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The Oshawa Times, 2 Apr 1959, p. 16

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 2, 1959 18 "Last Place' A Naughty Word | OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS . | For Manager Eddie Sawyer |e wove acer mm me go zoe, McFarlands Jubilantly FIGHTS LAST ® The cosy, compact appearance of| i 'Mathi 3 ] TLE mmomER jaded cnchr sian Lops mob, PE ek en Shue BS Sl iY IR @TUITT LO Dellevilie CHEE Sad PL . (AP)--|infielders Ted Kazanski an reed 9 shutout and D. Garro . parade, whi e Dot mention 1ash place to Eadie Johnny O'Brien to Miwaukee become' more spread om again, Wilton ob corms, 3 Lotutrt 2 ; a number of floats, Is sponsored By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ba The likable Philadelphia Braves. In return they received|naif a section remaining anything|ghiers 16, Gyros 23 and G &'s 9. '| BELLEVILLE (CP) -- The the world championship in Pra. T. Eaton Co. and some smaller by the booster club which raised ori these two|pitcher Gene Conley, shortstop|can happen, but ene team ls moviné Lemon League - G. Dawson B.lyorld amateur hockey champion gue last month, [stores said they would not. $10,000 for expenses op the trip| Dallas, Tex.--Roy Harrls, 188, words taboo in the Phillies'|Joe Koeppe and infielder - out-|gou, a choy have really got up| co ron H. Aldred and G. MOFGA: |pejleville McFarlands return NOT ALL STORES CLOSE |" The mayor was to consult the to Prague. Cut and Shoot, Tex., outpointed camp fielder Harry Hanebrink. steam in the past month, LADIES' MAJOR 'B' LEAGUE home today but apparently the Mayor Gerand B. Hyde issued attorney-general's office to see, A public reception and dance Donnie Fleeman, 183, Midlothian, "We're definitely mot a last-| Sawyer reasoned that his pitch-| This team with the boilers bulging| Points taken -- Hendersons 4 West-|ladies' ready-to-wear and some a proclamation ordering stores to|whether his proclamation was will be held tonight, at the arm-\mey 13. Joey Glambra, 157, Buf place elub," Sawyer sald. "We're ing jas oot to be better because red hot ok Is the Mabie Lasts who dow arn 'fire J eb aor Gui. [other businesses are not suitably| dvge of Di 31a. on Sie gala legal, If the office says it is legal, orles and oh Meet of the falo. N Y outpointed Al . r last year. of the stronger defence a chells 2; and Subway Lunch 2, Burns 2. impressed. ay to allow their employees to it is reported some form of ac-{team will receive an pibed; 810, N.¥. Andrews, fon, Ji poh i 3 'bui catching. He named Robin Rob-|! ro Prd I Over 600 -- Grace Farrell 708 (308), This city of 20,500 is expected join the welcofhe. ion may be taken. mantel clock at a civic dinner|160, Superior, Wis., 10, the made several changes re ; S 846. : change has been in erts (17-14), Gomez (10-12), Curtied Vauxhall's section ambitions with Pett' befcack 260 Jule Brits Pb to double im size as residents| Chain grocery stores, teres GAY WITH COLORS Tuesday. The plavers will re-| ou. Ga. Carmen Basilio, tude. I think the biggest Simmons (7-14), Don Cardwell 40 setback as they rolled over the|y, le," 305). from surrounding areas crowd in|clothing stores, and shoe ceive coffee tables from the thing en accomplished don (3-6), Ray Semproch (13-11) and oi ar ae Lemon League -- 141 Greer 97, io welcome the senior team that/said they would comply but the| The city Is gay with colors of booster club at another reception 155, Chittenango, N.Y., stopped ting Tid of the losing complex. Seth Morehead (1-6) as his starl-| season now have settled away and en Gd oe ns Mary| won the Allan Cup las' year and|ladies' ready-to-wear stores, the/the team which will be paraded|next week. Arley Seifer, 150, Pittsburgh, 8. t. ers. Dick Farrell (8-9) and Jack|with their 40 win from Delcos are 92 and Phoebe Mullen 85. |TV |. 7 ' tm-------- me es ret ---- Di Sious Jakes 53,10. lag {Meyer (3-6) will handle the bulk now first # Jie | Seotivn and smi am, sanding ~ Subway Lunch iol on The Phillies have made three of the relief work. ing at lant, but should keep their flog Ts, Onde aons, 12:04 Bite 114s, Mit important trades that should help| ASHBURN OUTFIELD STAR Dicwis seme up with wo id names shells 550, Whites Jou, 10- 0 the club emerge from the cellar.| "yy, Anderson, the regular|win from Olds who hit 1100 twice. This WED. NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE One gave them a second base; "qe gives every indica-|was the only match that did not go . man, who may rank as one of, © being one of the top home|Yia the shutout route and put Diesels Hien Single Theas Browd mw. " the Dest defensive infielders ini yun and RBI men in the league |i the second spot in the standin. he | oy mons 646; Thelma Brown 621 and the league He f 5 Tat this year. Richie Ashburn, the|and topped Buicks cold 4-0 and this|Fay Barnum 616. f i bl ok (Sparky) Anderson, formerly of noon) Teague batting cham-|came when Buicks were in the thick | 200 Singles: Georgina Nesbitt 31, Banish Winter Grime -- n Dow o-0u Time Montreal. The second brought a hion again will be in centre field of the section race. G.M.C.'s also|Verna Dewell 244, Marg McKay 3227 . | Pi hindered Pontiacs high aims with an-|221, J Bell 223, Shirley P new battery, pitcher Ruben Go-|( i' Wally 'Post in right. Bob omar cao. win and this moved ne | oo, Betty Pearce 21, Jean Mistiak Carnauba Wax plus Silicone Base mez and catcher Valmy Thomas, gy an and pinch hitter Dave/GM men trom the cellar, for Delcos|21, Marg. Slute 207, Marilyn 207, pd from San Francisco. | Philley are the outfield alter- and Olds who are now co-tenants. | May Robson 203, Mary Tureski 3 Progen, |With five nights still to go in this | Allce Langley 202 and Mary Morton 4 SAWYER PLEASED | nates. | section anything Could Romper ang from 20." nfley - Li t to like that deal,"| The infield shapes up with Ed [past records no doubt will, so all you| : ; \ I've got to | Lemon League: Pauline Blackler 99, jad with built in CLFANE | { |] L] Sawyer said. "We need a/Bouchee at first, Anderson at|leaders wil Ihave to keep your tongues p.."granton 97, Dorothy Wallace 92, er. The combined batting second, Chico Fernandez at short|{ your cheeks when talking of What ang yerna, Dewell 91. « & Cc ion - | in on™ Liquid 20-0x. Con = Paste Wax S-0x. Con average of the three we had last and either Gene Freese or Willie| "mu. wor sonnnie Trott provea A Team Standings: Go-Getters 18, Hot: 1 shots 16, Blue Jays 12, Merry Macs 11, | Clean... Wax... 49 [ ) year was .210. Thomas hit around Jones at third. he 1s one of the city's top bowlers as| $1018 16, Blue Jave 12, Merry Mace 11, 260 and he's a fine receiver.| Sawyer has four catchers and |he hit for a pretty (except for Vaux- Slowicls 0 cDlleyeals 4) he . Gomez is an established pitcher doesn't yet know which three will halls) 834 (256-367-211) and this moved § ----- loaded with CHROME and Weather Seal 205 A his average up again to at least 237, » to reach his peak. stick. They should rate in this or- | WED, NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE who has still to P Nice going John, Lower would be i We btat 3 "oh " He's been just about perfect this der: 1. Thomas; 2. Jim Hegan; satellites were John "Digger" pell| High Single: Thelma Brown 246. " . |718 (218-280-220), Harold Clarke 710 High Triples: Chris Collins 654, \ the diamond-like lustre of mew spring. 3. Carl Sawatski; 4. Rookle Jim 7is Qi8a80220) Haro Clar ©70 ehnn Simones Gis Thema. Brows yed AND YOU SAVE | and J probe 'she diamond-Hke luttns uf, tt S-- §\ in half the time Then, Tuesday night, the Phils! Coker. [with 701 (294.215.2923). By the way #21 and Fay Bavier igh oo ig Henry, the executive has made an! Singles: Georgina Nes 5, 3 appointment for you with the optom.| Verna Dewell 244, Marg. McKay 227 x 4 3 GCUARANTEE-If you do not a oe that Armore TRADE AFTERSIGHT sire," ee you one ofthe" aficers 231, Joyce Dell Im Shirky" Powers i Shoen ln the easiest, lpngest lasting. protection of the league. You know who. We also 217, Betty Pearce 216, Jean Misztak | ts = = k you have ever applied to your ear , , , return any had a good number of high singles as Be, Marg Sluis 207, Jansing 30, Find he SE Je unused portion and we will ge your S 3 r h ce M i Gai ' 3 choice Blake Walls banged out 310 to top| Robson ary (auras ' 1h of any national polich wo soll ' Tony Desjardines 296, Fred Bidgood [Lansley 202 and Marg. Morton 3200. 7 4 : > 201 (he doesn't even use his right| Lemon League: Pauline Blackler 99 ' % : ABSOLUTELY FREER! hand), Don 'Marshall 278, Bill Cowan! Bea Branton 97, Dorothy Wallace 92 3 4 fiat 4 273, A. Brisebols 268, John Kozak 262. and Verna Dewell 91. / % t George Northey 254 and mighty Ernie % RS : Team Standings: Go-Getters 18, Hot Pope 251, Some of the others includ. | shots 16, Bluejays 12, Merry Macs 17, ing yours truly and Pat Jarvis just mis. |Slowjets 8, Alleycats 6, Bellringers 5 or ar £ sed ylesing their names in print this and Pin Pickers 4. week. - L Third Section Standing: Maple Leafs 413.57; Cadillacs 4-11-33; Diesels 3.10. By JACK CLARY | In other exhibition games, |40: Chevs 4.9.47, Buicks 0-850; GMC's Associated Press Sports Writer (Cleveland edged Boston 5-4, Los |piitt Viehalls 07.40, Pontiacs 0.6.49, The first returns are in on last Angeles shut out Philadelphia 8-0, A 13, week's Sam Jones - Bill White Cincinnati defeated Washington GMC PLATERS LEAGUE % trade between St. Louis Cardin- 6-4, Chicago White Sox humbled nays Haskere whilst having to be satis- [ \ Re ' E 2 als and San Francisco Giants. It Milwaukee 8-5, Kansas City won |g ened rH fhe Foi with gh : 3 BY 3 A 1--CLASS CLEANER -- Film-free 3--CHROME and METAL POLISH looks as if Card general mana- over Detroit 4-3 and Baltimore leadership race. / \ f : --- Removes must ond 'tarnish == ger Bing Devine might not have edged Pittsburgh 4-3 in a 12-in-| The Mixers caught the Polishers on Un gd [ 9 : \ brilliance. 19 restores brilliance and gotten the bad end after all. ning night game. [thelr off night to take 3 points, and ' PQ . a Devine was criticized for giv-| The Indians' Herb Score | Gomi orf ihe o ere! Maht S2king i : : / Spraydr for above ooo... . 419 hot ied ing Jones, his pitching mainstay pitched three innings, giving up Smith's men rolled up a tidy pinfall / RK by if \ wih last season with a 14-13 record, four runs on homers by Sammy fhe G 87's have been unfortunate in 2 \ i 2~UPHOLSTERY CLEANER to the Giants for White, an in- White and Frank Maizone but nator" osttion te to "more Tools . A ) i 1 ---- Nh eo gy ou fielder with limited major league striking out eight. |captain, who has an average over 1 ( Kg A trated for seat covers and £9 | 1200, |} © . od experience. DODGER BATS BOOM A ar ani JaKinE Bis battle plan) > ; \J upholstery, 8-ox, . t start for Phang ns a Rigney. Gil Hodges' homer and double The Automatics had an off night but i \ y was blasted Wednesday for nine and Duke Snider's triple and |ghiners The Auto's are still confident ¢ J : hits and nine runs in four in-|double powered Los Angeles to of reaching top place before the sea-| : \ | ings by the Chicago Cubs who its victory. Eddie Kasko's eighth. | Y beat the Giants 10-5. Jones jilling triple sparked the Cincin-| EXECUTIVES PAID OFF i > 5 X ; yielded three - run homers to im. | LONDON (Reuters) -- Two| edfd% i! : : George Altman and Moose The White Sox routed Joey Jay, coo oo oo Fo = BOO he el fh low price y ge | To Moryn. with a five-run eighth inning, and | On the other hand, White has Kansas City pinchhitter Preston tal of £83,000 ($246,400) for the, os FOR ALL SIZES made a favorable impression on Ward slammed a two-run homer loss of their jobs. They are Lord * Ql --Men's, Ladies' ' ' manager Solly Hemus-- in the ninth inning to beat the porta] and Geoffrey Cunliffe, for-| 3 Boys', Girly' d ' - 0) his error Wednesday Tigers. hief: i 2 » the for a ficverun| Al Pilarcik singled in the 12th Mer chiefs of the British Alum- i : in 1 ork Yankee ninth ining inning fo give victory to Balti-|inium Company. Cunliffe got| All that's looked for in a F EATURES GALORE~ Fine Quality gave the world champions more's Connie Johnson, a former| £58,000 and Portal £30,000. They bicycle clay safety, jack-rab- ® Full-biagsd dropside mudguards CHAMOIS victory. Toronto Maple Leaf star trying resigned w .| . ® Automoti D Hemus gave White the are fo stick with Orioles despite an (1s to ne oenrrey eouority hold bit starts, . , tusteful styling |." enamey Anish; Maroon oy Bie, uatrous baked | | Nor ioaning and m h contrasting , polishing cams, job and moved Joe Cunning- indifferent 1958 season. Johnson Ing in the company was acquired lal VINES ARNE XR + « + the SUPER-CYCLE has it %o right field. White has hit hurled four innings of hitless ball |1ast January by Reynolds Metals CIGARETTE -- and morel o BeTy Quick-Stop Coaster Brake dows, glassware, ste. nd sinice joining the C "Ott the Tield, the Orioles traded Y 2d The. loves) High spirited, alert and re- parts frame Sis si e s e field, the Orioles ts of Britain. 4 are triple chrom ning; White's a five-hit tal righthander il = sponsive under pedal . . . [| ¢ Tons: Ple chromed -- even the ving ;.-- = . eight and per-|Loes to s for raction-built heavy duty tir, formance hy Mi-|Vito Valentinetti, another | and the SUPER-CYCLE is $15 o Sear ratio for speedy riding. nell. hander. less in price than any other ouble-rubber bioek pedals 7 Pedalling comparable bicycle in town. Roy Haris Wins | 5. Michael's 7 Juvenile SUPER-CYOLE fice == uo =v = 33.5 20" wheels Dot wo Rematch | Down Petes > Sidewalk SUPER-BYOLE fish i75:ss == = = 36,06 DALLAS, Tex. (AP) -- Roy 18" wheels rR En i | he | oo een i bor) In Thriller ; 2 | Worth $3.0 HIGH SPEED, Live RUBBER : Ad i . ! Powder, 5-05. con » his manager didn't think he was| TORONTO (CP) -- pA he ..... 09 any closer to a rematch with | for their first OHA Junior A Be b world's heavyweight champion'championship since 1947, 6t.| : fo 1 i ir Floyd Patterson. [Michael's Colleze Majors downed | V3 OF i a 5V2 fluid ox. ... Bit 5 ¥ . 12 fluid os. .___ , EACH Ld .. $ Arn amie fue "Y don't think so," Lou Viscusi, Peterborough Petes 4-1 Wednes- : : Harris' manager, laughed when day night to move within one| Replace worn tires NOW -- at big Canadian asked whether he thought the game of the Eastern Canada jun- Tire savings. Sturdy rim -hugging beading. one-sided Wednesday night vic-|jor final Speedy traction tread. Most popular sizes, flees. Value. tory. brought the Big Paavy. Centre Dave Keon opened the! J BE ye. 3 . weight champion m Cut and|scoring with the only goal of the Rt Shoot any closer to a rematch first period and fired the last i ; ave on Worth $1 J" ; " AR." 7} : with Patterson. Patterson cut goal in the third to spark the To- Ef ; : 2) Ws 3 Harris to ribbons last year for a/ronto win. It gave St Michael's] 3 3 Po es Seqmies red Tubbs. us stand 79 > Nab a 20 le H pt A 5: x A x y TRO 5 10 ganes but 10! thet of . 2 x 1%" Endrick size, 26 x 1%", ® ; AN . Viscusi had said earlier he felt point total at six since two previ- # Harris won big it would help ous contests ended in ties. : . him toward a rematch. PETES BABCOCK SCORES 3 NEED RE IT Harris won a lop-sided margin| p,q, winger Dave Draper and| ipa : i» NO 10 PAIR over Fleeman, but he had to jab P 4 cenire Jack Cole were the other) his way to it from behind a mask J of blood. Late in the fight Harris 1oronto marksmen. Larry Bab. landed freely, but was unable to cack scored Peterborough's only, : 2 ; 5 » \ J - . rl A score a knockdown. 5 . ' 7 » A butt nthe second round iS Michael's second goal camel "MOULDED" RUBBER opened a ragged, two-inch cut'p; 3 SADDLE -- Comfortable, GENERATOR SET -- Effi. "TANITA" ELECTRIC Harris' eye. It bled badly 4 J f ; || flexible and waterproof. 2 ciently provides a powerful HORN -- Remote control until after the seventh, when isi Soakio, Jasques Caron, Who vas a J resilient coil springs and 10 flood of light. Colorful head- button, Battery powered -- FIBREGLASS ASK ABOUT ds stopped the bleeding. (Caron had" ues blonkeq Lares : longitudinal 179 lamps Withwil g9Q for long or short 1 ' Fleeman, 183, of Midlothian, Keenan's drive from elose in. | 3 : 0 Aprings comme blasts... y Tex., looked good in the early] Goals by Cole and Keon, | Iouuds, WA faed badly and was Juaced three minutes apart in} " ; |_| | a well-bea er end the third period, gave Toronto al : : ™ 1 (2p LIQUID of the 12th round. ~ 40 lead but just after the mii. od RAL FL Harris, 198, never let up with way mark Babcock fired a 20- iJ "o 8 4 CHAIN GUARD ve ns Saute his steaming left jabs, and stag-|footer past Cesare Maniago to! Smart trim styling. Adust- CCC IA PLASTIC gered the gritty Fleeman several wipe out his shutout. i times with hard rights. [HELPS OTHER SIDE Bright Bike. Protects clothin y 99 Wavne Connelly set up Cole's * Bach : KICK STAND CYCLE SPEEDOMET Seaway Men [sli e grr e pec nner Sur Ba 1B cami pope te Homers NO MIXING--NO FITTING NO FABRIC --JUST BRUSH ON hi: own net. Cole pounced on it| TWO-TONE 1 ilt-i i . | | K L : ated. Built-in mileage. Preci- and whipped in a five-foot shot. | S P 0 R J A C K F S Po A Loven! Jt § i ecelve pth 3 | [ | with either Red, Blue or pring. ®»" sion ) pass from Costelig Jollee of Green. Each 2.2 Eaeh 19 9 - 5.90 : | Own Union roo posing ig Thgoniy FOR SPRI NG AND LATER JEWFILLED MUD TORPEDO" OTTAWA (CP)--The Canadian po kc 5 Picked up three of the "Trans. y HEADLAMP | R Brotherhood of Railway, Trans- 4 DROP IN AN EE WA F P OTe s "ne vert asl possibly tout D SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF LA al : - A Gal. . A at plans to apply game will be in Peterborough] THIS SPRING'S NEWEST JACKETS, I -- as bargaining agent for workers on the new St. Lawrence Semmay: | Friday night. mar azo Teachers' Swap 2950 10 39.50 [E22 |: 2 <4 59! SOLD ONLY AT YOUR way authority, is expected to file| an application next week with the| With Russi a IF IT'S NEW . . . FREE CUSTOMER p : 6 Canada Labor Relations Board. ARKIN cont vem hve Tad 10 oo To Be Prepared DOVER'S WILL HAVE IT FIRST! CANADIAN TIRE STORE lective bargaining rights, as em. ployees of the federal transnort i To] ; department. Starting Wednesday. OTTAWA (CP)--The Cenadian! OSHAWA SHO CENT! > Ad T OPEN A BUDGET they! Same under the seaway| Teachers Federation is phism --~N WA PPING RE [| Ji} N CANADIAN IRE ACCOUNT Low ore HOURS ut! y. ing short- h isits wh - Whether he authority --- ap bet cen Canadian and Russian | \} MONTHLY FRIDAY NIGHT 'TILL gency govern- teachers, bu C 3 bo i prepared to engage secretary i Sve RY: ; : ASSOCIATE STORE PAYMENTS 9 PM. eollective bargaininz has not is still in the preliminary discus- bean Su. Sida said son stage. 4 siesta 4 ~ \ problem a one, 3 ve or s anadian = . The workers sre employed in|teach id -- Earl A, Smith Co. Ltd, : tie [oe a vod Toy, thar own " Sorry to inconvenience our customers while chang- eri 00 losartan of Toate tat re be the ! > OSHAWA 115 SIMCOEST.S. RA 8.6272 Ontario, and Beawhornols [present plans, h heard ESTABLISHED ing over to self serve. ey oy (10 Devhoritis [Fresent ¥ . out Wy my

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