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The Oshawa Times, 13 Apr 1959, p. 2

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yA" rh A 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Apri 13, 1959 at, A Ln a aie Spt A | PCMeeting '| The annual meeting of the On- . ] ! - A free-for-all early in the Sun- day game sent six players to the penalty box rough contest 4 . ny three fights in the first period of police ticket, owners of cars with the Saturday game when 13 play- ers were thumbed off during the at one time in the while there were period. Three misconducts were handed out Saturday Hershey meets Buffalo Wednes day at Buffalo Bisons defeated Rochester 4-1 in games in their semi-final Dunc Fisher, Willie Marshall O'Brien were the Hershey ers Sunday while Boh Robertson Bob Bailey and Art Stratton cored for Barons Mike Nykoluk, and Ellard scor Saturday Nykoluk got Her: | tween Port Perry and Blackstock, are flooded. The flooding extends more than a mile completely tance of more than 200 yards at one point and lesser distances in {other sections | REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK |ing snores, that came from the bed, drew crowds. There was conversation, laugh- ter, and the shuffling of many | Two Ministers | Will Address | By EARL GREEN 1 am puzzled by practical jokes. |They are so cruel and funny at the same time. feet, but he slept on. Some surveyor friends of mine, Someone suggested putting him ftario Riding Progressive Con- in Prince George, BC, pulled in the middle of the street. The servative Association will be Held one I'll never forget. cars circled noisily on either JApril 24 in the Whitby Town| Ope of the crew, George, was side of him, grinding gears, rev- Hall. a tederall® chronic late sleeper, Most ving engines. Still he slept. Hon. Howard pen, Aer) mornings, the only way to waken By this time his hairy barrel inset oh public works and him was to dump him on the chess was bare and his friends Fors ey poi] ac A floor. Even then he night Toll fememberet his habit of sleep- | . odd lover and doze off again. ng nude. |2peakers Bt ihe Touting 4 Which One qulet Sunday morning, the They waited in grinning sntici- jan ap Fis boys thought of a new way to|pation. { "Mr. Green. a. member of par.|Waken George. A huge tractor-trailer rumbled iament for 24 years who 15 sec- They carried him out, bed and down the street and pulled up to ond in seniority in the PC ranks all, into the main strect of Prince (the head of the bed, The driver only to Prime Minister Joh n| George. They placed the bed wanted in the act. He paused a Diefenbaker, will réport on his gently on the sidewalk and re-|/long moment for audience effect, parlismentary experiences. tired fo sit on a nearby fence. then leaned on the air horn, - - 5) It was a warm summer morn-| George leaped straight into the ling, The majority of the people in the street were on their way nude, three blocks down main to church. Others were weaving street before he realized where home from Saturday night's par- he was. Then he headed for the ties, bunkhouse. The sight of a bed on the side- He shook for three days. He walk would have aroused normal wouldn't eat. He couldn't sleep, | curiosity. But the long shudder- We thought it was funny. OBITUARIES SAMUEL A. WALLACE |of the Lutheran Church and was * Port Pery lost one of 2s Best/a, bank messenger for the Bank alavim h whiny | Known and respected citizens, of al, lo suiatied cHvpioyess nd 7 whieh with the passing Sunday, April 12,( He leaves his wife, whom he costs up to $250 a vear tor aid Samuel Allan Wallace. Mr. married Jan. 30, 1959; his par- ehiplovacs wisiing BR hy {Wallace died at Port Perry Com- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles education rt spare time. st munity Memorial Hospital, after Barrett; a sister, Mrs, Ivy yy Los I study | a brief illness. He was in his 82nd Cooper and a brother, John, all of Perle. plan eligi year. |G2teshead, Ebgiand, dooder the plan eligible em" Mr. Wallace was the last of 13| The funeral service will be Floves way. Jake collage level|opijdren of the late George and|held at the McIntosh Funers! |courses designec to maintain and Margaret Wallace, He was born Chapel at 3 p.m. Tuesday, April {Improve their skills Ju perform: |," goach township and lived in 14, followed by interment in Osh- ing their work the Port Perry area all his life. (awa Union Cemetery. Rev. F. We would like to see General po was educated at Port Perry Gumz, pastor of University Luth- |Motors people take full advantage poh School and the University eran Church, Toronto, will con a Ja id "duegtional " Opportul. of Toronto, where he studied law. duct the services. vy," sa 5. H. Wa'ker, presi rl . dent of General Molors of i elerring the counpyy Hie, le fool MRS. ELLEN HAWLEY ada, Ltd. "As individuals, and/many years. On retiring from | In failing health for fous years as companies, we have never|garming, he started an insurance Ellen Clarke, widow of Adam been more squarely faced with p ciness, in Port Perry, which he| the need to Increase our know-| otively conducted for the past ledge and our abilities. Doing five vears. - (ceased was | business in today's world is a] Mr. Wallace was a r off A daught complex matter demanding athe Port Perry Library Board and Ellen Clarke, the deceased high and broad level of academic and was, for more than 20 years,|Was born at Wishaw. England, and technical preparation." a justice of the peace. A staunch|and was married at Wigginton, GM companies in Canada are: Liberal, he was a close friend of England, in 1904, General Motors of Canada, Ltd., W. H, Moore, former Liberal MP| A, resident of Whitby for 44 Oshawa and Windsor; The Me- for Ontario riding. years, the deceased had previous- Kinnon Industries, Lid., St. Ca- Mr, Wallace leaves his wife. ly lived in Brook'in tharines; Frigidaire Products of the former Hattie Morrow: three years, She was a member of All Canada Ltd., Scarborough; Gen- sons. Almer, of 'laslwater,/Saints Anglican Church, Whitby. eral Motors Diesel Lid., London; Ralph of Oshawa and 'van. of She leaves two daughters, Mrs, Tuition Plan Announced |: For Workers General Motors subsidiaries in |Canada announced today a new Tuition Refund Plan applicable Whitby, Friday, April 10. The de- n her 80th year. of the late George » General Motors Acceptance Cor- Hamilton: three daughters, Olive R. H. Kemp (Evelyn), of Bays- Enid of Oshawa, and ville, and Mrs. R. Colville (Bes- Albert Cawker),|gie), ou predeceased by a daughter, Mrs. survived by 13/F. J Moore (Mary), poration of Canada, Lid.; Motors of Guelph, Insurance Corporation, and Mo- Vivien (Mrs, tors Holding of Canada Ltd. [Port Perry, High Water i Floods Road grandchild. deceased be The service will take place Tuesday. April 14, at 2 pm. In-| . terment will be at Prince Albert| ALBERT L. MORPHY Cemetery. | The death occurred at the Osh- The pallbearers will be Don awa General Hospital early this Milne, Howard McMillan, Armour morning, following a lengthy ill (McMiilan, James Baird, Stewartinecs of Albert Liewellyn Mor- Morrison and Lawrence Morri-iphy beloved husband of the for- | children, The funeral service will be con. ducted at the McDermott-Pana-\w C, Town Funeral minster United Church, Oshawa.|qay April 14. Interment Sections of Highway 7A, services, The road is flooded for a dis. The road is covered with water| baker Funeral Home, Port Perry, whithy, for service in All Saints by Rev. H. A. Mellow of North-| Anglican Church at 2 p.m. Tues:| abrasions. will be the Vigor Oil Station |assisted by Rev. Keith McMillan, yp" Graveside Cemetery, Brook- line of Burlington, a nephew of the yy go "s Armstrong, rector of work. |All Saints Church, will conduct the air and landed running. He ran, 9 | | PIONEER MEMBERS HONORED BY CHURCH Pictured above is one of the tables at a special banquet held in St. John's Ukrainian Ortho- dox Church, Bloor steet east, Saturday in honor of the pio. neers of the church. Seated at the table are many members who joined the congregation when it was formed, 24 years ago. Dmytro Luchak, priest at St. John's, said that he hopes to make the banquet an annual affair, with gifts for the 25-year members next year. --Oshawa Times Photo | 7 Grass Fires WEATHER FORECAST FoughtinCity | Sunny, Warmer On Tuesday ! Spring, as far as Oshawa Fire Department is concerned, has ar-| Irived. | | During the weekend, Oshawa [firefighters were called out to| combat seven grass fires. None of the fires were serious, and mo TORONTO (CP)--Official fore-| | White River regions, North Bay, Synopsis: Clear cold weather Sudbury; cities: last night in southern Warmer today. Tuesday sunny ld temper-| With cloudy intervals and a. little ures were reported from north. cooler. Winds west 20 today be- property damage was reported. | The department answered 10 {night and Monday. cast issued at 5 am.: Hawley, died at Fairview Lodge, |ympylance calls between Friday prevailed | Ontario while fairly |at Haliburton, Kirkland Lake, Sunny and lern Ontario. Warmer air is ex-|coming light tonight and north. Woman Hurt In Accident An Oshawa woman, Mrs. Mary |Geriorowski was reported in fair | condition in Oshawa General Hos- pital today, after she was hit by |a car driven by Kenneth Marvin, for four 2awmanville. She was|Park Road South. The accident occurred at 10:45 warmer |p.m. Sunday night just east of the Winds light becoming west 20 this and one great: Algo surviving are six grand. Oshawa town line on Highway 2. |afternoon and again during the tario today while cold air from | pected to move into southern On- east 15 Tuesday. Timmins-'Kapuskasing regions: Hudson Bay will advance south- Sunny and warmer today turning eastward into northern Ontario colder {and probably {northern Ontario by Tuesday Winds west tonight. Tuesday cloudy cover most of with sunny intervals and colder, 20 today shifting north 15 tonight. \ Forecast Temperatures tonight High Tuesday sor 32 morning, Regional forecasts valid until| midnight Tuesday: Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niag: ara, Lake Ontario, Georgian Bay region:, Toronto, Hamilton, Lon. !don, Windsor cities: Sunny and {Low | Wind today The hospital reports that Mrs. day Tuesday. The remains are resting at the|Geriorowski suffered poss ible Chapel, | fractured ribs, hip and pelvis, | lacerations and| {with multiple She is employed at at the town and apparently had just left Constable Richard Dymond of {Bowmanville OPP investigated. French Priests | and Tuesday. Toronto .... Trenton ens St. Catharines .... 3 Hamilton " i CITY AND DISTRICT Killaloe .... Earlton .. Sudbury .... North Bay ... White River .. Sunday night, Oshawa | ber of ancient Jewish artifacts, | 13 John street, president of the Jewish Community sponsored | and literature in the Hebrew | Oshawa Hungarian Cultural So- ment at the McLaughlin Pube | library auditorium und In the | ings, some of which are contem- lie Library, in connection with | showcases in the foyer. In the porary with the Red Seca scrolls, National Library Week A num: | above picture, James Szikszay, Times Photo 1 Meet Bi | ngineer As lleetbisons CLEVELAND (CP) -- Hershey y . Bears held off a late Cleveland F i R ] Barons rally Sunday to enter the IOS = 1 V a {after the clubs split a pair of é : brawling weekend games. LINDSAY (CP) -- J. M. Nes:|lon Bureau of Statistics Is spend: pears edged Barons 4-3 Sunday bitt, CPR engineer, was named ing $2,500,000 for a computing apier Barons had evened their Frost Saturday "at a Liberal taking the 1961 deccrnial census. games aplece with a 31 win in meeting here to choose a candl-It will save the expense of em- jiorghey Saturday date for Victoria reading in the ploying and training a large spe. . next Ontario provincial election. cial staff. HALIFAX (CP) The nine OTTAWA (CP) ~-- lustead of a members of the St. Peter's juven- ile temperance society hockey out-of-town licence plates get a team had a club picture taken courteous note when they commit title in 1909, A survey this year In part "We ask you to help us showed all nine s'il! in good help you enjoy your visit by ob health, serving and obeying all signs." SPECIAL FEED - MORE INSURANCE deep snow cut down the natural bought a total of $506,200,000 of food supply for deer in this area new life insurance in February, in the past winter several wood. an increase of 21 per cent over lot owners served up a real deli. February, 1958, says the Life In- molasses. sociation shey's lone goal while Georges TRAINED GUIDES APPLES TO B.C. Bouchard, Bailey and Bill Shvetz MONTREAL (CP) -- The eity WOODSTOCK, Ont (CP)=0x- socred for Barons Shvetz in an has opened a special tourism ford County Fruit Co-Operative empty net in the game's last real to improve guide services for of Ontario apples to the apple visitors. A certificate 's awarded growing province of British to successful students. Columbia. "These arc controlled atmosphere apples," an official LIVELY ARRIVALS Phere oo GRANBY, Que. (CP)--A seven- gc." weeks-old polar bear trapped by . . Eskimos in the Northwest Terri. MAYOR TO RESCUE tories has been acquired by the PORT ARTHUR, Ont. (CP)--- a hyena cub, as a aift from The ployees of the public utilities Netherlands commission to rescue a cat after it had perched on a telephone pole HUGE COMPUTER AWA (CP) -- The Domin-'climb up to get it. an evening of cultural entertain. | language were on display in the clety, studies the ancient writ- | CAPSULE NEWS | Hershey To oe | {American Hockey League finals politica! opponent for Premier machine for use primarily in pact.of.seven semi-final at three STURDY GROUP PLEASANT REMINDER after they won the city juvenile a parking offence here. It says LACHUTE, Que, (CP) -- When TORONTO (CP) Canadians cacy for the animals--hay and surance Agency Management As: school at the University of Mont. Limited has shipped 900 bushels mipute aa sald. "They are not used much in Granby Zoo, It has also obtained Mayor Norman Wilson sent em. OTT. for 48 hours and nobody would Twent: 20 Sailors Row Pope's Body Through Venice VENICE, Italy Italian sailors (Reuters) rowing like ancient galley slaves to the "beat of 3 drum Mark's Basilica Sunday mains of Saint Plus X brought to Saint the re. the Vene {more than a foot deep. However, SON. mer Frances Alice Spires, |in view of the fact that the road is covered with water, it was in a much more dangerous condition qm. memorial service for this morning. The water was. 7ant who died last Wednes.! frozen, leaving chunks of ice 4ou in his 78rd year, was held at Andr floating in the middle of the road. |, = \vretrong Funeral Chapel at The bare patches between the|, on pm. Saturday, April 11. flooded sections have been made "poy H. A. Mellow, minister of | extremely slippery by cars using Northminster United Church, con- FUNERAL OF ROY VAN ZANT : Roy year. A s ew Morphy, on of the late Mr. and Mrs |1879, and was married at Whitby. |April 8 4d The deceased, who lived at 48 Rose- {hill boulevard, was in his 80th the deceased] PARIS (AP) -- Thirty was born at Columbus, Aug. 30, district all his life, he was a turing and executing Mos Accuse Army Of Tortures i + five [French Roman Catholic priests ,/in a letter to their bishops, hav 1908. A resident of the accused the French Army of tor lems in {Alaria, former of the I the road y ent Of ducted the services, Intermen |dent Order of Odd Fellows. Many sightseers hindered driv. .. in Bloomington Cemetery. | ing progress Sunday afternoon n.. pallbearers were George and many people, who were un: Chapman, Harold Chapman, accustomed to driving throngh'p Li Thompson, William Clark, He was He Po. Besides his wife Mr. Morphy | in leaves a son, Harold, of Sarnia. predeceased by two sons, The armed forces ministry is vestizating the charges, Simi- [lar charges .often have heen made against the French Army lin the Algerian war. ESRSSSLSERKARRES (CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT | Moosonee | God's goodness and all-power| was brought out at Christian Sci- ence services on Sunday, April 12, "Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?" was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon. STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed Monday and Tuesday for construciton: Glenwood avenue| {from Bessborough drive to Law |street; Rossland road east from| IRitson road north to Grierson| |street, Emergency conditions| {such as bad weather, may re- {quire the closing of streets not on ithe above list, | | FIRMS INCORPORATED The current issue of The On. SEND FLOWERS by Wire Delivery and Quality Guaranteed by the world's most responsible florists { | such conditions, found their cars cp dec Van Zant and William Cecil L., The French Roman Catholic tario Gazette carries the infor. who dibd 45 ficer Earl E., who was shot down! tian peasant years ago The saint's glass coffin, brought by special train from Vatican City Saturday night, was guarded at the railroad station there by papal guards before he pope White Sox Display Power In Clutch HR As By JOE REICHLER got Eddie Yost to ground into a journey along the Grand Canal to would not go any further were then forced They an Zant. until their engine hecame dry WILLIAM BARRETT This stretch of road usually Following an illness of five o floods each year. However, this weeks the death occurred at the was not the case last vear Toronto Western Hospital Sunday, Large signs "Flooded Area" April 12, of Willlam Barrett, be-/ter Dewell (Mabel), and Mrs. have heen erected at both sides loved husband of the former| Alma Guscutt, and a brother, lin the North Sea while serving {with the RCAF during the Sec- nd World War. | to wait Also surviving are three sisters, [ Mrs. Maud McMaster, Mrs. Ches- Church Sunday confirmed the ex. | li~hed by|co! Christian| Lorne S. Card Realty Limited, of istence of the letter, pub the current issue of Testimony. comes under fire a weekly which often Cobourg; from the Catho-| Machinery Limited, of Whitby, Ne hierarchy for its advanced views, Look in Yellow Pages Fiorisre' TeLeorarn Devivery mation that letters patent of in- rporation have been granted to Mitton Electric and and Harleigh Supplies (Oshawa) Limited, of Oshawa. Associated Press Staff Writer [double play the basilica Three days won't make a week, PEN BRE 3 "hur 2 3 let alone a season, but it looks SEVEN HURLERS Ee lowed the today as if Chicago White Sox Chicago didn't need a relief las manned by sailors in the have the two ingredients they Pitcher Saturday because Early 17th-century costume lacked most last season. That Wynn hurled a seven-hitter in go- A huge crowd gathered hefore would be home run munch and NE ull the y. But it was a Saint Mark's to watch the coffin strong relief pitching different story Friday when the carried bv gondoliers into the It was this combination that Sox used seven pitchers to quell basilica where it will lie in state helped them win their third the Tigers. The best work was for a month straight Sunday, a 53 decision done by fireman Gerry Staley, The saint's body, which has over Detroit. The home run Who hurled runless ball through/rested in Saint Peter's Basilica punch provided by rookie the last 4 23 innlogs for the In Rome since his death in 1914 Norm Cash. The relief pitching Victory has been 'brought to Venice in Ifillme + " was furnished by rookie Rudolfo Bob Turley spun a two-hitter fu iment of a promise Pius Ar Boh Shaw ' i ears ago to get the Yankees away wing. e loft Venice . Ea © in to stile a Tiger ing. Pete Runnels' double in the Thy Je ot Jenice 10 attend the threat with the bases loaded. seventh and Vie Werts' ninth- was elected Pope Pius. he told Chicago's three in & row at the Inning single were the only hits the crowd gathered to see him expense the Tigers has the Boston was able to get off: 'I shall come back, alive or club alone at the top of the ui -- American Le we hap, Three teams still are undefeated, and has won two and Wash. \ I New York one each, the other four clubs has t entered the victory column. YANKS BEAT SOX AND SNOW The defending champion Yan kees finally were anle to open their season at Yankee Stadium. They just got the game In, too.| hegan to snow almost ime médiately after they had nipped the Boston Red Sox 32 Rain forced the postponement of the doubleheader between Bale timore and the Senators at Wash | ington and the single contest at! Kansas City between Cleveland and the Athletics Veteran catcher Shem Lollar shared the hitting honors with| first baseman Cash for the White| Sox. Each drove in two rums,| Cash's homer gave tlie Sox six | in three games, the most by any club, The 1958 Chicagc team hit only 101 all year to rank last in that department | It took fine relief pitching by Arias and Shaw to keep the) White Sox undefeated. Detroit] loaded the bases with only one out in the seventh against starter] Dick Donovan. Arias, a Cuban| left hander came in to get cleanup batter Gail Harris on a called third strike and pinch-hit. ter Gus Zernial on a fly to right field Detroit loaded the bases again in the eighth with only one out. This time Shaw took ever and, was as ar more ol FOUR OF FAMILY JOIN A feature of the initiation | Way night, was the initiation of ceremonies carried out by the | a father and his three sons. St. Gregory's Council of the .ncy were Kenneth O'Malley, Knights of Columbus, in the 354 Simcoe street north, and his three sons, James, 354 Simcoe | Knights of Columbus Hall Sun- | north, Joseph, 35¢ Simcoe north | of the flooded sections, to give Betty Broadbent, of Oshawa. The Roy, all of Oshawa and three ample warning to motorists deceased was in his 28th year. He grandchildren. - ------|lived at 142 Morrison avenue, To-| The memorial serv! ronto held at the Armstrong Funeral Born at Gateshead. Durham, Chapel at 2 p.m. Wednesday, M. A. Bury, minis. Fngland. the deceased came to April 15. Rev. two years ago and lived| ter of King Street United Church, : duct the services, Inter SEED CLEANER SASKATOON (CP) A new seed cleaning machine has been Canad developed at the University of Canada _ bgp . ix - will con Saskatchewan but T. F. War in Montreal for six months be-|wil p direc tor of the EIR fore going to Toronto. ment will be in Oshawa Union ice will be/who was tagged for 13 hits, in |credited with the victory. Mizell, |eluding two doubles, two triples and a home run, was the loser. |The Giants now have made 18 | extra-base hits in three games. The Dodgers, like the Giants, {also overcame a 3-0 defict. The| search council, said details win| Mr. Barrett was an adherent Cemetery. whether application will be made Giants Are Still In Winning Groove for patents, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS |cago §3. The scheduled double- The ninth-inning wonders are header between Sinelnpati Reds back in business. and Phillies in Philadelphia was t because of rain. It was a year ago that San postjused inning it looked dead." He was patriarch of Ven ice then After the body was lain in state for a month in Saint k's it will be carried back to ie ints tomb in Rome. a as if Francisco Giants be:an an in-'o 0 "mondinals might finally win| {triguing habit of pulling Outi oi "gect game of the season. games in the final inning. Nearly | my, scored three runs in the a third of their victories Were gq. i against lefthander Mike Mec- achieved in that manner. ! Cormick on hits by Don Blasin- ' The $460 sounen le uy Bn Re ame, Gino Cimoli and Key nfancy a alrea the ants three Giant errors. (have won two of their three | Dover plus i & games in the closing frame. They did it for the second time {Sunday, scoring three in the ninth to defeat the St. Louis Cardinals J (for the third consecutive day. | "|The score was 63. In Friday's| . season opener, the Californians tallied in the ninth and won 6-5. It wasn't necessary to explode in the ninth Saturday since they al- ready had a comfortable lead, | Alou iced the game with a home n. GIANTS LEAD LEAGUE Al (Red) Worthington, with day's triumph moved the two hitless relief innings, was FIFTH The Giants fought back, how |ever, tying the score with two in the fifth after scoring one in the third. Then, in the ninth with two out, Orlando Cepeda's triple in Jim Da who had beaten out a bunt to Cardinal [pitcher Vinegard Bend Mizell. t broke the 33 tie. Felipe |runs. | Norm Sherry's two-run single. In the seventh, outfielder Don De-| meter slammed a home run with Charley Neal on base to put the Dodgers in front 4-3. They added another run in the eighth on a double by Gil Hodges and Ron | Boy Injured In Accident Sevven-year-old Winston Flight, Cubs got to starter Sandy Kou-'or 85 Brock street received aj fax for four of their eight hits yriceq jeft hip when struck by) in the third to score all thelr , ra. at King street west and Church 'street Friday at 4:15 p.m. Los Angeles got two runs back pe car was driven by John R. in the fourth on rookie catcher wine Jr. 19, of 306 French street. A hydro pole was snapped off by a car driven by George G. King, 18 of Clinton on Simcoe day. Damage was $300. street north, at 12:40 a.m. Satur- | FLORISTS 1042KING ST. EAST RA 5-1131 JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST owers for all Occasions DUNDAS W., WHITBY MO 8-3324 Whitby Fl 24 Fairly's single, Taylor Phillips, whe went the | first seven innings for the Cubs, was the loser. Johnny Klippstein, who permitted only one hit in three relief innings, was the win- per although Clem Labine helped him with three scoreless innings. , WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC | OSHAWA | DISCOUNT HOUSE | 290 Albert St, RA 8.0311 Res. RA 3.7550 Open Thurs. Fri, Set. | Giants into first place, a half -- {game in front of the Milwauk | Braves, who won (he only two games they have played. Snow {prevented the Braves from play- | Hing their scheduled game in Pittsburgh yesterday. In the only other league ac- tion, Los Angeles defeated Chi- \ I fl | | TENDERS Police Building, 80 Athol K. OFC. and Norman, 479 Finucane. In the above picture are, left to right, Joseph, Norman, mem- bership chairman Charles John ston, Kenneth and James. ~Oshawa Times Photo DID YOU KNOW Ct Bb. thot NU.-WAY RUG ond CARPET SALES, 174 MARY, RA 5-043), ©» sell 4 x ¢ TIGER RUGS (oll colors) for ONLY 14.95. This week only. The lowest or any tender "Tenders for the paintin until 5.00 p.m. April 20th, 1959. The form of ten- der to be submitted may be obtained from the Treasurer's Department Civic Administration Build- ing, 50 Centre St., Oshawa, Ontario. WANTED 9 of the interior of the t. West, will be received not necessarily accepted. H. E. TRIPP, City Treasurer TROUD' Tuesday and Wednesday Only! Sensational Meat Features! LOIN PORK CHOPS THIN SLICED PORK LIVER MEATY PORK SPARE RIBS LEAN MINCED BEEF u 49° w 19° uw 39° 3 «1.00

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