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The Oshawa Times, 4 Apr 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising All other calls - .. RA 3-3492 . RA 3-3474 WEATHER REPORT Clear and eool tonight, cloudy and milder Sunday. Zhe Oshawa Sines VOL. 88 -- NO. 79 Authorized As Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa EIGHTEEN PAGES Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA-WHITBY, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1959 WALTER REUTHER VISITS UAW LOCAL WALTER P. REUTHER, UAWA international president, (second from left above), looks thoughtful following his ad- | Reuther Pledges Help NATO Troops [2 pen son, oii SEE On C i FIENNES haar da tines United Auto Workers of Amer- joa (AFL-CIO) will give every| sible support to Canadian) AW locals in their fight to re-| strict importation of an Ameri: can-built small car in Canada. This was disclosed by Walter P. Reuther, UAWA international president, in an interview with The Oshawa Times today. Regarding possible dissension between some members of Local 222 UAW (CLC) and the Inter- national, he said, "1 attempted to clarify some regions, where there may have been misunder- standing, in my talks with the membership." PART OF PROGRAM Mr. Reuther, in Oshawa for the first time since 1951, said his visit had no special purpose other than as part of 2a program through which he makes periodic trips to all UAW areas "These trips are made largely to discuss problems and policies of the locals concerned," he said. He addressed wo largely- attended closed meetings of Local 222, UAW (CLC) Friday at 8.00 pm. and Saturday at 2.30 am. in the UAW Hall. Today he will address the Canadian Council of the UAW before pro- dresses to two crowded meet- ings of Local 222 at the UAW Hall Friday night and this morning. With him are R. early CANADA'S FORMULA FOR UN IN BERLIN Nervous Nehru Weakness Small Nations 'Warning By | Back Proposal WatchesLamal Eisenhower ms snits: NEW DELHI, India (AP)-- make a statement on the precise the United Nations a hand in the| {Prime Minister Nehru today ord-|conditions of the asylum py GETTYSBURG, Pa. (AP) -- settlement of the Berlin dispute{posal would be referred along ! President Eisenhower cautioned {ered top Indian political advisers him before something about the 3 was reported today to have with those advanced by other to join the Dalai Lama, still on Chinese reaction is known." |today against any appeasement drawn support from some of the/ member states to the permanent the march along the northeast! Red China showed fears that/0f Russia in the Berlin crisis. "He smaller nations in the 15-member NATO council, frontier. [the god-king's escape might spark said it would be a dishonorable|North Atlantic alliance. The Canadian formula emerged | There were indications Nehru a hols wa Sgdinst COMMUNES course and $he Jost dangerous) But i also was Jeporied w nave) as Sue of He ajor contributions i r East. is con- g > p y o the council's y wails 30 hoop 0% Nhe oi Rig ol ot eS ries nf said Eis TN a A ig es y blunting the Soviet India to avoid any incident--or denouncing the Tibetan rebels as (only would embolden the Reds to| United States and France--be- (threat to drive the West out of tatement--that might lead to an|OPerating "under the cloak of re-|step up their world dominationcause UN intervention might|Berlin, It came as the council State ift with Red China ligion" and defending the Peiping|drive. | weaken the right they won in the representatives, including Can- open LL is oe na aid/claim to being a defender of re-| But the president emphasized Second World War to have a hand|ada, expressed their determina- oi yom a ligious freedom. anew that the Western powers in determining Germany's future.|tion to resist the Soviet attempt old Buddhist king would be per-| Tibetan exiles heralded the ref- want to avoid war over Berlin mpere wag no immediate Brit-|to take over the old city. mitted by reporters hurrying to|ugee 23-year-old god-king as stillland negotiate a settlement, In|igy yeaction, | Observers said the proposal as- tp ach him op a direct story on|the political leader of the Hima- keeping open the possibility of a Th Canadiz tormuls ad. jsumed significance because of He flight from the Chinese Com. /1ayan kingdom. But Prime Min-/summit conference with Soviet aoe i a = lig _-- Casada's past record of success. |munists y ister Nehru is expected to impose leaders, Eisenhower said of the Pearkes: Friday as the NATO fully proposing compromise set- {"'P. N. Menon, the Indian gov-|Curh s political activities. |United States and its Allies: council's 10th anniversary meet-|tlements in tense world trouble |ernment's foreign press chief, CHIANG MAY OFFER ASYLUM| 'They seek to substitute the ing discussed the Berlin crisis. spots. It was Canada's sugges- | was reported to be one of the ad. In Hong Kong, a usually rel- rule of law for the rule of force, "i" volo. Goviet acceptance| tion that the UN set up the emer- visers Nehru dispatched to link|iable source said Nationalist Chi-/the conference table for the bat-| "ry guardianship over the gency force which now patrols tary-General Paul Henri Spaak, in*summarizing the Berlin dis- cussion, said the Canadian pro- one we could p A h MeNeill, Local 222 secretary treasurer, Cliff Pilkey, president of Local 222, and George Burt UAWA Canadian director. Be- low, some of the large num- attended meetings at the UAWA Hall Friday and today to listen to the international president. Oshawa Times Photos -- --|dications it would reach the small country and, at last reports, - Indian city of Towang by Sun- bearing up well. One report from Assam state with, government sources said the Ti- ay. The Hindustan Standard, rested during the |preciate a precipitate statement} wang after moving through the {by the Dalai Lama, or itself | 14,000-foot Seal Pass. i Wh Get Message ar Im n'a viion SMALL CAR | PARIS (AP) -- Gen. Lauris| port Issue. to take part|years Canadiaw Workers got hele MRandtul of NATO jr has burning. ic equivalent of the Amer- heen Jost in these 10 years. Keep fiean Wallers Without a suike' iit £0." the continued. "They got equal Ving . " . On the small car, the leader of|gains in 1955-56 but it took a ro red addfessed » Message the 1,500,000-member union said,|149-day strike to do it." the allied command in Europe onl "We are in complete agreement, He added, "We recognize 108] : ivi ! Ca 2 THT PETERBOROUGH 4h | , » Ld xy » ' Question Ruling with the Canadian auto workers the 10th anniversary of the sign- on the small car. We feel the small car should be built in Can- ada and will give Canadian auto workers every possible support on this question.' The 15,000 Canadian UAW mem- bers engaged in automobile pro duction have protested possible importations of small American models and fear such a move would prove devastating to their means of livelihood GM AGREEMENT Turning to the public assertion by some Local 222 officials that the Dec. 6, 1¢ reneral Motors- UAW agreement was not all it could have been had the interna- tional approved setting a strike deadline, Mr. Reuther said: "A trike deadline was not set when it became apparent the Cana dian workers would receive a package agreement identical to the American gains without a strike "This was the first time in 22 Sarnia Assesses | Strike Effects | SARNIA (CP) -- Businessmen in this city of more than 43,000 are carefully assessing an al- most three-week-old strike which may deal the city its worst eco- nomic blow in 25 years There is no business slump yet as a result of the strike of 1,850 employees of the 17 - year - old Crown-owned Polymer Corpora- tion, manufacturers of synthet jes, but the effects could spread Local 16-14 of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union (CLC), representative of the workers who struck March 18, have said they are prepared to hold out for six months. With the loss of a weekly pay- roll amounting to about $180,000, businesses are preparing for a sharp cut in the city's purchasing power. COULD AFFECT OTHERS They say the strike could re- sult in layoffs at other plants in Sarnia's Chemical Row. Already 150 men employed by sub-con- tractors of Polymer have been laid off. Imperial Oil Limited has closed a $28,000,000 plant which produced basic materials for Polymer and the employees have been shifted to other work The Sun Oil Company Ltd., and Canada Oil Companies Ltd., re- CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 53-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 | | | fineries here glso supply Polymer Meanwhile, grocers report tl strikers have reduced their sp ing to $10 weekly from $30 and that canned and other foods are in demand Polymer, established during the Second World War, sparked in dustrial expansion in this area Its post-war exports have soared but competition and increased la bor costs cut its earnings to $6,800,000 in 1957 from a record $9,800,000 in 1956. Eternal Youth Of Universe Russian Claim LONDON (Reuters) Russia claims her scientists have proved "the eternal youth of the uni- verse' by discovering ast new galaxies where stars are being born and powerful cosmic rays apparently have their source The official Soviet news agency Tass Friday night the dis- covery of these galaxies was an- nounced by astronomer Viktor Ambartsumyan, president of the Armenian Academy of Sciences It described him the first man to prove the existence of groups of young stars, so-called stellar associations, which it said was believed to be one of the st importz es of the few t nd- economy said as t discover last decades {until it's a crisis--and then deals $500. nadian problems and work to try and solve them." EQUAL STANDARDS 'As Canadian technological skill advances to a point where your economy is comparable to that of the U.S. vou will achieve equal living standards," he said It was his belief the wage gap would narrow as Canada ap- proached this high level of tech nological development Mr. Reuther said fundamental question membership meetings asked repeatedly of industrial and political leaders. That "If we, as a free people, have the will, intelligence and know- how to produce the instruments of death and destruction in war time, why then are we not able to have full employment in peace time?" He cited full ment and Another Tirade From Smallwood (CP)--Pre-| to he posed to the he has is sovereign nations ful of NATO in these 10 years wartime employ production and said he has asked repeatedly in Washington, "How can be achieved in times of peace?" vast this Warns Summit Meet Uncertain WASHINGTON (AP) French "oreign Minister Maurice Conve le Murville has cautioned news " men against certain a summit conference this summer Going into NATO forei a reporter th he Perhaps the reason a horse has the reputation of having a lot of common sense is that all it ever says is neigh. I ¢ yaper sccepting as sho of of its a the minisiers Friday session é ta all n an al ( mentioned the Couve de Murville con'e ence, and re Seve plied "I don't know if there is going to be a summit conference. We will see about that aiter the for- eign ministers' - fig meeting. bomber TORONTO (CP) -- John Win-|with it in a termeyer has fired the openingland sometimes campaign gun of a provincial manner." election that has no y etbeen! Before Mr. Wintermeyer spoke, called by announcing 10 promises delegates handled many resolu- before 500 cheering Liberal dele-|tions. some of which were em- gates to a one-day party con-'podies in the 10 promises. Mr. vention Wintermeyer did not mention the The 44-year-old question of fluoridation which eral leader said . split the convention wide open costly program, this beore itwas approved eby a anr<f responsible program before it was approved by a nar- portunity program." row margin He said there was "no sugges-' .. > i rin Ri The Progressive Conservative tion of increased taxation. a provincial government ex The convention also heard na- \ : 4 pected to call an election in the tional Leader Pearson say the late spring Ontario Lib "This is not a is not an ir- it is an op- is FELY four-engine turbo-prop aircraft carried 11 passengers. -None was injured, and the crew said there was no panic during the hours of tension (AP Wirephoto.) lup with the Dalai Lama. Menon na's President Chiang Kai - shek tlefield." access routes between Berlin and|the troubled frontier between Is- op consul general in Lhasa, cap-|Will offer the Dalai Lama polit- In a major address prepared acre Germany. rael and Egypt. ital of Tibet, for several years!ical asylum in Formosa to carryifor the Gettysburg Sokiege spring Pearkes said Canada feels a| Along with the Berlin proposal, 4 until 1956. ig Je light agains SOMIAUNI | SOnvocalion, risen Romer -- yon possible role for the UN in Berlin| Pearkes also urged the Western bers of Local 222 members who |HEAD FOR TOWANG The Dalai Lama, who slipped lies out of West Berlin "a part of Shoglq ve Studied and iter ed big thee lo be prepared to ex The royal Tibetan party of fugi- out of his palace in Lhasa 18 daysithe continuing effort of the Com- se ree. poin 5 as. 3 Fame pore, in Liel SRproa ng Aeg0. ) : A | > 4 work for a four-power agree-|tiations with the Soviet Union, the tives numbering 80 was reported ago under the noses of Commun- munist conspiracy to attain one. .... possibility of arms limitaton or | still on the march through rugged ist guns, Still was Raking be over-riding goal: world domina- 1. The basic UN role might be|disengagement on both sides of forests along the frontier with in- trek on mule back: through wild|tion,". to verify that 1l parties were/the Tron Curtain. RE Tr abiding by the terms of the] Pearkes told the council which agreement, winds up its deliberations today, Quebec Steel | 2. The Soviet must pledge itself|that Canadians were aware that f {and its associates to permit fullla third world war could easily a acdom of access to West Berlinimean as much nuclear destruc. Com n Fires and accept the establishment of tion to its cities as those of Y ja UN "presence" on the lines of Europe, f p { to the city. "Knowing fhe sponsibilties u 'Men On Strike |v, "52. ropes, fojner wi hive mm. 'West Berlin Bi be comple-| hope that the Wes ; ST. HYACINTHE, Que. gatiohs of the four oc- edge that # thermonuclear war ; A company that makes steel rail-| z ; iit dest all." he sald way wheels here ordered its 133, cupying powers. {might destroy us all." he said. striking employees to get back to| Pearkes later told reporters| Italian Foreign Minister Giu- work by last Thursday or face that by UN "presence" on the seppe Pella said the possibility dismissal. y {lines of access routes he meantjof UN help should not be ruled Not one striker showed up leivilian or unarmed military ob- out and Halvard M. Lange of Nor- " . : servers. {way backed up the Canadan in- ° | The company fired the men] sh { E He also said that NATO Secre-|itiative. B Ma strate |Friday. It has started doling out, ~~" ~~ oc -- ing of the North Aflantic Treaty. Y gl jseverante pay. Tio: thessage oaid { The employees however stayed . ' | on the picket line they've manned '. . . Our basic mission has| pORONTO (CP) Attorney. Magistrate Jackson said some sinc Nov, 6. so far been carried out. The West coy ara] Roberts has challenged|of the cases he dfmissed had) These were the latest develop- has been defended. Today from|gna authority of a Peterborough been hanging fire since last Dec- ments in a violence-spattered Nor way Turkey you stand| .oictrate who dismissed 67/ember and it seemed unfair that strike at Griffin Steel Foundaris gua 2 Joouingss a strebth. careless driving charges. conviction on an old charge might Limitd in this Eastern Town-| to iy nm It gh Magistrate R. C. Jackson, who sary demerits under the new! Ships city, already pitichey by artnership and understanding of threw out the charges laid in pan. jhe Tocession in Senera an i . Q 'Q : : . tnerst working toner 1» | Peterborough County during the, If you changed the rules half|textile industry slump in partic- ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. The premier also said Mr, common "purpose By tear a/period when the validity of On-fway through a Bockey game, the ular. : a mier Smallwood lashed out at the pjefenbaker had made an "inex SE Bl tario's careless driving law was!fans would proba ly hang the The company, a subsidiary of federal government and Prime cusable attempt to interfere in 8 y E lin question, remarked Friday: referee and their sense of justice/the American Steel Corporation, Minister Diefenbaker again Fri-| tt f neial isdiction" Our purpose is freedom. The = 0 ami a the rules Would be rightly outraged. So Iimanufacturers wheels for CNR|day from the floor of the New-|/na/'€r 0! provincia jurisdiction goal is peace, It is your privilege| You can't Shange BY » lam going to dismiss the drivingland CPR rolling stock. foundland legislature. {in his statements corcerning the and mine to work, for this great hall 2y Trough Joe an legal/charges laid during the period] D. V. Hamilton, vice-president; He announced a second lawsuit Sppojutne Py a judge 10 the gauss. Ours is the responeibilAY ist month by the Ontario Court when the section was under dis- and general manager of Griffin against Ottawa, agamn on the rg prom. i tome and the culture of fifteen Of Appeal. {ute hi [Steel, said the company's deci- grounds of breach of contract. He "IT. = 00d: S81C the (Ak S ar ure of fifteen ' oe aid. he would ask sion to fire the men is final and|also withdrew an amendment had taken from the St. John's Not one hend: C Mr Rob Ao Bradshaw i iirrevocable. But he said the strik-|that would have reduced the cab. housing authority the possession Jas een lost AoW io ih for a complete Starry Soccer |ers would be rehired with loss of inet's powers under labor legisla- and administration of 192 rental Keep it so of Peter roug strate. Jackson's {seniority and other privileges. [tion passed last month. units, contrary to a 1956 agree- ~|report on Magis hail: | The workers, members of the, The premier said his govern. ment. Attorney - General Curtis . - action. : : Pl Yi 1d |St. Hyacinthe Syndicate of Steel/ment would sue the federal works Said he had issued instructions to Third Titan QUESTIONS AUTHORITY ayer 1e S {Workers (CCCL), walked out|department and Central Mortgage have immediate action taken : y "I can't imagine anyone dis-| {charging that the company had|and Housing Corporation for against the CMHC and the publie missing 67 careless driving - . tried to change working condi- breach of contract concerning Works department. . Test Success charges in this manner," he said. | e 0 0 10 tions stipulated in its labor con- subsidized housing in St. John's.! The premier indicated the hous. > He said he doubted the magis-| tract. Newfoundland already has ing units were taken over by CAPE CANAVERA! . Fla. (Ap). trate had the authority. }n MONDON jap) Jett Hal, jaunched 2 suit agaist Onawa CHAG ater is government fe Phe Tits + IY . "The magistrate should have England and Birmingham City lin the Exchequer Court of Can-|fus o comply with a reques Pa iy new - hi A por BR here before|soccer player who was stricken] THOUGHT FOR TODAY ada, contending the federal gov-/from Mr. Green and W. J. generation" rocket. shot over the!taking such steps." _ |with polio, died today. |ernment broke a contract by re-| Browne, Newfoundland's repre- ic Friday on the third The attorney-general, in an in-| Hall, a hard-tackling fullback| fusing to send requested RCMP sentative in the federal cabinet, highly successful tes' flight in a terview, said he had not all the{who stood only five feet, seven {reinforcements during Newfound- to replace present housing au- row facts in the case and could not|inches, played 17 times for Eng-| land's violence-spattered loggers' thority members with Progres- ha of ia say what action might be taken,|land. When he fell ill March 24 strike. sive Conservative supporters. Tr H-foot rocket was fired "8 yo crown may be able to|Birmingham City postponed their met e------------ » we ry over a limited range of about 300 appeal and have the charges laid| scheduled matches and his team- miles Late r it was nnounced again Imates were sent home for rest! that reliminary ed "Ontario's point demerit system and observation. | the achieved came into effect Wednesday and! Hall, 28, built a reputation for nective a conviction on a careless driv- his play with Manchester United's, al hours lai: a Bold ing charge carries a five - point Roger Byrne, the England full- Orion ballistic test rocket, capa- demerit against a driver. When back killed in the Munich air ble of travelling 1,000 miles, was a driver has accumulated 12 disaster 13 months ago. The pair blasted over the Atlantic from points in a two-year period, his/was recognized as one of the beneath the wing of a B-47 jet licence is suspended for three finest fullback combinations in months |world soccer. - -- Hall played more than 200 times for Birmingham's first ° team. Liberal Leader Opens ; py... ou |] | 2 More Quit His Election B Bs Result Of g iy piecemeal, - hasty| Complete immediately a road Project ill considered program the present government now plans to complete in 20 years: TORONTO (CP) -- Two more) but pay for it over a 20-year members of the council of refer-| period with establishment of alence of the Freedom Foundation! highways authority if necessary.|of Canada Lave announced their| i f resignations, bringing to six the! AID FOR STUDENTS number of officers who have left Give $300 a year tc every stu-'the anti-Communist, anti-fluorid-| dnt who has to attend a univer-'ation body. sity. outside his muzicipality. The resignations have followed| Gradually assume the total cost disclosure that the foundation] of education, removing the taxa-'had engaged in fund-raising ac- tion burden from hore owners, !itvities for an unsuccessful Brit- Encourage secondary industry (ish Columbia gold rroject in Northern Ontario by reducing| Elliott Stedelbauer. just back ] freight rates on the government-|from a world trip to promote the CRIPPLED ET LANDS SA Progressive Conservative govern- a : [owned Ontario Northland Rail-|work of the Christian Business A crippled Capital Airlines ; circling the field for nearly ment is characterized by "'confu Mr. Wintermeyer's promises: |way an d establish a department|Men's International Organization,| Viscount plane, her landing three hours Friday. The lower sion and uncertainty * Government credit for second of northern affairs. {said Thursday he is withdrawing} < Kk i } Ab hoto shows Hi 1s aki "It's the kind of a government mortgages to permit purchase of| Provide machinery for a sys-'from the foundation because of] 52! stue in. the up position, . photo shows the plane making that doesn't deal with a problem a down payment of tem of portable pensions to be its connection with the gold| came in for a landing at Wil- a smooth belly landing on the lcarried from job to job. scheme, low Run airport, Detroit, after | foam-covered runway. The t} | hor A jomes v LY \S *

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