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The Oshawa Times, 3 Apr 1959, p. 2

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") Ed Upper picture shows some the cast of the "Cay Nineties" revue to be staged Friday in the Ajax Community Hall by the Rotary Club. Left to right, Mrs. Bert Hill, John Vickers, Pat Sanders, Jocko, the gorilla, Ella Vickers and Bert Hill, Lower photo shows the barber shop quartet. Left to right, Jack Sanders, Ernie Henry, Tom Houghton and Dick Free- man, i 1359 OFFICERS ford, left scene supporter; W. Harmer, trustee; George But- ler, trustee: Ross Cook, trustee; second row, left to right, Len Coll, outside guard; H. V, Lax- ton, pianist; W. Lymer, right | ~Photos by John Mills OBITUARIES WILLIAM G. HAYWARD William G. Hayward, of 40 Hill. croft street, died at the Oshawa {General Hospital Thursday. He (was in his 64th year and bad {been in falling health for the past Rotary Will Stage Revue AJAX (Staff) -- Ajax Rotary|ence participation. Refreshm Club will roll back the years Fri-|will be served and hyve day evening when club membersidressed 'in period costumes will Ww wait on table, OF CORINTHIAN LODGE, IOOF | yfficers of the Corinthian Lodge } 0. 1h If the Corinthian hoop Ray Weatherbee, left support- !ary: J. Freeman, vice grand: | ture was taken were William guard; Wallie McArthur,. right grand; Mervyn Bobier, junior | warden. i ' Manson, chaplain; front, left to --Oshawa Times Photo | owar ay rehearsal Thursday night for its| ! [J] - Oshawa Native The Tay 1, previa DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB | ments, the effective structure of Proceeds will go to the town re- of the Oshawa and District] | Duplicate Bridge Club, at Ade- fce was held at the Martyn Fu-|Province of Ontario. He headed p., Harrison and Bill Baker, Thursday evening, Dr, H. Roy Nott, a retired dentist and! In 1938 he was elected to the/y;.s gp wadsworth and Mrs. M. trends in clinical, surgical and "lowing a lengthy illness. He was| Province of Ontario, He con-|ponial and Miss R. Higgins, 58 University of Toronto, interned at Trinity United Church, conducted|itular Masonry, he was exalted or (ion. FATHER-SON NIGHT brook and, later, Vancouver Gen s masonic service was held at the Principal in 1917. D: Nott was|Committee of Oshawa and Dis- There have been many notable oboth in dentistry and Masonry. On Oct. 4, 1982, at St. John's, Restaurant with Dr. J, H. Faught|. made available. In the 1930s Nott, he graduated from the Ancient and Accepted Scottishspeaker. Musical selections will u.o" of preventative medicines years at Ashburn. ronto, and for nearly 20 years SWEAR CONSTABLES penicillin and sulpha started the , Ni ine SW to the Oshaw lie 1904 and was an honor graduate the North Bay Roreb Shrine sworn in to the Oshawa Police was attained in the field of ad- {new constables are George Mil- Qractice. pendent Order of Odd Fellows, Ly 8 anti-diabetic drugs and the Salk ESTIM INN! | 2 Young man, he was T ONIAL D) ER STREETS CLOSED sell said much attention has been sing District. Ritson road south from Bloor processes that cause heart at- Grand Lodge of Columbia, Bar- 420, paid tribute to his consistent north to Grierson street; Grand surgery have been made in anes- AF and AM, Oshawa, in 5. Dr. Nott was a member of the #ith Nipissing Lodge, North Bay.|served as treasurer for many Glenwood crescent fyom Winona psychiatric field, he said. How- Masons and in 1912 into Harling. ary member of the club avenue. Emergency conditions, increased mental hospitals and that year he was initiated Into patients as a kindly, friendly and © the above list. there have been many improve- He said the diabetic association helps by providing education for diabetics, After Dr. Rowsell's talk, the nominating committer presented the list of officers for 1059. They were accepted and installed. Cast in the play are J. Black, Lillian Harvey, Dr. R, Richard. son, Derek Kershaw, Mrs, T, Wil. son and John Burns. Also planned for the program is a musical session, featuring the Port Hope Male Chorus, directed by O. Walmsley A plano solo two years. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, {he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs, J. Hayward. He was mar. ried to the former Jessie Dish- ington in Toronto on Sept. 17, 1003 Mr. Hayward came to Canada The officers were: Jack Fran-| will be heard from Sonya Bakker 36 years ago and had been in |cis, president; Arthur Hebb, first'and a rendition by the Port Hope |the vice-president; Alber. Rose, sec- instrumental trio. ond vice-president; Wm Perrow, treasurer, Mrs. Uriah Jones, re- cording secretary; Mrs, Archie Bruce, corresponding secretary and Miss Mary Wales member- ship secretary. The new directors George Glassford, director at large for Canada, in charge of programs; Mrs. George Se meniuk in charge of social; Mrs James Humphries, in charge of literature and Edwin Smith, hos- pital visiting. Cobourg Seeks To Annex Land COBOURG (Staff) -- The On- tario Municipal Board will hear representatives of Cobourg town council Tuesday, April 21, at a public hearing in the application for annexation of a piece of land in the west end in Hamilton township. The lot concerned covers 274 acres of which 70 acres is covered by water, The town of Cobourg wishes to annex the land for industrial pur-| Chapel, west to College, north t poses. Pictured above are the 1959 supporter vice grand; H, Rey- | right: C. Heard, conductor; | secretary; William Russnell, | -- ---- nard, left supporter vice grand; | Marv. Linton, reeording secre- | warden. Absent when the pic. | . JOOP, They are, back row, Jeit i d: O. MaGee M. Ross, district deputy grand | Marvel, treasurer, and Don Will Present to right, Ron Carnochan, inside er noble grand; O. MaGee, | Go. [Lloyd Brown, noble | Keeler, district deputy grand right supporter noble grand; A. scene supporter; Harold €raw- past grand; G. Barton, financial : | PORT HOPE Port Hope DR. B. F. NOTT cry ano Dr. HR. Rowsell fmm i " . . forthcoming production "Still DISTRICT Life' by Noel Coward. CDA Speaker Tuesday, April 7, in the Hewson ° Memorial Hall in Port Hope. The high scores for games play.| Speaking at the annual meeting C 1ve aso ed by members of the Oshawa medicine depends on good doctor- creation commission to further Branch of the Canadian Diabetic|patient relationships, senjor citizen activities NORTH BAY -- Funeral serv-|Grand Lodge of Canada in thei .i. House Tuesday night, were Association in McLaughlin Hall, neral Home at 2 p.m Tuesday,|the poll in 1940 for elections 10/6410 points; Mrs. O. G. Mills and Rowsell, medical advisor for the March 31, for Dr, Benjamin F.|the Board of General Purposes. 55% poo Williams, 64 points; branch, outlined the present pioneer citizen of North Bay who|Board of General Purposes ofl. ke "62 points; R. Niglis and psychiatric medicines died in hospital last Saturday fol-|Grand Lodge of Canada in the(y "gn im "5010 points; Mrs. N. H.. Dr. Rowsell, a graduate of the in his 77th year tinued to be elected to that board points; Mrs. F. J. Rundle and Oshawa General Hos / ye ! i . FJ. ! > pital before Rev, R. B. Hallett, minister of until retirement in 1955. In Cap- Mrs. W. H. Karn, 58 points going to Toronto General, Sunny. the services. Interment was in in St. John's Chapter in 1910, and| _. y y i Terrace Lawn Cemetery. A|was their first Excellent First The Christian Business Men's |S. He now has a practice in funeral home Monday evening elected grand superintendent of trict will hold its meeting next| .. ..._. Hoieal medicine. lie Dr. Nott had a brillant career New Oneario District in 1927 Monday night at the South End BJvances ns jaca si od "Born in 1882 in Oshawa, son of New Brunswick, he received the of Toronto, who recently returned ' : 331 3 'pp Aid a clearer understanding of dis- the late Mr. and Mrs. Gershon 33rd and last degree of the/from South America, as the .. oi. ioc was attained and the + Model School at Whitby and was Rite, He also was a lite member he presented by Harold Kemp, i: od in the teaching profession for two since 1912 of Rameses Shrine, To-| Oshawa vocalist In the 1940s the influence of He entered the Royal College was their potentate aide in North| , Aa ' : | ; Piv. ev nstables +e biotic era. Then in the '50s more of Dental Surgeons at Toronto in!Bay. He was the first president of | e new constables were i sading of roy Mechanics in 1908. That same yesr he went Club, | Depaument Thursday morning yl hormones i i Als , ) istrate F, S, Ebbs, The él 8. "fo North Bay to establish his Also a member of the Inde. by Magistra bbs 0 oeements. Wire: orb OMINENT MASON |he received his 25-year Jeweller, Ograld Ouelletie, Doug Bulb-12e bo sald 'while the Masonic Lodge some years ago. ig In surgical medicine, Dr. Row- depu A timonial | vo the Ad. Nils ALS tosis 1954 Hist held for The following streets will be|given to the basic problem of district deputy in 1931-32, and members, including many past closed Saturday for construction: understanding the developing ; i mast pi ge, No, as also grand representative of ers of Nibissing Lodge, No street east to Wolfe street; Ross- tacks. 'anquila. and unstinting efforts on behalf land road east from Ritson road He said most improvements in tt joined f th ft Dr. Noit Jo Lebanon Lodge er a View street south from 'Bloor thetic techniques. Four years later he affiliated North Bay Rotary Club and street east to King street east; Progress has been siower in the In 1910 he was initiated into the years. Since his retirement from avenue to Somerville street; ever the use of tranquilizers have Orand Chapter Royal Arch dentistry he had been an honor- Bessborough drive at Glenwood been an asset, Dr. Rowsell sald fon Preceptory, Sovereign Great| In dentistry he was known and Such as bad weather, may re- staff are a must Priory, Knights Templar. Later admired by both colleagues and quire the closing of streets not' The speaker said although 'Rameses Shrine Club, Toronto, gentle personality. His good i apd a few years later was ele- humor was one of his many at- NEWCASTLE IDEA vated to high degrees in the An-/tributes. He enjoyed a host of " efent and Accepted Scottish Rite. | friends. | He was elected first president] Prominent in sport, he was out-| of Rorab Shrine Club when it standing in baseball, golf and was organized in North Bay in curling. As a curler, he served as 1927, Five years later in connec- president and member of the| , tion with that branch 'of the executive of the North Bay Curl-| + Masonic order he was elected po- ing Club. He was president of the tentate's aide. Northern Ontario [International He was secretary of Nipissing Curling Association in 1822. One Lodge for 33 years prior to his year he skipped a rink to the retirement in 1954. He was also group, club and veteran cham- registrar of Harlinglon Precep. pionship. : HAMPTON (Staff) -- In a let- that every municipality is cau- tory from 1917 to 1954 He was married in 1913 at ter to Darlington Township Coun:|tioned against the pit-falls which GRAND LODGE OFFICER North Bay to the former Ruby cil, Newcastle council suggested|lic ahead for those municipali- In addition to several offices Cole, who survives. Also surviv- that the matter of finding a loca- ties who are not plan held for lengthy periods in ing is a son, Robert C Nott, of tion for the proposed new Clarke ous. The first requirement is that masonic lodges in North Bay, b. . Sudbury; four grandchildren and Tow nship high school be decided things residential be separated Nott also held many positions of a sister, Mrs. Edgar Bradley, of hy the Ontario School Trustees from areas designed to be agri- importance for decades in the Oshawa, Council, or some other qualified cultural. The folly of attempting Suggests Arbitrate Site For New School feel though that both you and we should look ahead with a |vision not clouded by any of the ly appear, Our suggestion is that this mat- ter be settled through an un biased opinion and that the board Orange Lodges are: Mrs. Plan Parade In Cobourg COBOURG (Staff) | of Col, R, 8. Me- Taughlin at Parkwood since that| [ime. He had a special interest n ; | He served in the First World| War with the T™oyal Imperial Scots and was a member of the| Sargeant"s Mess and Canadian Legion, Post 43. | Mr. his wife; Jame fo two sons, Wililam and| Marion Fchford and stage a revue entitled the 'Gay Nineties", The club is ledged to raise $1500 for the new ospital for Crippled Children, proceeds will be devoted to this. The three-act program of old songs and skits will invite audi. At dress rehearsal this week the barber shop quartet stole the show, It is learned from a reliable source that after the show the group will seek wider flelds to conquer, | | Levels Rise In Ganaraska PORT HOPE Rain and foo Hayward is survived by|at Port Hope Thursday brought s a new high level in the Gan 's both of Oshawa; one sis-|araska River, when officials at gquare-mile than 11,000 people are expected to Ronald, Karen and Dennis, all of/at a local mill. come to Cobourg for the July 12 weekend to take part in the huge Cobourg' parade Cobourg plays host this year to Orange lodges from Bowman. ville, Oshawa, Peterborough, lindsay and many smaller com. munities. The parade was suppos- ed to have been held in Cobourg last year, but due to the fact that Bowmanville was celebrat- ing its centenary, it was staged there The larger parade is only held in Cobourg every five years to give other lodges the opportunity to play host The route presented to council for approval indicates the parade will start from Victoria Park, north pn Church street to King, west on King to D'Arcy, north to 0 University, west to Division street, south to King street and back to Victoria park. Plan TB Test Campaign I UN Counties PORT HOPE Executive Oshawa. | The body is resting at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel from where funeral services will be : tad Fat wdav nt 2.30 p.m.| by Rev, Dr. G. Telford of St irew's United Church. Inter- ot in Oshawa Union Cemetery, ! THEODORE ANNAN | PICKERING (Staff) -- Theo-| dore Annan, a life time resident of Pickering Township died at the family residence Wednesday, April 1, 1959, in his 84th year, after a lingering illness, Deceased was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Annan, the former Maria Logan. He was married in 1902 to Martha Jane ! Boyes who with two sons and one daughter survive, Frederick R. of 7 teviea John of Whitby, and Jean (Mrs, Wonnacott) Rit 1, Pickering. : | The late Mr. Annan farmed on! |Greenwood road, Pickering, all his life and was a member of Pickering United Church. | The remains are resting at the McEachnie Funeral Home, Pick- ering. Funeral service will be held Saturday, April 4, 8.30 p.m. |Rev. Melville Buttars. will con- (duct the service, Pallbearers will be A. E, Stork, Fred S'orl Trok Chapman; John Howland, Harry {Boyes and John Calvert. Inter- {ment will be in Erskine Ceme- tery. | {members of Durham and North-| ning consci-| abstract things that so persistent. | umberland Tuberculosis Associa- tion met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Marg Harrison to discuss plans for a forthcoming county- wide tuberculosis test campaign Chairman at the two-county FUNERAL OF Water level surged briefly dur- DON'T NEED TAXI THEY RIDE BIKE COBOURG (Staff) --- Two separate taxi companies in Cobourg reported today that they have been Me ta all marly Cobourg. The dispatcher for one of the firms concerned feels that the' culprits are school . children who have found a little too much time on their hands during this week of the Easter holidays. The calls seem to be from an adult and they even give the name and address for the taxi to call at, Driv~s think the ehildven are a telephone book to pick the names from, When the driver responds to the call they usually find a car in the driveway and after waiting for five min. utes, knock on the door only to find out {it is another hoax. In Port Hope a similar pest calls the taxi company. When the dispatcher answers the phone with "Uneeda Taxi" the reply is, "No thanks, I ride a bike." So far it has been impos. sible to trace the calls. WILLIAM KORKUSH The funeral service for | wil. [liam Korkush, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital last WHOLESALE PRICES [® B. REED & SONS ing early morning rains, but re- suined normal levels later in the ay. Flood Control Committee chain {man Deputy - Reeve Mike jiiagyia agrees that spring flood dangers for this year at least are {past the real danger point, But he warns that there are ill a few weeks left until all (snow has melted from the 108. Ganaraska River of Edin. Canton were forced to remove watershed. H: i -- More burgh and three grandchildren, four control logs from the dam pring * flood envy Juin wight sil (Hope, LABOR LOST LONDON (CP)=Thieves In the Peckham district broke Into a dairy and stole a safe, They {broke it open in a nearby street and found a few shillings. | | SEND FLOWERS by Wire DNalivery and Quality Guaran by the world's most responsible florists Florists TELEGRAPH Devivery FLORISTS 10%2 KING ST. E. -- | authority for an opinion, to persuade residential develop-ipe requested to approach Dei eeting was Dr. W. T. Hawke, Monday in his 73rd year, was RA 5-1131 WEATHER FORECAST Nevers ser "Th Coc Saturday Sunny Weekend Warm to bring to your attention infor- mation which we feel should be considered when your council considers the application of the school board for tentative ap- proval of its building plans. TORONTO (CP) -Furecasts Is- ara regions, Toronto Hamilton: sued by the weather office at 5 Cloudy with rain today ending by am late afternoon. Cloudv with a few Synopsis: Rain spread into showers tonight, Saturday mainly southwestern Ontario ouring the sunny with little change in tem- night and should cover the re- perature. Winds south 15, shift. "The location of a school, either in Clarke Township or in , mainder of Southern Ontario dur- ing to northwest 20 this after. ing the day. Northern Ontario noon Newcastle has long been a con- will remain relatively free from Forecast temperatures ment without the industrial assessment to bear, in part, the financial burden of it has proven to be ruinous to many small home owners as well as to those who make their 'living through agriculture. The third consideration is that, under the normal conditions of tario School Trustees Coun any other qualified authority to act as a referee in this matter. We will - accept unconditionally the ruling of this body. It need not cause any undue delay but we thoroughly believe it will pre. | vent a serious departure from those standards which we be-| the present time, and with not lieve good planning of the area) very much of the forecast growth vet being felt there will be ap- proximately 75 miles (pupil miles per day) more transportation per day involved in moving the pres- ent school population northerly han in moving them southerly t to a point in or near Newcastle, demands." "felt these boys {the ball, |lington should thing that {Further dis |question was withheld until Mon- {day's meeting. support Our council does not seek to draw you into any local squabbl | ys had a lot on| Other executive members of but did not think Dar-|the association present were Mar-| some: tin Mellvena, will pull them apart hourg and district labor council: cussion on the school|{yipg Cobourg veterinarian. Also pres- ent were A. E. Rafuse, associa- tion treasurer, of Cobourg; an Mrs. Marjory Pewtress, execu-| tive secretary, also of Cobourg. Discussed at the meeting were |S organization plans [oi forth-'M coming three-month campaign for Counties. Nature of the organiza-|ta, F. Renkiewicz, J. Masiewich| . Ition to carry out the test was out- and R. Raizenne. Reeve Roy W. Nichols said he lined. - held in Greek Orthodox Church at 8.30 d/a.m. Thursday, April 2, John's Church, St. John's Ukrainian | Rev. D. Luchak, pastor of St. rvices ary's Cemetery, conducted Interment was in St. the The pallbearers were T. Kono-| tuberculin testing in the United packi, G. Pawlenchuk, W. Laptu.| TO THE PUBLIC OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 290 Albert St, RA 8.0311 Res. RA 3.7550 Open Thurs, Fri, Set. | JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST Flower for all Occasions 24 DUNDAS W., WHITBY MO 8-3324 Whitby representing Co-' Marg Harrison, Port Hope publicity; and J. F. Laure, repre senting industry in Port Hope. PRODUCTI DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ON SERVICE -- HEALTH OF ANIMALS DIVISION CANADA or to create any unpleasant rela-| tionship between you and your) ring municipality. We do tentious issue, and in short a tug. of-war between two municipali- ties has developed. At this time, it can be reasoned that hoth have a strong claim toward the school now in sight, "While some equality in these claims may exist at this time, a the effects of this weather distur- |, quick glance at the future indi- » bance, although wesicre sections windsor cates a different trend. 1 «of the north are now having gi Thomas "First, it is recognized by those neighboi » snow fiurries. Saturday should fondon who make a study of growth and , bring sunny skies to all of the Wingham development that the areas adja- » province Toronto cent to railways, highways, and Regional forecasts valid until Trenton at by no means least, the seaway ! midnight Saturday, St. Catharines are going to develop first indus- + Leake Erie, Lake Huron regions, Hamilton + Windsor, London: Rain ending Muskoka .... * before noon. Mainly cloudy with Killaloe 1 a few showers this afternoon and Earlton topight. Saturday surny. Little Sudbury + change in temperature. Winds North Bay south 15, shifting to northwest 20 Kapuskasing .. + by afternoon. White River .. trinlly and therefore residen- + Western Lake On.ario, Niag- Moosonee Hal ody, the department of RUG ond CARPIT Sass, 174 CHILDREN'S DOG TRAINING CLASSES . = RA 5.0433. planning and development are Mary $1 RA 50433 will again commence leaving no stone 'unturned to see ™™ Saturday, April 4, at 10 a.m. at the ROTARY HALL, CENTRE ST. This is on eight-week course for children 10-12 yeors of age. Anyone interested is welcome to come and bring their dog FEE--25¢c weekly For further information phone: Mr. Bud Flonegen RA 5.6723 | ow tonight High Saturday ' 32 4 The OSHAWA & WHITBY DISTRICT MASTER PLUMBERS ASSOCIATION To comply with the requirements of the Industrial Standards Act, Serv- ice Calls will be charged at the rate of $5.00 for the first hour or any part thereof, provided the work is done between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. After hours, Did You Know? For only $1.50 you con buy a 7" x 18" All-Wool Hard- NOTICE BRUCELLOSIS CONTROL AREAS The County of ONTARIO has been declared an area for the eradication of Brucellosis under the Animal Contagious Diseases Act. The testing of cattle for Brucellosis has already commenced. In accordance with the Regulations, all cattle owners are required to assist Veterinarians by as- sembling ond restraining their cattle on being notified of their impending visits. All cottle moved into the area must be accompanied by o health certificate obtainable at any office of the Health of Animals Division, Con- ada Department of Agriculture. Only by the fullest co-operation of all cattle owners will satisfactory progress be made towards completion of the tests, which is to the benefit of all concerned. THE FOOD PLAN THAT} HAS PROVEN ITSELF OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE STAN BRYNING 1061 RAVINE ROAD RA 8-5358 FOOD CHAMBERS :5: 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. -£ OX. 9-1188 calls will be charged at the rate of ANY PERSONS VIOLATING ANY PROVISIONS OF THIS ACT ARE LIARLF TO A PENALTY. $8.00 per hour or any part thereof.

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