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The Oshawa Times, 2 Apr 1959, p. 4

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3 Picnic Table Lack Cause For Debate THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 2, 1959 Club Social ' Is Enjoyed Members of the Humoresque Club for the Blind held their re- gular social evening at the CRA building last Thursday. Under the direction of the so- cial conveners a bingo was held Prizes were won by Charles {Lovell, Mrs. Violet Pike, Miss [Freda White, Mrs. Iva Forrest, -- ~ ell, Mrs. Eva Wakely, Mrs, Maud Jones, Mrs. May Gardiner, Mrs, R. S. Elliott, Mrs. Mary Leach, Bill Hunka, Mrs. D. W, 'Armistead, Mrs, Mary Lovell, |Mrs. Clara Suddard won the Cus i Ls r ink that this|stated that the pee wees end their p I'S a th ro. topics discussed at a meeting of |The reason 1 thin . i A maf 5. od bv Mis. hi SUP MOLE WN ie si the Central Council of Neighbor- overcrowding occurs," he said, hockey Sooo this _Saturtiel, Jack Bird and Mrs. Louis Ham- North Public School will be laid hood Associations ~Wednesday|"is because people know that/bowling has ; i gin mill April 22 at 3 p.m. by S. G. Say- night at the CRA building. R. Ether will ot se another bus for 0g, aud the dar! Season ine x a . irman of the Board ! commented that le/at least a half an hour. N vel, Suairman 9 the Board of ee oy and other or] A motion was passed that Cen-|said that this Saturday morning CANADA'S GIFT : " y 3 's weddi i ngs rgaret Public School, no picnic tables for Oshawa resi-| cb Chtads's eidine Ahi Sope Margarel gin and in- dedta during the summer week-| OFFICERS ELECTED fo fees Ferm at 9 am. in the and his bride, commoner Mich- troduction will be given by ends. ; The annual election of officers liko Shoda The 'wedding date is Trustee G. K, Drynan, chairman' "It has been getting worse for was held at this meeting of Cen- Jes Ogden veporied thal ot April 10. The stole will be pres: of the property commitiee. the past five years," said Mr.|tral Council, with Chris Mason somal et 5 ented through the Canadian Em Mayor Lyman A. Gifford will Wilson, "and it probably will be heing re-elected as president. J I De He Mrs. Minnie Fry, Miss Florence 2 - Werry, Miss Vera Siblock, Ro- Plan La in etter red ying 3 Of Stone At | For Osh Residents Easter prize. : : The ye were inexpensive Out of town residents visiting/not make an extra. trip for pos-] Mr, Andrews also gave the " ies ar i {tral Council investigate city buses|will see North Oshawa pee wees The school, when completed, 1s Palities. are taking w al Be Cn and inform the| hook up with Eastview in the "A" bassy at Tokyo. axtend a civic welcome from the worse than ever this year." The Other members of the executive Spin PAS ob City Y Oshawa. The dedication president of Central Council|are, George Waite, first vice-(Oshawa will attend, sponsored by ~ Ho 1 w NELSON WHINFIELD, 380 Athol street east, Wednesday celebrated the completion of 50 years in railroad work. Start ing his career as a call boy at Owen Sound he came to Osh awa in 1918 to take a position in the freight office of the Osh Railway Worker For 50 Years of the " Pai awa Railway Co. He has been chief clerk for eight years. To mark the occasion a party was held at his home, Here he is geen surrounded by some of his many friends and associ- ates land Cousins, Mrs. Loretta Gatch but a good time was enjoyed by New School |Lekeview Park was one of the|sibly three or four passengers. sports committee report, OTTAWA (CP)--A mink stole expected to be known as Prin-(space at the park and Jenving pveren Wing 2a Rock up with Eastview 18 esis prayer will be offered by Rev. Chris Mason, commented th a t/president; C. Grimbleby, second|the CRA recreation committee. C. D. Cross, recior of St. because Lakeview is a public|yice - president; R. F. Germond, |pARK REPORTS George's Memorial Anglican park, there is nothing that canisecretary; Percy Bent, treasurer) .... following park reports Church, chairman of the Oshawa be done about it. land William Foreman and Lloyd were given. Ministerial Association, "The park is operated under a/ Edwards, auditors. 3 of Conant Park sports chairman Commemoration documents will 'first come, first served' basis," It was decided that the "free |was authorized $25 to take the be placed in the corner stone by gaid Wes. Ogden. "You can't turn|/dance for all the active [Hockey team on an outing instead Trustee H. B. Armstrong. chair- them away." He said that if{tee members in every neighbor-| =, 5 oo banquet, man of the building and planning people from out of town happen hood association in the city will] Eastview is presently conduct. committee, [to arrive at the park before Osh-|be held Saturday, April 18, at the! a membership drive. The trowel to be used in the awa residents, the out-of-towners CRA. It was also suggested that| Storie will open June 8 and is ceremony will be presented to would get the préference for|a room be set aside for those de- also planning a membership Mr. Saywell by Trustee Mrs. C. tables. Mr. Ogden also comment-|siring to play cards instead of 4. 0 C. Lee. ed that there is a three - hour dancing. | North Oshawa plans to hold its limit for tables, However, some ARENA ACTIVITIES annual meeting April 25, |are claiming them for much| Representing the Children's Rundle -- The same officers CELEBRATING longer periods. {Arena Commission, R. E. Wilson haye heen elected for the coming Mr. Wilson said he admitted|commented that the ice will be| year. They also plan a supper for BIRTHDAYS [that the out-of-town people could taken out April 15. The first week the hockey team to be held April {not be told to stay out. However, |in May, the Kinsmen's Hobby | 2) and the park will open June Congratulations and best [he stated( if it would be of any Show will be held is the arena, (24 Final arrangements are also wishes to the following resi- [benefit to the citizens of Osh-land a dog show will be held dur-/heing made for a new building. dente of Oshawa and district |awa, he would be in favor of|ing July. Mr .Wilson said that) wo qview has four new meme who are celebrating birthdays |any action that might be taken to the commission is anticipating 2 hers on the executive. Art class today lcorrect the situation. Jsuceessiu roller skating 8eason oc and copper tooling have been glas Weales, RR 1, <Q {this year. {completed and a junior archery pi iglas, Wea McClennen, |BUS OVERCROWDING He thanked all the managers, | crue will be Wa 3 Sool. 163 Simcoe street south: | Another item which Robin Taylor, 1192 Cloverdale street; Patricia Ann O'Brien, 324 Anderson avenue; David Oshawa Times Photo been working on the advent long-haul truck railroad -- 50 years today," Nel- "About 15 years ago 3h trucks son Whinfield improvised Wed- really got going, and took an nesday, at his desk in the freight awful lot of business from the office of the Oshawa Railway railways, particularly on short Company hauls no railway "I've could com His half century of office work pete with the truck freight rates on Canada's railways started in'over short distances." Owen Sound, April 1, 1909. He When he started was 13 years old then and had a his office handled freight and job as call-boy for the CPR tickets for the CNR, the CPR, the " This job, he said, involved call- old Canadian Northern Railway ing out the crews for {rains as and the Oshawa streetcars, they were needed. "It meant a which, he said, were just discard fot of leg work," he said wryly. ing the open cars at that time "put it was worth it, I was paid STREET CARS POPULAR the handsome sum of $15 a gtreet cars, he said, were the month." favorite mode of transportation in After four years with the CPR. those days. Even the mail was he became a clerk for the Inland carried to the post office by a Navigation Company -- now Can: special street car, and lakeshore ada Steamships Lines. In 1914 he picnic parties commonly crowded went overseas with the 123rd Bat-/{he trams talion, Royal Grenadiers, and Mr Whinfield, who is married returned to his desk in 1917 and has two daughters, will re- HERE SINCE 1918 tire in August of next year, when In 1018 he came to Oshawa, he reaches the age of 65 where he has worked ever since "The railways and I have al- in the Oshawa Railway freight ways got on well." he said, "I office. He has been chief clerk have always rade a good living n working for them. : i A eo 'many changes| There will always be rail: | SEE rege eS poses Board Has Be gun Spring Work Program with theiroad." It's rake and 1 toll season for the represents the winter efforts of tersection dividers in city streets. Oshawa Parks 1 oard the 15-man regular parks staff.' There are a total of 42 green In the park a reas that are not Normally, by April, the board areas maintained by the parks still waterloggd ki, parks board has hired most of summer board. Of these, 27 are municis ¥ employees are taking away dead staff, which brings the work force pal parks. Much of the land tend- i foliage and rol Eng the gras in Oshawa by £ came «The 'ehange, he sald, came Evangelist Has Left Foundation Rev. W. R. Wighton awa Baptist evangelist formerly connected with the Freedom Foundation of Canada's gold min- " ing project in British Columbia MANN crowding. George Waite, vice-|{hat he thought there were S0Me| pa dio is planning a membership |president, stated that on one oc-\marvellous pee wee hockey play-|3uive and also holding euchres. IRR, 4 is 3 elling y ost; ; : TO SHOW CURIOS AT HOBBY SHOW a ol Torn Ty |said that the maximum number earlier. Sunnyside is planning a mem- Hugo Rink, of "Trull's Rd. N., | sent to Indonesia, originally, | tion, which Mr. Rink .has | west: Mike Sullivan, 129 {that should be standing should| Robert Andrews reported that|perchin drive and also planning ; only be six. | presently the Central Council has|¢o" build a new elubhouse. The I wf h a vil fir SBRS" 3 " he forthcoming Kins- 53 (hour, and that the bus officials] which was heawly poisoned | a civil firm in Macassa and be. | hibited at t | Oshawa: Matt Loyden, 253 | ) A nd do 1 and was used b y a member of | gan collecting the ancient cur- | men Hobby Show which will be | iid crescent: John Wale (would maintain that they would be accepted until this Saturday.|a)eq suggested ' that each park L the Balinese molility, is one of ios. Many of the most valuable | held at the children's arena | y.,.e 45 Montgomery street, | EEN take up a petition that the ci " . . ---- instal lights in all the Li ..» | Riding Will Have tween 1919 amr 1946, He was | but a large and interesting por- Oshawa Times Photo, | ("The Oshawa Times o haute os of ge gh - i . - ;§ _ -- their birthdays each day will ged Ry he spokesman taid. receive double Hekete to Tre and suggests that Central Coun- Regent. Theatre goad for a cil investigate. Also planning a be received only between the a strong local delegation at the ton," L. Munroe and Mr. Drynan. i hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m. Ontario Liberal Association an- Alternates are Mrs. L. Monroe, -- Cortish Ege hay rr sr ----------ee wee Nal meeting at the Royal York E. C. Warne, L. Pearce W. M. notify Wendell Brewster at the Hotel, Toronto, Friday, ed in a specially-prepared ques-|,0ths are needed for park will mark the start of our march tionnaire designed, to reveal yo Gav "The old poll mind to power in Ontario. It will be a grass-roots thinking on key pol-|, + adequate," he said dramatic demonstration of the icy questions. A special forum of R. E. Wilson was appointed to resurgence of Liberalism in the created coaches and sport chairmen for| Kingside -- Election of officers some discussion was a remark their co-operation during this e been held and a members' Usher, 27 Marquetie avenie. |casion, he witnessed at least 34|ors in the league. He also said| Nipigon is in the midst of .& cas y children, plus a numerous num-|that next vear, it is hoped that membership drive. The regular is seen holding #1 "Kris," a Ba- from Holland as a civil servant | prought here to Oshawa with | Westmount street; George ji i s } toy d linese, ceremoni til dagger about | but three years after his ar- ,.. "yoninine This will be ex- | Willoughby, 203 Valencia Boy Comich Commented ae, Listowd on Ie ne Jute hock many antique 'wr apons and cur- items in the collection were next May 7. 8 and 9. His col- | pg, klin: Mrs. Don Leavitt, parks los collected by Mr. Rink dur- stolen while he was interned | lection will be in a booth spon- | oon at any. a Higt light guia up @ dark areas an ve better L Delegatio four-week period. The cur- | arge e eg rent attraction is '"fhe Buc. | membership drive and a drive for G. K. Drynan, Liberal candi-/tend are Mrs. E. C. Warne, Mrs. |& furnace, Fairgreive, T. V. Kelly and M. CRA before #3 going ahead with W. J. Henderson, of Kingston, Aslop. |their plans. It was sugge. OLA president, declared in a for- Pp ggested hy provincial candidates will debate investigate the possibility of pure province." other prominent issues and will ohasing a new sound system He added, that the city buses are over-|vear's hockey season and stated| pin drive is planned. road; Mrs. Garnet Shaver, 81 |ber of adults, on one bus. He|the ice will be put in a month| yn aeting will be held April 15, NORTE The ager five a joine: yo , [ eons i , this would only occur during rush 100 years old, The dagger, rival he joined the employ of | road; Louise Hoar, RR 4, hockey teams, and donations will club banquet Wednesday night. | ing his stay ix Indonesia be- | by the Japanese during the war | sored by a local merchant. The firs t five persons to = = 2 Reports on birthdays will date for Oshawa riding, will head F, Fawcett, G. Charlton, H. Ash- NEED MORE BOOTHS All delegates are to be survey- william Foreman, that more mal statement: 'This meeting be open to discussion from the an Osh in to about 30. This year, no extra ed by the board is included in the spring grass help has been hired as vet school property, which is used as Everything is ready, except the playground space during the sum- preparation for crop. "We don't care said Wednesday he the foundation "for 'formation which has given to me." The project, reported financed by $1,000,000 collected from Bap- tists across Canada, stopped work six weeks ago for lack of funds Mr. Wighton, who helped with engineering. problems on the project site: for six months last year, said he was expressing him self "very strongly" to the foun- dation's director. Rev. Leslie Mil lin, in explaining his position COMING EVENTS Paris in heen certain not sale, St. George's April 3 at 1:30. 11th Group RUMMAGE Hall, Friday Committee EUCHRE Buena Vista, Six prises, 30 cents -- Scout Hall, Gibbons and Friday, April 3, 8 pm refreshments Admi sion BINGO Harman Park Association FRIDAY, 8 p.m, St. John's Hall (comer of Bloor and Simcoe 20 gomes -- $6 ond $8 Five $40 jock pots 77b NOVEL BINGO = THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M at ST. GEORGE'S HALL Albert ond ) Jackson Sts Gomes $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled anytime Door Prize $15 76b BINGO Avalon, Thursday, at 8 pm. East view Park Neighbourhood Association 20 regular games $6 and $10, six jack- pot games (eleven, ten, ten, ten, seven and five). Also share the wealth, At April 2nd would was asking > being REV. Mr. Wighton refused to disclose what information he was request. ing. He said he joinad the proj ect primarily as an evangelist for three months only "1 am not an engineer, but I have had some engineering train ing, so I helped them," he said The main purpose of the foun dation, he said, was to preach the gospel as a deterrent to com- munism, There had been talk of establishing a radio station. Asked if the foundation had sponsored evangelistic work, Mr Wighton said: "All T can say i that 1 have done some main« ly on my own. That is what 1 am doing now." The foundation had intended to aid small community churches by supplving them with evangel- ists from time to time, he ob. served Asked if he ght people who had loaned money for the work it back, Mr. Wighton said: "T wish with all my heart that I could say I do. but frank ly I don't know ™ The minister lives at R. W. WIGHTON th thou get 259 Ste Ivenson road north Students Recital Registered Music Teachers Association McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY Saturday, April 4th at 8 P.M. Y7e some par ks, the is weather 'aerated' ' a roller with The parks board greenhouse ir spikes is pulle<| over the grass, North Oshawa full to driving holes ito the ground to flowing with plants and shrubs In grass is over mit water Lc» soak down more which will be planted as soon as prepared during ly, and let "the the'. Parks Super intendent to roots preliminary cleanup work is com pleted. The stock in the green H, E house is so large this year, Mr Bathe said tha{ the severe win- Bathe said, that some - of the ter, with deep round frost, has Plants are being moved from the left his depart ment three weeks Sreenhouse to the Parks Boar behind in work. The water headquarters on Park road north accumulated on the surface of MAINTENANCE BIG JOB most of the paaks has been un. with Oshawa's green able to drain olf because of the growing and improving frozen soil bel pw the surface. year, the job of summer mainten Stores in the barn at Alexandra ance is increasing. Mr. Bathe Park, and reacly for the coming calculated that this season, are 450+ picnic tables and there will be 170 acres of 400 benches. "fhis equipment is in the city for his departmen is areg grass up mer \ The newest park area to be cared for by the board is a park on Emerald avenue, which was the winter as part of the municipal winter works program " REPAIRING POOLS The parks board staff mem- bers are not strictly horticultural | At present, some staff mem-| bers are busy with plaster and paint, repairing swimming pools 1 at Rotary park and Ritson road i ists. every and reconditioning the washrooms in Lakeview park » The longer the spring work is summer postponed, the more work piles sO Mr. Bathe and his staff t, will be at their busiest as soon RE-ELECTED Chris Mason, an active work- all repaired, & pd freshly painted to cut and keep in shape .The as the frost leaves the ground, © in CRA activities since its to enhance Osiawa parks during grassland varies, he said, from giving Oshawa a face-lift for the inception, who was re-elected | chairman of the Central Coun- | Cc the summer. T he painting and re- a 45-acre stretch at Lakeview pair work & man-size job -- park, to a few square feet on in most years yearned-for summer in Kiwanians | post pont ue PC' To Elect TO BE 'TOUCHED' People who have a fear of being touched .physically have a phobia called APHEPHO BIA If you need cash the "touch" on frie the Classified Ads for firms that offer loans, or dial RA 3-3492 to let a Classified Ad sell something you no longer need. They get results fast! Are Fosts To Cluildren Members of the Oshawa Ki wanis Club &njoyed a special 'Easter Holid. pv' meeting at their weekly session htis week, when for the first time in the club's history, a fafher and son tor daughter) me ting was held and it proved an cutstanding success Kiwanian Dr. S. George Werry arranged a special sing-song ses- sion for the denefit of the young guests and tl tis got the meeting off to a flyi eg start. Kiwanian Bill Gibbie 'introduced Charlie Dowton, seer ®ary - treasurer of the Oshawa Film Council, who delighted bot h the: young guests and older men bers, with a couple of movies, nal "oldies", that aroused nost al gic memories. One was Charlie (Chaplin in "Dough and Dynamite' an archives clas- from wings throughout Canada sic that was produced back inand from air forces throughout 1914 and in addition to Charlie the world Chaplin featured such well. The Roval Canadian Air Force known film romediens as Chester 1553 founded as such on Aor 1 Conklin, Chitrlie Chase Sr. and vowered fizht in gd id "Slim" Sonumerville - "The Doc lor's Bride" -- an old fashioned *' mello-drammer™ pro duced in 199 and "Flicker Flash backs rawgided out a pros don't put nds Check Send Telegram Of Congratulation The Roval Canadian Air Force was 35 vears ol ednesday From Oshawa. 420 Wing of the RCAF Association sent a tele gram of congratulations to Marshall Hugh Camobell. Chief ir Staff in Ottawa. The tele n was one of hundreds sent behalf of the members and guests, voiced the sincere vote of Jae pee ks to Mr. Dowton and the that was of' high. interest to both program committee, headed by the young juests and Kiwanians. chairman Fred Popham, respon Kiwanian Murray Sparkes, on|sible for the special event. Air il of Neighborhood Asso- ciations at its meeting Wednes- | day night, New Executive A. Goodfellow, provincial minister of agricul- ture, MPP for Northumberland riding, will be guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Osh awa Riding Progressive - Conser vative Association April 6. The meeting will be held at Hotel Genosha at 8 pm. N. C Fraser, president, will act as chairman An election of officers will be Hon. William HARE OPTICAL JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist 8 BOND ST. EAST -- HOURS -- 9 AM--8 PM. Wed. Until 12:30 P.M. Sat. Until 2:30 P.M. PHONE RA 3-4811 For en appointment held THE WORLD | EDWIN mn DEMONSTRATION Tickets $1.00 at door . The Brooklin Community Club Proudly presents Hypnotist and Hypno-Therapist Amazing--Exciting--Hilarious also HYPNOTIC PARTY Thursday, April 2nd - 8:30 p.m. TOWNSHIP HALL, BROOKLIN RENOWNED HEATH a of HYPNOTISM Reservations: Brooklin 291 when the election is called, we are going to be ready. And, we are going to win." A major policy address by Lib- eral Leader John Wintermeyer will climax the day's proceed-| ings at a formal banquet Friday night. The leader's speech is ex- pected to set the pattern for the forthcoming campaign, Oshawa delegates slated to at- floor, The all-day sessions will begin with business meetings and an election of officers in the morn- ing. The afternoon will be taken up with the panel discussion and a report from the resolutions com- mittee, Basic ideas from riding (officials will be debated from the "floor, FRESHLY SLICED Ll =P pi SPN Sd 8 Sa a RA 5-3564 SHA 16 SIMCOE ST. N. ® OSHAWA MAC & CHEESE or PIMENTO LOAVES / 49- RIB END 3-4 LB. AVERAGE LOIN PORK « 49° FRESH MEATY SIDE SPARE RIBS uv 37° CHOICE YOUNG Pork Tenderloin uw 79° DEVON RINDLESS Breakfast Bacon 59° FIRM IMPORTED Head Lettuce 2 29° 1 {which would eliminate the neces- {sity of renting one for each park |opening and closing at much ex- {pense with nothing to show for it. rrevereren, STAY AT HOME AND STILL ATTEND THE OSHAWA KIWANIS RADIO § AUCTION STATION CKLB OSHAWA Wednesday APRIL 8TH 6.30 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT Over 530 new articles Value over $7,500.00 Will be sold to the highest bidder * A complete list of all articles for sale and the names of merchants and firms donating the article will appear in this paper . . . Tuesday, April 7th. * ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR OUR BOYS' AND GIRLS" WORK IN OUR COMMUNITY Successful Bidders get chances on rand Prize. One chance for every $10.00 worth of purchases. » GRAND PRIZE 15 cu. ft. Frigidaire Home Freezer,

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