | THREE * room, furnished a elland Ship Canal will open for DONALD W, TROLLC n atlo La awa Times n dooh, Bowmanville MA 3. A 3.3942 RESIDENCE -- RA 5.4159 Howard Street or RA 3.2386 76f | private we pale for os EEE 14 332% "gay: A wonderful son, one of the best RA 3. a -------- May God grant him eternal rest the 1939 season of Great Lakes Surveyor, 318 Alice Stieel, | FIRAT and second _ ale -- [north end 36008 after he Jemembered and sadly missed navigation next Monday at 8 a JY. HORTON and Duociaten, on ATTENTION agreements Parone id, a, "Noa Hen. | 23--Women' ) Column | 100 ANNIS STREET SURE unturnished reoms on Sound | om. ! da Sv ors | \ 3 - am, weather permitting gineering 70 Narwood Avenue South] [treat Fan RA AN [SPECIAL -- heat permanents, 35.30: FREE PICK-UP childrtn welcome. $30 monthly, Lights TWO clean, furnished rooms, MANN -- In loving memory of our The opening date Is about a Ajax. Phone RA %013} | Route Open For cold waves, $5.30. Page Hairdressing. tuciuded. APpY 07 Broek Stet Fast; | lh Sova, BAS Ih Riches ive daar son and brother, Larry, Who past week later than usual. It has 3% Pine Avenue, RA 3.536: 35--Employment Wanted | HEEL fu corn a 8---Building Trades ROOM board optional, near Dupiate, [Ment er sult y- king 4 od away Easter Sunday, April 1, 13 boo nA, | Remembrance is a golden chain heen delayed this year due to ice | Tobacco Delivery SPENCER foundation gstmaths, Ine MAN wishes employment, anything Phone RA 83643 vei [oT -- Death tries to break but all in vain: conditions CARPENTER work, framing, trim vidually Mg an n EE = | 3 Tome, apartment, centrally To have, to love, and then to part, Kitchen cabinets, custom work | . lore Mrs, 1 Hende , Canal crews will man bridges ming, Wich Mortgages arranged. All Con be operated on a part rahot, 200 Park Road fers lincence, Write Box 737 Oshawa good meals, laundry, lunches packed. heavy or Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart North, Oshawi \ The years may wipe out many things and locks this week to prepare work guaranteed. RA 3.3870 time Bovey Engblised ac. | ee ea oar * loll i et Close to Shopping Centre, Phone i mani, ba But this they wipe out never; for the official opening, Present \ counts ust have cor or 2 position, typist, receptionist, | LL plumbing and heating supplies ark by Phone MA : The memory of those happy days (indications are little traffic will Mane RA 33321, Harold 8. Stark, Ltd small truck, Minimum re. TAR " Basket - Ot amir, Svatuate of Buber, Bust [ROOM and board for Seneman, ¢ close | LARGE, new, warm w 11 togeth --Rver ramembared hy Mom snd Dad, De MOVINE on opening date, In Dumbing heating and engineering, 83 turns, $53 per week. $2,000 "Your Lending Neighbor | BUR Ieiatoes, oe Jain Tb. bax, You 10 downtown. Apply 3 Elgin an. tas Dasement a oe South Ne water Lois, brothers Jack and Ray, former years ships were lined up Smee Stree! -| cash required for stock and NADA LIMITED INTANT -- position: ful ee N Wp OF CA L Ti ACCOUNTA wants tion; fully | TWO furnished rooms, single beds, gen [ana hot Ae at either end awaiting the open. inventory. For full details (formerly Bellvue) Eee yh ha sRveliance ih balance sheets. Refer. | lemen, breakfast optional, Phone RA | ing LAURIER McKENNA write giving name, oddress RA 3.23909, ) Ly and telephone, to Postal Ste. LOANS up TO $3,000 nn. Ritson Road North, [gee Realisatie Apply Box THN, Oshawa LO BT vn ot Cd Rigg! end, home including all -. - Us. Railroads Fi t Step To | for www pepettanging: | New Q. Box 247, Toronto. | OSHAWAOEFICE [35---Pets end Livestock [SADY, THEE Sah, ig, Sime Ath Area dons Jo, Jos Brive [TV see. RA sais. painting; gyptexing; plastic, 294 Simcoe St. South COLLIE pups for sale. Lassie wpe | EXPERIERUGD typist wil ldo typi BR SY, pE2E5 = - 2523.3 her own home, Phone Whithy, NO RooN or room and board, six-day | 0 Grain Rates on New City Hall has on outskirts of WE WAVE clients' monies for loans on Ochlated, registered. $30. Phone Ajax YOU = man, 2). with chautfeur's Ni. ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail: freight rates on grain to meet an. TORONTO (CP) The first| goer experts. Old floors age service station for awa. RA Saar 3 em Oh Spaniel pups, ma Urer "ang BIOOAIN STR I sic Room and board for gentlemen, con. RA S138. A A fleeing. Waubena Kennel yg Ri bie lined Tuesday to more than 300 Tuesday when city council ine tergtions Kitchen cabinets cation for the right 2rd and 3rd a, RA S631, | wax DRESSER -- Stage age, exper::| PRIVATE rooms for gentlemen: good 2% Drew Street, RA 301%. No 3 Ne Am Phase of the CALL RA 3.7198 . % of our trained ad.visers, es help HOUSEKEEPER, live in, private room. | ROOM and board, close to four comers bons V. Hill, chairman of the : - k, This work will cost $225.000 WRITE BOX k to 35 per cent on grain shipped whole project which should be PAINTING & DECORATING {Supply Co 9 Colina Street. RA $0003 cue, Park Road South at Hillside, a routes. The decision to go ahead was pe free estimates all raining, talk strat 3 For free estimates call . n Jalking strain, APPLY MES. | yrroundings and pleasant Working | ntarnished apartment or house with. Electrically equipped and port representatives largely ISM of the design hy Metropoli- EVENINGS RA 5.7426 orf Thy St 2 cuffs, shirt collars, ete, Dial RA 3.36%. DISCOUNT Pupples. Real beauties, six weeks old. PART-TIME cashier. references need. ter, oe as o til May Reduce [|e Wo tine A 51121 A Som ok seed Teale Separat hed A Abr 3 . . --- ino meals, Separate h aa Building Of omens 8 52851 | MAJOR OIL CO. SEABOARD FINANCE CO. [Raia cofet i orn ho WOMAN wil cr fo hs a 5 Ar Set, RA SUT |FURNWARD fo vom, scott | | ESTIMATES FREE 388 Simcoe North a own hae. dally, Monday HD Friday | FURNISHED A Joma, | TON Tent amy 3 [18a--M RN Young \ \ortgages eerstog one year oid, female, in. RA 31 Phone RA 8-038, TH gotice workers, very central. CHICAGO (AP)---A proposal by HAYNES haw i . [first and second mortgages and pur "8% 61 cence, wants steady work. Write to §. Able in private home, 82 Park Road THREE rooms furnished, stove and res eastern US. rallroads to cut BUILDING CONTRACTOR Oshawa a high gallon- [(RL "0 Joie of 'sale. pas, &: THOROUGNARKD. ~Engiieh ~Saringer Molo, I 1," Brookiin "ar" phone North, 37 pm RA S361. iriceraton TOoed location. RA $0478 sr towards getting Toronto's hs 7 awh a wae a RA ioe nous hot water, home pri 4 ticipated competition from the Seb 0 made lke new. Hardwood | lease. In excellent 'lo- i 3 | 36--Female Help Wanted 3 i St. Lawrence Seaway was out: POW city hall built was taken| or wing Carpenter work al BOARDING, trimming, | P Poly M1 Ritson Road South, str ) IFOR best service when ordering Clas. | ONCt. Phone number and address to meals, TV lounge, home privileges, ruREE-room fiat, unfurnished. . adults, eam men and (EVIE the Srchitects to start our specialty man sified Ads accept the Sugrestions of one | PO BOX 131, Oshawa 2 close to South GM. RA 3.3983, [on bus tne. Ariane Pid wn MORTGAGES [TS0_EEL Dest Tomults, Dial RA 33482. | Must be fond of children. Phone RA (and GM. Good European meals, NA yume i Tooms, Traffic Executives Association of INIT RED aon "- part | HHS evenings Toe 33180 o ivi Sx Bast. LAPD 71 wa ray: the eastern railroads. said the 'ake seven or eight months, and DODD & SOUTER | [tams. pans. hilt wor tauan DAY Naren ranted, good wares, | REST single beds, railroads propose to cut rates 0 Produce a cost estimate for the! PAINTS -- WALLPAPER S11 WHITBY $l Monthl shrimp. Rabbits, Budgies cand: Hons. No Sundars App | Patio-Barbe. Ra Sam" wo a) ; ; 7% Y [de stmt wr Se \ means ONE BEDROOM in competition with seaway Mccurate to within 10 per cent, CONTRACTORS 12--D NOUSEREPER to lve in business | anted 1 Rem APARTMENT a ressmaking For Every $100 Borrowed |BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready or man's home In Whitby: children, good t FOUR Young mw wen desire four-bedroom, Hill told reporters that grain 'aken by council, despite critic DAYS MO 8.523) DRESSMAKING, alterations. drapes, | OSMOPOLITAN Broad, 114 Elgin Street East |conditions. Call RA 88371 for inter b- wppers, butt holes, nding. In 10 miles of Oshawa, Kitchen elec. i thy with th tan Toronto chairman Frederick at. Sarria] © o RRGISTERED miniature Black pondie| view TS trically equipped. Phone RA 3.3443 be. LA SALLE COURT were in sympathy wi © sug 4 107 Byron St. S., Whithy UE gestion but took exception to Gardiner and soaring unofficial : - 13--Gardening & Supplies iy RA S080. wth, Ouarview hi wd. Anply Mr. Camptell. Genes "i LADY oud lke day work, "all day RA 5-3815 --.ys, Fridays, RAI ---- ------ specific restrictions cost estimates. ith ya See | 641 Yonge Street, Toronte | - ' : TEN Bowlers land and garden - Several grain dealers objected Mavor Nathan Phillips said CUSTOM BUILT ine serves. Eu y 0 Bw WA 3.0939 26--Farmer's' Column [sum hid to a minimum carload weight of This will be the most outstand tllaed, gardens and lawns ploughed. | DEAD farm stock picked wp BELL TELEPHONE CO. |roum or fiveroom house. Dahiva ONE BEDROOM s to' aual ne 102 city hall in the world." HOMES rototilled Sidewalk slabs, patie slabs | : Phone collect, Bowmanville, NS THN HAS OPENINGS FOR [Bovmanville. Phete BA Saw, hi mg points qualify ue oe Wires the Viv Was Tce 10.43 : N Everything for your garden RA asm | Cpen 9:00 to 3:30, | Margwin Fur Farm, Tyrone CLERK-TYPISTS | LIGHT housekeeping room, TN APARTMENTS wer rate vers complained X dditiony terations h Saturday 1:00 p.m. BAER Saw a IS Tr ae FW 3: home, with parking space. Phone that railroads often are not able Prove the agreement with the pec .rooms Kit hen Cupboards, | [SALE raw a ay sale, lo : 37149 after 12 noon. i, \o SupBly cars large snough to SrChects and gel the work "700 Hardwood Floors PLANT FOODS | Evenings: Tuesday, Thudoy [shear © Tors toe So 2 ication | APARTMENTS. "houses. ina wks Dusan, ws: pcommodate the 33-ton loads, , } Tank nll 9:00 | v v rms, good tenants. W. MeAune, Rear. tricolly equipped, best locas The grain men also objected to a Nash opposed. He said tater he. HUGH CROSSBY FOR LAWN OR GARDEN | PLEASE WRITE TO nN Prince Street, RA 3313 MO| tion. Buckinghom 'Manor. two-cont-a-ton extra rate for stor. WAS sure the building could net bog 19--Persone |woow Ring Suz saw and cham BOX 647 LL -- ST Sal be put up for anything like the BUILDER S0:Gieen Evergrean--Shun fhtd - a saw. Stow plowing. Phone RA 3.8027 748 44--For Rent RA 8.8676 pe ~ SEAUTIFUL wdal and Bandmade FHT EF EFNTIE The olfer of the lower rate in 000.000 approved hy. the vot RA 5.3937 Sain Tut Socials Shur Sain hata, Noe Wats remodelled, un "> 28e--Hunting - TREE i Toom apartment, avaliable would be only during the seaway = 2 arden apeciai----L.LL, Inple | -- AVON CALLING -- Busi PH 3 813 per week. Can de seen 11 shipping Season, Rates would re- eS whil, civic and, police of FRAM Ten CLL 4.12:10--Milor | TRAILERS oy Gir ell where vou [Smt 3pm er wher dam. 10 on LLOYD REALTY vert to higher levels during wit poliian Toronto police Ea E AND gonite ELECTROLYSIS : : work, Good income selling . SIMCOE North, four and fvevoom! RENTAL AGENCY ter months. This alse met with ion may abandon its plan te TRIMMING Complete Gardening or carefree family holidayy, Avon Cosmetics to your fel. apartment, all conveniences. Call RA| Our fee is less thon @ eriticism. take over the present city hall as. Alteratin Kichan . Supplies ot Rewavel of Jubaruus hele. See the GLENDETTES aot low employees on lunch end 0 %am. Spm | concy, only screened a nts in Nlinois, Indiana, Ohio ) o 1g Is, chen Sup. rie Murd wi in ook's Trailer $ Osh- vest periods. Year-round ex- SINGLE. Tarnished bedroom ioble tenon an ola | i a, Jie Jerduariers when a new hall is boa dy and general repairs. COOPER SMITH CO. Oshawa April 21 ~ 22. Phone Cox J: i " Setes % i Sheds Sahin wk SINGLE: wa od ou west! liable iy cipal beneficiaries of the lower Metre agreed in 195 to > Custom built homes. For free 16 CELINA ST Genosha Hote! on these dates awa miles Fost on High- Outerbridge 42 Soronoe WHITRY--one. or twodedroom apart. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. buy the, estimates phone Christensen > for appointment way No. 2. Telephone RA | gy, Toron! 1° ments, electrically pana] daleony, |} sates, Hill said. (old city hall for $4,300,000. | Comat, RA 5.6328. RA 3.2312 | 122] 3.9534 or RA 3 i to RU [arking, laundry teciitien, lockers. AP O01 Simcoe St. N. April 22{ 3 or RA 3-9017. 2.7567, between 8-9 em. ply 101 Crayden Road, MO Sam, RA 3313

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