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The Oshawa Times, 3 Apr 1959, p. 8

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{i Miss Doreen Dobbie, presi dent of the Ladies' Section of thn Oshawa Golf Club, and Mrs. Oakley E. Crawford, vice Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES mage sale and a novelty bingo in| regular meeting of St, |the parish hall in the near fu: A i Church Guild/ture. Mrs, Dmytro Luchak will] was held in the lower hall of the arrange an evening for the dec- church recently orating of Easter eggs which will) The devotions were led by Mrs, be distributed with the tradition. | Ross Bell and Mrs. Richard Copi-'al Easter foods to those church thorn, members who might be in hospi The treasurer's and secretary's tal on Ukrainian Easter, The an- were read and the roll- nual May dance will be held on call showed 15 members present.|May 30 under the supervision of Mrs. W. T. Dempsey, the presi. a committee of the following dent, then brought up the plan members, Mrs, William Drozwik, ning of the annual spring bazaar| Mrs which Is to take place May 20, Kostuk and Mrs. Nicholas Seme Conveners were chosen, Mrs. nuk, R. D. is convener of the tea room assisted by Mrs. H. Ukrainian Women's Pretty, Mrs, Willlam MagDonald which will commence is In charge of the floral arrange-tion In April ments for the tea tables from the financial secretary, Refreshments were served by Mrs, Nicholas Semenuk. It was ils, Fo ---- CLUB TO OPEN SEASON WITH president and convener, com- pares notes on the progress of | plans for the club's Tee-Off Ball, a social event for mem- --- | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 3, 1959 ST. PAUL'S GUILD Mrs. Willlam MacDonald, Mrs. unanimously agreed to send a local Association since and Mrs. Don- contribution to the Retarded mer of 1954 and has made &| wy. and Mrs. Samuel Worth of Children' valuable cootribution to its lfe{Toronto celebrated and work, 'Her work in the area/wedding anniversary at the of counselling has been especially Sut Dmytro Luchak will be noteworthy--she was not only A por Trail, recently, Mrs. Worth peaker at the next meet: house-mother for the girls who '. ' The group welcomed a vl ember, Mrs. Aleck Stec, for merly of Toronto, EVFR READY AUX. 'm The Ever Ready Auxillary of| Simcoe Street United Church met on Tuesday evening for its regu | lar social evening with the presi.| dent, Mrs. Thomas Basinger, presiding. Miss Cora Harvey led in pray- o er. Mrs, L. Bigwood led In the devotional period. Her address was: on the Life of St. John, MUSIC TEACHERS' ASSOC. Mrs. Basinger sang a solo, ac-| 7pa regular meeting of the | companied at the plano by Mrs Oshawa and District Branch of Fred Williams the Ontario Miss Ethel Warne read a poem mo. hover Ace, entitled 'Call Little Children" The secretary's report was read by Mrs. Basinger in the ab- sence of the secretary, Mrs Harry Wurbs, Miss Alta Kemp gave the treasurer's report Refreshments were served by Mrs, Fred Williams and her group. ing which will be held on April 8) a Refreshments were served the hostess, Mrs, Paul Plishka ciation was held at the home of Mrs. IL. W. Parrott, Mary street Mrs. Joseph Kerr presided. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were given by Mrs. A Gunn and Miss Helen Williard. Two films were shown, '"Tos- caninl" and "Scotland Dances." Miss Audrey Allen pianist ST. JOHN'S JR, WA, played Prelude and Mugue in B The vice-president, Mrs, Paul Major by Bach and 'Island Plishka, presided over the month. Spell" by John Ireland ly meeting of the Junfor Wo. Members were reminded of the men's Auxiliary of St. John's students' recital to be held Satur Ukraindan Greek Orthodox day, April 4 at 8.00 pm, at the Church in the absence of the McLaughlin Public Liorary president, Mrs, Walter Kuch The ORMTA Convention which The meeting was opened with is being held In Hamilton from prayer followed by a short blo. March 30 to April 2 was dis graphy on the life of Taras Shev. cussed. chenko read by Mrs. Steven Gonta, Rt was decided to hold a rum. SOCIAL NOTICE AT HOME YOUNG PURCHASERS ALTONA, Man, (CP) Town Mr. and Mrs, James Prescott, council has passed a bylaw mak- 137 Clarke street, Oshawa, will be ing it Megal for anyone to sell at home to their relatives and tobacco, cigarets or cigars to friends on Tuesday evening, April any child under 14 unless he pre.|7, 1959, from 7 to 10 p.m. on the sents a written order from his occasion of their silver wedding parents. anniversary HOOVER CONSTELLATION MODEL rice tom... 79.50 Hoover. Day al SWAN'S HARDWARE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Friday, April 3rd, 1959 COME IN AND ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION ON ANY MODEL. Robert Sholdra, Mrs. John ae (he services members, Mrs, Winifred Corner, Wiwyn MacWhirter, Odessa, On:tynited Church, London, and nre.| Subscriptions for the Canadian Who has found It n The | ££ "Magazine resign publica: | supervisor may be obtained)... at the home of Mrs, Steven Her were over 300 in and out of the residence during her stay - but! | by her counselling available to others in the com- Women's Press Club from Van. munity who needed help with per-|couver, Montreal and points be. sonal problems, some sent to the|tween were in Toronto on Tues Registered Muste[ "4. sthers who came of their own|House celebrating the 50th greatly by her assoclates on the| \ staff, by the volunteers who had|orable occasion, worked with her, but, most of all,|Winckle, women's editor of The L. by the residents who had come to Oshawa Times, was among those "know her as a supervisor and sharing the celebration. counsellor, friend with a ¢ humor and a guiding hand when|Whose marriage to Mr. Alan John | that was needed, for to be with her daughter and|ianeqng shower at the home of| morning for a vacation at Tampa and West Palm Beach, Florida, Mrs. Harold Beard, Bond street and Mrs. Clarence Keith, Keith's son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Kelth, Mrs, E. Kelvin James and Mrs. Albert Wilson represented Sunset Heights Home and School Asso- clation at the annual convention of the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations % [held this week at the Royal York| ! Hotel, Toronto, i Miss Constance Colpus of Mon. real Lake, formerly of Oshawa, spent the Easter weekend In Prince Albert where she attended |a reception in honor of the Prime (Minister, the Right Honorable £ £3 {John Diefenbaker, and Mrs. | * | Diefenbaker, SOCIAL EVENT bers and friends to be held in the UAW hall, May 1, ~Oshawa Times Phot Oshawa guests attending thel A) gniles for the camera is | {Kubo Barter wedding In To-\ Marie Anne, daughter of Mr, | [ronto Included Mr. and Mrs, GOr| and Mrs, R. H. Vincent, RR 1, don Clifford and family, Mr. and| Oshawa, Three-year-old Marie Mrs. Earle Sayers and famlly.| is the granddaughter of Mr, Mr, and Mrs. Roger Morrison.| and Mrs, E. H. Vincent and Mr, and Mrs, Frank Balley and| Vy and Mrs, William MecClen- Peter Balley, Mr, and Mrs, Aub-| - Helen McArthur i oy \ . of [rey Crouter, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest { |Cheredaryk, Miss Bernice Dal- (eleish, Miss Faye Drummond, Mrs. Clifford Burton, Miss Mari : {lyn Solway, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Feted Bride-Elect Btcher, Mr, John Hulder, th Miss Hel ; ¥ J Misses Kathryn and Joan Hulder,| Miss Helen Norene McArthur, 5 LJ [Miss Irene Carson, Mrs, Donald daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Charles ; Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blrver J WP ws, wine wan a | | \ J « yor {|[MeDonald, Mr, and Mrs, Willam| gart of Woodstock will take place 11 |Tennines, Guests from Whithv|Oghawa, tomorrow afternoon has {were Mr. and Mrs, Alonzo Camn-|haan feted at pre-nuptial events Linda Jane Barter Becomes Bride In Pretty Ceremony In Toronto | The marr of Linda Jane i | Barter of Oshawa and James "Kubota of Coaldale, Alberta, was "Iter of solemnized in the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, Torosto, last Saturday afternoon. The bride is the daugh- Mr, and Mrs, George ¢ Barter, Oshawa, and the bride nan, Oshawa, and great-grand. daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Stone and Mrs, Fred McClen. nan, Oshawa, and Mrs. William Vincent, St. George's, New- foundland, --Photo hy Ireland riage by her father. She wore aif qe ee peau de fallle with scal- oped neckline, lily-point sleeves and full-length train, delicately] trimmed with lace medallions] and seed pearls, A heart-shaped cap held her long veil of tulle fllusion and she carried a quet of Talisman roses, / performed by President William Davies, Mr, 1] The matron of honor, Mrs. Howe Balway, was in coral and white' embossed nylon and ear: ried yellow chrysanthemums and home in red roses. The bridesmalds, Miss|their trip west William Christmas Margaret Webster, Miss Sandra Niagara Falls, For ayed the wedding music and|Ferguson and Miss Grace For- light rs. Irene Palmer sang. {shee were dressed alike in blue The bride was given in mar. and carried nosegays of pink groom Is the son of Mr. T, Kubota of Coaldale, Alta, and Mrs. Jo. seph Muraska of Toronto, The double-ring ceremony was TAILORED UNDERWEAR" FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Whatever thelr age, whatever their needs, Mother knows she'll get longer wear--and actually save money--when she looks for the WATSON'S label, FOR SIS WATSON'S panties and vests, that combine wearing comfort with money-saving wear, Radelev, Mr, and Mrs. Roberti gino ginaet United ny £2 hell, Miss Flora Camnbell, Mr {in London, Ontario, where she is| £3 Kendall Camobell, Mr Wallow, Mr, Harold Barber Mrs Company Rruce Corner, Mrs, Mildred] The CGIT of Dundas Brown and Mr. John McWhirter [United Church, London, present. From Ajax were Mr. and Mvs.|oq their leader, Miss MeArthur, |? MRS, WINIFRED CORNER | Donald Crawford, Mr, and Mrs. with a teapot with matching [Delmer Coull and Mr. Bogue oream and sugar, also an Fng- Coull, Others from out of town| ish ervstal two tier-cake plate were Mr, and Mrs, Harry Smit '|The surprise party was arranged) Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Wills hy the ofher leaders, Miss Ros Brewster and daughter, Shirley.|couiter. Miss Marion Jenner and . ww! Resigns 'Y' Post Due To Illness Belleville: Mr. and Mrs, Arthur|ngieg Kay Graham |Gelker and daughters, Beth.| "rho future bridal couple were The local Yue hay rey Bertha and Ruth, and Miss Ina gests of honor at a surnrise of a valued staff cayll, Windsor: Mr. and MFs.|q wer held at Dundas Centre ecessary toltarlo, and Mr. and Mrs, Fdward [Kubota of Lethbridee, Alberta: Mr, Clement Steele, Grand - Cas-| {sented with a bridge set, guests were members of the adult residence y fellowship groun, Mrs, Kenneth|$ of her as account post on {sox, Salt Lake Citv. Utah: Mr. wore oo.hostesses Mrs, Corner has been with the| Robert Bromley, Grand Forks. /ments featured a special the sum. Utah. |which was cut by the honored guests, Miss Delores Highgate and Miss Harriet Goodall servde, ment was arranged by Miss Mavis and Miss Rose Coulter, their 72nd 3 home | of thelr daughter, Mrs, Frank Is Wilfong and Mr, Wilfong, Hum: of the Bell (Telephone Company, London, at which an electrie frying pan was the former Margaret Davies, bride's co-workers was born In Bowmanville in 1867, the year of Confederation, | ived in residence ~ and there {hostess and Miss Lois Cooper and | Miss Irene Potter served ! At the London office of the Bell Telephone Company the fu- In Hart|ture bride was presented with al anni. [decorated dosk, an inscribed | cake and an electric hand mixer, Mrs. Perey McBain, of Osh. awa, entertained at a linen show Jack Fallis as hostess. Games were won by Miss Reva Tiers, Miss Margaret Pel. low and Mrs. Douglas Terwille- |gar, Mrs, Charles Sheppardson Miss Janet Elizabeth Griffin, [28sisted the hostesses in serving. services were, Members of the Canadian 'Y'" by other welfare agencies/day for the banquet |versary of the Toronto branch be mis Eloquent speakers, fine fare rnd aed good fellowship made it a mem. Mrs. Jo Ald. With Mrs Mrs, Corner will but also as a real lively sense 'of Major will take place In Simeoe {Street United Church on April Mrs. Corner has gone to Wind- 18. was entertained at a miscel- her many friends will hope that Mrs , f rest and freedom from responsi Jack Murray, Burk street, Tw . on Wednesday evening. Bingo pro- Polly, wil restore iid to normal| qq entertainment with prizes health and strengt awarded to Mr. Rogers, She wishes to say "au revoir" Mrs, (Madge) Wilson, Mrs, Lorne to her many friends In Oshawaipalton, Mrs. Arthur Gladman, | and Whitby. She is unable to do figs "ndv Dalton and Miss Mar-| this personally owing to illness. lene Major. Mrs. Murray was Her future address will be in care| assisted in serving -by Miss Jean of Mrs, J, B. Stevens, 701 Du-/Hamilton, Mrs. Harry Rovers, charme avenue, Roseland, Wind-Mys, Lorne Dalton and Mrs. sor, Ontarlo Horace Major FUR STORAGE Store Your Furs And Winter Garments In Our Modern Refrigerated Vaults. Safe From FIRE--THEFT MOTHS ® STORAGE ® CLEANING INSERT HEARING AIDS J ee TEINITH DIPLOMAT SLIP-ON NEARING 200 Ships on or off in a jifty. Plugs instant into tay lightweight hmong ny New ZENITH IVEGLASS NEARING AW Word's most attractive, in hearing aid worn right at your ear. James employed by the Bell Telephone | & ve oF ll eapedia. Quebec: Mr. Roser Len-fishgate and Mrs, Paul Meincki| #2 and refresh: | & cake &5 A tea was held by the future! S i presented, Miss Ruth Hey was| 3 Lod Centre| 82 : DESERT FioWeR HAND and BODY LOTION with the heart of Lanolin 1% on | oon ld The remarkable new lotion that both softens and tones your skin, Use Desert Flower Mand and Body lLeten off over you after avery bath, You'll feel your skin respond like flowers welcoming rain. And you'll be delightfully scented with the true perfume of Desert Flower, 3 + i 3 MITC! FOR DAD WATSON'S '396' French-Style shorts with double front fi FOR BABY WATSON'S shirts for Infants in gentle wools, cottons or mixtures-- with WATSON'S exclusive circular. sewn diaper tabs, Infants' Tie-Side or Button-Front Shirts \ h @® SHINERIZING (FUR CLEANING) and related profes sonal servite: in com. Aection with Zenith Eveglons MHaoring Aids are availoble only through your wo metrit, ar apticion OSHAWA FUR COLD STORAGE 81 WILLIAM ST. W. OSHAWA RA 3-3012 DEFERRED PAYMENTS ¥ Desired IMPERIAL OPTICAL 224 Simcoe St. S, RA 5-1741 SINGLE OR DUAL STEREOPHONIC STEREO RADIO-PHONOGRAPR As a single Stereophonic system the remote (encircled) is housed in the left-hand side of the main unit, under a hinged lid. As o dual Sterecs phonic system, remote is easily removed, by its handle, from housing. Attached extension cord provides for wide separation, LL (RHEE HH il i BR Price 219 $10 DOWN If you have had the opportunity of listening to Stereo, you will ogree it's an exciting new sound, If you have never heard it, we Invite you to call in ond ask for @ demonstration, It tokes but @ minute, but once you have heard it you will never again be content th the Jound of a regular Phanagraph, ™ unit features en tube full frequency, stereo chassis, with a of 540 to 1,620 ke. It has & BSR. 4.speed changer With o Snble sopphire stylus turmover cartridge for stondard records end stereo. monaural microgroove here are six matched speaker . , . dual tone end volume controls and all controls and remote unit storage compartment are accessible under the full-top lid. OPEN TONIGHT 9 © Low Down Payment Delivers ® Budget Terms Quickly Arranged ® Accounts Life Insured

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