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The Oshawa Times, 13 Apr 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 «oo RA 38-3474 All other calls . ... fie Oshawa Times WEATHER REPOR1 Sunny and warmer Tuesday, Winds light becoming west during the day, EIGHTEEN PAGES Authorized As Second Class Mall OSHAWA-WHITBY, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1959 Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy Post Office Department, Ottawa VOL. 88 -- NO, 86 . FT POND WAS the scene of a | drowning tragedy when Bobby Tarrington, aged 2, lost his life, | NEW CHECKS Dulles Gaunt, WASHINGTON (AP) -- State Secretary Dulles, returning unex- pectedly from a Florida rest to a hospital, undergoes new medical checks today in his battle against cancer, An expected visit from Presi. dent Eisenhower could bring a decision on how long Dulles re- mains in office. Eisenhower was reported con- cerned about Dulles' continuing illness. Eisenhower had arrived to re turn to the capital to keep a ser- ies of engagements made before he went to Augusta, Ga., for vac- ations last week, The 71-year-old Dulles re-en- entered hospital yesterday after. moon. He was looking haggard and considerably - underweight. His complexion was an ashen color. He returned to Washington a few hours after the State depart. Seat said "it aw is desirable he ve a period of further medical observation," was reported still Dulles could serve as spe-| durin; clal adviser, at least I big four foreign minister MYSTERIOU S 'OBJECT' MONTREAL IGHTED AT om Whyte Plans Children's Village (Staff)--Mrs, for missionary children whose|Mom sald she hopes to have her parents would be unable to care present facilities incorporated as for them in "far off lands," {a Mission, with its own board LONG TIME PLAN of trustees, She said the home her present location into a village| Mom said the expansion plan gince it was first opened, and that which she intends to call "Whyte-/has been in the making for some |donations of food and clothing haven Mission." time now, and she had honed have been accepted "all along." | In a statement Sunday Mom to begin construction last fall, The new village is to be an said she intends to build new| She sald she discussed her entirely non « profit organization n 00 [facilities which will include two plans for expansion with Pre- Mom said, | new dormitories, an administra- mier Leslie M. Frost at a recent a ? STRING PORT HOPE (Staff) a two. tion building, garage and bake meeting in Toronto, and has re- TEST OF STRENGTH | year-old Port Hope hoy died Sat- shop "the minute the plans are ceived his promise the govern. "This will be a great project {urday when he drowned in two re ady," A home for unwed mot- ment will not interfere with her|When completed," she sald It feet of water in a wading pool, hers' is also planned. The new plans. There has been no de. Will be like a small village of Robert Tarrington, 92 Elgin venture would take care of at cision as yet, whether to apply homey-type buildings, We don't street north, was found uncon-least 200 more children, for a government grant to as. Want it to look like an institu. scious in the pool by its owner, An Oshawa architect, George sist with building costs. However tion R. B. Fraser, of 69 Elgin street Tonks is presently preparing pre: Mom does plan to have the Pre. Mom Whyte sald she did not north, about 4.25 p.m liminary drawings of the propos: mier officially open the new vil. know whether the money will Port Hope firemen used resus. ed new: site, and it is expected lage when completed. come from the government, a citation apparatus in an attempt they will be complete the early The new construction will be fund or Piivite \edlvidunis, a to revive the boy, He was later part of this week. Mr, Tonks carried out in the valley behind God will pull us through a | for summer amuiement eof youngsters, : ~Times Staff Photo Port Hope Boy Drowns A neighbor, Ose is seen probing the bottom of | the three foot deep pool built | BOWMANVILLE {Bertha "Mom" Wyte Sunday an. nounced plans to go ahead with | construction estimated at $300,000 on her property which will turn] Looks Ashen has been operating as a mission [f [ene open the | told confers terday. taken to Port Hope hospital where later said plans would not be jan present home, which will be other test of strength," she said. | he was pronounced dead about 6 ready for at lea t two werks turned into an isolation hospital p.m, Mom said the future includes when the new residences are Son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert plans for a vocational training complete, The present dormi- Tarrington, the boy had returned for boys at the Mission, Other {orig will SOIVe as nurseries. about 4 p.m, from a shopping trip plans include a high school for ash 14 downtown with his mother. He her children, thus enabling 3 LA Jitacet shire uy n> ohil evidently wandered across the complete education to be gained |) staff of 14 rotor Ant road to the Fraser yard, where on her property, . |This is the largest number of he slipped into the pool, She sald when her present fac) iidren to be cared for at one Mrs. Tarrington missed the boy | lities were first opened four years time since Whytehaven o an shortly after, She had been look-|ago it was her inttenion to care ) ¥ A ing for him about 15 minutes -- w= {GETS GOLD WATCH {when a neighbor told her he had While speaking at Shaws |been found. Church in Toronto Sunday night, | The circular concrete pool, Mom received one donation of about 10 feet in diameter, slopes $114 from the congregation to put down from the sides to a depth of [towards the cost of the new build less than three feet at the middle. ings. She was also given a gold It was filled with rain and snow we. 7 watch by an unidentified water, and ne Soped sides member of the congregation, "Coroner Dr, E. L. Wrathall sald She anid. "It was through the death was caused by drowning Work of God I was given the A bump on the forehead is be Saleh, something I did not have o a something I have always lieved caused when the boy fell) Chile undergoing questioning by wanted." Teamster Boss 'From Oshawa 'Has Collapse TORONTO (C)--A teamsters' {union official collapsed Sunday AILING DULLES e A ds set to a ain] in ly good," Dulles wy prett; reporters at the airport yes. Youth Killed In Uxbridge A 15-year-old Alderwood youth, or struggled in the peol, It is not ' iy ; the local's membership. At a later date, it Is hoped known how long the hoy was in Kenneth McDougall of Oshawa, 'a small restaurant and a wood the water, z 3 Mr. Taylor built the pool a year president of Local 938, was on his working shop will be established ago to provide a play nool for his two daughters. It is about 80 feet Papers demanded by the mem-imijtories will include a school and bership when he suffered what chapel, kitchen, dining hall, gym was described as a recurrence of and accommedation for girls and a heart condition, boys. Earlier this week a three-man! In another statement Sunday, committee of the membership! . - - had conducted a hearing on 18] {charges of irregularities in Me- |back from the street and pro- tected by a hedge running be- tween the pool and the street, | The Tarringtons had moved to| the house only a week before. Twp. Leaning against the car was a (way to an upstairs office to get|at "Whytehaven," The new dor "All he asks of us is that we be faithful, It matters little where the money comes from." SELF-SUSTAINING She sald Whytehaven will be come self-sustaining when the project is completed, Boys and| girls would receive useful train. ing in the service station and restaurant, Her eight « room brick farm- house, now a nursery, would be turnéd into an isolation hospital; existing dormitories, classroom and dining hall would take the [place of the nursery. | She said in a Christian Chil. |dren's Organization in Hong | Kong has offered to help support 150 of her charges and photo graphs and personal information on each child will be sent to the organization, A Hong Kong family would then select a child and aid in its support by sending $5 a month and birthday and Christmas pres. ents Wheh the project is completed, she said, she and her husband Bert, a Bowmanville rubber plant worker, may travel to India where they would open a branch of Whytehaven, -- | Hovered Over RCAF Key Base MONTREAL (CP)-A mysterl-labout 8 p.m., approximately at ous object sighted Sunday night/the same time as people in sub. over the RCAF base at nearby urbs on the south shore opposite St, Hubert was reported today to Montreal were reporting a mys have hovered for several minutes |terious red light over the RCAF over a playing field in Montreal's base, : north end, | A spokesman at Alr Defence | Claude Mercler sald that he and Command in St. Hubert sald the {about 10 of his nioghbors saw the|control tower operator there did object hovering over a park area not see the object, It did not show i [at the intersection of de Fleurl. on the base's radar, mont and Garnier streets, Our switchboard operato) sald " : {he saw a black ball with a red It looked like a big round bal ot on It." said the spokesman loon, about 10 feet in diameter "She sald the ball » ared to with a yellow light inside," said|, / Pe ann b 4 view Fler De Sitting on the moon." Mercier in an Interview, Fle 'Y| "We. have mo official explana: KILLED CHILDREN '|sparks came from the underside| of the object as it hovered over|tion for these phenomena, Carl Eder, 16, is shown after [the field the spokesman, Ae i Juats "It was very low and it ap. TELL OTTAWA by a jury in San aly. Calis {peared as though it was going to Information was gathered on fornia. Eder had been tried in land. But after hanging in the air/then and forwarded to the trans. connection with the slaying of |@ few minutes it took off, rising port department in Ottawa. The Mrs. Lois Pendergast and her [not vertically but at a slant and department in turn passed the in- four ehildren at thelr home in |at & terrific speed, Within two or (formation on to Washington and El Cajon, California, Eder cons [three minutes we had lost sight from there it was circulated to fessed immodiately after being {of it on the horizon, all parts of the world, nabbed at Mission Beach near |LIGHT GOES OUT The spokesman sald that an ob {ject similar to the one reported San Diego. He said ho killed the | Ag it rose, he sald, the yellow |§ children to stop them from |light Inside the balloon (Sunday night had been sighted seemed | gyor the base a couple of months {to go out, All that could be seen ago, When It was checked out Jt was su mauvish glow from was found that What people had et, [seen was an aircraft with a ed He said the sighting was made light on its underside, va Bad Ice Hounds = . Collings, chief. commis. Seaway Season Board of Ontario, has announced, : MONTREAL (cP-A wiring of forced to tie up for repairs. Capt. Before decid ha UCK---iCe, groundings Robert : Weigel OR gig gw mes Fog eo i board gave careful consideration breaker--continues to hound the «jt wasn't the ice at all," sald to the increase in excise duty on young St, Lawrence shipping/my, Land who was aboard the spirits and the increased sales|season, ship, "just something that broke {tax announced Thursday in the| The 6,000 « ton ice « breaker down, She had the spare parts [federal Budget. volall prices D'Iberville wa 3 soleduled 10} shone and she's being repaired. | vo is sad 8 jcarry a group of shipping and| Downstream, about 20 miles, jor al Catiadian spivite Ni be 10 government officials through the the Norwegian freighter Sum land 20 cents on the full 'bottle, |o+ Lawrence 0 way starting moira was forced into a clay Imported spirits will cost 10 Mantes Ay wl bank by ice drifting in the chane cents more for the half-bottle and. Dut thick, jumbled ice at the nel, Tugs from Montreal were ex. 25 cents on the full bottle. seaway entrance seemingly has pected to free her sometime to Prices of wine and imported postponed the informal opening, day. There was no report of beer are unchanged, Formal ceremonies are to take damage. She was. the second - {place here in June with Queen freighter to rum aground so far Elizabeth and President Eisen- in the two-week-old season. hower officiating. | iiiae. | Large quantities of lec were re. Harbor authorities said they ported flowing down at expect a statement from Trans {port Minister Hees shortly, They | through the shallow, winding # Prices For Spirits Up dents will pay slightly higher prices for spirits starting today, | Dalai Lama {channel of Lake St. Peter and on | Roy Desmond Andrews, was kil- 303 Entield rifle, police were led on Sunday afternoon when told: an as Henry was about to his brother's rifle discharged and load Roy's rifle, the Enfield top- {Dougall's conduct of his duties, After he was taken to hospital Vice-resident Emmerson Gray| 'Women Take Over MakesPlans ois sui oi NEW DELHI (AP) -- The Dalai, "The ice is bad," said H, L, {towards the sea. A number of ships, including the Polish lner West, Russia shot him in the head. The ac-| cident occurred in a gravel pits on Concession 1, Uxbridge Twp.,/lodged in his head. The stricken! about one mile north of Highway youth fell backwards into his 47, near Stouffville. Police investigation indicated that the boy, along with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest An- drews, of 233 Delta St. Alder- wood, had been target shooting| in the pit. There were nine per-| sons in the party, Henry Andrews, 32, the dead youth's brother, told police that he had been attempting to show Roy how to breach load his rifle without removing it from his] shoulder. He said that Roy had knelt down beside a ear and Hen. ry had knelt behind him with the rifle at his shoulder Feashy Trial Near Climax LOS ANGELES (AP)--A jury of eight women and four men to- day begins considering either the death penalty or life imprison- ment for Gerald Feashy, for- merly of (Oshawa, Ont., convicted last week of murdering his 19 year-old sweetheart Feasby, 28 - year - old book- keeper, was found guilty in Su- perior Court of stabbing to death Glendale. Her body wa: found in bush alongside' a mountain high- way last Dec. 3. Police said Feasby told them he stabbed her after a quarrel in his automobile. ) Durh>m Jeweller Frcm Whitby Dies DURHAM, Ont. (CP) Sarney, 73, prominent Durham Jeweller, died Saturday. He was a native of Whitby and had been a jeweller more than 50 years. He bought his "business here 23' ycars ago. CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICF RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 23.2211 Clare |pled over. by pronounced dead on arrival. or not | hospital nurses who had testi-- {took over the chairmanship of the union's regular monthly meeting. | He too was grilled by member | ship and was reported to have A-Test Ban tendered his resignation, He re-| | a . 4 fused to speak to reporters after Dr. Mitchell, of Stouffville EVA (AP) The west and the meeting, : parently irked by repeated fail. and later removed to the Ux- "% Russians resume negotiations) The committee which heard the ures of their 52 - man fraternal Ee er remayec e X- (on control of nuclear weapon charges against McDougall will 'eouncil to free Freedomite chil ge Loltage Hospital. He wasitests today with Britain and the|submit a report to James Hoffa,|dren from the control of the Brit CW ) ~~ |United States reporied ready tolinternational president of thelish Columbia government. the PC W. L. Smith, of the Whitby | propose a limited ban on test ex-teamsters' union (CLC). Sons of Freedom Doukhobors Detachment of the OPP, investi-|plosions At Sunday's meeting a demand yesterday stripped the council of gated. It has not been announced The plan would ban all tests at/was made that an administrator its power, whether there will be an inquestlor near ground level, which be appointed pending Hoffa's de- The move was made during a cause dangerous fallout. cision, meeting in this southeastern B.C -s ~ [community--a Doukhobor strong hold----which was dominated by women: It appeared the women took control of the sect's affairs Peter Elasoff, secretary and a member of the council, said the 52-man body now was without 4% (power and, when asked hy a re norter the reasons behind the move, said: "better talk to the women." | He added that as far he could determine no one has heen elected to replace the council, The Vancouver Province said the women took ahsolute control of the sect after the fiery devel opments of the meeting dur ling which an angry woman [screamed: "vou men have heen inlaying with this situation with |the government long enough . , . {we're going to take over." Sparking the latest revolt was the New Denver, B.C, provincial 'ormitory, 80 miles northwest of here, where the government de {tains Freedomite children whose parents refuse to send them to It discharged and the bullet struck Roy in the right eye and Hassle Over brother's arms, He was treated on the scene KRESTOVA, B. C. (CP)-Ap as Doukhobor Sect school, There are about 75 chil dren in the dormitory, called a concentration camp by Freedom. ite, It was established in 1954 to ensure that Doukhobor chil. dren receive proper education, Freedomites refused to send children to schools in their dis. Batory made it to Quebec City yesterday. Others dezided to wait at Trois\Rivieres and Montreal, Lama consulted today with an Land, channel engineer, "There Indian government representative jg deep rafted ice in the harbor, on his plans for the future. {practically to the bottom. It must| Tibet's young fugitive spiritual|he 20 to 25 feet deep, | and temporal leader arrived in| "This is forcing rafted ice into! GM Production Bomdila, near the northeast fron-|the seaway entrance, We're try- tier to find special envoy P, N, ing to gouge it out now. i Menon of the Indian foreign of! "We should have it out TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian motor-vehicle production last week is estimated at 10,004 vee by if Once we reach St / it won't be bad at tricts, claiming Canadian educ tion teaches militarism, The chil dren remain at the dormitory un. til they are 15. They attend nearby classes with other chil. dren, RCMP PELTED In a late move to win freedom | for their children the sons estab. lished four schools in the district, Subjects taught--all in Russian-- | include christian guidance, gram-| mar, mathematics, geography and a limited amount of history. Three RCMP constables inves. | tigating the new schools Friday were pelted with eggs, mud and rocks by IPreedomite women. One| woman who pummelled a police-| man with her fists has been| charged with assault and will ap pear in court at Nelson today. | Besides Mr. Elasoff, John J.| Perepelkin, chairman of the council, and Bill Moojelsky, for mer secretary, also lost their! jobs, | The Sons of Freedom, number ing not more than 3,000, is a rad. ical minority of the Doukhobor sect which came to Canada from Russia in 1299, f8 LATE NEWS FLASHES Arson Squad Checks CNE Fire TORONTO (CP) The a investigate a fire which did § i | Building at the Canadian Nat "~~ Two Appeals To Be Hea OTTAWA (CP) Appeals by Gray against conviction of conspiracy and bribery will open before the Supreme Court of li Ba wiki i hid % ne - s JF RN This unidentified photograph- | of Mrs. Wayne Scruton of Vien- pictures. But this woman, un- er meets some opposition as he | na, Ont. Inquest was held at identified, took exception to the | attempts to take pictures of | the Tillsonburg, Ont., town hall | action and wallops him across | and the photographer was out. | 1A the back of the head. a side the ) trving to pot CP Phat CARLETON PLACE, Ont floor of fied at an inquest into the desth \ Sy damage to the Industrial ¥ HE! Mississippi Hotel Damaged In Fire he 80-year-old structure on Bridge street in this + W miles northwest of OMawa rson squad has been asked to al Exh rd Robert Sommers and H. Wilson 'ion Sunday night ;anada Tuesday, April 28. (CP) The historic Mississippl Hotel was heavily damaged by fire early today with loss estimated at more than $50,000. Seven occupants of the four storey building escaped uninjured whe n flames swept the top | fice waiting, along with crowds Tuesday, maybe tomorrow of Buddhists who jostled each!we're lucky € other to pay homage to the god: Lambert lock king. » |ICE-BREAKER DAMAGED hicles compared with 9,898 in the The government ice « breakers|preceding year, says the Cana. (Saurel and Ernest Lapointe are dian automobile chamber of coms {working at the tangled ice in the merce, seaway entrance, | Production consisted of 8288 | But the Lapointe damaged her|cars compared with 8,185 and 1,» 'steering gear yesterday and was 721 trucks compared with 1,708. THOUGHT FOR TODAY Nothing impairs the aver age person's taste for work as much as a taste of some- thing for nothing. ELEPHANT GRANTED STAY Dorothy the mad elephant of the Carson and Barnes Circus is shown here tethered after the animal was scheduled to be pe witad Toast Navemher the elephant did a headstand on trainer James Lloyd and killed him, About two weeks ago she tried the same stunt on a new ro re of the humane society the animal was given a stay of execu'ion and will be given to the Tulsa, | Okalhoma, 00. AD Ww

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